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B i o g r a p h y

Danish vocalist Gry Bagøien and former Einstürzende Neubauten member FM Einheit co-wrote the bulk of these dozen songs and recorded them along with an assortment of guests this past February at Munich's Marstall Media Lab. The duo and friends were part of the Invisible Records "Lowest of the Low" North American tour in 1998. The live set I saw seemed to be heavily improvised and experimental jams but this cd is a variety of 3-5 minute electro-organic pop songs. Gry's vocals (most in English) remind me a great deal of Canadian pop songstress Esthero, only with a Danish flavor. Einheit handles programming, piano and synths, 'beat' and various effects. A full band line-up is assembled for each track from the impressive guest list: Alexander Hacke (also of Neubauten) and his wife Meret Becker, Pan Sonic, Funkstörung, Zaki 'the human beatbox' Hyrland, Chrislo Haas (DAF), DJ Fetisch of Terranova and several others. The music is somewhat surprising as it's pretty mellow, unobtrusive and radio friendly ... pleasant enough but half of the songs don't leave much of a lasting impression. Four in particular do. "Rocket" features bombastic horn and percussion arrangements and an amusing Cab Calloway styled call and response chorus. "Princess Crocodile" is irresistibly fun with a ragtime sample loop accentuated with drum 'n bass fills. Lee Hazlewood's "Summer Wine" (as popularized by Nancy Sinatra) is covered well with Gry and Alexander Hacke trading off vocals. "Ghost" is slow and sexy, much like Portishead, with brushed snare, singing saw, cello, a bit of beat box and nasally vocals. "Public Recording" suffers from a mismatch of creative and interesting tracks versus bland and forgetful ones. It's just too tempting to skip around ...

Touch of E
- 1998-06-29 -

Poles apart
Everything or all
Black balloon


Far from flesh
Touch of E
Perfume for phantoms
Leave me alone
Old Raven

Public recording
- 2000-06-23 -

Count to down
Princess crocodile
Helicopter heart
Summer wine

Christo's revenge (Instrumental)

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

Touch of E

*** Thanx a lot to Timothy for these lyrics ***

Poles apart

I promise by the moon that we shall meet again
I bring a souvenir from planet transparent
I bring it just to you
We were poles apart
Even though my heart beats rhythms
Of long forgotten songs
I promise that we shall meet again some sunny day
I fake me strong in water wind brings in my eyes
We'll leave the past behind us
Of ones we say goodbye
I promise by the moon
Maya Maya Maya Maya My Maya
And all the fireworks explode the quite night
We'll beat the stars below us
And love and scream and fight
I promise
Even though my heart beats rhythms
Of long forgotten songs
We were poles apart


There lives under sorrow and tunnels of teardrops
In darkness of beetles and worms
A black little beast with chalk white in veins
In the deep where the dragons grow old
Deep down where the dragons grow old
I know that she lives there I often go down
At nighttime when high sky is gone
We make love between beetles and tickling worms
And drink of the dawn ink that dreams are made of
Follow the track that the rain leaves on windows
When tanglopper jump into midnattens toner
She smells light of clay
And whistles violent wind words
To svirende svævende Sværmere
Svævende sværmere Svævende sværmere

Everything or all

Jeg Vågner i brugte vokaler
De Vikler sig ind i mit sprog
Og Sover i Sætninger og taler
Forstyrer alt drømmende Væv
Everything or all everything or all
Everything or all everything or all
I wake up in nonsense and speeches
It trickles around in my brain
I sleep to the sound of vacabularies
Destroys all that's left to be dreamed
I keep it in my mind
I fight back in my brain
I keep it in my mind
Everything or all everything or all
Everything or all everything or all
I keep it in my mind
I fight back in my brain
I keep it in my mind
Everything or all everything or all
I keep it in my mind
Everything or all everything or all
I keep it in my mind
Everything or all
I keep it in my mind

Black balloon

She picked the black balloon
And tied her head on it
To tre et to tre et to tre
And under dark white skies
She tied her hands to
Three four two three four two three four
Do we belong ?
Do we belong ?
Rød ballon grøn ballon gul ballon
Do we ?
From far away
She looked down at us
But were too gone to say
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Do we belong ?
Do we belong ?
Rød ballon grån ballon gul ballon
Mosquitoes grow big
And smashed her heads into it
To tre et to tre 1 2 3
Do we belong ?
Do we belong ?
De we?


Kolonier af kloder forvandles i rum.
Blandt dalende døgn blir himlen stum.
Kursrettede kugler deler atomer,
Tar sin vej igennem mig,
Danner sygdoms syndromer.
Luftantenner sender ud.
Paraboler tager imod.
Luftantenner sender ud.
Af tid grumser hverdagen til.
Alarmende larm glemmer stilhedens sang.
Parasitter parrer sig i elskovssved.
Om natten,
Om natten bliver ved.


Colonies of globes
Transformed in space
In-between falling days the sky turns
Course holding bullet divides the atoms
Takes their route through me
Creates symptoms of illness
Aerials are sending (out)
Parabolic dishes are receiving
Particles of time grow everyday life dull
Alerting noise is forgetting the chant of silence
Para....sites are mating in love sweat
In the night in the night stay by...
Aerials are sending...

Far from flesh

Out there where it's gone
Grows the symphony of silent songs
We can hear it as vibrations
All way down in our times
We can seel it as heat in winter nights
Out there where it's gone
Could it be that we could meet in light
We never knew of
Who are we two three together
A spider spin of muscles
Dressed ub with blood in soft
A violent wind interests my skin
Excites me for your touch
Under the skin far from flesh
Hides a pearl
Slowly as you kiss
A spider spin of muscles
Dressed up with blood in soft
A silent wind interests my skin
Excites me for your touch

Touch of E!

Jeg dykker dybt ned ved vandliljer,
I en tanketom tanketomhed.
Overflade fisk kigger ned på mig.
I dråber dør jeg.
Blandt bobler ser jeg dig blande blod.
Salige sandrytmer tager os dybere, kun dybere,
Kun længere ned.
Over verdens opvask, ser jeg Neptun
Ved besked, med mig.
I dråber dør jeg.
Blandt bobler ser jeg dig.v Blande blod.
Vi blander blod. Vi blander blod.
Vi voldtager sløvt hinanden
Og lander blødt på bunden,
Filtrerer os i favntag, af dybhav dybets sved.
I dråber dør jeg.
Blandt bobler ser jeg dig. Blande blod.
Vi blander blod. Vi blander blod.
In a thoughtless time
I'm diving deep down waterlilies
Surfaceless looking down upon me
I die in drops of water
Between bubbles I see you
We're mixing blood
Soulful sand rhythms lead us deeper and deeper down
Over world's wash-up I see Neptune
He knows about me
In drops I die between bubbles
I see you mixing blood
Sluggishly we rape each other
And land softly at the bottom
We filter ourselves in embraces of deep sea sweat
Souldful and rhythms

Perfume for phantoms

Fire flight to Kyro
Seek behind the Zero
Let iris cover night shade
Dring dark dust champagne
Simsalabimboom bastaladultaladey
Her hunger grows in closet
Sucks the sweat black pollen
Perfume for phantoms
Perfume for phantoms
Simsalabimboom bastaladultaladey
Crawl into the secrets
In this gas of daydreems
Perfume for phantomes
Simsalabimboom bastaladultaladey

Leave me alone

Leave me alone
Leva me alone to sado so solo
I light of the night I saw a black swan fly
Surrounded all sorrow I knew then that love was gone
Under the sea I swam into the moon
And burried my bones in the heartache lagoon
Leave me alone leave me alone
Leave me to sado so solo
Leave me to sado so solo
Take off your skin and let light in
Feed the flames to burn out memory
I stay in the distanve I dive in my owm
Drag me to the heat drag me to the hole of my gravity
Leave me alone leave me alone
Leave me to sado so solo
Leave me to sado so solo
All knowledge has grown destroyed all I've known
Keeps preachin' keeps preachin' keeps preachin'
Leave me to sado so solo
Leave me to sado so solo
Sado sado solo


Hello hello
I know I'm frozen cold
Hello hello
I know I've self defenced
Ice ice grown flowers
So silent white so quite still
Hello hello
Are you still there?
It's kind of cold in here
Ice ice grown flowers
So silent white so quiet still
Sun red salamander
Sun red salamander

Old raven

Old raven who did steal the glow ?
It might be the long lost love
In memory of touch
I know it is Mor Hulda
In her neon yellow socks
Consume me
Old raven who did steal the glow ?
I seem to hear the Krymelyr
Having hunger lower land
The power zoomer mobile
Automaniac mutamt
Old raven old raven old raven
Consume me
Old raven who did steal the glow ?
Maybe it's the memory
Reminding me of me
The traffic Tango singing
Killer mean machine
Consume me
Old raven who did steal the glow ?
Follow me to sleep
When meat turns porcelain
Digital daydream
Electric tears in veins
Consume me

Public Recording

*** Thanx a lot to Kitty for these lyrics ***


 It was a cold grey afternoon
My mission for ein bißchen sun
I raced wkth cars, the bike and the train
Only to come cold back again
I searched the roof
Through pockets,
Under beds, in the closet,
In the fridge everywhere and over all in it

Then suddenly the stars fell down
One by one, undressed the big blue room
My oneway to escape out through
The horizontal verti-calling movements in the
Matto azul

Boom, boom rocket to the moon
Oh I wish upon a star

On a cold grey afternoon
I catched a spot of the sun of the moon
I traveled light,
Traveled time,
Traveled thoughts.
I returned from the jungle
With a glas full of stars,
I've got sunshine in my pockets
Brought it back to spray the day
And a fist full of glow

 Boom, boom , boom rocket to the moon


 To grow I have to kill
And steal my oxagen
Escaping into kisses
Sometimes sounds like soda
In here it's nearly holy
We only steal each other
The atmosphere is frightened
Recycle is a zero
It's oxygen on soda
It's oxygen and tonic
Sometimes makes me drunk
Inhale me

 We share it all
We share it all

 To live I have to die
But remain a mortal frame
Escaping into touch
That's bodybuilding me
Foundation is a gas
Aroma enter kharma
Like oxygen on soda
Sometimes makes me drunk 

We share it all
We share it all


 Night, night, night invites light
Entering air, opens a line
Blue, blue, blue shapes in red
Cristals the space, stars fall to sleep
Sun up-set, the moon melts down 

Breeze, breeze, breezes awake
Plays with a beam, paints the scene
It's green, green, green is the grass
Covered by pearls
A web splits the light into a glance
Sun up-set, the moon melts down 

Sky high, shadows fall
Drawing the time, for flowers to bloom
Moon, moon, moon fo away
Down to the land opened for eyes
To see in deep, deep darkness,
Covers a skin, touched by a hand.
Sun up-set, the moon melts down


 Se som, se som,
Solen skinner
Se som, se som
Luk dig op

 If I was aware of all
The things I do
Which hurted you
I promise I owould make me go
But let you know I love you so.

 If the days were quiet as the night
I'd sleep the light away
If I was a bird to fly
I'd give my wings.

 Saelsomt som vi to
Kun kann vaere
Fra livets atmosfaere

 I'm as busy as a spieder spinning day dreams
I'm as lonely as a baby in a swing.


 It shall be you that crosses my land
That walks in my sand
That drips in my mind
It shall be you that teases my dew
That dance in my language
That influences my view
Ego, ego, ego where you go
It shall be you if I tell you to
My ego complains that in those wishes of you
I‘m too far away
Ego demands that it shall be you
That poems my skin
That salties my tongue
That those pieces of you, it's to me they belong.

Count to down

I'm sneaking around the world
To lift the endings, so you turn
Turn to, face to face your shade melts down
You'e got no underground
You're counting up to down
Down, down, down
You're dead, you're dead bow baby

 Jeg lister mig i verden
Lister mig og lofter verdens aender
Sa du vender dig om
Og ser, ser mod mig
Dit blik fanger mig, du blik fanger mig

Princess crocodile

I've seen it all
All through eyes
Heard it in ears
Smelled it alright.
Do do you believe you can hide?
I've seen it all.
I go under the earth
And listen to the dead people talk
They tell stories
They know it all
They tell stories of you.
Do do you believe you can hide?
I've seen it all.
Princess crocodile
A heart full of bells
Rings in your moves
Whatever you do, I see it all in you.

Helicopter heart 

Nar kirkeklokker synger tid
Pa bunden af en by
Ser jeg dig i zeeflacks sorte flade speyl
Drikker tro i draber fra en sky

 Mirror cold
Frozen skin
Ocean train. Meterkill

 Rode engel uden krop
Bor pa bunden af en by

 Danner tanker uden snor
I et reb du haenger i
Taler indad i dig selv
Til et tomrum uden vaegge
Hvor luften lofter lungerne til fly
Rode engel uden krop
Bor pa bunden af en by 

Thermo thoughts anuimalic tone figure
Signal in the air. Klang san
Helicopter heart

 Freezer beat. No temperature

Kulden er dyb
En overfalde blinker
Ser laengselsfuldt pa fisk
Med vaegtlost blod i stimer
Savner trost og taeller stov

 Rode engel uden krop

 Gummi moves
Paper wind
Catchliess air
No temperature
Paper wall
No temperature

Summer Wine

Alexander Hacke (the bassist of German industrail band Einstürzende Neubauten) :
Walked into town on silver spurs that jingle too
A song that I had only sung for just a few
She saw my silver spurs and said lets pass some time
And I will give to you summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Gry :
Strawberry, cherries, and an angle kissin spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I shall give to you summer wine
Oh, summer win

Alexander Hacke :
My eyes grew heavy and my lips they would not speak
I tried to get up but I could find my feet
She reassured me with an unfamiliar line
And when she gave to me more summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Gry :
Strawberry, cherries, and an angle kissin spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I shall give to you summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Alexander Hacke :
When I woke up the sun was shinning in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone, my head felt twice it size
She took my silver spurs-the dollar and the dime
And left me cravein for summer wine
Oh, summer wine

Gry :
Strawberry, cherries, and an angle kissin spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I shall give to you summer wine
Oh, summer wine

*** Thanx a lot to Timothy & Xiang for this one ***


I site and wait for you kiss
Although I know that it is
That you will never find me
It's unreal
That you will never kiss me

 I sit and wait for your kiss
Although it is quite unreal
Still I sit happity
Still I sit patiently
And wait for you
Wait tenderly
Beautiful young life given


You're a ghost
You chase the night
You're a ghost
You tickle tears out from my eyes

I'm the beast
I live of your freams
The days I breathe
Are killing me

 I switch of the light
To turn ion the night
Missing you
It's you by bye my side bye, bye, bye

It's late so I fake, I awake
From a long distance call
Through my walls I hear ring
Ding... dong....

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