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- 1977 -

Alta Mira
Jóhannes Kjarvalv ( Instrumental )
- Name of an icelandic artist -
Fúsi Hreindýr
Álfur út úr hól
Músastiginn ( Instrumental )
- The mouse stairs -

Miscellaneous Tracks

- 1977-1980 -

I love to love

Other side of the sun

Gling Gló
- 1990 -

Gling Gló
Kata Rokkar
Pabbi Minn
Brestir Og Brak
Bella Símamær
Litli Tónlistarmaðurinn
Það Sést Ekki Sætari Mey
Ég Veit Ei Hvað Skal Segja
Í Dansi Með Þér
Börnin Við Tjörnina
Ruby Baby
I Can’t Help Loving That Man

Gling glo Live Bonus Tracks
- 1990 -

Cry me a river
I fall in love too easily
You don't know what love is

Non Albums Tracks #1
- Misc -

Aftur hefur þú verið að daðra
Anyone who had a heart
Bedtime stories
Desired constellation
Foot soldier
Generous palmstroke
Gloomy sunday
I go humble
I remember you
I've seen it all
(live version)
It's in our hands

Keep your mouth shut
Min farfar drikker sødmælk
Minun kultani kaunis on
Móðir mín í kví, kví
Mother heroic
Mouth's Cradle

My favourite things
My snare

Non Albums Tracks #2
- Misc -

Next to the last song
Nu flyver Anton
Ó borg, mín borg
Oceania (Featuring Kelis)
Le petit chevalier
Prayer of the heart (a.k.a Heartbeat)
Short term affair
Síðasta ég
So broken
Sod off
Stígðu mig
Sweet intuition
Um Akkeri
The Boho Dance
The Comet Song

Visur vatnsenda-rosu
Where is the line
Who do you think you are

You only live twice

Worlds collapse

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !



Það var i Næturlestinni i Kairo
Það sem ég hitti arabadreng
Sem siðan aldrei úr huga mér hverfur
Eg elska hann

Hann sagði sögur af úfalda sínum
Og söng um vatnið í vinjum og ám
Hann brá upp myndum með töfrandi línum
Eg elska hann

Það var vor og sól
Daginn eftir fór ég að hitta hann
Við fórum niðr'að níl
Við þurftum engan bíl, aðeins úfaldann

Hann fór og sýndi mér pýramýda
Rétt við j´aðar Sahara sands
Og aug'ans lystu við steinana hvíta
Eg elska hann

Á Nílarbökkum við gengum og sungum
Um lífsins gleði, fegurð og ást
Eg fylltist anda úr framandi tungum
Eg elska hann

Það var vor og sól
Fuglar sungu í kór að ég hitti hann
Við fórum niðr'að níl
Við þurftum engan bíl, aðeins úfaldann

Hann kvaddi mig með tárvotum augum
A lestarstoðinni daginn þann
Er ástin brann svo heitt í mínum taugum
Eg vissi ég sæi aldrei aftur hann

Mig dreymir oft um drenginn minn fríða
Og þá er lífið ljúft í nálægð hans
Hann hefur stækkað, því árin þau líða
Eg elska hann

Hér uppá Íslandi græt ég í leynum
Og leita'að merkjum sem minna á hann
Eg sé hans andlit í stokkum og steinum
Eg elska hann

Það var vor og sól
Fuglar sungu í kór að ég hitti hann
Við fórum niðr'að níl
Við þurftum engan bíl, aðeins úfaldann

Hann kvaddi mig með tárvotum augum
A lestarstoðinni daginn þann
Er ástin brann svo heitt í mínum taugum
Eg vissi ég sæi aldrei aftur hann

Mig dreymir oft um drenginn minn fríða
Og þá er lífið ljúft í nálægð hans
Hann hefur stækkað, því árin þau líða
Eg elska hann

Hér uppá Íslandi græt ég í leynum
Og leita'að merkjum sem minna á hann
Eg sé hans andlit í stokkum og steinum
Eg elska hann

Það var vor og sól
Fuglar sungu í kór að ég hitti hann
Við fórum niðr'að níl
Við þurftum engan bíl, aðeins úfaldann

The Arabian Boy

It was in the nighttrain in Cairo
Where I found an arabian boy
Whom since then never left my thoughts
I love him

He told me stories from his dromedary
And sang of water in oasis and rivers
He drew me pictures with magical lines
I love him

There was spring and sun
The next day I left to look for him
We went down the Nile
We didn't need a car, just a dromedary

He went and showed me the pyramids
Right by edge of Sahara sands
And his eyes lit up by the white stones
I love him

By the Nile's bank we walked and sang
About lifes joy, beauty and love
I felt inspired by other foreign tongues
I love him

There was spring and sun
Birds sung in choir when i found him
We went down the Nile
We didn't need a car, just a dromedary

He left me with tears in his eyes
On the railway station that day
Although love burned hot in my nerves
I knew I would never see him again

I often dream of my fair boy
And life is sweet when I'm close to him
He has grown, as the years have passed
I love him

Here back in Iceland I cried in lonliness
And searched for marks to remind me of him
I see his face in sticks and stones
I love him

There was spring and sun
Birds sung in choir when i found him
We went down the Nile
We didn't need a car, just a dromedary

He left me with tears in his eyes
On the railway station that day
Although love burned hot in my nerves
I knew I would never see him again

I often dream of my fair boy
And life is sweet when I'm close to him
He has grown, as the years have passed
I love him

Here back in Iceland I cried in lonliness
And searched for marks to remind me of him
I see his face in sticks and stones
I love him

There was spring and sun
Birds sung in choir when i found him
We went down the Nile
We didn't need a car, just a dromedary

Ég tók eitt hár ú hala þínum
Og lagði það svo undusmátt á jörðina
Þá spratt upp vatn við þorsta mínum
Eg vet það kom sér einnig vel fyr'h jörðina

Þú ert svo góð, kusa kýr - Búkolla mín
Bjarga þín ráð, kusa kýr - Búkolla min
Svo djúp og blá, augun þín - ó vina mín

Ég og þú, við verum einn
A flótta undam skessum thveim
Lengra, lengra, lengra hlaupum við

Ég tók eitt hár ú hala þínum
Og lagði það svo undusmátt á jörðina
Þá spratt upp bál við kulda mínum
Eg vet það kom sér einnig vel fyr'h jörðina


Þú ert svo góð, kusa kýr - Búkolla mín
Bjarga þín ráð, kusa kýr - Búkolla min
Svo djúp og blá, augun þín - ó vina mín

Ég og þú, við verum einn
A flótta undam skessum thveim
Lengra, lengra, lengra hlaupum við

Ég tók eitt hár ú hala þínum
Og lagði það svo undusmátt á jörðina
Þá spratt upp fjall, sem veitti hlýju
Eg vet það kom sér einnig vel fyr'h jörðina

( Name of a cow in old Icelandic story)

I took a hair from your tail
And put it carefully on the ground
Then there sprung up water at my thirst
I know it was also good for the earth

You are so good, cow cow - my Búkolla
Your advice saved us, cow cow - my Búkolla
So deep and blue, your eyes - oh my friend

Me and you, we are alone
And fleeing from two giantesses
Further, further, further we run

I took a hair from your tale
And left it on the ground
Then fier sprung up to my cold
I know it whas also good for the earth


You are so good, cow cow - my Búkolla
Your advice saved us, cow cow - my Búkolla
So deep and blue, your eyes - oh my friend

Me and you, we are alone
And fleeing from two giantesses
Further, further, further we run

I took a hair from your tail
And put it carefully on the ground
Then there sprung up a mountain, that gave warmth
I know it whas also good for the earth

Alta Mira

Eitt sinn tók ég tali gamlan tötralegan mann
Eg var á vappi niðri við höfn - á bryggjunni stóð hann

Hann sagði mér frá landi einu, langt af leið það er
On nú er eins og eitthvað hafi brostið inní mér

Alta Mira - ævintýralanið er
Alta Mira - þangað hugurinn mig ber
Alta Mira - ævintýralanið er
Alta Mira - þangað hugurinn mig ber

Sá gamli sagði mer þar sólin sægræn væri á lit
I sjónum spekingslegar syntu kýrnar út á hlið

Hann seli sá í söngleik í silfurtitum skóm
Um torgin töltu tífælur í kjólfötum með blóm

Alta Mira - ævintýralanið er
Alta Mira - þangað hugurinn mig ber
Alta Mira - ævintýralanið er
Alta Mira - þangað hugurinn mig ber

Hæ - Alta Mira - lalalalala-lala...

Alta Mira

One day I talked to old man in ragged clothes
I was walking near the harbour - he stood on the docks

He told me about the special country, far away it is
and now it's like something has burst inside me

Alta Mira - is the adventure land
Alta Mira - my mind carries me there
Alta Mira - is the adventure land
Alta Mira - my mind carries me there

The old man told me that the sun was seagreen over there
in the sea there were wise cows swimming on the side

a seal was in a musical in silvercoloured shoes
in the squares roamed centipedes in flowery tuxedos

Alta Mira - is the adventure land
Alta Mira - my mind carries me there
Alta Mira - is the adventure land
Alta Mira - my mind carries me there

Hey - Alta Mira - lalalalala-lala...
Fusi Hreindyr

Fyrir ofan Vatnajökull
Ekki lángt frá Ódáðahraun
Þar á Fúsi Hreindýr heima
Þá ferðast hann á laun

Hann Fúsi Hreindýr syngur
Við fossanið og kvak
Hann leikur sér hjá læknum
Lengst inn við Fjallabak

Hullum hæ, hullum hæ - Fúsi Hreindýr syngur æ
Þegar klukkan slær - einn, takk, þrír
Já þá er han ekki seinn
Er han ekki seinn
Er han ekki seinn að stinga sér í volgan hver

Hullum hæ, hullum hæ - Fúsi Hreindýr syngur æ
Þegar klukkan slær - einn, takk, þrír
Þá vill hann tala við Geir
Vill hann tala við Geir
Vill hann tala við Geir um það
Hve gaman sé á þessum stað

Fyrir ofan Vatnajökull...

Hullum hæ, hullum hæ - Fúsi Hreindýr syngur æ
Þegar klukkan slær - einn, tveir, þrír
Takk, nú eru góð ráð dýr
Eru góð ráð dýr
Eru góð ráð dýr af þvi
Hann Fúsi vill fara í sumarfrí

Hullum hæ, hullum hæ - Fúsi Hreindýr syngur æ
Þegar klukkan slær - einn, tveir, þrír
Nú er hann Fúsi stór
Er hann Fúsi stór
Er hann Fúsi stærsta dýr sem
Ekur um í fjórða gír

Fusi Reindeer

Far above the Vatnajökull glacier
Not far away from the Ódáðahraun lavafield
There is where Fúsi Reindeer lives
He wanders there alone

Fúsi Reindeer sings
By the waterfalls and birdsongs
He plays by the stream
All the way furthest in by Fjállabak

Hullum hey, hullum hey - Fúsi Reindeer always sings
When the clock strikes - one, tock, three
Yes then he is never late
He is never late
He is never late to dive into a warm spring

Hullum hey, hullum hey - Fúsi Reindeer always sings
When the clock strikes - one, tock, three
Yes then he wants to talk to Geir
He wants to talk to Geir
He wants to talk to Geir about
What fun there is to be had in this town

Far avbove the Vatnajökull glacier...

Hullum hey, hullum hey - Fúsi Reindeer always sings
When the clock strikes - one, two, three
Tock, now good advices are dear
Good advices are dear
Good advices are dear because
Fúsi wants to go on a summer holiday

Hullum hey, hullum hey - Fúsi Reindeer always sings
When the clock strikes - one, two, three
Now Fúsi, he is big
Fúsi, he is big
Fúsi, he is the biggest animal that
Rides around with four gears

Stúlka mín litla, sem leikur þér dátt
Liðinn er dagur og komin er nátt
Tími að fara nú fötunim úr
Fingurna þvo, en hvað segir þú?

Gefðú mér kodda og gefðú mér sæng
Gefðú mér rúm sem á tvöfaldan veng
Þar mun ég fljúga í hugarins heim
Og halda í draum út í víðfeðman geim

Fljúgðú þá vina min huganum í
Heimsóttu Venus og Merkúkry
Þar muntu hitt'eina fallega frú
Sem færir þér gjafir, en hvað segir þu?

Frá jörðinni liggur svó leiðin til Mars
Lækir þar ida af silung og lax
Töff er að reikna um Júpiters tungl
Og taka þar lagið, en hvað segir þu?

Gefðú mér kodda og gefðú mér sæng...

Á Satúrnus dansa þeir klukkun'um kring
Kólfunum skjóta með Úranus swíng
I Neptunus borg má svo byggja sér bú
Sér bregða til Pluto, en hvað segir þú?

Gefðú mér kodda og gefðú mér sæng...

Ride To Heaven

My little girl, who plays so well
The day has passed and the night has come
Time now to take your clothes off
Wash the fingers, or what do you think?

Give me a pillow and give me a blanket
Give me a bed that has two sets of wings
There I will fly in the home of my mind
And go in a dream to the huge universe

Then fly my friend in the mind
Visit Venus and Mercury
There you will meet a beautiful wife
Who brings you presents, or what do you think?

From earth the the route leads to Mars
Where shoals of trouts and salmon play
Delays are expected at Jupiters moon
And ... , or what do you think?

Give me a pillow and give me a blanket...

In saturn they dance around the clock
Shot the clubs with a uranus swing
In Neptunus city you may build your home
And travel to Pluto, or what do you think?

Give me a pillow and give me a blanket...


Í Valhöll til fórna fagran dreng
Þeir færðú fjötra í
Þeir neglð'ann svo hátt á krýsukross
Og þeir kölluð'ann þræla þý

Óliver - kæri
Óliver - mæri
Óliver - nú rakna þín bönd
Óliver - ljúfi
Óliver - prúði
Óliver - nú skjálfa öll lönd

Enginn mun skilja þrautir þær
Er þola mátti hann
Hann gerði það fyrir mig og þig
Fyrir allan sannleikann

Óliver - kæri...

Sál þínn er heimur and'og álfa
Hinn fyrsti og síðasti
Kjarninn í hugum mannanna sjálfra
Þú gafst þeim vísindi - óh, óh, óh

Stóðst eins og máttarstólpi stinnur
Sterkur á svellinu
Nú heyrast mun hátt í skýjunum
A helgafellinu

Óliver - þú færð sígurlaun
Þú færð sígurlaun
Þó köld sé þín hönd

Óliver - þú færð sígurlaun
Þú færð sígurlaun
Mín elskandi ónd - brjóttú böndin nú!

Óliver - kæri...

In Valhalla a long time ago a beautiful boy
They put in chains
They nailed him so high upon a cross
And they called him a slave

Oliver - lovely
Oliver - glorious
Oliver - your bonds are untied now
Oliver - pleasant
Oliver - modest
Oliver - all the lands quiver now

No-one will understand the trials that
He had to endure
He did it for me and you
For all the truth

Oliver - lovely...

You soul is home to spirit and ...
The first and the last
You gave them the knowledge - oh, oh, oh

You can hear high in the skies now
About your legend

Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
Though your hand is cold

Oliver - you get your victorious reward
You get your victorious reward
My beloved hand - break the ties now!

Oliver - lovely...
Álfur út úr hól

Dag eftir dag
Einsamall á hól
Náunginn undarlegi
Þar sem hannin gól

Enginn vill um hann vita
Og þeir benda hvar kjánnin fer
Han þraukar samt áfram sjálfur

Veizt um álf ut á hól
Hann sér dýrðlega sól
Og hans augu sjá meir
þau sjá heim, falinn þeim

Bidd'ann um hjálp
Þá kemur han fljótt
Hann sem á þúsund raddir
Hvislar sannleikan hljótt

Enginn vill hlusta á hann
Eða hljóðin í leyndum söng
Hann virðist samt ekki vita

Veizt um álf ut á hól
Hann sér dýrðlega sól
Og hans augu sjá meir
þau sjá heim, falinn þeim

Enginn vil líta til hans
I kofanum suður með sjó
Han þraukar samt áfram sjálfur

Veizt um álf ut á hól
Hann sér dýrðlega sól
Og hans augu sjá meir
þau sjá heim, falinn þeim

Enginn vill hlusta á hann
Og þeir benda hvar kjáninn fer
Han þraukar samt áfram sjálfur

Veizt um álf ut á hól
Hann sér dýrðlega sól
Og hans augu sjá meir
þau sjá heim, falinn þeim

Fool from a hill

Day after day
Alone on a hill
The strange guy
Where the roster crowed

No one wants to know about him
And they point where he goes
He still holds out alone

Do you know about a fool on a hill
He can see a precious sun
And his eyes see more
They see a world, a hidden world

Ask him for a help
He comes quickly
He that has thousand voices
Whisper the truth quickly

No one wants to listen to him
Or the sound in a secret song
Which he doesn't know at all

Do you know about a fool on a hill
He can see a precious sun
And his eyes see more
They see a world, a hidden world

No one wants to see him
In the hut in the south with a lake
He still holds out alone

Do you know about a fool on a hill
He can see a precious sun
And his eyes see more
They see a world, a hidden world

No one wants to listen to him
And they point where he goes
He still holds out alone

Do you know about a fool on a hill
He can see a precious sun
And his eyes see more
They see a world, a hidden world


Drengurrin litli hann krýpur á knéð
Krossleggur hendurnar svo Guð fái séð
Uss - hljótt - hvað?
Drengurrin litli sem bænir fer með

Góði Guð farðu ei mömmu frá
Hún háttar mig og baðar og er mér hjá
Svo klærðir hún mig í náttföt hlý
Guð blessið pabba ég gleymdi því

Þegar hugsa ég um hvað sem gerðist í dag
Kemur upp í huga mér lítið lag
Eg má ei hætta bænina við
Fyrigefðu Guð, ég vel þig bið

Náttfötin mín eru hettu með
I hettuni höfuðið vel ég fel
Hún augu mín hylur og ennið með
Enginn veit að ég þar er

Þákka þér Guð fyrir góðan dag
Gleymdi ég einhverju, hvað var það?
Eg bad fyrir pabba og hugsaði um þig
Já nú man ég - Guð blessi mig

Drengurrin litli han sefur nú rótt
Dagurrin liðinn, komin er nótt
Uss - hljótt - hvað?
Drengurrin litli sem bænirnar bað
The Prayer

The little boy he crawls to his knees
Crosses his hands so that God can see
Hush - quiet - what?
The little boy who says his prayers

Good God don't go away from mommy
She undresses me and bathes and stays with me
Then she dresses me in warm nightgown
God bless daddy 'cause I forgot

When I think of what happened today
A little song comes to mind
I must not stop saying my prayer
Forgive me God, I ask you kindly

My nightgown has a hood
Inside the hood I hide my head
It covers my eyes and my forehead aswell
Nobody knows that I am there

Thank you God for a good day
Did I forget something, what was it?
I prayed for daddy and thought of you
Yes now I remember - God bless me

The little boy sleeps well now
The day is over, the night has come
Hush - quiet - what?
The little boy who said his prayers

Miscellaneous 1977 Tracks

I love to love

( 1977 Radio show / Tina Charles Cover )

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance
He wants to dance
He loves to dance
He got to dance

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance

Oh, I love to love
But there's no time for a romance
No, no ,no

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance

The minute
The band begins to swing it
He's on his feet to shake it
And dance the night away

I'm spinning like a top
We dance until we drop
But if i have my way

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance
He wants to dance
He loves to dance
He got to dance

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance

Oh, I love to love
But he won't give our love a chance
No,no ,no

Oh, I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance

I'm spinning like a top
We dance until we stop
But if i have my way

Stop, Stop!
Instead of going down, down
We better go home and get down
But what im trying to say

I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance
Yeah yeah

I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance
Yeah yeah

I love to love
But my baby just loves to dance
Yes he does


( 1977 Radio show )

Jólasveinar ganga um gólf
Með gildan staf í hendi
Móðir þeirra sópar gólf
Og flengir þá með vendi

Upp á stól stendur mín kanna
Níu nóttum fyrir jól
Þá kem ég til manna

Upp á stól stendur mín kanna
Níu nóttum fyrir jól
Þá kem ég til manna

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her
*** Thanx a lot to
Lina for this one ***

( Translation )

Yule-lads tread the floors
With a thick staff in hand
Their mother sweeps the floors
And spanks them with twigs

On top of a chair my pitcher stands
Nine nights before christmas
I head towards mankind

On top of a chair my pitcher stands
Nine nights before christmas
I head towards mankind

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her
*** Thanx a lot to
Lina for this one ***

( Icelandic christmas-compilation )

 Þið kannizt við jólaköttinn
- sá köttur var griðarstór
Fólk vissi'ekki hvaðan hann kom
Eða hvert hann fór

Hann glennti upp glyrnurnar sinar
Glóandi báðar tvær
Það var ekki heiglum hent
Að horfa í þær

Kamparnir beittir sem broddar
Upp úr bakinu kryppna há
Og klærnar à loðinni löpp
Var ljótt að sjá

Því var það, að konurnar kepptust
Við kamba og vefstól og rokk
Og prjónuðu litfagran lepp
Eða lítin sokk

Þvi kötturinn mátti' ekki koma
Og krækja í börnin smá
Þau urðu að fásína flík
Þeim fullorðnu hjá

Og er kveikt var á jólakvöldið
Og kötturin gægðist inn
Stóðu börnin bísperrt og rjóð
Með böggulinn sinn

Hann veifaði stélinu sterka
Hann stökk og hann klóraði' og blés
Og var ýmist uppi í dal
Eða úti' um nes

Hann sveimaði, soltinn og grimmur
I sárköldum jólasnæ
Og vakti í hjörtunum hroll
A hverjum bæ

Ef mjálmað var aumlega úti
Var ólukkan samstundis vís
Allir vissu' að hann veiddi menn
En vildi ekki mýs

Hann lagðist á fátæka fólkið
Sem fékk enga nýja spjör
Fyrir jólin - og baslaði og bjó
Við bágust kjör

Frá því tók hann ætið í einu
Allan þess jólamat
Og át það svo oftast nær sjálft
Ef hann gat

Því var það, að konurnar kepptust
Við kamba og vefstól og rokk
Og prjónuðu litfagran lepp
Eða lítin sokk

Sum höfðe fengið svuntu
Og sum höfðu fengið skó
Eða eitthvað, sem þótti þarft
En þad var nóg

Þvi kisa máti' engan eta
Sem einhverja flíkina hlaut
Hún hvæsti þá heldur ljót
Og hljóp á braut

Hvort enn er hún til, veit ég ekki
En aum yrði hennar för
Ef allir eignuðust næst
Einhverja spjör

Þið hafið nú kannske í huga
Að hjálpa, ef þörf verður á
Máske enn finnist einhver börn
Sem ekkert fá

Máske, að leitin að þeim sem líða
Af ljósskorti heims um ból
Gefi ykkur góðan dag
Og gleðileg jól

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

The Christmas Cat

( Translation )

You know the christmas cat
- that cat is very large
We dont know where he came from
Nor where he has gone

He opened his eyes widely
Glowing both of them
It was not for cowards
To look into them

His hair sharp as needles
His back was high and bulgy
And claws on his hairy paw
Were not a pretty sight

Therefore the women competed
To rock and sow and spin
And knitted colorful clothes
Or one little sock

For the cat could not come
And get the little children
They had to get new clothes
From the grownups

When christmas eve was lighted
And the cat looked inside
The children stood straight and red-cheeked
With their presents

He waved his strong tail
He jumped, scratched and blew
And was either in the valley
Or out on the headland

He walked about, hungry and mean
In hurtfully cold christmas snow
And kindled the hearts with fear
In every town

If outside one heard a weak "meaow"
Then unluck was sure to happen
All knew he hunted men
And didnt want mice

He followed the poorer people
Who didnt get any new clothing
Near christmas - and tried and lived
In poorest conditions

From them he took at the same time
All their christmas food
And ate them also themselves
If he could

Therefore the women competed
To rock and sow and spin
And knitted colorful clothes
Or one little sock

Some had gotten an apron
And some had got a new shoe
Or anything that was needful
But that was enough

For pussy should not eat no-one
Who got some new piece of clothes
She hissed with her ugly voice
And ran away

If she still exists I dont know
But for nothing would be his trip
If everybody would get next christmas
Some new rag

You may want to keep it in mind
To help if there is need
For somewhere there might be children
Who get nothing at all

Mayhaps that looking for those who suffer
From lack of plentiful lights
Will give you a happy season
And merry christmas

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Other side of the sun

( cover of a Janis Ian song, performed by Björk in the band Jam80, in 1980 )

Leaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the ocean
Bet you in the morning you won't even know I'm gone
Tired of living here in the middle of mixed emotion
Might as well be living on the other side of the sun

Leaving with the feeling I don't know how I'm dealing with loving you
Though once I knew
The special way
And what to do
To make you stay
Forever and ever

Even as I'm leaving i'll never stop believing you are the one
Who can make me laugh
And can bring me back
From beyond the other side of the sun

Rolling down the river I hope I can deliver the morning
Wishing on a star for the sun to come out to play
Funny, when it's over you really don't remember the warning
Might as well be living out beyond the Milky Way

Gling Gló

Trancribed by : Stina Adalsteinsdottir, Silja Bara Omarsdottir, 
Arni Arnasson,Vala Gudbjartsdottir, and at last but not least : Leo Moran

Gling Gló

Gling gló, klukkan sló
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Lysti upp gamli gótuslóð
Þar glaðleg Lína stóð

Gling gló, klukkan sló
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Leitar Lási var á leið
Til Lína hanns er beið

Unnendum er máninn kær
Umm þau töfraljóma slær
Lási á biðilsbuxum var
Brátt frá Línu fær hann svar

Gling glo, klukkan slo,
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Lási varð svo hyr á brá
Þvi Lína sagði já

Gling gló, klukkan sló
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Lysti upp gamli gótuslóð
Þar glaðleg Lína stóð

Gling gló, klukkan sló
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Leitar Lási var á leið
Til Lína hanns er beið

Unnendum er máninn kær
Umm þau töfraljóma slær
Lási á biðilsbuxum var
Brátt frá Línu fær hann svar

Gling glo, klukkan slo,
Máninn ofar skýjum hló
Lási varð svo hyr á brá
Þvi Lína sagði já

Gling gló, Gling gló, Gling gló

Cling Clong

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lighting up the old street
Where merrily Lína stood

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lási from Leiti was on his way
To Lína awaiting him

Lovers hold the moon so dear
Around them falls its magic light
Lási wore his groom's garb
Soon from Lína came his reply

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lási wore a happy smile
For Lína answered yes

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lighting up the old street
Where merrily Lína stood

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lási from Leiti was on his way
To Lína awaiting him

Lovers hold the moon so dear
Around them falls its magic light
Lási wore his groom's garb
Soon from Lína came his reply

Cling clong, the clock rang
The moon smiled above the clouds
Lási wore a happy smile
For Lína answered yes

Cling clong, Cling clong, Cling clong


Hann veitti birtu á bádar hendur
Um bæinn sérhvert kvöld
Hann luktar-Gvendur á liðinni öld

Á gráum hærum gloggt var kenndur
Við glampa á ljósafjöld
Hann luktar-Gvendur á liðinni öld

Hann heyrðist ganga hægt og hljótt
Um hverja götu fram á nott
Hans hjarta sá med bros á brá

Ef ungan svein og yngismey
Hann aðeins sá, hann kveikti ei
En eftirlét þeim rókkur skuggablá

Í endur minning æskutið
Hann aftur leit, en ástmey blið
Hann örmum vafði fast, svo ung og smá

Hann veitti birtu á bádar hendur
Um bæinn sérhvert kvöld
Hann luktar Gvendur á lidinni öld

Hann heyrðist ganga hægt og hljótt
Um hverja götu fram á nott
Hans hjarta sá med bros á brá

Ef ungan svein og yngismey
Hann aðeins sá, hann kveikti ei
En eftirlét þeim rókkur skuggablá

Í endur minning æskutið
Hann aftur leit, en ástmey blið
Hann örmum vafði fast, svo ung og smá

Hann veitti birtu á bádar hendur
Um bæinn sérhvert kvöld
Hann luktar Gvendur á lidinni öld
Hann luktar Gvendur á lidinni öld

Lantern Gvendur

He brought light in both his hands
Around the town each night
Lamplighter-Gvendur from long long ago

By his grey hair he was known
Gleaming by the lanterns light
Lamplighter-Gvendur from long long ago

He could be heard walking calmly and quietly
Down every street during the night
His heart would smile with joy

If a young boy and girl
He saw, he would not light his lamp
Leaving them in the shade of darkness

And he reminisced about his youth
And he looked back on his sweet love
When he hugged tight his sweet young girl

He brought light in both his hands
Around the town each night
Lamplighter-Gvendur from long long ago

He could be heard walking calmly and quietly
Down every street during the night
His heart would smile with joy

If a young boy and girl
He saw, he would not light his lamp
Leaving them in the shade of darkness

And he reminisced about his youth
And he looked back on his sweet love
When he hugged tight his sweet young girl

He brought light in both his hands
Around the town each night
Lamplighter-Gvendur from long long ago
Lamplighter-Gvendur from long long ago

Kata Rokkar


Kata - kát med ljósa lokka
Lífsglöð - hefur yndistþokka
Kata - kann svo vel að rokka rokk

Alltaf - meðan dansinn dun ar.
Djass-lynd - Kata um gólfið brunar,
Elskar - meira en margan grunar rokk

Hún er smá
Hyr á brá
Horfið á
Sú er kná
Allir þrá
Að sjá
Þegar hún tekur rúmbuna, hún dansar
Þá Kata - með ljósa lokka, lífsglöd
Hún hefur yndistþokka
Hún kann svo vel að rokka rokk

Hún er smá
Hyr á brá
Horfið á
Sú er kná
Allir þrá að sjá
Þegar hún tekur rúmbuna
Hún - þetta er hún Kata
Hún - og hún dansar
Hún dansar Kata mín
Hún dansar

Rokk rokk rokk rokk
Rokk rokk rokk rokk
Rokk rokk rokk rokk
Rokk rokk rokk rokk

Kata dansar
Hún dansar rokk - ó
Dansar rokk - ó
Dansar rokk

Rokk rokk rokk rokk
Rokk rokk rokk
Rokk rokk

Kata rocks


Kata - cheerful with the blonde locks
Loves life - she has so much charm
Kata - knows so well how to rock rock

Always - while the dance is on
Jazzy - Kata swings around the floor
Loves - rock more than you would know

She is small
Joy in her eye
Look at her
See that life
Everyone longs
To see
Her do the rumba, she dances
When Kata - with blonde locks, joyful
She has so much charm
Knows so well how to rock rock

She is small
Joy in her eye
Look at her
See her life
Everyone longs to see
Her do the rumba
She - this is Kata
She - and she dances
She dances, my Kata
She dances

Rock rock rock rock
Rock rock rock rock
Rock rock rock rock
Rock rock rock rock

Kata dances
She dances rock - oh
Dances rock - oh
Dances rock

Rock rock rock rock
Rock rock rock
Rock rock

Pabbi minn

Ó pabbi minn
Hve undursamleg ást þin var
Ó pabbi minn
Þú ávalt tókst mitt svar

Aldrei var neinn
Svo ástuðlegur eins og þú
Ó pabbi minn
Þú ætíð skilðir allt

Lidin er tíd
Er leíddir þú mig lítið barn
Brósandi blítt
Þú breyttir sorg í gleði

Ó pabbi minn
Eg dáði þína léttu lund
Leikandi kátt
Þú lékst þér á þinn hátt

Ó pabbi minn
Hve undursamleg ást þin var
Æskunnar ómar
Ylja mér í dag

Lidin er tíd
Er leíddir þú mig lítið barn
Brósandi blítt
Þú breyttir sorg í gledi

Ó pabbi minn
Eg dáði þína léttu lund
Leikandi kátt
Þú lékst þér á þinn hátt

Ó pabbi minn
Hve undursamleg ást þin var
Æskunnar ómar
Ylja mér í dag

Ó pabbi minn
Ó pabbi minn
Ó pabbi minn

My papa

Oh my Papa
How wonderful your love was
Oh my Papa
You always took my side

Never was one
As loving as you
Oh my Papa
You always knew me well

Time has passed
Since you held my child's hand
Smiling sweetly
You turned sorrow to joy

Oh my Papa
I loved your joyful spirit
With happy ease
You played in your own way

Oh my Papa
How wonderful your love was
Childhood memories
Warm me today

Time has passed
Since you held my child's hand
Smiling sweetly
You turned sorrow to joy

Oh my Papa
I loved your joyful spirit
With happy ease
You played in your own way

Oh my Papa
How wonderful your love was
Childhood memories
Warm me today

Oh my Papa
Oh my Papa
Oh my Papa

Brestir Og Brak

Slæmar eru nefndirnar, þungt er þeirra hlass
Samt vid munum skjóta theim, rebba fyrir rass
Því við getum jólahaldi frestað fram í mars
Bara ef oss svo byður við að horfa

Mér er sem ég heyri bresti og brak
Undan theim kyngikrafti
Er þú þar niðri á þingi tekur þeim tak
Þínum med þrumukjafti
Já, dreifbylingaflokkinn bryt ég á bak
Eins og fúaflak
Já, gott ef ég ekki
Lyfta kofann og sprengi hið spanskgræna forna þak

Já, mikið mun það gleðja æi minn ó
Létt' honum dimma daga
Er litlu börnin kaupa kí-lí-lí-ló
Af ávöxtum í sinn maga
Já, kát svo mun ég syngja hæ-æ-æ-hó
Líka ding-ding-dó
Þá allt verður uppselt
Þó mér finnist nú sjaldan að selst hafi alveg nóg!

Næ, mikið mun það gleðja æi minn ó
Og létt' honum dimma daga
Er litlu börnin kaupa kí-lí-lí-ló
Af ávöxtum í sinn maga, já
Kát svo mun ég syngja hæ-æ-æ-hó
Og líka ding-ding-dó

Þá allt verður uppselt
Þó mér finnist nú sjaldan að selst hafi alveg nóg!
Þó mér finnist nú sjaldan að selst hafi alveg nóg!
Þó mér finnist nú sjaldan að selst hafi alveg nóg!
Crackle & Bang

The commitees are bad, heavy is their load
We will however beat their asses
Because we can delay the christmas to march
If only we want to

It is like I hear crackles and bangs
From the awesome power
When you, down in congress, whip their asses
With your thunderous mouth
Yes, the ruralparty I break back
Like a leaky wreck
Yes, maybe I should
Lift the house and blow off the green copper roof

Yes, it will make him happy
Lighten his dark days
As the small children buy a ki-li-li-lo
Of fruits for their belly
Yes, merrily I will sing he-le-le-lo
Also ding-ding-dong
It will all be sold out
Though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!

No, it will make him happy
Lighten his dark days
As the small children buy a ki-li-li-lo
Of fruits for their belly, yes
Merrily I will sing he-le-le-lo
And also ding-ding-dong

It will all be sold out
Though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!
Though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!
Though I seldomly find that we ever have sold enough!

*** Thanx a lot to Sanna for this translation ***



Oft við Amor hef ég átt í erjum
En aldrei hlotið slíkan skell
Hann sínum örvum að mér beindi
Og það var ég sem féll

Oft við Amor hef ég átt í erjum
Er hann mig töfrum hefur beitt
Astin á nú hug minn og aftur get ég
Ekki minnsta viðnám veitt

Eg féll að fótum thér
Fyrirgefðu mér, að ég skuli unna thér
Eg yfirunnin alveg er
Og einn þú getur bjargað mér

Oft við Amor hef ég att í erjum
En aldrei hlotið slíkan skell
Astin á nú hug minn og ég er bundin
Af þvi það var ég sem féll

Eg féll að fótum þér
Fyrirgefðu mér, að ég skuli unna thér
Eg yfirunnin alveg er
Og einn þú getur bjargað mér

Oft við Amor hef ég átt í erjum
En aldrei hlotið slíkan skell
Astin á nú hug minn og ég er bundin
Af þvi thað var ég sem féll

Já, ástin á nú hug minn og ég er bundin
Af þvi thað var ég sem féll


With Cupid have often I quarreled
But never taken such a blow
He aimed his arrows at me
And it was I who fell

Oft with Cupid have I quarreled
When upon me his magic falls
Love owns my thoughts and once again I
Can offer no resistance

I've fallen at your feet
Forgive me, for I love you
I am conquered completely
And only you can save me

With Cupid have I often quarreled
But never taken such a blow
Love owns my thoughts and I am tied up
Because it was I who fell

I've fallen at your feet
Forgive me, for I love you
I am conquered completely
And only you can save me

With Cupid have I often quarreled
But never taken such a blow
Love owns my thoughts and I am tied up
Because it was I who fell

Yes, love owns my thoughts and I am tied up
Because it was I who fell

Bella Símamær

Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamær
Er ekki alveg fædd í gær
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamær
Hún kann á flestum hlutum skil,
Og kallar á viðtalsbil

Í ástarmálum gilðir aðeins forganghsrað
Eg ætti best að vita það
I fjöri jafnt sem fegurð alla út hún slær
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella símamær

Halló halló
Já hvað heitið ér?
Hvað viljið þér mér?
Eg þekki yður ei!

Halló halló
Nei ert etta þú!
Eg ekki ig nú!
A semjum við frið
Þar slóstu mér við!

Og augun hennar eru bæði blá og djúp og skær
Hún brosir dátt og hlær

Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamær
Er ekki alveg fædd í gær
I fjöri jafnt sem fegurd alla út hún slær
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella símamær

Halló halló
Já hvað heitið ér?
Hvað viljið þér mér?
Eg þekki yður ei!

Halló halló
Nei ert etta þú!
Eg ekki ig nú!
A semjum við frið
Þar slóstu mér við!

Og augun hennar eru bæði blá og djúp og skær
Hún brosir dátt og hlær

Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamær
Er ekki alveg fædd í gær
Í fjöri jafnt sem fegurð alla út hún slær
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella símamær

Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella símamær
Er ekki alveg fædd í gær
Í fjöri jafnt sem fegurð alla út hún slær
Hún Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella
Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella
Bella, Bella - Bella símamær

Bella the operator

She's Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella the operator
Not quite born yesterday
She's Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella the operator
Knows something about everyone,
And tells you how long you've been on

In lovecalls right of precedence always applies
I ought to know best about that
In humor and beauty she eliminates all others
That Bella, Bella, Bella the operator

Hello hello
Yes what is your name?
What do you want with me?
I don't know you!

Hello hello
Oh is that you!
I know you now!
Let's have a truce!
There, you win!

And her eyes are blue and deep and bright
She smiles heartily and laughs

She's Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella the operator
Not quite born yesterday
More fun and beautiful than any other
Bella, Bella, Bella the operator

Hello hello
Yes what is your name?
What do you want with me?
I don't know you!

Hello hello
Oh is that you!
I know you now!
Let's have a truce!
There, you win!

And her eyes are blue and deep and bright
She smiles heartily and laughs

She's Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella the operator
Not quite born yesterday
In humor and beauty she eliminates all others
That Bella, Bella, Bella the operator

She's Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella the operator
Not quite born yesterday
In humor and beauty she eliminates all others
That Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella
Bella, Bella Bella, Bella
Bella, Bella, Bella the operator

Litli Tónlistarmaðurinn

Mamma - ertu vakandi mamma mín?
Mamma - ég vil koma til þín
O mamma - gaman væri að vera stór
Þá vildi ég stjórna - bæði hljómsveit og kór

Mamma - þú ert elskuleg, mamma mín
Mér finnst - gott að koma til þín
O en mamma - áðan dreymdi mig draum um þig
En datt þá framúr - og það trufladi mig

Þú varst drottning í hárri höll
Hljómsveitin álfar, menn og tröll
Lék þér og söng í senn
Þú varst svo stórfengleg

Tröllin þau börðu á bumburnar
Blómálfar léku á flauturnar
Fiðlurnar, mennskir menn
A mandólín, ég


Allir mændum við upp til þín
Eins og blóm þegar sólin skín
Er þínum faðmi frá
Gjafir flugu um allt

Flestum gekk vel að gripa sitt
Glaður náði ég fljótt í mitt
En stóll er steig ég á
Stóð tæpt, svo hann valt

Ó mamma - þú ert elskuleg mamma mín
Mér - finnst gott að koma til þín
O mamma - gaman væri að vera stór
Þá vildi ég stjórna bæði hljómsveit og kór

The little musician

Mama - are you awake my mama?
Mama - I want to come close to you
Oh mama - it would be so fun to be grown up
Then I would conduct both an orchestra and choir

Mama - you are lovely, my mama
I - like coming closer to you
Oh but Mama - earlier I dreamt a dream of you
I fell out of bed - and it upset me so

You were a queen in a tall palace
A band of elves, men and trolls
Played for you and sang
You were so magnificent

The trolls they pounded the drums
Flower-elves played the flutes
The violins, by human beings
On mandolin, me


All of us gazed up at you
Just like flowers when the sun shines
And from your embrace
Gifts flew everywhere

Most easily caught theirs
Gladly I quickly reached mine
But the chair on which I perched
Tipped over, so it fell

Mama - you are lovely, my mama
I like coming close to you
Oh mama - it would be so fun to be grown up
Then I would conduct both an orchestra and choir

Það Sést Ekki Sætari Mey

Þad lenti í drætti
Að móðir mín mig ætti
Þvi hún var svo gískið grey

En læknrinn var sóttur
Og loksins ól hún dóttur
Og það sást ekki sætari mey

En pabbi varð sjálfur
A sjónum alltaf hálfur
Svo hann gat ekki lengur sagt næ

Fyrst varð hann mjög sleginn
En seinna sagdi hann feginn
Að það sést ekki sætari mey

Sætari mey
Sætari mey
Næ, það sést ekki sætari mey

Og fyrr en mig varði
Hver strákur á mig starði
Eins og stelpur á gleym-mér-ei

Þeir fóru að skjálfa
Og sögðu við sig sjálfa:
Hún er sorglega stygg
En mjög trygg - að ég hygg
Og það sést ekki sætari mey

Ég lærði i bernsku
Að blikk' á finni ensku
Og min söngrödd var "sweet and gay"

En vestur á landi
Eg lenti í hjónabandi
Það er sorglegt fyrir siðprúða mey

Hann lagði í sinn vana
Að elska Ameríkana
Svo ég kyssti hann og sagði "okay"

En illt var í efni
Hann var óðamála í svefni
Og þá reyndist hann, ramm Íslenskt grey

Íslenskt grey
Íslenskt grey
Sem hann ásæðist Íslenska mey

En nú er önnur öldin
Eg dansa kát á kvöldin
Og þau kalla mig gleym-mér-ei

Og piltarnir þeir skjálfa
Þeir segja við sig sjálfa:
Næ, þú sendir mér blossandi ást - þvílíkt hnoss!
Þvi það sést ekki sætari mey

None sweeter than me can be seen

It was quite a delay
When my mother had me
For she was such a slender sort

The doctor was fetched
And finally her daughter was born
And none sweeter than me was ever seen

My father spent usually
His time at sea half-drunk
But he could not deny me

At first he was rather shocked
But then he said, relieved
That none sweeter than me can be seen

Sweeter than me
Sweeter than me
No none sweeter than me can be seen

Before I would know it
Every boy would stare at me
The way girls do at forget-me-nots

They would shiver
And say to themselves:
She is hard to get
But very secure - I would think
And none sweeter than me can be seen

I learned while in childshoes
To speak proper English
And my songvoice was "sweet and gay"

But westwards in the country
I stumbled into marriage
It was sad for a nice girl like me

He had put into habit
To love all Americana
So I kissed him and said "okay"

Then I discovered deceit
When he spoke in his sleep
And I found out, he was very Icelandic after all

Just Icelandic
Just Icelandic
Who wanted an Icelandic me

But now things are different
I go dancing merrily at night
And they call me Forget-me-not

And the boys all shiver
They say to themselves:
No, you sending me currents of love - what luck!
'Cause none sweeter than me can be seen


Ertu að koma?
Já, elskan min góða
Alveg hreint á minútunni
Hæ - ertu á nyjum bil?

Alveg ertu ágetur
Agalega sætur
Að etla bjóða mér
Það er alveg hreint í stil

En ef að það snjóar
Þá erutil nóga
Keðjur sem að koma okkur
Ohult um alla leið

Elskan hann Dóri
Minn sterki og stóri
Hann styrir svo vel
Þótt gatan sé ekki breið


Ó - Þarna er hann!
Já, og flott skal það vera
Og Ford model nitjan hundrað

Uppi hann stig ég
A ástarvangjum flíg ég
Og uppi Mosfellssveit
Fer í ævintyraleit

Með handþösku stora
Eg hallast að Dóra
Æ. Gormurinn i framsætinu
Stakk mig á versta stað!

En það er nú svona
Að þreyja og vona
En þetta lagast fljott
Dóri minn sérrum thað

Keðjan er slitinn
Og skellur í bilnum
Skríddu undur bilinn, Dóri
Greyið mitt flyttu þér

Ertu alveg óður?
O jé minn góður!
Þarna reifstu sokkinn minn
Alfurinn minn ég fer

Aldrei aftur út med þér
Aleinum - ég sver i ég
Hef aldrei á æfi minni
Ekið um á slikum bil

O núna springur
Og í honum syngur
Og a endanum stingst
Hann í moldar-haug
Car Song

Are you coming?
Yes my dear
Right this minute
Hey - you have a new car?

You're really great
And very sweet
To be inviting me
That's a really great style

And if it snows
We have plenty of
Snowchains to get us
Safely all the way

The lovely Dóri
My big and strong one
He drives so well
Though the road is not wide


Oh - there he is!
Yeah, and it's gotta be cool
And a Ford model nineteen hundred

I step up into him
And I fly on wings of love
And on to Mosfellstown
In an adventure-hunt

With my big handbag
I lean against Dóri
A spring in the front seat
Stung me in the worst place!

But that's how things are
You suffer through it
But i'll be better soon
My Dóri makes sure of that

The chain is worn
And broke under the car
Crawl under the car, Dóri
Try and hurry up

Are you completely crazy?
Oh yes my goodness!
There you've torn my stocking!
My dear, I will

Never again go out with you
Alone - I swear that I have
Never in my life recalled
Riding in such a car

Oh now the tire burst
And the noise!
And in the end it runs right
Into a heap of mud


Á suðrænum sólskinsdegi
Eg sá þig, ó ástin mín, fyrst
Þú settist hjá mér í sandinn
Þá var sungið og faðmað og kysst
Drukkið, dansað og kysst


Aldrei gleymast mér augun thín svörtu
Og aldrei slógu tvö glaðari hjörtu


Hve áhyggjulaus og alsæll
I örmun thínum ég lá
Og oft hef ég elskað síðan
En aldrei eins heitt og þá
Aldrei eins heitt og þá


Ævilangt hefði ég helzt viljað sofa
Vid hlið þér í dálitlum svertingjakofa


Á suðrænum sólskinsdegi
Eg sá þig, fyrst
Þú komst og settist hjá mér í sandinn
Og þá var sungið og kysst
Drukkið, dansað og kysst


Aldrei gleymast mér augun thín svörtu
Og aldrei slógu tvö glaðari hjörtu


Hve áhyggjulaus og alsæll
I örmun thínum ég lá
Oft hef ég elskað síðan
En aldrei eins heitt og þá
Aldrei eins heitt og þá


Ævilangt hefði ég helzt viljað sofa
Vid hlið thér í dálitlum svertingjakofa



On a tropical sunny day
I saw you, my love, for the first
You sat by my side on the sand
We sang, hugged and kissed
Drank, danced and kissed


Never can I forget your dark eyes
And never would two happier hearts beat


So carefree and ecstatic
In your arms I lay
And often have I loved since then
But never as hot as then
Never as hot as then


I would most of all have spent all my life sleeping
At your side in a small native hut


On a tropical sunny day
I saw you, my love, for the first
You sat by my side on the sand
We sang and kissed
Drank, danced and kissed


Never can I forget your dark eyes
And never would two happier hearts beat


So carefree and ecstatic
In your arms I lay
And often have I loved since then
But never as hot as then
Never as hot as then


I would most of all have spent all my life sleeping
At your side in a small native hut



Ég Veit Ei Hvað Skal Segja

Ég veit ei hvað skal segja
Eg hugsa dag og nótt
Það veldur stundum vanda
Að vera eftirsótt

Ég er svo ung og óreynd sál
Og efi í hug mér byr
Eg myndi kasta krónu
En þeir eru bara þrír

Hvernig get ég vitað, hvað skal segja
Efi og vafi í sal mér byr
Ekki get ég kastað krónu
Um kærleikann því að þeir eru þrír
Það er hart að þurfa að segja
Vid þennan "já" eða "nei"
Ef ég elska thá alla verð ég að endingu piparmey

Veit ei hvað skal segja
Eg held ég elski hann Jón
Hann dansar eins og engill
En ekur bíl sem flón

Hann hrytur eins og hrútur
Svo ég festi ei blund á brá
Það sagði mér hún mamm' hans
Hún mamma hans - svei mér thá!

Hvernig get ég vitað, hvað skal segja
Efi og vafi í sal mér byr
Ekki get ég kastað krónu
Um kærleikann því að þeir eru þrír
Það er hart að þurfa að segja
Vid þennan "já" eða "nei"
Ef ég elska thá alla verð ég að endingu piparmey

Veit ei hvad skal segja
Eg held ég elski hann Geir
Hann hvíslar stundum "Heyrðu..."
En heldur aldrei meir

Ég kysst' hann eitt kvöldið
Næ - hann kyssti mig, svei mér thá!
Þá hrópaði drengur hissa
"nei heyrðu - ég rak mig á!"

Hvernig get ég vitað, hvað skal segja
Efi og vafi í sal mér byr
Ekki get ég kastað krónu
Um kærleikann því að þeir eru þrír
Það er hart að þurfa að segja
Vid þennan "já" eða "nei"
Ef ég elska thá alla verð ég að endingu piparmey

Ég veit ei hvad skal segja
Eg held ég elski hann Svein
Eg þóri aldrei að
Vera með honum ein

Hans atlot kveikja ástarbál
Svo undarlega heit
Það segja þær Svana og Gunna
En ég sjálf veit ekki meir

Hvernig get ég vitað, hvað skal segja
Efi og vafi í sal mér byr
Ekki get ég kastað krónu
Um kærleikann því að þeir eru þrír
Það er hart að þurfa að segja
Vid þennan "já" eða "nei"
Ef ég elska thá alla verð ég að endingu piparmey
I don't know what to say

I don't know what to say
I ponder day and night
It's troublesome at times
To be as popular as I

I'm just a young and simple soul
And doubt still fills my mind
I'd choose by tossing a coin
But the boys I know are three

How can I know what to say
When doubt still fills my soul
I cannot toss a coin
To choose my love as they are three
It's hard to have to say
To this one "yes" or "no"
If I should choose to love all three, i'll end up all alone

I don't know what to say
I think I love that Jón
He dances like an angel
But drives a car like mad

He snores just like a ram
Wo I can't sleep a wink
At least, that's what his mama said
And his mama - i'll be damned!

How can I know what to say
When doubt still fills my soul
I cannot toss a coin
To choose my love as they are three
It's hard to have to say
To this one "yes" or "no"
If I should choose to love all three, i'll end up all alone

Don't know what to say
I think I do love Geir
He used to whisper, "Listen..."
But never ever more

I kissed him on one night
No - he kissed me, i'll be damned!
Then he called out in surprise
"no listen - I just bumped into you!"

How can I know what to say
When doubt still fills my soul
I cannot toss a coin
To choose my love as they are three
It's hard to have to say
To this one "yes" or "no"
If I should choose to love all three, i'll end up all alone

I don't know what to say
I think I do love Svein
I never really dare
To be with him all alone

His caresses spark a loving flame
So strange and burning hot
That's what Svana and Gunna say
But I could not say myself

How can I know what to say
When doubt still fills my soul
I cannot toss a coin
To choose my love as they are three
It's hard to have to say
To this one "yes" or "no"
If I should choose to love all three, i'll end up all alone


Í dansi með þér

Sérðu rúmbudansinn duna nú,
Dönsum því, ég og þú
Svifum létt um gólfið til og frá
Töfrabrá, logaþrá

Er það draumur eda ert þú hér?
Enn í kvöld, einn med mér
Armar þínir vekja ástarbál
Unadsmál, eld í sál

Dönsum saman uns dagurinn rís
Þótt þá dyljist því minnist ég þin
Og thín hand leidir hand mína heim
Ut í hamingjugeim

Við þinn fagra ljúfa augnaeld
Undi ég þetta kveld
Djúpa döggin mjúk að moldu skjótt
Mild og hljóð kemur nótt
To dance with you

See the rhumbadance is drumming now
Dance therefor, me and you
Gliding easily around the floor to and fro
Magic skin, burning desire

Am I dreaming or are you here?
Yet tonight, alone with me
These arms of yours awake a burning love
Pleasure, fire in the soul

Dance together until day rises
Though you hide I remember you
And your hand leading my hand home
Out to a world of happiness

By your beautiful loving fiery eyes
I'm swept away tonight
The deep dew softly shoots to ground
Mildly and quietly comes the night

*** Thanx a lot to Sanna for this translation ***


Börnin Við Tjörnina

Gaman er fyrir hin góðu börn
Að ganga med pabba út að tjörn
Sjá þar lítinn bra-bra-bra
Og börnin skemmta sér, ha-ha-ha

Gefa honum brauð að bíta í
Börnin hafa svo gaman af því
Saddur verður bra-bra-bra
Og börnin skemmta sér, ha-ha-ha

Úti í hólma á sér ból
Ungunum sínum veitir skjól
Allir eiga þeir sömu sæng
Sofa undir mömmu væng

Fara að reyna að fleyta sér
Fús að kenna þeim, mamma er
Hún er þeirra víta vörn
Verndar og fæðir sín litlu börn

Eitt sinn lítinn unga ég sá
Auminginn villtist mömmu frá
Sífellt í hring hann synti þar
Og sá hana ekki neins staðar

Mamma vissi vel um það
Og á vængjunum sínum kom þar að
Osköp glaður vard unginn thá
Og öruggur sinni mömmu hjá

Ef að tjörnin okkar frys
Uti er gaman að sleða á ís
Þá er oftast úti svalt
Og aumingja bra-bra þá svo kalt

Med kalda fætur á köldum ís,
Króknar stundum, deyr og frys
Börnin harma bra-bra sinn
Og búinn er söguþátturinn
The children by the pond

It's fun for the good children
To walk with Daddy to the pond
See a little quack-quack-quack
And the children enjoy themselves, ha-ha-ha

Give it some bread to bite into
The children enjoy this so much
All full is the quack-quack-quack
And the children enjoy themselves, ha-ha-ha

In the islet she has a nest
Sheltering her ducklings
They all share the same blanket
Sleeping under mommy's wing

They try and learn to swim themselves
Happy to teach them, mommy is
She is their sensible defender
Shelters and feeds her little babies

Once a little duckling I saw
The poor thing had gotten lost from it's mother
It kept swimming in circles
And could not see her anywhere

Mother knew very well about this
And her wings brought her there
Terribly glad was the ducking then
And safe with his mommy again

If our pond freezes
It is fun to sled out on the ice
Out there it is usually quite chilly
And poor quack-quack is so cold

With cold feet on cold ice
He sometimes freezes and dies
The children mourn their quack-quack
And so our story ends

Ruby Baby

I've got a girl and Ruby is her name
She don't love me but I love her just the same

Ruby Ruby, how I want you
Like a ghost I'm gonna haunt you
Ruby Ruby, when will you be mine

Each time I see my baby, my heart cries
I'm gonna steal her away from all those guys

From the sunny day I met you
Made a bet that I would get you
Ruby Ruby, when will you be mine

I've got a girl and Ruby is her name
She don't love me but I love her just the same
Ruby, Ruby, how I want you
Like a ghost I'm gonna haunt you,
Ruby, Ruby, when will you be mine, be mine, be mine ?

Each time I see my baby my heart cries
I'm going to steal you away from all those guys
From the sunny day I met you
Made a bet that I would get you
Ruby, Ruby, when will you be mine?

I've got a girl and Ruby is her name
I, I'd go out just to get her all the same
Got some loving money too
Gonna give it all to you
Ruby, Ruby, when will you be mine?

When will you be mine?
Ruby, Ruby, when will you be mine?
My Ruby, my Ruby, my Ruby
When will you be mine?
My Ruby, ahhhh, when will you be mine?
When will you be mine?
My Ruby, Ruby when will you be mine?

Can't help loving that man

Fish got to swim, birds got to fly
I got to love one man 'til I die
Can't help loving that man of mine

Maybe he's lazy, maybe he's slow
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I know
Can't help loving that man of mine

And when he's away
That's a rainy day
But when he's back
The day is fine, the sun will shine
He can stay out as long as can be
For without him ain't no home for me
Can't help loving that man of mine
Show me....

Oh, fish got to swim, birds got to fly
I got to love one man 'til I die
Can't help loving that man of mine
Maybe he's crazy, maybe he's slow
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I know
Can't help loving that man of mine

And when he's away
That's a rainy day
But when he's back
The day is fine, the sun will shine
He can stay out as long as can be
For without him ain't no home for me
Can't help loving that man of mine
Can't help loving, loving that man of mine
Loving that
Man of mine....mine....mine
I just can't help

Gling Glo Live Tracks

Cry me a river

Now you say you love me
You cried the whole night through
Well, you can cry me a river
Cry me a river
I cried a river over you

Now you say you're sorry
For being so untrue
Well, you can cry me a river
Cry me a river
I cried a river over you

You drove me, nearly drove me
Out of my head
When you never shed a tear

Remember, I remember
All that you said
Told me love was through for being
Told me you were through with me

But now you say you love me
And just to prove you do
Come on and - cry me a river
Cry me a river
I cried a river over you

Yeah, ooh-ooh-woo

You drove me, nearly drove me
Out of my head
When you never shed a tear

Remember, I remember
All that you said
Told me love was through for being
Told me you were through with me

But now you say you love me
And just to prove you do
Come on and - cry me a river
Cry me a river
I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you
I cried a river over you-hoo-oh!

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

I fall in love too easily

I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too fast
I fall in love too terribly hard
For love to ever last

My heart should be well schooled
'Cause I've been fooled
In the past

But still I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too fast

I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too fast
I fall in love too terribly hard
For love to ever last

My heart should be well schooled
'Cause I've been fooled
In the past

But still I fall in love too easily
I fall in love too fast
I fall in love too fast

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***


Look at me...
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel i'm clinging to a cloud
I can't understand,
I get misty just holding your hand

Walk my way...
And a thousand violins begin to play
It could be the sound of your hello
That music I hear,
I get misty the moment you're near

Can't you see that you're leading me on
And it's just what I want you to do
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
Thats why im following you

On my own...
When I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my right foot from my left
My hand from my glove
I'm too misty and too much in love
Yeah, wooh!

Can't you see that you're leading me on
And it's just, just what I want you to do, oh!
Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost
That's why I'm following you
huh, yeahoh!

On my own...
When I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my left foot from my right
My hand from my glove
I'm too misty, I'm too much in love

I'm too misty!
Too, I'm too much in love, hoh-hoh-hoh hoh-hoh!

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

You don't know what love is

You don't know what love is
Until you learned the meaning of the blues
Until you loved the love you've had to lose
You don't know what love is

You don't know how lips hurt
Until you've kissed and had to pay the cost
Until you've flipped your heart and you have lost
You dont know what love is

Do you know how a lost heart fears
The thought of suffering
And how lips that taste of tears
Lose their taste for kissing

You dont know how hearts burn
For love that cannot live yet never dies
Until you reached each dawn with sleepless nights
You don't know what love is

Do you know how a lost heart fears
The thought of suffering
And how lips that taste of tears
Lose their taste for kissing

You don't know what love is
Until you learned the meaning of the blues
Until you loved the love you had to lose
You don't know what love is

*** Thanx a lot to Lina & Andrew for this one ***

Non Albums tracks


( Duet with Björgvin Gíslasons on "Örugglega" LP in 1983 )

Afi stundum segir mér
hve hrikalega virtur
okkar ættstofn er

Útfríkaðir fræðimenn
fyndnir og allt,
sjáðu nú með sjálfum þér

Hvernig þetta færi mér - ég meina það
með spekingssvip í feisinu - þambandi Malt

Á Borginni dansaði hann vikivaka
Á Borginni dansaði hann vikivaka

Amma stundum segir mér
hve yndislegt það hafi verið hernámið

Hetjubornir herramenn
hreint út um allt
Hún er ekki að ljúga að mér

Segir alveg eins og er - um ætternið
Í hugljóma frá þeirri tíð - aldrei er kalt

Á vellinum dansaði hún vikivaka
Á vellinum dansaði hún vikivaka

En afi bara segir mér
hve hrikalega virtur
okkar ættstofn er

Útfríkaðir fræðimenn
fyndnir og allt
Sjáðu nú með sjálfum þér

Hvernig þetta færi mér - ég meina það
með spekingssvip í feisinu - þambandi Malt

Í miðbænum dansa þau vikivaka
í miðbænum dansa þau vikivaka

*** Thanx a lot to Anna & Hrafn for this one ***

( Translation )

Grandfather sometimes tells me
How terribly respected
Our family is

Freaked out scientists
Funny and all,
Now imagine it yourself

How it would suit me - I mean it
With a profound look on the face - gulping Malt

At Borgin he danced vikivaki
At Borgin he danced vikivaki

Grandmother sometimes tells me
How lovely the occupation had been

Heroic gentlemen
just everywhere
She is not lying to me

Says just as it is - about the descent
In the inspiration from that time - it's never cold

In the arena she danced vikivaki
In the arena she danced vikivaki

But grandfather just tells me
How terribly respected
Our family is

Freaked out scientists
Funny and all
Now imagine yourself

How it would suit me - I mean it
With a profound look on the face - gulping Malt

In the city center they dance vikivaki
In the city center they dance vikivaki

*** Thanx a lot to Anna & Hrafn for this one ***


Aftur hefur þú verið að daðra

( You've been flirting again, Icelandic Version )

Allt sem hún sagði var satt
Allt sem hún sagði var satt
Gefðu henni tíma
Gefum henni rúm
Allt sem hún sagði var satt

Allt sem hún vildi var gott
Allt sem hún vildi var gott
Gefðu henni tíma
Gefum henni rúm
Allt sem hún vilte var gott

Hvernig þú brást við var rétt
Hvernig þú brást við var rétt
Gefðu henni tíma
Gefum henni rúm
Hvernig þú brást við rétt

*** Thanx a lot to Þórir for this one ***
You've been flirting again

( Translation )

All that she said was true
All that she said was true
Give her some time
Give her some space
All that she said was true

All that she meant was good
All that she meant was good
Give her some time
Give her some space
All that she meant was good

How you reacted was right
How you reacted was right
Give her some time
Give her some space
How you reacted was righ

Transcribed by Egill, Thanx to him


bidur loff



bidur loff



all semm un twee-wee
vil see uheeeeeeee


Main Voice

allt semm engin
et sa lat
sem too see tod
en all ju
sed alliday to see ha
allt se la

all semm



en semm alay-ahhhh
semm all doo-woo-ooooooh
en semm alay-ahhhh

allt semm engin
et sa lat
sem too see tod
en all ju
sed alliday to see ha
allt se la

all semm



en semm alay-ahhhh
semm all doo-woo-ooooooh
all semm alay-ahhhh
ther as



*** Thanx a lot to John for this one ***


bidur la ya ke la

tell thay

allt semm

engin share

enali bed

ahhhh-ahhh sem alli
ahhhh ooo-ooh
sem ali

bidur la ya ke la

tell thay

allt semm
engin share

enali bed
ahhhh-ahhh sem alli
ahhhh ooo-ooh
sem ali
ther as
all dens on
tin day al sen
call say
all sem de
all se

Anyone Who Had A Heart

(Cover live at Union Chapel 99 / Burt Bacharach / Hal David)

Anyone who ever loved - could look at me and know that I love you
Anyone who ever dreamed - could look at me and know I dream of you
Knowing I love you, so

Anyone who had a heart -would take me in his arms and love me too
You wouldn't really have a heart - and hurt me like you hurt me
And be so untrue - what am I to do?

Every time you go away - I always say this time it's goodbye dear
Loving you the way I do - I take you back
Without you I'd die dear - knowing I love you, so

Anyone who had a heart -would take me in his arms and love me too
You couldn't really have a heart - and hurt me like you hurt me
And be so untrue - what am I to do?

Knowing I love you, so - anyone who had a heart
Would take me in his arms and love me too
You couldn't really have a heart - and hurt me like you hurt me
And be so untrue
Anyone who had a heart 
Would take me in his arms and always love me
Why won't you?

Anyone who had a heart would simply take me
In his arms and always love me -why won't you?, yeah
Would take me in his arms and always love me
Why won't you?
Anyone who had a heart


Þú veist af allri hlýjunni
Þú finnur allan hitan
Þú veist að ég elska þig
Þú veist ég verð að fara

Ég fer og veiði í matinn
Kem aftur hlaðin gjöfum
Með bér og fjaðrir og perlur
Og litla effelturna

Ég kem og kyssi og kyssi
Og kyss'og nudda hálsin
Og þegar og þegar ég kem
Og þegar og þegar

Þú veist að ég þarnfast þín
Þú veist að ég er þín
Ho-oh-oh oh, þú...
A-að ég elska þig
Þú veist að ég er þín
Ho-oh, wooh-oh oh
Þegar hann kemur

A-að ég elska þig

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***


You know of all the warmth
You feel all the heat
You know that I love you
You know that I must go

I go and hunt for food
And come back loaded with meat
With berries and feathers and pearls
And little eiffel towers

I come and kiss and kiss
Kiss and rub the neck
And when and when I come
And when and when

You know that I need you
You know that I'm yours
Ho-oh-oh oh, you...
A-that I love you
You know that I'm yours
Ho-oh, wooh-oh oh
When he comes

Th-That I love you

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Bedtime stories

(Written by Björk)

Today is the last day that I'm using words
They've gone out, lost their meaning
Don't function anymore

Let's, let's, let's get unconscious honey
Let's get unconscious honey

Today is the last day that I'm using words
They've gone out, lost their meaning
Don't function anymore

Traveling, leaving logic and reason
Traveling, to the arms of unconsciousness
Traveling, leaving logic and reason
Traveling, to the arms of unconsciousness

Let's get unconscious honey
Let's get unconscious
Let's get unconscious honey
Let's get unconscious

Words are useless, especically sentences
They don't stand for anything
How could they explain how I feel

Traveling, traveling, I'm traveling
Traveling, traveling, leaving logic and reason
Traveling, traveling, I'm gonna relax
Traveling, traveling, in the arms of unconsciousness

And inside we're all still wet
Longing and yearning
How can I explain how I feel?

Let's get unconscious honey...

Traveling, traveling...
Traveling, traveling, in the arms of unconsciousness
And all that you've ever learned
Try to forget
I'll never explain again


You've got yourself a-in a fine mess now, Charlene
You're either absolutely mad or you are joking, Charlene

Charlene, I'm crying
So close to you, darling
We're naked and laughing
You shine on my battery, Charlene

I have always adored your witty mouth, Charlene
Now would you please be very very rude to them, Charlene

Charlene I'm crying
So close to you darling
We're naked and laughing
You shine on my battery, Charlene

Let me get you out of that lake, Charlene
Your dress is red and oh so slippery, Charlene

I guess I have to dry you
Dress you and comb you
You're already late
I'll sort you out

Charlene, I'm crying
So close to you darling
We're naked and laughing
You shine on my battery, Charlene

Desired constellation

It's tricky when you feel
That someone has done something
On your behalf

It's slippery when
Your sense of justice
Murmurs underneath

And it's asking
How am i going to make it right?
How am i going to make it right?

With a palmful of stars
I throw them like dice
On the table

I throw them on the table
Until the desired constellation appears

How am i going to make it right?
How am i going to make it right?
How am i going to make it right?
How am i going to make it right?

And you're asking you
How am i going to make it right?
How am i going to make it right?
(icelandic / gibberish[?] Stuff )

You're asking yourself

*** Thanx a lot to Nix & Anne-Mette for this one ***


Oh boy
Where have i put my keys
I've looked in my pocket
Behind the newspaper
And underneath the remote control
And i cannot find where i put it again

Oh boy i cannot find my keys
I'm far too late
The door is open now
A taxi is waiting there
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah

A phone keeps ringing
I am definitely not going to
Pick it up
When I grow up
I'm gonna get those fancy key-rings
That you whistle at
And they whistle right back
At you

Ah ah ah ah ah
Bah pah bah pah...

*** Thanx a lot to Nix who corrected this one ***


( Live Union Chapel 99 - Tony Hatch / Petula Clark Cover ) 

When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go - downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know - downtown
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - no finer place, for sure
Downtown - everything's waiting for you

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows - downtown
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close - downtown
Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown - waiting for you tonight
Downtown - you're gonna be all right now

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - don't wait a minute for
Downtown - everything's waiting for you


( Tappi Tikarrass )

Ég finn óttann hríslast um mig
Niður bakið, svarti galdur
Langt, langt inni í huga
Hríslast straumur

Race niche

Ég finn óttann hríslast um mig
Niður bakið, svarti galdur
O langt
Niður bakið hríslast straumur

Bella niche

Ég finn óttann hríslast um mig
Svarti galdur
Langt, langt inni í huga
Hríslast straumur

Bella niche

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***


( Translation )

I feel fear shivering through me
Down my spine, black magic
Deep, deep down in my mind
Electric streams

Race niche

I feel fear shivering through me
Down my spine, black magic
Oh deep
Cold shiwers down my spine

Bella niche

I feel fear shivering through me
Black magic
Deep, deep down in my mind
Electric streams

Bella niche

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Foot soldier

Foot soldier
March ahead
Enter the unknown 
Oh you will take the first step

Foot soldier
You're babystepping
Carefully treading
Tread carefully

Conquer the darkness 

Into the darkness
Foot soldier
And then we'll follow
But you go first
March ahead
But you go first
Foot soldier
March ahead

Foot soldier
March ahead
Foot soldier
March ahead
Foot soldier

Who will take the first step ?

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Generous palmstroke

Endenogatai - dah

I am strong in his hands
I am beyond me
On my own i'm human
And i do faults

I do confess
I feel you trickling
Down my shoulders
From above

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

I turn myself in
I give myself up
You own me i'm yours

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

You have to trust it
I'm eternally yours
All that i gave them
I gave to you

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

So needy of comfort
But too raw to be embraced
Undo this privacy
And put me in my place

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

A generous palmstroke
The hugest of hugs
Undo this privacy

Embrace me
Embrace me
Embrace me

Hmm hmm hmm hmm

I am strong in his hands
I am above
Way beyond me
I ... con...

She's strong in his hands
She is beyond her
On her own she is human
And she does faults

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Gloomy Sunday

Sunday is gloomy
The hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless

Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the dark coach
Of sorrow has taken you

Angels have no thought
Of ever returning you
Would they be angry
If I thought of joining you?

Gloomy Sunday

Gloomy is Sunday
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and I
Have decided to end it all

Soon there'll be prayers
And candles are lit I know
Let them not weep
Let them know that I'm glad to go

Death is no dream
For in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul
I'll be blessing you

Gloomy Sunday

Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here

Darling I hope
That my dream hasn't haunted you
My heart is telling you
How much I wanted you

Gloomy Sunday
is absolutely Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy Sunday

I go humble

I go humble
You're so curiously pure
Only before you I'm humble

I go humble
You amaze me
Only before you I'm humble

I should be arrested
For my emotional stunts
Only before you I'm humble

I'm queen of provocation
I wake people up
Only before you I'm humble

I go humble
I adore you
Only before you I'm humble

I should be arrested
For my emotional stunts
Only before you I'm humble

*** Thanx a lot to Faddy who corrected this one ***

I remember you

I remember you
You're the one that made my dreams come true
A few kisses ago

I remember you
You're the one that said "I love you too,
Didn't you know?"

I remember too
A distant bell
And stars that fell
Like rain out of the blue

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of them all

I shall tell them
I remember you

I remember you
You're the one that made my dreams come true
A few kisses ago

I remember you
You're the one that said "I love you too,
Didn't you know?"

I remember too
A distant bell
And stars that fell
Like rain out of the blue

When my life is through
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of them all

I shall tell them I remember you.
Oh, you.., Oh, you.., You..

I've Seen It All

(Live version)

I've seen it all, I have seen the willow trees
I've seen a land on the first day of peace
I have seen a friend killed by his best friend
And lives that were over before they were spent

I have seen what I was and I know what I'll be
I've seen it all, there is no more to see

[Instrumental Interlude]

You haven't seen elephants, kings or Peru
I'm happy to say I had better to do
What about China? Have you seen the Great Wall?
All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall

And the man you will marry
The home you will share
Oh no I am kidding
I really don't care

[Leave it up to me; gibberish ?]

You've never been to Niagara Falls
I have seen water, it's water, that's all
The Eiffel Tower, the Empire State
My pulse was as high on my very first date

And your grandson's hands as he plays with your hair
Oh no really, I don't care

[just another night and they go (?; gibberish) through the dark]

I have seen it all, I have seen the dark
I have seen the brightness in one little spark
I have seen what I chose and I've seen what I need
And that is enough, to want more would be greed

I have seen what I was, and I know what I'll be
I've seen it all, there is no more to see

You've seen it all, and all that you've seen
is totally your view on your own little screen
the light and the dark, the big and the small
just keep in mind that you grow more than tall

You've seen what you were, I know what you'll be
I've seen it all, you don't need to see


 'Ekki hlusta' sagði ég
Þær gefa þér röng skilaboð
Þær æfa sig í að and'inní hjartað
Bull og vitleysa

Elskaðu alla og "I love you"
Og allir hér
Og allir hér elska þig

Elskaðu alla og "I love you"
Og allir hér
Og allir hér elska þig

Þú verður að muna að reikna
Og skilurðu ekki að framtíðina
Og ekki treysa nunnum?

Og sólin sekkur ekki í dag
Og aldrei aldrei aldrei aldrei

Elskaðu alla og "I love you"
Og aldrei ég
Aldrei ég elska þig...

Ó hó!
'Stendur djöfullin og kann ekki að reykja
Og þegar ferlíkið fer af stað
Reyndu að opna
Þær æfa sig í að anda inn í hjartað
Og djöfullin kann

Elskaðu alla og "I love you"
Og aldrei ég
Og aldrei ég elska þig
Allt sem þú sérð

'Ekki hlusta' sagði ég
Og 'ekki hlusta' sagði ég

Transcribed by Reynir


'Don't listen' I said
They are giving you the wrong message
They are practising breathing into the heart
Nonsense and nonsense

Love everyone and "I love you"
And everyone here
Everyone here loves you

Love everyone and "I love you"
And everyone here
Everyone here loves you

You have to remember to calculate
And dont you understand the future
And don't trust nuns

And the sun doesn't sink today
And never never never never

Love everyone and "I love you"
And I never
And I never love you

O ho!
The devil stands and doesn't know how to smoke
And when the huge motherfucker starts moving
Try to open up
They practice breathing into the heart
And the devil knows

Love everyone and "I love you"
And I never
And I never love you
All that you see

Don't listen' I said
And 'don't listen' I said

Translated by Egill and Melkorka

Keep your mouth shut

Well if the honeys think I'm stuck up,
I tell them shut the fuck up 

Well if the honeys think I'm stuck up, 
I tell them shut the fuck up 

All that she meant was good 
All that she meant was good 
Give her some time 
Give her some room 
All that she meant was good 

Better keep your mouth...
I'm serious,please
Better keep your mouth closed, baby 
And keep it close to your chest
I'm serious
You better keep your mouth closed, baby 
And keep it close to your chest
Better keep your mouth closed, baby 
Keep it close to your chest
It's best you keep.... 

All that she meant was good 

And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road

All that she meant was good 

And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road

All that she meant was good 


How you reacted was right 

Better keep your mouth shut, baby 

Give her some time 

Keep it close to your chest

Give her some space 
All that she meant was good 

And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road

How you reacted was right 

Better keep your mouth shut, baby
And keep it close to your chest
Better keep your mouth shut, baby 
And keep it close to the rest

Don't shout soon
They're only weakened shouts
So grow up

Mother,I'm hungry
Mother,I'm hungry
Father, will you feed me
Father, will you feed me
Mother,I'm hungry
Father will you feed me

How you reacted was right 

Now go down that road
Now go down that road

Give her some time 

And I'll go down that road

Give her some space 

And I'll go down that road

How you reacted was right 

And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road
And I'll go down that road
Mother,I'm hungry
Mother,I'm hungry
Father, will you feed me
Mother,I'm hungry

It's best you keep.... 
It's best you keep your mouth shut, baby 
Keep it close to your chest
Keep your mouth shut, baby


You can have me
but I'll defend my child
by spring the child will die


I'm just so warm, Jennifer
and I'm coming over
to sa-bo-tage our distance

Moon will lead me on
Moon will guide me through, baby
Moon will guide me through
Moon will turn me on

I just don't care anymore
'cause my court is calling
it's me and truth
it is home
I'm at home with thruth alone

Moon will lead me on
Moon will guide us through
Moon will guide us through, baby
Moon will turn me on

The moon
it guides me on baby
there's absolutely no doubt

Me and truth
it is home
I'm at home with truth alone

*** Thanx to Zinc & Hitoame for this one ***

Min farfar drikker sødmælk

( Danish Children Song - Grammy 1998 )

Min farfar drikker sødmælk
( My granddad drinks high-fat milk )
Ja, sødmælk drikker han
( Yes, high-fat milk he drinks )
Og drikker han ikke sødmælk
( And when he's not drinking high-fat milk )
Så spiser han ærter og flæsk
( He's eating peas and pork )

*** Thanx to Ivan Eriksen for this one and His Danish Award Page ***

Minun Kultani Kaunis On

( Performed during some Finland concerts )

Minun kultani kaunis on
Vaik' on kaitaluinen
Minun kultani kaunis on
Vaik' on kaitaluinen

Hei, huulia hillallaa
Vaik' on kaitaluinen
Hei, huulia hillallaa
Vaik' on kaitaluinen

Kun minä vien sen markkinoille
Hevosetkin nauraa
Kun minä vien sen markkinoille
Hevosetkin nauraa

Hei, huulia hillallaa
Vaik' on kaitaluinen
Hei, huulia hillallaa
Vaik' on kaitaluinen

Transcribed by Antti Hovila, Thanx to him !
My darling is beautiful

( Translation )

My darling is beautiful
Although she is slender
My darling is beautiful
Although she is slender

Hey, huulia hillallaa
Although she is slender
Hey, huulia hillallaa
Although she is slender

When I take her to a market
Even horses laugh
When I take her to a market
Even horses laugh

Hey, huulia hillallaa
Although she is slender
Hey, huulia hillallaa
Although she is slender

Transcribed by Antti Hovila, Thanx to him!


Móðir mín í kví, kví

Móðir mín í kví, kví
Kvíddú ekki því, því

Ég skal ljá þér duluna mína
Duluna mína að dansa í

Ég skal ljá þér duluna mína
Duluna mína að dansa í
My mother in the pen, pen

My mother in the pen, pen
Don't you worry for, for

I shall loan you these rags of mine
Rags of mine to dance in

I shall loan you these rags of mine
Rags of mine to dance in

Mother heroic

Oh thou that bowest thy ecstatic face
Thy perfect sorrows are the world's to keep

Wherefore onto thy knee
Come weep
With a prayer

Oh thou that bowest thy ecstatic face
Thy perfect sorrows are the world's to keep

Wherefore onto thy knee
Come weep
With a prayer

Mother Heroic
Mother Glorious

Beholding in thy eye
Immortal tears

Oh thou that bowest thy ecstatic face


*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Mouth's cradle

Live in Seattle

There is yet another one,
That spits always,
With me and smiles,

Always Loves Me,
Always loves me,
Always loves me,

And I'll take this step,
Into his mouths cradle,
I'm gonna follow his teeth,
Step by step,
Walk up his teeth,
Into a mouth's cradle,
Mouths cradle,

There is yet another one,
There is yet another one,


There is yet another one,
There is yet another one,
Live at Red Rocks 2003

There is
There is yet another one
That nurtures me
And always loves me

There is yet another one

I'm gonna walk up these teeth
Tooth by tooth up this ladder

Into mouth's cradle
Mouth's cradle
Mouth's cradle
Mouth's cradle

There is yet another one
There is yet another one

*** Thanx a lot to Stylophone for this one ***

My Favourite Things

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with string
These are a few of my favourite things

Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels
Doorbells and sleighbells and shnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings

These are a few of my favourite things

When the bee stings
When the dog bites
When I'm feeling bad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so sad


Allt sem han leiðir
(everything he leads)
allt sem han fleygði (everything she throws away)
allt sem han fleygði (everything she throws away)
náttúra ! (nature!)

Ekkert tekur (i'm able to take)
ég tekur þui (i receive it)
náttúra ! (nature!)

Ég tekur þui (i receive...)
ég þagði (i receive...)
þui (

upp vitund

allt sem við lendir
allt sem við lendir
ala mér
náttúra !

Ekkert tekur
ég tekkur þui
ég tekkur þui
ég tekkur þui
ég tekkur þui
ég tekkur þui
náttúra !

My Snare ( A.k.a : Nature is ancient )

It's wet in the middle
With a shell around it
It's called life

It goes wherever it wants to
Don't try to predict it
Then you'd offend it
It's meant to surprise

Nature is ancient
But surprises us all
Nature is ancient
But surprises us all

Rescue me
From level-head-ness
And the unnecessary luxury of being calm

Nature is ancient
But surprises us all
Nature is ancient
But surprises us all

She's got dark hairs on her head
Blonde on her arms
She sneaks up from behind
Come on
You deserve it!

*** Thanx a lot to Case & Faddy who corrected this one ***

Next To Last Song

( Dancer in the dark )

Dear gene,
Of course you are here
And now there's nothing to fear

Oooh, i should have known
Oooh, i was never alone

This isn't the last song
There's no violin
The choir is so quiet
And no-one takes a spin
This is the next to last song
And that's all

Remember what i have said
Remember, wrap up the bread
Do this, do that, make your bed

This isn't the last song
There's no violin
The choir is quiet
And noone takes a spin
This is the next to last song
And that's all

Nu Flyver Anton

Nu flyver Anton
Helt af sig selv
Hvad tror du Anton?
Bliver drømmene til virkelighed?
Han flyver gennem himlen
Og himlen hænger
Som en krave
Om hans hals

Det er så sort og meget mørkt
Imellem sol og måne

Nu flyver Anton...

Så pisser han på mørket
Og mørkret
Bliver til lys

Nu flyver Anton...

Så fik han sit første kys
Sit første kys!
Med tungen!
Tungen ... gik som..
En pro-pel-ler, woah!

Oooh, nu flyver Anton...

*** Thanx a lot to Lina & Louise for this one ***

Now Flies Anton

Now flies Anton
All by himself
What do you think Anton?
Will the dreams become reality?
He flies through the heaven
And the heaven hangs
Like a collar
Around his neck

It is so black and very dark
Between the sun and moon

Now flies Anton...

So he pisses on the darkness
And the darkness
Turns to light

Now flies Anton...

So he got his first kiss
His first kiss!
With the tongue!
The tongue...went like...
A pro-pel-ler, woah!

Oooh, now flies Anton..

*** Thanx a lot to Lina & Louise for this one ***

Ó borg, mín borg

( With Polhallur - Icelandic Album 1992 )

Björk :
Húúu vù vùu hmm chamelisan jio vùu vù

Ó borg, mín borg,
ég lofa ljóst þín stræti,
þín lágu hús og allt sem fyrir ber.
Og þótt tárið oft minn vanga væti
er von mín einatt, einatt bundin þér.

Björk :
Og hversu sem að aðrir í þig narta,
þig, eðla borg, sem forðum prýddir mig. Svo blitt, svo blitt.

Singer :
Svo blítt, svo blítt sem barnsins unga hjarta
Er brjóst mitt fullt af

Singer & Björk :
Minningum um þig.

Björk :

Björk :
Um síð ég kem og krýp þér aumur

Singer :
og kyssi jafnvel hörðu strætin þín.

Björk :
Kyssi, kyssi, kyssi...

Óó því af þér fæddist lífsmíns ljósi draumur,

Singer & Björk :
Eitt lítið barn og það var ástin mín.

Björk :
Ó borg, mín borg!

*** Thanx a lot to Johan for this one ***

Oceania (Featuring Kelis)

( "Who Is It" Single )

I am the continent
Working with the moon
No one even knows me
But I'm always cold and blue

I revolve around the earth
There are worlds of things within me
My belly is always full
Freedom glides on surface

Yes my heart is deep within
Nations dive and trust me
I lay them at my shores
They dance with me in time

You show me continents
I see the islands
You count the centuries
I blink my eyes

Hawks and sparrows
There's no one I can't reach
Race in my waters
Only I reflect the sky
Stingrays are floating
My power yes, is infinite
Across the sky
I do this all for you

Little ones
I do this all for you
My sons and my daughters
I do this all for you

Your sweat is salty - I am why
I am why
I am why
Your sweat is salty - I am why
I am why
I am why

*** Thanx a lot to Angel for this one ***


( 808 State )

Ooops - alright
I'll come over
And pour myself over you
Jars of fun!
Exciting stories
I'll make you forget

Tickle you a little bit
Seduce out your good temper
I'll shine all over
I'll cook my best dish for you

But then it's my turn
I want all your adoration

Dog, I own you
Sit down fool
You own me
I'm yours
I'm the sun
I'll shine all over you
Grab the rays

I'll come over
And pour myself over you
Jars of fun!
Exciting stories
I'll make you forget
I'll make you for-get

It's in our Hands

Look no further
Look no further
Look no further

Cruelest almost
Always to ourselves
It mustn't get any better off

It's in our hands
It always was
It's in our hands
In our hands
It's all there
In our hands
It's all there
In our hands

Well, now aren't we scaring ourselves
Aren't we trying too hard

'Cause it's in our hands
It's in our hands
It's all there
It's in our hands

Look no further
Look no further
It's in our hands
It always was
It's in our hands
It's in our hands
It's in our hands
It's in our hands

Le petit chevalier

( Live Paris 98 )

Je suis le petit chevalier
Avec le ciel dessus mes yeux
Je ne peux pas me effrayer

Je suis le petit chevalier
Avec la terre dessous mes pieds
J'irai te visiter
J'irai te visiter

** Thanx to Moa for this one **
I am the little knight
with the sky up above my eyes
I cannot be scared

I am the little knight
With the earth down below my feet
I shall visit you
I shall visit you

** Thanx to Moa for this one **

Prayer of the heart

( John Tavener: A Portrait LP )

Iisou Christe
Hie Tou Theou
Eleison me

Jesus Christ
Son Of God
Have Mercy Upon Me

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction

(Mick Jagger / Keith Richards)

Live Duo With P.J Harvey

Polly Jean Harvey

I can't get no... satisfaction
I can't get no... satisfaction
And I try
And I try
And I try
And I try
I can't get no...
No no no

When I'm drivin' in my car
And the man comes on the radio
He's tellin' me more and more
About some useless information
Designed to

Björk & Polly
Fire my imagination

Polly Jean Harvey
I can't get no
No, no, no
Hey, hey, hey
That's what I say

Björk & Polly:
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
And I try, and I try
And I try, and I try

When I'm ridin' 'round the world
And I'm doin' this and I'm signin' that
And I'm tryin' to make some dough, tell me
Baby, better come back, maybe next week
'Cause you see I'm on a losing streak
I can't get no
Oh, no, no, no

Polly Jean Harvey
Hey, hey, hey


I can't get no

Polly Jean Harvey
That's what I say



Polly Jean Harvey
Hey, hey, hey
That's what I say


I can't get no

Polly Jean Harvey
Say hey, hey, hey

I can't get no

Björk &
Say hey, hey, hey
That's what I say


He means tomorrow but says: "In a bit"
And doesn't show up at all
He sets his watch to a comet's orbit
Remembers to forget to call

No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy

I do.... do
I do.... do

"Your place or mine" means "heaven or hell"
Two addresses somewhat apart
His home's dark and spiky, her's clear as a bell
It's over before they can start

No courage for love
Too scared to be happy
No courage for love
Too scared to be happy

I do.... don't
I do.... don't

And tomorrow passed them by X4

La, la, la, la, la ....

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Short term affair

( Duo : Björk/Tony Ferrino / Live BBC's Comic relief )

Tony Ferrino :
It's a short time affair
You're my children's au-pair
But I just couldn't bear

Tony Ferrino & Björk :
To keep my hands off you

Björk :
I was barely eighteen
What you did was obscene
But to me it felt clean

Tony Ferrino & Björk :
What else was I to do?

Tony Ferrino :
The memory still lingers
You're cooking the kids fish-fingers
And ironing

Björk :
Each morning you'd come down
In your paisley dressing gown
Then you sing
And the yearning started for a short-time affair

Tony Ferrino :
No intention to stray

Björk :
I was caught in your snare

Tony Ferrino :
But my wife was awake

Björk :
It was so debonaire

Tony Ferrino :
So I thought what the heck

Tony Ferrino & Björk :
I knew I couldn't resist

Tony Ferrino :
It was a short time affait

Björk :
You're the man you're the boss

Tony Ferrino :
When I find you right there

Björk :
Like the father I lost

Tony Ferrino :
Clean our silver-ware

Björk :
So to hell with the cost

Tony Ferrino & Björk :
Right then at once we kissed

Björk :
You took me to the kitchen, you're hands kinda started twitchin', felt so shy

Tony Ferrino :
Nothing could stop what followed, lucky for me you swallowed

Björk :
I know it's all over now

Tony Ferrino :
Try to be strong somehow

Björk :
I start a brand new life

Tony Ferrino :
Please, please don't tell my wife

Björk :
I won't stop loving you

Tony Ferrino :
Please, please don't tell my wife

Björk :
Au revoir, ciao, auf wiedersehen

Tony Ferrino :
We must never meet again

Björk :
Short time affair, heeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ooooooooooooooo

Tony Ferrino :
Short time affair , eeeeee oooooooooooo

*** Thanx a lot to Whitney who corrected this one ***

Síðasta ég

Ég fylgist með þér
Hvernig þú hreyfir þig
Bak við veggfóðrið

Síðasta ég X3
Í heimi

ég leita að ?
til að horfa á


leita að rigningu


til að ganga í

Síðasta ég
Sí-hí-ðasta ég
Síðasta ég
Í heimi

Síðasta ég X3
Í heimi
Síðasta ég X2

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her
The last me

I watch you
How you move
Behind the wallpaper

The last me X3
In the world

I look for ?
To look at


Search for rain


To walk in

The last me
The-he last me
The last me
In the world

The last me X3
In the world
The last me X2

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her

So broken

So broken,
In pieces,
My heart is so broken,
I'm puzzling.

Here I go
Trying to run ahead of that,
Heart break train,
It will never catch up with me.

I'm so broken,
So broken,
Yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm,

** Gibberish **


I'm trying to land,
This aeroplane of ours gracefully,
But it seems just destined to crash,

I'm so broken,
My heart is so broken,
Yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm,

** Gibberish **

How can, how can,
And I sense (?)
All continuity
Has vanished away
At one step at a time now baby
I'm so broken
I' broken
Yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm

** Gibberish **

I'm so...
Completely unhealable, baby
I'm so broken
Yeah, ha-ee, ha-ee, ha-mmm

Raimundo Amador
Vamos a hacer otra? A otra!
(Up for another one ? Another one ! )

*** Thanx to Lisa & Lina & Belen who helped me for this one ***

Sod off

I know i've been tolerant 'til now
But here comes a warning,
There's a very clear line that I'm drawing
And if you cross it

Sod off
Sod off

If you think i'll let you pull me down to
Your third-class communication
And bulldoze over all my sensitivities
You've read me all wrong

Sod off
Sod off
Sod off
Sod off

Things so far have been too perfect
This is the premiere
But oh, how many dress rehearsals
I've been through

Darling this is far too pure and perfect
Won't let you corrupt it

Sod off!
I won't let you ruin this
Sod off.

Sod off.
Sod off.
Sod off.
Sod off.

*** Thanx a lot to Amy & David who corrected some mistakes ***


( Live by Björk and Toumani Diabaté at Expo Zaragoza 2008 )

Fulfilling every duty
Nurturing every detail

And if one attends the most
One will eventually
Elevate above all struggles
Above daily nuisance
With the sensational nuance


If one steadfastly attends
And respects all community
Consistantly care
And insists on warmth at all times

One will eventually
Elevate above all struggles
Above daily nuisance
With the sensational nuance


Stígðu mig

Stígðu mig
Að eðli
þar sem mikil
Velta framm úr
Og gul augu deyja
í endalausum

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her
Step me

Step me
To a nature
Where mighty
Roll out of
And yellow eyes die
In endless

Transcribed by Melkorka Helgadóttir, Thanx to her

Sweet intuition

Close your eyes
Listen closely
All that you've learnt
Try to forget it
Fuck logic, fuck logic
Bravo to instinct
And sweet intuition

** Gibberish **

What makes you tick
Trust your senses
All that you've learnt
Try to forget it

Believe in believing
Believe in instinct
And sweet intuition, honey

** Gibberish **

And inside
We're all still wet
Longing and yearning
Repeat after me

Fuck logic, fuck logic
Bravo to instinct
And sweet intuition
Sweet intuition
Sweet intuition, honey
Sweet intuition
Sweet intuition, honey

** Gibberish **

Sweet intuition
Sweet intuition
Sweet intuition
Sweet intuition

*** Thanx a lot to Angelz who corrected this one ***

Um Akkeri

( Anchor song, Icelandic Version )

Ég bý við sjóinn
Og á nóttunni
Þá kafa ég níður
Alveg á hafsbotninn
Undir allar iður
Og sett akkerið mitt út

Hér vill ég vera
Hér á ég heima
About an anchor

( Translation )

I live by the sea
And during the night
I dive down
All the way to the seabottom
Underneath all currents
And set out my anchor

Here I want to be
Here is my home


Fundið til líka
Og ást heita ást
Vúvú húuúuuuú

Með allt sem hún sér
Og allt sem hún færir mér
ást heita ást
Ekkert er bannað
Vúvú húuúuuuú

Vúvú húuúuuuú
Og öll þessi ást
í bláum hjörtum
Ekkert er bannað
Og allt er hægt
þar sem enginn hefur snert
En ég snert
Og fundið til líka
Og ást heita ást
Vúvú húuúuuuú

Transcribed and translated by Carvel

*** Thanx to Lili who sent me this one ***

Feel it too
and love hot love

with all that she sees
and all that she gives me
love hot love
nothing is banned
woo-woo hoo-oo-ooh

woo-woo hoo-oo-ooh
and all of this love
in thouse blue hearts
nothing is banned
and everythings possible
what no one has touched
but I have touched
and felt too
love hot love
woo-woo hoo-oo-ooh

Transcribed and translated by Carvel

*** Thanx to Lili who sent me this one ***

The Boho Dance

( A Tribute to Joni Mitchell )

Down in the cellar in the Boho zone
I went looking for some sweet inspiration, oh well
Just another hard-time band
With Negro affectations

I was a hopeful in rooms like this
When I was working cheap
It's an old romance, a Boho dance
It hasn't gone to sleep

Even on the scuffle
The cleaner's crease was in my jeans
And any eye for detail
Caught a little lace along the seams

And you were in the parking lot
Subterranean by your own design
The virtue of your style inscribed
On your contempt for mine

Jesus was a beggar, he was rich in grace
And Solomon kept his head in all his glory
It's just that some steps outside the Boho dance
They have a fascination for me

A camera pans the cocktail hour
Behind a blind of potted palms
And finds a lady in a Paris dress
With runs in her nylons

You read those books where luxury
Comes as a guest to take a slave
Books where artists in noble poverty
Go like virgins to the grave

Don't you get sensitive on me
'Cause I know you're just too proud
You couldn't step outside the Boho dance
Even if good fortune allowed

Like a priest with a pornographic watch
Looking and longing on the sly
Sure it's stricken from your uniform
But you can't get it out of your eyes

Nothing is capsulized in me
On either side of town
The streets were never really mine
Not mine these glamour gowns

The Comet Song

( Biophilia Japanese Edition )

With our fingers we make million holes
We run and we fall into pot holes
On a mission to savor the world, oh
We peek at the sky through tree holes

Comet, oh damn it
The comet comes hurtling down
On a precious plot of earth

Like the bugs in mother’s flower bed
We walk on long legs over the sea bed
On our mission to save the world, oh
We need milk and cakes and a warm bed

Comet, oh damn it
The comet comes hurtling down
On a precious plot of earth

Grey leaves are too much
For any mother to handle

A father must pull
his black hat down over the eyes


Quando você foi embora
Fez-se noite em meu viver
Forte eu sou mas não tem jeito
Hoje eu tenho que chorar
Minha casa não é minha
E nem é meu este lugar
Estou só e não resisto
Muito tenho prá falar

Solto a voz nas estradas
Já não quero parar
Meu caminho é de pedras
Como posso sonhar
Sonho feito de brisa
Vento vem terminar
Vou fechar o meu pranto
Vou querer me matar

Vou seguindo pela vida
Me esquecendo de você
Eu não quero mais a morte
Tenho muito que viver
Vou querer amar de novo
E se não der não vou sofrer
Já não sonho
hoje faço com meu braço o meu viver

*** Thanx a lot to Lili & Nota for this one ***


When you were gone
There was nigth in my life
I'm strong but there's no way
Today I have to cry
My house is not mine
 And even mine is this place
I'm alone and don't resist
Much I have to tell

(I let go my voice on the roads
Now I don't want to stop
(My route is made of stone
How can I dream
Dream made of breeze
Wind come finish
I'll close my weeping
I'll want to kill myself

I'll following by the life
Forgeting about you
I don't want death anymore
I have lot to live
I'll want to love again
And if doesn't work I'll not be hurt
I don't dream
Today I make with my arms my subsist

*** Thanx a lot to Nota for this one ***


Hafandi eyrað í vasanum
Hafandi augun í skónum
Ástarbréf í maganum
Vönd af kossum í munninum

Hafandi haf af girnd
Hafandi loðna löngun um mjaðmirnar
Hafandi sjón sem að sér þegar það er slökkt
Og gott bil milli fótanna

*** Thanx to Paulie, Didda, Egill & Lina who did that for us ***
The state of being

Having the ear in the pocket
Having the eye in the shoe
Loveletters in the stomach
Bouquet of kisses in the mouth

Calm down!

Having an ocean of desire
Having a hairy desire around the hips
Having eyes that can see in the dark
And too much space between the legs

Calm down!

*** Thanx to Paulie, Didda, Egill & Lina who did that for us ***

Visur vatnsenda-rosu

Augun mín og Augun þín
Ó þá fögru steina
Mitt var þitt og þitt var mitt
þú veist hvað ég meina
Langt er síðan sá ég hann
Sannlega fríður var hann
Allt sem prýða má einn mann
mest af lýðum bar hann
þig ég trega manna mest
Mædda af tára flóði
Ó að við hefðum aldrei sést
elsku vinurinn góði

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Songs of rose from Watersend

My eyes and your eyes
Oh those beautiful stones
Mine was yours and yours was mine
You know what I mean
Long is since I saw him
Truly fair he was
All that may adorn a man
Most of the people carried him
You I long for most of all
Heavy with the flood of tears
Oh that I never had seen you
Dear beloved friend

*** Thanx a lot to Lina for this one ***

Where is the line

( Live on tour 2003 )

Where is the line with you?

My purse wide open
You ask again
I see you trying to
Cash into accounts

Where is the line with you?

I want to be flexible
I want
To go out
Of my way for you
But enough is enough

Where is the line with you?

I want to be elastic
I want to go out of my way for you
I want to help you

Where is the line with you?

*** Thanx a lot to Benjamin for this one ***

Who Do You Think You Are?

( Elvis Costello / Live Union Chapel 99 ) 

The hunted look, the haunted grace
The empty laugh that you cultivate
You fall into that false embrace
And kiss the air about her face

Who do you think you are?

The tres bon mots you almost quote from your
Quiver of literary darts
A thousand or so tuneless violins
Thrilling your cheap little heart

Who do you think you are?

My cigarette burns right down to the ash
My coffee cup is unstained
The waiter hovers close at hand
His courtesy strained

Who do you think you are?
I close with my regards
Well I'm the red-face gentleman
Caught in this picture postcard

Who do you think you are?

Trying my best to make the best of your absence
Though the joke gets tired and sordid
Sea-shell hearts get trampled under foot
Punchlines unrewarded

But even at this distance
It's not easy to accept
The vision that I chase returns
When I least expect it
I've fallen from your tired embrace
I kiss the air
Around the place
That should be
Your face

Why ?

( Elvis Costello - live with The Brodski Quartet )

Why is Daddy not here?
Are you crying?
Does he still love me?
Will you take care of me?
If you both love me so
Why don't you love each other
Mummy's gone missing
And Daddy's on fire
Daddy's on fire
Daddy's on fire

*** Thanx a lot to Penelope for this one ***


Tricky and Bjork:

Don't hold me
(I'm no mystic)
Don't fuck with me
(She treats my 'tistic')
Just do it
(A 'tastic')
Yoga-all,I leave it after you
(Now I'm feeling fantastic)
I'll find how to get after you
(And I will do for you)
I don't chance it
(And I will do for you)
All the pieces
I don't-yoga
All the people in colleauge with me

Don't hold me now
(I'm no mystic)
Don't fuck with me
(She treats my 'tistic')
I can want it
(A tastic')
I'll slide around in seconds
(Now I'm feeling fantastic)
I'll slide around and solve me
(And I will do for you)
I don't chance it
(And I will do for you)
I don't need the love to dance it
I don't chance it
I don't chance,at least the love's here

Just do it
(I'm no mystic)
Don't fuck with me
(She treats my 'tistic')
Don't hold me now
(A tastic')
I'm jumpy
(Now I'm feeling fantastic)
I'll stay and leave there
(And I will do for you)
May though you come and leave there
(And I will do for you)
I don't share it
Yoga after I go
and leave the lair
I'll send light-this sad soul laments
It can tell that I love,so I waste

*** Thanx a lot to Elliot for this one ***

You Only Live Twice

You only live twice or so it seems
One life for yourself and one for your dreams
You drift through the years and life seems tame
Till one dream appears and love is its name

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Make one dream come true, you only live twice

And love is a stranger who'll beckon you on
Don't think of the danger or the stranger is gone
This dream is for you, so pay the price
Make one dream come true, you only live twice

Worlds Collapse

( Bless LP - 1990 / Backing vocals )

I meet you, and you tell me
What you dreamt - last night
I think its great - it's the same dream I dreamt
We fall flat - the same dream

Worlds collapse
Worlds collapse
Your wall falls on my wall
I think i'll go away
I think i'll go outside
I think of buying hope

Meet girl - dreamt a dream too
He dreamt another dream
He wont tell us her dream
But when I offer him my coat
He opens up a smile

He dreamt a house
In the house, a mere wall
In the middle of the rift there's:

World's collapse
World's collapse
Your wall falls on my wall
I think I go away
I think i'll form a bomb out of snow

I think i'll throw it at girl
I think i'll throw it at you
I think i'll throw it at girl
I think i'll throw it at you


( Bless LP - 1990 / Backing vocals )

There's a useless moon up there in the sky
It has neither tail nor start
I hang around the café disappointment
And you in the yonder

I know what a call grapes out from the tar
And think filt of names and air
I sip coffe ground on café supernova
Get you in the yonder

When I nap
When I nap
Please stay away from my dreams
Please stay in the yonder - until I wake up

Inside you does a heart die, Jane
Pumps constantly pain and sorrow
I leave big tips at some sort of café
And you in the yonder

When I nap
When I nap
Please stay away from my dreams
Please stay in the yonder - until I wake up

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