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B i o g r a p h y

Johannsson Bardi is an Icelandic workaholic. After studying Icelandic language and grammar at the University of Iceland he began his career as a journalist on the most important popular Icelandic magazine Seen and Heard, but soon left to study fashion at the School of FB in Iceland. This lasted a year until his hobby, music, gained the upper hand. After working on various projects such as film music and TV theme tunes, he made his first record under the name Bang Gang. The record received favorable reviews in France and in Iceland (where it was released). Afterwards, Bardi decided to explore other avenues and threw himself into the production of Iceland's first erotic television program on the Skjar Einn channel, which, right from the start, got the highest ratings. Though continuing to compose music, he launched a daily radio program that ran for a year and met with huge success. His second television program, Konfect, became the least understood television series in the history of Icelandic television. The teleiision network continued to receive complaints, as the program was considered to be too surreal and brutal. Now, however, it is a cult program. His next major musical effort produced new songs for some Icelandic artists, his second record as Bang Gang and another project entitled Lady and Bird with singer Keren Ann, with whom he also wrote the book Lady and Bird Recording Diary, also distributed in Paris and now extremely rare. In 2004 he was awarded a prize by the Reykjavik Artfund. Currently, Bardi is working on a composition that the National Orchestra of Iceland will perform in February 2005 for a silent film of 1992 entitled Haxan, as well as his third album.

Lady & Bird
- 2003-10-23 -

Do what I do
Shepard's song
Stephanie says
Walk real slow
Suicide is painless
The morning after
Run in the morning sun
See me fall
Blue skies
La ballade of Lady and Bird

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Lady & Bird

*** Thanx a lot to Candida & Ray & Daisy for these lyrics ***

Do what I do

Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Going away

Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
What do I do?
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Going away

What do I feel?
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel

What do I do?
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel

Stay where I stay
Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Feel what I feel
Stay where I stay
Going away

You can see whatever
You can see whatever
You can see whatever
You can be the same ever
You can be the same ever

Feel what I feel (do what I do)
What do I do?
Where should I stay
Stay where I stay ...

Feel what I feel (do what I do)
Do what I do?

Shepherd's Song

At first I wondered why they only speak to each other
It took me some time to understand
That they cannot see or hear any of the crowd
After observing their childlike behaviour I understood
They were two little children stuck in the bodies of grown ups

To the girl I said
You are Lady
To the boy I said
You are a bird but you cannot fly

They knew about the presence of other people
They knew about the sun
And at some point right before the break of day
They could see me,
Not knowing that I come from the outside

On the seventh day she looked up at me and said
I am Lady
And the boy said
I am Bird but I cannot fly

You are a bird

Stephanie Says

( Velvet Underground )

Stephanie says
That she wants to know
Why she's given half her life
To people she hates now

Stephanie says
When answering the phone
What country shall I say is calling
From across the world

That she's not afraid to die
The people all call her Alaska

Between worlds so the people ask her
'Cause it's all in her mind
It's all in her mind

Stephanie Says
That she wants to know
Why is it though she's the door
She can't be the room

Stephanie Says (Stephanie Says)
But doesn't hang up the phone (Hang up the phone)
What seashell she is calling
From across the world

But she's not afraid to die
The people all call her Alaska
Between worlds so the peeple ask her
'Cause it's all in her mind
It's all in her mind

She asks you is it good or bad
It's such an icy feeling
It's so cold in Alaska, it's so cold in Alaska
It's so cold in Alaska

Walk Real Slow

I'm wasting the hours floating in my bed
And placing sunflowers over my head
You're facing the doorway waiting for a sign
To stop me in some way from crossing the line

And if you walk real slow
Hereby I fall
And if you walk real slow
Hereby I'll call your name

You're wasting the hours waiting in your bed
And searching for flowers over my head
I'm facing the doorway waiting for a sign
To stop us in some way from crossing the line

And if you walk real slow
Hereby I fall
And if you walk real slow
Hereby I'll call your name (x4)

Suicide is Painless

( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell )

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play
I'm going to lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works it's way on in
The pain grow stronger watch it grin

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied "Oh why ask me."

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

And you can do the same thing if you please.

The Morning After

It's really hard to live for a long time

Run in the Morning Sun

Run run run
Run run run
Run in the morning sun
Run run run
Run in the break of dawn

See Me Fall

Right here coming to life
No one to blame
Right now up and about
A minute of fame

I've been staying alive
So many days
No fear, happy or wise
All through the way

But I thought there was something
In life to live for

But if you hear me fall
If you hear me fall
If you see me walk upon a bridge
Then don't recall

But if you hear me fall
If you hear me fall
If you see me walk upon a bridge
You've seen it all

Right here coming to life
Nothing to blame
I've been up and about under the rain
But I thought there was something in life to live for
Yes I thought you were something in life to live for

But if you hear me fall
If you hear me fall
If you see me walk upon a bridge
Then don't recall
That you see me

And if you hear me fall
If you hear me fall
If you see me walk upon a bridge
You've seen it all

Blue Skies

Blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm
While your blue eyes are looking at me like before
Still those blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm
While your blue eyes are looking at me like before

I find you
I find you happy for today
I mind you
I mind you ever going to stay

Blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm
While your blue eyes are looking at me like before
Still those blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm
While your blue eyes are looking at me like before

I find you
I find you happy for today
I mind you
I mind you ever going to stay

Through the window of my neighbours
There are fallen leaves
In my pillow
There are feathers i will wait
Until the morning light

Watch me before I go
Go tonight

If the wind blows on my window
There are fallen leaves

Watch me before I go
Go tonight

La Ballade of Lady and Bird

Bird :

Lady :
Yes Bird?

Bird :
It's cold

Lady :
I know

Lady :
I cannot see a thing

Bird :
It's all in your mind

Lady :
I'm worried

Bird :
No one will come to see us

Lady :
Maybe they come but we just don't see them
What do you see?

Bird :
I see what's outside

Lady :
And what exactly is outside?

Bird :
It's grown-ups

Lady :
Well maybe if we scream they can hear us

Bird :
Yeah, maybe we should try to scream

Lady :
Ok, Bird

Lady & Bird :
Heeeelp, Heeeelp
Can you hear us now ?
Hello !
Help !
Hello it's me
Can you see
Can you see me
I'm here
Nana come and take us
Are you there

Lady :
I don't think they can hear us

Bird :
I can hear you lady

Bird :
Do you want to come with me lady

Lady :
Will you be nice to me Bird

Lady :
You're always be nice to me because you're my friend

Bird :
I try but sometimes I make mistakes

Lady :
Nana says we all make mistakes

Bird :
Maybe we should scream more

Lady :
Yes, Bird let's scream more

Lady & Bird :
Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help
Hello !
Hello !
We're lost

Lady :
I don't think they cannot see us

Bird :
Nobody likes us

Lady :
But they all seem so big

Bird :
Maybe we should just jump

Lady :
What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us

Bird :
I don't know let's just see what happens

Lady :

Bird :
Come with me

Lady :
Shall we do it together

Bird :

Lady & Bird :
1 2 3....Aaaaaaah

Bird :

Lady :
Yes Bird

Bird :
It's cold

Lady :
I know

Lady :
Bird...I cannot see a thing

Bird :
It's all in your mind

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