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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official Label)

A Camp first drew breath in a forest in Northern Sweden, neck deep in snow, in the waning of the last millenium, amongst families of foxes. It began a collabrative effort between two Swedish humans : pop star and former figure skater Nina Persson, whose band The Cardigans had seen crazy success in the roaring 90s, and Niclas Frisk, a outdoorsman and explorer who had himself enjoyed pop stardom with his band Atomic Swing. In common was a love for classic American music, and a melancholy both universal and somehow highly specific to the Scandinavian psyche. It was imported maple syrup, chickory coffee, and the around-the-clock blackness that is the Swedish winter that fueled the first stage of A CAMP recording sessions, those that would eventually evolve into the self titled A CAMP debut record. The duo recorded a collection of songs, and the project was suspended while they attended to other Nina's case, it was another Cardigans album (Gran Turismo) and tour. Niclas moved on to a temporary foyer into profane gospel music. Also in the cards for Nina was a move to New York City with future-husband and fellow rocker Nathan Larson, an american film composer who had known some modest success in the 90s with his band Shudder To Think.

After a span of about three years, Nina choose to saddle up again with A Camp. Listening to the earlier sessions, she found them wanting for a certain was with this in mind that she picked up the phone and rang indie superhero Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse, asking him to produce future A Camp recordings. Mark, at home on his ranch in rural Virginia, quietly accepted this task, changed the oil in his truck and drove north. Recordings for the first A Camp record took place in the Fall, in Woodstock, New York, at the now-dufunct Bearsville studio. Work took place in a barn. Deer loitered on the lawn. Nathan played bass. Kevin March (Dambuilders/ Shudder To Think/ Guided By Voices) played drums. Mark made spooky noise, drove his Motoguzzi, and engaged in target practice. Nina sang, chain smoked, and read books on dream interpretation. Niclas flew in and played guitar like a hero, despite having sustained massive aural damage that obliged him to wear industrial ear protection. A small parade of indie rockers, members of Mercury Rev, Joan of the future Joanaspolicewoman came through and contributed their talents. The resultant album was released in 2001 in Europe, where it was a considerable success, and a significant hit in Nina and Nic's home territory of Scandinavia. A CAMP toured extensively on the strength of the single I CAN BUY YOU : Nina's touring band included members of Soundtrack Of Our Lives as well as the above mentioned studio players. The album was awarded 4 Swedish Grammies, and met with much critical praise abroad and stateside, despite the record's availability only on import. And that was that, for the time being.

In late 2007, for no particular reason, A Camp was taken out of storage. This time around, what the first album had been to the country the second was to the urban back-alley, past and present. TImes had changed the cast a bit; Niclas had recently made the move to New York, went nocturnal, bought a top hat and a moleskin overcoat and commenced floating about the lower eastside. Nathan and Nina had moved uptown to Harlem. This time around, the approach was more that of a proper band, and the NYC recording sessions were swift and efficient, buffered by Nathan's increased involvement, who at this point was a highly accomplished film composer, and brought all his skills in the area to bear. Added to this Kevin March's supercharged drumming, despite or due to his newfound stay-at-home dad status. Joan Wasser, Nikolai Dunger, James Iha and other notables once again rounded out the cocktail. If the first record was a mash up of americana and minimalist eclecticism, COLONIA draws from a wider set of colors, drawing on historical imagery.......from the opium den to the Belgian Congo, from the Namibian desert by starlight to Victorian New York by gaslight, and the Bowery of the '70s by neon. If the debut album wore an air of wood, hickory and snow, COLONIA is electricity, wig powder, and laudanum. A very particular perfume, Eau d'COLONIA.

A Camp
- 2001 - A Camp

Frequent flyer
I can buy you
Angel of sadness
Such a bad comedown
Song for the leftovers
Walking the cow
Hard as a stone
Silent night
The same old song
The oddness of the Lord
Rock N' Roll ghost
The bluest eyes in teax

- 2009-01-28 - A Camp

The Crowning
Stronger Than Jesus
Bear On The Beach
Love Has Left The Room
Golden Teeth And Silver Medals
Here Are Many Wild Animals
My America
Eau De Colonia (Instrumental)
I Signed The Line
It’s Not Easy To Be Human
Weed Had Got There First

Animal Heart
- 2014-01-29 - Nina Persson

Animal Heart
Burning Bridges For Fuel
Dreaming of Houses
Clip Your Wings
Food For the Beast
Digestif (Instrumental)
Forgot To Tell You
Catch Me Crying
The Grand Destruction Game
This Is Heavy Metal
(Bonus Track)

- 2023-01-23 - With James Yorkston And The Second Hand Orchestra

Sam And Jeanie McGreagor
An Upturned Crab
Keeping Up With The Grandchildren, Yeah
The Heavy Lyric Police
A Sweetness In You
A Forestful Of Rogues
Pieter Paulo Van Der Heyden
Hold Out For Love
The Harmony
The Great White Sea Eagle
A Hollow Skeleton Lifts A Heavy Wing

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Angel's Fall (Sorry Angel)
Appalachian lullaby
Autumn Waltz
Baby You Got Me Wrong
Bängen Trålar
Black Winged Bird
Boys Keep Swinging
Brothers In Arms
Burning down the house
Charlie charlie
Daddy's Gone
Dark days
Dead for seconds
Dead leaves and the dirty ground
Dirty Love
Famous Blue Raincoat
Femme Fatale
Flyg Min Väg
Heartless Places
Hej Tomtegubbar
Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles
I Swung the Election
Is It Really Real
I've Done It Again
J'en ai marre D'être bleu
Just because a man expects me to

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Losing my religion
Make Believe

Midnight Children
My misery is my mystery
Nu Lyfter Vi Från Marken
On the beach
Roaring 40's
Tell Me What You Sell
The Legacy
The Man Who Played God
The Name Of The Game
The Windmills Of Your Mind
Theme from Randall & Hopkirk
Till Next Tuesday
Train of salvation
Tulsa Queen
Up On A Cloud
Us And Them
Var Iigger Sverige
What the hell are you crying for
Whole Lotta Love
Why’d You Come In Here Lookin' Like That
Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

A Camp

*** Thanx a lot to Kimikka & Tony for these lyrics ! ***

Frequent flyer

Would you help me pack my bags, I might be leaving
I need some sweet assistance while I'm stealing
Some of your time
I hope that's fine

And I've got photographs of all, you're all I'm needing
Forgiveness if I left you all believing
That I'm the one 'cause I feel like none
And I need something to direct me to it

'Cause I'm a frequent flyer, a notorious liar
But I can't get close enough
I never get close
I can't get close enough

I would love to tell my story from the ending
But the story's getting thin from heavy spending
And I need my man, and I need a fence
And I need someone to protect me from the wrench

I'm a frequent flyer, a notorious liar
But I can't get close enough
I never get close
I can't get close enough to the ending

I can't get close enough
I can't get close enough
To the sun
I can't get close enough

I'm a frequent flyer, a notorious liar
But I can't get close enough
I never get close
I can't get close enough... it seems

*** Thanx a lot to Karen who corrected a mistake ***

I can buy you

A life of sanity and dignity
You know it takes two
And what's the use in being a millionaire
If I can't have you

I wanna buy you a home
I'll pay your friends if you're feeling alone
The pain of losing a guy like you
Is a bigger cost than paying your dues

I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me, I can't make you

You say I'd never go for a little
And I always need more
And you're a thousand-dollar playboy
That I just can't afford

But I guess you got me, oh oh
You got me hanging around for too long
I don't wanna stop it, oh no, oh no
I bet your life that it's with me you belong

And I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me, I can't make you care

So if I can't make you love me
If I can't make you care
What price can take me there in this world
Somebody told me cash is king

I didn't mean to force you, oh no
But I bet a fortune it's with me you belong

And I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me, I can't make you care

I can't take you there anymore...

Angel of sadness

Something's watching over me
There's someone in my house that I can't see
I've asked her many times to leave
She tells me she's not evil

In my hours of confidence
When feeling real and worthy of my friends
When I let go of my defence
She's waiting in a corner

Angel of sadness, leave me alone
Save me some hours to try on my own
When the music is over, the silence is on
You know I will be yours alone
So pick me up and carry me home

Life with her is getting hard
It's like I'm not the driver of my own car
I'm not the holder of my credit card
Oh Jesus, make me sober

Misery comes and lovers go
I lose myself and sometimes I don't know
She says "I've always told you so
But I'll stay with you forever"

Angel of sadness, leave me alone
Save me some hours to try on my own
When the music is over, the silence is on
You know I will be yours alone
So pick me up and carry me home

Angel of sadness, angel of grief
Save me some hours, then please can you leave
When the music is over, the silence is on
I'll be completely on my own
But I'll work it out and find me a home

Such a bad comedown

I danced for a while
And my moves would make you smile
Oh, I loved you then
My dear chemical lover

You veiled me in your haze
Like a puppet in your lace
Amazing disgrace
From your silverspoon substance

You took me away
Made monday a saturday
You stained me with love
And left me in dirty laundry
But I left my ground for a minute

Your body in my veins
Your power is what remains
You know I never had
Such a bad, bad comedown

You took me away
Made monday a saturday
You stained me with love
And left me in dirty laundry
But I left my ground for a minute

My oh my...
You took pride in my fuck-up

I've been cursed and I've been hailed
I've blown it and I've inhaled
But I never had
Such a bad, bad comedown
Such a bad, bad comedown
Such a bad, bad comedown

Song for the leftovers

The night is on the edge now
Hanging low against the tide
The world is at its best now
When the loveless ones collide

It's a long night
A beautiful night
And we're the first leftovers
Of the night

I'm thinking about the last times
And the people I had to hurt
I wonder why they couldn't touch
And why I never gave it up

You weren't hard to find
You didn't run and hide
We were the first leftovers
Of the night, of the night

The silence is a burden
When you don't really want to talk
I'm trying really hard now
To set alight my sleepy heart

We made a pretty sight
It seems we've found some pride
In being the first leftovers
Of the night, of the night

And everything is alright now
Everything is alright now
Everything is alright

You're not what I was after
But I'm happy with what I found
To dream of new beginnings
When the end is all around

I think you're alright
You qualify
For being my

It's a gambling life
A lonely strife
But I think we're the best leftovers
Of the night, of the night

And everything is alright now
Oh, everything is alright now
Everything is alright

Walking the cow

Tryin' to remember
But my feelings can't know for sure
Tryin' to reach out, but it's gone
Lucky stars in your eyes
I'm walking the cow

I really don't know how I came here
I really don't know why I'm staying here
Oh oh oh oh
I am walking the cow

Tryin' to point my finger
But the wind keeps blowing me around in circles
In circles
Lucky stars in your eyes
I'm walking the cow

I really don't know what I have to fear
I really don't know what I have to care for
Oh oh oh oh...
I am walking the cow

Lucky stars in your eyes

Hard as a stone

In the morning and in the evening
When you think you're alone
Too many hours in your apartment
Has made me hard as a stone

I've tried to crack you, I told you you're the one
But you must have thought that I was gone
I told you a lot of lies just to get laid
But your heart is hard as a stone

You're vicious
But I'm a man
I'm gonna do what I can
To remain hard as a stone

That little pigeon, where did you find her
I had to break her every bone
Eleven hours in your pool
No longer hard as a stone

She was delicious
Now I'm the star
If you wanna be what you are
You've got to be hard as a stone

You're mean
But I'm a man
It's not exactly what I planned
But it seems I'm hard as a stone


Why can't you just forget about algebra
It's all about you now
And all your talk of logic and formula
Could never help you now, not anymore

'Cause you were always on the run
From the darkness in your heart
So you wear it on the outside
Of your chest

I have taken the liberty
To tell your ghost to go
Bribing them with sunlight and sympathy
They promised not to show for a while

'Cause you were always the little boy
Who couldn't keep it to yourself
So your heart is on the outside
Of your chest

At the speed of light
You moved inside my home
Nothing is alright
If you are still alone

And your heart
Is greater than
The sum of you
And everyone

But still you're always on the run
From the poison in your lungs
And your heart is on the outside
Of your chest

Silent night

Baby brown, I think I need you now
To put me down and help me lift me up
Your shaking bones in my telephone
No good for anyone

Baby brown, so you think you know me now
You tell me how and show me everything
Your wandering mind and your restless kind
I want you here to make some sound

Oh, silent night
Oh, holy night

Baby brown, now you're more than you mean to be
You're mean to me, you take away from me
My shaking bones in your telephone
Don't you hear that sound

Oh, silent night
Oh, holy night
Oh, silent night
Oh, there's a hole in the night

Oh, silent night
Oh, holy night
Oh, silent night
Oh, there's a hole in the night

Same old song

Here's my prayer, I'm getting nowhere
I'm stepping up the stairs, but falling behind, oh...
I'm a one-man show that nobody knows
My body sure knows, I'm wondering why, oh...

I can't go on singing this song
That the angels will not hear
The world is a hole from all that I stole
But there is still a little love in here

Few things will last
I did it too fast, but I'm learning to cry
Don't be a stepping stone
Get it all out, deliver it

Here's my weep, I'm digging too deep
I do believe in lies, I've got everything to hide, oh...
I'm young, I'm old, I do what I'm told
Cut open, unfold, but there's nothing inside, oh...

I can't go on singing this song
That the angels will not hear
The world is a hole from all that I stole
But there is still a little love in here

Few things will last
I did it too fast, but I'm learning to cry
Hey child, you dance too loud
Here is your limit

No, I can't go on singing this song
That the angels will not hear
The world is a hole from all that I stole
But there is so much love in here

Few things will last
I did it too fast, but I'm learning to cry
Don't be a stepping stone
Get it all out, deliver it

Here's my plead, my never-ending repeat
I'm a circular cry-baby with no-one to trust
I'm restless and mad and anciently sad
If someone wants to kill me, go ahead, but make it fast

Oddness of the lord

Come on baby sing
Of the oddness of the lord
It's about time we sang
Of the strange ways of the lord
The oddness of the lord
The oddness of the lord

Come on baby sing
Of the oddness of the lord
The strange ways of the lord
The sacred and the cursed
It's never getting better, no no no
It's only getting worse

Come on people sing
Of the oddness of the lord
Everybody sing
Of the strange ways of the lord
The oddness of the lord
The sacred and the cursed

It's never getting better
No no no
It's only getting worse
It's never getting better, no no no
No no

Rock'n roll ghost

Well, you know and you go
When I'm alone I have no cause
To think about the shit we used to know
Made of snow

Well you came, and you stayed
No-one here to raise a toast
Be my guest and I will be your host
To a rock'n'roll ghost, a rock'n'roll ghost

Well, you said she's better off dead
You think that I might have heard a word
But I was much too young, and much too cool for words
Look at me now

No-one here to raise a toast
Take me by the hand, man
Raise a toast
Or the rock'n'roll ghost
To a rock'n'roll ghost

We don't know until we're gone
There's no one here to raise a toast
I look into the mirror and I see
The rock'n'roll ghost, my rock'n roll ghost

Bluest eyes in texas

The lonesome texas sun was setting low
And in the rearview-mirror I watched it go
I can still see the wind in her golden hair
I close my eyes for a moment I'm still there

The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight
Like the stars that fill the midnight sky, her memory fills my mind
Where did I go wrong? Did I wait too long? Or can I make it right?
The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight

Another town, another hotel room
Another dream that ended way too soon
Left me lonely way before the dawn
Searching for the strength to carry on

The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight
Like the stars that fill the midnight sky, her memory fills my mind
Where did I go wrong? Did I wait too long? Or can I make it right?
The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight

For every heart you break
You pay the price
But I can't forget the tears
In her blue eyes

The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight
Like the stars that fill the midnight sky, her memory fills my mind
Where did I go wrong? Did I wait too long? Or can I make it right?
The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight

The bluest eyes in texas are haunting me tonight
The bluest eyes, the bluest eyes
Are haunting me
The bluest eyes... Tonight


I caught you smiling with pointed teeth
What once was beautiful has turned bitter and cheap
So now there's nothing I can do for you
But leave your roses out to die

I misbehaved
I'm in your way
I'm in your way
Like an elephant

Gentle smiling with pointed teeth
Now there's a war between my high hopes and me
So this is how you put an end to things
By cutting throats with a smile

I misbehaved
I'm in your way
In your way
Like an elephant

But in the corner of my mind
A little angel saying
"Don't waste your love
You love too much"



*** Thanx a lot to Gary for these lyrics ***

The Crowning

Brighten the corners and clear out the room
Colour the flowers in rose and maroon
Light up the fires and season the swine
We're gonna party like it's 1699
Slaughter the rabbits, the doves and the boars
And lay all the tables and open the doors
The crème-de-la-crème will be waiting on one guest of honour

Oh, up go the curtains
And down go the virgins
Oh, no, mothers are crying
Ladies of virtue will stand to accuse you of heartbreak and theft

Bells are gonna ring
Birds are gonna sing
Let the people begin
The crowning of your big head

Young drunken girls in a hideous dance
Sing a heartfelt lament of the death of romance
Beautiful boys turn and offer their cheeks
Preening and prancing, the outcome looks bleak
Good times are rolling but outside these walls
Our houses will crumble, this city will fall
But a few broken pawns don't mean nothing to our guest of honour

So let's raise our glasses to murderous asses like you
May you sleep soundly
Once we had laughter, you got what you're after
Oh, you wear it well

Bells are gonna ring
Birds are gonna sing
Let the people begin
Hear how the hearts are pounding
We're all witnessing the crowning
Of your big bleeding head

Bells are gonna ring
Birds are gonna sing
Let the people begin
Hear how their hearts are pounding
Your rise - nothing but astounding
We're all witnessing the crowning
Of your useless, ruthless head

Stronger than Jesus

Who told you love is the Alpha and Omega
And that your heart will lead you to the only one
It's a curse, it's the hammer that will break you
It's a poison hidden in a bonbon

Don't you know love is stronger than Jesus
Don't you know love can kill anyone
Bring it on, wars and diseases
You know that love can do you like a shotgun

Can't resist them, the sailors and the soldiers
Taking aim, a rabbit on a rifle range
Pay no mind to what your mama told you
You're the fool who's chasing down the candy cane

It's a riddle how lovers can stay alive
That we bloom and breed and multiply

Don't you know love is stronger than Jesus
Don't you know love can kill anyone
So bring it on, wars and diseases
You know that love can do you like a shotgun
Oh no, oh no

See the people heading for disaster
Standing in line just looking for a little fun
Love is a fire, a hot hot blaster
And we're the Belgians burning in the Congo sun

We're believers trusting strangers
Any monkey looking like a saviour
It's a riddle how
We're still living now
Oh, how little we know, oh

Don't you know love is stronger than Jesus
Don't you know love can kill anyone
So bring it on, wars and diseases
You know that love can do you like a shotgun

Bear On The Beach

Iris in the morning rain sitting in a sea
It's hard to tell the blues apart
She's salty just like me
She thinks she's on an island or she wishes that she were
She thinks she hears the sirens but I think it's only
Iris in the morning rain sitting in a sea

She didn't wanna see, the fruit was out of reach
She's caught between the ocean and the bear upon the beach
Imaginary waves could never drown you
And I didn't want to tell her
I didn't wanna tell her

Iris on a ladder
Climbing closer to the sky (Iris)
Rising from the grind
She is a quitter just like I (I rise)
Sitting on a rooftop, watching molecules collide
Safe above it all, she's drinking mercury on ice
Iris on a ladder
Climbing closer to the sky (Iris)

She didn't wanna see, the stars were out of reach
She's caught between the ocean and the bear upon the beach
Imaginary Gods could never save you
And I didn't wanna tell her
I didn't wanna tell her

She didn't wanna see, the stars were out of reach
She's caught between the ocean and the bear upon the beach
Imaginary Gods could never save you
But I didn't wanna tell her
I didn't wanna tell her

Didn't wanna tell her

Love Has Left The Room

Love has left the room
The party is over but I can't get sober
Obsession is towing me deep down, down

Love has left the room
It fled out the back door
When all that I asked for
Was forever more or a real bye bye
It didn't say bye bye

And I'll let go if you just tell me
Give back the pieces of dreams that you sell me
They trick my mind
I'll let go if you just let me
I will forget you if you will forget me
I'll slip your mind
I will slip your mind

Tie me to the mast
Cast me in irons, I hear the sirens
They sing of desire - the fatal kind
This love is my last
My final possession, most violent caress
It's a beautiful mess and it's deep down, down
It's really deep down, down

And I'll let go if you just tell me
Give back the pieces of dreams that you sell me
They trick my mind
I'll let go if you just let me
I will forget you if you will forget me
I'll slip your mind
I will slip your mind

Once it settles down
And the fire has burned out
What do you think you'll find
Poking through the embers
Memories that sting
Little splinters of your doubt
Things that you can't live without
So why die
Give back the pieces of dreams
That you sell me and trick my mind
I'll let go if you just let me
I will forget you if you will forget me
I'll slip your mind
I will slip your mind ...

Golden Teeth And Silver Medals

Nina Persson:
Anybody tell you that there is no resale value
When your romance goes to hell
You better say farewell to what you thought was wealth

Nikolai Dunger:
Ever get the feeling that the paint has started peeling
Are you staring at the ceiling of your castle
Dreaming that you're someone else

Nina: Would you like to meet me in this song
Nikolai: I've been hoping to
Nina: Would you like to come and prove me wrong
Nikolai: No, I'll agree with you

Golden teeth and silver medals
Beauty marks and scars
That is what we got
Raindrops in a reservoir
And minutes in a jar
That is what we got

Maybe if I had another drink
I'd see the pattern
In the blinking of the traffic lights
Do you think you're happy, Nikolai

I don't know the answer, Nina
Life is like a melody
A pendulum that swings between the major and the minor
It's a lullaby

Nina: Now I'm so glad I met you in this song
Nikolai: It's just a breath I'll throw
Nina: I'm so glad you're here to sing along
Nikolai: My voice into the flow

Golden teeth and silver medals
Beauty marks and scars
That is what we got
Raindrops in a reservoir
And minutes in a jar
That is what we got

Nina: I'm a little worried that the worst is yet to come
Nikolai: I'm afraid they'll leave us out here, melting in the sun
Nina: We'll be second best until we know
Both: We have won

Nina: But until we do, we'll sing this song
Nikolai: Till we know we've won
Nina: We'll sing until our need for it is gone
Nikolai: We'll be singing this song

Golden teeth and silver medals
Beauty marks and scars
That is what we got
Raindrops in a reservoir
And minutes in a jar
That is what we got

Golden teeth and silver medals
Beauty marks and scars
That is what we got
Raindrops in a reservoir
And minutes in a jar
That is what we got

Here Are Many Wild Animals

The route of our journey is traced out in pink
A map of the continents waiting to sink
We're an army in training, me and my band
Making camp in the evenings, grazing the land

We're never alone here
There is lots of unknown here in the brush
Here are many wild animals

We follow the highway through the forest of sparks
They grouped us in twos when we boarded the ark
Shipped off to a city stripped of our tongues
Now we live in a playground eating our young

We're never alone here, no
There's lots of unknown here in the crowd
Here are many wild animals

They're dropping the bomb!
They're dropping the bomb!

Like in the beginning
The number is three
It's a small party of roaches, scorpions and me

Forever alone here
There's lots of unknown here in the glow
Here are many wild animals

Come little kitty
Come little elephant
Come, come hither
Be with your mama
Come little bastard
Come little millionaire
Come, come faster
This is America
Come little rodent
Come little carnivore
Eat your dinner


Every town has a secret heart that beats
And every citizen, an underground
I set my clock to a bootleg meter and
Broken hands spin around and round

I'm on my way just like every day
To get milk and kerosene
But my reflection in the butcher's window isn't me
I freeze

This is Chinatown
A state of mind
This is Chinatown
A state of mind

The sky was blue but I wouldn't know
I was counting cracks in the concrete
I memorised them from A to B
A choreography, a part of me

It's not the future, it's not the past, it's not now
The price will double if you try to look them in the eye
Don't ask why

'Cause this is Chinatown
A state of mind
This is Chinatown
A state of mind
In Chinatown

Read my fortune in my metro card
You'll see nothing if you search too hard
Read my fortune in my metro card
You'll see nothing if you search too hard

My America

Darling, darling
The moon went out tonight
And I'm caught like a doe in your headlights
Oh yeah, alright
I'm yours to knock around
I'm a little too star-struck to wanna fight

It's a cold-hearted world
I'm gonna be your girl
It's a little too late to cry
You're my America

Not quite Snow White
It came down all night
And put a filter of ash on the sunrise
Oh, yeah, alright
Move a little bit closer
Lay your big dirty hands on my innocence

It's a cold-hearted world
I'm gonna be your girl
It's just a little too late to cry
You're my America

Oh, heaven laughs at us now, baby
We'll be shooting it down, honey
It's a little too late to hope and pray for a miracle
You're my America

Hey rockstar
You're my America
Hey rockstar
You're my America

You're my America

I Signed The Line

Don't send me letters in bottles anymore
And don't come a-knocking or darken my door
We've got a contract - devotion nevermore
We're legally bonded in richness and in poor

I signed the line that was dotted
I like to end what I started
I signed the line and I realise
A lot of lies were written in letters
And bottles, they tend to run aground

Don't give me platinum to weight down my wrist
I've got injunctions so cease and desist
I've got a bottle, a ball and the chain
But you have the one thing of value that remains

I signed the line that was dotted
I like end what I started
There's too much I need
I got to plead insanity
So don't give me platinum
It's just weighs me down

I signed the line and I realise
A lot of lies were written in letters
And bottles, they tend to run aground

It's Not Easy To Be Human

It's not easy to be human anymore
And what used to please me
Just don't please me anymore

Animals kill in the jungle
People would like to
But it's not easy to be human anymore

Animals kill in the jungle
People would like to
But it's not that easy to be human anymore

The Weed Had Got There First

For reasons that I don't understand
I was out with a shovel in my hand
If someone's seen me let me know
I must have been looking for sand or snow

I had a garden on my mind
Ivy was growing around my spine
I lost a needle in the hay
I'm hoping I'll never need it anyway

I wanted to plant
A little seed
To fertilise the dirt
I didn't see the sleeping weed
The weed had got there first

Animal Heart

Animal Heart

My animal heart is telling me to flee
I’m done with this dance, baby bail with me
The tide’s at our door, feel the pull of the moon
I’m tired of these lights, want to float with you

My ocean, my heart
Anchor you to me
You can blink like a star
Or sink like a stone in the sea

Come be my man
Baby bail with me
Come be my man
Babe hang on to me

Your animal heart is pounding like a kick-drum
Dampen it down, you don’t wanna give us away
The moon is our guide, pointing us through the deep and dark water
Stay by my side, I’ll keep the snakes at bay
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
My ocean, my heart
Anchor you to me
You can blink like a star
Or sink like a stone in the sea

Come be my man
Baby bail with me
Come be my man
Babe hang on to me

Oh, deeper baby
We’ll go with the undertow
And swing our way through the night
Across the ocean floor

My animal heart is telling me to flee
I’m done with this dance, baby bail with me

My ocean, my heart
Anchor you to me
You can blink like a star
Or sink like a stone in the sea

Come be my man
Baby bail with me
Come be my man
Babe hang on to me

Come be my man
Baby bail with me
Come be my man
Babe hang on to me

Come be my man
Baby bail with me
Come be my man
Babe hang on to me

Burning Bridges For Fuel

As I ride on these rails
That's my life
Laying rail as I ride

Through this un-enchanted wildwood
There be dogs
There be dust in my eyes

And oh, God knows I can drive
But I don't make the rules
I'm still burning bridges for fuel

From the ashes of those fires
There'll be heat
There'll be work to be done

There'll be new stars illuminating
My laying rails
For my daughters and sons
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
And oh, God knows I can drive
But I don't make the rules
I'm still burning bridges for fuel

You gotta lose to need it
You gotta hurt to feel it
Let it go like a balloon

You gotta face the morning
You gotta heed the warning
Better get yourself to school
Or it's over

So I ride on these rails
That's my life
And I'm doing it slow

'Cause to move into a cabin
With a gun
Is not the right thing to do

And oh, God knows I can drive
But I don't make the rules
I'm still burning bridges for fuel
For fuel, for fuel

Dreaming Of Houses

Foundry smoke and apple blossoms
Wear a hat to keep the thoughts from
Flying out into the ether
Trying to decide on either or

I don't wanna talk about the world
I wanna talk about the girls
I want the open spaces

And maybe dreaming of houses can save me
Give me a place where it's quiet and my head can rest
And maybe dreaming of houses can save me
Scenes in the wallpaper
Map the architecture of my mind
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Fireworks and factory seconds
Smoking embers all that's left when
All I wanna do is keep what's mine
From going up the chimney

I don't wanna talk about the words
I wanna talk about the birds
I wanna take them places

And maybe dreaming of houses can save me
Give me a place where it's quiet
And my head can rest at night
Oh, maybe dreaming of houses can save me
Scenes in the wallpaper map the architecture of my mind

Oh baby, why did you leave me
Didn't you need me

Clip Your Wings

You can go if you want to go
But I don't think that be wise
This is all you need to know
It's a darker place outside

But I'd never clip your wings
Only plainly state my case

You can be what you want to be
I suggest you don't wander far
I can't give no guarantee
That I'll love you as you are

But I'd never clip your wings
Only hold you for a spell
No, I'd never clip your wings
Not to save you from yourself
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
You can go if you wanna go
You can go if you wanna go
You can go if you want to go
You can go if you wanna go

You can go if you want to go
You can go if you wanna go
You can go if you want to go
You can go if you wanna go


Everybody's tryin' to come and find me now
Everybody's tryin' to track me down somehow
Everybody's tryin' to tell me something, my oh my!

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Does anybody wanna come and talk me down
Will anyone who loves me come and help me out
Can anybody tell me what it's all about

'Cause it's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

To the ground
To the ground
They cut it down
Cut it down
Cut it down
To the ground

Pillagers who shook me down from my canopy
Nature's gonna come and take you out, you'll see
Nothing left to keep us dry, I wonder why oh why?

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
Getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle
It's getting kind of hard to hide in the jungle

Food For The Beast

Last time I quit smoking
There was a flash of light
Then came a voice on my radio
Sent me into the night

Last time I was broken
You know it hit me
Face down on the floor of the discotheque
I saw the poetry
It said

Run run run, put your fur boots on, baby
So long to the beauty salon, lady
Run run to the beat of the song
And you're gone and you're gone
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
All broken hearts baby, bring them to me
Fit them together they'll set themselves free
Legions of lovers will stand
And the rest is food for the beast

Last time I quit you babe
Had an epiphany
Bump bump of the bass from a passing car
Gave me some clarity

And run run run, get your peacock on, baby
Hum hum all them bittersweet jams, lady
Run run to the beat of the song
And you're gone and you're gone
And you're gone and you're gone

All broken hearts baby, bring them to me
Put them together, they set themselves free
Legions of lovers will stand
And the rest is food for the beast

All broken hearts baby, bring them to me
Fit them together, they set themselves free
Legions of lovers will stand
And the rest is food for the beast

All broken hearts baby, bring them to me
Fit them together, they set themselves free
Legions of lovers will stand
And the rest is food for the beast

Forgot To Tell You

Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Don't know what, don't know what
There no words

I'm supposed to tell you about something
I'm always losing the small things
To the gaps and the holes
To the rats and crows

So I might just forget about it now
And return if I find it in the clouds
Or in a book or the belly of a bee
I'm sick of watching it float away from me
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Don't know what, don't know what
There no words

I meant to tell you about something
It might be buried in the big things
There's a lot, there's a lot
There's a whole lotta lot

So I might just forget about you now
'Cause I don't know if I can figure it out
There's a place at the bottom of the sea
Where the things that I lost have got to be

Floating down
I thought I saw
What I forgot

Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Don't know what, don't know what
There no words

I'm supposed to tell you about something
I'm always losing the small things
To the gaps and the holes
To the rats and crows

So you might just forget about me now
I get fickle and faint the more I try
I've been looking too hard but now I see
Where the things that I lost have got to be

Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something

Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something
Forgot to tell you about something

Catch Me Crying

Time, I got a little bit of time behind me
I haven't even begun
If heaven falls all around me
I will follow it down

But you'll never catch me crying for you my friend
You'll never catch me crying for you again

Precious, we got a lotta miles behind us
Still so far from the end
Mind, no good to go and try to rewind us
No beginning again

So you'll never catch me crying for you my friend
You'll never catch me crying for you again
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I won't go flailing my blues about
And moan over how I followed you down
And walk, how we walked
Under the arches
When we fled to the edge of this town

But you'll never catch me crying for you my friend
You'll never catch me crying for you again

You know it's useless
This talking in circles again and again
You'll never catch me crying for you my friend

The Grand Destruction Game

I made eyes with a sailor
With a burned up hand
The cross eyed lead singer
Of a bad bar band
I loved an elegant gangster
And a customs man

But then I fell for him
And that was the end

He was my gold-plated scarab
He was my chosen one
He was my Sandinista
And my royal bum
He was my used car salesman
And my wayward son

And then I fell for him
And that was the end
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
In the morning you may wake to find that I'm gone
Sad to go but you know I need to stumble on
In time, with the passing of the days
You'll forget my name
It's strange, I know, the way some people play
But I'm just the same
The grand destruction game

I made eyes with a sailor
With a burned up hand
A cross eyed lead singer
Of a bad bar band
I loved an elegant gangster
And a customs man

And then I fell for him
And that was the end
And then I fell for him
And that was the end

In the morning I may wake to find that he's gone
Sad and lonely but I know he too must stumble on
In time, with the passing of the days
I may forget his name
It's strange, you know, the way some people play
But he's just the same
The grand destruction game


If you ever get lost
Honey I'll find you
I'll follow the line
Of your tracks in the snow

If you ever get blue
Baby I'll paint you
Yellow and rose
Silver and green

Silver like the moon
Through the haze and din
Silver like the moon

If you're on your way home
Baby I will be standing
At the end of the road
By the old neon sign
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
You won't have to walk
We'll float like the shadows
Above the filth and debris
You, honey, and me

Silver like the moon
Through the haze and din
Silver like the moon

Silver like the moon

This Is Heavy Metal

I would like to sell now
My life is going well now
My bones are at an all-time ok

Home is not a building
It's valued at a billion years old
It doesn't care that I'm here

Ivy left a son who'll stay on after I'm gone
He'll be unbreakable by design
Still a little shaken, from pieces that were taken
I wonder if they ever were mine
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake

Gold is overrated
It's dead, it can't be traded or sold
It's got nothing on time
This is heavy metal
The dust is gonna settle
The sun will find its way down the mine



Don't let girls get you down
They're just beautiful
Don't let tears find your eyes
They're lost ladies in disguise
Don't let crowds change your clown
Desperate daughters shopping around
Don't let girls get you down
They’re just beautiful

Don't let boys break your heart, girls
They're just wonderful
Don’t let jealousy win
She’ll fly straight to sin
Don't be so anxious please
One angry love and you're down on your knees
Don't let boys break your heart, girls
They're just wonderful
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Upon reflection
I know there's rejection
Everytime I'm in deceive
Just 'cause you're saddened
Don't mean someone's caring
You've got to watch who you feel
Baby, you've got to watch who you feel

Don't let life get you down
Oh life is so beautiful
And when you feel all alone
Don't sell your heart, it's your own

Find someone dear who can share
Joy and love and oceans of hell
Don't let life get you down
Oh life is so beautiful
So beautiful



Sam And Jeannie McGreagor

One, two, three

Sam and Jeannie McGregor came visiting, they told me everything was fine
Then up jumped the devil and then everything was lost

Grace was lost, did you not hear, of course you did, then tell me
Where the hell were yhou when we needed you, James, Sam needed you

No, we do not look the same, how could we, beyond the age I mean
Is this why I was born, to carry all this hurt, some cruel experiment

When I return and she is there, I will aks her "Oh what the hell was that"
And my Grace and me, we will embrace and leave this sorry world behind

An Upturned Crab

This year, out of all the years, I wish to share
I cannot see the age in you, if I am not here
Tell me each footstep of your adventures
The small events that change you
How dare you change without me

Today you say you found an upturned crab, an upturned crab
How unfortunate I was to have missed that

I would have loved to have seen
Your mind working out this salty little scene
Discussing all the truths, playing out in front of you

I made a life on the road and I thought I was doing grand
But the gold remained at home and I missed watching you grow
How I missed watching you grow

Today you say you found an upturned crab, an upturned crab
How unfortunate I was to have missed that

Keeping Up With The Grandchildren,Yeah

I went walking with old Brian
Up the slight hill behind the park
We were keeping up with the grandchildren, yeah
When out of nowhere
He tripped and fell and started rolling
Like a wrestler
Like an actor playing a crab caught in the tide
And I was scared, boys, sure you'd possibly understand
I was scared, boys

And Brian caught my eye
What's happening at this stage of my life
I help him up, then flick a wrapper of an ice cream bar off his back
Sure this ruffled oldster, he does not deserve that
He ain't no youngster, he ain't no actor playing an older man
And here we stand, shoulder to shoulder, bewildered

And though the afternoon has hours left
We make our way back home
As if everything is fine
He's just an actor playing an older man
Keeping up with the grandchildren, yeah
Keeping up with the grandchildren, yeah

The Heavy Lyric Police

You okay, Daniel?
I still like this chord

Taking a trip, a car ride, a few long days with portly Adro
Hoping to see porpoise and ell and memories, sure I'll admit to these

I write a note into the sand, perhaps for you to see
Many years ago I took you home and everything was kind of OK
And now I'm doing fine, I assure, though I still think of those times
And I tell you, I have visits from the Heavy Lyric Police

You look a fine young man when I was your age
I could hurl a rock right across this loch
Do you believe me, son
Sure I skimeed that stone that took my brother's wrist
I just could not resist

You know there are fairies in these hills, they help you with the climb
And this is where I slipped and tore my knee, oh the scar stays white in summer
And this is where I watched in real time, my mother made a painting
Using blotches for boats, it was many, many years ago now

And there's a picture of my father on the wall of one of those old bars
Hidden under beard and youth
His arms around a fresh white walrus moustache
What were they thinking of
And Margaret Barry, with a schooner, chased off by the Spanish Armada

I write a note into the sand, perhaps for you to see
Many years ago I took you home and everything was kind of OK
And now I'm doing fine, I assure, though I still think of those times
And I tell you, I have visits from the Heavy Lyric Police

You know there are fairies in these hills, they help you with the climb
And this is where I slipped and tore my knee, oh the scar stays white in summer
And this is where I watched in real time, my mother made a painting
Using blotches for boats, it was many, many years ago now

A Sweetness In You

I think of him often as I look out to the sea
And I live by the coast
I think of him often as I look out to the sea
And I live by the coast

And do I tell my children that life isn't for everyone
No, of course I do not tell them that just yet

I didn't know you so well, but we certainly had our times
And there always seemed to be a sweetness in you
I didn't know you so well, but we always seemed to laugh
And there always seemed to be a sweetness in you

And some people can ever understand why you never sought a helping hand
But maybe I can understand, I can understand
And do I tell my children that life isn't for everyone
No, of course I do not tell them that just yet

There is beauty somewhere, so tell me again how this journey can be shared
In times of need
There is beauty somewhere, so tell me again how this journey can be shared
In times of need

And some people can ever understand why you never sought a helping hand
But maybe I can understand, I can understand
And do I tell my children that life isn't for everyone
No, of course I do not tell them that just yet

I think of him often as I look out to the sea
And I live by the coast

A Forestful Of Rogues

I read somewhere you pick up one end of a stick and you also raise the other
And here I am between my son and my father and they whisper
"Well, who put him in charge"

And the secret's out, the tide clock here it has surely turned
The burn has bolted, the horse has folded

As a recorder of strange things, I can feed on familiarities
Here in my dwam, on the cusp of, on the edge of

And the wisdom rolls - never take a shortcut through a forestful of rogues
And forget those words, they were never sincere
How else did we end up round here

And I need them all, I need them all
I need them all, I need them all

Empty my pockets of loose change
That son of yours, tell me just what was his name
And who put you in charge

If I say so myself and I damn well do, I would rather it were you
I make a wish and it was still you
If I say so myself and I damn well do, I would rather it were you
I make a wish and it is still you

And I need them all, I need them all

Pieter Paulo Van Der Hayden

Pieter Paulo Van Der Heyden, I feel I owe you an apology
For I never call you over to share a drink with this old friend
But the one time I did oh the evening became a depressing sham
You'll remember that

Hidden in the quiet corner of that rotten Dundee bar
Tales of our youth gone stale, filthy glasses and fingernails
And is that your family calling, you know I couldn't live like that
I couldn't live like that

For we did mistakes then, that haunt me to this day
I can see that you've been lucky, well, none of that luck came my way

I need to sleep for a thousand years, wake up straight and narrow
Wrapped in swaddling clothing, oh tell me where did those years go
How I wished that time away, that foolish heart of mine
That foolish heart of mine
That foolish heart of mine
That foolish heart of mine

But delusions can make one happy and drink it can bring delusions
And who are you to preach James, you know those people, they aren't your friends
Do you remember when London Calling came on the TV and we began to weep
Do you remember when London Calling came on the TV and we began to weep


One, two, three

Mary took care to look all around her this winter
In case she should miss the most unlikely of whodunnits
A brass band, it struggles through her favourite song
But Mary smiles all the while
An accordion played by one so young, frozen fingers
Oh save her from a life in music

And Mary asks why the people ask for her pennies as we pass
And just who are these gods that they are singing of
Are they good or are they bad

And Mary took care to look all around her this winter
In case she should slip and let me down with a tear
We've had so many here

And Mary asks why the people ask for her pennies as we pass
And have you met these gods that they are singing of
Are they good or are they bad

Let me take you home
But I don't want to go home, I want to stay out all night
Under these lights
But you are shivering and your cheeks are so cold
Still, we walk on around one more time

And will you keep your hand close in mine
And we'll watch the trains as they leave
You know I once asked those gods that you're asking of
To bring you safe back home to me

And will you keep your hand close in mine
And we'll watch the trains as we leave
And I must thank those gods that you are asking of
For bringing you safe back home to me

Hold Out For Love

Hold out for love, love, love
Hold out for love
You'll have no regrets, no regrets
If you hold out for love
Don't sell yourself short, short, short
For the sake of a moment
Oh hold out for love

If I can, I will
If I can, I will

Oh this is the time, time, time
This is the time
You want to look back upon
With peace in your mind
Don't want no regrets, no, sir
For the sake of a moment
Oh hold out for love

If I can, I will
If you can, you should

Hold out for love

If I can, I will
If I can, I will

Hold out for love
Hold out for love
For the sake of a moment
Hold out for love

The Harmony

You and I, we owned the truth
Our whole life, reality
We settle, we promise everything
Here on the outskirts, life suits me
And oh my love, I hope you know
I've kept that love, I've kept it close

But harmony
It has escaped me
And the world became too fast
And if I were a gambling man
I would not trust it by half
For the world became too fast
And I do my best to understand

The paths they became so light
Words of love and promises
Distance became every day
And best intentions, they drift away
And oh my love, I hope you know
I kept that love, I kept it close

But harmony
It has escaped me
And the words came out too fast
And if I were a gambling man
I would not trust them by half
For the words came out too fast
And I do my best to understand

We could still have them all, you know
Our quiet hours, our rest at ease
Safety in each other's arms
Each other's plans, each other's dreams
And oh my love, I hope you know
I've kept that love, I've kept that hope

But harmony
It has escaped me
And the world becomes too fast
And if I were a gambling man
I would not trust it by half
For the world became too fast
And I do my best to understand

The Great White Sea Eagle

We left the hospital
And drove straight to the woods
Some sort of statement of our freedom, I suppose
But you could not walk for long
And soon you were crying at the reality of the idea
And my heart was slammed
This is a sentence
I carried you a further hundred yards
False hope, distraction
Before giving up

We sat and stayed and ate and drank, I explained it away
Or I tried to explain before silence
And then the gentle beginning our sway home, disappointed

Everything became so monochrome
People pass, but I cannot look at them
Cannot enter conversation
Why this, why that
Please, do not judge me or my child
But in a moment
Our batteries were recharged
Our exploration rewarded
The dusk shaken clear
As unexpectedly
Our eyes alit
At the sight of the eagle
The great white sea eagle
High in the rooftops of the tall unfurling trees

Do you see it
I saw it, dadda, I saw it
Are you sure, are you sure
I'm sure, I'm sure

It is huge and it is baring
Vast cloaks, vast branches as wings
And we can actually hear each stroke of that
Feathers and bone and flesh
Deep into wood
And then... hidden
And then we spy... nothing though our eyes search on

Oh come cover us, come warm us, embrace us
What was he doing there then, what was he looking for
I don't know, I don't know
But I remember

In these days, when we return, I scan the skyline, of course I do
But nothing yet and we don't need him so much now anyway
You don't look at all
You have less important things on your mind
For which I am forever grateful

A Hollow Skeleton Lifts A Heavy Wing

Forgive me, boys
Forgive me, boys
Forgive me, boys
For these blues won't leave me alone

Hour's walk brings a moment's peace
Show me the mechanics of this, if you please
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing

The treecreeper, he owns this place
He runs the woods whilst I watch in wonder
The buzzard cannot lay claim to this covered heaven

I dreamt, I woke unburdened and I walked and I ran
I dreamt, I woke unburdened and I did not look back
I dreamt, I woke unburdened and I walked and I ran
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing

The forest queen showed herself yesterday
You don't need me to tell you how we waltzed
She asked, "What are these cards you're dealing me"
I replied, "You should have seen some of the others, you'd claw for peace"
You've reached half way for better or worse
You've reached half way for better or worse
You've reached half way for better or worse
If the first half was rough, oh the second is a curse
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing

Spiritually, I just can't compete with these non-believers
Spiritually, I just can't compete with these old beliefs

A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing
A hollow skeleton lifts a heavy wing 

Non Albums Tracks

Angel's Fall (Sorry Angel)

(Nina Persson & Nathan Larson)

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

I committed you to suicide, lover
But was it worth the pain?
You drew to a close, for me, not another
Painted red in vain

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

The countdown started on a four-knuckled hand
One way scalping sold out dreams
You bought it and bled in a broken promised land
You kept your word hid to all but me
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

I tried to talk you out of it, lover
But your mind was setting sun
A red-head horizon wearing my colours
I miss that painted leather zipped undone

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

I committed you to suicide, lover
It was me who held the knife you fell on
It's as if I'd pulled the rope tighter
Now you're not here, I am

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

I committed you to suicide, lover
It was me who held the knife you fell on
It's as if I'd pulled the rope tighter
Now you're not here, I am

Sorry angel, sorry so (I am)
Sorry angel, sorry so

I am…

Sorry angel, sorry so
Sorry angel, sorry so

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Appalachian lullaby

( Nina Persson & Nathan Larson )

Go down to sleep...

*** Thanx a lot to Finula for this one ***

Autumn Waltz

(Scents feat. Nina Persson)

I walk this boulevard so girt to me
With the winds I up, and the spirit’s free
The Odem’s here, I’ve nothing to fear
Cause I’m love with this town
And it won’t let me down
Like any girl were

As the sugar melt some my time
Something reminds me other jealous song
When coffee’s being paid, I thy want you
I thy this town but the cafe’s keeps me want
Like my love used to do

I’ll make it all the way through the day
And then when the night comes
Until this stations far away
And the girl let’s their harms
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
We matches before the close, the place
I taught you is cringe, starring at my face
He takes a lot of frogs, the final prance she said
The boys was in mellow and I share up along
In long there

I woke up alone in my arid mind
People are different of different kind
The keepers with that girl, show was her sleep
Sunday in the park makes new dream’s park
Come on sugar, that we

I’ll make it all the way through the day
And then when the night comes
Until this stations far away
And the girl let’s their harms

I’ll make it all the way through the day
And then when the night comes
Until this stations far away
And the girl let’s their harms

He had…

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Baby You Got Me Wrong

(Florian Horwath feat. Nina Persson / Sleepyhead LP)

One, two, three

Coming down like a smoke machine
My head is with a song
My waist tastes like a ship come in
With you I can't go wrong
I wait until the start comes in
And then I go away

Baby you got me wrong
Baby you got me wrong

My paradise is a tropic ball
My feet are way too small
I wake up shaking with another song
So hard it is when it's breaking
And when you will be gone
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
'Cause baby you got me wrong
Baby you got me wrong

Heaven is for trading
And I don't belong
I wait until my ship comes in
And then I go away

'Cause baby you got me wrong
Baby you got me wrong
Baby you got me so wrong
Baby you got me wrong

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Bängen Trålar

(Nationalteatern cover / The Soundtrack Of Our Lives feat. Nina Persson / Nationalsånger LP)

Om du letar efter röka när du är i Göteborg
Upp vid Näckrosdammen, Vasaparken eller Femmans torg
Kom ihåg, skvallerbytta bingbång, sitter som på nålar
Ett tu tre är bängen där och trålar
Och torskar du finns ingen förmildrande omständighet

En september eftermiddag lägger man sej i Allén
Och man tänder liten braja, gottar sej i solens sken
Men du vet, skvallerbytta bingbång, slickar alla skålar
Ett tu tre är bängen där och trålar
Och torskar du finns ingen förmildrande omständighet

Om du går på en nit och sen åker du dit
En semester på vatten och bröd
Där är tillvaron hård, där finns samhällets vård
Och dom vårdar dej intill din död
För sånt är systemet
Kolla in dom du gillar, dom tjejer och killar
Som sitter i samma båt
Och gå hem och tänk över, fall någon behöver
Polis för att göra nåt åt
Själva pundarproblemet

För den som själv har nåt att dölja ropar på förstärkt polis
Propagandaapparaten skyddar dom på alla vis
Miljonärerna och skattefifflarna går fria
Dom handlar aldrig bara för en tia
Och klasstillhörigheten är en förmildrande omständighet

För den som själv har nåt att dölja ropar på förstärkt polis
Propagandaapparaten skyddar dom på alla vis
Miljonärerna och skattefifflarna går fria
Dom handlar aldrig bara för en tia
Och klasstillhörigheten är en förmildrande omständighet

Bängen trålar
Bängen trålar
Bängen trålar

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Black Winged Bird

(The Cake Sale / Sung by Nina Persson / The Cake Sale LP)

Night can't come quick enough
My faults shine in the sun
A train bridge of spies
Watches all the cars collide

I roll my green sleeves over ruby
I don't blame you for doing it to me
Real girls don't take aim
Like kings do these days

I made my mind up to be a black winged bird
Never turn my head for how things were
Leave the bluest skies for boys to burn

And I'll soar on my way
Sad as the state of things we can't change

Now we're paper dolls all aflame
In houses that all look the same
Rows of regret
An arson for a wilderness

I hide my saints in the willow trunk
You started me on this junk
Now my black lungs are blue
But I'm still singing to you
I'm still singing to you

I made my mind up to be a black winged bird
Never turn my head for how things were
Leave the bluest skies for boys to burn

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Boys Keep Swinging

(David Bowie cover / A-Camp "Love Has Left The Room EP")

Heaven loves ya
The clouds part for ya
Nothing stands in your way
When you're a boy

Clothes always fit ya
Life is a pop of the cherry
When you're a boy

When you're a boy
You can wear a uniform
When you're a boy
Other boys will check you out
You get a girl
These are your favourite things
When you're a boy

Boys keep swinging
Boys always work it out

Uncage the colours
Unfurl the flag
Luck just kissed you hello
When you're a boy

They'll never clone ya
You're always first on the line
When you're a boy

When you're a boy
You can buy a home of your own
When you're a boy
Learn to drive and everything
You'll get your share
When you're a boy

Boys keep swinging
Boys always work it out

When you're a boy

Boys keep swinging
Boys always work it out

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Brothers In Arms

(Dire Straits cover / Georg Wadenius feat. Nina Persson / Reconnection LP)

These mist-covered mountains
Are a home now for me
But my home is the lowlands
And always will be
Some day you'll return to
Your valleys and your farms
And you'll no longer burn
To be brothers in arms

Through these fields of destruction
Baptisms of fire
I've witnessed your suffering
As the battle raged high
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
On my brothers in arms
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Now the sun's gone to hell
And the moon's riding high
Let me bid you farewell
Every man has to die
But it's written in the starlight
And every line in your palm
We're fools to make war
On our brothers in arms

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Burning down the house

( With Tom Jones )

Fightin' fire with fire

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house

Hold tight
Wait till the party's over
Hold tight
We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Here's your ticket pack your bag
Time for jumpin' overboard
The transportation is here
Close enough but not too far
Maybe you know where you are
Fightin' fire with fire

All wet hey you might need a raincoat
Shakedown dreams walking in broad daylight
Three hundred six-ty five degrees
Burning down the house

It was once upon a place sometimes I listen to myself
Gonna come in first place
People on their way to work baby what did you except
Gonna burst into flame

Fightin' fire with fire
Fightin' fire with fire
Burning down the house

My house's
Out of the ordinary
That's right
Don't wanna to hurt nobody
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet
Burning down the house

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house

Three hundred six-ty five degrees
Burning down the house

Fightin' fire with fire
Fightin' fire with fire
Gonna burst it with
Fightin' fire with fire
Fightin' fire with fire
Gonna burst it with
My house

No visible means of support and you have not seen nothin' yet
Everything's stuck together
I don't know what you expect starring into the TV set
Fighting fire with fire 

Burning down the house
Burning down the house

Charlie charlie

( A-Camp "I can buy you EP" )

I met a boy called charlie charlie
On the fourth of september last year
He was twenty-one, and once a teenage star
So sweet in the way he appeared, in the way he appeared

Charlie charlie
He was a trip into the wild and the free
Got high on drinks and being rock'n'roll dreams
We shared the days and nights 'til one morning he showed me

I fell in love with charlie charlie
It felt like the right thing to do
With his careless charm and his jaded eyes
I know you would have fallen too, you would have fallen too

Charlie charlie
He was a trip into the wild and the free
Got high on drinks and being rock'n'roll dreams
We shared the days and nights 'til one morning he showed me

Charlie charlie
Went for an errand at the end of the street
He stole my heart, but if you happen to meet
You tell him I don't want the money that he owes me

I just want to know what went through him
'Cause I could never know
Even though I thought I knew him
Charlie charlie, what are you doing to me?

Charlie charlie
He's got my credit card and hasn't been seen
He stole my heart, but if you happen to meet
You tell him I don't want the money - no, I just want him

Daddy's Gone

(Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse feat. Nina Persson / Dark Night Of The Soul LP)

Daddy's gone
Daddy's gonnna go to work today
To make a little money
Gotta get paid

Bake a cake
Bake a cake and set it on a plate
Up high where the dogs can't get it
So it don't get ate

When you lay your head
On your pillow I'll be gone, I'll be gone
Will you breathe your dreams
Into your pillow like a song
I woke up and all my yesterdays were gone
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Close your eyes
Close your eyes until your dreams arise
Keep 'em tight where the hounds can't get 'em
So they don't get ate

When you raise your head
From your pillow don't delay
Cause people decay
Will you let the rays
Of the sun help you along
I woke up and all my yesterdays were gone
I woke up and all my yesterdays were gone
I woke up and all my yesterdays were gone
I woke up and all my yesterdays were gone

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Dark Days

(Local Natives feat. Nina Persson / Sunlit Youth LP)

Taylor Rice:
Finally what you came for
Finally what you hoped to find
Racing home from her house
Looking out for black and white

Dark days in the summer
A million ways to toe the line
Can't wait
Holy other
Might as well be the seventh sign

Taylor & Nina:
Ooh it goes hand in hand with fear for the afterlife
Ooh how can we fight it, fight it if we don't even know why

Nina Persson:
While the dollar is strong
While nobody else relies
When they turn the corner
When you know we're out of sight

Dark days in the summer
In the rain the water's fine
It was wild
Either that or right down the line

Taylor & Nina:
Ooh it goes hand in hand with fear for the afterlife
Ooh how can we fight it, fight it if we don't even know why

I've been on the way, I've been on the way, I've been on my way for so long
I've been on the way, I've been on the way, I've been on my way for so long

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Dead For Seconds

(Moto Boy feat. Nina Persson)

Cool blush, head rush, don't know what it is you do
Whenever someone turns around I just want it to be you

I'm dead for seconds when I look at you
The other side for a while any time you move
I'm dead for seconds when I look at you, at you, at you, at you

Slow death of faint breath when I'm not with you
While I'm peculiar nothing turns me over like you do

I'm dead for seconds when I look at you
A slap in mind any time I get close to you
I'm dead for seconds when I look at you, at you, at you, at you

I'm dead for seconds when I look at you
The other side for a while any time you move
I'm dead for seconds when I look at you, at you, at you, at you

I'm dead for seconds when I look at you
The other side for a while any time you move
I'm dead for seconds when I look at you, at you, at you, at you

I'm dead for seconds when I
I'm dead for seconds when I
I'm dead for seconds when I
I'm dead for seconds when I
I'm dead for seconds when I look at you, at you, at you, at you

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Dead leaves and the dirty ground

( White Stripes Cover / Nathan Larson & Nina Persson - Om Gud Vill EP )

Dead leaves and the dirty ground
When I know you're not around
Shiny tops and soda pops
When I hear your lips make a sound
When I hear your lips make a sound

Thirty notes in the mailbox
Will tell you that I'm coming home
And I think I'm gonna stick around
For a while so you're not alone
For a while so you're not alone

If you can hear a piano fall
You can hear me coming down the hall
If I could just hear your pretty voice
I don't think I need to see at all
I don't think I need to see at all

Soft hair and a velvet tongue
I want to give you what you give to me
And every breath that is in your lungs
Is a tiny little gift to me
Is a tiny little gift to me

I didn't feel so bad till the sun went down
Then I come home
No one to wrap my arms around
Wrap my arms around

Well any man with a microphone
Can tell you what he loves the most
And you know why you love at all
If you're thinking of the holy ghost
When you're thinking of the holy ghost
If you're thinking of the holy ghost
Thinking of the holy ghost...


Love is like a never-ending melody
Poets have compared it to a symphony
A symphony conducted by the lighting of the moon
Our song of love is slightly out of tune

Once your kiss has raised me to a fever pitch
But now the orchestration doesn't seem so rich
It seems to me you changed the tune we used to sing
Like a bossanova love should swing

We used to harmonise, two souls in perfect time
Now the song is different
And the words don't even rhyme
'Cause you forgot the melody our hearts would always groove
And what good is a heart that is slightly out of tune?

Tune your heart to mine the way it used to be
Join with me in harmony
And sing a song of loving
We're bound to get in tune again
Before too long
There'll be no desafinado
When your heart belongs to me completely
Then you won't be slightly out of tune
You'll sing along with me

*** Thanx a lot to Finula for this one ***

Dirty Love

( Division Of Laura Lee feat. Nina Persson / Das Not Compute LP )

Hey you
Another trip on the ghostship
Another easy trick for a steel kiss

Hey love
Doesn't make much sense but it's all the same
Do I bore you
More dirty love
Sit back and cry
As your world dies

I hate to watch you blocking all the exits
Turning in to a ghost
What can I do to get you off the dancefloor

I hate to watch you blocking all the exits
Turning in to a ghost
What can I do to get you off the dancefloor

Hey you
A clean hit on a sinking ship
Another easy fix
A final chance to really exist

Hey love
To want more than the last kiss
Do I bore you
More dirty love
Go try your luck
'Cause your world sucks

I hate to watch you blocking all the exits
Turning in to a ghost
What can I do to get you off the dancefloor

And I hate to watch you blocking all the exits
Turning in to a ghost
What can I do to get you off the dancefloor

Dirty love, dirty love...

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Famous Blue Raincoat

(Leonard Cohen cover / Nina Persson with Filharmonikerna I Det Gröna Orchestra / Live at DN Sommarkonsert 2011)

It's four in the morning, the end of December
I'm writing you now just to see if you're better
New York is cold, but I like where I'm living
There's music on Clinton Street all through the evening
I hear that you're building your little house deep in the desert
You're living for nothing now, I hope you're keeping some kind of record

Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
That night that you planned to go clear
Did you ever go clear

Ah, the last time we saw you you looked so much older
Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder
You'd been to the station to meet every train
And you came back without Lili Marlene

And you treated some woman to a flake of your life
And when she got back she was nobody's wife

Yes, I see you there with the rose in your teeth
One more thin gypsy thief
Well, I see Jane's awake

She sends her regards

Oh, what can I tell you my brother, my killer
What can I possibly say
I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you
I'm glad you stood in my way

If you ever come by here, for Jane or for me
Your enemy is sleeping and his woman is free

Yes, and thanks for the trouble you took from her eyes
I thought it was there for good so I never tried

And Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
That night that you planned to go clear

Sincerely, L. Cohen

Femme Fatale

(The Velvet Underground cover / Nina Persson, Magnus Carlson and Ebbot Lundgren / Live on Nyhetsmorgon 2013)

Here she comes
You'd better watch your step
She's going to break your heart in two
Yes, it's true
It's not so hard to realize
Just look into her false-colored eyes
She'll build you up to just put you down
What a clown

'Cause everybody knows
(She's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please
(She's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease
(She's a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

You're even in her book
You're number 37, have a look
She's going to smile to make you frown
What a clown
Little boy, she's from the street
Before you start, you're already beat
She's going to play you for a fool
Yes, it's true

'Cause everybody knows
(She's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please
(She's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease
(She's a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

'Cause everybody knows
(She's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please
(She's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease
(She's a femme fatale)
Oh oh oh
(She's a femme fatale)
Oh oh oh
(She's a femme fatale)
Oh oh oh
(She's a femme fatale)


När kvinnor från alla skrån
I kör säger #metoo
Då är ni finitoo
Det var dags nu

Se patriarkatet rasa
Å visst är det trist
Karma är en bitch
Det var dags nu

Länge så fick man bete sig som ett svin
Och sen skriva om det i självbiografin

Men nu är hämnden här
Och den är feminin
Ser ni ironin
Det var dags nu

Drullputtar, tafsare
Nu så är det stopp
Se upp alla tölpar
Ni åker på en propp

När kvinnor från alla skrån
I kör säger #metoo
Då är ni finitoo
Det är dags nu
Det är dags nu

Flyg Min Väg

(Freddie Wadling feat. Nina Persson / Jag Är Monstret LP)

Jag glider på isen
Rakt in i gapet på galenskap
Jag tror det är människan
Som både är du och jag, samma sak
Den okända blicken
Gråter dig blind utan en tår
Jag vet för mycket
Och du är blek så jag ber, ja
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Flyg min väg
Allting jag rymmer, rymmer min själ
Flyg min väg
Solexplosioner som vill mig så väl

Det blir aldrig enkelt
Det blir aldrig heller som vi har tänkt
Jag höjer du sänker
Vi brinner i regnet som solen har dränkt
Jag kunde ha gjort något
Skulle jag slingrat mig ur mitt grepp
Och gjort allting stort och smått
Bevingade vännen jag ber dig

Freddie & Nina:
Flyg min väg
Alltid jag rymmer dit solen går ned
Flyg min väg
Om du är min vän med vingar jag ber

Jag glider på isen
När linan är slut, nu är vi uppenbar
Och när du är vaken
Jag faller på plats intill dig

Det blir aldrig motvind
En sån som du kan jag vända mig om
Själv har vi snurrat
Runt hela jorden hör jag

Freddie & Nina:
Flyg min väg
Kanske imorgon attack och farväl
Flyg min väg
Solexplosioner som vill oss så väl
Som vill mig så väl
Som vill oss så väl
Attack och farväl
Attack och farväl

Fly Me Away


I slide on the ice
Straight into the mouth of madness
I think it's the human
Who is both you and me, same thing
The unknown gaze
Crying yourself blind without a tear
I know too much
And you are so pale so I ask, yeah

Fly my way
Everything I hold, my soul holds
Fly my way
Sun explosions that wish me so well

It never becomes easy
Neither does it become as we have thought
I raise you lower
We are burning in the rain that the sun has drowned
I could have done something
Should I have twisted out of my grip?
And done everything big and small
Winged friend I ask you

Freddie & Nina:
Fly my way
Always I run to where the sun sets
Fly my way
If you are my friend with wings I ask

I slide on the ice
When the line is at an end, now we are obvious
And when you are awake
I fall into place next to you

It never becomes head wind
One like you I can turn myself around
Ourselves we have been turning
Around the whole world I hear

Freddie & Nina:
Fly my way
Maybe tomorrow attack and goodbye
Fly my way
Sun explosions that wish us so well
That wish me so well
That wish us so well
Attack and goodbye
Attack and goodbye

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Heartless Places

(Kite feat. Nina Persson)

Out of my shell
For one caress
Caught between hell
And loneliness

Into the night
My heart and I
Ready or not
I fake delight

We're out in the blue
Where all hope declines
But what can we do
It's lonely times

Heartless places
Hollow faces
Pulling through
For affection
Leading you

Into the night
My heart and I
Ready or not
I fake delight

I'm out in the blue
I'm out of touch
So what can I do
But drink too much

Heartless places
Hollow faces
Pulling through
For affection
Leading you

Heartless places
Hollow faces
Pulling through
For affection
Leading you

Into the night
My heart and I
Ready or not
I fake delight

Hej Tomtegubbar

(Swedish Christmas song / Nina Persson & Oscar Johansson)

Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen
Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen
En liten tid vi leva här
Med mycket möda och stort besvär
Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen

Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen
Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen
En liten tid vi leva här
Med mycket möda och stort besvär
Hej, tomtegubbar, slå i glasen
Och låt oss lustiga vara
Och låt oss lustiga vara
Och låt oss lustiga vara
Och låt oss lustiga vara

Och låt oss lustiga vara

Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles

(Nina Persson & Nathan Larson / Live at Captain Beefheart NYC Tribute 2011)

I look at her and she looks at me
In her eyes I see the sea
I don't see what she sees in a man like me
She says she loves me

Her eyes, yeah her eyes
Her eyes are a blue million miles

Far as I can see
She loves me

Her eyes, yeah her eyes
Whoa her eyes are a blue million miles

Far as I can see
She loves me

Yeah her eyes, her eyes
Her eyes are a blue million miles

I look at her and she looks at me
In her eyes I see the sea
I can't see what she sees in a man like me
But she says she loves me

Her eyes, whoa her eyes
Her eyes are a blue million miles

Her eyes, her eyes
Yeah her eyes are a blue million miles

Her eyes, yes her eyes
Whoa her eyes are a blue million miles

I Swung the Election

(Jack Teagarden cover / The Citizens Band feat. Nina Persson / The John Lennon Tour Bus 2012)

I swung the election, friends, that's no small order
I just blow notes and sweet ? votes, from Canada to the Mexican border
I started out with a bang, below the Dixie line
Every shot was sold in ?, and every single vote was mine

From there I swung westward, taking every state in stride
My bandwagon swinging and everybody wanted to ride
I won every town and state without exception
My friends, my friends, I swung the election

From there I swung westward, taking every state in stride
My bandwagon swinging and everybody wanted to ride
I won every town and state without exception
My friends, my friends
My friends, my friends, I swung the election

Is It Really Real

(Nina Persson & Nathan Larson / Nickelodeon's Nickellenium)

Is it really real
Or your imagination

When you lie on the ground on you back
And you're looking at the sky
Clouds are floating by
Making shapes like an ape, like a goat
Like a sailor in his boat

And then they disappear
And suddenly it's clear
But nobody was near
Just say that what you saw was there

Is it really real
Or your imagination (nation, nation)
Is it what it seems
Or is it just a dream (dream, dream, dream)
Is it what you see that's real
Or is it what you feel

When we sat on the hill by the water
We were looking at the sea
And there was only you and me
And we talked though the many different colors
But I wonder what is true

'Cause when I say it's blue
You say that you can see it too
But what I say it's blue
My look like it is green to you

Is it really real
Or your imagination (nation, nation)
Is it what it seems
Or is it just a dream (dream, dream, dream)
Is it really real (really, really real)
Or your imagination (nation, nation)
Is it what it seems (seems to be)
Or is it just a dream (dream, dream, dream)
Is it really real (really, really real)
Or your imagination (nation, nation)
Is it what it seems (seems to be)
Or is it just a dream

I've Done It Again

(Grace Jones cover / The A Camp Covers EP)

I was on the first ship to Peru
Charted all the courses like all sailors do
First to cross the Mason-Dixon line
Overseeing wetbacks for good californian wine

And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again

I was there when Jenny Lind first sang
First to feel the cold Alaskan white man
First to take a trip on LSD
First to vote for Roosevelt back in '33

And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again

Yes, I've seen it, yes, I've seen it
And if you're feeling good, you know I feel it
Yes, I feel it

And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again
And I've done it again, done it again, done it again

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

J'en ai marre d'être bleu

(Mathieu Boogaerts & Nina Persson)

Eh pas si vite
Pas si fort la lumière
Et ouvre à peine les paupières
Eh pas si vite
Pas si fort la lumière
J'ai comme un doute
J'ai comme un doute
Comme un doute sur la paire
Qu’on peut faire toi et moi
Vite la lumière
Eteins-la je préfère
J'ai une couleur qui diffère
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Eh pas si vite
J'ai pas peur des couleurs
L'heure est si belle tu trouves pas?
L'heure est si belle
Ne l'échappons pas belle
Moi, ta couleur m'indiffère
Eh Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Eh Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Donne, on essaie

Ah c'qu'elle est courte
C'qu'elle est courte ma route
Pour l'emprunter avec toi
J'ai comme un doute
Comme un doute sur la paire
qu'on peut faire toi et moi
Eh pas si vite
J'ai un truc qu'est dans l'air
qu'est dans moi qu'est sur moi

Vite la lumière
Eteins-la je préfère
J'ai une couleur qui diffère

Eh pas si vite
J'ai pas peur des couleurs
L'heure est si belle tu trouves pas?
L'heure est si belle
Ne l'échappons pas belle
Moi, ta couleur m'indiffère
Et Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Et Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Et Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Et Tom je somme ta personne (je sais)
Laisse-moi goûter ta pomme
Donne, on essaie
Donne, on essaie

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Just Because A Man Expects Me To

(Nathan Larson & Nina Persson)

You'll take the summertime
And I'll take the fall
What I need's a better man
Someone who's right there when I call

But what good would leaving do
With all these memories of you
The woman I'm supposed to be
Who you'll never see

I believe
There's only one woman who's meant for you
But I don't wanna cry
Just because a man expects me to

I don't wanna say goodbye
After all the things that we've been through
And I don't wanna cry
Just because a man
Expects me to

You're feeling wonderful
And I'm feeling small
I don't understand this love
I don't understand at all

What good's believing you
When your love is so untrue
The woman I'm supposed to be
Who you'll never see

I believe
There's only one woman who's meant for you
But I don't wanna cry
Just because a man expects me to
I don't wanna say goodbye
After all the things that we've been through
And I don't wanna cry
Just because a man
Expects me to

Uh… ih… uh…

I believe
There's only one woman who's meant for you
But I don't wanna cry
Just because a man expects me to
I don't wanna say goodbye
After all the things that we've been through
And I don't wanna cry
Just because a man
Expects me to

I believe
There's only one woman who's meant for you
But I don't wanna cry
Just because a man expects me to

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***


(Ray Wonder feat. Nina Persson)

I know, the pain will find the seal
It worth to say if not then points to me
(Points to me)

Who's defrots and warmer up your sheep
And promise it will turn on dwell ?
(Turn on well)

If nothing ever points to bath
(Nina, Nina, Nina-na...)
I wish I was a whiz-kid
Instead of this lid

Nor better it send but my mind
Is tempt to refer it for you
(Refer it for you)

You're appeal and dusty your voices
Kind a rustic and I do something for you
(Do something for you)
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
If nothing ever points to bath
(Nina, Nina, Nina-na...)
I wish I was a whiz-kid
Instead of this lid

Wish I was a whiz-kid instead

(Nina, Nina, Nina, Nina na...)
(Nina, Nina, Nina, Nina na...)

I don't have to bother about you
But I can't do anything to have you

I wish I was a whiz-kid
I wish I was a whiz-kid

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Losing My Religion

( R.E.M. cover / Nina Persson & Nathan Larson for the 'Lad De Små Børn' OST )

Life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

Every whisper of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no, I've said too much
I set it up

Consider this, consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

But that was just a dream
That was just a dream

That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough

I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try

That was just a dream
Try, cry, why try?
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Make Believe

(James Iha feat. Nina Persson / Look To The Sky LP)

You rush in with stars in your hair
You cast your spell and float through the air
Amaze me I've been asleep for too long
I try to catch a glimpse, I've waited so long

Make believe
Falling free
We're in a dream

When you wake
To summer rays
If you stay with me

Hold you closely
Turn you slowly
My hands are weary
Your heart is near me

Speed of light
Flashing bright
Try to breathe
Believe, believe in me

Look to the sky there's a thousand stars
You're moving so fast, you're never that far
Wait for you under the moonlight
The morning comes and I'll never know why

Make believe
Falling free
We're in a dream

When you wake
To summer rays
If you stay with me

Hold you closely
Turn you slowly
The music is fading
My heart is swaying

Speed of light
Flashing bright
Try to breathe
Believe, believe in me
Believe in me

Midnight Children

( The Soundtrack Of Our Lives feat. Nina Persson / Live at Nordic Music Awards 2004 )

Midnight children got no place to go
Midnight children, so now who's gonna take you home
Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit

Midnight children don't care what's wrong or right
Midnight children when you’re dancing in the heat of the night
Midnight children alone
Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit

Midnight children got no place to stay (midnight children, enfants de la nuit)
Midnight children don't care if you're straight or gay (midnight children, enfants de la nuit)

Midnight children, now who's gonna take you upstairs
Midnight children are too young to even care
Midnight children alone

Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit

Midnight children, you're all little kings and queens
Midnight children, you're just living the Aquarian dream
Midnight children come on, come on, come on

We're on our own and we're out tonight
We're on our own and we feel alright
Enfants de la nuit
Enfants de la nuit (midnight children)
Enfants de la nuit (midnight children)
Enfants de la nuit

Midnight children...

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

My misery is a mystery

( A-Camp - Song for the leftovers EP )

Oh, my misery is a mystery
She's my mistress when she's with me
And I miss her when she's history
Oh, my misery is a mystery

Oh, mysterious delirious
Why is happiness so furious?
And it is tiring to be curious
My euphoria is dangerous

Oh, how glorious to sleep
In between our raging days
It's the sweetest relief

Holy moses, life is roses
Just be vary of the process
Give it water in small doses
And cut it down when it's ferocious

Oh, my misery is a mystery
She's my mistress when she's with me
And I miss her when she's history
Oh, my misery is a mystery

Nu Lyfter Vi Från Marken

(Freddie Wadling cover / Nina Persson / Live at Vänsterpartiet, 2021-05-01)

Det kunde vara värre
Kan alltid vara värre
Tänk på det
Om det är svårt
Kan det alltid bliva bättre
Tänk på det

Om tåget står still
Har det bara stannat till
Vid en station
Det kommer att bli bra
Nu kan det bara bliva bättre
Tänk på det

Och just som man har vant sig
Just som man trott man lärt sig
Slår det till
Just som man slappnar av
Försiktigt slappnar av
Slår släggan till

När man med säkerhet i steget
Tar steget ut på nåt
Som inte bär
Man tror att man är säker
Men säker blir nåt
Man aldrig är

Nu lyfter vi från marken
Nu stiger vi och stiger
På håll ser allting enkelt
Ut ett tag

Nu lyfter vi från marken
Och lutar oss tillbaka
Tar dagen som den kommer
Andetag för andetag

Vem vet hur många liv
Vem vet hur många släkten
Före dig
Man känt som du gör nu
Man känt precis som du
Gör nu

Om nån av dem lagt ner
Om någon av dem tröttnat
Bara en
Hade släktet slutat tvärt
För länge, länge sen

Inget som dem säger
Om oss är sant, det är inte vi
Det där är ingen bild
Som vi känner igen oss i

Vårt liv var inte alls
Tänkt som industri
Och tappar inte lätt
All denna tyngd och energi

Nu lyfter vi från marken
Som vi alltid velat göra
Vi som trodde allt var kört
Fick bonustid

Vi fick tillbaks från skatten
Fick ärva någon vän vi glömt
Värmda utav solen
Vaggade av vinden
Hållna utav våren
Ända in i sommaren

On The Beach

(Neil Young cover / A-Camp Live at KB, Mälmo)

The world is turning, I hope it don't turn away
The world is turning, I hope it don't turn away
All my pictures are falling from the wall where I placed them yesterday
The world is turning, I hope it don't turn away

I need a crowd of people
But I can't face them day to day
I need a crowd of people
But I can't face them day to day, day
Though my problems are meaningless
That don't make them go away
I need a crowd of people
But I can't face them day to day.

I went to the radio interview
But I ended up alone at the microphone, yeah
I went to the radio interview
But I ended up alone at the microphone, yeah

Now I'm living out here on the beach
But those seagulls are still out of reach
I went to the radio interview
But I ended up alone at the microphone, yeah

Get out of town
I think I'll get out of town, yeah
Get out of town
I think I'll get out of town

I head for the sticks with my bus and my friends
I follow the road, though I don't know where it ends

Get out of town
I think I'll get out of town

'Cause the world is turning
I don't want to see it turn away, away
'Cause the world is turning
I don't want to see it turn away

The world is turning
The world is turning
The world is turning

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Roaring 40's

(Christian Kjellvander feat. Nina Persson / Faya LP)

Humble me as if I were ten
Unfulfilled dreams and captains
In a distorted reverie, I made out her call
The vastest desert of them all

Drawn, shiny calm, to your mystery
I wanted revenge
But so, so did she

"I am the eldest of three sisters
Born down around the roaring forties
I have been sent to be your mistress
Young man, you're coming down with me"
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
So I recited from my rut
Still undecided in my gut
How I wish it was enough for me
The love of a family

"We could so easily enjoy you
And easier we could destroy you
Me and my sisters never age
Me and my sisters rage"

Christian & Nina:
Ok, Lord, grant us a daughter of our own
We'd name her fire
Because the water is worn

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***


(Sparklehorse cover / Hello Mark Linkous: A Tribute To Sparklehorse LP)

You are a car
You are a hospital
I'd walk to hell and back
To see your smile
On a Saturday

You are a star
You are a sea of air
I play great keyboards
Of horses' teeth
On a Saturday
On a Saturday

I'd like to tell you
How I feel
I'll probably keep it
'Til Saturday

On Saturday...


(Ben Lee feat. Nina Persson / A Mixtape From Ben Lee LP)

These sparks that fly
Around us tonight
Electric skies
Keep us alive
And after all
The stars never fall
These sparks that fly

This world that turns
Around as we burn
And always snows
Electric can grows
And in the end
This world can't pretend
These sparks that fly

And the static in the sky above
And the static in the one I love
And the static every time we touch, baby

This lightning sings
Electric, I dream
Inside this cell
We rolled it in around
And when it's right
There's lightning that strikes
These sparks that fly

And the static in the sky above
And the static in the one I love
And the static every time we touch, baby

And the static in the sky above
And the static in the one I love
And the static every time we touch, baby

And the static in the sky above
And the static in the one I love
And the static every time we touch, baby

And the static in the sky above
And the static in the one I love
And the static every time we touch, baby

Tell Me What You Sell

(Niclas Frisk & Nina Persson)

The sun breaks a light
From a dark and cloudy sky
But the Ribin sings, winter's getting cold
You're hunting your ground
And you're gathering your pound
Or you break your bones for a piece of gold

Won't you tell me what you sell me
With your honey eyes
Won't you tell me what you sell me
With your honey eyes

Once you came to my life
When my assets were in bloom
And you sold me wild dreams and sugar brew
Now you stand in my room
Like a hundred scars before
With a sudden kindness at my front door

Won't you tell me what you sell me
With your honey eyes (with your honey eyes)
And if you sell me, won't you tell me
What's the asking price

It's been a long time and a wrong time
For just coming by (just coming by)
So won't you tell me what you sell me
With your blue skies

Won't you tell me what you sell me
With your honey eyes
And if you sell me, won't you tell me
What's the asking price

It's been a long time and a wrong time
For my peace of mind (my peace of mind)
If you tell me what you sell me
I will be alright

It's been a long time and a wrong time
For sudden kindness
So just tell me what you sell me
And I'll be happy to oblige

The Legacy

(Theme Song)

Flowers in your hair
As you're lying there
Through the darkness comes
For everyone

Baby's coming home
Picking at your bones
What will baby find
In what you left behind
Day follows night
And night follows day

Gold is in the air
As you lying there
No one ever knows
Till it's time to go
Day follows night
And night follows day
Through the darkness comes
For everyone

And night follows day

The Man Who Played God

(Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse feat. Nina Persson / Dark Night Of The Soul LP)

Think about the world you love
Now think of where it wants to go

All things you can see around you
You can change them
Rearrange them in your mind

If you've heard tales of transformation
Now then one, two, three
You could be the man who played God

Hammer it until it breaks
To every shape that nature makes

All things you can see around you
You can change them
Rearrange them in your mind
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
If you've heard tales of transformation
Well then one, two, three
You could be the man who played God

The girl becomes a bird on a flower
In your state you feel your power

All things you can see around you
You can change them
Rearrange them in your mind

If you've heard tales of transformation
Well then one, two, three
You could be the man who played God

One, two, three
You could be the man who played God
One, two, three
You could be the man who played God
One, two, three
You could be the man who played God

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

The Name Of The Game

(ABBA cover / Pernilla Andersson & Nina Persson / Tack För Musiken 2011)

I've seen you twice in a short time
Only a week since we started
It seems to me for every time
I'm getting more open-hearted

I was an impossible case
No one ever could reach me
But I think I can see in your face
There's a lot you can teach me
So I wanna know

What's the name of the game
Does it mean anything to you
What's the name of the game
Can you feel it the way I do
Tell me, please, 'cause I have to know
I'm a bashful child beginning to grow

And you make me talk
And you make me feel
And you make me show
What I'm trying to conceal
If I trust in you, would you let me down
Would you laugh at me
If I said I care for you
Could you feel the same way, too
I wanna know

What's the name of the game

I have no friends, no one to see
And I am never invited
Now I am here talking to you
No wonder I get excited

Your smile and the sound of your voice
And the way you see through me
Got a feeling, you give me no choice
But it means a lot to me
So I wanna know

What's the name of the game
(Your smile and the sound of your voice)
But it means a lot, what's the name of the game
(Your smile and the sound of your voice)
Can you feel it the way I do

Tell me, please, 'cause I have to know
I'm a bashful child beginning to grow

The Windmills Of Your Mind

(Dusty Springfield cover / Live at Mälmo, Sweden - 12/28/07)

Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
Like a snowball down a mountain
Or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
Running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Like a tunnel that you follow
To a tunnel of its own
Down a hollow to a cavern
Where the wind has never shown
Like a door that keeps revolving
In a half-forgotten dream
Or the ripples from a pebble
Someone tosses in a stream
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
Past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple
Whirling silently in space
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind

Keys that jingle in your pocket
Words that jangle in your head
Why did summer go so quickly
Was it something that you said
Lovers walk along a shore
And leave their footprints in the sand
Is the sound of distant drumming
Just the fingers of your hand
All the pictures hang in a hallway
And the fragment of a song
Half-remembered names and faces
But to whom do they belong
When you knew that it was over
You were suddenly aware
That the autumn leaves were turning
To the colour of his hair

Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning
On an ever-spinning reel
As the images unwind
Like the circles that you find
In the windmills of your mind

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Theme from Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)

( Nina Persson & David Arnold on the "Randall and Hopkirk" OST )

I'm not here to harm you
So let me disarm you, you'll see what i mean
I'm yours for you already know me
Stay with me and show me the way to my dreams

Together we can live a life we know is real
We move silently through my room and make me feel
That love can be a place we never have to leave
Be strong, stay with me, never disappear

Deep in my heart i see clearly
We should be revealing our secrets today
Please, don't just stay there, i'm waiting
For the plans you've been making to take me away

Together we can live a life we know is real
We move silently through my room and make me feel
That love can be a place we never have to leave
Be strong, stay with me, never disappear

Together we can live a life we know is real
We move silently through my room and make me feel
That love can be a place we never have to leave
Be strong, stay with me, never disappear

Together we can live a life we know is real
We move silently through my room and make me feel
That love can be a place we never have to leave
Be strong, stay with me, never disappear

Till Next Tuesday

(James Iha feat. Nina Persson / Look To The Sky LP)

People walk when radio talks, one way
City bound 'cause tomorrow's a week day
The screams and suicidal minds in love
Manufactured are the dreams that seem undone

When it's not supposed to be, I lapse into apathy

Don't wake me up till next Tuesday
Close the door till it's news day
My eyes are glued on a valium gloomy day

I'm riding through all the frozen fields at dawn
There's lazy days where daisies lay on lawns
Hotel bars backbeat pulsing now, no more sound
Subway mothers in their rush hour towns

When it's not supposed to be, I lapse into apathy

Don't wake me up till next Tuesday
Close the door till it's news day
My eyes are glued on a valium gloomy day

So don't wake me up
My eyes are glued on a valium gloomy day

When it's not supposed to be, I lapse into apathy

Don't wake me up
Till next Tuesday

Don't wake me up till next Tuesday
Close the door till it's news day
My eyes are glued on a valium gloomy day

So don't wake me up till next Tuesday
Close the door till it's news day
My eyes are glued on a valium gloomy day

No, don't wake me up
Till next Tuesday
So, don't wake me up
Till next Tuesday

Train Of Salvation

( A-Camp )

I walked on every road now
I followed the signs
I'm traveling on my own now
No peace of mind
I have a bad devastation
I try and I try
My final departure is here
I'm leaving endless black tunnels
For a wide open field
I'm blank and I'm out of here
I'm waiting for a train of salvation
To be bleeding with a glow into my head
To know my very needs and my station
And to try a fairytale revolution
My charm collects a spider
Eternal relief
I know there is a spider engine of peace
To change my desperate moment
In the timetable room
And take me to the end of the line
I got a no return ticket
To the station of saint
I'm broke, but my ride divine
I'm waiting for a train of salvation
To be bleeding with a glow into my head
To know my very needs and my station
And to try a fairytale revolution
I have a bad devastation
Being reason or rhythm
But it seems that I'm finally on time
Because the platform is shaking
The concrete is cracking
I'm leaving it all behind
I'm waiting for a train of salvation
To be bleeding with a glow into my head
To know my very needs and my station
And to try a fairytale revolution

*** Thanx a lot to Myo for this one ***

Tulsa Queen

(Emmylou Harris cover / Nina Persson, Rebecka Törnqvist & Sara Isaksson / Live at Polar Music Prize 2015)

I heard, I heard the train
In the Tulsa night
Calling out my name
Looking for a fight

And she come a long, long way
Got a longer way to go
So tell me how a train from Tulsa
Has got a right to know

She sings a song
So sad and high
And the Tulsa queen
Don't ever lie

And she don't care where she goes
She son't care where she's been
And the Tulsa queen ain't crying
'Cause I won't see you again

And I want to ride
Like a Tulsa queen
Calling out to you
As she calls to me
As far away from Tulsa
As these ten wheels can be

Lately I speak
Your name too loud
Each time it comes up
In a crowd
And I know it when I do
The Tulsa queen and you
Are gone

Up On A Cloud

( Palindromes OST )

Time to take now
Time to make
Time to make
Right or wrong

Got to be
Try to be
Have to be
Need to be strong

And I'll be
want to be
Got to be
Up on a cloud

Love is near
Love is here
Love is here
Up on a cloud

Take me, please, now
Help me, please
Get me, please
Far from away

To a place
Any place
In a place
And far away

Got to find some
Need to find
Better find
Some other way

Love is near
Love is here
Love is here
Up on a cloud

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Us And Them

(Pink Floyd cover / A-Camp Love Has Left The Room EP)

And them
And after all
We're only ordinary men

And you
God only knows
It's not what we would choose to do

Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side

And blue
And who knows which is which
And who is who

And down
And in the end it's only round and round
And round

Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside

And out
It can't be helped
But there's a lot of it about

And who'll deny
It's what the fighting's all about

Out of the way, it's a busy day
And I've got things on my mind
For the want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***


(Svante Thuresson feat. Nina Persson & Plura)

Jag gar nerför gatan
Jag har solglasögon pa
Jag tänker pa dom är som gatt
Och människor omkring mig
Bara gar förbi
Jag skulle väl ha ringt
Eller svarat pa ditt brev
Men tiden räckte inte till för vänner
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin

Jag sitter i en bar
Jag har solglasögon pa
Ensam med min öl i detta rum
Finns ingen människa jag känner
Ni var alltid där i det svarta eller bla
Vi talade om allt precis som vänner


Bakom mina solglasögon
Är allting som förut
Jag har en 8 millimeters dröm
Som aldrig tar slut
Hej hej hej
Jag sitter i en taxi
Jag har solglasögon pa
Bakom mig brinner broarna
Det är svart att säga
Vad det är som händer längre
Tack för alla skratt
Det goda som vi haft
Allting jag borde hallit i hart
Med mina händer


Var Iigger Sverige

(Nina Persson, Thomas Öberg, Moto Boy & !Regeringen)

Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Var ligger Sverige
Var ligger Sverige
Ja, här ligger vi

Det började vid gränsen
Vissa av oss måste dra den själv
Vi tappade känseln
Det här var ingen vanlig kväll

Semestern blev fantastisk
Men nu tog verkligheten plötsligt slut
Vi ville göra något drastiskt
Som att falla ihop för att blomma ut

Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Var ligger du
Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Ligger du på is
Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Eller ligger du med någon jag inte känner till
Var ligger Sverige
Ja, här ligger vi

Förvandlingen blev fenomal
Men nu tog verkligheten plötslig slut
Vi flydde våra ideal
Som att hålla ihop för att blomma ut

Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen
Ska vara mörkrädd här
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen
Ingen, ingen, ingen, ingen
Ska vara mörkrädd här
Men vi har ljuset på
Hela natten ändå

Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Var ligger du
Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Ligger du på is
Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Eller ligger du med någon jag inte känner till
Var ligger Sverige?
Ja, här ligger vi

Sverige, Sverige, Sverige
Här ligger vi
Och alla hittar hit

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

What the hell are you crying for

( Nina Persson & Nathan Larson )

Why don't you ask yourself
What the hell are you crying for?
Are you crying 'cause i'm leaving you
I don't want you anymore?

Are you crying for our broken home?
The picket fence, burned down hours ago
It was just a stupid bet
What the hell are you crying for?

Oh can you hear the lord
As you clean the kitchen floor?
He is talking 'bout immortal love
He says i'm coming back for sure
It's a moment of pure happiness
And then you stand
And realize you're all alone
It was just a stupid game
And then you cry some more

I've been drinking all around the town instead of lovin' you
They say break-ups are all the same
That i won't belong to ya
Wipe me from your mind

Sometimes i ask myself
What the hell are we crying for?
We're only in it for the thrill you know
Just like we've never loved before
Are we crying for our selfish souls?
Our hollow plans for house
All spilt on romance
We're believers just the same
And we will try some more
We're believers in this game
And we will cry some more
It's an interesting game
So what the hell are we crying for?

*** Thanx a lot to Finula for this one ***

Whole Lotta Love

(Led Zeppelin cover / Nina Persson & The Soundtrack Of Our Lives / Live at Nordic Music Awards 2004)

You need cooling, baby, I'm not fooling
I'm gonna send you back to schooling
Way down inside, honey, you need it
I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you my love, yeah

Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love

You've been learning, baby, I've been learning
All the good times, baby, baby, I've been yearning
Way, way down inside, honey, you need it
I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you my love, yeah

Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love

You've been cooling, baby, I've been drooling
All the good times I've been misusing
Way, way down inside, I'm gonna give you my love
I'm gonna give you every inch of my love
Gonna give you my love, yeah

Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love
Wanna whole lotta love

Way down inside, man, you need love
Hey pretty man, I'm gonna give you my love
Keep it cooling, baby

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Why’d You Come In Here Lookin' Like That

(Dolly Parton cover / Jill Johnson feat. Nina Persson / Music Row LP)

Why'd you come in here looking like that
In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirl's dream
Why'd you come in here looking like that

Here comes my baby
Dragging my heart behind
He's driving me crazy
Who says love is blind
He's got a wandering eye and a traveling mind
Big ideas and a little behind
Out with a different woman every night
But I remember when he was mine

Why'd you come in here looking like that
In your high heeled boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirl's dream
Waltzing right in here looking like that
Why'd you come in here looking like that
When you could stop traffic in a gunney sack
Why you're almost giving me a heart attack
When you waltz right in here looking like that
Rob from always on the run dot net is so bad and copy paste is a sin
I just can't stand it
To see him on the town
He's out slow dancing
With every girl around
I'm a softhearted woman, he's a hardheaded man
And he's gonna make me feel just as bad as he can
He's got himself a mean streak a half a mile wide
But now he's dancing on this heart of mine

Why'd you come in here looking like that
In your high heeled boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirl's dream
Why'd you come in here looking like that

Why'd you come in here looking like that
In your high heeled boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirl's dream
Why'd you come in here looking like that

Why'd you come in here looking like that
When you could stop traffic in a gunney sack
Why you're almost giving me a heart attack
When you waltz right in here looking like that
Say, why'd you come in here looking like that
Why'd you come in here looking like that
Oh, looking like that

You got it, girl

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Your Love Alone Is Not Enough

(Manic Street Preachers feat. Nina Persson / Your Love Alone Is Not Enough EP)

Your love alone
Is not enough, not enough, not enough
When times get tough
They get tough, they get tough, they get tough

Trade all your heroes in for ghosts
In for ghosts, in for ghosts
They're always the ones that love you most
Love you most, love you most

Your love alone
Is not enough, not enough, not enough
It's what you felt
It's what you said, what you said, what you said

You said the sky would fall on you
Fall on you, fall on you, fall on you
Through all the pain your eyes stayed blue
They stayed blue, baby blue

But your love alone won't save the world
You knew the secret of the universe
Despite it all you made it worse
It left you lonely, it left you cursed

You stole the sun
Straight from my heart, from my heart, from my heart
With no excuses
Just fell apart, fell apart, fell apart

No you won't make a mess of me
Mess of me, mess of me
For you're as blind as a man can be
Man can be, man can be

I could have seen for miles and miles
I could have made you feel alive (alright?)
I could have placed us in exile
(I could've written all your lies)
I could have shown you (I could have shown you) how to cry

Your love alone
Is not enough
You love alone
Is not enough

La la la la, la la la la
I could've shown you
Shown you how to cry

You love alone
Is not enough
You love alone

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

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