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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Sean Cooper )

DJ Shadow's Josh Davis is widely credited as a key figure in developing the experimental instrumental hip-hop style associated with the London-based Mo' Wax label. His early singles for the label, including "In/Flux" and "Lost and Found (S.F.L.)," were all-over-the-map mini-masterpieces combining elements of funk, rock, hip-hop, ambient, jazz, soul, and used-bin incidentalia. Although he'd already done a scattering of original and production work (during 1991-1992 for Hollywood Records) by the time Mo' Wax's James Lavelle contacted him about releasing "In/Flux" on the fledgling imprint, it wasn't until his association with Mo' Wax that his sound began to mature and cohere. Mo'Wax released a longer work in 1995 � the 40-minute single in four movements, "What Does Your Soul Look Like," which topped the British indie charts � and Davis went on to co-write, remix, and produce tracks for labelmates DJ Krush and Doctor Octagon plus the Mo' trip-hop supergroup U.N.K.L.E. Josh Davis grew up in Hayward, CA, a predominantly lower-middle-class suburb of San Francisco. The odd White suburban hip-hop fan in the hard rock-dominated early '80s, Davis gravitated toward the turntable/mixer setup of the hip-hop DJ over the guitars, bass, and drums of his peers. He worked his way through hip-hop's early years into the heyday of crews like Eric B. & Rakim, Ultramagnetic, and Public Enemy; groups which prominently featured DJs in their ranks. Davis had already been fiddling around with making beats and breaks on a four-track while he was in high school, but it was his move to the NorCal cow-town of Davis to attend university that led to the establishment of his own Solesides label as an outlet for his original tracks. Hooking up with Davis' few b-boys (including eventual Solesides artists Blackalicious and Lyrics Born) through the college radio station, Shadow began releasing the Reconstructed From the Ground Up mix tapes in 1991 and pressed his 17-minute hip-hop symphony "Entropy" in 1993. His tracks spread widely through the DJ-strong hip-hop underground, eventually catching the attention of Mo' Wax. Shadow's first full-length, Endtroducing..., was released in late 1996 to immense critical acclaim in Britain and America. Preemptive Strike, a compilation of early singles, followed in early 1998. Later that year, Shadow produced tracks for the debut album by U.N.K.L.E., a long-time Mo' Wax production team that gained superstar guests including Thom Yorke (of Radiohead), Richard Ashcroft (of the Verve), Mike D (of the Beastie Boys), and others. His next project came in 1999, with the transformation of Solesides into a new label, Quannum Projects. Nearly six years after his debut production album, the proper follow-up, The Private Press, was released in June 2002. The following year Shadow released a mix album, Diminishing Returns and in 2004 he released a live album and DVD, Live! In Tune and on Time.

- 1996-11-19 -

Best Foot Forward
Building Steam With a Grain of Salt
The Number Song
What Does Your Soul Look Like, Pt. 4
Stem/Long Stem
Mutual Slump
Organ Donor
Why Hip Hop Sucks in '96
Midnight in a Perfect World
Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain
What Does Your Soul Look Like, Pt. 1: Blue Sky Revisit

Transmission 3

Preemptive Strike
- 1998-01-13 -

Strike 1
In Flux
Strike 2
What Does Your Soul Look Like
(Part 2)
What Does Your Soul Look Like
(Part 3)
What Does Your Soul Look Like
(Part 4)
What Does Your Soul Look Like
(Part 1)
Strike 3
(And I'm Out)
High Noon
Organ Donor
[Extended Overhaul]


The Private Press
- 2002-06-02 -

Letter From Home
Fixed Income (Instrumental)
Un autre introduction
Walkie Talkie

Giving Up The Ghost (Instrumental)
Six days
Meets His Maker (Instrumental)
Right thing
Mashin' On The Motorway
Blood On The Motorway
You Can't Go Home Again
Letter From Home (Part 2)

The Outsider
- 2006-09-19 -

Outsider Intro
This Time
3 Freaks
Droop-E Droop
Turf Dancing
Keep Em Close
Seein Thangs
Broken Levee Blues
Artifact (Instrumental)
Backstage Girl
Triplicate / Something Happened That Day (Instrumental)
The Tiger
Erase You
What Have I Done
You Made It
Dats My Part

The Less You Know, The Better
- 2011-10-04 -

Back To Front (Circular Logic)
Border Crossing (Instrumental)
Stay The Course
I've Been Trying
Sad And Lonely
Warning Call
Tedium (Instrumental)
Enemy Lines
Going Nowhere
Run For Your Life (Instrumental)
Give Me Back The Nights
I Gotta Rokk
Scale It Back
Circular Logic
(Front To Back)
(Not So) Sad And Lonely
Let’s Get It (Bass, Bass, Bass)
Def Surrounds Us
Come on Riding
(Through the Cosmos)

The Mountain Will Fall
- 2016-06-24 -

The Mountain Will Fall (Instrumental)
Nobody Speak
Three Ralphs

Bergschrund (feat. Nils Frahm) (Instrumental)
The Sideshow
Depth Charge (Instrumental)
Ashes to Oceans (feat. Matthew Halsall) (Instrumental)
Pitter Patter
Ghost Town
Suicide Pact

- 2019-11-15 -

Nature Always Wins (Instrumental)
Slingblade (Instrumental)
Intersectionality (Instrumental)
Beauty, Power, Motion, Life, Work, Chaos, Law
Juggernaut (Instrumental)
Firestorm (Instrumental)
Weightless (Instrumental)
If I Died Today (Instrumental)
My Lonely Room (Instrumental)
We Are Always Alone (Instrumental)
Drone Warfare
Rain On Snow
Rocket Fuel
Small Colleges (Stay With Me)
s Words
Kings & Queens
Dark Side Of The Heart
I Am Not A Robot (Interlude)
Urgent. Important. Please Read
Our Pathetic Age
Been Use Ta
Taxin’ (Long Version)
Two Notes

- 2023-10-27 -

Ozone Scraper (Instrumental)
All My
Time and Space (Instrumental)
Craig, Ingels, & Wrightson (Instrumental)
Witches Vs. Warlocks (Instrumental)
A Narrow Escape (Instrumental)

You Played Me
Free For All (Instrumental)
The Prophecy (Instrumental)
Friend or Foe (Instrumental)
Fleeting Youth (An Audible Life) (Instrumental)
Reflecting Pool (Instrumental)
Forever Changed (Instrumental)
s Evolving (Instrumental)

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Best Foot Forward (Alternate Version)
Devil's Advocate
DJ Shadow's Theme
Fixed Income
(UNKLE Uncensored)
Lost And Found
Midnight in a perfect world (Gift of Gab Mix)
Right Thing (Z-Trip 'Set The Party Off Mix' In Three Parts)
Six Days (featuring Mos Def)
Six Days (Soulwax Remix)
The Number Song (Cut Chemist Party Mix)
The Third Decade, Our Move

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

--- For samples details go here ---

Best foot forward

Bob, Bob, Bob...
Bob Wood,
National programmer director of the chum group
Worked with us in producing...

Hold up, hold up, before we get started
Guess who's coming
With those brothers LA, y'all
And now...
Guess who's coming
Guess who's coming
Guess who's coming

DJ Shadow!

Back again
Who is he?
Just your favourite DJ saviour
Usin', usin'
Usin' and confusin' beats that ya never heard
Since 1990, put a smile on your face like ultra-bright

You're just fessin' man
I don't even wanna hear about it
You're just fessin'

*** Thanx a lot to John & Mark & Sebastian for this one ***

Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt


From listening to records, I just knew what to do
I mainly taught myself
And you know, I did pretty well
Except there were a few mistakes
But I, uh...
I had just recently cleared up, you know, I mean...

I'd like to just continue to be able to...
express myself, as best as I can with this instrument
I feel like I have a lot of work to do. Still, ya know
I'm a student, of the drums
And I'm also a teacher of the drums too

What makes Cancer tenacious?
The moon rules the fluids
Including the inner juices of human beings
That which assimilates and feeds the body
So the crab feeds his astral plane
Assimilating and distributing all he receives
Slowly, until it becomes a part of him

I can fly through the strangest land
Black satin starry eyes, brown smiling face...

And I would like to be able to continue to...
Let what is inside of me
Which is, which comes from all the music that I hear
You know, I would like for that to come out
It's not like, it's not really me thats coming
The music's coming through me

The music's coming through me

*** Thanx a lot to John & Mark & Sebastian for this one ***

The Number Song

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, break down baby.

Come on get with it,
1, 2, 3, 4 - hit it

What is this?
This is the number song
But before I start, let's have a countdown
1, 2, 3, 4 (4 4 4)

Listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this

We want y'all to understand...
One, two, three, and...

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Come on get with it,
1, 2, 3, (that's a go) - hit it

Who got the number?
Who, who got the number?
Who got the number?
Who, who got the number?

Yeah yeah yeah!
Yeah yeah yeah!

I got the number

Won't you please let me... rock your mind

The pa the pa the party
The pa the pa the party
The party's already started
And it's about to end

1, 2, 3, 4 - That's fresh

A 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 - get with it
Get with it
Get get - get with it

10, 9, every body come on...
8, come on louder!
7, louder!
6, louder!

*** Thanx a lot to John & Sebastian for this one ***


He cried, he cried, an' he cried, and he cried
Rained 40 nights
Played lots of chess
And he made lots of friends
He cried, he cried, an' he cried, and he cried
And he made lots of friends
And he wept every time it would rain
Well once it rained...
(from Loudon Wainwrigth III "The man who couldn't cry")

Latitude... Zero...

This is not a dream, not a dream
We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver
We are unable to transmit through your conscious neural interference
You are receiving this broadcast as a dream
We are transmitting from the year 1-9-.....

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew & Sada & Sebastian for this one ***

What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 4)

Come talk to me...
Come on triggy man...
Come on, the camera's rolling...
Get that fucking bad thing...
Lose that...
Talk to me...
Who are you?...

Come on chopper male, chopper male sucker!
Got the gusto? - Come on!
In Vietnam!...

And yet, I've just got to do something...
Because, I... I see I'm god, or something...

I am superior to that...
Everyone is dead, or should I call in for the central right now?
And stand naked, with a hurt expression
Until it burns me up!


Away, come away, come away


*** Thanx a lot to Sebastian for this one ***


Mauren's got five sisters
They've all got ass
One of them's got eyes as big a jolly ranchers.
Beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl

*** Thanx a lot to Sada for this one ***

Stem/Long Stem

Then go
Decide, decide

I come to play right down
I'll tell your children not to lay right down

I say parking tickets?! you're crazy! I don't...

He says well, they have some outstanding warrants left on you,
And they want to just solve them you know, whatever it'll be.
So they take me in on a chain to long beach.
And now they lock me up in the cell behind the courtroom in Long Beach,
While I'm awaiting to be heard on my traffic offences! parking tickets!
And I panicked, I'm thinking, oh my God, man,
While I'm here, you know, holding me, actually what's to stop them?
I mean what's really to stop them? oh, I assumed that maybe some day
My mother would realize that I should have gotten out!
But ah, she was nice, she would have known but still, what's to stop them?
And I'm panicking...
And finally they called...Sorry
Oh my god...I am...

** Transmission 2
...not a dream
We are using your brain's electrical system as a reciever,
We are unable to transmit to your conscious - neural interference,
You are recieving this broadcast as a dream,
We are transmitting from the year 1-9-9...

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew & Sada for this one ***

Mutual Slump

Then I came to America, saw Xanadu,
That's all I wanted to do - rollerskate.

Five feet under.

Do you feel like Darth Vader?

I was scared I have to admit at first,
Never had a cat before."

*** Thanx a lot to Sebastian & Matthew for this one ***

Organ donor

Your body feel my heart, man..
Playing a funky solo...


"Why Hip Hop Sucks In '96"

It's the money...

It's fat/phat....

*** Thanx a lot to Sada & Sebastian for this one ***

Midnight in a Perfect World

Insight, foresight, moresight,
The clock on the wall read a quater past midnight

Ahhh ohhh
Ahhh ohhh

I don't love you
Heading to garden of love, aahaahhhhh...
Life come seeking of love , of looove"

m-midnight, m-midnight, m-midnight, m-midnight...

now a.. now a.. now, now, now, now....
aah ooh.
12 o'clock
aah ooh.
rock rock rock. rock the midnight rush.
aaah ooh
aahhh ooh..

now, now, now, now, now, now...

m-midnight, m-midnight, m-midnight, m-midnight...

I don't love you
The midnight rush
Heading to garden of love, aahaahhhhh...
Life come seeking of love , of looove"
Oooooh ooooooh oooooh oooooh ooooooh oooooh

Now now now now now approach now approaching now approach now approaching
now now now now now now now now approaching midni- now now now now now now approaching mid
now now now now approaching midni- now now approaching now now now now approaching midnight

*** Thanx a lot to Sada & Petter & Sebastian & Alan for this one ***

Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain

Ah, ah, h-ha ha
Well hello there little buddy, come on in!
Whatcha got there with you?
That your dog?
Guess there's no reason you can't have dogs up there on the moon,
that's a good pretty good looking pooch...
Betcha come back for more of Dr. Neptune's delicious elixir is that right?
Ha ha ha ha, I knew you would. I'll get that for ya...
Oh, I see, you figured out where it is, didn'tcha.
Well, alright, I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll set up the checkerboard here,
We'll have us another game of checkers...
One without all that cheatin' you done last time...
We ain't gonna have no more of that I can tell ya'...
I seen what you done...
They have any glasses like that up there on the moon?


When the bomb's activated and mutilated the leg and arms...

*** Thanx a lot to Sada for this one ***

What Does Your Soul Look Like, Pt. 1: Blue Sky Revisit

And why should we
Want to go back where we were?
How many years could that have been?

All my life, I felt
Content to stargaze at the skies
Now I only want to melt

C'era già questo amore che viviamo tanto tempo fa
C'era già quella rosa che ti ho dato
Le canzoni che ho cantato, la tristezza e l'allegria

And why should we
Want to live a life that's past
And nevermore will ever be?

Transmission 3

This is not a dream, not a dream
We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver
We are unable to transmit through your conscious neural interference
You are receiving this broadcast as a dream
We are transmitting from the year 1-9-.....
(from John Carpenter's "Prince of Darkness" movie)

It is happening again...
It is happening again...
(from David Lynch "Twin Peaks" Series)

*** Thanx a lot to Sebastian & Nathan for this one ***

Preemptive strike

*** Thanx a lot to Ian for who did these lyrics for us ***
Strike 1

One more time for the people
Now, wait a minute
I'm about to bust it

In flux

It's a song about life, death, love, hate, wealth, poverty, racism...
just a few things been runnin' through my head...

We call on you...
Now, we call on you...
Be strong...
Hear us now!...

When you speak of overthrowing those conditions,
I think this is what frightens people from the freedom of...
The average American, when you simply say the word overthrow, may see this as something very, very bad...
I know you're not responsible for his feelings,
But, when you say these things, are you threatening someone?

Right now...
People's power
People's power
People's... power

Detroit in '42...
New York in '64...
Blinding by a hundred watts...
The naked, black, white truth...

Destroy the establishment, tear down the face of stupidity and corruption
And put up in it's place, an edifice of truth...
Unite in struggle for people's power...
Unite, unite, unite, truth...
Unite in struggle for people's power...
We are a part of those concerned with gangs...

Meanwhile, uptown, the dj a player...

Everybody's so concerned about heroin and marijuana and all that,
Until they forget the most dangerousest narcotic that exist's,
And that's the narcotic that's injected into the minds of infants...
It's called social narcotics...

So, you know as well as I do that things are changing...
Yeah, change, you know...

Meanwhile, uptown, the dj a player...

Yeah, change, you know...
My gift... Make music...

So I say you youngster's gotta get a job
Work to change the system...
Definacy... Equal, justice...
...Moving on...
...The people's power...

...Ghetto wack, lining my ears...
...My gift... Make music...

Change, change, change
It's only a matter of time
Change, change, change
It's only a matter of time
Change, change, change
It's only a matter of time
Change, change, change, change, change, change
It's only a matter of time

Freedom! (Freedom!)...
That's all that life is...

The record ends and we must begin again...


The tracks go off in this direction...
(sample from star wars...)

Strike 2

So Shadow, tell me what you mean...
Exactly, is what I'm saying...
You got the power up to ten and what?
And, and, you can't keep it there...
Yeah, ok, the power is up to ten, but eventually you're gonna play a record that's quiet, alright?
Ohh, ohh
And then what happens?
Well that's um...
Then, then you just get...

What does your soul look like (part 2)

We are standing here at the edge of time...
Our road was paved to the edge of time...
Steel... Sparks...
Come with me now to the edge of time...
Does anyone remember who I am?

In a few moments you will have an experience which will seem completely real...
It will be the result of your subconscious fears, transformed to your conscious awareness...
You have five seconds to terminate this tape...
Five, four, three, two, one

Has everybody got a place to hide?
Is everybody inside?
Has everybody got a place to hide?
Is everybody inside?

There's a game out there, and the stakes are high.
And the guy who runs it figures the averages all day long, and all night...
Once in a while he let's you steal a pot,
But if you stay in the game long enough, you've got to lose,
And once you've lost, there's no way back...
No way at all...

The time has come

Darkness! darkness! darkness!

The time has come
The time has come

Can you feel this?
What is that buzzing?
Are you now, or have you ever, moved slowly?
(THX 1138 Movie Sample)

What does your soul look like (part 3)

I'm asking you to make a small quantum jump with me, to accept one deviant concept...
That our other states of consciousness are as real! as our waking state and that these can be externalized...

We're beyond mass and energy, beyond even energy,
what we're back to is the first thought!
We're beyond mass and energy, beyond even energy,
what we're back to is the first thought!

What does your soul look like (part 4)

(From the movie Dead calm)

Come talk to me...
Come on triggy man...
Come on, the camera's rolling...
Get that fucking bad thing...
Lose that...
Talk to me...
Who are you?...

Come on chopper male, chopper male sucker!
Got the gusto? - Come on!
In Vietnam!...

And yet, I've just got to do something...
Because, I... I see I'm god, or something...

I am superior to that...
Everyone is dead, or should I call in for the central right now?
And stand naked, with a hurt expression
Until it burns me up!


Away, come away, come away


What does your soul look like (part 1)

And why should we
Want to go back where we were, how many years?

All my life I felt
Content to stargaze at the skies
Now I only want to melt

And why should we
Want to live a life that's past and nevermore

Strike 3 (and i'm out)

Listen to me
I'm gonna make you as comfortable as i can
But you aint gonna be totally comfortable
So, get hip to that already
In other words, i'm sure it's gonna be cool
And i'll work with you, so don't get frustrated by nothin'
I'll work with you on this level, so right now let me just run the track
Just listen to the track, ok
Just listen to the track
Man, can you run that track for me

High noon

You will hear my heart and the circle (circuit?) will be complete...
(from "The answer is No" by The Giant Crab)

Organ donor [extended recall]

You got an organ goin' there (no wonder the sound has so much body) x 2

The Private Press

*** Thanx a lot to Taras for who helped me with these lyrics ***

Letter From Home

451 Commercial Avenue,
Apartment K, Richmond, California
September 9th 1951

Dear Lester,
I'm sorry I didn't write before,
And because this record wasn't sent,
Which I intended doing before this,
Everything went wrong.

Tonight, we got together and kept the kids up,
And decided to have a little fun making this record.

Well of course, coming up,
We didn't have  a lot of trouble, we had a lot of fun.
Momma slept all the way, and I didn't get tired driving.
Was over anxious.
We got in about 12:45,
Got to Richmond, woke the family up.
And there are so many things I could say,
I just can't get them together...
I'll let you hear from somebody else.

Un Autre Introduction

Hello Mr DJ!
Avec votre DJ à la Sono
Ecoutez le show-musical! Yeah!
Music machine!
Pénétrez dans cet univers musical
Attention! Attention! Attention! Attention!
C'est à vous vous vous vous
Pour la danse danse danse danse!
Dansez sur cette musique folle
Soyez aussi marteau que lui

Walkie Talkie

Child 1 :
Why don't you tell me a story?
Child 2 :
Please tell me a story too.
Man :
You know, I think I'll tell you the story of my life.
Child 1 :
You tell me!

Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto!
Check me out!
Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto!
Check check me out!
Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto!
Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto! Ghetto-ghetto!

I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ
This is why I walk and talk this way!
I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ
This is why I walk and talk this way!
I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ
This is why I walk and talk this way!
You suckers!

He's the master of disaster and the master of beat

Come-Come-Come-Come-Come with it
Come-Come-Come-Come-Come with it

He's so quick
He's so fast
He's so quick, he's so fast
He's upper-class player
Check him with his fast moves
DJ Shadow with the scratch
A crowned devastator!
Come on, rock!
Check out the cut, cut, cut
You suckers!

This is why I, is why, is why I walk
This is why I, is why, is why I walk
I'm a bad ass motherfuckin' DJ
This is why I, is why, is why I walk and talk this way
That's right!
This is why I, is why, is why I walk
This is why I, is why, is why I walk
This is why I, is why, is why I walk and talk this way
Check me out!

Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Holy shit!
Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Rave! Holy shit!

Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock.
Let the beat rock

*** Thanx a lot to Mike who helped me for this one ***

Six Days

At the starting of the week
At summit talks you'll hear them speak
It's only Monday
Negotiations breaking down
See those leaders start to frown
It's sword and gun day

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

You could be sitting taking lunch
The news will hit you like a punch
It's only Tuesday
You never thought we'd go to war
After all the things we saw
It's April Fools' day

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

You hear a whistling overhead
Are you alive or are you dead?
It's only Thursday
You feel a shaking on the ground
A billion candles burn around
Is it your birthday?

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
Make tomorrow come I think it's too late


Welcome to fear, side two.

Right Thing

This tape collection gets bigger every minute,
I find it very hard to fit music to the mood
And there's nothing worse than to make the wrong choice.
Except to sort right through and find nothing suitable

But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing
But then I find just the right thing

The right thing
The right thing
The right thing
The right thing thing thing
The right thing
The right thing
The right thing

Th-The The right thing
The right thing
Just the right thing
The the the the the the
Just the right thing
The right thing
The right thing
Right thing
Right right right ra ra right

Pure energy

The purpose of this record


Pure energy
Pure energy
P-p-pure pure energy


What you gonna do now?
What you gonna do this time?

Mashin' On The Motorway

He just wanted us to call him 'Captain Da'
He said you can call me 'Da-Da'
Whatever that meant

Out of gas, still burning.

Hey there...
Who me?
Just a friendly neighbourhood speed demon

I'm out to Nascar in a fast car to the last car
'Til there ain't no cars left
Must because I go by
With enough dust flyin around
To make you cry it back down
and choke half near to death
Oh I'm gonna go on your left

Sorry 'bout that

See like you a push the bucket
I like to burn big
Like you I gotta cut all the bullshit outta my life to live
So I tell 'em move over
This road aint big enough for ya
I'm flyin like Knightrider they tryin' to keep up
with they grandma outside on the side
Maybe their steel belted radials expired
Maybe they're tired
Maybe their odometer needs to be rewired
Or something

Fucking asshole
My bad

Can you believe some of the drivers they let out here on the road?

See, when the whole things slows down
You're gonna find that clown who's gonna give you a scene
With the chance to take it... now!

Damn, what the fuck are you doing, motherfucking asshole - Sorry!
Get off my lane you fucking fuck! - I got yours right here buddy
Bite Me
Dude, What the fuck is your problem?

(Spanish shouts) Maldito hijo de puta! - Well get outta the way then!
Move! I'll...catch ya on the rebound!
Goddamn motherfucker, what the hell are you doing!

So much hostility...
Y'all just keep checking your rear windows
Maybe you'll catch me passing...

Cut em-cut-cut em-cut em-cut em-cut-cut em off
Cut em-cut-cut em-cut em-cut-cut-cut-cut em off
Cut-cut-cut-cut-cut em-cut em-cut em off in the crash

*** Thanx a lot to Lorena who update this one ***

Blood On The Motorway

And now, eternity.

Be still now
I am with you,
I am deep within you;
You are at peace.
You cannot be harmed;
You will not suffer.
Breathe deeply,
Breathe in the healing love of the universe,
And breathe out the sickness which has taken you.
I am with you.

It's easy it's like breathing, its like a heartbeat, it's easy
Have not betrayed your ideals
Your ideals betrayed you
What are you going to do?

Your eyes will not close
Your tongue barely speaks
But I can still feel you

I can still feel you
So come, come relax,
Grin, let the changes in
Come on, come relax
Let the laughter, let the laughter
Let the laughter begin

Relax, grin, let the changes in.

Time is done
The sun has gone
It's too late
Eternity has come.

*** Thanx a lot to Finji & Odin & Petter who helped me ith this one ***

You Can't Go Home Again

And here's a story about... being free.

Letter From Home (Part 2)

Hello Lester,

We're having a quieter time around here now.
But we really wished you were up.
Well, one thing is pretty hot up here too.
And look where everywhere I go,
I draw heat - period.

You heard what the man said.
Well it's really been a lot of fun being up here,
This is the best vacation I've ever had,
And I guess I'll leave Friday,
I'll  get there maybe Saturday,
Not later than Sunday.
Take care of yourself,
I know you have been,
And bye bye and see momma.

Sincerely yours,
Nobella Johnson.

The Outsider

Outsider Intro

In the twilight of a time
There emerges a need for man to comprehend his own bitter fate
Finally resigned to the inevitable beyond, he searches the ages
Desperate for stories of assurance, redemption and hope

Such tales fill page upon page with enough ink
To flood a thousand valleys, and drown the tallest tree
But there is one tale that as yet been told
The story of... The Outsider

Desolate and baron, humanities at a crossroads
The people have retreated shuttering their once carefree lives
From unseen enemies which seem to plague not only the physical form
But the innermost thought

Driven by panic, compelled by dread
The masses begin to devolve
Once dear neighbours turn wary foes
Brother against brother, sister against sister

Achievement and ambition are dismissed
As heretical, or worse, treasonous
Even nature itself is scorned
Choked with suspicion and fear
Voices do not dare to sing
Nor fingers to play
Imminent defeat is all but assured

But in the darkest hour
Whispers begin to tell of a figure emerging from the darkness
A being without a name, faceless and obscure
Part presence, part idea they say
As if the very force they describe has existed for eons
A dormant seed awaiting nourishment
Word of radical acts...
Disobedience, non-compliance spread among the people
At first fearful, then defiant, as the legend grows
Whispers turned to cries and the cries into screams
And tend to cower no more the fury of the people
Whose talent behold as they exact revenge on their captors
Spare neither the repentant nor the bold

Now the fire is lit, smouldering in the belly of humanity
It cannot be extinguished, for the stories The Outsider endure
Even as evidence of its presence is debated with the passing years

Messages, dictations, warnings
Stories, such as these...

This Time (I'm Gonna Try It My Way)

In the beginning, well, I didn't know
As time passed on still didn't know
I didn't know

But this time, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna live life my way

This time, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna live life my way

Well, I didn't know, just couldn't see
The memories of past failures
Like a shadow haunting me

But this time, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna try it my way

Yeah this time, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna live life my way

There was a dream
I wanted to come true
But dreams
You know they need to be followed through

That's why this time, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna try it my way

Yeah this time, Oh, this time
I'm gonna try it my way
I'm gonna live life my way

3 Freaks

Hello! (Yeah)
(Turf Talk) Hello!
(Uh oh!)
Hold it down for da bay
(Bay Area, let's go!)

Keak Sneak and a Turf Talk and a
Dos in the trunk and you gon' get that shit
(If you think 's over, it's not)
One into two, know what I'm saying? It don't matter, just don't bite, aight?
I pulled up, jumped in the scraper
Me no pay for nothin', I'm spendin' the bitch paper
Thigh, leg, wing, a nigga with no biscuit
Let's start something, hey, Turf, man, look at these chicks

Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie

Rock with it or not
If I can't get in the club, the club in the parkin' lot
Man, my stomach ain't achin'
But I'm a boss, I don't pay too much for nathin'
Know you bought it, knocked it, and recopped it
Dat Turf and Keak (Turn it up and knock it!)
Turf got flows, he got murder ink
I two peace a nigga up out this drink
They can talk, but let 'em touch ya
Dirty nigga keep heat up under his blubba
Before the rap game, hood rich
Hate a nigga, but boy, another bad bitch
I ain't gotta ask, man, I know already
A real hood nigga wouldn't be that pretty
I ain't here for no problems
But let there be less bitin' and slobbin'

Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(I need cheeks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie

Three in the house, Jack Tripper, he had two
When I keep something, click online, like "what it do?"
It's Keak Sneak, baby, and did I mention I'm crazy?
Even Joe can see that you ain't forever my lady
I got needs, and my wants is up to you
Poppin' tags and believe me that three is better than two
So I, oh I, skeet-skurt, figure 8 man...
(3 freaks in the fire overhead for Brisbane)

Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(We need three)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(Man, we need freaks)
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
(I need cheeks)
And it's a beauty, it's her booty, it's a tootie

Keak Sneak, nigga
Turf Talk, baby
What's up, nephew?
Talkin' bout?
This some good shit
Bye bye!

Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak

Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak
Turf Talk and Keak Da Sneak

Droop-E Drop

Ah Shadow what is it man
It's your little cousin Droopy man
Sick wit' it lieutenant, yeah
Let's get in to this next track man
Turf Dancing
Know what I mean
Show them how we get in to the bait
Where we go dumb stooley' ka'tooly'
All on top of the cars man
Turf Dancing federation

*** Thanx a lot to Adam for this one ***

Turf Dancing

DJ Shadow
(DJ Shadow)
Fair game, Federation
(Fair game, Federation)

What it do
You know we go
So if you hate, you fake, we all be from (Fairfield!)
On top of the bus, know way too much
The li'l homies hella hyphy, turf dancing
We gon' stomp your car, we don't care who you are
On the hood of this straight turf dancing (dancing)

We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car! Car!)

Coked up Tonto
Something like Roscoe
Hygiene, low maintenance
Calling ghost, snot-nose
Growin' hyphy
See it in my two step
Throwin' at my crew, sick
Yeah I get the 'boose wet
Duck duck, goose up easy, gawd!
Somewhere in V-Town
Representin' deep down
For sale, clean buckin', five shares
Fuck it! Big muskets, hundred rounds on the Techs
Yeah, I do... Not much
Pot on my face, the 9-9 kush
On my grind, I make a hoe wise up
I can't sell crack no mo'
I get it thighs up
What? You all waiting on my solo?
I'm fuckin' wit' my dick, sitting here like...
Psyche! I'm a (yes!) lesbian
Trapped in a man's body – fair to the end
Fuck whips!

What it do
You know we go
So if you hate, you fake, we all be from (Fairfield!)

On top of the bus, know way too much
The li'l homies hella hyphy, turf dancing
We gon' stomp your car, we don't care who you are
On the hood of this straight turf dancing (dancing)

We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car! Car!)

Hit the brake, then I hit the gas
I'm an asshole nigga like Damon Dash
Li'l homies ain't cool, they'll tear up the place
All I gotta do is point and they'll take your face
You new to bitches, I been having whores
You're just mad cause my girl look cuter than yours
Be easy
Bitch, I'm a star
Ign'ant, stomp out your grandmomma car
I'm early
You dudes is late
Fuck my ex, she go to Sacramento State
Get money, buy me some anchors
Hella rich still driving a scraper
16s, you ain't got 'em like these
I'mma put Fairfield on MTV
Talk shit, sag my pants
And watch my li'l homies do the dummy turf dance

What it do
You know we go
So if you hate, you fake, we all be from (Fairfield!)

On top of the bus, know way too much
The li'l homies hella hyphy, turf dancing
We gon' stomp your car, we don't care who you are
On the hood of this straight turf dancing (dancing)

We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car!)
We don't listen, don't listen
(Dot car! Car!)

You see it, the Animaniaks – creators of this turf dancing movement
Now what we want y'all to do is...

Now airwalk
Now airwalk
Do the hood shake
Do the hood shake
Hit the drop
Hit the drop
Hit the drop
Get up, let your body pop

Runnin' and runnin' in the circles, no rehearsal
I'm goin' dummy with the wheels like a gerbil
Doon Coon, ghost ridin' the whip
She's shaking her ass and ghost riding my dick
I'm scrapin' and scrapin' up the block like I'm Indy
500 for a zip, I think that's plenty
Stunna shades like the CHP
And yeah I'm rockin' bitches like the Jay to the Z
Fairfield gon' wild like caucasians on TV
I'm going stupid like T.H.I.Z.Z
What it do? I'm a 7-0 savage
Let us in the door before we get real tragic
Scrapin' through Davis, I'm one with the pavement
360 hustle, mayne, that's how my days be
Federation, DJ Shadow overseas wit' it
S'il vous plaît on the turf, straight giggin' wit' it (uh)

And it just ain't gon' stop
(Oh, my man)
Northern Cali, you feel me?
(You already know)
Turf dancing at its best
We feel you Techs up out there, mayne
Do y'all thing, mayne
(Oh, I go stupid like that?)

Keep Em Close

(Yadadodoo! That means hello! Hi! Hey!)
(The names have been changed to protect the innocent)
(You know, Nump ain't one to dry snitch or pillow talk, mayne)
(Man, Shadow, you was there)
('member how it went down, bruh?)

Shadow dropped me off at BART
At the Fruitvale Station
You mighta heard that on your radio station
??? went to my friend
Looked at him and he grinned and said

"Keep your friends close
But those that you wanna rob, keep them closer"

So I walked on my merry way
And scrapedy-scraped to San Jose
Stunnas half off [?]
My Vietnamese pahtnas told me that they hog-tied Chairs (Who's Chairs?)
Chad is the boss that throws ???
It might be pillow talk that got my ???
The whole hood is lost cause we don't know who to watch now
Keep your friends close
But those that you wanna rob, keep them closer

Now my best friend
Now my best friend are my enemy
Now my best friend
I'm not worried 'bout that Hennessy
I need rounds for my weapon
Stressing worse than a stockbroker gone broke and out of Folgers
Y'all don't know
It feel like the galaxy on my shoulder
Who to trust to discuss
My life, my luck
My wife, my lust
She might be biting the dust (bitch!)
Cause you know lately she been off that stuff, hate me
And I'm like

Keep your friends close
But those that you wanna rob, keep them closer

'noid and exploited, don't know who to talk to
Those that said they love you, now they want to pop-pop-pop-pop
Watch you drown and fumble
Fuck that shit, I ain't humble
I see my [?] try to pitch me wit' a big ass bundle
My uncle's daughter, daughter, my niece say she want me deceased
She learned that from her momma, I ain't talked to her for about three weeks
But I'm sneaky, sneaky
Is that my enemies trying to get me?
Keep your friends close
But those that you wanna rob, keep them closer

(I see you, nigga)
(Man, fuck y'all niggas, you ain't got me!)
(I'mma fuck you up)
(Now get over here, motherfucker)
(Oh shit)

I'm out of breath like a fish out of water
Leaking out my cheese like a jalapeño popper
I'm thinking about my light more than I'm thinking about my daughter
I need to get back to the house to see who really on my roster
I walked in
Something feel wrong
Flicked on the lights and all my shit was gone
Only thing left was a letter under a coaster that said

Keep your friends close
But those that you wanna rob, keep 'em closer

Seein' Thangs

I hear voices whisper tell me, "Banner kill yo'self"
Man I call on the Lord, pain doesn't easy from wealth
These cars, these clothes, these hoes
Never meant nothing, having nightmares screaming and busting
At my enemy, I put a bullet in that nigga and I see it's me
Is it my soul?, killing self hate
Or does that nigga in me have to die before I reach them pearly gates
Either way I got something to say
Jam Master Jay used to yell walk this way
But it's hard to walk like a man the industry's ..
And these the same motherfuckers that's controlling my cash'
And the same ones, the government, controlling your ass
Why George bush ain't in jail for stealing them votes?
Why the CIA ain't closed man, for pushing that dope?
Get it cracking America, the CIA, aka the KKK
It's judgement day!

Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
They coming for your soul, they already got the chains…

In a Chevy, I'm wondering if the Feds broke the levy
Are they in with the devil to control the weather?
Hurricanes and typhoons every other week
While po' folks are drowning in the middle of the street
We too scared to speak, or too busy on the internet
I heard they about to put lo-jacks in our kids necks
Marshall law, tell Bush now we ain't ready to flip
The hood is like a modern slave ship
We packed like sardines and shackled to the streets
And crack is cotton that grows up from the concrete
Shit, but I guess I'm seein' thangs
We'd rather not learn, we'd rather fucking gang bang

Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
Seein', seein' thangs, I can swear that I'm seein' thangs
They coming for your soul, they already got the chains…

Broken Levee Blues

What do you say to people who have no homes? Is it astrodome
Or superdome? Or move in with a relative? But then that's relative
And you have to move from inner to Alaska, or Utah
And then you saw – how they feel about you in the news

(Nobody cares)
(Nobody cares)
(Nobody keeps a good dog down)

Backstage girl

She told me I've taken her to places she has never been before
But really she was taking me places I promised myself I'd never go to damn...
Pff damn, let me start from the beginning...

Alright man I want all of you brothers to get rid of frustration
And show sweet honey for your mouth
Yeah yeah yeah one two

Some say she was from Cali
Some say the Carolinas
Mom was a belly dancer
Pap' was a neverminder
No drugs or alcohol
No weed or marijuana
You think the backstage was the last place you'd find her
First time I saw her kinda
Reminded me a of a chick you see in ...carawana?
Friendly and talkative, yeah look as so marvellous hair
Dead nicotine filling life ..... in the city
You gotta see this but
I am back resting peace parting it
I start thrilling .... out of my consciousness
It's just that when I think... oh girl my whole world collapses all
So enwrenched in all overflow this
She approaches me with a smurf to say
We can do work no matter what time or day of the week it is
So ... that backstage girl she fell to her knees just to pray on my weaknesses

Homey I told her straight up, you know
I got a significant other... she ain't care
She said tonight I wanna be your insignificant lover .... what?
God damn...

Oh we left the club at around two
Just enough time to meet my niggers for round two
At another spot, DJ playing the sounds too
Hopefully divert me from being a scout drew
In the spot making my rounds do
The crowd trying to throw her off
but she's on me like a bloodhound Jew
Wouldn't believe how hard I tried to fight it
Passions and desires were closing in
And that's what it amounts to
I looked her in the eyes
And say I don't even know your name
It feels wrong even though I don't show it...
She said I wish I could tell you the same
But I won't tell you my name cause I want you to
Fuck me like you don't know it
I responded with a smurf to let he know
We can do work no matter what time or day of the week it is
So ... that backstage girl fall down to her knees to pray on my weaknesses
But man can you fight her? Go ahead

You'd think the backstage
Would be the last place you'd find her
You'd think the backstage
Would be the last place you'd find her
Been all around the world, seen so many faces
Was looking for love in all the wrong places
Been all around the world, seen so many faces
Backstage girl
Was looking for love in all the wrong places

I woke up the next morning all tangled up in her hair
That's when I realized she had me all where she wanted me
She told me I'd taken her to places she'd never been before
But really she took me to a place I promised myself I'd never return to
And I was fucked up
And the thing was I didn't feel bad about what I've done
I just felt stupid for trying to fight it for so long
I mean really who I was fooling
I knew what time it was soon as I saw her
Soon as she smiled at me and guy can tell what the foetal position was
And I dare she'd gave it too
I thought I had changed
But niggas never changes
But it took that one night
That one passionate night for me to realize what I needed to do
I gotta stop fucking with these whores off of my space though

Some say she was from Cali, some say the Carolinas
Mom was a belly dancer, pap' was a neverminder
No drugs or alcohol no weed no marijuana
You think the backstage was the last place you'd find her

You'd think the backstage
Would be the last place you'd find her
Been all around the world
Seen so many faces
Was always looking for love in all the wrong places
Been all around the world
Seen so many faces
Was always looking for love in all the wrong places
Been all around the world
Seen so many faces
Well well well
Was always looking for love in all the wrong places
Oh yeah
Been all around the world
Seen so many faces
Backstage girl
Was always looking for love in all the wrong places

*** Thanx a lot to Andray for this one ***

The Tiger

Move in close, tiger comes into the sun they run
Pray to thee, they come for me into the light and fly
Keep it low, smell that fear, spirits are gathered around
Our ancient hive, sharpened tounge, God comes to send me asleep

Fire brings light, light brings me here
And I run (and I run) like the sun (like the sun)
Cast a light (cast a light), see you try (see you try)
Bet you would (bet you would), use your gun (use your gun)
Bet your time and your money will come, your time will come

Today is not a day just a time, another place in eternity
A time of which no man is part of except in soul
And in the ire of catastrophe you wonder, what will come next

And you keep what you have to stop what they hear
To fulfill what you saw isn't right

They're so tied, so empires will fall
Soaken smile, the silence is all
Move in close, tiger comes risen free from the snare
Night draws in pillars fall down on your knees if you please

And I run (and I run) for the sun (for the sun)
Across the feilds (across the feilds) burning wheels (burning wheels)
Eye for an eye (eye for an eye), indian sky (indian sky)
Fire brings light, light brings me here
Fire brings light, light brings me here
And I run (and I run) for the sun (for the sun)
Across the feilds (across the feilds) burning wheels (burning wheels)
Eye for an eye (eye for an eye), see you try (see you try)
See you try...

Erase you

She was buried for a long time, disappeared into the night
She had a voodoo smile and a devil inside
So she's been down to the fog spitting words out like grenades
They got devils inside that explode in your face

You gotta be so careful, don't talk in your sleep
You gotta be so careful, the souls see

He was quiet for a long time, he never would sleep at night
He knew every little shortcut, he did everything right

Trying to be so careful, so he wouldn't speak
Trying to be so careful to hide his disease

(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
Erase you (Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
Erase you (Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
Erase you (Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
Erase you (Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
A million serpants entering, ahh
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
They've broken free 'cause it's feeding time
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
(Under the blood red sky, under the blood red)
And they're sharpening their teeth

I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise
I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise
(Erase you) I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise
(Erase you) I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise
(Erase you) I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise
(Erase you) I can't hear the noise when it gets too much
When it gets too much you can't hear the noise

What Have I Done

(feat. Christina Carter)

I speak from the heart
I fear beginning
I must go
Broken and soaked
To the wider world returning
I'll never be sullen again
Something is wrong
I can't stop my thoughts
I tell myself to stop them

Stop, stop what you're doing
I guess I'd better face it

The thoughts are sabotaging me
Even though they are mine
It feels as if it is physical
Like being in a different world
As if somehow things just are

Let's go ahead and get it over with

Don't be afraid
Can't you trust me
We all have thoughts
And we are together
We are together
I am your healing spirit
I am your healing spirit
I am your healing spirit

Healing spirit

There is a boy
Standing in a meadow
Looking out into the sky
And hundreds (and hundreds)
And hundreds (and hundreds)
And hundreds of butterflies
Lift off from around him
(Lift off from around him)
That's all I can remember
(Lift off from around him...)

Your mind
Due (?) bright morning
Dance with light
Send stars to the night

I am awake
I have a dream
I am living proof
I am living proof

What I have done
What I have done
What I have done

First steps
Through open fields

You Made It

( feat. Chris James - Guitar sample by Michael Collins )

Stay close
The water is rising
Silent cries
The shadows surround us

So we crawl out from under
The water
Out of darkness

We're almost home, no sleep, don't girl

Look around
Don't stare into the light too long
There's nothing here to see, nothing here to see, nothing here to see
Frozen hands on the window
Crying out in your sleep
Look away now
Look away now

I never said that you were falling to pieces
I know the thought that we would never get out of this

Now the time that falls into the cracks
There's nothing here to see, nothing here to see, they never will be

So we crawl out from under
The water

I never said that you were falling to pieces
I know the thought that we would never get out of this...

And we crawl out from under
The water
Out of darkness


This is a thing that you start with your partner...
And end up with someone else's!

Ah man (ah yeah)
Here we go (yeah)
Q-tip right here (are you ready?!)
Ah, ah, my-my man Lateef
And DJ Shadow (Shadow)
Let's go (let's go)
(Are you ready?!)

Hey girl
Let's go on and paint the town tonight
Make sure that the club speaker's soundin' right
Make sure that the dance floor's shinin' nice
Whether we do the two-step, or bump and grind
Whether salsa and merengue, moan and whine
Gonna work that body out in due time
I stick to you close, like a shadow on all sides
Now, let me see you move it around
(Let me see you move it)
Head up!
Feelin' fed up
By the set up
As I punch that clock hard
Get up
Grab my leather (come on!)
Ain't worried 'bout the weather (hah!)
It's time for the art of life (yeah!)
And all the strife
That's goin' on the floor tonight
I spread my arms like a bird in flight
It's alright, little dime piece
We gonna do whatever we like (whatever we like!)
I ain't over concerned with the price
Tell you why (why!)

Day-in, day-out, we be workin'
Tension's hot, my feet be hurtin'
Now it's time and I am certain
We have had enough
(Now everybody just dance)

Listen as I let this echo
In the ghetto, in the meadow
Every female, every fellow
We have had enough
(Now everybody just dance)
[Verse 2 – Q-Tip]
Inside the the world, I
Struggle to find my
Place with the bass
And the treble that's sky high
Whether you're stout, or you're short
Or you stand, or you fall
And you don't have a chance with them all
From project to playground
Crosstown to uptown
Open your heart
To the beat that's DJ-ed down
From DJ to DJ
It isn't easy
We make the vibes for the world
Hope that you play
Deeper we seep in
This is for weekends
Listen to Q-Tip, Shadow, and Lateef then
Music consoles, if you think it's a no
Then you insane
Transforms – takes you to new planes
This is for all y'all
Folks who say "Aw no
We ain't gonna dance
And enhance on this man's song"
Do get your ass up
How could you pass up
The chance to bring us in your world?
Can you stand up?

Day-in, day-out, we be workin'
Tension's hot, my feet be hurtin'
Now it's time and I am certain
We have had enough
(Now everybody just dance)

Listen as I let this echo
In the ghetto, in the meadow
Every female, every fellow
We have had enough
(Now everybody just...)

Dance, dance (come on, come on!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!)

Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Ah-ah-ah)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)

Go crazy (go crazy)
Get dumb (get dumb)
As you want (as you want)
It's time to motivate your body
Go ladies (go ladies)
Get sprung (get sprung)
Have fun (have fun)
It's time to motivate the party
Get you movin' like your arteries
Rock from here to Martinique
Turn around, bend over
Touch the floor like you're gardening
I'm trying to get closer than close – 'til you're a part of me
Extension of my spirit and soul, that moves consciously
Forget about the parts of the world that move robotically
And enhance the things that you love out of reality
Take the proper steps to enjoy them methodically
You'll find that the levels you reach can be startling

Everybody, time to get up on the dance floor
It's your chance for
An encounter that's romantic
And advance on
Like it was planned on (come on)

Everybody, time to get up on the dance floor
It's your chance for
An encounter that's romantic
And advance on
Like it was planned on (come on)

Everybody, time to get up on the dance floor
It's your chance for
An encounter that's romantic
And advance on
Like it was planned on
By the commander
In a manner that is tantric, so

Gonna let it all hang out tonight (all hang out!)
Gonna let'em loose
That shirt's too tight (hey)
Yeah! (Yuh!)
Shake that thing with all your might
(Shake it, shake it)
Whatever you like
Whatever feels right
'Til the morning like
Tell you why!

Day-in, day-out, we be workin'
Tension's hot, my feet be hurtin'
Now it's time and I am certain
We have had enough
(Now everybody just dance)

Listen as I let this echo
In the ghetto, in the meadow
Every female, every fellow
We have had enough
(Now everybody just...)

Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Da, da)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Da, da)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Da, da)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)

Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Da, da)
Dance, dance (come on, come on!) (Shadow on all sides!)

Dats My Part

We got dat boy DJ Shadow in this bitch! (Yeah!)
The legendary DJ Shadow (DJ Shadow)
This tha nigga E-40 right?
Look out pimp! (Look out pimp!)
Shadow! Shadow, holla at these suckas man!

It's real walkie talkie, man
40 water, the trendsetter bringin' it back like hockey, man
And you suckas can't stop me pimpin' Cole like a morgue
Please don't make me put some blood on my socks
This leader's doin' his job
Tremendous Black, humungous throb
Re-up and recap-uh
This Black right here?
This Black is a proper
707, now we stay retarded
We at the club
Out like a motherfucker farted
(Who the fuck farted?!)
Let the game unfold
Between me, you, and a fist pullin'
I got the slickest spit
I got the coldest part
People always ask me, do I still sell dope?
I tell them "No, not me
Not 4-0"
Nigga rich now, but I used to be po'

Dat's my part
Dat's my part
Dat's my part
Dat's my part

Dat's my part
Dat's my part
Dat's my part
Dat's my part

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, (hey), hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
1 (hey), 2 (hey), ready (hey), go (hey)

Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
[Verse 2]
Swingin' and swingin' 'em
Killin', now I'm spinnin'
Killin' 'em off bossy
That's breakin' the digits
Gettin' my hobos off
Lock beggin' and trippin'
Keepin' it movin', keepin' it pushin'
Swiss're havin' you man
Swiss're havin' you man

Acting a clown, acting a rectal
Suits you like Dick Cheney
Uhh! Uhh!
Suits you like Dick Cheney
She's a veteran, not a trainee
Ridin' dot car with drank
Never been a punk (punk)
Never been a slut, but
Never been a mom (mom)
I don't give a fuck if I star
Long as a nigga like me (what?)
Make the final cut
Have money, have room for you
If you play your part
I'm the leader of the ship
You could call it Noah's Ark
I found love on my soil (what is it, pimp?)
Pimp-uh pasta had to boil (ooh!)
Dat's my part
Dat's my part

Dat's my part (hey)
Dat's my part (hey)
Dat's my part (hey)
Dat's my part (hey)

Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

Dat's my part (yeah!)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part (look out!)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part (get on, man!)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part (get on!)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

Dat's my part (whoo!)
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)
Dat's my part
(Hey, hey, hey, hey)

Nothern California
Bringin' it back!
Northern California
Yeah, it's so right (go, go, go!)
DJ Shadow
Ain't nothin' to play with
Back against the wall
Feel the boom and the kick
(You don't)
Don't stop, don't stop
On the floor
Don't stop, don't stop (What is it pimp?!)
(Gettin' my dough)
Bringin' it back, back, back! (Yeah!)
1, 2, ready, go

The Less You Know, The Better

Back To Front (Circular Logic)

I'm Back, I forgot my drum

One by one, one by one, one by two by one by two
One by one, one by one, one by two by one by two
One by one, one by one, one by two by one by two
One by one, one by one, one by two by one by two
One by one, one by one, one by two by one by two

I am DJ Shadow

Stay The Course

From the first in hell, a child let out a cry
Some say cause we in hell ‘till we die
What if that death is no sign of Mohamed
No sign of visa, just ?? asking for your visa
We're back on the third rock
People trying got keep ‘em head up, you heard pop?
And bad time trespasses on your premises
Good times avoid you like a Nemesis
With or without we all gonna face that
Find a way to put food on a place mat
Stay sound, don't feed your anger
'Cause trouble always imposing with this bulldozer
The majority will not see the few chosen
But will see our way through before curtain closing
Maneuver around ???

Be the one, be the man, be forever, the style
Never stop, never rest, always know, never guess
Navigate to the north east south or west
Just stay the course, just stay the course!
Keep your eye on the prize and your thoughts out the box
And your head in the sky, take the knife, cut the pie
Take a peek, no matter east, north, south or west
And just stay the course, I gotta stay the course
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay on track...
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay on track...
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay the course
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
'Cause if you don't that's when you're lost

Stay the course take a horse as I make my way across the high planes
??? an army instead of shaking an ???
Let it drop ??? for never taking the loss
From the start to the finish, my heart will never diminish
Hit the stage but I started in the park on the benches I was singing for ???
When I sing it's such a blessing they ??? for redemption poem bringing with dimensions
Bring on different dimensions, you see that shit?
You say you're making a movie, but I've seen that flick
Kissing in the picture I really complete the photo
Electric fire, electric lighter like beat of ???
Living la vida loca, my life is sort of like the tornado that took ToTo
I watch it get slow-mo'd and I shape up like Plato
I don't mean the clay-dough, what I mean to my philosophy keepin' me real stable

Be the one, be the man, be forever, the style
Never stop, never rest, always know, never guess
Navigate to the North East south or west
Just stay the course, you gotta stay the course!
Keep the eye on your pride and your thoughts out the box
And your head in the sky get the knife, cut the pie
Take a peek, no matter east, north, south or west
And just stay the course, I got stay the cource
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay on track...
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay on track...
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
Maintain, just stay the course
We'll be talking back, a matter of fact right and exact
'Cause if you don't that's when you're lost

Be the one, be the now, be forever, the style
Never stop, never rest, always know, never guess
Navigate to the North East south to west
Just stay the course, you gotta stay the course
Keep an eye on the prize and your thoughts out the box
And your head in the sky, let your knife cut the pie
Take a peace, no matter east, north, south or west
And just stay the course, just stay the course
Be the first not the last, get a hold of the craft in your soul
Never slow be fast, keep it right never wrong, write a poem, write a song
Just stay the course, just stay the course

I've Been Trying

Hi kitten, this ones for you...

I've been trying to get you to love me
I've been trying to get you to care
Put forth a lot of effort
But I just don't seem to get nowhere
I've been trying to get you to love me
I've been trying to get you to care
Put forth a lot of effort
But I just don't seem to get nowhere

I've been trying to get you to love me
I've been trying to get you to care
Put forth a lot of effort
But I just don't seem to get nowhere

Sad And Lonely

One, two, three, four

I'm sad and I'm lonely, my heart it will break
My sweetheart loves another, Lord, I wish I was dead!
My cheeks once were red as the bloom on the rose
But now they are whiter than the lily that grows

Young ladies, take a warning, take a warning from me
Don't waste your affections on a young man so free
He'll hug you, he'll kiss you, he'll tell you more lies
Than the cross-ties on the railroad or the stars in the sky

I'm troubled, I'm troubled, I'm troubled in mind
If trouble don't kill me, I'll live a long time

Warning Call

( Feat. Tom Vek )

This is the greatest thing
Your ever likely to achieve in your life
Holding up the medals, you've won
While everyone else is swimming in circles
Working out, what happened to, everything you learnt in school
You don't remember them telling you that it's cool to be you

It's cool to be you when you like what you do
And you're strong, head strong, I'm saying, just saying
This is a warning call, a warning call

I wanna go home, I've said too much and I've set it up
It breathed all on it's own, it's own
There's nothing more to be done, so pack up your shelves of bitterness
There's a time for heroes and it's not now, it's not now

It is the greatest thing
Your ever likely to achieve (not, not, not...)
It is the greatest thing
Your ever likely to achieve (now, now, now...)

I know how to find out everything about you
I know how to find out everything about you

Well it's cool to be you when you like what you do
And you're strong, head strong, I'm saying, just saying
This is a warning call, a warning call
A warning call, a warning call
A warning call, a warning call

Enemy Lines

Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
You betcha, betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines
But ya musta lost your mind
Betcha, I don't be steppin' over enemy lines

Going Nowhere

Here we are known at the middle
More and more I have the feeling that we are getting nowhere
Slowly we are getting nowhere and that is the pleasure


God gave me a song that the angels cannot sing
I've been washed in the blood of the crucified one
I've been redeemed

God gave me a song that the angels cannot sing
I've been washed in the blood of the crucified one
I've been redeemed

Give Me Back The Nights

Give me back the nights, give me back the agony of my solitary
The nights I spent or love
The million endless solitary nights of my life
Give me back all the people I desire that never came
Give me back your love, for love which was never really giving
And even the lessons what you gave there was the taking
For you surprise and loving someone more helpless than yourself
Give me back the nights...

Give me back the agony of the years of lonely weary
Give me back the thousand rejections of my life
Give me back the love which I deserved
Give me back the time, the lost time and energy
And beauty of my youth wasted in the wind
And spilled out in imitation when nothing was coming
And the waging, the waging
Give me back the nights, I'm sure of lane together
Building the great temple of our love
Give me back the nights, the nights, the nights
The nights, the nights, the nights, the love, grow
Endless that nights...

I Gotta Rokk

You... You... You... You... You... You... You... You...
You... You... You... You... You... You... You... You...
People, I know you feel the way I do when I say
I gotta rock, ah... You... I gotta rock, ah... You...
I gotta rock, ah... You...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
(Rock, rock, rock, rock...) You... You... You...
I gotta rock, ah, I gotta rock, I gotta...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
Rock, rock, rock, I gotta rock, rock, rock...
I gotta rock, rock, rock... I gotta rock, rock, rock...
I gotta rock, rock, rock...

Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Check you for the line, check you for the line, check you for the line
Moment I die...

Scale It Back

I swear I saw blue light
My feet followed it outside
And I thought I heard someone say
Fly far away
And when you reach up the sky is there

This clueless weather know
We swing the waves, and let it go
Until I heard someone say
Over the rise and beyond
Oh, where you're reach and knocked over stars

Like light I came from pocket finesse
Every moment I see with eye closed
Take me to places where we can start
Like light I came from pocket finesse, every

Nothing can steal this treasure from us, babe
I'm still in luck– now
Fighting the sounds

Take chances and come closer to me babe
I'm fallin' out – now

Circular Logic (Front To Back)

“I came here to break you for the cannister bitch you are
Came to suck your insides out and sparkle like a star”

“Well alright
We got a nice thing going
Here we going- do this sock in to you too”

Sir, uh, I know established reports’ available
I have come out here in my – MPC
Switched on my Sony, and recorded, this:

“Who are you?
Who are you?
What are you talking about?
Who are you?
I am me
I am me too, that doesn’t mean anything
Well, what do you want me to say?
Who are you?
What are you trying to do to me?
Find out who you are!
You’re a sadist!
I’m truth, life
Why are you torturing me?
Who are you?
I… I don’t know who I am
Now, we can begin”
“Alright, look out”
“A-Are you ready?”
“A young kid out in San Fransisco
Discovered yet another way of getting off”
“Right- right on!”
“Why is he so quiet. Is he sick?”
(Are you ready?)
“You don’t wanna be a doctor?
You wanna be a disc jockey?”
Right on!
(I wanna know how you feel. How you feel? Alright)

“This man started it all and they called him a wizard
Ever since they’ve been crying for more and more of his magic
Some of them can’t breathe without it”

“Aww come on Tom, I mean invisible demon
Entering your body, stealing your soul
And changing into a snake, falling out your ear”

“Are you ready?”

“There’s a lot more to come
And each time we turn a corner
That cold chill might sweep through you
With the realization that you’ve been down this road before”
“I’ll do just oone more mix and then go home”

(Not So) Sad and Lonely

I'm troubled
My heart it will break
I'm troubled
I'm troubled
I'm troubled

Let’s Get It (Bass, Bass, Bass)

If you're ready... I'm ready
It goes something like this:

Let's get it!
Let's get it!
Get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!

Let's get it!
Let's get it!
Get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
(Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!) Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass!)
(Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!) Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass!

If you front on me you might get hurt
I like pushing bitches to the dirt
14th Street gangsters
86 that, bitch!

Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass!


Let's get it!
Let's get it!
Get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it!
Let's get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
(Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!) Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass!)
(Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!) Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass! Bass-bass!

Bass, bass, bass, bass, bass, bass, bass, bass, bass, bass

Def Surrounds Us

Now we're going to try an experimental number
One written using some contemporary techniques
Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
On whom can we call
Save to thee oh Lord?

Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Though we are alive
Death, death, death-death-death
Death, death, death (Death surrounds us)

Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we - though we are alive
Though-though we are alive
Death, death, death
Oh Lord Jesus, save me, please!

Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Though-though we are alive
Death-death-death, death
Death, death, death (Death surrounds us)

Though we are alive
Death surrounds us
Though we are alive
Death surrounds us-are
Go, death-death-death...

Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us (We want change)
Call death, call death, call death, call death...

Call me Death!

Death, death surrounds us
Death, death surrounds us
Death, death surrounds us
Death, death, de-de-de-death-de-de-death, de-de-de-de
Death, death surrounds us
De-Death, death surrounds us (Death)
Death, death surrounds us (Death)

Death, death surrounds us, -eath-eath
Death, -eath-eath
Death, death surrounds us, -eath-eath
Death, though we are alive
Death, death surrounds us, -eath-eath
Death, though we are alive
Death, death surrounds us, -eath-eath
Death, death-death-death-death-death-death…

Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death surrounds us
Death-death, death-death
Time shall be no more
Time shall be no more
Time shall be no more

Sinner, oh sinner
Where will you stand

Come on Riding (Through the Cosmos)

"Well, I know who you are, baby
You're the snake charmer baby
But you're also... the snake."

Though its true I'm living with
A travelling heart
And it was yours you knew from the very start
And I have come to know your eyes
When they're hiding

Though its true I'm living with
A travelling heart
And it was yours you knew from the very start
And I have come to know your eyes
When they're hiding
Lost in the time that slowly cries

Come on riding!
Come on riding
Come on riding!
Come on riding

I have come to know your eyes
When they're hiding
I have come to know your eyes
When they're hiding
Lost in the time that slowly cries

Come on riding!
Come on riding
Come on riding!
Come on riding

Come on riding!
Come on riding
Come on riding!
Come on riding

The Mountain Will Fall

Nobody Speak

El-P :
Picture this
I'm a bag of dicks
Put me to your lips
I am sick
I will punch a baby bear in his shit
Give me lip
Imma send you to the yard, get a stick, make a switch
I can end a conversation real quick

Killer Mike :
I am crack
I ain't lying kick a lion in his crack
I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit
Pinch your mamma on the booty, kick your dog, fuck your bitch
Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa and took pictures with your kids

El-P :
We the best
We will cut a frowny face in your chest, little wench
I'm unmentionably fresh, I'm a mensch, get correct
I will walk into a court while erect, screaming "Yes!
I am guilty motherfuckers, I am death."
Always copy, always paste, shame on robots
Hey, you wanna hear a good joke

Nobody speak, nobody get choked

El-P :
Get running
Start pumping your bunions, I'm coming
I'm the dumbest, who flamethrow your function to Funyuns
Flame your crew quicker than Trump fucks his youngest
Now face the flame, fuckers, your fame and fate's done with

Killer Mike :
I rob Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Linus and Lucy
Put coke in the doobie, roll woolies to smoke with Snoopy
I still remain that dick grabbing slacker that spit a woogie
Cause the toter of the toolie'll murder you friggin' Moolies
Fuck outta here, yeah

Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak
Nobody speak

El-P :
Only facts I will shoot a
Baby duck if it quacks, with a Ruger
Top billing, come cops some villainous shots is blocked, shipped out, and bought, and you're feeling it
El-P killing it, Killer Mike killing shit

Killer Mike :
What more can I say
We top billin' it
Valiant without villiany
Viciously file victory
Burn towns and villages
Burning looting and pillaging

El-P :
Murderers try to hurt us we curse them and all their children
I just want the bread and bologna bundles to tuck away
I don't work for free, I am barely giving a fuck away

Killer Mike :
So tell beggin' Johnny and Mommy to get the fuck away
Heyyo here's a gun, son, now run, get it the gutterway
Live to shoot another day

Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak
Nobody speak
Nobody speak, nobody get choked

Three Ralphs

Three Ralphs
Three Ralphs
Three, three Ralphs

Three Ralphs
Go, go, go, go
Three Ralphs
Go, go, go, go
Always copy, always paste, shame on robots
Three Ralphs
Go, go
Go, go

The time has come
The time has come
Are you ready Ralph
Are you ready
To die


The sideshow

 (feat. Ernie Fresh)

The sound you are hearing
Is a relatively new one
Who is making the sound
Ask your mama

Clap your hands until the beat drops
Clap your hands until the beat drops
Come on, my breakdown
Always copy, always paste, shame on robots
Knowledge is born when the DJ gets loose
You never see him sweat but produce the def juice
Here in full effect, known for causin a wreck
Try the gas but he manifest what I express
He's a pinnacle, that means he's bigger than y'all know
The murder weapon X mic checks the fly flow
Everywhere we go, we, everywhere we go, we, every-every
Everywhere we go, we light it up like the sideshow

Boom, straight to the cash
Now, now, now this is how it's started
All eyes on the DJ
Can't stop the needle, won't stop the needle
Can't stop the needle

Get loose y'all, get off the wall for real
A scientist is on the mix, it ain't time to chill
You get beat up from the feet up if you trying to flex
With a flick of the wrist, the ball is a bloody mess
Put the needle to the wax, so don't let it react
When the party is packed like it's about to explode

Everywhere we go, we, everywhere we go, we, every-every
Everywhere we go, we light it up like the sideshow

Like a maniac, and you wanna know why
'Cause I'm playing my music too loud

The way that I see it, you ain't taking nobody out
Intelligence is power, that ain't what you about
We be causing much damage in the place to be
On the [?] like a tank, on the m-i-c
On the scene with a gangster lean
The one man band reaches the fans with gasoline
Let the beat drop until the dust clears
DJ's fear him, when they see him, they say "I'm outta here"
The closer you get to feel the effect
My DJ earns respect while you stack the creds
So don't front or you'll be sleeping on your death bed
Cause flying images and memories roll through your head
That's what you get when you mess with true pros
Going toe to toe, blow for blow, now you know

Everywhere we go, we, everywhere we go, we, every-every
Everywhere we go, we light it up like the sideshow
Everywhere we go, we, e-e-every, e-e-every, every
Everywhere we go, we light it up like the sideshow


Mambo together
Mambo together
Mambo slow
The rhythm is

Mambo together
Mambo together
Mambo slow
The rhythm is

Always copy, always paste, shame on robots
Mambo together
Mambo together
Mambo slow
The rhythm is

Mambo together
Mambo together
Mambo slow
The rhythm is

Mambo quick slow
Quick quick slow


Your feet will be together
Quick quick slow

Pitter Patter

(feat. G Jones and Bleep Bloop)

I hear all your raindrops falling this time
But they don’t come with everything teardrops on the line
??? everything’s ???
Why ??? don’t we ever know
But you still live inside
I hear all your raindrops falling this time
But they don’t come with everything teardrops on the line
??? everything’s ???
Why ??? don’t we ever know
But you still live inside


Always copy, always paste, shame on robots
Killa Cali, the state
Killa Cali
Killa Cali, killa Cali...

Ghost Town

You broke you can choke this smoke out
You living like a low you be toast in ghost town
Ghost town
Break break break break break you broke you can choke this Smoke out
Go go ghost town you living like a low you get toast
Ghost town
Ghost town
Break you broke you can choke this smoke out
You living like a low you be toast in ghost town

Suicide Pact

I’m on a subway and nobody find me jammin'


Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve Swerve swerve
Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve

Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve Swerve swerve
Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve

Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve Swerve swerve
Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve

Swerve swerve swerve
Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve Swerve swerve
Swerve swerve swerve swerve swerve

Our Pathetic Age

Beauty, Power, Motion, Life, Work, Chaos, Law

Motherfucker, get up god damn it


My name is Juggernaut
My name is Jugger...
My name is Juggernaut, Juggernaut
My name is...




Sometimes you are so charmed by the music
He might be saying "Death, death, death"
And you would not notice
My name is juggernaut
My name is...


I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)

I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams

Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!
Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!

I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams

Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!
Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!

I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)

I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams

Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!
Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!

Hold on down!
Oh, Rosie - hold on gal!

I seen-I-I seen li-
I seen-I-I-I seen li-
I seen-I-I seen li-
I seen-I-I-I-Ro- seen li'l

Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)

I seen li'l Rosie in my midnight dreams
(In my midnight dreams)
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams
Oh Lord, my midnight dreams

Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!
Oh! Rosie! Hey-ya-hey-ya!
Oh! Rosie! Hold on gal!


Drone Warfare

Today's lessons: what is the square mile distance
From me and other emcees per style and persistence
Today's sessions: what's the square mile distance
From me and other emcees per style and persistence
Know the difference how I sit in this powerful position
Listen to niggas claim that their legends
Fronting like they Nikola Tesla
Technology changed the game, I'm an investor
But my soul ain't for grabs
Robo cops, they want patrol in the aves

Cops got duct tape put on cam to max you to smack hoes
Now I duct tape the cam on a Mac Pro
When I'm in the kitchen whispering
About (stupid ass politicians) my smartphone's listening
The climate changed condition when
It's like I'm smoking a pack a day
But never nicotine though, the air quality is sickening
For sure I put it on wax like I'm bickerin'

This is the voice of world control

I was one of those who made it out the game untouched
Got brothers who never made it out, bad luck
I was one of those who made it out the game untouched
Got brothers who never made it out, bad luck
Got niggas who never seen handcuffs
We got older, their sons got locked up, that's karma
Daughters who popped up knocked up
Brothers my age already grandfathers be on the block drunk
Cameras and drones are watching
They're stealing our body parts, it's Jones and Monch and

Check my beautiful matte black Kevlar suit
Suitable for war with Hazmat
The Nasdaq and big pharmaceutical
Ex-military military grade
Ballistic expert with blood under my cuticles
You already know the issues
The American atrocities, so while you squeeze gats
I shoot at the drones with shoulder missiles

This is the voice of world control
You will obey and live, or disobey and die

Drone warfare, missiles in the air

Rain on Snow

Rain on snow
INS, Your Highness
Rain on snow
DJ Shadow, what's good?
Makes it melt
You all ready?

Yo, White Walker style now, winter is coming
We living trapped in the storm like fish in a bucket
My vision is blurry, drop a load, zip in a hurry
Seen the dreams of blue skies then you hit the flurry
Where it's hot shells and cold hearts who love pain
Let it rain just to wash away the blood stains
Money, money, sex, murder, that's the drug game
And every day the same song like nothing changed
But I came with the shovel
Whether it's to chop up snow or if I gotta throw dirt on some trouble
I'm working a double, I tripled the price
Never slipping even on six inches of ice
Stay equipped when the temperature dipped, hold your weight
Cause the cold's known to leave folks frozen in place
Stay warm, sipping Henny 'til the pain is gone
And now I can see clearly now, the rain is gone
The rain is gone, the rain is gone, the rain is gone

Rain on snow
Rain on snow
Makes it melt

Tony Starks, yo, yo, yo, yeah
When it rains, it pours, enough that it drenched the floors
Evaporated by these clouds created to give you more
But these snowflakes fall in all sizes and shapes
Exquisite designs, they cover alpines and lakes
Whether the flurry or drizzle
Two below, weather so cold, fake agents won't bust their pistol
Even the ref won't blow a whistle
North Korea won't blow a missile, my frozen word to the bone gristle
Snow turns to slush, slush turns to ice
Front on my fam, we take turns on taking your life
Paying the price is a must, depends on the air stream
The current, that wicked wind that blows is God-fearing
That means we cut up a savage and break vegetarians, airing 'em
They try to come back, we daring 'em
Brain matter splattered all on the roof like planetariums
Me and Shadow couldn't wrap up like a cesarean
Like a cesarean, like a cesarean, like a cesarean

Rain on snow
Rain on snow (Yeah)
Makes it melt (Uh-huh, yeah)

From ancient Shaolin to Malaysia
Flow is awfully cold, I own a globe but my stones is glaciers
With three-fourths water I slaughter
What a great day to rain, it's pouring out, my drip's imported
No snow in the bezzle just medals
I flow through Bali and Denalis, from east Africa tribal on my nose
We arsonists, we servers in golashes
My shooter do washers, get your ballad head, bring thunder to homes
It's on definite when death will hit, the glow is just effortless
'Cause when I prep for this, it's excellence
Check out the drones, high as the mountains in Everest
Check the aerial view, you see the best of this like Tesla's chest in it
Collapsar, rub my nostril, posture is radioing a jostler
My bodyguard a black Kevin Costner
Your audience is just corniness, we the beacon in the Gardens of Eden
Word to Vegas, we move prestigious
We move prestigious, we move prestigious, we move prestigious

Rain on snow
Rain on snow
Makes it melts

Rocket Fuel

Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Get ready, y'all
Get ready
Ready‚ set
Steady‚ bet
Get ready
Ready‚ set
Steady, bet
Get ready

This be the green light, go
Tires burn the pavement
People wanna know where Mase‚ Pos, and Dave went
Still here, still in your ear
With a style so hot‚ you'll see where all the sun rays went
Legs, arms, and head all being moved in a frenzy
The blends be all the right cred
Meaning credentials
Best of both worlds
When we rocking over pearls in the instrumental

Are you ready? (Ready) Set? (Set)
Jump to the rhythm as hard as you can go
Keep it steady (Steady), to the letter, right? (Bet)
Turn it up, we giving a show
But can you rock it like rocket fuel?
What you talking 'bout? Space or out your mind?
But can you rock it like rocket, fool?
That's a close encounter of what kind?

I'm a disc jockey
What's a disc jockey?

When it was time to get it lit we got it hot like fever
Sick with the talk, pass to your receiver
All about running the spot
And you know we got breath control so no need to take a breather
Cardio kingpins
Subjugate the dubplate
And you know we can't wait to bring spins
Aced all quizzes, A-plussed the final
Vocals we align, we move it all simul-
-taneously over joints we rock
We earned thirty years, so you can say that we got
Three turns, live off the board, unlike you and your chessmen
We install doubt in you and your yes-men
And if the game have veins, we'll insert the needle, upheaval the ground
'Cause the adrenaline we blend with the sound
Is our thing, relieving the kings of all crowns

So are you ready? (Ready), are you set? (Set)
Then jump to the rhythm as hard as you can go
Keep it steady (Steady), to the letter, right? (Bet)
Turn it up, y'all, peep the flow
But can you rock it like rocket fuel?
What you talking 'bout? Space or out your mind?
But can you rock it like rocket, fool?
That's a close encounter of what kind?

Ready, set
Steady, bet
Then jump to the rhythm as hard as you can go
Turn it up, y'all, peep the flow

Are you ready? (Ready) Set? (Set)
Jump to the rhythm as hard as you can go
Keep it steady (Steady), to the letter, right? (Bet)
Turn it up, we giving a show
But can you rock it like rocket fuel?
What you talking 'bout? Space or out your mind?
But can you rock it like rocket, fool?
That's a close encounter of what kind?

Ready, set
Steady, bet

But can you rock it like rocket fuel


This instrument can teach, it can illuminate, and yes it even can inspire
But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends
Otherwise, it's nothing but wires and lights in a box

Running, rushing, blood spilling
Tears are pouring, it seems the well is never filled
Mentally exhausted, overworking, take another pill
All to keep the owner of the corporation stacking billions

These corporations manipulating our daily lives
Got us exasperated working through all of our days and nights
Sacrifices your leisure time to end up at a 9 to 5
To work until you are deceased without a single moment for peace

Never still, it just keeps rolling down the hill, nobody tries to stop it
Dont get cocky get you killed, you'll be a trending topic
A cog up in the wheel
A sacrifice to the cult of death being built
Caught up in the matrix, virtual digital minds
We don't memorize phone numbers or directions when
We drive
We don't even have to go shopping to get our food and buy things
We only push a button, we don't even have to try

Can't even lift an eye up away from my phone
Talking to Instagram live just so I don't feel alone
Flooding my Twitter feed with my deepest feelings and thoughts
My page is public but my sense of conversation is blocked
I validate myself through followers just to feel important
Instead of living in the moment, I much rather record it
Nobody knows my first name but know my Snapchat handle
I'm just a millennial trapped in social media standards

I see oppression within an effort
To own the rights of my expression
I see expression, influence, the feeling
To wipe our opinions, we are the meaning of conforming

Shelling out melodies and feverish frequencies
Funding boardroom salaries, they pay me in exposure
No penalties when they're late paying me
No benefits seen, just means for you to leave the [?] foreclosure
Advertise that revenue, everything that you consume
All for them, less for you, they do all the sorting
Try to figure out ways to make you feel important
While they keep robbing you blind, hold extortion

In some sense that's the power of the Internet
On the other hand, that's a perfect formula for the dark side
This is our generation's form of nuclear power
How we deal with this will be the stuff in history

I see oppression within an effort
To own the rights of my expression
I see expression, influence, the feeling
To wipe our opinions, we are the meaning of conformity

Small Colleges (Stay with Me)

Stay with me
Stay with me
Stay with me

My mind's leaving me, someone speak to me
Some kind of reasoning, a sign
I'm freaking out, I'm Ron Weasely
Time and time again
I talk to myself, I go on and on and then
Homie just stopped speaking, see
Rapping from my soul
My hand, it ain't reaching me
Time ain't on my side, sand leaking, could lose a piece of me
The time piece, the hour glass, measure the pieces please
Need my power back without my mind I'm just a piece of meat

Stay with me
Stay with me

Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Found a way to begin
Found a way to be gone

They told me there's nothing I couldn't do, so
What am I without you though
How can I be too slow to realize how you move go on

Way when loopholes, he ain't know where he at
It's hard to tell with me ??? even looked or cared to check
There goes my head, my character
What I should have cherished best
Wonder how losing my mind compares to death

Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Now there's nothing left to see there
Now there's nothing left to be
Stay with me
Stay with me

Keep going, uhh

JoJo’s Word

Blood on my hands, blood on my wrist, yeah
Fighting the pain, clenching my fist, yeah
Y'all probably saying, "How did he get here?"
I recollect while I sit here
Nothing is going right, dreaming that my demons is on sight
Maybe I've been living the wrong life
Project building children, I'm just one of many children
Raised by the system, pops was a victim
We didn't wanna sell but they was 'bout to evict him
And his whole family, momma got trama from drama
It's insanity, recently she been strung out
Caught her where the drug dealers hung out
She seen me and ran like shots rung out
Just a matter of time before the block come out
And tell me I'm a crack baby, I need a gat maybe
I'm only 15, it's that crazy

Blood on my hands, blood on my wrist, yeah
Fighting the pain, clenching my fist, yeah
Y'all probably saying, "How did he get here?"
I recollect while I sit here
Grandma say, "Life is precious", but I can't stand it
I ain't living life, I'm doing life on the planet
I got a friend in my head that understand it
That voice taking control, I call her Janet
Not schizophrenic I just see the real things
Can it be therapeutic to kill things?
Especially when they become a burden
Like that little kid that could never get a word in
Never getting love, never been deserving
Well hopefully they clap when it's closed curtains
I'm so certain, I ain't finna grow
I don't wanna breathe, I just wanna go (What?)

Blood on my hands, blood on my wrist, yeah
Face of disgrace, I promised I wouldn't drip tears
Small heart, big fears, looking in the mirror
This is it, yeah, never thought I'd be my own killer
Mom's dealer gave me something that'd numb the filler
Every bit of the pain, the wall and floor stained
Been in this bathroom for about an hour
Grandma sleep, she thinking I'm in the shower
But by the time she wake up, no more drama
Just nerve damage and nirvana
A step closer to death, I feel calmer, I feel purpose
At home it's easy to feel worthless
The knife I used is laying on the floor
I sure am satisfied, I done tried before
I'm having flashbacks to everything that I saw
Then I feel somebody opening the door

Blood on my hands, blood on my wrist, yeah
Family screaming, damn my demons got me
Prayer couldn't stop me, heaven dropped me
Now I suffer, grandma calling for my mother
She don't want me but I love her
Sorry to my baby brother, no more pain, I got you covered
All this bleeding fucked the tub up
Grandma lift me, thought I hovered
In this world it's gotten tougher, pop I love you
So much shit I needed from you
Hope I didn't disappoint you
It was either this or join you in that prison
Grandma gripping my small body, telling me to hold on
Her palms so soft, make me wanna stay strong
Her eyes watering, wonder where we went wrong
By the time they cared, I was gone

Kings & Queens

Greetings to all, ayy
Greetings to all, uh

Greetings to all, here from the edge of a wall
Upon a ledge where a fall
Might be the way to make sense of it all
Certainly worked for the dog
I'm talking pet of my mama's mama, grandma mama
Jumped for his life, lost it instead
Didn't like heights, I gotta guess
Liked starving to death even less
Living room was a badly named mess
On the inside of the room, there's no breath
Pardon me, Carol, if I get it wrong
We never met, this is only a song
I heard a story just once with my mom
She said the bottles you held didn't last very long
When you gave out, no one knew that you'd gone
Or knew that you couldn't bring food to the dog
Damn, look at that beast
Licking on unanimated cheeks of the deceased
Little white noise coming outta TV
Women on floor in a heap
Door to the balcony
Cracked just enough to hear honking of horns from the street
Wonder how long little Fluffy just stood there and stared
Knowing it's either he jump or not eat
Some families don't rise, they drop from the sky
Four little paws and a bark to the gods
Born from the death of a queen in New York
Mama took that and fought with those odds
It's in the blood, Fluffy just jumped
To me, he's always been a hero unsung
Mama jumped too like, "Fuck it, I'm here"
And I'ma jump too like, "Fuck it, let's go"
'Cause I don't really see no other clear road
It's just get dead or grow to get old
Really can't risk not taking that risk
Fluffy done jumped, how am I gon' ditch?
Backflip the fuck off a cliff, ya lil' bitch
In front of foundation, make a quick wish
RTJ don't fall from grace
Have a great day, get the bag, get away, ayy

There's never a test too major
No matter what time may bring
The weapons amassed to break us made us
Kings and queens
There's never a test too major
No matter what time may bring
The weapons amassed to break us made us
Kings and queens, kings and queens

Somethin' 'bout the feel of this beat
Making me think of Denise, that was my mama
Also to Lovie and Shunda
But we raised by Betty and that story heavy, yeah
But right now, the focus is Five-Finger Freddy
Who worked for Big Eddie who drove in a Chevy
The color spaghetti and he sold her lettuce
And lettuce is actually weed, and
I know you actually know, 'cause
You ain't no actual ho, uh
I had to be about nine at the time
This had to be '84, so
Mama was pretty and Freddy was petty
So he played my mom like a lame
But he did not know that Denise was a beast
She flipped on his ass insane
A stick and a stab, a stick and a stab
He couldn't get a hold of her hand
A stick and a stab, a stick and a stab
My mama was whooping a man
Fuckboy Freddy wasn't ready
Playing with Denise 'bout fetti, got left bloody and messy
Learnt my lesson
And my lesson was be impeccable with your word
Even dope boys on the curb
You're a king, say what you mean and mean your word
Or you might get fucked up
Left out leaking like Freddy on the side of a curb
With a blood-stained hand
Mama still fixed my clothes
Told me, "Stand like a man
And never fold for these hoes", love

There's never a test too major
No matter what time may bring
The weapons amassed to break us made us
Kings and queens
There's never a test too major
No matter what time may bring
The weapons amassed to break us made us
Kings and queens, kings and queens

There's never a test (Never a test)
Yeah (No matter what time may bring)
Yeah (Woo! Ooh yeah)
Kings and (Kings and queens)
Ooh, kings and queens (Yeah)
Oh yeah, yeah yeah-yeah
The weapons amassed to break us made us
Kings and queens, kings and queens


Right, right
Right, right
Right, right

If it's a ghetto in heaven, I hope that's leaked address
Whole pockets empty, was mad stressed
The block had to study like math test
Fuck it, jump out a bucket, I'm thuggin' in public
My life in a rush and nobody can touch it
I climbed out the gutter eating bread and butter
Jealous of my living struggle with my mother
Did it with my brother, grew up with my cousin
Blew up on these niggas, they can't even stomach
I ain't asked for nothing, I ain't asked for nothing
I was out here hustling, nickel to a onion, onion to a plate
Shadow got me zoning, conversate with omens
Momma told me "Son, you nothing, need diploma"
Cooking in the kitchen, crack was the aroma
Pots full of powder, sit on a napkin, let it dry, we riding
Any block we sliding, AMG kitted
I been so committed, shorty so explicit
Everything I got on, you know it's expensive
Everything I get on, critical condition
Run up on this money, I would always listen
Tryna make it happen in front of Pooh's building
Early in the morning I was waiting on a package (True story)
Global now, getting bookings all across the atlas
I roll up the gladness and watch out for badges
My bitch is the baddest
Life is worth much more than a Patek
Always elite, can't do nothing average
He got in a beef, he ain't really know the game he was jacking
It was like 20 degrees outside, they took off his jacket
I seen a lot of my homies change up when I started rapping (A lot)
I fell out with my plug 'cause he started taxin'

Dark Side of the Heart

True story
Breathe in as we begin

I took frequent trips to escape the relation
Ship sinking quick, my commitment was amazing
A disappearing act, felt like a missing person
Feelings start to vanish, now feel the closed curtain
Doesn't make a difference, don't pretend it was perfect
Fuck I'm killing myself, overdosing on purpose
My name is addict, am I supposed to let passion turn to hatred, spontaneous explosive
Too late, even therapy is hopeless
To strength ???
Keep pushing you away, keep calling me closer
Let the shaking stop, let me go, get it over
Please don't be dead, my body's getting colder
Swinging from a rope could be the last time I woke up
Time to live sober, eerie voice over my shoulder
Saying time is just a turntable moving slower

Time keeps moving on
??? streets at night
Time keeps moving on
Time is just a turntable moving slower
Time keeps moving on
??? streets at night
Time keeps moving on
Moving on

Keep it moving now, keep it moving now

You want me to feel something
All I feel is contempt for you
This time keeps moving on
And the feelings gon' keep on so strong
Yeah, keep it moving now
If you love me then I don't know
Try to drown me in your sorrow
You say, you say
??? you
But you never came home
You ???

You say time is everything, keep it moving my friends
We stumble through the dark to keep it moving again
You say time is everything, keep it moving my friend
At begins of the end, breathe in, begin again

Time keeps moving on
??? streets at night
Time keeps moving on
Time keeps moving on
Time keeps moving on
Moving on
Keep it moving now
Time keeps moving on
Time keeps moving on
You better, yeah, uh, try
Time keeps moving on
Try, keep it moving now
Time keeps moving on
Moving on

You want me to forgive you
You want me to forgive you
No, no, no, no
Keep it moving come on
Keep it moving come on
Keep it moving come on

I Am Not a Robot (Interlude)

This piece of news was read over the radio
Those people hear it
And I was told time and time again that it must be true, it is true
It came over the radio
But I could sit right there and see through the things that were being said
I'm not really sure in my own mind if those people believe it because they really do think it's true
Or they just say they believe it because they know what will happen to them if they don't say it's true

Urgent, Important, Please Read

So there's this thing...
It's called the theory of planned behavior
You started to predict an individual's intentions to engage in a behavior
At a specific time and place
I don't know if you've been looking at your phones or looking at your screens, but, um...
Careful with your info

You dealing with the new mosquito
Through placebo I clutch doom
Haile Selassie and Nina rolling on mushrooms
It's quick with flu, I trend like Nipsey Blue
I smoke a blunt, in the hurricane to get me through
Examine the fact, I took Thor's hammer from Cap
No silicone in the cone, this is natural rap
Technology killer, I can see the sins of the center stage
Since automation started when they freed the first slaves
My termination was birthed from the birth from the first bet
K-k-kick an opp in his face with a steel-toed Timberland
Floating through a wormhole, backwards like what's the symbol is
If this the end-game, directed by John Singleton
We been the best since the best was a fuckin' concept
Will Smith was Aladdin and the last man alive, so fuck it, nigga, the last one's left, what's up

Everyone wants to feel in control!
In the same breath they wanna pay top dollar to be told what they like, and what they don't
So it seems to me this confusion is a human error
We keep allowing this to grow, the machines are gonna win
I'm-I'm gonna be the first to say it

My niggas forever been poor, competitive for the bread
In the land where the only good president is a dead one
And the only real protection is a handgun
Liquor shots for the dead, homies on that red rum (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the rich get richer
And we get whatever the rich get sick of
And each year, we diggin' a ditch, get bigger
You eat shit for dinner, your bitch get thicker
H-h-h-hold this in hell on the floor with a crayon
Ghost in the shell, I perform in a séance
I broke the spell, the thoughts that they prey on
The fuckers can't control a soul full of chaos
American gods, the devil is born
And heaven is torn apart when I settle the score
Develop the form of man that never been more different
A metaphor for killin' never-before witness (Uh, uh-huh)

Deleting every record, you know what I mean
Puttin' mind on my money, downloadin', flee the scene, clean (uh)
Keep 'em busy with algorithms, making 'em dizzy (uh)
Put them on game and watch how quickly the pricks will forgive me
They overdid it, with no permission, they started drama
Like it's the dimension where Biff married to Marty's mama
No disrespect from the disconnection, they out of power
They'll come back to me in their darkest hour
Everywhere I go, people that I know
Tell me how I glow, my soul is a light show
Since I was little, always said I was right though
Clean his gun watching WCW Nitro
The gangsta ain't tested so they figure they try more
Paint theyselves in the corner then they wind up at my door
Like "What up, dawg?"
"How you feelin', man? What you workin' on?"
"The homies want the green light, they sayin' 'Turn it on,'"
A futurist gotta say it, it's obv'
The land of technology, the hacker is god
Everybody charge or church up, get the bag
Hoping your social media by your Instagram, yeah
Type or hype, got nihilists getting scared, yeah
Better life, you fightin' but unaware, yeah
Whoever new revelation is really a revelation
Forget the babies waking up off of the plantation

So there you have it
A few different perspectives to reinforce the notion that you are not going crazy
And you are not being paranoid
And everything that you've been worrying about are the exact things that need to be on your mind
The question is...
What do we do about it?
You know?

Our Pathetic Age

I've seen it all
I've heard the things they talk about you
But I've been afraid
I've been afraid to call
Afraid to call it all what it is
Like a friend would do
Now I need a friend like you

In a white room in a cold house
At the dark end of the street
Where we used to meet
I can still hear you say, "Nothing's gonna change"
I'm still here, though the others left
On second guess, I'm still depressed, but better than the rest
Your breath still hangs where you left me saying
Don't let what they say hurt you

Come to light, come to light, come to light
All the leaves are golden in the dawn
Come to light, come to light, come to light

It's time
Time to raise the ashes from their keep
I've been blind
Open my eyes for the first time, been asleep

I've been blind (To light)
Come to light, come to light, come to light
Come to light, come to light, come to light

Don't let what they say hurt you

Come to light, come to light, come to light
All the leaves are golden in the dawn
Come to light, come to light, come to light
Don't let what they say hurt you
Come to light, come to light, come to light
Come to light, come to light, come to light
All the leaves are golden in the dawn
In the fall, we all become one

I've been blind
Open my eyes for the first time
For the first time

Been Use Ta

It's the N-O-T-O-R-I-O
U-S, you just lay down slow
The flows are being copied at Kinkos
Kinda like Vegas did to Reno
But it's only one Push Tarantino
The only gun in the room held by a gringo
Cinco de Mayo, powder to the pyro
Sing a lullaby to you stans like I'm Dido
It's proven suicidal
W-W-W-When you turn your idols into rivals
My brother turned a brick into a bible
Hov turned Apple into Tidal
Tom Brady still throwing spirals
The Bulls legacy is all Michael's
Kawhi blacking out in the Finals
You witnessing the best of both cycles, yah!

I been used to playing in the shadows
I been-I been-I been
I been used to playing in the shadows
Every snake doesn't have a rattle
I been used to playing in the shadows
I been-I been-I been
I been used to playing in the shadows
Every snake doesn't have a rattle

I been used to playing in the shadows
Every snake doesn't have a rattle
But every handgun has a barrel
For snitch niggas siding with the gavel
P-P-P-Porsche 911 when I paddle
Baby calf leather on the saddle
These Cartier wrists got me shackled
The shipment is sealed with the vacuum
For 20 plus shows you what the crack do
It's like a second language when it's natural
200,000 on my clavicle
I show it off cruising down your avenues
Momma said there won't be another after you
And everyone that came before was only half of you
Jealousy breeds hate, you know what that'll do
Set me off and have these bullets chasing after you

I been used to playing in the shadows
I been-I been-I been
I been used to playing in the shadows
Every snake doesn't have a rattle
I been used to playing in the shadows
I been-I been-I been
I been used to playing in the shadows
Every snake doesn't have a rattle

Taxin’ (Long Version)

Uh, uh, uh, uh (Skrrt)
Uh, uh, uh, uh (Skrrt, skrrt)
Right, right (Uh)
Right, right (Uh)
Right, right (Uh)

If it's a ghetto in Heaven, I hope there's leaked address
Both pockets empty, was mad stressed
The block, had to study like math test
Fuck it, jump out a bucket, I'm thuggin' in public
My life in a rush and nobody can touch it
I climbed out the gutter eating bread and butter
Jealous of my living, struggled with my mother
Did it for my brother, grew up with my cousin
Blew up on these niggas, they can't even stomach
I ain't asked for nothing, I ain't asked for nothing
I was out here hustling, nickel to a onion, onion to a plate
Shadow got me zoning, conversate with omens
Momma told me "Son, you nothin', need diploma"
Cooking in the kitchen, crack was the aroma
Pots full of powder, sit on a napkin
Let it dry, we riding, any block we sliding
AMG kitted
I been so committed, shorty so explicit
Everything I got on, you know it's expensive
Everything I get on, critical condition
Run up on this money, I would always listen
Tryna make it happen, in front of Pooch building
Early in the morning, I was waiting on a package (True story)
Global now, getting bookings all across the atlas
I roll up the Gladys and watch out for badges
My bitch is the baddest
Life is worth much more than a Patek
Always elite, can't do nothing average
He got in a beef, he ain't really know the game he was jacking
It was like 20 degrees outside, they took off his jacket
I seen a lot of my homies change up when I started rapping (A lot)
I fell out with my plug 'cause he started taxin'

Uh-huh, yeah
One-two, one-two, one-two

Uh, uh, 'bout time
Bump Dave East on the Southside
Little L.C. on the frontline
Four deep in the backseat where the clouds high
Brown eyes, 'bout nine
All that type been about mine
In the same old spot in the street where the Feds gon' watch
Everybody wanna talk about grime
What I knew about rap
Never handled the pack (That shit's wack)
I never handled the scrap
But I soon got a handle at that, facts
Uh, I was heavy in the flat
Kids said they ready to attack, in fact
One black who was runnin with the pack
One smack, I was laying on my back
Yo, I never could forget that beating
I walked home with a limp that evening
Leg broke and my head swole, bleeding
Metaphor for this life I'm leading
Uh, all the times I was leaving
Better score for the nights I'm grieving
Coach saying it was my time even
No comeback season
I got left with a bunch of scars
I'm on a track with a younger Nas
I better come correct cause everybody got a one connect
But one dance, I'ma don your set
I was a hoarder, what you know about bricks and the mortar?
Straight to the fridge, bare ice in the water
Was a private cooler ignorer
Fresh haircut with a side parting and a border
Not a Ridgemoor warrior
Keep the champagne, not a Class A Courier
Full back, not a real rap follower
If it's all shat like a champagne swallower
I'll leave you in a twist like Oliver
When I borrow an emcee's shit, no copier
I'm saying real words, don't bother you
Then why won't she follow you?
Saying that the streets don't love me and I love them
G's don't trust me, I don't trust them
Still wanna touch me, jealous that you must be
Still does more pain than it does them
Cause I still don't work, scrapin the dirt
See it from the stains on my shirt
I was raised on my J's, wasn't raised in no church
Raised in the states and labeled my worth like

Uh, uh, labeled my worth like
Yeah, Dave East, Loyle Carner
DJ Shadow, Big Shadow, uh
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah

Two Notes

My charisma this evening be knee deep in the ceiling
I’ll rip you apart but leave eyes, yeah the jeans that you be in
I'm a seasonal demon, I check w-w-w-weight
Cleaning my plates 'til they glisten
Lick 'em in sideway figures of eight
Cause I’mma light years ahead, like yeah, you dead
I’m glad you made it for the saturated flow though
And that’s a great approach but for the main show
I’m tryna' make it so my domain is just unobtainable
My contacts will cataract your gang of rats
I’m Hades in HD spit out the Adderall
I see flames and red, I'm AMC the talking dead
Halo hangs on my rack of hats, shotgun stays in the cabinet, whoa
You're kinda funny
Acting clueless like Monsanto do bout, poisoning tummies
Already poison in me from eating hoisin and kimchi
I stare into the void and say 'oh boy I don’t got it in me'

You so damn obvious
I catch thieves in my sleep and might start messing with mafias
It’s not that I am confident, just not afraid of the consequence
Not afraid of the critics, I ape, I mock all you mimics, listen
'Caw' the call of the crows, they follow me where I go
They help me remember faces and sing for me at my shows
I don’t, don't catch bodies no, I catch hotties though
In a lobby in Wyoming with Arapahos
New semester, classroom 3
I want you sat next to me
I don’t wanna another year of loving someone
Who don’t even know of my existence you know how to make an entrance
Why not shine on me?
Or maybe you could try at least?
'Cause you fly as bees
We could climb on trees

Whole lotta little stories circulating from the lips
Tryna' give a chapstick, for getting on with my shit
A rebel without a pause, a snooze, without a quit
I bring the noise, they turn it up to a level more adequate
My dentist said "Are you here for the sedatives?"
"Nah I came for the crown, cos it’s sensitive"
I lean back, breathe in, and west I drift
Wake up with gold in my mouth and an apprenticeship
Before I start, I hope I haven’t bitten more than I chew
But that’s the cold fact and it really rings true
We leave rooted makers nameless yet make stupid fakers famous
'We like watching them, they do the stupid shit, we won’t do!'

Mayday mayday
I'm a psychic on the run

Mayday mayday you in trouble
May daisy chains guard your bubble
May crazy rains bestow you
May hungry flames singe your stubble
I’m a psychic on the run
That’s a medium at large
Stroke my ego in interviews
That’s a media massage
Look how quick he leaks huh
That's a Julian Assange
See I’m quick to catch a snitch
Pree my Harry Potter scars
Now we setting the bar
Open a bottle have some Moscato
I’m with Shadow in Colorado
The Rockies will fall undoubtedly
Avalanches surrounding me
It’s a deadly combination
Better jump on the count of 3, yeeah
Dancing in the street we don’t give a fuck
They say turn it down, so we turn it up
Keep it playing loud so they call a cop
"Are you gonna leave?"
Say we will but we fuckin’ won’t
Dancing in the street we don’t give a fuck
They say turn it down, so we turn it up
Keep it playing loud so they call a cop
"Are you gonna leave?"
Say we will but we fuckin’ won’t

Ah shit, what a tiresome day
You are my kin like a nice brûlée
See, I got A's all through my high school days
And when I say A's, I ain’t mean in grades
I mean dames with braids and some Janes with manes
I used to sleep in Geometry 'cause I ain’t in shape
I'm on a word rollercoaster
I should print the lyrics and put 'em up on a poster
Learn it like ya 'posed to
I see she be walking over
Tell me 'Send your girl a message and tell her that its over'
X’s and O, get up and go, red is my rose
I eat breakfast in Tiffany
The rumours are true man
You're not my cuppa tea
I like my own company
This has been Two Notes
Thank you Shadow for having me

Action Adventure

All My

[Sample: Expatriot's "Loudon Wainwright III"]

All my records and tapes
All my records and

All my records and tapes
All my records and tapes

All my records and tapes
All my records and tapes, and tapes

All my records and tapes
All my records and tapes, and tapes

All my records and tapes
All my records and tapes

All my records and tapes
All my records and tapes, tapes

You Played Me

[Sample: Jan Jerome's "Baby, Got Me Goin"]

Call me a treasure
Could not make it again, yeah, baby
Told me it was finished
I wonder could it be a friend

Knew you felt the hurt from me
Before this disappointed again
You paused, I asked
Why'd you disappoint me again

Baby, got me going out of my mind, yeah, baby
You played me
Played me for the last, last time
No, no, no, no

Another time, another place
Well, I'm not there
So who's in my space
Pretending it's not what it is, yeah, yeah

I am so sorry (I am so sorry, I am so sorry)
Will you tell that every time
Why must not worry (why must not worry)
Give true love is a bottom line

Baby, got me going out of my mind
Yeah, baby
You played me
Played me for the last, last time

Baby, got me going out of my mind
You got me going, you got me going crazy
You played me
Played me for the last, last time

Baby, got me going out of my mind
You got me going, you got me going out of my mind
You played me
Played me for the last, last time

Non Albums Tracks

Best Foot Forward (Alternate Version)

Bob, Bob, Bob...
Bob Wood,
National programmer director of the chum group
Worked with us in producing...

Hold up, hold up, before we get started
Guess who's coming
With those brothers LA, y'all
And now...
Guess who's coming
Guess who's coming
Guess who's coming

DJ Shadow!

Back again
Who is he?
Just your favourite DJ saviour
Usin' and confusin'
Usin' and confusin'
Usin' and confusin' beats that ya never heard
Since 1990, put a smile on your face like ultra-bright

When I'm not making music, I'm shopping for music
Whether it's new music, old music
And when I get home
It just all ends up in one big stack
And that's what I go through when I'm ready to make... you know
First it usually starts with a beat
And then Just, I just, sort of..
Let the track take it's own direction
I try not to strangle it too much
I try and let it go on it's own free reign
And then enhance it as I go

Devil's Advocate

Now may i say to you friend there is nothing wrong with a beat
It's used in every type of song wheter its a march a waltz a polka a tango
But rock and roll is a...
Different type of thing for it is a mixture
And confusion of beats that jangles the nerves.

The impulsive beats of our bodies and the spirit
And the pure unprovoked music has been domesticated for a problem
Rock music must give birth to orgasm in revolution.

The heavy rock music now in style motivates you and entierly gives you a sexual feeling
A girl can be turned on by the music it releases her inhabitions
The beat of the drum has always been a factor of fertility rights
The girl realizes her sexuality through the music and through the beat.

Sex. Sex.

But they said that there was something that got to them more than the words of the songs.
And that was the beat, the beat !
Louder and faster, louder and faster, louder and faster...

It hooks young people
Hadden it become a part of this generation and there lives are ruined.
We need to shake ourself of this filtly beat, music, and words
That produces revolution sex and drugs.

The same beat produces the same evil incarnations
Even if we tie the words jesus saves to it.
Let's have our vile and get rid of this trash.

Smash thouse filthy records get rid of them

*** Thanx a lot to Matt for this one ***

DJ Shadow's Theme

The stage is set
The cards have been dealt
He is now, no more than a puppet
In the shadow of his own destiny

Fixed Income (Live)

It is dark
But also not

You, are going to rock and roll
And you can hardly wait for the music to begin
When it happens, you will become a part of that music.
You are there, you are going on a musical trip.
The highest, happiest trip that you've ever been on.
Enjoy it, and get into it
Loosen your seatbelts, let's rock and roll
Roll, roll, roll, roll
Roll, roll, roll, roll
Roll, roll, roll, roll
Roll, roll, roll, roll

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

And I would like to be able to continue to...
Let what is inside of me
Which is, which comes from all the music that I hear
You know, I would like for that to come out
And it's not like, it's not really me thats coming
The music's coming through me

Coming out strong!

Presenting to you...
The mayor's Very own

I'd like to just continue to be able to...
Express myself, as best as I can with this instrument
I feel like I have a lot of work to do. Still, ya know
I'm a student, of the drums
And I'm also a teacher of the drums too

The dynamic, the soul

Coming out strong!

Keep on rock, rock, rock
Keep on rockin'
Ke, ke, ke, keep on rockin'
U, N, U N K, L
- Keep on
U, N, U N K, L
- Keep on
U N K, U N K, U N K
L, L

It's the awesome eternal UNKLE word

Science... fiction

keep on
Keep keep on rockin
Keep keep in keep keep keep in keep keep on keep keep in keep on
Keep on keep keep keep on rockin
Keep on U keep on N keep on K keep on L keep on E
Keep on rockin E
U (U-N) N (L-L-L) K-L-E...

It is dark
But also not

The middle ground between light and shadow

In a few moments, you will have an experience which will seem completely real
It will be the result of your subconscious fears transformed to your conscious awareness
You have five seconds to terminate this tape
Five, four, three, two, one

GDMFSOB (UNKLE Uncensored)

(Feat. Roots Manuva)

Now this happens to be what they might call
Or what they might term a remix
A rethink, a rejiggle.

So who's that?
I see many lights before me...
Many lights!

Dark shadows
Nice Unkles
and a Rooty-toot Manuva

Swell then!
A shizzle

More bass.

Find me a space,
Find me a space on, on the beat, yeah!

Round chemist, menace
Who that met off for this five whore

Totally soft,
From jokey-jammin'
Now we plannin'
Now we mannin' that mission now

Rediss and dismantle, my spambo
Knockin' you down, come catch this sound
Heavy weight now, takin' you there
You made me take wow, wait now
Walk to the light, that baptism

Medicinal positionin'
Visit now we fishin' in my jin sin in acid
See my dick's never flacid
Tax machine
Leanin' and mean
Sweat 'til it hurts
Splurt my bambino
My Brian or my Eno
Can't see your face never faze me
Love for day my oxi
Sonny is he crazy?
Yes y'all, chicks in the bathroom
They hippy high heels with the lippy
Now we sick to the back tooth
Uncouth, corner the room
They'll cut root now
Sonic yarp youth
See the light, see the truth now

You little piece of dick brained, horse shit, slime sucking son of a whore!
You live with a cocksucking mynx, you scumbag, you low-lifed motherfucker!

Badder boy, ship ahoy
Ghosts how we do this
We fucked up, we tucked up
Leave me to thief police car
Ride don't know me
Won't you walk with me slowly?
Yes y'all, you don't got no time to be stood
One doosh, one toosh
Irrigation, colonic
My trance for you, 'tronic
We on it like a sonic
We done it 'cos we dance from long time
The prime
Porky walky
See the codes on my
My walkie talkie

Breaker one nine, breaker ten to we stage you

True up to the faith
'cause it just can't be replaced
Put a poem on that dark place
See it from that dump state
Burn down that hate shootin'
Practiced in the state
With that snake that I sting you
That statement stage will
'cause most of the time we keep it all for real now

Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch

Most of the time we keep it all for real now

Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch, goddamn!
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch

Everybody move!

More bass, bass, bass, bass...

Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a

'cause most of the time we keep it all for real now

Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch

Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch, Goddamn!
'cause most of the time we keep it all for real now
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch, Goddamn!
Goddamn motherfuckin' son of a bitch!

Roots Manuva
Shwell then - Well then!
Yes y'all!
Shwell then - Well then!
Can you tell them?
'cause if you don't tell them, somebody will!

Goddaaaamn, motherfuckin', son of a biiiitch!

That's how we like it now.

Lost And Found

You know something that's what you've done
You said to me
You said to me...
You said to me I'm outta my mind

Now, now, now
Now let me give you the picture of, of,
Of what's going down

Now, now let me give you the picture of, of,
Of what's going down

Now let, let, let, let me give you the picture of, of,
Of what's going down

Now let, let me give you the picture of, of,
Of what's going down

Now let, let, let-let
l-let, let, let, let-let
let-let me give you the picture of, of,
Of what's going down
What's going down

Wanted more for a letter
Want to go...
Seasons gone

Get high...
Get above yourself
Look down upon yourself
Until you're inside o' yourself
Look to the front or the back o' yourself
To the back or front of yourself
It's inside yourself
And then you see your own head
And know yourself is yourself

'cause when you find yourself
You're gonna find that yourself is only yourself
And the self that can only be yourself
So when you're infront of the back of yourself
You're gonna find that your mind is in the centre of yourself
And God is nothing but yourself

And when you reach for yourself
You'll know that yourself
Is the only thing
That can happen to yourself
So that nothing can put you down

I said goodbye smoothly
I said goodbye smoothly
I said goodbye smoothly
I said goodbye smoothly

Midnight in a Perfect World (Gift of Gab Mix)

Peep through the door
It seems as though the grass was much greener before
The dead life has been washed upon the sea shore
Money and greed deluded what is truly pure
And yet our flesh keeps screeching out for more

Now you're trapped
A hole in the ozone about to make the world collapse
Pollution fills the air and minds with bullet twisted facts
Midnight is now upon us people righteous laws are coming back

Don't turn your head away cause you can't get away
Your mind is lost because your spirit has been led astray
Don't ever say you gave it all if you ain't gave it all
Just fade it in the hazy purple twilight
No more time I tried to warn you all it's now approaching midnight

Panic's in the air
Some jumping out of buildings others on their knees in prayer
Some cry out to the sky and yell they aren't quite prepared
You looked god in the face and said forgive me all he did was stare.

Now you can run,
But where you gonna hide from all the power of the sun?
The cosmic reprecussions of what human kind has done
No understanding of the fullness everything is simply one

Soon to be none again so that new life can come again
Illusions rule the mind your soul is never gonna end
So don't pretend you gave it all if you ain't gave it all
Just fade it in the hazy purple twilight
No more time I tried to warn you all it's now approaching midnight

So I bid farewell.
No more good times or bad times, no more heaven no more hell.
Now brace yourself for impact it's a half hour to twelve
Complete in total darkness empty space is where you're left to dwell.

And all you had to do was live today for your tomorrow
But now it's over and you're drowning deep inside your sorrow
You could've led but instead you confirmed and chose to follow
So once again I bid farewell

There's only seconds left you'd like to second guess
But through your foolish ways you've literally beckoned death
So just don't say you gave it all if you ain't gave it all
Just fade it in the hazy purple twilight
No more time I tried to warn you all it's now approaching midnight

*** Thanx a lot to Syndi & John for this one ***

Right Thing (Z-Trip 'Set The Party Off Mix' In Three Parts)

This record collection gets bigger every minute

It's sort of like a big pile of broken dreams in a way
Almost none of these artists still have a career, really
So you have to kind of respect that, in a way
I mean, if you're making records
And if you're a DJ, and putting out releases as well as mix tapes or whatever

You're sort of adding to this pile
Whether you want to admit it or not

Keep that in mind when you start thinking like,
"Oh yeah, I'm invincible" or "I'm the world's best" or whatever, because...
That's what all these cats thought

I honestly feel that the people that dig don't stop digging
'Cos it's a part of who we are
People that don't, you don't have to
It's not going to make a bad DJ good,
But it'll make a good DJ better

What you, gon' do, now?

This is why I walk and talk, talk, talk, talk, this way
This way
This way

Get loose!
Ge, ge, Get loose!
Stop, Hold it, Freeze


The purpose of this record
Man, oh good!

I find it very hard to fit the music to the mood
And there's nothing worse than to make the wrong choice
But then...
The whole thing slows down
But then...
The whole thing slows down
But then...
The whole thing slows down
But then...
The whole thing slows down

Slows down
The whole thing slows down
Right thing
Slows down
The whole thing slows down
Down, down, dow dow dow dow down

Yo, Like you're...
Not like you don't wanna try this man


If you want me to rock, I'll rock!

Break it down
Jus' listen

Break it down
Break it down
Break it down
Jus' listen

Holy calamity
Scream insanity
All you ever gonna be's
Another great fan of me

And now

Once you go out that door
There's no coming back
Thank god

Six Days

( featuring Mos Def )

I get a feeling there's gonna be a riot
I don't read the newspapers
Because they all have, ugly prints

Bring it on
Bring it on
Bring it on 'cause there's gonna be shit tonight!

At the starting of the week
At summit talks you'll hear them speak
It's only Monday
Negotiations breaking down
See those leaders start to frown
It's sword and gun day

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

Come come come come come with it
Come come come come come with it

You could be sitting taking lunch
The news will hit you like a punch
It's only Tuesday

What time is it

You never thought we'd go to war
After all the things we saw
It's April Fools' day

What time is it

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late

Tomorrow is another day
Today is another boom
Tomorrow is another day
Today is another boom
Tomorrow is another day
Today is another boom
Tomorrow is another day
Today is another
Boom boom ba ba ba ba boom ba ba ba ba boom ba ba ba ba ba...

Slow it down
Never Station
Another shot another shot the tender is ??
The heart is cold the gun is hot
I'm not sure if they feeling that
I'm not sure if they wanna stop
The gun is cold the blood is hot
Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Sha Shot
The hearts are weak the guns are not

You hear a whistling overhead
Are you alive or are you dead
It's only Thursday

What time is it

You feel the shaking on the ground
A million candles burn around
Is it your birthday

What time is it

Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
Get tomorrow on the phone
Try to be smart
Get tomorrow on the phone
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late
I need to see tomorrow
Try to reach tomorrow
Think tomorrows come I think it's too late

Another day!
Boom boom ba ba ba ba boom ba ba ba ba boom ba ba ba ba ba
Tomorrow is another day...

Bring it on
Bring it on
Bring it on 'cause there's gonna be shit tonight!

Six Days (Soulwax Remix)

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Do y'think this'll make you feel a lot better?!

Too late, too late

At the starting of the week
At summit talks, you hear them speak
It's only Monday.

Negotiations breaking down
See those leaders start to frown
It's sword and gun day

Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late.
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late.
Too late
Too late
Too late
Too late

You could be sitting taking lunch
The news will hit you like a punch
It's only Tuesday

You never thought we'd go to war
After all the things we saw
It's April fools day.

You hear a whistling overhead
Are you alive or are you dead?
it's only Thursday

You feel the shaking of the ground
A billion candles burn around
is it your birthday?


Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late.
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes until it's too late.
Too late
Too late
Too late
Too late
Toooo laaaate

Make tomorrow come
Make tomorrow come
Make tomorrow come
Make tomorrow come, I think it's too late.

Hey, hey, hey...

The Number Song

( Cut Chemist Party Mix )

Are you all ready to party?
- Yeah!
1, 2, 3, Oh!

Come on get with it,
Let's remix it...

Come on get with it,
1, 2, 3, hit it...

This is what I wanna do
Huh - Cut!
All I wanna do...
Foolin' around
Wanna count for...

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3

Listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
J-Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this
Just listen to this

We want y'all to understand...
one, two, three, and...

a-a-a 1, 2, 3
a-3, 2, 1

Y'know this front...

Listen to the drum
Does it make your ears numb?

4, 3, 2, 1

Don't play!

Come no yeah
Go mighty ma-

This is it ya'll

God damnit I'ma get ya

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
It's all ready!

Yo, what you want with that?
Come on man!

the pa the pa the party
the pa the pa the party
the party's already started
and it's about to end end end end end

Turn it up!

5, 6, 7, Annie - Ok!


1, 2, 3, 4

1, 2, 3 4 5, 6 7 8 oh 9 10, 10

10, 9, every body come on...
8, come on louder!
7, louder!
6, louder! louder!
4, 3, 2!

Yo cut, are we out of here?
Yeah I'm out of here kids

Farewell to you, people

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, Kick it!

*** Thanx a lot to Sebastian for this one ***

The Third Decade, Our Move

Are you ready for the...

Rap music
Agressive assassination
Guns, drugs, violence, sex
Is that all rap is about?

The moon rises
Upon funky city
But wait a minute, out of the darkness!
A tall figure appears
Who is he?

Tell 'em who the fuck I am
The one, the only
DJ Shadow
Tell 'em who the fuck I am
I want you to meet the baddest motherfucker in town
Tell 'em who the fuck I am
The producing genius of
DJ Shadow

They've made such insignificant changes
To the sound recording
That it is still improvement
As far as we're concerned
And they have violated our school supplies of sound recording

They did what... the kids call "Sampling"

In the middle of the stable
With a turntable

Spin it like that

Spin it like that

Spinnin' on the turntables back to back
Back to back
Spinnin' on the turntables back to back
Back to back
Spinnin' on the turntables back to back
Back to back

The sound that nobody took seriously
Is now a power to be reckoned with

Now I don't even consider this art,
He's rapping not singing for one
- But, but, that's your opinion
Well, it's rap, isn't it called rap?

Rap is definitely large, so
Rap is definitely the biggest form of music, right now
Because if it wasn't um... anybody wouldn't be using it
R&B, Rock, whatever
The rappin' is something...
It's always a rapper
The cartoon commercials
s'it matter, They got fat sis' don and donnie with fat chains on
You know, with the commercials, with the turntables
So now everybody wants to rap now
y'know what I'm saying?

First it was like "Ok, it wasn't gonna last" back in 1979
It wasn't gonna last
But now it's '92, and we're still kickin' it

In the middle of the stable
With a turntable

The sound that nobody took seriously
Is now a power to be reckoned with

In the middle of the stable
With a turntable

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