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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official Site)

For Fredrika Stahl, 25, who already has two internationally-acclaimed albums to her name, Sweep me away represents a whole new level of musical achievement. Before this she has had to overcome that trait that lies deep within any self-respecting Swede; perfectionism. “In the past I was so afraid of missing a note that I concentrated too hard,” she explains, “I wanted everything to be perfect. I ended up struggling with the over-perfectionist side of my personality and learned how to go with the music.” And so the shy young Swede, who had been living in France for seven years, working tirelessly to secure her credentials in the jazz world with her refined jazz-pop numbers, went from top-student to prom-queen. Queen of a prom that is romantic yet sometimes disparate, where pop blends with soul or acoustic hip-hop before a few jazz-blues piano chords and flashes of dazzling brass come into play. Her voice, which is overdubbed, arranged and expertly handled as the instrument it is, sometimes soars high to fly alongside the notes. A twelve-strong string section lends a subtly lyrical brightness to a world of sound that bares its fair share of cracks and fragilities; a world where we are constantly reminded that we are dealing with a true melodist. One who
delights the ear with songs to be hummed long after they’ve been heard.

Usually she writes songs in a pop-flavoured format, then entrusts their arrangement to the jazz musicians she plays with. But in this case Fredrika herself went as far as she could with the demos, saying, “It was the first time I’d ever made such complex demos. They had a lot of vocal arrangements, even though I’ve never taken singing lessons. The finished songs are very close to the original demos. I spent a year sitting alone at my keyboard in the Stockholm apartment I’d rented. In France I had started to feel cut off from my roots. I needed to refocus on myself and make music on my own. It was a very intense experience”. Recent years have been spent touring Japan and Germany, where Fredrika Stahl enjoys a large following due in part to her ability to give her all on stage, helped by the amazing cheerful personality that emanates from this slight young blonde who has performed for the likes of Herbie Hancock, Richard Bona and Maceo Parker. “Jazz is brilliant for playing live. I have learned a great deal. Initially, there was a distance because I was barely twenty and I was playing with musicians who were in their fifties. I was saved by the fact that I write my own songs. Now I feel ready to try anything, from singing with a big band to covering standards, which I actually often do.” This passion for the genre started with her first foray into Parisian clubs, such as the New Morning and Duc des Lombards, when she decided to spend a gap year in France at the age of seventeen, just after sitting the baccalaureate. “Between the ages of four and twelve I went to school in France, and so I had a bit of a shock when I went back to Sweden with my parents at twelve. In France I felt Swedish, but going back to my country I realised that the other girls in my class didn’t listen to the same music as me or watch the same TV shows. It felt like there was a whole area of everyday culture missing. That’s why I decided to go back to France.” She originally wanted to dance, but fell in love with music. One day, in the English pub where she was working as a waitress, she met producer Geef, a fan of American soul and hip-hop. He would go on to work alongside Fredrika on her first two albums. Seven years later, it’s still Geef, now working closely with Jeff Delort (co-credited with four tracks on Fredrika’s second album) to produce Sweep me away. Of her producers she says, “They’re very different, but they complement each other.

Geef looks at the groove and the beats, while Jeff concentrates on the textures and sound”. Some great jazz and funk musicians have brought their inimitable touches to the album, such as pianist Eric Legnini, bassist Daniel Romeo, drummer Arnaud Renaville, and Romain Collin, a French pianist living in New York. “Even if they don’t play jazz on the record, they each have a particular vibe” she says. The same goes for the talented Edith Fambuena, whose work generally tends more towards pop and who played virtually all the guitars on the album; “I love her fragility”, adds Fredrika. The result is very feminine and personal, in the manner of the singer-songwriters that Fredrika admires, such as Regina Spektor and Emiliana Torrini. It’s hard to stop listening to Sweep me away, with its troubled piano giving way to sorrow-stricken violins, or the intimate and dreamy refrain of Fast moving train. The same goes for the ritornello-waltz of A drop in the sea, conjuring up images of nostalgic dreamscapes and the swaying melody of Fling on boy. Onwards into M.O.S.W. and its old-school soul touch, followed by the delightful and sun-filled Song of July. We hear the pop gem Rocket trip to Mars and, finally, the lovely So high. After all this, it is equally as hard to cease to admire Fredrika Stahl’s smooth metamorphosis from jazz chrysalis to pop butterfly.

A Fraction Of You
- 2006-03-27 -

Please Let Me In
A Fraction Of You
Game Over
Try Again
Où Veux-tu Aller
What About
Seems So Simple
A Little Kiss
The Picture Of You
Les Jeux Sont Faits
Where Are You Going
(Japanese Bonus Track)

- 2008-06-16 -

Monumental Mismatch
So High
Pourquoi Pas Moi
Stuck On A Stranger
Oh Sunny Sunny Day
One Man Show
I'll Win Your Heart
Dina Ogon Bla
The Damage Is Done
(Japanese Bonus Track)
My Favorite Boy (Japanese Bonus Track)

Sweep Me Away
- 2010-09-27 -

Intro (Instrumental)
Sweep Me Away
Fast Moving Train
Rocket Trip To Mars
Altered Lens
A Drop In A Sea
She & I
Fling On Boy
What If
In My Head
Fading Away
Song Of July
So High

Off To Dance
- 2013-03-11 -

Trivial Needs
Off To Dance
Little Muse
We Are Whole
Gaspard (Instrumental)
Midday Moon
Trip Me Up
Deep Breath Then Dive

- 2015-11-27 - OST

Step By Step (Instrumental)
The World To Come
Empty Spaces (Instrumental)
Planting Children (Instrumental)
Map Of The World (Instrumental)
Make A Change
Water (Instrumental)
Machines (Instrumental)
Pull Up Your Sleeves
Wind And Steam (Instrumental)
Secret Garden (Instrumental)
Kuthambakkam (Instrumental)
Paper Bills (Instrumental)
Fields (Instrumental)

- 2021-03-12 -

Turn of Life
Rescue Me
Cruel World
Finalement la nuit
The Razor’
s Edge
Get Even
The Fall
Bed Sheets
Static Cellophane

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Ces Petits Riens
I love you
Never Can Say Goodbye
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Wicked Game

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

A Fraction Of You

Please Let Me In

Open the door
Please let me in
Into a fantasy world
Let the ride begin
Where the sun is high
And the wind lays low
Where the air smells sweet
And the music flows

Open the door
Please let me in
Into the majestic world
That love can bring
Let me walk down the road
Let me explore
To discover those places
Every soul adores

Or I'm gonna walk every road
Sail every sea
Climb every mountain
‘Til I find the key

Walk every road
Sail every sea
Climb every mountain
‘Til I find the key

Open the door
Please let me in
Into a mystical world
Let the ride begin
Let it go, we will flow
Through highs and lows
Then we'll wait to see
What the future shows

Open the door
Please let me in
Into the marvellous world
That love can bring
Let me pick all the fruits
Hanging from the trees
Let us, settle down
And dig into the feast

Or I'm gonna walk every road
Sail every sea
Climb every mountain
‘Til I find the key

Walk every road
Sail every sea
Climb every mountain
‘Til I find the key

Walk every road
Sail every sea
Climb every mountain
‘Til I find the key


Do you rely on destiny
As a god planning in advance
Or do you believe in your own power
And hope for a bit of chance

Do you think some people
Are born to succeed, others cursed to fail
Or would you rather believe
That you are the writer of your tale

Are we hitchhikers on an endless road
Choosing where to stop and which path to go
In that case I want you to grab my hand
We will no longer have to walk
I promise we will flow

Do you think confrontation pop up
Like a test for you to pass
Or do you see them as things to avoid
And stick to the green grass

Do you think beauty
Is a reflection from within
Or are there just some lucky bastards
That can eat and still be thin

Are we hitchhikers on an endless road
Choosing where to stop and which path to go
In that case I want you to grab my hand
And we will no longer have to walk
I promise we will flow

Do you think some folks are meant for each other
Like there's a single true match
Or are you just someone that passed my way
And that I was lucky enough to catch

Are we hitchhikers on an endless road
Choosing where to stop and which path to go
In that case I want you to grab my hand
And we will no longer have to walk
I promise we will flow
We will flow

A Fraction of You

The lack of lust that keeps you alive
The loss of the flame that helps you survive
The moment in which nothing matters
When the sound of your voice gradually gets flatter

The time you know what is to be done
When you've set the goal and start to run
When you're willing to give more than all
And to get back up if ever you fall

A lack of knowledge, a weakness of mind
A vulnerable state where your directions are blind
The moment you would grab any stretched hand
The time you could lose your strongest band

When you have a million reasons to live
And at least a thousand things to give
Those precious moments you wish never to stop
Like candy with cream on the top

This is just a fraction of what's happening inside
But you ought to know your words and my feelings coincide

Game Over

The game is over
I lost this round
I thought I could win more
Than I actually found
Was it worth a try
No I wouldn't say
The price was too high
For someone like me to pay

But what's the use
Of regretting what's done
Wouldn't I do it again
If another chance would come
I've become so bitter
Over what's supposed to be sweet
And still I'm eager
To be offered another treat

I've thought if through and I've come to a conclusion
That I tend to put aside to end up with confusion
I'm trying to save myself from superfluous pain
With the trade-off of losing any possible gain
I'm watching every step building up a thick shield
Searching my way out of a condemned mind field, mind field

The game is over
And I've lost my bet
Now all I can play with
Is a dull empty threat
But what is it worth
If it's against your will
How would I know
If you really care for me still

I've thought if through and I've come to a conclusion
That I tend to put aside to end up with confusion
I'm trying to save myself from superfluous pain
With the trade-off of losing any possible gain
I'm watching every step building up a thick shield
Searching my way out of a condemned mind field, mind field

Try Again

I've tried, try again
I said there must be an end
So many things I've done, no change
I'll just try again

For how long will this go on
It all feels so wrong

Must stop, want an end
But it starts all over again
What should I do
I can't help myself
I'll just try again

For how long will this go on
It all feels so wrong

I've tried, try again
I said there must be an end
What should I do
I can't help myself
I've tried my best

For how long will this go on
It all feels so wrong

Must stop, want an end
But it starts all over again

Où Veux-Tu Aller

Chaque matin tu t'éveilles au ventre cette peur
De devoir vivre ce jour sans voir passer les heures
Tu inspires, tu expires, sans le moindre désir
De devoir vivre ce jour sans rien pouvoir choisir

Chaque soir dans tes rêves, les mêmes ambitions
Pour qu'au bout de la nuit s’envolent tes illusions
Pourtant prête à tout pour grimper à l'échelle
Tu as perdu de vue ton but : la vie, la belle

Déploie tes ailes, va flâner dans le ciel
Un seul conseil : ne vole pas face au soleil
Où veux-tu aller, tu vas perdre l'esprit
En cherchant ce nulle part, un souvenir, ton île

Si chaque jour ta vie passe
C'est que l'heure s'efface
Toi tu essayes toujours d'y laisser une trace
Sûre que dans ce rêve tu trouveras ta place
Un instant de répit, un clin d'œil dans la glace

Déploie tes ailes, va flâner dans le ciel
Un seul conseil : ne vole pas face au soleil
Où veux-tu aller, tu vas perdre l'esprit
En cherchant ce nulle part, un souvenir, ton île

D'aussi haut, les nuages forment un voile
Au-dessus de la lune, des étoiles

Déploie tes ailes, va flâner dans le ciel
Un seul conseil : ne vole pas face au soleil
Où veux-tu aller, tu vas perdre l'esprit
En cherchant ce nulle part, un souvenir, ton île

What About

There's someone tapping on my window pane
No, I'm dreaming again
It's just the morning rain
But what about the voices
From the room next door
And the sound of your steps on my wooden floor

If silence only could be what I should
If loneliness would leave me alone
But nothing would do me more good
Than not being on my own
Than not being on my own

What about the whispers in sleepless nights
What about the screams and endless fights
What about the records that you loved to play
What about the tunes that you hummed all day

If silence only could be what I should
If loneliness would leave me alone
But nothing would do me more good
Than not being on my own
Than not being on my own

If silence only could be what I should
If loneliness would leave me alone
But nothing would do me more good
Than not being on my own
Than not being on my own

There's someone tapping on my window pane
No, I'm dreaming again
It's just the morning rain

Seems So Simple

I just caught the train to a random destination
Living the present without a single obligation
Willing to grab whatever the future will propose
And prepared to fight whatever it may oppose

Seems so simple
It can't get worse
Like a step forward
To start a new verse

I'm not the only passenger on this train
A dozen of us trying to break the chain
Scared about leaving a comfortable life
Some even dropping their home and wife

Seems so simple
It can't get worse
Like a step forward
To start a new verse

The train keeps moving, rolling on
And throwing out my memories as I move along
I'm ready now I can feel it slow down
I step off the train in this unknown town

Seems so simple
It can't get worse
Like a step forward
To start a new verse

Seems so simple
No it can't get worse
Like a step forward
To start a new verse

A Little Kiss

A little kiss
I all I'm asking for
Just a little kiss
And I won't expect more
Just a little kiss
Is all I need
Just a little kiss
And I'll take my leave

Jag vill bara få känna dina läppar mot mina
Trygghet och värme i famnen vill finna
Låtsas för en gång att endast vara din
Bara få känna din hand i min

A little kiss
To show me that you care
Just a little kiss
Show me that you dare
Just a little kiss
And I'll set off to the sky
Just a little kiss
Give me wings
Make me fly

Je veux sentir ton corps tout contre mon coeur
Et te savoir d'humeur à faire un effort
Le baiser de Doisneau sur les Champs-Élysées
Ambiance tamisée, un soir d'été

A little kiss
Is all I'm asking for
Just a little kiss
And I won't expect more
Just a little kiss
Is all I need
Just a little kiss
And I'll take my lead

Just want to feel your lips against mine
The smell of your skin and thoughts of your mind
Just want to pretend to be your true love
To caress your skin soft as a dove
Soft as a dove, soft as a dove

The Picture Of You

I drew a picture
And that picture was of you
A combination of rhymes
And that song was for you
I saw a movie
The story was like ours
And next to my bed
Is where I keep your dead flowers

There's not a dream
Where you're not involved
But by the time I wake up
Your face has dissolved
The time will come
When this will be history
Left in my mind
As an unsolved mystery

I do have a job
A few friends and occupations
But I consider them more
As social obligations
I'm eating well
About three times a day
And if I were religious
I swear I would pray

I'm trying to focus on all
The nonsense I do
But like obsessed
All I can see is you
The time will come
When this will be history
Left in my mind
As an unsolved mystery

Days gone by, but what is different
What has changed
You promised me
That time would get things arranged
Perhaps you've forgotten me
Just like you were supposed to do
But I'm still singing my song
And looking at the picture I drew

I still dream
And you keep being involved
But by the time I wake up
Your face has dissolved
The time must come
When this will be history
Left in my mind
As an unsolved mystery
Oh mystery, mystery, mystery...

Les Jeux Sont Faits

Les jeux sont faits
J'ai perdu cette manche
Si seulement tu pouvais m'accorder une revanche

Le pari est osé
La peur nous touche et ces dés
Déjà sur la table placés
Ma mise attend son dernier jet

Ça n'en vaut pas la peine
Pourquoi déjouer sans cesse
Pourquoi tenter encore
Quand ta chance se confesse

J'ai tellement attendu que mon score touche alors
Mon sort espère le grâce
Pile ou face, perds et passe

Je cherche un parcours où tout va pour toujours
J'ai dansé aux détours d'un rêve nue, seule, en plein jour
J'ai tenté mon étoile, jusqu'au bout de sa moelle
Sans ailes et comme déchue, déçue, j'ai tout perdu
Perdu mes illusions, perdu la sensation
Je cherche a mon insu la seule issue pour m'en sortir
Pour en sortir

Les jeux sont faits
Il reste un as dans ma manche
Si seulement tu savais et convoitais mieux ta chance

Le jeu en vaut la peine
Et j'ai joué sans cesse
Tout misé même la haine qui compense mes faiblesses

Je cherche un parcours où tout va pour toujours
J'ai dansé aux détours d'un rêve nue, seule, en plein jour
J'ai tenté mon étoile, jusqu'au bout de sa moelle
Sans ailes et comme déchue, déçue, j'ai tout perdu
Perdu mes illusions, perdu la sensation
Je cherche a mon insu la seule issue pour m'en sortir
Pour en sortir

Where Are You Going

Every day you wake up to the same worry
Living your life in a constant hurry
Trying to catch up with your expectations
Living a life in constant aggravation

Every night you dream about fame and glory
Waking up to realize it's another story
Breaking your neck to climb that ladder
Losing your grip while too busy to gather

You spread your wings and you flew away
You went for the sun but got blinded by its rays
Where are you going, you are losing your mind
Searching for a place nowhere to be found

Everyday as your life is passing you by
Your mind is focused on one last try
While dreaming a way of being there
Begging for a response but you're too far to hear

You spread your wings and you flew away
You went for the sun but got blinded by its rays
Where are you going, you are losing your mind
Searching for a place nowhere to be found

From above, don't hear us sing so plain
And all the clouds in the sun above the rain

You spread your wings and you flew away
You went for the sun but got blinded by its rays
Where are you going, you are losing your mind
Searching for a place nowhere to be found


( Japanese edition Bonus track )

I've heard of many guys
Whose words are nothing but lies
I've heard of tragic ends
And partners becoming friends
But I had you
And all was great
Until you started dating your mate

I couldn't breathe
My stomach ached
I tried to smile
But it looked so fake
I thought of you
Did you think of me
What went wrong
Why did you flee

When I had you
All seemed so fine
How could I be so blind

Days were long
Nights were worse
But time taught me how to live
Loneliness, an awful curse
That was all I forgive

Could you explain a thing to me
Why you called and didn't let me be
The choice is yours
Stay or go
Just make up your mind
And let me know

'Cos when we meet
I hope that you say
That you love me
And that you'll stay

Unfortunately that wasn't the case
So I decided to leave without a trace
I hope you will notice
And miss me a lot
And perhaps you'll realize
I'm the best you ever got
So when we meet
If we ever do
Would you take me back
If you only knew

Days were long
Nights were worse
But time taught me how to live
Loneliness, an awful curse
That was all I forgive

Days were long
Nights were worse
But time taught me how to live
Loneliness, an awful curse
That was all I forgive

I've heard of many guys
Whose words are nothing but lies
I've heard of tragic ends
Of partners becoming friends
But after all that I've been through
I can't think of any words
Than you


Monumental mismatch

We met in the spring, we fell in the fall
Then endured our winter of discontent
Seems need defies all reason
And self-inflicted suffering knows no season

You vex me, perplex me
I wonder after me who'll be the next me
I see through it, but can't undo it
This monumental mismatch

You sway me, you play me
You come to spend an hour and over-stay me
You unspool me, completely rule me
This monumental mismatch

Before your kisses dry you're gone
And you leave me with your taste to carry on
I know what I know better and I know that I’m smart
But with my predilection for contradiction
I'm a set-up for a broken heart

You tease me, you please me
Through nights of loneliness your kisses ease me
You ignite me and I can't fight me
And this monumental mismatch
You're a merciless intrusion, a constant cruel confusion
The inevitable conclusion is that I love you

Before your kisses dry you're gone
And you leave me with your taste to carry on
I know what I know better and I know that I’m smart
But with my predilection for contradiction
I'm a set-up for a broken heart

You tease me, you please me
Through nights of loneliness your kisses ease me
You ignite me and I can't fight me
And this monumental mismatch
You're a merciless intrusion, a constant cruel confusion
The inevitable conclusion is that I love you

You're a merciless intrusion, a constant cruel confusion
The inevitable conclusion is that I love you

So high

He moved my heart
And I moved his lips
I held him close
He laid his hands on my hips

No no I don’t wanna know why
I have my story
No no I need my bubble to fly
Fly away far from my worries

I offered him a dance
He offered me a seat
Seems he’d rather dance
With his hands than with his feet

No no I don’t wanna know why
I trust my feeling
No no I think this is the guy
For my broken-heart’s healing

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk, walk on by

He said “I like you”
I said “I love you too”, I love you too
He bought me twelve drinks
Such a gentle thing to do, to do
No no I don’t wanna know why
I have my vision
No if I pick to dream or to cry
Is my own decision

He followed me home
That considerate guy
Never called next day
Guess he was to shy

No no I don’t wanna know why
Don’t want your implication
No I don’t wanna leave my pink cloud
So I stick to my explanation

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk on by

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk on by

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk, walk on by

Pourquoi pas moi

Je vis l’enfer, pourquoi pas lui
Tendue, ma main a glissée sur son emprise
J’ai vu l’enfer m’ouvrir ses bras
Mise à nu, réchauffée à l’ombre de ses draps

Il dit : «je ne suis pas celui que tu crois
Tu es folle et perdue»
J’aurai dû le confondre à son étoile
Il dit qu’avec le temps s’effacera mon tourment
Il se trompe et me trompe dans ce monde sans dessous

Je vis l’amour, pourquoi pas lui
Fermer les yeux, s’agripper sans perdre prise
J’ai vu l’amour m’ouvrir ses portes
Mise a nu, brûlée vive, que le diable m’emporte

Il dit que : « je ne suis pas celui que tu penses
Tu es folle et perdue »
Je l’aurai confondu à mon étoile
Il dit qu’avec le temps s’effacera mon tourment
Il me trompe, et se trompe dans ce monde sans dessous

Car chaque matin ma vie n’a aucun sens
Et pas un instant je ne me mens qu’il subsiste une chance pour nous deux
Et j’arrive à y croire
Tout du moins jusqu’à ce que vienne le soir

Il dit que : « je ne suis pas celui que tu penses
Tu es folle et perdue »
Je l’aurai confondu à mon étoile
Il dit qu’avec le temps s’effacera mon tourment
Il me trompe, et se trompe dans ce monde sans dessous

Car chaque matin ma vie n’a aucun sens
Et pas un instant je ne me mens qu’il subsiste une chance pour nous deux
Et j’arrive à y croire
Tout du moins jusqu’à ce que vienne le soir


I want to be remembered as "one of a kind"
Unique and why not "out of her mind"
I want to be special, unpredictable and absurd
I want to tell people the most aberrant things they've heard

I want to have an eye-catching, distinctive look
I want to have all the loonies on the hook
I want to do everything without moderation
Without a single thought or consideration

‘Cause I, you, them
Oh what wouldn't we do
To be irreplaceable

‘Cause I, you, them
Oh what wouldn't we do
To be irreplaceable

None of my partners introduced me their folks
Afraid that I might pull off some awkward jokes
And once we've split up they would always say
That I’m not a girl to marry anyway

‘Cause I like to complain and I love to start fights
I always leave out the milk and never turn off the lights
I don't change the bin bag event though it's packed
I just jam in the trash until the bag is cracked

‘Cause I, you, them
Oh what wouldn't we do
To be irreplaceable

‘Cause I, you, them
Oh what wouldn't we do
To be irreplaceable

‘Cause I, you, them
Oh what wouldn't we do
To be irreplaceable

Stuck on a stranger

The record is stuck
On this same old tune
I wish you and I
Could get stuck like it, too

I’ve served you a drink
A dozen of times
Glass after glass
Just to make the night last

With you the time won't stand still
And once you’ve walked out the door
I might not see you anymore

And I have a picture in my mind of which I can't let go
There's you and I but the rest of the world doesn't show
And I studied every line and mark upon your face
So I can picture you at any time, at any place

Your words have meaning, yet no sound
'Cause they’re drenched in the sun
To which we're bound
You look at me like we share a past
You smoke every cigarette like it was your last
But time won't stand still
And once you walk out the door
I might not see you anymore

And I have a picture in my mind of which I can't let go
There's you and I but the rest of the world doesn't show
And I studied every line and mark upon your face
So I can picture you at any time, at any place
Any time, at any place

The record is stuck
On the same old tune
Just as I’ll always be
Stuck on you

Oh sunny sunny day

Oh sunny sunny day
I've never felt this way
My heart so light
The sight so bright
Oh honey honey say
Did you make me this way
Made me take life with ease
So darling won't you please

Spin the bottle, kiss and tell
Whisper wishes down the well
Hide and seek, Simone say
Do you wanna play

Sunny sunny day
You make my heart sway
You make me sing
With all the light you bring
Oh darling darling love
You're a gift from above
Now quit your foolish game of tease
And honey won't you please

Spin the bottle, kiss and tell
Whisper wishes down the well
Hide and seek, Simone say
Do you wanna play

Sunny sunny day
You make my heart sway
You make me sing
With all the light you bring
Oh darling darling love
You're a gift from above
Now quit your foolish game of tease
And honey won't you please

Spin the bottle, kiss and tell
Whisper wishes down the well
Hide and seek, Simone say
Do you wanna play

Don't let the sun go down on this day
Can't it stay for ever this way
But before our joy will cease
Oh honey, honey won't you please

Spin the bottle, kiss and tell
Whisper wishes down the well
Hide and seek, Simone say
Do you wanna play

One man show

I don't know what to say
I wish it wasn't this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

Underneath it all
We're all quite plain
With all your jazz stripped off
You're just, just the same
But you don't even have a voice of your own
You couldn't tell by yourself
What's right from wrong

And I don't know what to say
Guess you wanted it this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

You never learned to fly with your own wings
But they can make you dance by pulling strings
You only care for the attention you bring
The crowd has crowned you as their king

And I don't know what to say
Guess you wanted it this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

I don't know what to say
Guess you wanted it this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

I don't know what to say
Guess you wanted it this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

And I don't know what to say
Guess you wanted it this way
But you lost me long ago
To your one man show
And now you're left with your pride
And no one else by your side
But the reflection of yourself
In the trophies on your shelves

I’ll win your heart

Maybe you'll come
Or maybe you won't
I know you hesitate
But baby, I don't
So please trust me this time
Trust me cause I, I know

That wherever you go
I'll end up there too
And there's nothing you can do
And whatever you say
I'm gonna find a way
To win your heart

You might bring us wine
Or you might invite me to dine
Why worry about the rules
When you know you can't lose
So come along don't leave me hanging too long
You might just come cause I, I know

That wherever you go
I'll end up there too
And there's nothing you can do
And whatever you say
I'm gonna find a way
To win your heart

You might try to kiss me
Or you might need some more time
Don't be afraid to miss me
‘Cause you can kiss me anytime
Boy when you're ready just give me a sign
We're wasting time cause I, I know

That wherever you go
I'll end up there too
And there's nothing you can do
And whatever you say
I'm gonna find a way
To win your heart

For every step that you'll take
I’ll take one with you
You can walk the world
But I’ll walk it too
‘Cause I, I know

That wherever you go
I'll end up there too
And there's nothing you can do
And whatever you say
I'm gonna find a way
To win your heart

Dina ögon bla

Nu får allt detta vara slut
Vår tid har sedan länge runnit ut
Visst gör det ont att se
Hur vi met tiden glidit isär
Hur jag ingenting längre hyser för den
Som jag innan höll så kär

Du må böna, du må be
Men jag has ingenting kvar att ge
Ja visst gör det ont att minnas
Hur underbart allting var
På den tiden, nu länge sedan
När ditt riktiga jag fanns kvar

Lyckan verkade så lätt att nå
Tänk att det skulle ta sådan tid att förstå
Att den ej fanns uti
Dina ögon blå
Att den ej fanns uti
Dina ögon blå

Ja se på mig, se på vårt liv
Vas delar vi mer än slag och kiv
Du envisas om att tro
Att det bara är en fas
Men misstanken borde gro att
Lusten sakta ifran mig tas

Så nu får allt detta vara slut
Låt oss lägga ner våra vapen och damma av allt krut
Låt oss släppa taget, låt var och en gå fri
Låt oss släppa greppet om det som
För länge sen var “vi”

Lyckan verkade så lätt att nå
Tänk att det skulle ta sådan tid att förstå
Att den ej fanns uti
Dina ögon blå
Att den ej fanns uti
Dina ögon blå

The damage is done

The damage is done
You'd better pack your stuff and run
The damage is done
The spell has been broken
It's getting worse since I awoke and
The last words are spoken

It's useless to bother now
It didn't work anyhow
It's useless to bother now
Don't turn around
I'm not a lost and found
Don't turn around

Once more I feel poorer than poor
And once more I’ve shown you the door
One more time you're no longer mine
But we're further down the line

Once more I feel poorer than poor
And once more I’ve shown you the door
One more time you're no longer mine
But we're further down the line

The damage is done
You'd better pack the stuff and run
The damage is done
So this is our end
Just wounds left to mend
Is this our end

Once more I feel poorer than poor
And once more I’ve shown you the door
Once more time you're no longer mine
But we're further down the line

Once more I feel poorer than poor
And once more I’ve shown you the door
One more time you're no longer mine
But we're further down the line

Once more I feel poorer than poor
And once more I’ve shown you the door
One more time you're no longer mine
But we're further down the line


Tout m’entraîne
Irrésistiblement vers toi
Comme avant

Tout m'enchaîne
Irrésistiblement à toi
Je le sens

Comme le jour revient après la nuit
Et le soleil toujours après la pluie
Comme un oiseau qui revient vers son nid
Vers mon amour je vais aussi

Tout m’entraîne
Irrésistiblement vers toi
À chaque instant

Tout m'enchaîne
Irrésistiblement à toi
Je le sens

Comme la mer qui frappe le rocher
Obstinément, sans jamais désarmer
Par le malheur on est souvent frappé
Mais l'amour seul peut nous sauver

Tout m’entraîne
Irrésistiblement vers toi
À chaque instant

Tout m'enchaîne
Irrésistiblement à toi
Je le sens

Comme la joie revient après les pleurs
Après l'hiver revient le temps des fleurs
Au moment où l'on croit pue tout se meurt
L'amour revient en grand vainqueur

Tout m'entraîne
Irrésistiblement vers toi
Comme avant

Tout m’enchaîne
Irrésistiblement à toi
Je le sens

Tout m'entraîne
Irrésistiblement à toi
Comme avant

My Favorite Boy

Have I told you about my favourite boy
The one I care for and who brings me joy
There's nothing that I wouldn't sacrifice
To be by his side ‘cause it’s paradise

He’s a living dream how can't you see
When it’s so clear and obvious to me
His words are like jazz, you can't get enough
But once it stops it’s just too rough

Oh why oh why does he make my head spin
Oh my oh my it’s like I’ve had too much gin
When he looks into my eyes

Have I told you about my favourite boy
The one I care for and who brings me joy
There's nothing that I wouldn't sacrifice
To be by his side ‘cause it’s paradise

I wish you’d seen him with your own two eyes
‘Cause he's a man unlike all other guys
I talk too much I know I'm hard to bear
But it’s so good I feel I have to share

Oh why oh why does he make my head spin
Oh my oh my it’s like I’ve had too much gin
When he looks into my eyes

I wish you’d seen him with your own two eyes
‘Cause he's a man unlike all other guys
I talk too much I know I'm hard to bear
But it’s so good I feel I have to share

Oh why oh why does he make my head spin
Oh my oh my it’s like I’ve had too much gin
When he looks into my eyes

Oh why oh why does he make my head spin
Oh my oh my it’s like I’ve had too much gin
When he looks into my eyes

Sweep Me Away

*** Thanx a lot to Amnuayman for these lyrics ***

Sweep Me Away

Never thought I would say these words
But this was beyond my control
My fingers were itching
But my hands too small

Once steady on my feet, feet
Now sinking through the mud
I'm looking at the stars, stars
While awaiting the flood

Never thought I would say these words
I might have got it wrong
There's a hole in my mind
No more answers to find

Once fighting that calm, calm
Now cooling down my blood
I'm looking at the stars, stars
While awaiting the flood

Sweep me away
Sweep me away

Sweep me away
Sweep me away
Sweep me away
Sweep me away

Once steady on my feet, feet
Now sinking through the mud
I'm looking at the stars, stars
While awaiting the flood

Fast Moving Train

What is different, what is news
We're on a carousel spinning through deja-vu
What remains and for what reason
We see pastures change but to familiar seasons

All over again, all over again
We're stuck in a pattern, an endless refrain
All over again, all over again
We're trap in a loop on a fast moving train

How many songs, how many poems
'Til we turn away from illusionary omens
How many spins, how many springs
Before common sense finally win

All over again, all over again
We're stuck in a pattern, an endless refrain
All over again, all over again
We're trap in a loop on a fast moving train

All over again, all over again
We're stuck in a pattern, an endless refrain
All over again, all over again
We're trap in a loop on a fast moving train

All over again, all over again
We're stuck in a pattern, an endless refrain
All over again, all over again
We're trap in a loop on a fast moving train

Rocket Trip To Mars

I'm far away I took a rocket trip to mars
I flew away 'cause life on earth was too harsh on me
When you were around, I found life moved along on a breeze
Then you went away and the air turned thick and hard to breathe

I'm far away I’m floating high above it all
I flew away 'cause from up here all seems so small, so plain
I walked on the moon but too soon I couldn't stand the view
I turned to the sun and the stars and the ocean down on you

And I know that I fooled around
I was wrong but I can't go back in time
And I know that you would do the same
Same rules for both parts of the game

We played with the cards, we broke our hearts
We played with the cards, we broke our hearts

I'm far away I took a rocket trip to mars
I flew away left all behind except some scars from you
Only high up here I can give my foggy minds some peace
But deep down I fear the day the dream of us will cease
And give my mind some peace

And I know that I fooled around
I was wrong but I can't go back in time
And I know that you would do the same
Same rules for both parts of the game

We played with the cards, we broke our hearts
We played with the cards, we broke

You left me alone in this world
You left me alone in this world

I flew away, I flew away far
Entre toi et moi c'est cassé
Plus rien n'ira

And I know that I fooled around
I was wrong but I can't go back in time
But I know that you would do the same
Same rules for both parts of the game

We played with the cards, we broke our hearts
We played with the cards, we broke

And I know that I fooled around
I was wrong but I can't go back in time
And I know that you would do the same
Same rules for both parts of the game

We played with the cards, we broke our hearts
We played with the cards, we broke

Altered Lens

We stay in the dark
To see with clear sight
It's easier having our wrongs and rights
They say don't turn around
Keep your eyes on the screen
We'll show you all that ought to be seen

Oh keep believing
Keep on watching the show
Without ever wondering
Why we're lined-up in a row
Keep believing
We've found a sense
While watching the world
Through an altered lens

Stay by the fire
We can stay by the heat
Not taking the risk of losing our front-seat
We can praise ourselves
Throw flowers and applaud
Knowing we're worth it just like we've been told

Oh keep believing
Keep on watching the show
Without ever wondering
Why we're lined-up in a row
Keep believing we've found a sense
While watching the world

Oh keep believing
Keep on watching the show
Without ever wondering
Why we're lined-up in a row
Keep believing we've found a sense
While watching the world

Oh keep believing
Keep on watching the show
Without ever wondering
Why we're lined-up in a row
Keep believing we've found a sense
While watching the world

While watching the world
Through an altered lens


I'm sorry, think you misunderstood
I'm harsh and rude but my intentions are good
I'm not mean, don't meant to call you names, no, no
To pick fights and gave you sleepless night

Yes babe what I'm trying to say
Is that I'm showing my love
In my own special way
Yes babe this is how I play
I'm showing my love
In my own special way

Pardon me if I seem a bit cold
For the constant rejection of your love and affection
Don't wanna be taken for granted you see
Oh I preserved my heart, now deserve my heart

Yes babe what I'm trying to say
Is that I'm showing my love
In my own special way
Yes babe this is how I play
I'm showing my love
In my own special way

I'm sorry hope you know I am
But you can't just love when loving a man

Yes babe what I'm trying to say
Is that I'm showing my love
In my own special way
Yes babe this is how I play
I'm showing my love
In my own special way

Yes babe what I'm trying to say
Is that I'm showing my love
In my own special way
Yes babe this is how I play
I'm showing my love
In my own special way

A Drop In A Sea

I've seen nothing that hasn't yet been seen
I've lived wishing for every man's dream

All the colours in my mind already have a name
And the lines I draw never cross the frame

Am I them or are they me
Am I you or are you me
Can't believe I'm only
A drop in the sea
Can't believe I'm only
Born just to be

Poets on the silver platter my thoughts reveal
But they were for me to give, not to receive

Painters picture my mind and soul
Leaving me with nothing but an empty black hole

Am I them or are they me
Am I you or are you me
Can't believe I'm only
A drop in the sea
Can't believe I'm only
Born just to be

Believed I was different like you believed you were too
Believed was a way to make it through

She & I

She can't sleep at night, still on the hunt for her four-leaf clover
Through her tunnel sight she seeks out the chances left over
She can't waste time with so much left to do
Ease was a ticking bomb, dreams the target that it blew up
Now it's pulling her down

She walks a tightrope race over slopes so steep
Where the light-keeper seems to have fallen asleep
Can't they see she'll never get where they expect her to be
She walks a tightrope race over slopes so steep
While the light-keeper seem to have fallen asleep
Can't they see she'll never get where they expect her to be

I can't sleep at night, a sense of peace and my body shivers
She can't sleep at night, it's under her skin like a thousand slivers
Cause I can't waste time with so much left to do
Ease was a ticking bomb, dreams the target that it blew up
Now it's dragging me down

She walks a tightrope race over slopes so steep
Where the light-keeper seems to have fallen asleep
Can't they see she'll never get where they expect her to be
She walks a tightrope race over slopes so steep
While the light-keeper seem to have fallen asleep
Can't they see she'll never get where they expect her to be
I walk a tightrope race over cliffs so sharp

Where the world I once knew is now falling apart
Can't she see I'll never get where she expect me to be
And we walk a tightrope race over slopes so steep
While the light-keeper seems to have fallen asleep
Can't she see I'll never get who she's trying to be

Fling On Boy

I know that you've avoided me a while
I know there's something hiding in your smile
But I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind

I know your mind is set on someone else
The way you talk and the way you kiss tells
But I don't mind, I don't mind, I'll be fine
I don't mind, I don't mind

But I beg and I plead don't fail me please
I beg and I plead love me don't leave
I'm asking you whatever you do
Don't waste our chance away
Dream on, boy, but swear you'll stay

I know your scent but lately it has changed
You look thinner and your hair is rearranged
But I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind

I see you laugh just like we did before
And hear your soft, sweet whispers through the door
But I don't mind, I don't mind, I'll be fine
I don't mind, I don't mind

But I beg and I plead don't fail me please
I beg and I plead love me don't leave
I'm asking you whatever you do
Don't waste our chance away
Fling on, boy, but swear you'll stay

But I beg and I plead don't fail me please
I beg and I plead love me don't leave
I'm asking you whatever you do
Don't waste our chance away
Fling on, boy, but swear you'll stay

But I beg and I plead don't fail me please
I beg and I plead love me don't leave
I'm asking you whatever you do
Don't waste our chance away
Fling on, boy, but swear you'll stay
Don't waste our chance away
Fling on, boy, but swear you'll stay

What if

What if I told you that I did it again
That I accidentally cheated on you with your best friend
What if I say he's so much better than you
That I have to hold him prisoner the whole night through
I didn't say I did, so don't think I would do
But if I did do, then what would you do

What if I told you that I lied from the start
That I don't actually have a master in modern art
What if I told you that I can't stand your mum
That I think your brother's hot and your sister's dumb
I didn't say I did, so don't think I would do
But if I did do, are we through

What if I told you Rose is not my real name
That I find your nose crooked and your joke lame
What if I told you that I was in it for the money
That I just can't stand it when you call me honey-bunny
I didn't say I did, so don't think I would do
But if I did do, would it be me and you

Don't just stand there, did you hear what I just said
Yell or cry, hit me hard in the head
You're the one who should be angry
Yet I'm the one pulling my hair
So won't you just please show that you care
That doesn't mean I do

What if I told you I set your car on fire
‘Cause you didn't react when I slashed all your tires
What if I say I never went to that shrink
‘Cause I solve all my problems by poisoning your drinks
I didn't say I did so, don't you think I would do
But since I did do...well I guess you're through

Don't just lie there, did you hear what I just said
Shout or cry or I'll hit you hard in the head
You're the one who should be angry yet I'm the one pulling my hair
So won't you just please show that you care
That doesn't mean I do
There's no more me and you

In My Head

Safely locked up in my own head
Too sensitive to let go
Safely locked up in my own head
I wander down the road
With the key in my left hand
And your letter in the other
With the key in my left hand
I wonder where I'll go

So this is where we'll finally meet
In the moonlight on the snow-white sheets
Yes by the river that will wash us clean
We will lay down in the grass
We will lay down in the grass forever green

Safely locked up in my own head
Too human to be sane
Safely locked up in my own head
I wander down the road
Full of hows whys and what nows
Full of emptiness
Full of hows whys and what nows
I wonder where I'll go

So this is where we'll finally meet
In the moonlight on the snow-white sheets
Yes by the river that will wash us clean
We will lay down in the grass
We will lay down in the grass forever green

So this is where we'll finally meet
In the moonlight on the snow-white sheets
Yes by the river that will wash us clean
We will lay down in the grass
We will lay down in the grass forever

So this is where we'll finally meet
In the moonlight on the snow-white sheets
Yes by the river that will wash us clean
So we will lay down in the grass free

Fading Away

Thought I heard his voice last night
I heard him asking "why?"
Thought I heard his voice last night
Then he opened up the sky
I'm yearning for days long gone behind
I'm burning for a truth that can't be mine
I'm stalling, I'm falling

Please help me out
I've lost my way
Please help me
I'm turning cold and grey
Please help me
Don't leave me this way
Please help me I'm fading away

Saw him sitting by my bed
Felt his hand on my cheek
He counted the tears I shed
Then started himself to weep
I'm dreaming both feet on the ground
I'm screaming but my voice doesn't make a sound
I'm falling, I'm calling

Please help me out
I've lost my way
Please help me
I'm turning cold and grey
Please help me
Don't leave me this way
Please help me I'm fading away

Please help me out
I've lost my way
Please help me
I'm turning cold and grey
Please help me
Don't leave me this way
Please help me I'm fading away...

Song of July

Splashing water
Refreshing breeze
Sun kissed hair
Scratched knees
Salty lips
And sandy shoes
Tickly ants
And cut-off pants
Freckled nose
Big straw hat
Morning swim
And afternoon nap
Camp fire
Buckets, spades
Sandy eyes

I know
My mind is there to stay
I know, I know

I know
My mind is there to stay
I know, I know

Sticky sunscreen
Dusty road
Barking dogs
And unkissed frogs
Grilled sausage
Rusty bikes
And clicking cameras
And weekend hikes
Water melon
Water fight
And rocking boat
And floating kites
Daisy chains
Blueberry stains
Climbing trees
And stinging bees

I know
My mind is there to stay
I know, I know
I know
My mind is there to stay

As I watch the autumn rain wash you away
I just know my mind is there to stay
I know my mind is there to stay

Lemon juice
Strawberry jam
Bright nights
Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites
Every night
Mosquito bites
Ay ay
Singing cricket
Melting ice-cream
Hardened feet
Air-dried sheet
Bumble bees
And knee-high grass
Blooming fields
Forever last

I know
My mind is there to stay
I know, I know
I know
My mind is there to stay

As I watch the autumn rain wash you away
I just know my mind is there to stay

I know
My mind is there to stay
Hmm, I know
I know
My mind is there to stay
I know, I know

So High

He moved my heart
And I moved his lips
I held him close
He laid his hands on my hips

No no I don’t wanna know why
I have my story
No no I need my bubble to fly
Fly away far from my worries

I offered him a dance
He offered me a seat
Seems he’d rather dance
With his hands than with his feet

No no I don’t wanna know why
I trust my feeling
No no I think this is the guy
For my broken-heart’s healing

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk, walk on by

He said “I like you”
I said “I love you too”, I love you too
He bought me twelve drinks
Such a gentle thing to do, to do
No no I don’t wanna know why
I have my vision
No if I pick to dream or to cry
Is my own decision

He followed me home
That considerate guy
Never called next day
Guess he was to shy

No no I don’t wanna know why
Don’t want your implication
No I don’t wanna leave my pink cloud
So I stick to my explanation

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk on by

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk on by

And so I think to myself
I’m in my own world again
My head is spinning around
And there’s no exit to be found

And so I think to myself
He’s just like everyone else
But feeling far too high
To just let him walk, walk on by

Off To Dance


Whenever he goes
It seems like I always come to you

Until he returns
It aches and it burns
I lean on you

Your shadow's hanging over me
And keeps me from being found
Comfort comes as all my tears
Absorbs into your ground
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Show me something new
On which I can rely
To help me to get through
Give me just one sign
On which I can hold on
To recall the love we knew

Came in the spring
It sang me the things
It'd seen far west

Then sorrow
Came with the wind
And with broken wings
I regained my nest

Your drapes are closing over me
I'm safe within your womb
This is where I said I'll wait
So this will be my tomb

Show me something new
On which I can rely
To help me to get through
Give me just one sign
On which I can hold on
To recall the love we knew

Show me something new
On which I can rely
To help me to get through
Give me just one sign
On which I can hold on
To recall the love we knew

Trivial Needs

Feels like I'm standing in dried glue
God I miss the feeling of craving something to
Put my soul at ease
Please some trivial needs

Need a habit I need a consolation prize
Some nails to bite
An urge to fight, then give in
To put my role on hold
And lose my self-control

I can't let go
Reason's got me
In a strangehold
Is there a way out of this

I'm not here to please
Nor fulfill other's needs
I should just let them see
How ordinary I can be

Need a small corner, a little bubble of mine
A concealed pleasure, my secret golden mine
To treat no one but me
To feed my sanity, to feed my sanity
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I can't let go
Reason's got me
In a strangehold
Is there a way out of this

I'm not here to please
Nor fulfill other's needs

I can't let go
Reason's got me
In a strangehold
Is there a way out of this

I'm not here to please
Nor fulfill other's needs
I should just let them see
How ordinary I can be

Off To Dance

Old tears, where did you go
Who's gonna water me now
Water my fears and my sores

Can't see, I'm drifting in a cloud
All fluffy, all silky within
I'm losing myself in him
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Oh it's easier when you know what to ask for
Oh I'm off to dance on heaven's slippery floor

Old tears, where did you go
Who's gonna water me now
Water my songs and their source

Ache, say, where do you hide
Feeling like sparing a heart
Or planning to strike back hard

Oh it's easier when you know what to ask for
Oh I'm off to dance on heaven's slippery floor

Hear the echo of our feet
Rhythmically stamping the hard ice sheet
The past on display
Let's spin on our heels
Carve out a valley of hope and peace
Can someone please just say
Happiness is on its way

Hear the echo of our feet
Rhythmically stamping the hard ice sheet
The past on display
Let's spin on our heels
Carve out a valley of hope and peace
Can someone please just say
Happiness is on its way, on its way

Little Muse

I've been wanting to say that this story is growing old
Tried hard to believe in it but now the truth unfolds
I just seem to have one use, being your little muse
A line a set of chords

All of this don't seem so fair
You take but never share
So I'm getting bored

I've been wanting to hear your side of this story too
But apart from a singing duel there's no message coming through
I just seem to have a use, seem to be reduced
To a line a set of chords
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
All of this don't seem so fair
I try yet you don't care
So I got too bored

It won't be long before you turn
All into another song
It won't be long before you turn
All into another song

I don't think I can't stand no more lala's nor more oooo's
No more corny love songs, no more miserable blues

'Cause I just seem to have one use, being your little muse
A line a little rhyme

All of this don't seem so fair
You take but never share
So I got too bored

It won't be long before you turn
All into another song
It won't be long before you turn
All into another song

We Are Whole

I will need you more than that
I will need you more than ever now
The wind has changed, the page has turned
And the previous chapters burned
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I hold on to you, hold on to me
Let's lie in bed and shape our memories
We can reset, we can reborn
Let the wind rise up to storm

Change's coming up
Forget all we knew
Empty our cups
Fill them up with something new
Open your eyes and you will see

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized
Inhale my soul

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized
Inhale my soul

Sliding down the rabbit hole
Collecting images to map our souls
Clear our heads switch our names
Hit us hard with change

Good will arise
Time will right the wrongs
Empty our cups
Fill them up with something strong
Open our minds and redesign

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized
Inhale my soul

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized
Inhale my soul

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized
Inhale my soul

We are whole now
We are crystalized
We are whole now
I'll follow you through time
We are whole now
We are crystalized


In a small hotel room at the border of the sea
And a whole world between my army and me
In a small hotel room at the border of sanity
Cut off my landmarks and identity

Oh, the moon is glaring at me
Oh, stars pointing at me

In this small hotel room within these suffocating walls
I train my ear to the unresponsive calls
In this small hotel room, new decor and different view
Stripped of all the habits that I knew
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Oh, the moon is glaring at me
Oh, stars pointing at me
Oh, it's such a laughable sight
Oh, when you've seen me in a different light

Treacherous glory
Shallow popularity
Teach us integrity
To swallow this reality

In a small hotel room, free yet a detainee
For I lost my context, the definition of me
In a small hotel room deprived from life's zest
'Cause my entourage's eyes were my confidence's nest

Oh, the moon is glaring at me
Oh, stars pointing at me
Oh, it's such a laughable sight
Oh, when you've seen me in a different light

Treacherous glory
Shallow popularity
Teach us integrity
To swallow this reality

Midday Moon

Come and site with me
It might come soon
You see I'm waiting for a glimpse
A glimpse of the midday moon

Been here a while
How long I'm not sure
But the sky might be a bit
A bit brighter than before
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
It's that time again
When I want to get away

Snow is falling
Life diamond dust
The trees are glazed
With polished frost

But nothing sparkles
In the absence of light
The scene's on hold
Through the late polar night

It's that time again
When I want to get away
It's that time again
When I want to get away

It's that time again
When I want to get away
It's that time again
When I want to get away

Trip me up

They call me the odd
You're the author of that name
I like you a lot
But I hate you just the same
I smile and take it on the chin
Could answer your backstab
With a little face slap
But bite my tongue 'til it bleeds

Trip me up
I know you'd like to see me fall
Just like I hope you will do
I know it feels hard
For your sensible heart
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I push you over
You know I like you more from far
Won't drown in the middle with you
It's sad but true
I'd rather risk losing you

I comb your hair
Braid it into a thick rope
Add a red and white rose
Swirl it neatly 'round my throat
You see I took it on the chin
But gathered every sharp word within

Trip me up
I know you'd like to see me fall
Just like I hope you will do
I know it feels hard
For your sensible heart

I push you over
You know I like you more from far
Won't drown in the middle with you
It's sad but true
I'd rather lose you

Trip me up
I know you'd like to see me fall
Just like I hope you will do
I know it feels hard
For your sensible heart

I push you over
You know I like you more from far
Won't drown in the middle with you
It's sad but true
I'd rather lose you

Deep Breath Then Dive

Some people think I cry because I'm sad
But they're wrong, I'm more than fine
Most people differ the good from bad
Bitter sweet is my constant state of mind

I feel my heart twist and turn
But I feel it beat
I let my skin sting and burn
But I sense the heat
I take a deep breath then dive

Some people think I cry because I'm sad
But they're wrong, I' cry because I can
All I take in is then pouring out my eyes
Concrete tears in uncertain times
Precious pearls for an uncertain man

Go wherever you think you'll shine
Go ahead, go away, leave me and my mood behind
Was your hands, wash your face and heart
Go away, wash me away, clean all up for a new start

I feel my heart twist and turn
But I feel it beat
I let my skin sting and burn
But I sense the heat
All in a playful strife
I take a deep breath then dive

Go wherever you think you'll shine
Go ahead, go away, leave me and my mood behind
Was your hands, wash your face and heart
Go away, wash me away, clean all up for a new start
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I feel my heart twist and turn
But I feel it beat
I let my skin sting and burn
But I sense the heat
All in a playful strife
I take a deep breath then dive

Some people think I cry because I'm sad
But they're wrong, I'm more than fine
Bitter sweet is my constant state of mind


The World To Come

I breathe you in
Soon you'll be gone
Look at the mess you're in
See what we've done
Another copy paste from aotr
Remember the oceans
The sea, salt and sun
Remember them all
For you know
There's no "World to come"
There's no "World to come"

I breathe you in
Kiss you one last goodbye
We knew that we could save you
But never really tried

Remember the mountains
Their birds and their song
Remember them all
For you know
There's no "World to come"
There's no "World to come"

Make A Change

Now buckle down and start building up
That better world that you would rather live in
What are you waiting for there's no time to waste
Now pick up your spade and dig in

The tables are turning
Oh, oh, oh

Rooted to the spot in future-proof rubber boots
I need to see you sweat and work hard
What are you waiting for, where are you aiming to run
It's time to play our last card
Another copy paste from aotr
The tables are turning
Look up and you'll see
The tables are turning

We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change

We can make a change
We can make a change, change
We can make a change
We can make a change

Now buckle down and start building up
That better world that you would rather live in
What are you waiting for there's no time to waste
Now pick up your spade and dig in

We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change, ah

We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change
We can make a change

Now buckle down and start building up
That better world that you would rather live in
What are you waiting for there's no time to waste
Now pick up your spade and dig in

We can make a change
We can make a change, change
We can make a change
We can make a change

We can make a change
We can make a change, change
We can make a change
We can make a change

Rooted to the spot in future-proof rubber boots
I need to see you sweat and work hard
What are you waiting for, where are you aiming to run
It's time to play our last card

Pull Up Your Sleeves

Nothing we can say is no excuse
We've got the power in our hands
Pushing all the problems to tomorrow
Without any further plans
Another copy paste from aotr
So what do we do now
It is time to face the truth now

Step by step we've gathered all the keys
And now we're standing at your door
Now the time has come to give some back
We can't keep taking anymore

So what do we do now

Pull up your sleeves
Make a move do something we need
So pull up our sleeves
Make a move do something we need
To make belief
Make a stand do something we need

Peace by peace we'll put you back together
Make your men believe your sore
Our time has come to make a difference
Share the truth you'll save the core

So what do we do now
It is time to face the truth now

Pull up your sleeves
Make a move do something we need
To pull up our sleeves
Make a move do something we need

It's is time to face the
To make belief
Make a move do something we need
It is time to face the truth now
Pull up your sleeves
Make a stand do something we need

Peace by peace we'll put you back together, ah
Peace by peace we'll put you back together, ah
Peace by peace we'll put you back together
Make your men believe your sore

Pull up your sleeves
Make a move do something we need
(It is time to face the truth)

Pull up our sleeves
Make a move do something we need
(It is time to face the truth)
To make belief
Make a stand do something we need

Pull up you're sleeves
Make a move do something we need
(It is time to face the truth)

Pull up our sleeves
Make a move do something we need
(It is time to face the truth)
To make belief
Make a stand do something we need

It is time to face the truth now


Oh, you're scared of going hungry
You harvest more than you grow
You think you need more things
These things, you buy, buy and throw out

Oh, you scared of earning less
Than your neighbor or your dad
You think you need more jewels
More jewels and gold to be glad

How much do you need
Say, how much more
How much do you need
What's all this for
Help me to get this

Oh, you think you need more money
So you work the day and night
You think you lack affection
Affection, you spread your love out

Oh, you think you need more space
So you got yourself a bigger home
You think you need more freedom
With freedom, you'll end up alone
Another copy paste from aotr
How much do you need
Say, how much more
How much do you need
What's all this for
Help me to get this

How much do you need
Say, how much more
How much do you need
What's all this for
Help me to get this

Help me to get this
Help me to get this
Help me to get this
Help me to get this


I sense things I couldn't possibly know
I see the sea rising and I hear the leaves grow
I feel every thing, each tiny little wave
The thirst of the crop, each step that you take

I hear the wind, the rain and the sea
Flapping the wings of each flying bird and bee
I know every thing, each rock and each stone
Each flower and blade of grass ever grown

I feel everything
Another copy paste from aotr
I know places no one ever goes
I see what's hidden and what's covered up in snow
I feel everything each drop and each ray
And I feed on your love everyday

I feel everything
I'm your everything


It's always so hard to see
How things could turn out differently
But we're in a mess now
I feel it we're facing a wall
Fight it out wipe out the wrong
Fight for us we must go on
The whole world is on hold now
I feel it we're facing a storm
Another copy paste from aotr
See the final show now
Face the final blow now
Start looking around you will get it all the omens all the signs
Believe we can change for the better make some good things down the line
For tomorrow we'll reap what we sow today tomorrow will be if we change

We climb to the top of a tree
The sky is too covered to see
I picture a horizon
A place where we can build a home
Fight it out lose or win
Can't let go won't give in
The whole world is on hold now
We'll do anything to survive

See the final show now
Face the final blow now
Start looking around you will get it all the omens all the signs
Believe we can change for the better make some good things down the line
For tomorrow we'll reap what we sow today tomorrow will be if we change

Start looking around you will get it all the omens all the signs
Believe we can change for the better make some good things down the line
For tomorrow we'll reap what we sow today tomorrow will be if we change


Turn Of Life

Speak without a tongue
Sleep with open eyes
All the world has stopped
We're out of time

I can't feel the ground
But know that I won't fall
Courage of a heart
That gives it all

So pure
While everyone else around
Seems to do just fine

I don't wanna be emotional
I'm holding back the tears
May seem a little too devotional
Caught up in the fear
I don't wanna be emotional
We break up then we laugh
It's a peak
It's a turn of life

Hum a silent song
Sounding like a sigh
Found a piece of hope
In his eyes

I can't feel the ground
But I'm standing tall
Courage of a heart
I'll give it all

So alive
While everyone else around
Seems to do just fine

I don't wanna be emotional
I'm holding back the tears
May seem a little too devotional
Caught up in the fear
I don't wanna be emotional
We break up then we laugh
It's a peak
It's a turn of

I don't wanna be emotional
I'm holding back the tears
May seem a little too devotional
Caught up in the fear
I don't wanna be emotional
We break up then we laugh
It's a peak
It's a turn of life

Rescue Me

I don't wanna go outside
I'm in a kinda low tide
I don't wanna mess around
I don't wanna hear a sound

I don't wanna run away
Don't believe I'll find my way
I'm just gonna hit a wall
What's the meaning of it all

I wanna fly, I want to feel the clouds
I'd like to go to the moon
I'd like to know the stars
I'm feeling high, then low...

Oh please don't let me fade
Oh try and ease my pain
I just need to see
How you fight
Would you give it all
To rescue me

Holding back and holding up
I'm a big fish in a small cup
I'm all right and then all wrong
I don't know where I belong

Holding in a silent rage
I'm like a lion in a cage
Don't know what I really need
To give up or to succeed

I wanna fly, I want to feel the clouds
I'd like to go to the moon
I'd like to know the stars
I'm feeling high, then low...

Oh please don't let me fade
Oh try and ease my pain
I just need to see
How you fight
Would you give it all
To rescue me

These are hard times
I pull you down, forgive me
These are hard times
But I'll be back, believe me


Street lights on the wall
Waiting for the call
You’re shooting round the city
Just like a satellite
Wonder where you are here
Beneath the marble sky

Oh you’re electric
On the boulevard
Oh you wreck it
When you try too hard
I’ll catch when you hit the sun
I’ll pick up all your pieces pieces

Hungry empty eyes
Born on the wrong side
People in the back row fighting
For a glimpse of stars
Faces in the front line
Wished they didn’t wear the scars
You shoot across the moon
You break the world in two

Oh you’re electric
On the boulevard
Oh you wreck it
When you try too hard
I’ll catch when you hit the sun
I’ll pick up all your pieces pieces

I’m an ocean
I’m a sea
You’re electricity
You’re bound to break
No give and take

Oh you’re electric
On the boulevard
Oh you wreck it
When you try too hard
I’ll catch when you hit the sun
I’ll pick up all your pieces pieces

Cruel World

Stand on my head
Heads on the floor
Starring right at you
It's all a mess when upside down
Now I'm downside up

Playing a role
Filling a hole
I could do better
I will do better if you leave me out
So get rid of me

Rise and fall
We tore down a wall at the time
We fell from the start
Then fell apart, why fight

Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world
Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world

Talk in reverse
What is it worth
When nobody listens
Sit here and rot
Spill out my guts
Into another verse

Too hard to hold
I'm a heavy load
Thought you could save me
Turns out you're lazy, now too lazy
To get rid of me

Rise and fall
We had it all at the time
We fell from the start
Then fell apart, why fight

Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world
Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world
You played it all wrong

Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world
Oh you played it all wrong ha
It's a cruel world
You played it all wrong


Feeling easy
When I have you around
Like lazy Sundays, you unwind
Hit the couch
And we'll slow down time
As we chase the villains
From our minds

Blinding flashes
You're all around
Burning ashes
I know we're bound
Floating higher
We'll reach the roof
We're closer to the truth

Lonely lovers
Now we suddenly make one
Feel our body leave the ground
Hit the moon from our room
In time
We will float
On rivers in our minds
Back down in time

Blinding flashes
You're all around
Burning ashes
I know we're bound
Floating higher
We'll reach the roof
We're closer to the truth

Blinding flashes
You're all around
Burning ashes
I know we're bound
Floating higher
We'll reach the roof
We're closer to the truth

Finalement la nuit

(feat. Dominique A)

Finalement la bête
Aura le dernier mot
Il est quand même étrange
De se croire sauvé
Finalement les hommes
Font toujours ce qu'il faut
Pour que meure l'été

Finalement la douceur
Désertera la peau
Finalement le corps
Plongera dans l'écran
Finalement la poussière
Gagnera le ruisseau
Finalement le temps

La nuit est partout
La nuit est partout

Finalement ton amour
Ne me suffira pas
Finalement j'irai confier
À d'autres bras
Tout l'or que je n'ai pas
Su accepter de toi
J'irai le gaspiller

La nuit est partout
La nuit est partout

Finalement les regrets
Ne seront pas de trop
Finalement le jour
Baissera le rideau
Finalement les étoiles
S'éteindront sous la pluie
Finalement la nuit

The Razor's Edge

A hollow life
Two empty eyes
My bet was high
Though I know it's hard
I'll try to fix this from isinde
Now are you up for trying

You lost your mind
Stepped out of line
We're breaking down
Though I know it's hard, please try
To speak what's on your mind

Do you really wanna freeze me out
Now we're out in the cold
Does it help you to feel alive
Adding fuel to the fire
The sirens ring, the smoke's arising
While I watch you dance
On a razor's edge

You lit me up
Then burned me out
I'm an empty cup
Though you've done me wrong
I'll try to save us from the tide
Are you up for trying now
Will I reach you tonight

Do you really wanna freeze me out
Now we've out in the cold
Does it help you to feel alive
Adding fuel to the fire
The sirens ring, the smoke's arising
While I watch ou dance
On a razor's edge

Do you really wanna freeze me out
Now we've out in the cold
Does it help you to feel alive
Adding fuel to the fire
The sirens ring, the smoke's arising
While I watch ou dance
On a razor's edge

Get Even

Heard you talking on the phone
The other night
Heard you whisper
But it thundered clear and loud
I got every word you said
It hurt so bad

You keep saying I am wrong
That I misheard
That I look for trouble
That I twist your words
Such a vicious thing to say
Don't feed the pain

And I'll try to get even
Try to best I can
Soon I'll come up
With my master plan
It's a tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye

Now I look at you
And all I see is red
Spit out all the made up lies
That I've been fed
Quit the hammering in my head
Shut up instead

So you pulled the trigger
Time to fire back
Moving on 'cause
I know you can't handle that
You're so hypocritical

And I'll try to get even
Try to best I can
Soon I'll come up
With my master plan
It's a tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye
(An eye for an eye)

And I'll try to get even
Try to best I can
Now you wish
You'd been a better man
It's a tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye

A tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth

I'll try to get even
Try to best I can
Soon I'll come up
With my master plan
It's a tooth for a tooth

And I'll try to get even
Try to best I can
Now you wish
You'd been a better man
It's a tooth for a tooth
You'd been a better man
It's a tooth for a tooth
It's an eye for an eye

The Fall

See, I took a shot
Healed or covered up the mess
Once heard you've dug a track
It's so easy to fall back
There's a light where darkness ends
But this tunnel bends

Reach out for a hand
Seek through dust and sand
A miss then no return
It's so easy to lose track
Seems like I'll never learn
Never skip my turn

It's about time I stop the fall
Face to the ground, I'll lose it all
It's about time I stop the fall
Hit the floor or bounce
Go all in or turn around

Wake me from my sleep
Dry the tears off my cheek
Once burned I called the fire
Flames to lift me higher
Seems like I'll never learn
Never skip my turn

It's about time I stop the fall
Face to the ground, I'll lose it all
It's about time I stop the fall
Face to the ground, I'll lose it all

It's about time I stop the fall
Face to the ground, I'll lose it all
It's about time I stop the fall
Hit the floor or bounce
Go all in or turn around
'Cause nothing's like it seems
In my thoughts nor in my dreams
Nothing's like it seems
In my thoughts nor in my dreams

Bed Sheets

Cease shivering from the cold
Grasp for the sand
In our blanket folds
Leaves are falling to the ground
It's hard to believe
They will come around
Meanwhile we'll lie here
Side by side and hide

Hide underneath the bed sheets
Deep in our dreams
Playing on repeat
Seeds are resting under snow
Let's wait 'til they blossom up
And grow
Leave the window open wide
A new sun will rise

Sunlight glancing
Through the leaves
Hear a hopeful melody
Sparrows rising in a swarm
Bring back the colours and warmth
Bring back the colours and hearts
To life

Static Cellophane

A new beginning
Is needeed to love again
Let's try again and start over
A new beginning
Is needed to trust again
Count down from ten
And start over

When the fire is out
There's a buzz in the silence
Spots is my eyesight too
When I'm lying awake
And the demons take over
I hold on to what we knew

Blaze a trail for light
Strike out the whole scene
And leave it out, shout
Make it a bad dream
For it's sticking to my skin
Like static cellophane
I only find comfort knowing
That you feel the same

A new beginning
Is needed to trust again
Count down from ten
And start over
(Start over)

Once the fire is out
We feed on its ashes
You took my world with you
When we're lying awake
Afraid to turn over
We learn that we're fragile too

Blaze a trail for light
Strike out the whole scene
And leave it out, shout
Make it a bad dream
For it's sticking to my skin
Like static cellophane
I only find comfort knowing

Blaze a trail for light
Strike out the whole scene
And leave it out, shout
Make it a bad dream
For it's sticking to my skin
Like static cellophane
And I only find comfort knowing
That you feel the same

Non Albums Tracks

Ces Petits Riens

( Serge Gainsbourg Cover )

Mieux vaut n'penser à rien
Que n'pas penser du tout
Rien c'est déjà, rien c'est déjà beaucoup
On se souvient de rien et puisqu'on oublie tout
Rien c'est bien mieux, rien c'est bien mieux que tout

Mieux vaut n'penser à rien que de penser à vous
Ca n'me vaut rien, ça n'me vaut rien du tout
Mais comme si de rien n'était je pense
A tous ces petits riens qui me venaient de vous

Si c'était trois fois rien, trois fois rien entre nous
Evidemment ça ne fait pas beaucoup
Ce sont ces petits riens que j'ai mis bout à bout
Ces petits riens qui me venaient de vous

Mieux vaut pleurer de rien que de rire de tout
Pleurer pour un rien, c'est déjà beaucoup
Mais vous, vous n'avez rien dans le coeur, et j'avoue
Je vous envie, je vous en veux beaucoup

Ce sont ces petits riens qui me venaient de vous
Les voulez-vous, tenez, que voulez-vous
Moi je ne veux pour rien au monde, plus rien de vous
Pour être à vous, faut être à moitié fou

I Love You

(Dionysos feat. Fredrika Stahl)

I love you
Like a chocolate cake
Like the trains
Like the sea
See me loving you please

I love you
Like I love my plastic boat
To fall on the sea
See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea

I'm your silly girl
But I love you

Je chante la joie
De mordre le fruit cueilli sur l'arbre
Je chante l'élargissement de l'ultra présent
Ce cadeau bleu
Je chante la joie ludique de l'ouverture de ce présent
Il est grand temps d'accélerer le ralentissement
Prendre le temps du recul amusant
Regarder, mieux voir
Je travaille à l'élaboration de l'éternel printemps
L'endroit et le temps où tout se fabrique
L'endroit et le temps où tout est en mouvement

I love you
Like I love my plastic boat

See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
I'm your silly
But I love you

See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
I'm your silly girl
I love you

Well, see I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
See I'm your silly
I'm your sea

See I'm your silly
See I'm your sea
I'm your silly girl
I love you

I love you

Never Can Say Goodbye

( Michael Jackson Cover / Live )

Never can say goodbye
No no no, I
Never can say goodbye

Even though the pain and heartache
Seems to follow me wherever I go
Though I try and try to hide my feelings
They always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me
And I always have to say no

Tell me why
Is it so

That I
Never can say goodbye
No no no, I
Never can say goodbye

Everytime I think I had enough
I start heading for the door
There's a very strange vibration
That pierces me right to the core
It says turn around you fool
You know you love her more and more

Tell me why
Is it so
Don't wanna let you go

I never can say goodbye
I never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, no, no

I never can say goodbye
I never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, no, no

Never can say goodbye
No no no, I
Never can say goodbye

I keep thinkin that our problems
Soon are all gonna work out
But there's that same unhappy feeling
And there's that anguish, there's that doubt
It's that same old did ya hang up
Can't do with you or without
Tell me why
Is it so
Don't wanna let you go

I never can say goodbye
I never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, no, no

I never can say goodbye
I never can say goodbye
No, no, no, no, no, no...

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is gone
When he's nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
And twinkle, twinkle, thought the night

In the dark blue sky you keep
And through my curtains you often peep
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky

Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see which way to go
If you did not twinkle so
Don’t, I don’t know not what you are
Twinkle twinkle little star

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Like a diamond, like a diamond
Like a diamond, like a diamond
Show your little light
And twinkle, twinkle, thought the night

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Wicked Game

(Chris Isaac Cover / Live)

The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you.
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you.

No, I don't want to fall in love
No, I don't want to fall in love
With you

What a wicked game you play to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you

And I wanna fall in love
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I wanna fall in love
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you

No, I
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)

No, I
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)
No, I
(this girl is only gonna break your heart)
With you

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