B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official Press)

Nail Tolliday and Simon Mills, aka Bent have had to do some growing up recently. It's all thanks to the life-altering experiences that Nail endured over the last year. Not only was he really ill, forcing him not to set foot in a studio for three months, his daughter was born and to cap it all he got married. Well they do say things come in three's.

"It definitely had some kind of effect," a now thankfully recovered Nail admits. "I think it's affected the music on an emotional level and it's made me grow up: I've stopped arseing about. Most importantly my illness and everything else that was happening around me restored my faith in people. In the past we had taken certain things for granted, but you can only take two things for granted in this life: death and taxes. It gave us a drive we probably didn't have."

Changes have been evident in their music too, most obviously in their approach to recording and performing. Their latest album, "Ariels" was recorded in the sleepy environs of Lincolnshire ("It's as flat as a fucking pancake," reveals Nail helpfully) and the refuge of a recording studio in an old chapel. It was there that Nail and Simon began their distinctly fresh approach.

Recording with a band has had obvious benefits for live performance. In the past playing live was something of a necessity rather than a stated aim. A rapturous reception at this year's Big Chill event in Prague confirmed that the new direction works; it should also do wonders for their recognition - despite being the soundtrack for numerous adverts (Carlsberg, Vodaphone, Nissan, Inland Revenue, Absolut Vodka and Volkswagen Beetle) and TV shows (as disparate as 'Six Feet Under' and BBC gardening programmes) this hasn't translated into the success they so obviously deserve. Strapping on the six-string and indulging those cock rocker fantasies should soon remedy that.

And yet talking of fantasies made flesh, their music has reached corners of the globe most could only dream about: when your music touches the glamour-sodden Hollywood A-list cognoscenti you know you're doing something right.

"Yeah," laughs Nail incredulously, "apparently Nicole Kidman is a big fan. Last year she was going to make an album and the word was that she wanted us to produce it. Unfortunately with her commitments it hasn't happened yet, but I don't think either of us would say no to being stuck in a room with her for two months."

It's reassuring to know then, that as much as Bent's world is changing all around them, they'll always remain a little, you know, bent.

Downloaded For Love
- 2000-xx-xx -

Donkeys In Heaven
Your Smile In My Eyes
Safety Net (instrumental)

Love Is In The Air 

Beauty & The Beast

Bewitched As I Am
Gardening Time (instrumental)
The Boy Who

Programmed To Love
- 2000-12-05 -

Exercise 1

Private Road
Laughing Gear (instrumental)
I Love My Man
Butterfingers (instrumental)
Cylons in Love
Wrong Rock (instrumental)
A Ribbon For My Hair
I Remember Johnny
B/bishop (instrumental)
Exercise 2 (instrumental)
Invisible Pedestrian (instrumental)
Irritating Noises
Beach Buggy (instrumental)

The Everlasting Blink
- 2003-03-03 -

King Wisp
An Ordinary Day
Strictly Bongo

Beautiful Otherness
Moonbeams (instrumental)
So Long Without You
Exercise 3
Stay The Same
Magic Love
The Everlasting Blink (instrumental)
Thick Ear (instrumental)


- 2004-10-12 -

Comin' Back
Sunday 29th
I Can't Believe It's Over
As You Fall
Silent Life
Sing Me
On The Lake (instrumental)
Now I Must Remember
You Are The Oscillator
Sunday Boy
Exercise 4 (instrumental)
The Waters Deep



- 2006-10-09 -

Exercise 7
To Be Loved
Stay Out All Night
Breakfast At 80,000 ft (instrumental)
Tired Of The Show
Wendy Darling (instrumental)
Waiting For You
As Seen From Space (instrumental)
The Handbrake
Leavin' Me
After All The Love


From The Vaults 1998-2006
- 2013-06-18 -

 Worker And Parasite  (Instrumental)
18/30 Holiday  (Instrumental)
Did Your Heart Break
Sweet Dreams  (Instrumental)
Chime Time  (Instrumental)
Many People Have Died To Bring You This Information  (Instrumental)

Your Secret Lie
Racing Car
Job Finder (Instrumental)
Cold Heart
The Gallery (Instrumental)
Blank (Instrumental)
Magical Dogshit Man (Instrumental)
Prophet Waltz (Instrumental)
My Daughter The Asteroid
Doo Doo (Instrumental)
Pipe Cleaners (Instrumental)
We Watch The Stars
Burnoshk (Instrumental)
Ding Dong Song (Instrumental)
World Of Blue (Instrumental)

Diamond Cutter (Instrumental)
Mambo (Instrumental)
The Joy Of Bowling (Instrumental)
Small Characters (Instrumental)

Club Granada

My Weave Of Love

British Summertime (Instrumental)
Green Cross Code (Instrumental)
Which Way Will They Turn
Darks And Lights (Instrumental)
I Hope This Day Will Never End 

- 2020-11-27 -

Take 15
Come On Home
When You Come By
Eagle & Swan (Instrumental)
A Girl Like You
Remove All Clocks (Instrumental)

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Chocolate Wings
Dalek Party
De Tox
Dirty Mind
Duke Thing
Exercise 5
I Think Of You
(While I Should Be Working)
O Bobby
We Keep Promises

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

Downloaded For Love

Donkeys In Heaven

When I tell people, as I now tell you,
That now comes the story about three donkeys in heaven
It has some odd effects
People who have always said
That they don't believe in heaven
Are rather offended at the thought
That donkeys should be allowed in
It seems very illogical
If heaven is for people who are rather nice
Then why not for donkeys who, in the main, are nicer than people
Well, most animals are, don't you agree
Anyway, three donkeys spending an afternoon together in heaven
They'd all been there a very long time
By accident they discovered
That they'd all come from the same part of the world
And had arrived in heaven at roughly
Give or take a few years the same time
Very pleasant and interesting for them
They all looked rather like, well, donkeys do
They were lying in the shade
One of them was telling his story
And the other two were listening
Quietly, as perhaps you are

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

(donkey noises)

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

Three donkeys in heaven
In heaven

*** Thanx a lot to Wertle for this one ***

Your Smile In My Eyes

I sat there counting the tides
The world passing me by
Then your ass caught my eye
A girl with such elegant air
And chocolate brown hair
My heart fired it’s chair (???)

You were so sweet and so kind
All the love that we find
Will be ours for all time
Always you will be by my side
Now I know I will die
With your smile in my eyes



Yeah, yeah, yes

Beauty & The Beast

C'est la vie
C'est toi et lui
Sur une plage
C'est l'hiver

C'est la vie
C'est toi et moi

J'ai froid

Tu es belle

Tu as grossi, c'est dommage

C'est la vie
C'était facile, non

Maintenant j'ai froid

Ta peau est douce
Viens plus près de moi

Tu as mauvaise haleine
C'est bizarre

C'est triste

Ne sois pas triste
Demain peut-être

Peut-être pas

J'aime le dimanche

Je t'aime

Pleure pas

Je suis sensible

C'est la vie
C'est toi et moi

C'est loin

J'ai froid

Je t'aime
Dansons, toi et moi

La vie est une danse

La vie, c'est toi

Dansons, toi et moi


L'amour est une danse
Dansons sous la pluie
C'est la vie
C'est dimanche

Je t'aime

J'ai froid

C'est triste

Ne sois pas triste

Je suis sensible

La vie est une danse
Tu as mauvaise haleine

Je t'aime

J'ai froid
Ta da da...

That's life
It's you and him
On a beach
It's wintertime

That's life
It's you and me

I'm cold

You're beautiful

You grew bigger, it is a pity

That's life
It was easy, no

Now I'm cold

Yoru skin is sweet
Come more close to me

You have bad breath
It's weird

That's sad

Don't be sad
Maybe tomorrow

Maybe not

I love sunday

I love you

Don't cry

I'm sensitive

That's life
It's you and me

It's far

I'm cold

I love you
Let's dance, you and me

Life is a dance

Life is you

Let's dance, you and me


Life is a dance
Let's dance in the rain
That's life
It's sunday

I love you

I'm cold

That's sad

Don't be sad

I'm sensitive

Life is a dance
You have bad breath

I love you

I'm cold
Ta da da...

Bewitched as i am

Your kisses
Ave told me
That i'll never be alone

The only
Place on earth
That truly feels like home

I'll never
Bewitched as i am by you

You grew me
Orange trees
From under new skies so blue

And you made shy
Flowers bloom
From under the falling snow

Through my life
I love you
'Til these words all cease to flow

Oh you're so
You make my blue eyes ache

The looks that
You send me
Are causing my heart to break

Bewitched as i am by you (repeat)


( Jean-Pierre Claris de FLORIAN Poems sung by Nana Mouskouri )

Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment
Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie
J'ai tout quitté pour la belle Sylvie
Dure toute la vie, dure toute la vie...
The pleasure of love lasts only one moment
Unhappy love affair lasts the entire life
I have left all for the beautiful Sylvie
Lasts the entire life, lasts the entire life...

The boy who

( Jerry Lee Lewis )

I'm the man they're gonna hang for killing billy joe
But there's a whole lot more to the story than they know
Listen to my side of it and i think that you will see
The reason that i killed the boy that made a fool of me

Programmed To Love

Private Road

My heart for now is a private road
No thoroughfare, no heavy load
No slow traffic, no graphic details,
Cold or collisions
No more stories to make me ache

I'll always love you venus
Still you are mine
Why'd you have to take so much time
In calling me
Just want to be easy like
Sunday morning

Snow falls in silence and covers the green
Still you can see where the birds have been
Hungry but alive and free, waiting

I Love My Man

I love my man
When he's good or mean
I love my man
When he's good or mean

I love my man
When he's good or mean
I love my man
With each new kiss, more and more

Sleep my child and Peace Attend Thee

Cylons in Love

Katie Lee 'the Will to Fail' :
I'm outwardly calm, apparently normal
Quick to smile, and slow to peak.
But I have a little quirk, a pattern, so to speak
I rarely if ever hold a job, I never finish my work
I'm an affable kind of a slob
A highly disorganized, placid sort of a jerk

You were like an angel
When i first met you
Made me feel so good inside
You showed me what i could do
It was all so beautiful then
We were as one
But now i feel, baby
Like somethings gone

Why don't you love me like you used to do
Oh baby, baby
Why don't you love me like you used to do
OIh baby, my baby

Its been so long now
Between you and me
I thought i wanted to be part of you
Now i want to be free

Why don't you love me like you used to do
Oh baby, baby
Why don't you love me like i want you to
Oh baby, my baby

A Ribbon For My Hair

He gave me a silver ring
But I turned away
And he heard me say,
"Oh, he doesn't, he doesn't understand
I don't need riches to make me care;
Just a ribbon for my hair..."


Blue, blue, blue, blue is beautiful, blue, blue, blue, blue

I Remember Johnny

('allright' and 'tonight' in background samples)

Johnny, remember me
And I'll always remember you
Johnny, remember me
I'll always remember you

Johnny, remember me
And I'll always remember you
Johnny, remember me
I'll always remember you

Johnny, remember me
And I'll always remember you
Johnny, remember me
I'll always remember you

When I think of Johnny
I remember the spring
I remember his laughter
And the way he would sing
( Nana Mouskouri Sample )


With you in my garden
its more peaceful inside
I don’t need anything else
to make me feel alive

You electrify me
And I want to be in your arms
for always
for always

Our love is swollen
Made of the quietest shade of loud
Holds me like an anchor
Floats just like a cloud

Our love is swollen
Made of the quietest shade of loud
Holds me like an anchor
Floats just like a cloud

Our love is swollen
Made of the quietest shade of loud
Holds me like an anchor
Floats just like a cloud


Memories, memories, memories, oh...

Irritating Noises

Remember the days we spent near the falling water?
This stranger flew along and fell and he nearly caught ya'
I put my hand in the fire, 'cause you told me to do it
Then I realized who I was but you already knew it
And I love you, little baby, but I can't take the silent pauses
I like the orange glow but not the irritating noises

I'm here to save the world! That's right.

I gave up my super powers so we could be together
But I didn't suit your world then I kissed you so you wouldn't remember
And I love you, little baby, but I can't take the silent pauses
I like the orange glow but not the irritating noises
And I love you, little baby, but I can't take the silent pauses
I like the orange glow but not the irritating noises

Irritating, irritating...


Just before I go to sleep
There's a rendez-vous I keep
And, my darling, till we do
You are always in my heart.

The Everlasting Blink

King Wisp

?? can you hear the cries of the world in your heart
Can you see the vast spiritual poverty that ravages our land


An Ordinary Day

Day began just like another ordinary day
And in an ordinary way
I watched you hurry by
You look so shy

Beautiful Otherness

Beautiful otherness
Love you because of this
Lost in the loveliness
Of your beautiful otherness

Beautiful otherness
I found myself rodderless
You gave me foreverness
And your beautiful otherness
yeah, yeah, yeah

Beautiful otherness
Beautiful otherness

Beautiful otherness
Kind hearts and coronets
Safe in the warm caress
Of your beautiful otherness

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Beautiful otherness
Ah yeah

When you're right, when you're right,
When you're right, right, right with me
In your, your beautiful
Beautiful otherness
So very beautiful to me
It's your, it's your beautiful otherness
Beautiful otherness

Beautiful otherness

Beautiful otherness

When you're right, when you're right
When you're right, right, right with me

Beautiful otherness

When you're right, when you're right,
When you're right, right, right with me

So Long Without You

I've been so long without you
I try not to think about you
But I do
I know that I'm to blame
I got no right to call your name
But I do, I do

I'm so hurt
To think that you'd lie to me
I'm hurt
Way down deep inside of me

Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Sha-la-la-la-la, woo-oo-oo...

Stay The Same

Oh, there's something about you, baby
Something that's hard to explain
Don't want you to change it
Rearrange it
I just want you to always stay the same

Though the things in my life keep on changing
And the things people say can really hurt
Don't want you to change it
Rearrange it
I just want you to always stay the same


Magic Love

We've been here before
Like a book I read
In the hall that leads to the door
My words hang in the air
When I spoke to you
I believe it's magic, magic


Comin' Back

I, I walked along and I wound my wayround
I, I saw a light, shining bright
I, I'm not sure
Is it too late to call
so I keep my eyes to the floor
Oh I, I can't carry this load anymore
Oh I'm so afraid to call on your door

Feeling so alone
Along a lonely road
Feeling so alone
Well I'm comin' back

I walked along the water's edge
I saw my reflection stare back
I don't know where I'm going
But I know where I've been
Some days I don't fit in my own skin
Oh I, I can't carry this load anymore
Oh I'm so afraid to call on your door
Oh I can't carry this load anymore
Oh I, I'm comin' back
Comin' back

Sunday 29th

Here in my room all alone
with a love that I can't see
These walls are so bare
And I close my eyes to see you
When I'm lonely

Why are my arms so empty?
I am possessed by love
This is how I feel
This is home to my hell
When I'm lonely

Oh, my dear
I can almost hear you say
Oh, you only have to wait another day

Here in my room all alone
As the time passes slowly
Dreaming of your skin on my skin
And all the things that you show me

Why are my arms so empty?
For I am possessed by love
This is how I feel
This is home to my hell
When I'm lonely

Oh, my dear
I can almost hear you say
Oh, you only have to wait another day

Oh, my dear
I can almost hear you say
Oh, you only have to wait another day

I Can't Believe It's Over

You said I laid down easy
Trusted what you said
Lead you right into me
Knew that I was ready
Begin at the beginning
Before you broke my heart
I can't believe we finished
Something that we didn't start

I can't believe it's over
See for yourself
I can't believe it's over
There's nothing there
See for yourself
There's nothing there
See for yourself

Look at all the damage
That we didn't heal
Love's an empty language
If you never feel
I try to make it better
Every single turn
Such a simple lesson
I guess we'll never learn

I can't believe it's over
See for yourself
I can't believe it's over
There's nothing there
See for yourself
I can't believe it's over
See for yourself
There's nothing there
See for yourself
There's nothing there
See for yourself

As You Fall

Is this how
You were found?
Like a star fallen
To the ground?

As you fall
You make no sound
As you fall
Wish for a place where you want to be

Lying still
Flowers all around
In my dreams I see you
Falling down

So is this how (is this how)
You were found?
Like a star fallen
To the ground?

As you fall
You make no sound
As you fall
Wish for a place where you want to be

Silent Life

Silence never moves or sings
Of the loneliness it brings
Never tells you it's around
Silence never makes a sound
How slow the hours go
And how long the days
How long until you see
It written on my face

Oh, oh, what a silent life
Oh, what a silent life

Was it all so long ago
Making noise with folks I know
Blood running through my veins
Is all that I hear nowadays
And how the hours go
And how long the days
How long until you see
It written on my face

Oh, oh, what a silent life
Oh, what a silent life

Sing Me

Sing me
To breathe new life into each day
To keep that beast at bay
And let that day unfold
So that my heart will never feel the cold

When I am way beyond despair
Sing me calm, leave alone to repair
When I unravel and my world becomes undone
Sing me every song that's ever sung

Love with no more tears
Strong enough to face the fear
Arms I need to hold you
Dreams in which I know I save you

Sing me
Sleep and reawake me
Say someone will take me
Sing so that our need is longer
Sing because you make me

I can't make sense of it all

Now I Must Remember

Do you ever think that
This is now I must remember?
You take in all around you
Colours, taste and smell
Before it fades like a dying ember

All day
The rush of life
Makes a memory distant

I had coffee with rum
Sang along to the drums
Of the crowd
As we cheered the dawning

(Aaah aaah..etc)

And I want to save it
Somewhere safe
So I'll remember
Bring it out one day
When everything looks grey
To make me smile
When I'm feeling tender

All day
The rush of life
Makes a memory distant

And we climbed a hill top
Following a new friend
In the sun of the early morning

(Ahh ahh...)

Do you ever think that
This is now I must remember?
You take in all around you
Colours, taste and smell
Before it fades like a dying ember

All day
The rush of life
Makes a memory distant

I had coffee with rum
Sang along with the drums
Of the crowd
As we cheered the dawning

I remember long ago
Certain things were simple pleasures...

You Are The Oscillator


Ooooooh..... Aaaah...

I see (na na na na na na na)
Nothing (na na etc)
Hearing (na na etc)
Siren (na na etc)

Ooooooh.. Ah ah aaah... Etc

Cruel sea
Around me

Na na na na etc...

Sunday boy

The curtain falls
Take it away
Rapture applause
It's over again (possibly)
Patiently waiting for seven days to see you again
Counting each cloud in the sky
Suddenly saturday blazes through
I forget the time
You're coming home, sunday boy

Come to me, run to me
Come to me, run to me
It's ok

Fall into me
Fall into me
It's perfectly safe

You remind me of somebody i used to love
Something familiar in your smile
Suddenly saturday blazes through blurring light
'Til you return to me, sunday boy

The Waters Deep

Sunbeams coloured me golden brown
Long shadows came around in the evening time
Handstand in the grass
Smell the sweetness of nostalgia
There were handstands in the grass
Smell the sweetness of nostalgia

Oh what are we
Now the waters deep
I don't wanna breathe
Will it be like sleep
Oh what are we
Now the water's deep
I don't wanna breathe

Dived in
Felt the water on my skin
Swam on
I caught my breath as I emerged beneath the sun

Oh what are we
Now the waters deep
I don't wanna breathe
Will it be like sleep
Oh what are we
Now the water's deep
I don't wanna breathe


Exercise 7

What would you do
If you knew you only had three days to live
Where would you go
Who would you see
And what would your last wish be...

To Be Loved

I want you
But you don't want my soul
Now what to do about that

Scream along, oh oh...

I want you
But you don't want my soul
What to do about that

Scream along, oh oh...

Oh I want you
But why, why, why
Don't you want my soul
Oh why don't you want my soul

Oh I want you
But why, why, why
Don't you want my soul
Oh why don't you want my soul

All I need is to be loved by you
All I need is to be loved by you
All I need is to be loved by you...

Stay Out All Night

(Taken from "Afraid Of The Dark" by Melanie Safka)

Who are afraid of the dark
Send their children to bed
And stay out all night

Sleeping, sleeping
Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping
Stay out all night

Tired Of The Show

There were people
Who invented the wheel
And there were people
Who first forged the steel
And there were people
Who found fire
And there were people
Who made themselves for hire

But when you'll find the heart will you let me know
Cause I'm tired of the games and I'm tired of the show

So there are people
Who've got a lot
And people
Who wanna be what they're not
And there were people
Who fight the power
And there were people
They fight me out

When you'll find the heart will you let me know
Cause I'm tired of the games and I'm tired of the show

People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come

But when you'll find the heart will you let me know
Cause I'm tired of the games and I'm tired of the show

But when you'll find the heart will you let me know
Cause I'm tired of the games and I'm tired of the show

People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come
People got to give what they got til the morning comes
Til the morning come...

Waiting For You

There's a time and a place
A show and a face
And that time is now

There are ways and means
Of keeping faith
Don't drown them out

Through the round window there is light
In the mirror there is slight
Behind the closed door there is a reason
And it is waiting for you
Waiting for you

You only get what you left behind
Do you remember ?? time
When the leaves fall, will you still be there
When the wind blows, will you show you care
The crows tell me what's been said
Don't hide from your own head

Behind the closed door there is a reason
And it is waiting for you
Waiting for you

The color dreams from our eyes
And joins the turning side
I've tried my best to make it clear
I've ??? trust for hope and fear
And all is quiet now
The moon within the clouds

Behind the closed door there is a reason
And it is waiting for you
Waiting for you...

The Handbrake

There's a light from your window
I can see it from the shore
It is calling me through the dark, dark night
To come home to you once more
But I don't need no other reason than to glimpse your silhouette
But I don't need no other feeling than the feeling that I get

There's a light from your window
I can see it through the storm
It is calling me through the wind and rain
To come home to you once more
But I don't need no other reason than to glimpse your silhouette
But I don't need no other feeling than the feeling that I get

The feeling that I get

I won't say that I've been happy
I just say that I'm doing alright
I was feeding, you were angry
On my, on my fucking light

But I don't need no other reason than the feeling that I get
As long as sky is blue
Storm clouds are black
Blood and roses are red

The feeling that I get
Blood and roses are red

The feeling that I get
Blood and roses are red...

Leavin' Me

(Sampled from "Just Bidin' My Time" performed by Anne Murray)

I can't believe that you're honestly thinking of leaving me
Cause I thought that leaving really wasn't even on your mind
I'm drowning in tears drowning constantly nearer to misery

After All The Love

After all the love you've given to me
I still sing the same old thing
After all the time you've spent with me
It still don't mean a thing

After all the love you've given to me
I still sing the same old thing
After all the time you've spent with me
It still don't mean a thing

People change, they say
Time will have its wicked way

After all the love you've given to me
I still sing the same old thing
After all the time you've spent with me
It still don't mean a thing

People change, they say
Time will have its wicked way

But these words I've said is done (?)
And this feelings in the bone (?)
When the blue moon rise, I'll say my good-byes
And leave you on your own

(how's that?)

From The Vaults 1998-2006

Racing Car

You are a racing car
You are a racing car

You are a racing car
You are a racing car
You are a racing car


I know a lot of words that do not mean a lot
But I mean a lot with the words I haven't got
So read between the lines of what I'm telling you
'Cause what I'm telling you it's the only thing that's true

You could be my translator
Tell me what it's all about
You could be my translator
You know we can do it fast

Another I can tell you is a mystery
And a mystery is all that I believe
The feeling that I feel is clear for all to see
Though the words I mean to say it's ??? even me

You could be my translator
Tell me what it's all about
You could be my translator
You know we can do fast

I know a lot of words that do not mean a lot
But I mean a lot with the words I haven't got
Oh I don't wanna say, I could show to you
If you want me to, it's the only thing that's true

You could be my translator
Tell me what it's all about
You could be my translator
You know we can do it fast

You could be my translator
Tell me what it's all about
You could be my translator
You know we can do it fast

We Watch The Stars

Another piece of my heart
I left it back in the darkness of space
With my peace of mind

I got a message you called
It's written upon the wall in the space
Where your picture once gaze on me

Another reason to break my heart
Another reason to make things start
Another reason to break my heart
We watch the stars

A sudden vision of love
And a collision of two new strangers
Seduced by the danger

One kiss is never enough
Were you just calling my bluff
When you told me you needed and needed me

Another reason to break my heart
Another reason to make things start
Another reason to break my heart
We watch the stars

We watch the stars
We watch the stars


All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it
All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it

All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it
All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it

I tell you one thing
I’ve only one key
I have a house
I’ve a little house for it
You want to ???
She only ???
Coming in the doorway

All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it

I told you one thing
I have no reason
To go knocking and a-banging on another
Another talking, little party ???
Feeling like a nothing, ???

All my love be broken
But who be there to fix it

I Hope This Day will Never End

You're like the sun
My whole world spins around you
You light up everyone each day
When they're around you
I love you, my beautiful friend
I hope this day will never end
I hope this day will never end
I hope this day will never end

Up in the air

Take 15

Silence, please
Take fifteen
Yeah, well, that sticks out like a sore thumb, doesn't it

When You Come By

Love (love)
Love (love)

And the candles are burning
Just as they always burn
When you come by
They want to fly

And the room is waiting
Just as it always does
For when you open the door
You don't expect any more
When you're second choice

Love (love)
Love (love)
Love (love)
Love (love)

And the candles are burning
Just as they always burn
When you come by
They want to fly

And the room is waiting
Just as it always does
For when you open the door
You don't expect anymore
When you're second choice

And the winter's warmth is soothing
Just as it always is from waiting
But I'm used to waiting, waiting
I'm used to waiting
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming

Love (love)
Love (love)
Love (love)
Love (love)

A Girl Like You

When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you

When winter days are coming through
When winter days are coming through

When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you
When you're in love
With a girl like you

When winter days are coming through
When winter days are coming through
When winter days are coming through
When winter days are coming through


[sample: Tír Na Nóg's "Boat Song"]

My boat moved out to sea
And friends grew small from me
Waving from the shore
Will I see you more

My boat moved out to sea
And friends grew small from me
Waving from the shore
Will I see you more

The land is misty, my eyes are too
The gulls are crying for me and you

The land is misty, my eyes are too
The gulls are crying for me and you

My boat moved out to sea
And friends grew small from me
Waving from the shore
Will I see you more

The land is misty, my eyes are too
The gulls are crying for me and you

The land is misty, my eyes are too
The gulls are crying for me and you


(John Klenner & Sam M. Lewis)

Just friends
We're lovers no more
Just friends
But not like before
To think of all that's been
And not to love again
It's like pretending
This is not the ending

That we're two friends
Drifting so far apart
Just friends
We loved, we laughed, we cried
Then suddenly our love died
And the story ends
And we're

Just friends
We're lovers no more
Just friends
But not like before
To think of all that's been
And not to love again
It's like pretending
This is not the ending

That we're two friends
Drifting so far apart
Just friends
We loved, we laughed, we cried
Then suddenly our love died
And the story ends
And we're


Non Albums Tracks

Chocolate Wings

I see you in the sky
A million miles away
I'd love to fly right up to you
See your beautiful star, close up
A star like yours is one in a million
One of those very special things
But if I'm to get to see this beautiful thing so close
I need my chocolate wings

I need my chocolate wings
To fly up to your stars
Give me my chocolate wings
Or our love won't go too far, go too far...

But you won't give me these things that I need
Yet I'd do anything for you
I've waited so long for this moment to come
I think it's time, don't you?
So if you don't let me see your guiding light
That star that shines so bright
I guess somebody else just might
I guess, my darling, this is goodnight...

Dalek Party

I'm gonna lay down my burden
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Gonna lay down my burden
Down by the riverside

De Tox

Time, time, time ....

Dirty Mind

( Lyrics by Prince )

There's something about you, baby
It happens all the time
Whenever I'm around you, baby
I get a dirty mind

Doesn't matter where we are
It doesn't matter who's around
It don't matter, just wanna lay you down

In my daddy's car
It's you I really wanna drive
But you never go too far

I may not be your kind of man
I may not be your style
All I wanna do is just love you for a little while

If you got the time
I'll give you some money
To buy a dirty mind
Don't misunderstand me
I never fool around
You got me on my knees
Won't you please let me lay you down

In my daddy's car
It's you I really wanna drive
Underneath the stars

I really get a dirty mind
Whenever you're around
I really get a dirty mind
Whenever you're around

Duke Thing

(as sung by Ella Fitzgerald)

Good morning, heartache

Exercise 5

Exercise 5

I Think Of You (While I Should Be Working)

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I really, really luv ye.
Oh, I luv yuu.
I love you so much.
I couldn't believe it when I first saw you.
I never want you to leave me.
I saw your eyes trinkling away.
Looking at me, really, really nicely and... it's luvely.
And it, uh..
I can't.. I can't begin to say how much I love you.
Whenever I'm at work I'm always thinking about you.
I always take time out to think about you when I should be working.


(sung by Nana Mouskouri in "Küsse süßer als Wein" (Kisses sweeter than wine))

(Ich) träumte so gerne von den Freuden der Welt
Ich hatte manches Schöne mir vorgestellt
Und dann kam ein Tag und den vergesse ich nie
Viel schöner als meine Phantasie

Ooh, ooh, Küsse süßer als Wein
I dreamed so happily about the joys of the world
I had met a beautiful one
And then came one day that I'll never forget
Much more beautiful than my fantasy

Ooh, ooh, kisses sweeter than wine

O Bobby

One color is different, it's red. Nothing else.


(lots of "i"s)

I... hate... people!

We Keep Promises

Interviewer: So, uh, how do you feel about the, uh, the Bent boys?
Man 1: Perfect.
Man 2: Yes.
Man 1 :Lovely to deal with. Really good.
Woman: They're very friend.. very helpful indeed.
Man 3: They've been more than helpful. Can't speak too highly of them.
Woman: All first class, absolutely grand.
Man 4: Oh yeah, they're fantastic. There seems to be a personal thing about them. Um, whatever you ask of them, it's never too much trouble.
Woman: And they keep promises. They keep those promises, it's not just merely advertisement. They, they.. They keep to it.

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