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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Richie Unterberger & Greg Prato)

The career of Lou Reed defies capsule summarization. Like David Bowie (whom Reed directly inspired in many ways), he has made over his image many times, mutating from theatrical glam-rocker to scary looking junkie to avant-garde noiseman to straight rock & roller to your average guy. A firmer grasp of rock's earthier qualities has ensured a more consistent career path than Bowie's, particularly in his latter years. Yet his catalog is extremely inconsistent, in both quality and stylistic orientation. Liking one Lou Reed LP, or several, or all of the ones he did in a particular era, is no guarantee that you'll like all of them, or even most of them. Few would deny Reed's immense importance and considerable achievements, however. As has often been written, he expanded the vocabulary of rock & roll lyrics into the previously forbidden territory of kinky sex, drug use (and abuse), decadence, transvestites, homosexuality, and suicidal depression. As has been pointed out less often, he remained (and remains) committed to using rock & roll as a forum for literary, mature expression well into middle age, without growing lyrically soft or musically complacent. By and large, he's taken on these challenging duties with uncompromising honesty and a high degree of realism. For these reasons, he's often cited as punk's most important ancestor. It's often overlooked, though, that he's equally skilled at celebrating romantic joy, and rock & roll itself, as he is at depicting harrowing urban realities. Although Reed achieved his greatest success as a solo artist, his most enduring accomplishments were as the leader of the Velvet Underground in the '60s. If Reed had never made any solo records, his work as the principal lead singer and songwriter for the Velvets would have still ensured his stature as one of the greatest rock visionaries of all time. The Velvet Underground are discussed at great length in many other sources, but it's sufficient to note that the four studio albums they recorded with Reed at the helm are essential listening, as is much of their live and extraneous material. "Heroin," "Sister Ray," "Sweet Jane," "Rock and Roll," "Venus in Furs," "All Tomorrow's Parties," "What Goes On," and "Lisa Says" are just the most famous classics that Reed wrote and sang for the group.

As innovative as the Velvets were at breaking lyrical and instrumental taboos with their crunching experimental rock, they were unappreciated in their lifetime. Five years of little commercial success was undoubtedly a factor in Reed leaving the group he had founded in August 1970, just before the release of their most accessible effort, Loaded. Although Reed's songs and street wise, sing-speak vocals dominated the Velvets, he was perhaps more reliant upon his talented collaborators than he realized, or is even willing to admit to this day. The most talented of these associates was John Cale, who was apparently fired by Reed in 1968 after the Velvets' second album (although the pair have worked together on various other projects since then). Reed has a reputation of being a difficult man to work with for an extended period, and that has made it difficult for his extensive solo oeuvre to compete with the standards of brilliance set by the Velvets. Nowhere was this more apparent than on his self-titled solo debut from 1971, recorded after he'd taken an extended hiatus from music, moving back to his parents' suburban Long Island home at one point. Lou Reed mostly consisted of flaccid versions of songs dating back to the Velvet days, and he could have really used the group to punch them up, as the many outtake versions of these tunes that he actually recorded with the Velvet Underground (some of which didn't surface until about 25 years later) prove. Reed got a shot in the arm (no distasteful pun intended) when David Bowie and Mick Ronson produced his second album, Transformer. A more energetic set that betrayed the influence of glam rock, it also included his sole Top 20 hit, "Walk on the Wild Side," and other good songs like "Vicious" and "Satellite of Love." It also made him a star in Britain, which was quick to appreciate the influence Reed had exerted on Bowie and other glam rockers. Reed went into more serious territory on Berlin (1973), its sweet orchestral production coating lyrical messages of despair and suicide. In some ways Reed's most ambitious and impressive solo effort, it was accorded a vituperative reception by critics in no mood for a nonstop bummer (however elegantly executed). Unbelievably, in retrospect, it made the Top Ten in Britain, though it flopped stateside. Having been given a cold shoulder for some of his most serious (if chilling) work, Reed apparently decided he was going to give the public what it wanted. He had guitarists Steve Hunter and Dick Wagner (who had already played on Berlin) give his music a pop-metal, more radio-friendly sheen. More disturbingly, he decided to play up to the cartoon junkie role that some in his audience seemed eager to assign to him. On-stage, that meant shocking bleached hair, painted fingernails, and simulated drug injections. On record, it led to some of his most careless performances. One of these, the 1974 album Sally Can't Dance, was also his most commercially successful, reaching the Top Ten, thus confirming both Reed's and the audience's worst instincts. As if to prove he could still be as uncompromising as anyone, he unleashed the double album Metal Machine Music, a nonstop assault of unlistenable electronic noise. Opinions remain divided as to whether it was an artistic statement, a contract quota-filler, or a slap in the face of the public. While Reed has never behaved as outrageously (in public and in the studio) as he did in the mid-'70s, there's been plenty of excitement in the past two decades. When he decided to play it relatively straight, sincere, and hard-nosed, he could produce affecting work in the spirit of his best vintage material (parts of Coney Island Baby and Street Hassle). At other points, he seemed not to be putting too much effort into any aspect of his songs ("Rock & Roll Heart"). With 1978's Take No Prisoners, he delivered one of the weirdest concert albums of all time, more of a comedy monologue (which not too many people laughed hard at) than a musical document.

Reed had always been an enigma, but no one questioned the serious intent of his work with the Velvet Underground. As a soloist, it was getting impossible to tell when he was serious, or whether he even wished to be taken seriously anymore. At the end of the '70s, The Bells set the tone for most of his future work. Reed would settle down; he would play it straight; he would address serious, adult concerns, including heterosexual romance, with sincerity. Not a bad idea, but though the albums that followed were much more consistent in tone, they remained erratic in quality and, worse, could occasionally be quite boring. The recruitment of Robert Quine as lead guitarist helped, and The Blue Mask (1982) and New Sensations (1984) were fairly successful, although in retrospect they didn't deserve the raves they received from some critics at the time. Quine, however, would also find Reed too difficult to work with for an extended period. New York (1989) heralded both a commercial and critical renaissance for Reed, and in truth it was his best work in quite some time, although it didn't break any major stylistic ground. Reed works best when faced with a challenge, which arrived when he collaborated with former partner John Cale in 1990 on a song cycle for the recently deceased Andy Warhol. In both its recorded and stage incarnations, this was the most experimental work that Reed had devised in quite some time. Magic and Loss (1992) returned him to the more familiar straight rock territory of New York, again to critical raves. The re-formation of the Velvet Underground for a 1993 European live tour could not be considered an unqualified success, however. European audiences were thrilled to see the legends in person, but critical reaction to the shows was mixed, and critical reaction to the live record was tepid. More distressingly, old conflicts reared their head within the band once again, and the reunion ended before it had a chance to get to America. Cale and Reed at this point seem determined never to work with each other again (the death of Velvet Underground guitarist Sterling Morrison in 1995 seemed to permanently ice prospects of more VU projects). In 1996, the surviving Velvet Underground members were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, performing a newly penned song for their fallen comrade, Morrison. Reed closed the '90s with an album that saw him explore relationships, 1996's Set the Twilight Reeling (many speculated that the album was biographical and focused on his union with performance artist Laurie Anderson), which turned out to not be one of Reed's more critically acclaimed releases. He also found time to compose music for the Robert Wilson opera Timerocker, and in 1998, released the "unplugged" album Perfect Night: Live in London. The same year, Reed was the subject of a superb installment of the PBS American Masters series that chronicled his entire career (eventually released as a DVD, titled Rock and Roll Heart). 2000 saw Reed's first release for Reprise Records, Ecstasy, a glorious return to raw and straightforward rock, a tour de force that many agreed was his finest work since New York. Another collaboration with Robert Wilson, POE-try, followed in 2001 and continued it's worldwide stage run through the year. Including new music by Reed and words adapted from the macabre texts of Edgar Allen Poe, POE-try led to Reed's highly ambitious next album, The Raven. Animal Serenade, a double-disc set recorded at the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles during his 2003 world tour, was issued in spring 2004. The live effort is Reed's tribute of sorts to his celebrated Rock'n'Roll Animal concert album, which was released 30 years before. Reed's solo work ultimately cannot stack up to his Velvet output, despite its many highlights. Still, most would have to concede that with the exception of Neil Young, no other star that rose to fame in the '60s has continued to push himself so diligently into creating work that is meaningful and contemporary. If that means he relies on stock musical and lyrical ideas at times (as Young does), it also means he's proved that rock can remain relevant to listeners other than hormone-crazed teenagers.

Click HERE for The Second Part of Lou Reed Lyrics 

Lou Reed
- 1972-04-xx -

I Can't Stand It
Going Down
Walk And Talk It
Lisa Says
I Love You
Wild Child
Love Makes You Feel
Ride Into The Sun

- 1972-11-08 -

Andy's Chest
Perfect Day
Hangin' 'Round
Walk On The Wild Side
Make Up
Satellite Of Love
Wagon Wheel
New York Telephone Conversation
I'm So Free
Goodnight ladies

- 1973-07-xx -

Lady Day
Men Of Good Fortune
Caroline Says 1
How Do You Think It Feels
Oh Jim
Caroline Says 2
The Kids
The Bed
Sad Song

Rock'n Roll Animal
- 1974-02-xx -

Intro (Instrumental)
Sweet Jane
White Light / White Heat
Lady Day
Rock'n Roll


Sally Can't Dance
- 1974-08-xx -

Ride Sally Ride
Animal Language
Baby Face
Kill Your Sons
Sally Can't Dance

Coney Island Baby
- 1976-01-19 -

Crazy Feeling
Charley's Girl
She's My Best Friend
A Gift
Ooohhh Baby
Nobody's Business
Coney Island Baby

Rock'n Roll Heart
- 1976-08-xx -

I Believe In Love
Banging On My Drum
Follow The Leader
You Wear It So Well
Ladies Pay
Rock And Roll Heart
Chooser And The Chosen
Senselessly Cruel
Claim To Fame
Vicious Circle
A Sheltered Life
Temporary Thing

Street Hassle
- 1978-02-xx -

Gimmie Some Good Times
Street Hassle
Waltzing Matilda
Street Hassle
I Wanna Be Black
Real Good Time Together
Shooting Star
Leave Me Alone

The Bells
- 1979-04-xx -

Stupid Man
Disco Mystic
I Want To Boogie With You
With You
Looking For Love
City Lights
All Through The Night
The Bells


Growing Up In Public
- 1980-04-xx -

How Do You Speak To An Angel
My Old Man
Keep Away
Growing Up In Public
Standing On Ceremony
So Alone
Love Is Here To Stay
The Power Of Positive Drinking
Think It Over
Teach The Gifted Children

The Blue Mask
- 1982-02-23 -

My House
Underneath the Bottle
The Gun
The Blue Mask
Average Guy
The Heroine
Waves Of Fear
The Day John Kennedy Died
Heavenly Armes

Legendary Hearts
- 1983-03-xx -

Legendary Heart
Don't Talk To Me About Work
Make Up Mind
Martial Law
The Last Shot
Turn Out The Light
Pow Wow
Bottoming Out
Home Of The Brave
Rooftop Garden

New Sensations
- 1984-04-xx -

I Love You, Suzanne
Endlessly Jealous
My Red Joystick
Turn To Me
New Sensations
Doin' The Things That We Want To
What Becomes A Legend Most
Fly Into The Sun
My Friend George
High In The City
Down at the arcade

- 1986-05-xx -

No Money Down
Don't Hurt A Woman
Video Violence
Spit It Out
The Original Wrapper
Mama's Got A Lover
I Remember You
Tell It To Your Heart

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

Lou Reed

I Can't Stand It

It's hard being a man
Living in a garbage pail
My landlady called me up, oh
She tried to hit me with a mop

I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more, oh
I can't stand it any more more

But if baby would just come back, it'd be all right
Yeah, if baby would just come back, it would be all right
Come on, baby

I live with thirteen dead cats
A purple dog that wears spats
They're all living out in the hall
And I can't stand it any more

I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more

But if baby would just come back, it'd be all right
Oh, if baby would just come back, it would be all right
Be all right, now

Come on, baby

I'm tired of living all alone, yeah
Nobody ever calls me on the phone
But when things are getting better
I just play my music louder

I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it any more more
I can't stand it, I can't stand it
I can't stand it, I can't stand it ...

Going Down

When you're in a dream
and you think you've got your problems all nailed down
Pieces of the scheme
Seem to rattle up and to rattle down

And when you start to fall
And those footsteps they start to fade

Then you know you're going down
Yeah, you're falling all around
And you know you're going down
for the last time

When you're in the air
And you're thinking you'll drift off into the rest
Your friends politely advise
Hey look you're pushing too hard
And perhaps you need a rest

And when you start to fall
And all those footsteps they start to fade

Then you know you're going down
Yeah, you're crashing upside down
And you know you're going down
for the last -

Time's not what it seems
it just seems longer, when you're lonely in this world
Everything it seems
would be brighter if your nights were spent with some girl

Yeah, you're falling all around
Yeah, you're crashing upside down
Oh, oh, and you know you're going down
for the last time

Walk And Talk It

I got horrors in my luney tunes
I got dreams and you do, too
I got ten wheel drive, pick you up into your ears

I got retake carbine and in my eyelids gear
I got no one to love and no one to fear

You better walk it, and talk it less you loose that beat
You better loose yourself, mama
And rock yourself right off of your feet

If you're moving too fast, don't you want it to last
You better walk it, talk it
You better walk it as you talk less you loose that beat

I got dimes in my shoes, real nice
I got bells that are laid on ice
I got dreams, let me mix it with a little gin

I got cruel when I told you woman, I'm hard
But me is the one thing baby, you ain't got

You better walk it, and talk it less you loose that beat
You better loose yourself, mama
And rock yourself right off of your feet

Yeah, if you're moving too fast, don't you want it to last
You better walk it, talk it
You better walk it as you talk less you loose that beat

You better walk it, and talk it less you loose that beat
You better loose yourself, mama
And rock yourself right off of your feet

Yeah, if you're moving too fast, now don't you want it to last
You better walk it, talk it
You better walk it as you talk less you loose that beat
Ah - ha - ha

Lisa Says

Lisa says, on a night like this
It'd be so nice if you gave me a great big kiss
And Lisa says, hey honey, for just one little smile
I'll sing and play for you for the longest while

Lisa says
Lisa says
Lisa says, oh no
Lisa says

Lisa says, honey, you must think
I'm some kinda California fool
The way you treat me just like some kind of tool
Lisa says, hey baby, if you stick your tongue in my ear
Then the scene around here will become very clear

Lisa says, oh no
Lisa says, hey, don't you be a little baby
Lisa says, oh no
Lisa says

Hey, if you're looking for a good time Charlie
Well that's not really what I am
You know some good time Charlie
Always out having his fun

But if you're looking for some good, good lovin'
Then sit yourself right over here
You know that those good, those good times
They just seem to pass me by, just like pie in the sky

And Lisa says, on a night like this
It'd be so nice if you gave me a great big kiss
And Lisa says, hey baby, for just one little smile
I'll sing and play for you for the longest while
Let me hear you now

Lisa says, oh no-no
Lisa says, hey, don't you be a little baby
Lisa says, oh no
Lisa says

Why am I so shy
Why am I so shy, geez, you know that those
Good-good times, they just seem to pass me by
Why am I so shy

First time I saw you I was talking to myself
I says, hey you got those pretty-pretty eyes
Such pretty eyes

Now that you are next to me I just get so upset
Hey Lisa, will you tell me why am I so shy

Why am I so shy
Why am I so shy, well you know that those
Good-good times, they just seem to pass me by
Why am I so shy

And Lisa says, on a night like this
It'd be so nice if you gave me a great big kiss
And Lisa says, honey, for just one little smile
I'll sing and play for you for the longest while

Lisa says, oh no, now
Lisa says, hey, don't you be a little baby
Lisa says, oh no
Lisa says


In Berlin, by the wall
You were five foot ten inches tall
It was very nice
Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice

We were in a small cafe
You could hear the guitars play
It was very nice
It was paradise

You're right and I'm wrong
Hey babe, I'm gonna miss you now that you're gone
One sweet day

Oh, you're right and I'm wrong
You know I'm gonna miss you now that you're gone
One sweet day
One sweet day

In a small, small cafe
We could hear the guitars play
It was very nice
Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice

Don't forget, hire the vet
He hasn't had much fun yet
It was very nice
Hey honey, it was paradise

You're right and I'm wrong
Hey babe, I'm gonna miss you now that you're gone
One sweet day
You're right, oh, and I'm wrong
You know I'm gonna miss you now that you're gone
One sweet day, one sweet day

One sweet day
One sweet day, oh, one sweet day
One sweet day, baby, baby, one sweet day ...

I Love You

When I think of all the things I've done
And I know that it's only just begun
Those smiling faces
You know, I just can't forget them
But I love you

When I think of all the things I've seen
And I know that it's only the beginning
You know, those smiling faces
I just can't forget them
But for now I love you

Just for a little while
Oh baby, just to see you smile
Just for a little while

When I think of all the things I've done
And I know, that it's only just begun
Oh, smiling faces, Jesus
You know, I can't forget them
But for now, I love you
Watch this minute, baby
Now I love you
At least for now
I love you

Wild Child

I was talking to Chuck in his Genghis Khan suit
And his wizard's hat
He spoke of his movie and how he was making
A new soundtrack

And then we spoke of kids on the coast
And different types of organic soap
And the way suicides don't leave notes
Then we spoke of Lorraine
Always back to Lorraine

I was speaking to Phil who was given to pills
And small racing cars
He had given 'em up since his last crack-up
Had carried him too far

Then we spoke of movies and verse
And the way an actress held her purse
And the way life at times could get worse
Then we spoke of Lorraine
Always back to Lorraine

Ah, she's a wild child
And nobody can get at her
She's a wild child
Oh, and nobody can get to her

Sleeping out on the street
Oh, living all alone
Without a house or a home
And then she asked you, please
Hey baby, can I have some spare change
Oh, can I break your heart

She's a wild child
She's a wild child

I was talking to Betty about her auditions
How they made her ill
The life of the theater is certainly fraught
With many spills and chills

But she calmed down after some wine
Which is what happens most of the time
Then we sat and both spoke in rhyme
Till we spoke of Lorraine
Ah, it's always back to Lorraine

I was talking to Ed who'd been reported dead
By mutual friends
He thought it was funny that I had no money
To spend on him

So we both shared a piece of sweet cheese
And sang of our lives and our dreams
And how things can come apart at the seams
And we talked of Lorraine
Always back to Lorraine

She's a wild child
Oh, and nobody can get at her
She's a wild child
Oh, and nobody can get to her

Sleeping out on the street
Oh, living all alone
Without a house or a home
And then she asked you, please
Oh baby, can I have some spare change
Now can I break your heart

She's a wild child
She's a wild child

Loves make you feel

Life isn't what is seems, I'm forever drifting into dreams
Such a sad affair, to always be drifting into air

But it's not what you say or you do
that makes me feel like I am falling
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am upside down

And love makes you feel ten foot tall
Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall

Just a funny thing, I'm forever drifting into dreams
Just not the proper thing, to always be drifting into dreams

But it's not what you say or you do
that makes me feel like I am falling
It's things that we've both been through
that makes me feel like I am upside down

And love makes you feel ten foot tall
Yes, love makes you feel ten foot tall

And it sounds like this

Ride Into The Sun

Looking for another chance for someone else to be
Looking for another place to ride into the sun

Ride into the sun, ride into the sun
Ride into the sun ride into the sun
Where -

everything seems so pretty
But if you're tired and you're sick of the city
Remember that it's just a flower, made out of clay
Oh, the city

Where everything seems so dirty
But if you're tired and you're filled with self-pity
Remember that you're just one more person who's there

It's hard to live in the city
It's hard to live in the city, oh - oh - oh
It's hard to live in the city, oh - wow - wow
It's hard to live in the city


Here comes the ocean
and the waves down by the sea
Here comes the ocean
and the waves where've they been ?

Don't swim tonight my love
The sea is mad my love
It's known to drive men crazy
Now come that murder seeks
The castle is dead and reeks
The madness can make you lazy

Here come the waves
down by the shore
Washing the rocks that have been here
centuries or more

Down by the sea

Here come the ocean
and the waves down by the sea
Here comes the ocean
and the waves where've they been ?

Castles glowing at night
Towers above out fright
What did happen here
Now comes it in my head
I serve you bread on a pledge
Think of your mouth for dinner

But here come the waves
down by the sea
Washing the eyes of the men
who have died

Down by the sea

Here come the waves X4



Vicious, you hit me with a flower
You do it every hour
Oh, baby you're so vicious
Vicious, you want me to hit you with a stick
But all I've got is a guitar pick
Oh baby, you're so vicious

When I watch you come, baby, I just want to run far away
You're not the kind of person around I want to stay
When I see you walking down the street
I step on your hands and I mangle your feet
You're not the kind of person that I want to meet
Baby, oh you're so vicious, you're so vicious

Vicious, you hit me with a flower
You do it every hour
Oh, baby you're so vicious
Vicious, hey why don't you swallow razor blades
You must think that I'm some kind of gay blade
But baby, you're so vicious

When I see you coming I just have to run
You're not good and you certainly aren't very much fun
When I see you walking down the street
I step on your hand and I mangle your feet
You're not the kind of person that I'd even want to meet
'Cause you're so vicious, baby, you're so vicious
Vicious, vicious...

Andy's Chest

If I could be anything in the world that flew
I would be a bat and come swooping after you
And if the last time you were here, things were a bit askew
Well, you know what happens after dark
When rattlesnakes loose their skins and their hearts
And all the missionaries loose their bark
All the trees are calling after you
And all the venom snipers after you
Are all the mountains boulder after you

If I could be anything of the things in this world that bite
Instead of being a tethered ocelot on a leash
I'd rather be your kite
And be tied to the end of your string
And flying in the air, babe, at night
Because you know what they say about honey bears
When you shave off all their baby hair
You've got a hairy minded big bare bear
And all the bells are rolling out for you
And stones are all erupting out for you
And all the cheap bloodsuckers are flying after you

Yesterday, Daisy Mae end Biff were grooving down the street
And just like in a movie, her hands became her feet
Her belly button was her mouth
Which meant she tasted what she'd speak
But the funny thing is what happened to her nose
It grew until it reached all of her toes
Now, when people say her feet smell, they mean her nose
And curtains laced with diamonds, dear, for you
And kingdom's Christian sailors (soldiers), dear, for you
And melting ice cap mountains, dear, for you
And knights in flaming silver robes for you
And bats, that with a kiss turn prince for you
Swoop, swoop, oh, baby, rock, rock ...

Perfect Day

Just a perfect day
drink Sangria in the park
And then later
when it gets dark, we go home

Just a perfect day
feed animals in the zoo
Then later
a movie, too, and then home

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spend it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on

Just a perfect day
problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own
it's such fun

Just a perfect day
you made me forget myself
I thought I was
someone else, someone good

Oh, it's such a perfect day
I'm glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on

You're going to reap just what you sow X4

Hangin' 'Round

Harry was a rich young man who would become a priest
He dug up his dear father who was recently deceased
He did it with tarot cards and a mystically attuned mind
And shortly there and after he did find

Jeanny was a spoiled young brat, she thought she knew it all
She smoked mentholated cigarettes and she had sex in the hall
But she was not my kind or even of my sigh
The kind of animal that I would be about

Oh oh oh, you keep hangin' 'round me
And I'm not so glad you found me
You're still doing things that I gave up years ago
Oh oh oh, you keep hangin' 'round me
And I'm not so glad you found me
You're still doing things that I gave up years ago
Hangin' 'round, hangin' 'round

Cathy was a bit surreal, she painted all her toes
And on her face she wore dentures clamped tightly to her nose
And when she finally spoke her twang her glasses broke
And no one else could smoke while she was in the room

Hark the herald angels sang and reached out for a phone
And plucking it with ivory hand dialed long distance home
But it was all too much sprinkling angel dust to A.T. and T.
Who didn't wish you well

Oh oh oh, you keep hangin' 'round me
And I'm not so glad you found me
You're still doing things that I gave up years ago
Oh oh oh, you keep hangin' 'round me
And I'm not so glad you found me
You're still doing things that I gave up years ago
Hangin' 'round, hangin' 'round

Walk On The Wild Side

Holly came from Miami FLA
Hitch-hiked her way across the USA.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her leg and then he was a she
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side,
Said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.

Candy came from out on the island,
In the backroom she was everybody's darling,
But she never lost her head
Even when she was given head
She said, hey baby, take a walk on the wild side
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
And the coloured girls go, doo doo doo, doo ...

Little Joe never once gave it away
Everybody had to pay and pay
A hustle here and a hustle there
New York city is the place where they said:
Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I Said hey Joe, take a walk on the wild side

Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets
Lookin' for soul food and a place to eat
Went to the Apollo
You should have seen him go go go
They said, hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side

Jackie is just speeding away
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash
Valium would have helped that dash
She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
And the coloured girls say doo doo doo, doo ...

Make Up

Your face when sleeping is sublime
And then you open up your eyes

Then comes pancake factor number one
Eyeliner, rose hips and lip gloss, such fun
You're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl
Rouge and coloring, incense and ice
Perfume and kisses, oh it's all so nice
You're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl

Now we're coming out, out of our closets
Out on the streets, yeah, we're coming out

When you're in bed it's so wonderful
It'd be so nice to fall in love
When you get dressed I really get my fill
People say that it's impossible

Gowns lovely made out of lace
And all the things that you do to your face
You're a slick little girl, you're a slick little girl
Eyeliner, whitener then color the eyes
Yellow and green, oh what a surprise
You're a slick little girl, oh, you're such a slick little girl

Now we're coming out, out of our closets
Out on the streets, yes, we're coming out
Yeah, we're coming out ...

Satellite Of Love

Satellite's gone up to the skies
Thing like that drive me out of my mind

I watched it for a little while
I like to watch things on TV

Satellite of love
Satellite of love
Satellite of love
Satellite of ...

Satellite's gone way up to Mars
Soon it will be filled with parking cars

I watch it for a little while
I love to watch things on TV

Satellite of love ...

I've been told that you've been bold
With Harry, Mark and John
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, to Thursday
With Harry, Mark and John

Satellite's gone up to the skies
Thing like that drive me out of my mind

I watched it for a little while
I love to watch things on TV

Satellite of love ...

Wagon Wheel

Won't you be my wagon wheel
Won't you tell me, baby, how do you feel ?

Yeah you got to live yeah your life as though you're number one
Yeah you got to live yeah your life
And make a point of having some fun

But if you think that you get kicks
From flirting with danger, danger ooh
Just kick her in head and rearrange her

Oh heavenly father, what can I do ?
What she's done to me is making me crazy
Oh heavenly father, I know I have sinned but look where I've been
It's making me lazy

Won't you be my wagon wheel
Won't you tell me, baby, how do you feel ?

You got to live yeah your life as though you're number one
Yeah you got to live yeah your life
And make a point of having some fun

But if you think that you get kicks
From flirting with danger, danger ooh
Just kick her in head and rearrange her

And then why don't you wake me, shake me
Please don't you let me sleep too long ...

New York Telephone Conversation

I was sleeping, gently napping when I heard the phone
Who is on the other end talking, am I even home ?

Did you see what she did to him, did you hear what they said ?
Just a New York conversation rattling in my head

Ooh my, and what shall we wear, ooh my, and who really cares ?

Just a New York conversation, gossip all of the time
"Did you hear who did what to whom ?", happens all the time

Who has touched and who has dabbled hear in the city of shows
Openings, closings, badrap party - everybody knows

Ooh, how sad and why do we call, ooh I'm glad to hear from you all

I am calling, yes I am calling just to speak to you
For I know this night will kill me, if I can't be with you

If I can't be with you

I'm So Free

Yes I'm Mother Nature's son
And I'm the only one
I do what I want and I want what I see
Could only happen to me

I'm so free, I'm so free

Oh please, Saint Germaine
I have come this way
Do you remember the shape I was in
I had horns and fins

I'm so free, I'm so free

Do you remember the silver walks
You used to shiver and I used to talk
Then we went down to Times Square
And ever since I've been hanging around there

I'm so free, I'm so free

Yes I'm Mother Nature's son
And I'm the only one
I do what I want and I want what I see
Could only happen to me

I'm so free, I'm so free

Oh - oh - oh, I'm so free, I'm so free
When I feel good, I'm so free ...
Early in the morning, I'm so free
Late in the evening, I'm so free, I'm so free ...

Goodnight Ladies

Goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight
It's time to say goodbye
Let me tell you, now, goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight
It's time to say goodbye

Ah, all night long you've been drinking your tequilla rye
But now you've sucked your lemon peel dry
So why not get high, high, high and
Goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight

Goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight
It's time to say goodbye
Goodnight sweet ladies, all ladies goodnight
It's time to say goodbye, bye-bye

Ah, we've been together for the longest time
But now it's time to get high
Come on, let's get high, high, high
And goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight

Oh, I'm still missing my other half
Oh, it must be something I did in the past
Don't it just make you wanna laugh
It's a lonely Saturday night
Oh, nobody calls me on the telephone
I put another record on my stereo
But I'm still singing a song of you
It's a lonely Saturday night

Now, if I was an actor or a dancer that was glamorous
Then, you know, an amourus life would soon be mine
But now the tinsel light of star break
Is all that's left to applaud my heart break
And eleven o'clock I watch the network news

Oh, oh, oh, something tells me that you're really gone
You said we could be friends, but that's not what's not what I want
And, anyway, my TV-dinner's almost done
It's a lonely Saturday night
I mean to tell you, it's a lonely Saturday night
One more word, it's a lonely Saturday night



In Berlin, by the wall
You were five foot ten inches tall
It was very nice
Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice

We were in a small cafe
You could hear the guitars play
It was very nice
It was paradise

Lady Day

When she walked on down the street
She was like a child staring at her feet
But when she passed the bar
And she heard the music play
She had to go in and sing
It had to be that way
She had to go in and sing
It had to be that way

And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day
And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day

After the applause had died down
And the people drifted away
She climbed down the bar
And went out the door
To the hotel
That she called home
It had greenish walls
A bathroom in the hall

And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day
And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day

Men Of Good Fortune

Men of good fortune, often cause empires to fall
While men of poor beginnings, often can't do anything at all
The rich son waits for his father to die
The poor just drink and cry
And me I just don't care at all

Men of good fortune, very often can't do a thing
While men of poor beginnings, often can do anything
At heart they try to act like a man
Handle things the best way they can
They have no rich daddy to fall back on

Men of good fortune, often cause empires to fall
While men of poor beginnings, often can't do anything at all
It takes money to make money they say
Look at the Fords, but didn't they start that way
Anyway, it makes no difference to me

Men of good fortune, often wish that they could die
While men of poor beginnings want what they have
And to get it they'll die
All those great things that live has to give
They wanna have money and live
But me, I just don't care at all

Men of good fortune
Men of poor beginnings

Caroline Says 1

Caroline says that I'm just a toy
She wants a man, not just a boy
Oh, Caroline says, oh Caroline says

Caroline says she can't help but be mean
Or cruel, or oh so it seems
Oh, Caroline says, Caroline says

She say she doesn't want a man who leans
Still she is my Germanic Queen
Yeah, she's my Queen

The things she does, the things she says
People shouldn't treat others that way
But at first I thought I could take it all

Just like poison in a vial, hey she was often very vile
But of course, I thought I could take it all

Caroline says that I'm not a man
So she'll go get it catch as catch can
Oh, Caroline says, yeah, Caroline says

Caroline says moments in time
Can't continue to be only mine
Oh, Caroline says, yeah, Caroline says

She treats me like I am a fool
But to me she's still a German Queen
Ooh, she's my Queen
Queen ...

How Do You Think It Feels

How do you think it feels
When you're speeding and lonely
Come here baby
How do you think it feels
When all you can say is: If only

If only I had a little
If only I had some change
If only, if only, only
How do you think it feels
And when do you think it stops ?

How do you think it feels
When you've been up for five days
Come down here Mama
Hunting around always - ooh
'Cause you're afraid of sleeping

How do you think it feels
To feel like a wolf and foxy
How do you think it feels
To always make love by proxy ?
How do you think it feels
And when do you think it stops ?
When do you think it stops ?

Oh Jim

All your two-bit friends they're shootin' you up with pills
They said that it was good for you, that it would cure your ills

I don't care just where it's at
I'm just like an alley cat

And when you're filled up to here with hate
Don't you know you gotta get it straight
Filled up to here with hate
Beat her black and blue and get it straight

Do, do, do, do, do, do,
When you're lookin' through the eyes of hate

All your two-bit friends they're ask you for your autograph
They put you on the stage, they thought it'd be good for a laugh

But I don't care just where it's at
'Cause honey I'm just like an alley cat

And when you're filled up to here with hate
Don't you know you gotta get it straight
Filled up to here with hate
Beat her black and blue and get it straight

Uh huh

Oh Jim, how could you treat me this way
Hey hey hey
How could you treat me this way ?

Oh Jim, how could you treat me this way
Hey hey
How could you treat me this way ?

You know you broke my heart
Ever since you went away
Now you said that you love us
But you only make love to one of us
Oh Jim, how could you treat me this way
You know you broke my heart
Ever since you went away
When you're looking through the eyes of hate
Oh, oh, oh, oh
When you're looking through the eyes of hate
Oh, oh, oh, oh ...

Caroline Says 2

Caroline says - as she gets up off the floor
Why is it that you beat me - it isn't any fun

Caroline says - as she makes up her eyes
You ought to learn more about yourself - think more than just I

But she's not afraid to die
All her friends call her 'Alaska'
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her
What is in her mind, what is in her mind

Caroline says - as she gets up from the floor
You can hit me all you want to, but I don't love you anymore
Caroline says - while biting her lip
Life is meant to be more than this - and this is a bum trip

But she's not afraid to die
All her friends call her 'Alaska'
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her
What is in her mind, what is in her mind

She put her fist through the window pane
It was such a funny feeling

It's so cold in Alaska X3

The Kids

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because she was making it with sisters and brothers
And everyone else, all of the others
Like cheap officers who would stand there and flirt in front of me

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because of the things that they heard she had done
The black Air Force sergeant was not the first one
And all of the drugs she took, every one, every one

And I am the Water Boy, the real game's not over here
But my heart is overflowin' anyway
I'm just a tired man, no words to say
But since she lost her daughter
It's her eyes that fill with water
And I am much happier this way

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because number on was the girl friend from Paris
The things that they did - ah - they didn't have to ask us
And then the Welshman from India, who came here to stay

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because of the things she did in the streets
In the alleys and bars, no she couldn't be beat
That miserable rotten slut couldn't turn anyone away

I am the Water Boy, the real game's not over here
But my heart is overflowin' anyway
I'm just a tired man, no words to say
But since she lost her daughter
It's her eyes that fill with water
And I am much happier this way

The Bed

This is the place where she lay her head
When she went to bed at night
And this is the place our children were conceived
Candles lit the room brightly at night

And this is the place where she cut her wrists
That odd and fateful night
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

This is the place where we used to live
I paid for it with love and blood
And these are the boxes that she kept on the shelf
Filled with her poetry and stuff

And this is the room where she took the razor
And cut her wrists that strange and fateful night
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

I never would have started if I'd known
That it's end this way
But funny thing, I'm not at all sad
That it stopped this way

This is the place where she lay her head
When she went to bed at night
And this is the place our children were conceived
Candles lit the room brightly at night

And this is the place where she cut her wrists
That odd and fateful night
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling
And I said, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what a feeling

Sad Song

Staring at my picture book
She looks like Mary, Queen of Scots
She seemed very regal to me
Just goes to show how wrong you can be

I'm gonna stop wastin' my time
Somebody else would have broken both of her arms

Sad song, sad song, sad song, sad song

My castle, kids and home
I thought she was Mary, Queen of Scots
I tried so very hard
Shows just how wrong you can be

I'm gonna stop wasting time
Somebody else would have broken both of her arms

Sad song, sad song, sad song, sad song

Rock'n Roll Animal

Sweet Jane

( Loaded version )

Standing on the corner, suitcase in my hand
Jack is in his corset, Jane is her vest
And me, I'm in a rock'n'roll band
Ridin'a Stutz Bearcat, Jim
You know, those were different times
Oh, all the poets, they studied rules of verse
And those ladies, they rolled their eyes
Sweet Jane, sweet Jane, sweet Jane

I'll tell you something, that Jack, he is a banker
And Jane, she is a clerk
And both of them save their monies
And when they come home from work
Ooh, sittin' down by the fire
Oh, the radio does play
The classical music, said Jim, the `March of the Wooden Soldiers`
All you protest kids, you can hear Jack say, get ready
Sweet Jane, come on, baby
Sweet Jane, sweet Jane

Some people, they like to go out dancing
Other peoples, they have to work
Just watch me now
And there's some evil mothers
Well they're gonna tell you that everything is just dirt
You know, that women never really faint
And that villains always blink their eyes
And that, you know, children are the only ones who blush
And that life is just to die
But anyone who ever had a heart
Oh, they wouldn't turn around and break it
And anyone who's ever played a part
Oh, they wouldn't turn around and hate it

Sweet Jane, sweet Jane, sweet Jane ...


I don't know just where I'm going
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom, if I can
'cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
When I put a spike into my vein
And I tell you things aren't quite the same
When I'm rushing on my run
And I feel just like Jesus' son
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

I have made the big decision
I'm gonna try to nullify my life
'cause when the blood begins to flow
When it shoots up the dropper's neck
When I'm closing in on death
You can't help me now, you guys
And all you sweet girls with all your sweet talk
You can all go take a walk
And I guess I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
I wish that I'd sailed the darkened seas
On a great big clipper ship
Going from this land here to that
In a sailor's suit and cap
Away from the big city
Where a man cannot be free
Of all the evils of this town
And of himself and those around
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know

Heroin, be the death of me
Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life
Because a mainline in my vein leads to a center in my head
And then I'm better off than dead
Because when the smack begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the Jim-Jims in this town
And all the politicians making crazy sounds
And everybody putting everybody else down

And all the dead bodies piled up in mounds
'cause when the smack begins to flow
And I really don't care anymore
Ah, when that heroin is in my blood
And the blood is in my head
Then I thank God that I'm as good as dead
And thank your God that I'm not aware
And thank God that I just don't care
And I guess that I just don't know
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know

White Light / White Heat

White light
White light going messin' up my mind
Don't you know, it's gonna make me go blind
White heat
White heat, it tickle me down to my toes
White light
Oh, have mercy, white light have it, goodness knows

White light
White light going messin' up my brain
White light
Ooooh, white light it's gonna drive me insane
White heat
Ooooh, white heat, it tickle me down to my toes
White light
Ooooh, white light, I said now, goodness knows
Do it

Ooooh, white light
I surely do love watch that stuff shooting itself in
Ooooh, white light
Watch that side, watch that side
Don't you know, gonna be dead and bright
Ooooh, white heat
Yeah foxy mama, watch her walking down the street
Ooooh, white light
Come upside, your head gonna make a dead end on your street

White light
White light light moving me drain my brain
White light
Gonna make me really go insane
White heat
Ooooh, white heat, it tickle me down to my toes
White light
Ooooh, white light, I said now, goodness knows

White light
Ooooh, white light, it's lightin' up my eyes
White light
Don't you know it fills me up with surprise
White heat
Ooooh, white heat, tickle me down to my toes
White light
Ooooh, white light, I tell you now, goodness knows
work at it

Ooooh she surely do move speed
Ooooh, white light
Watch that speed freak, watch that speed freak
Everybody gonna make it every week
Ooooh, white heat
Oh, sputter mutter, everybody gonna kill their mother
White light
Here she comes, here she comes
Everybody get it, make me run, do it, higher

Lady Day

When she walked on down the street
She was like a child staring at her feet
But when she passed the bar
And she heard the music play
She had to go in and sing
It had to be that way
She had to go in and sing
It had to be that way

And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day
And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day

After the applause had died down
And the people drifted away
She climbed down the bar
And went out the door
To the hotel
That she called home
It had greenish walls
A bathroom in the hall

And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day
And I said no, no, no
Oh, Lady Day

Rock And Roll

Jenny said, when she was just five years old
There was nothin' happening at all
Every time she puts on the radio
There was nothin' goin' down at all, not at all
Then, one fine mornin', she puts on a New York station
You know, she couldn't believe what she heard at all
She started shakin' to that fine, fine music
You know, her life was saved by rock'n'roll

Despite all the imputations
You know, you could just go out
And dance to a rock'n'roll station
And it was all right, hey baby,
You know, it was all right

Jenny said, when she was just about five years old
`You know, my parents are gonna be the death of us all
Two TV sets and two Cadillac cars
Well, you know, ain't gonna help me at all`

Then, one fine morning, she turns on a New York station
She doesn't believe what she hears at all
Ooh, she started dancin' to that fine, fine music
You know, her life was saved by rock'n'roll
Yeah, rock'n'roll

Despite all the computations
You could just dance to that rock'n'roll station
And baby, it was all right, yeah
Hey, it was all right
Hey, here she comes now

Jenny said, when she was just about five years old
'Hey, you know, there's nothin' happening at all, not at all
Every time I put on the radio
You know, there's nothin' goin' down at all, not at all
But, one fine morning, she hears a New York station
She couldn't believe what she heard at all, hey, not at all
She started dancing to that fine, fine music
You know, her life was saved by rock'n'roll
Yes, rock'n'roll

Despite all the computations
You know, you could just dance to the rock'n'roll station

All right
All right, all right, and it was all right
Oh, listen to me now, it was all right
Come on now, believe me, it was all right
it was all right
hey, it's all right now...

Sally Can't Dance

Ride, Sally, Ride

Sit yourself down, bang out a tune on the grand piano
Sit yourself down, lay languidly down upon that sofa
Oooh isn't it nice, when your heart is made out of ice
Ride, Sally, ride
It's not your time or way of confusion
Ride, Sally, ride
'Cause if you don't, you'll get a contusion
Oooh isn't it nice, when your heart is made out of ice

Sit yourself down, take of your pants
Don't you know this is a party
Sit yourself down
Why do you think we brought all these people, Miss Brandy
Oooh isn't it nice, when your heart is made out of ice
Ride, Sally, ride
It's not your time or way of confusion
Ride, Sally, ride
It's not your time or way of confusion
Oooh isn't it nice
When you find your heart is made out of ice
Ride, Sally ride, ride, ride, ride
Ride, Sally, ride

Animal Language

Miss Riley had a dog
She used to keep it in her back yard
And when the dog began to bark
All the neighbours began to shout
Then came a stormy night, Miss Riley let her dog out
And when the neighbours found him 'round
They put a gun down his mouth and shot him down
And he went: oooh wow, bow wow, oooh wow, bow wow

Miss Murphy had a cat, on her lap it sat
And once in a great big while
And once in a great big while
It looked like that Cheshire cat did smile
But one day it got so hot
That Cheshire cat had a blood clot
And she said: oooh meow meow, oooh meow meow

Then the dog met the cat
The dog was hot and the cat was met
Then came some sweaty dude
He put a board between the two
Then they couldn't get at it, got frustrated all about it
So they did the only thing you could do
They took the dude's sweat and shot it up between the two
And they said: oooh wow, bow wow meow, oooh wow, bow wow meow

Baby Face

Jim, livin' with you'd not such fun
You're not not the only one
You don't have the looks
You're not the person that you used to be
And there are people in the street that would go for me

And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face
And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face

I met you in a bar in L.A., I was not feeling so good
And you made the proper moves, you did everything that you should
But now you're making a mistake
And somebody else will take your place
You're talking drugs over me

And I said, no, no, no, no, no
And I said, no, no, no, no, no
And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face
And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face

You're not the kind of person that's easy
To live with in a house
I cool all your meals
I make sure that you work out
But lately it's been gettin' so hard
The way you talk, oooh, the way you walk
And I'm not sure exactly what it's all about

And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face
And I said, no, no, no, no, no, baby face
And I said, no, no, no, no
And I said, no, no, no, no, oooh, baby face
No, no, baby face
No, no, no, baby face
(you can keep it, just keep it)


The stock is empty in our eyeball store
All we got left, a few cataracts and sores
The faggot mimic machine never had an ides
Mission impossible, they self destruct on fear
On a standard N.Y. night ghouls go to see their so called 'stars'
A fairly stupid thing, to pay five bucks for a 4th rate imitation

They say:' I'm so empty, no surface, no depth
Oh please, can't I be you, your personality's so great.'
Like new buildings, square, tall and the same
Sorry, Miss Stupid, didn't you know it was a game
I'm just waiting for them to hurry up and die
It's really getting to crowed here
Help me N.Y. stars

Contributions accepted all the same
We need new people store
Remember, we're very good at games

Kill Your Sons

All your two-bit psychiatrists are giving you electro shock
They say, they let you live at home, with mom and dad
Instead of mental hospital
But everytime you tried to read a book
You couldn't get to page 17
'Cause you forgot, where you were
So you couldn't even read
Don't you know, they're gonna kill your sons
Don't you know, they're gonna kill, kill your sons
They're gonna kill, kill your sons
Until they run run run run run run run run away

Mom informed me on the phone
She didn't know what to do about dad
Took an axe and broke the table
Aren't you glad you're married
And sister, she got married on the island
And her husband takes the train
He's big and he's fat and he doesn't even have a brain
They're gonna kill your sons
Don't you know, they're gonna kill, kill your sons
Don't you know, they're gonna kill, kill your sons
Until they run away

Creedmore treated me very good
But Paine Whitney was even better
And when I flipped on PHC
I was so sad I didn't even get a letter
All of the drugs, that we took, it really was lots of fun
But when they shoot you up with thorizene on crystal smoke
You choke like a son of a gun
Don't you know, they're gonna kill your sons
Don't you know, they're gonna kill, kill your sons
They're gonna kill, kill your sons
Until they run run run run run run run run away


All the things you said - you thought I was dead
Everything made me feel aware
Ah, you're getting old, you're doing things
You're losing your hair
All the things that you used to believe in
Turned out to be true - you're guilty of reason

You're the kind of person that I could do without
And certain kinds of money would make you see what it's all about
There's a first time for everything
There's a first one's on me, don't you see

All of the things that your old lover said
Look at them, they jump out of windows
And now they're just dead
It's the truth, don't you realize

Faded without any talent of fun
Running out in the streets, balling everyone
It's the truth, It's the truth

Pick up the pieces that make up your life
Maybe some day you'll have a wife and them alimony
Oh, can't you see

Sally Can't Dance

Sally dances on the floor
She says she can't do it anymore
She walks down St. Marks Place
And eats natural food at my place

Sally can't dance no more, she can't get off of the floor
Sally can't dance no more
They found her in the trunk of a ford
Oooh, she can't dance no more

Sally is loosing her face
She lives on St., Marks Place
In a rent-controlled appartment, eighty dollars a month
She has lots of fun, she has lots of fun

But, Sally can't dance no more
Sally can't dance no more
She took too much meth and can't get off the floor
Now Sally, she can't dance no more

She was the first girl in the neighbourhood
To wear tied-dyed pants, ah, like she should
She was the first girl that I ever seen
That had flowers painted on her jeans
She was the first girl in her neighbourhood
that got raped on Tompkins Square real good
Now she wears a sword, like Napoleon
And she kills the boys and acts like a son

Sally can't dance no more, Sally can't dance no more
She can't get herself off the floor, Sally, she can't dance no more

Sally became a big model, she moved up to eighties and park
She had a studio appartment and that's where she used to ball
folk singers, and that's where she used to ball folk singers

Sally can't dance no more, Sally can't get off of the floor
She can't dance no more, Sally can't dance

She knew all the right people, she went to Le Jardin
She danced with Picasso's illegitimate mistress
And wore Kenneth Lane jewels - it's trash -

But - Sally can't dance no more, she can't get off of the floor
Sally can't dance no more, Sally can't dance


Billy was a good friend of mine
We grew up together ever since we were nine
We went to school, he was my best friend
And I thought our friendship would never end

In highschool he played football
And me, I didn't do anything at all
He made touch-downs, while I played pool
And no one could figure out, which one of us was the fool

Then we both went to collage
He studied medicine, while I studied foilage
He got "A's", and I got "D's"
He was going for his P.H.D.
The I decided to drop out
Then I decided to drop out
Things were getting a little to hot

Billy stayed there, became an intern, then a doctor
Then war broke out and he had to go
But not me, I was mentally unfit or so they say, so, so

When he came back, he wasn't quite the same
His nerves were shot, but not me
Last time I saw him, I couldn't take it anymore
He wasn't the Billy I knew, it was like talking to a door

Billy was a friend of mine
I grew up with him ever since we were nine
We went together to school
And now I often wonder, which one of us was the fool

Coney Island Baby

Crazy Feeling

You're the kind of person that I've been dreaming of
You're the kind of person that I always wanted to love
And when I first seen you walk right through that bar door
And I seen those suit and tie johns buy you one drink
And then buy you some more I had a -

I know you had that crazy feeling
Now, now, now, you're got that crazy feeling
You know that I've had that crazy feeling, too
I can see it in your ..
You got that crazy feeling
Now, now, now, now, now, you got that crazy feeling
I've had that crazy feeling, too

Now everybody knows that business ends at three
And everybody knows that after hours love is free
And you, you really are a queen
Oh, such a queen, such a queen
And I know, 'cause I made the same scene
I know just what you mean
Because you got that crazy feeling
Now, now, now, now, you're got that crazy feeling
You got that crazy feeling deep inside
Now, I can see it in your eyes
You got that crazy feeling
Now, now, now, now, you're got that crazy feeling
And you got that crazy feeling, too
I feel just like, feel just like you
Crazy feeling ...

Charley's Girl

Everybody said you bet you better watch out
Man, she's gonna turn you in
And me, you know, I thought that I looked out
Now look at the trouble that I looked out
You better watch out for Charley's girl
Watch out for Charley's girl ...

It happened on New Year's Eve
They said everybody had to leave
They had a warrant in their hand
They wanted to bust the whole band
I said if I ever see Sharon again
I'm gonna punch her face in
You know, you better watch out for Charley's girl
Hey, now, now watch out for Charley's girl
You know she'll turn you - turn you in
Watch out for Charley's girl
Watch out for Charley's girl
She'll turn you in
You better watch out, you better watch out ...
For Charley's girl, for Charley's girl now

She's My Best Friend

She's my best friend, certainly not your average girl
Yeah, she's my best friend
She understands me when I'm feeling
You know, it sure hurts to be that way
You know it sure hurts to know that you're that kinda fella
Here's to Mullberry-Jane
She made jam when she came
Somebody cut off her feet
Now jelly rolls in the street

If you want to see me
Well, honey you know that I 'm not around
But if you want to hear me
Why don't you just turn around
I'm by the window where the light is

She' my best friend
Certainly not just like your average dog or car
She's my best friend
She understands me when I'm feeling dow-dow-dow-dow-dow-down
You know, it sure hurts to be that way
You know, it sure hurts to know that you're that kinda fella
Let's hear one for Newspaper Joe
He caught his hand in the door
Dropped his teeth on the floor
They say, hey, now jokers
That's the way the news goes

If you want to see, yeah, see me
Well, baby, you know that I 'm not around
But if you want to feel, yeah, feel me
Why don't you just turn around
I'm by the window where the light is fake
She's my best friend, she's my best friend
Tell me baby now
She's my best friend, oh, she's my, she's my best friend
She's my best friend ...


Hey man, what's your style
How you get your kicks for living
Hey man, what's your style
How you get your adrenalin flowing now
How you get your adrenalin flowing

Hey man, what's your style
I love the way, try to call now
Hey man, what's your style
I ain't jealous of the way you're living
I ain't jealous of the way you're living
When you cut that dude with just a little mania
You did it so .. ah

When the blood comma' down his neck
Don't you know it was better than sex, now, now, now
It was way better than getting mean
'Cause it was the final thing to do, now
Get somebody to come on to you
And then you just get somebody to ..
To now, now, come on to you
And then you kill them
You kill them, now, now, cause I need kicks ...
I'm getting bored, I n-n-n-need now, now some kicks
Oh, give it, give it, give it to me now, kicks

You know, I love the way you drive your car now
Hey man, what's your style
I ain't jealous of the way you're living
Ain't jealous of the way you're living
When your slayed that cat that night
You did it so crudely, now
With that blood coming down his chest
It was way better than sex, now, now
It was way better than getting mean
It was the final thing to do
Get somebody to came, come on to you, then
Get somebody to come on to you
Better kill them now
Better kill him now, now
Yeah, kill him now, now
Kill him now, now
'Cause I need kicks
Yeah, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-need some kicks
N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-need some kicks
Oh come on, give me kicks
Kicks, kicks ...

A Gift

I'm just a gift to the women of this world
I'm just a gift to the women of this world

Responsibility sits so hard on my shoulder
Like a good wine I'm better as I grow older

And now I'm just a gift to the women of this world
I'm just a gift to the women of this world
I'm just a gift to the women of this world

It's hard to settle for second best
After you've had me
You know that you've had the best
And now you know

That I'm just a gift to the women of this world

Responsibility sits hard on my shoulder
Like a good wine I'm better as I get older
And now I'm just a gift to the women of this world
You know
That I'm just a gift to the women of this world
Just a gift now

I'm just a gift to the women of this world
I'm just a gift to the women of this world

Ooohhh Baby

You're the kind of girl everybody warned me about
You're the kind of person, that everybody's just staring at
But now you are a topless dancer
Working out of a bar on Times Spuare
And everybody wishes you were back down in some corner
Only Baby know

You make me go ooohhh baby ooohhh baby ooohhh baby
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh
Ooohhh baby, ooohhh baby ooohhh baby
Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh

Your old man was the best P and E man down on the streets
And all the guy in the precinct
Always was watching for him on the beat
But when he ripped off Seymour
He was really not a doing so fine
And everything is knots
Well except his hands and legs
And maybe even mime, you see
They just make them strip off

They say ooohhh baby, ooohhh ...

It's very funny asking me
Why they keep the lights on down so low
Well, yesterday's chase's today's competition
Or didn't you know
And the all fluorescent lighting
Make so your wrinkles, they don't show
And it's very funny
The way that 20 bucks an hour cannot go
If you don't make 'em go

Now, now, now, ooohhh baby, ooohhh ...

Everybody wondered 'bout you when you was seen in
Drinking some beer
You got here from Ohio and your mother said
You hooked her in the real near
That's the way it goes now

Ooohh baby, ooohhh ...

Nobody's Business

Hey, if you're moving too fast
Don't you want this thing last
But if you start moving slow
Hey, pretty mama, you just will have to go

It's nobody's business but my own
It's nobody's business but my own
No, no, no, no, ... no
No, no, no, no, ... no

But if you start acting mean
Then I'll have to mess up the scene
But if you start treating me nice
Hey now baby, I'm gonna have to raise your price

Because it's nobody's business but my own
No, no, no, no, ... no
No, no, no, no, ... no

Nobody's business, nobody's business
Come on now
It ain't nobody's business, nobody business
No, no, no no, nobody's business, no, no, ...
It ain't nobody's business, yeah, but my own
Nobody's business, but my own, no, no, no, ...
Nobody's business ...

Coney Island Baby

You know, man, when I was a young man in high school
You believe in or not, that I wanted to play football for the coach
All those older guys, they said he was mean and cruel
But you know, I wanted to play football, for the coach
They said I was to little too light weight to play line-back
So I say I'm playing right-in
Wanted to play football for the coach
Cause, you know some day, man, you gotta stand up straight
Unless you're gonna fall
Then you're gonna die
And the straightest dude I ever knew
Was standing right for me, all the time
So I had to play football for the coach
And I wanted to play football for the coach
When you're all alone and lonely in your midnight hour
And you find that your soul, it has been up for sale

And you getting to think about, all the things you done
And you getting to hate just about everything

But remember the princess who lived on the hill
Who loved you even though she knew you was wrong
And right now she just might come shining through
and the glory of love, glory of love
Glory of love, just might come through

And all your two-bit friends have gone and ripped you off
They're talking behind your back saying, man
you are never going to be a human being
And you start thinking again
About all those things that you've done
And who it was and what it was
And all the different things you made every different scene

Ah, but remember that the city is a funny place
Something like a circus or a sewer
And just remember, different people have peculiar tastes
And the Glory of love, the glory of love
The glory of love, might see you through
Yeah, but now, now
Glory of love, the glory of love
The glory of love, might see you through
Glory of love, ah, huh, huh, the glory of love
Glory of love, glory of love
Glory of love, now, glory of love, now
Glory of love, now, now, now, glory of love
Glory of love, give it to me now, glory of love see you through
Oh, my Coney Island baby, now
(I'm a Coney Island baby, now)
I'd like to send this one out for Lou and Rachel
And all the kids and P.S. 192
Coney Island baby
Man, I swear, I'd give the whole thing up for you

Rock'n Roll Heart

I believe In Love

I believe in good times now, and I believe in shows
And I believe in the iron cross
And as everybody know;

I believe in good times music, yeah, good time rock'n'roll
I believe in music, music, music,
It's satisfy your soul

Ah, I believe love (Good time music)
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, now, I believe in love (Good time music)

And I believe in party time, and I believe in soul
And I believe in temptation,
And knock, knock, knocking at your door

I believe in good times, yeah, good time rock'n'roll
Yeah, I believe in music, music, music
It's satisfy your soul

But you know that I believe love (Good time music)
Said yeah, yeah, I believe love

I believe, I believe, I believe in love
Yeah, I believe in love
Good time music - good time rock'n'roll

Banging On My Drum

I'm banging on my drum, I'm banging on my drum
I'm banging on my drum, boy, I'm having lot's of fun
I'm banging on my drum, Yeah, I'm banging on my drum
I'm banging on my drum, now baby, and I'm having lot's of fun

I'm banging on my drum, I'm banging on my drum
I'm banging on my drum, boy, I'm having lot's of fun
I'm banging on my one, my one, my drum ...

Follow The Leader

Follow, follow the leader n-n-n-n-now
New York, New York City n-n-n-n-now
Follow, follow the leader n-n-n-n-now
New York, New York City n-n-n-n-now

Oh, if you wanna dance, work up a little sweat now
Better, better, better, better, get yourself a little romance
And you know, better get up a little sweat
And get a little romance

And you better follow, follow the leader n-n-n-n-now
New York, New York City n-n-n-n-now
Follow, follow the leader n-n-n-n-now
New York, New York City n-n-n-n-now

Yeah, if you wanna dance, you better work up a sweat now, baby
Get a little romance
Yeah, yeah, you better, you better work up a sweat now
Get yourself a little romance

And, you know, you better, oh, boy, follow the leader, n-n-n-now
Oh, New York, New York City n-n-n-n-n-now
Get going

You Wear It So Well

All of those things, yeah, that you got to give
Yeah, you wear it so well
Yeah, you wear it so well

All of those stories, honey, that I know you could tell
Yeah, you wear it so well
And your face hides it, so we can't tell
That you knew, we would wear it so well
You war it so well

Yeah, darling, you wear it so well
Yeah, now, baby, now, you wear it so well

All of the things, that make poets sing
Yeah, you wear it so well, yeah
You hide it so well

And all of the pain, that you used to tell
You hide it so well
Can't tell from your face that you knew it so well
Hey, now, that you have such a story to tell
Yeah, you got style and grace
And you wear it so well, you wear it so well
And you got, you got such a story to tell
Yeah, yeah, you wear it so well
Grace and style equals you so well
Yeah, yeah, you wear it so well, yeah, so well
Yeah, you wear it, wear it, wear it, wear it, now, baby
Yeah, you wear it so well
And you got such a story to tell
Oooh, you wear it so well ...

Ladies Pay

All the sailors they're all home from leave
And everybody's waiting for them to try to deceive
The storekeepers have drawn their lace curtains bare
And all the women and the wee young girls all waiting there
Ooooh, but how the ladies pay
Oh, if they only knew how the ladies pay
Yeah, now, now, the ladies pay
Oh, when the men, they've gone away

Nobody is standing on upon the door
And nobody is feeding any of the poor
The poor, sick soldier lies in bed beside his girl
Thinking of another place on the other side of the world
Ah, how the ladies pay
Oh, oh, how the ladies pay
When the men, they've gone away
Oh, I wish, I knew how the ladies pay
Day and night, night and day
How the ladies pay
Day and night, night and day, night and day
Ladies pay, now ...

Rock'n' Roll Heart

I don't like opera and I don't like ballet
And new-waves French movies, they just drive me away
I guess I'm just dumb, 'cause I knows I ain't smart
But deep down inside, I got a rock'n'roll heart
Yeah, yeah, yeah, deep down inside I got a rock'n'roll heart

Oh, rock'n'roll heart,
Looking for a good time
Just a rock'n'roll heart, rock'n'roll heart
Looking for a good time

I don't like massages or something meant to say
And I wish people like that would just go away
I guess I'm just dumb, 'cause I knows I not smart
But deep down inside, I got a rock'n'roll heart
Yeah, yeah, yeah, deep down inside I got a rock'n'roll heart

Yeah, rock'n'roll heart, search for a good time
Just a rock'n'roll heart, roll heart, roll heart
Looking for a good time

Yeah, Just a rock'n'roll heart, roll heart, roll heart
Looking for a good time ...
Let me hear you now, now, now

Senselessly Cruel

When I was p poor young boy at school
Girls like you always played me for a fool
But now a time has come to lay to waste
The theory people have of getting an acquired taste
You treated me oooh, so senselessly cruel
Oh, oh, baby, you were so senselessly cruel

From the beginnings I suspected the worst
And you didn't disappoint me
It was just that you were the first
Now, I wouldn't let you touch me if you were within a foot
And girl, I'm never ever gonna get hurt
'Causu you treated me oooh, so senselessly cruel
Oooh, so senselessly cruel, oooh, so senselessly cruel ...

Claim To Fame

Talk-talk, yak-yak, watch you pull that old one track
Get it up and get it back
Making it upon your back
No space, no rent, the money's gone, it's all been spent
Now tell me 'bout your claim to fame
Now, ain't that some claim to fame

Extra, extra, read all about it, now
Extra, extra, something 'bout a claim to fame
Ooooh, sweet mama, ooooh, sweet mama
Something 'bout your claim to fame

Wet lips, dry now, ready for that old hand-out
Now, ain't that some claim to fame
Spaced out, spaced in,
The head's round, the square's flat
Ain't that some claim to fame
Now, tell me, ain't that some claim to fame
Extra, extra, read all about it
Extra, extra, something 'bout some claim to fame ...

Vicious Circle

You're caught in a vicious circle
Surrounded by your so called friends
You're caught in a vicious circle
And it looks like it will never end
'Cause some people think that they like problems
And some people think that they don't
And for everybody who says yes
There's somebody who's staring, saying don't

You're caught in a vicious circle
Surrounded by your so called friends
You're caught in a vicious circle
And it looks like it will never end
'Cause some people think that it's nerves
And some people think that it's not
And some people think that it's things that you do
And others think that you were cold, when you were hot
They think that that is what it was about

You're caught in a vicious circle ...

Surrounded by all of your friends

A Sheltered Life

Never been to England, never been to France
Never really learned how to dance
I've never taken dope and I've never taken drugs
Ah, I've never danced on a bear-skin rug
Guess it's true, what all the people they say
I'm gonna have to loose my hometown ways
Guess it's true, guess I've led a sheltered life

Never went around with anything
I've had a hometown life
And I have never learned to swing
Not much of a life, I haven't seen much
I've been true to my wife and it's just been too much
Guess it's true, what all these people they say
I'm gonna have to lose my hometown ways
You know it's true, guess, I've led a sheltered life

Guess it's true, what all these people they say
I'm gonna have to lose my hometown ways
Guess it's true, guess, I've led a sheltered life

Temporary Thing

Can't help it, now, baby
You better make your face get out of here, quick
Maybe your .. was getting, aah, too rich
It ain't like we ain't never seen this thing before
And if it turns you then around
Then you better hit the door
But I know, it's just a temporary thing
Ooh, yeah, it's just a temporary thing

You've read too many books
You've seen too many plays
And it's things like this, that turn you away
Hey, hey, now, now, look, ha, look
Hey look, hey look, hey look, you better think about it twice
I know that your good breeding makes it seem not so nice
It's just a temporary thing
Aha, aha, aha, it's just a temporary thing
Where's the number, where's the dime and where's the phone
I feel like a stranger
I guess you wanna go back home
Your mother, your father, your brother
I guess you wouldn't agree with me
But I don't give two shits, they're no better than me
Aha, it's just a temporary thing, oh yeah, been there before
Just a temporary thing, oh yeah, been there before
Ahh, bitch, get of my .. temporary thing
Get out, it's just a temporary thing ...

Street Hassle

Gimmie Some Good Times

Hey, if that ain't the rock'n'roll animal himself, what you doing bro.
(Standing on the corner)
Well, I can see that, what you got in your hand
(Suitcase in my hand)
No, shit, what's this
(Jack is in his corset, Jane is in her vest)
Fucking faggot Johnson
(Jack, sweet Jane, I'm in a rock'n'roll band)
Well, I can see that

Some people say that you can't - (no no no)
No matter how good you are
And some people say, they can't move - (no no no)
No matter where they are

Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some good times
Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some pain
No matter how ugly you are
You know to me it all looks the same

Rain from the morning in the blue clouds
Now just shining up with dew
Riding through the city in their big cars
And me, I ain't got nothing to do

Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some good times
Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some pain
Don't you know things always look ugly
To me they always look the same

Oh, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some good times
Oh, Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie some pain
Don't you know that most things look ugly
To me they always look the same

Oh, don't you know, hey, don't you know
To me they always look the same
Oh, don't you know, hey, don't you know
To me they always look the same
Oh, don't you know, hey, don't you know
To me they always look the same
Oh, don't you know, hey, don't you know
To me they always look the same


It's been a long time since I've been spoken to you
Was it the right time?
Your current troubles and you know they'll get much worse
I hope you know how much I enjoyed them
You're a pig of a person, there's a justice in this world
Hey, how about this?
Your lack of conscience and your lack of morality
Well, more and more people know all about it

We sat around the other night, me and the guys,
trying to find the right word
That would best fit and describe you and people like you
That no principle has touched no principles baptized
How about that?
Who'd eat shit and say it taseted good
if there was some money in it for him
Hey, you remember that song by this guy from Texas
whose name was Bobby Fuller?
I'll sing it for you it went like this
I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

Street Hassle

- Waltzing Matilda -

Waltzing Matilda whipped out her wallet
Sexy boys smiled in dismay
She took out four twenties, 'cause she liked brown figures
Everybody screamed for a day
Oh, babe, I'm on fire and, you know that I admire your body
Why don't we slip away - hey
Although I'm sure you're certain, it's a rarity me flirtin'
She la la la this way - hey
Oh sha la la la la - sha la la la - hey
Baby, come on, let's slip away
Luscious and gorgeous, oh what a hunk of muscle
Call out the National Guard
She creamed in her jeans as he picked up her knees
From off of the formica topped board
And cascading slowly, he lifted her wholly and boldly
Out of this world
And despite people's derision proved to be more than diversion
Sha la la la la later on and then sha la la la la la
He entered her slowly and showed her where he was coming from
And then sha la la la la he made love to her gently
It was like she never ever come
And then sha la la la la when the sun rose and he made to leave
You know sha la la la la, sha la la la la
Neither one regretted a thing

- Street Hassle -

Hey, that cunt's not breathing
I think she had too much of something or other
Hey, man, you know what I mean
I don't mean to scare you
But you're the one who came here
And you're the one who's gotta take her when you leave
I'm not being smart or trying to be pulling my part
And I'm not gonna wear my heart on my sleeve
But you know people get emotional
And sometimes they just don't act rational
They think they're just on TV - sha la la la, man
Why don't you just slip her away
You know. I'm glad that we met man
It was really nice talking
And I really wish there was a little more time to speak
But you know it could be a hassle
Trying to explain myself to a police officer
About how it was that your old lady got herself stiffed
And it's not like we could help
But there's nothing no one could do
And if there was, man, you know I would have been the first
Only, someone turns that blue
Well, it's a universal truth
And you just know: That bitch will never fuck again
By the way, that's really some bad shit
That you came to our place with
But you ought be more careful round the little girls
It's either the best or it's the worst
Since I don't have to choose, I guess I won't
And I know, This is no way to treat a guest
But why don't you grab your old lady by the feet
And just lay her out in the darkest street
And by morning, she's just another hit and run

You know, some people got no choice
And they can never even find a voice
To talk with that they can even call their own
So the first thing, that they see
That allows them the right to be
Why, they follow it
You know, it's called bad luck

- Slip Away -

Believe me, that's just a lie
That's what she tells her friends
There's a real song, the real song
She won't even admit it to herself
Narrow heart, the song let's the people know
It's a painful song
It'll only say the truth
It lasts for sad songs
Twenty for wish
Wish it won't make it so a pretty kiss and a pretty face
Can't have it's way
There're tramps like us who were born to pay

Love has gone away
And there's no one here now
And there's nothing left to way
But, oh, how I miss him, baby
Oh, baby, come on and slip away
Come on, baby, why don't you slip away

Love has gone away
Took the rings of my fingers
And there's nothing left to say
But, oh how, oh how I need you, baby
Come on, baby, I need you baby
Oh, please don't slip away
I need your loving so bad, baby, please don't slip away

I wanna be black

I wanna be black
Have natural rhythm
Shoot twenty feet of jism, too
and fuck up Jews
I wanna be black
I wanna be a Panther
Have a girlfriend named Samantha
And have a stable of foxy whores
Oh I wanna be black
I don't wanna be a fucked up, middle class,
college student anymore
I just want to have a stable of foxy little whores
Yeah, yeah I wanna be black

I wanna be black
I wanna be like Martin Luther King
and get myself shot in spring
And lead a whole generation too
And Fucked up the Jews

I wanna be black, I wanna be like Malcolm X
and cast a hex over President Kennedy's tomb
And have a big prick, too

I don't wanna be a fucked up, middle class,
college student anymore

I just want to have a stable of foxy little whores
Yeah, yeah I wanna be black

Real Goodtime Together

We're gonna have a real good time together
We're gonna have a real good time together
We're gonna have a real good time together
We're gonna dance and bawl and shout together

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na

We're gonna have a real good time together
We're gonna have a real good time together
We're gonna dance and bawl and shout together, oh baby, please
We're gonna have a real good time together

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na

Shooting Star

All the people had their share of the glory
looking out after you
It's just a story about winners and glory
and you know that it's true

Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star
Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star

Some men may glory from a different condition
of another car
And later persuasion would permit the arranging
of a ...
And to cause more confusion, and to make this illusion
would have gone too far
And it's my ambition, of a jacket ignition
in a Cadillac metal car

Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star
Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star
Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star
Ah ha, oh yeah, you're just a shooting star

You're just a shooting star

Leave Me Alone

Everybody's gonna try to tell you what to do
And never, never, never, never
Let it be said that it's true
Leave me, leave me, leave me, leave me, leave me alone
Leave me, leave me, leave me, leave me, leave me alone

They're the kind of people that'll always let you down
I know you, too, you don't ever give it a frown
Leave me, leave me, leave me ...

Don't you know some people
They just don't know when to stop
They can't tell the floor from the ceiling or the top
And there're other types, they always make you wait
And they're always the first to say
The state you come from

Leave me, leave me, leave me ...

Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me forever
Love me, love me, love me ...

Leave me, leave me, leave me ...


Wait (disgrace)
I know I shouldn't, but we'll wait (such a pretty face)
I know the time is getting late (... such a waste)
And here is what you hesitate (such a pretty face)
But still I really wish that you'd wait (... such a waste)
Although the passion might abate (such a pretty face)
And find you in another state (it's such a state)
That will seem just as a mistake (it's such a waste)
Oh baby, I really think that I oughta wait (such a pretty face)

Wait (it was such a waste)
I really wouldn't want your hate (it's such a pretty face)
Certainly not after like late (... such a waste)
You wanna give not only take (it's such a pretty face)
I know propriety is such a waste (it's such a disgrace)
But then it says you really have to wait (such a pretty face)
Considering the present state (... such a waste)
Don't change my mind at such a late stage (... such a waste)
Oh baby, don't you think you oughta wait (such a pretty face)

Ooohhh ...
Ooohhh ...
Ooohhh ...
Ooohhh ...

Oh, now baby, how I wish you would wait
I really wish you'd hesitate
Oh, baby, baby please why don't you wait
Oh, how I really wish you'd wait
Oh, how I wish you'd hesitate

(... someday)

The Bells

Stupid Man

Stupid man, hitchhiking out of a good life
he says: "Catch you when ..."
And he thinks he's got big, big planes
gonna build a house upon some land

Oh, Casey, don't it make you crazy
oh, when you're living all alone by that damp water
Oh, Casey, don't it make you crazy
when you're living all alone by those still waters

Please say hello, please say hello
to my little baby daughter
Oh, Casey, tell her that her father's gonna be coming home
so soon, so soon to see her

Well, I'm shooting down the turnpike
with a driver doing ninety-five or maybe more
don't you think he's loaded, drunk
or the many things that lifes are for
Oh, Casey, oh, Casey, don't you know
I'll make you so damn crazy
living all alone by those waters

But please say hello
But please say hello to my little baby daughter
Please, please, won't you just give her a great, big kiss
And tell her daddy, stupid daddy will be coming home soon

Oh, Casey, oh, Casey don't you know, I make me so damn crazy
when I was living there, all alone by those still waters
But please tell, please tell my baby baby baby daughter
that I'm tied up now,
but I'll be home soon, I'll be the daddy that I oughta

Please say hello, oh Casey, please say hello
from a stupid man
Still my little baby daughter a big, big, big kiss
and tell her that her daddy will be coming home soon
But, Casey, don't you know I make me so damn crazy
when I was living there all alone
But won't you please give my,
give my baby daughter a great, big, stupid kiss
and tell her that her stupid father will be coming home soon
Stupid man

Disco Mystic

Disco, disco mystic
Disco, disco mystic
Disco, disco mystic

I Want To Boogie With You

Hey, pretty baby
don't you think you might give me a chance
Get it on with me
go down-town for some loving romance
And I know I ain't nothing
I ain't worth but a thin dime
But if you put your heart in my hands
I'm sure that I could change your mind

I wanna boogie with you
Yeah, I wanna boogie with you

There's something, baby, on which your parents
both agree
And that is that they both have a
deep distrust for me
And your best friend Frankie
well, I know, your best friend Frankie, he wants to see me sink
And I don't much blame him for that
he gets so useless after so few drinks, you know, baby

I wanna boogie with you
I wanna boogie with you

Well, I know your little baby sister
she thinks that I'm a flop
Well, I guess that you know that it's true
I spent more time at the bottom than the top
Tell your little sister
I know she wants to give me a whirl
But I don't have the time, baby
to wait till she's grown up, and she's a woman, not a girl

Don't you know, I wanna boogie with you
Hey, I wanna boogie with you
I wanna boogie with you
I wanna boogie with you, yeah

Boogie with you
Down by the corner
We'll be able to, yeah

With You

With you, life moves so fast
With you, everything's the last
Slow down

Don't you think you could be less capricious
I've met you, I don't have no death wish
Slow down, slow down

With you, there is no denying
It's you, not my lack of trying
With you, everybody's dying
It's you, it's not me who's crying
Crying, crying, crying, crying

With you, staying home tidy from the streets
With you, every friend is a possible freak
Slow down, slow down

With you, it's a foregone conclusion
With you, empty, it's all a delusion
With you, I can have no illusions
It's you, who has such delusions
Crying, crying, crying, crying

With you, everyone's a sucker
With you, it's got to be your father
Slow down, slow down

With you, life is just a scramble
With you, every day it's a gamble
With you, I can't get my bearings
With you, playing the Virgin Mary
And your crying, crying, crying, crying
Crying, crying

Looking For Love

Hey, hey, hey

Hey now, there's a lovely girl
can't you feel it on your ...
Hey now there's a lovely girl
that's the kind of girl turns me on
Hey now, there's a lonely boy
and he's good, good looking for love, ha
Hey now, there's a lovely girl
and she's looking for some stud.
She says, hey now, won't you give it to
won't you give it, give it, give it me, oh
Hey now, there's a lovely girl
give it, give it, give it to me, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey

Hey now, there's a naked your boys
want him around the world
Hey now, there's a jet set store
looking's good with some little pick up girl
Hey now, you should scratch her back
and you look good 'cause you're a boy
Hey, hey now when you rip off my shirt
you see that it ain't water on my chest
Hey, hey now, there's a dancing girl
Kiss you, kiss you, kiss you good bye, ooh, baby, ooh
Hey now, there's a lovely child
Look, look, looking for love

Hey, hey, hey
Give it to us, baby, now, yeah
There goes my chest, groovy on my best, baby, hey, yeah

City Lights

Don't these city lights light these streets to life
All these crazy nights bring us together
Any rainy day, you can dance your blues away
Don't these city lights bring us together

Charlie Chaplin's cane, well it flicked away the rain
Things weren't quite the same, after he came here
But then when he left, upon our own request
Things weren't quite the same, after he came here

Don't these city lights bring the streets to life
All these crazy nights bring us together
Any rainy day you can dance your blues away
Don't these city lights bring us together

We're supposed to be a land of liberty
And those city lights to blaze forever
But that little tramp, ooh, on that street corner lamp
When he left us, it's humor left for ever

We're supposed to be a land of liberty
And those city lights to blaze forever
But that little tramp, leaning on that street corner lamp
When he left us, it's humor left for ever

Don't these city lights bring the streets to life
All these crazy nights bring us together
Any rainy day you can dance your blues away
Don't these city lights bring us together

All Through The Night

You feel so lonely, when it's in the afternoon
and you gotta face it, all through the night
Don't it make you believe
that something's gonna have to happen soon
oh, baby, all through the night

All through the night
oh, baby, all through the night
All through the night
all through the night

Have you ever played with an all-night band
and got trough it, baby, all through the night
With a daytime of sin and a night time of hell
everybody's gonna look for a bell to ring
all through the night
And they do it, all through the night, baby
all through the night
When the words pour down and the poetry comes
and the novel's written and the book is done
you say, oh, Lord, lover, baby, give it to me
all through the night
And she says it

Best friend Sally, she got sick
and I'm feeling mighty ill, myself
it happens all the time, and all through the night
I went to Saint Vincent's
and I'm watching the ceiling fall down on her body
as she's lying round on the ground
said, oh, babe got to celebrate all through the night
Made me feel so sad, I cried all through the night
I said, oh, Jesus, all through the night
If the sinner's in and the good man's gone
then a woman can't come and help him home
then what're gonna do about it
When they go on all through the night

All they sing, oh, baby, oh, baby, oh, baby
all through the night
and he says, give it to me all through the night
It ain't so much when a man's gotta cry
to get a little loving and some peace of mind
said, hey, baby give it to me all through the night

Some people wait for things that never come
and some people dream of things they've never been done
they do it, oh, baby, all through the night
The city's funny and the country's wide
but I wanna know why they don't have a right
don't they do it, oh, baby, all through the night
Oh, mama, oh, mama, tell me 'bout it
all through the night
I wanna have it all through the night
Christmas comes only once a year
why can't anybody shed just one tear
for things that don't happen all through the night
Oh, mama, all through the night
oh, baby, do it to me all through the night
Easy, easy, baby, why don't you give it to me
all through the night


(How's the family)
(How's the family)

Mama, you tell me, how's the family
And Papa, tell me how thing's going by you
And little baby sister, I heard that you got married
And I heard that you had yourself a little baby girl, too
And here's some uncles and some cousins, I know, baby please
And would you believe my old dog Tessa's here too
And would you believe that nobody in this family wanted to keep her
And now that dog's more of a part of this family, then I am, too
I don't come home much anymore
No, no, no I don't come home much anymore

And Mama, I know I've disappointed you are
And Papa, I know that you feel the same way, too
And no, no, no, no, no I still haven't got married
And no, no, no there's no grand stunt planned here for you
And by the way, daddy tell me how's the business
I understand that your stock is going very high
No, daddy, you're not a poor man anymore
And I hope you'll realize it before you die
Because I don't come home much anymore
No, no, no, no, no I don't come home much no more
But daddy

And please, please, please, please, please, common
let's not start this business again
I know how much you resent the life that I have
But one more time - I don't want the family business
Don't want to inherit it upon the day that you die
Really, daddy, shouldn't you give it to my sister
You know, Elisabeth, you know, Elisabeth
she has a better head for those things than I
She lives practically round the corner
That's really the kind of child you could be proud of
But papa, I know this business is a mistake
There's nothing there we have in common, except our name
And families that live out in the suburbs
Often make each other cry
And I don't think I'll come home much anymore
No, no, I don't think I'll come home much again
Mama, Papa
We often make each other cry
No, I don't think I'll come home much anymore

(How's the families)

The Bells

And the actress is relayed
and the actor comes home late
And the plays have gone down
the crowds have scattered way
Neath the city lights and the street
No ticket could be beat
for the beautiful show of shows
Ah, Broadway only knows
The great white Milky Way
it had something to say
When he fell down on his knees
after soaring through the air
With nothing to hold him there
It was really not so cute
to play without a parachute
As he stood upon the ledge
looking out, he thought he saw a crock

And he hollered: Look, there are the bells
And he said: Now, here come the bells
Here come the bells, here come the bells
Here come the bells

Here come the bells X4

Growing Up In Public

How Do You Speak To An Angel

A son who is cursed with a harridan mother
Or a weak simpering father at best
Is raised to play out the timeless classical motives
Of filial love and incest

How does he
Speak to a
How does he speak to the prettiest girl
How does he
Talk to her
What does he say for an opening line
What does he say if he's shy

What do you do with your pragmatic passions
With your classically neurotic style
How do you deal with your vague self-comprehensions
What do you do when you lie

How do you
Speak to a
How do you speak to the prettiest girl
How do you speak to her
How do you dance on the head of a pin
When you're on the outside looking in

How do you
Speak to a
How do you speak to the prettiest girl
How do you
Speak to a
How do you speak to the prettiest girl

You just say - Hello, hello, hello Baby

My Old Man

When I was a young boy in Brooklyn
Going to public school
During recess in the concrete playground
They lined us up by twos
In alphabetical order, Reagan, Reed and Russo
I still remember the names
And stickball and stoopball
Were the only games that we played
And I wanted to be like my old man
I wanted to grow up just like my old man
I wanted to be like my old man
I wanted to dress like
I wanted to be just like
I wanted to act like my old man
I wanted to be like
I wanted to act like
I wanted to be just like my old man

And then like everyone else I started to grow
And I didn't want to be like my father anymore
I was sick if his bullying
And having to hide under a desk on the floor
And when he beat my mother
It made me so mad I could choke
And I didn't want to be like my old man
I didn't even want to look like my old man
I didn't even want to seem like my old man

A son watches his father
Being cruel to his mother
And makes a vow to return only when
He is so much richer
In every way so much bigger
That the old man will never hit anyone again

Like my old man X4

And can you believe what he said to me
He said, "Lou, act like a man"
Why don't you act just like a man
Act like your daddy
Act like a man
Why don't you act like a man
Like your old man

Like my old man

Keep Away

You keep your jealousy and your snide remarks to yourself
You know that I'm not seeing anyone else
You just keep your ear down to the ground
Yell your head off if you hear a sound
Here's a whistle, a badge and a phone
You can arrest me if I'm not at home
And if I don't keep my word I swear
I'll keep away

Here's some books and a puzzle by Escher
Here's Shakespeare's "Measure For Measure"
Here's a balloon, a rubber band and a bag
Why don't you blow them up if you think you've been had
Here's a castle, a paper dragon and a moat
An earring, a toothbrush and a cloak
And if I don't keep my word I swear
I'll keep away

I swear I'll keep away

Growing Up In Public

Some people are into the power of power
The absolute corrupting power, that makes great men insane
While some people find their refreshment in action
The manipulation, encroachment and destruction of their inferiors

Growing up in public, growing up in public
Growing up in public, growing up in public with your pants down

Some people are into sadistic pleasures
They whet their desires and drool in your ears
They're quasi-effeminate characters in love with oral gratification
They edify your integrities, so they can play on your fears

They're gonna do you in public, 'cause you're growing up in public
They're gonna do it to you in public,
'Cause you're growing up in public with your pants down

Some people think being a man is unmanly
Some people think that the whole concept's a joke
But some people think being a man is the whole point
And then some people wish they'd never awoke

Up from a dream of nightmarish proportions
Down to a size neither regal nor calm
A Prince Hamlet caught the middle between reason and instinct
Caught in the middle with your pants down again

Caught in the middle, I'm really caught in the middle
I'm caught in the middle, caught in the middle deciding about you

Standing On Ceremony

Remember your manners
will you please take your hat off
Your mother is dying
listen to her cough

We were always standing on ceremony
We were always standing on ceremony

Can't you show some respect please
although you didn't in real life
Your mother is dying
and I god damn well hope you're satisfied

We were always standing on ceremony
We were always standing on ceremony

So please play another song on that juke box
Please play another pretty sad song for me
And of that phone rings, tell them that you haven't seen me
If the phone rings, tell them you haven't seen me for weeks
and this one here's on me

Standing on ceremony, standing on ceremony
Standing on ceremony, standing on ceremony
Standing on ceremony, you were always standing on ceremony
(Standing, on ceremony) X6

So Alone

She calls on the phone
she says she doesn't want to be alone
She says it's making her neurotic
but please don't mistake it for being erotic

So alone, so all alone

She says let's go for a walk
we'll have a drink and maybe we will talk
And he thinks she has possibilities
if she could just put away her rosary

So alone, nobody wants to be alone

But I just didn't know
I swear to you, I just didn't know
I would never make you sad
if I had known I never would have
said those things to you
you have to be crazy to say those things to you

Let's face it I made a mistake
well you know, fools rush in where angels take a break
I can't be smart all of the time
and anyway I didn't know you were making time over him

To tell you the truth, I forget all about him

And you know, I don't think it's nice
asking one man about another man's vice
I don't care if you pick my head
as long as we end up in bed

Alone, just the two of us alone

I just didn't know
I swear to God, I just didn't know
Can't you understand that it's frightening
when you hear women talking about castrating and hating men
who wants to know about how you hate men

Well, you said now you wanted to dance
so now we're going to dance
You said that you weren't complete
but we're going to put you on your feet
You said that you were very vexed
you told me to forget about sex
You said you liked me for my mind
well, I really love your behind

Oh, get up and boogie, oh baby, get up and dance
Oh, get, get, get, get up and boogie, baby, oh, get up and dance
Shake your booty, mama, oh, get up and dance

Your points very clear
you're not one to cry into your beer
Why don't we go to my place
believe me, I'm very chaste

And I'm so alone, ao all alone

Sure all men are beasts
hey, look, I'll sit here quietly and I'll stare at my feet
I don't blame you for taking umbrage
with animals staring at your cleavage

So alone, we're so all alone

Hey, do you mind if I turn out the light
don't take offense, but why don't you spend the night
I know your passions run very deep
but at this point we both need sleep

So alone, and who wants to be alone

Love Is Here To Stay

Love is here, here to stay, love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day, love is here, here to stay

They both love Chinese food, he hates to dress
He loves to play pinball, she wants to play next
She likes her novels long, he's into comic books
They're gilt-edged polymorphous urban but somehow it works

Love is here, here to stay, love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day, love is here, here to stay

She likes Truman Capote, he likes Gore Vidal
He likes Edgar Allan Poe, she's into Mean Joe Greene
She thinks eating meat's disgusting, he likes hot dogs
She's into Gestalt therapy, while est and the vest just make him ill
but love is here to stay

Love is here, here to stay, love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day, love is here, here to stay
Love is here, here to stay, love is here, here to stay
It gets proven every day, love is here, here to stay

The Power Of Positive Drinking

Some like wine and some like hops
but what I really love is my scotch
It's the power, the power of positive drinking

Some people ruin their drinks with ice
and then they, they ask you for advice
They tell you, "I've never told anyone this before"

They say: "Candy is dandy but liquor makes quipsters."
and I don't like mixers, or sippers or sob sisters,
You know, you have to be real careful where you sit down
in a bar these days

And then some people drink to unleash their libidos
and other people drink to prop up their egos
It's my burdon, man, people say
I have the kind of face you can trust

The pow pow pow pow power of positive drinking X5

Some people say, alcohol makes you less lucid
and think that's true if you're kind of stupid
I'm not that kind that get's himself burned twice

And some say liquor kills the cells in your head
and for that matter so does getting out of bed
When I exit, I'll go out gracefully, shot in my hand

The pow pow pow pow power of positive drinking X5


Smiles, I was taught never to smile
I was told the stylish smiles of buffoonery
chicanery and larceny abound

My mom said unless someone sticks you right in front of a camera
A smile is the last thing that you wanna do
Those smiles, those mirthless toothy smiles

Smiles, they all smile on TV
The quizmaster with his withered crones
the talkshow hosting movie stars
the politician licking feet

The mugger, the rapist, the arsonic lover
All smile out from the news, at one time or another
Those smiles, those garish sickly smiles

When I was young my mother said to me:
"Never, ever, let anyone see that you're happy"

Smiles, never, ever let them see you smile
they'll always put you down
With those smiles, never, ever let them see you smile
they'll always put you down
With your smiles, never, ever let them see you smile
don't you know they'll make you go

Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ...

Think It Over

Walking, he stared raptly at her face
on his lips, her smell, her taste
Black hair framing her perfect face
with her wonderful mind and her incredible grace

And so, he woke, he woke her with a start
to offer her his heart
for once and for all, forever to keep
And the words, that she first heard him speak
were really very sweet
he was asking her to marry him, and to

Think it over
baby, think it over
Think it over
baby, why don't you think it over

She said: "Somewhere, there's a faraway place
where all is ordered and all is grace
No one there is ever disgraced
and everyone there is wise
and everyone has taste,"

And then she sighed, well La Dee Dah Dee Dah
you and I have come quite far
and we really must watch what we say
Because when you ask for someone's heart
you must know that you're smart
smart enough to care for it, so I'm gonna

Think it over
baby, think it over
Think it over
Baby, I'm gonna think it over

Teach The Gifted Children

Teach the gifted children
teach them to have mercy
Teach them about sunsets
teach them about moonrise
Teach them about anger
the sin that comes with dawning
Teach them about flowers
the beauty of forgetfulness
Then take me to the river (take me to the river)
and put me in the water (and put me in the water)
Bless them and forgive them (take me to the river)
father cause they just don't know (take me to the river)
All the gifted children

Teach the gifted children
the way of men and animals
Teach them about cities
the history of the mysteries
Their vice and their virtues
about branches that blow in the wind
On the wages of their sins
teach them of forgiveness
teach them about mercy
Teach them about music
and the cool and cleansing waters
What do they say, take me to the river (take me to the river)
take me to the river (take me to the river)
Put me in the water (take me to the river)
and teach the gifted children (take me to the river)
All the gifted children (take me to the river)
(Take me to the river)
(Take me to the river)

The Blue Mask

My House

The image of the poet's in the breeze
Canadian geese are flying above the trees
A mist is hanging gently on the lake
My house is very beautiful at night

My friend and teacher occupies a spare room
He's dead - at peace at last the Wandering Jew
Other friends has put stones on his grave
He was the first great man that I had ever met

Sylvia and I got out our Ouija Board
To dial a spirit - across the room it soared
We were happy and amazes at what we saw
Blazing stood the proud and regal name Delmore

Delmore, I missed all your funny ways
I missed your jokes and the brilliant things you said
My Dedalus to your Bloom
Was such a perfect wit
And to find you in my house
Makes things perfect

I really got a lucky life
My writhing, my motorcycle and my wife
And to top it all off a spirit of pure poetry
Is living in this stone and wood house with me

The image of the poet's in the breeze
Canadian geese are flying above the trees
A mist is hanging gently on the lake
Our house is very beautiful at night

Our house is very beautiful at night X3


I love women, I think they are great
They're a solace to the world in a terrible state
They're a blessing to the eyes, a balm to soul
What a nightmare to have no women in the world

I love women ...
We all love women

I used to look at women in the magazines
I know that it was sexist, but I was on the sly
I couldn't keep my hands off women
And I won't till I die

I love women ...
We all love women

A woman's love can lift you up, and women can inspire
I feel like buying flowers and hiring a celestial choir
A choir of castratis to serenade my love
They'd sing a little Bach for us and then we'd make love

I love women
I love women
We all love women
We love women

Underneath The Bottle

Oooohh whee, look at me, looking for some sympathy
It's the same old story, of a man and his search for glory
And he found it, underneath the bottle

Things are never good, things go from bad to weird
Hey gimme another Scotch with my beer
I'm sad to say, I feel the same today, as I always do
Gimme a drink to relax me

Oooohh whee, liquor set free, I can't do no work
The shake's inside me
Ah shucks, I got the lousiest luck, I'm sick of this
Underneath the bottle

Seven days make a week, on two of them I sleep
I can't remember what the heck I was doing
I got bruise on my leg from I can't remember when
I fell down some stairs
I was lyin' underneath the bottle

Oooohh whee, son of a B.
You get so down, you can't get any lower
So long world, you play too rough
And it's getting me all mixed up
I lost my pride and it's hiddin'
There, underneath the bottle

The Gun

The man has a gun, he knows how to use it
Nine millimeter Browning, let's see what he can do
He'll point at your mouth
Says that he'll blow your brains out
Don't mess with me, carrying a gun
Carrying a gun, carrying a gun
Don't you mess with me, carrying a gun
Carrying a gun, carrying a gun
Don't you mess with me, carrying a gun
Get over there, move slowly
I'll put a hole in your face, if you even breathe a word
Tell the lady to lie down, I want you to be sure to see this
I wouldn't want you to miss a second, watch your wife
Carrying a gun, shooting with a gun, dirty animal
Carrying a gun, carrying a gun, watch you face, carrying a gun
Carrying a gun, carrying a gun
The animal dies, with fear in his eyes, with a gun
Don't touch him, don't touch him
Stay away from him, he's got a gun

The Blue Mask

They tied his arms behind his back, to teach him how to swim
They put blood in his coffee and milk in his gin
They stood over the soldier, in the midst of the squalor
There was war in his body and it caused his brain to holler

Make the sacrifice, mutilate my face
If you need someone to kill
I'm a man without a will
Wash the razor in the rain, let me luxuriate in pain
Please don't set me free
Death means a lot to me

The pain was lean and it made him scream
He knew he was alive
He put a pin through the nipples on his chest
He thought he was a saint
I've made love to my mother, killed my father and brother
What am I to do
When a sin goes too far, it's like a runaway car
And cannot be controlled
Spit upon his face and scream: There is no Oedipus today
This is no play you're thinking you are in
What will you say
Take the blue mask down from my face
And look me in the eye
I get a thrill from punishment, I've always been that way
I loathe and despise repentance
You are permanently stained
Your weakness and indifference and indiscretion in the streets
Dirty's what you are and clean is what you're not
You deserve to be soundly beat

Make the sacrifice, take it all the way
There is no ' won't ' high enough
To stop this desperate day
Don't take death away, cut the finger at the joint
Cut the stallion at his mount
And stuff it in his mouth

Average Guy

I ain't no Christian or no born again saint
I ain't no cowboy or Marxist D.A.
I ain't no criminal or Reverend Cripple from the right
I am just your average guy, trying to do what's right

I'm just your average guy, an average guy
I am just an average guy, I'm just your average guy

Average guy, I'm just your average guy
I'm average looking and I'm average inside
I'm an average lover and I live in an average place
You wouldn't know me if you met me face to face

I'm just your average guy, average guy
Average guy, I'm just an average guy

I worry about money and taxes and such
I worry that my liver's big and it hurts to the touch
I worry about my health and bowels
And the crime waves in the street
I'm really just your average guy
Trying to stand on his own two feet

I'm just your average guy, I'm just your average guy
I'm just your average guy, average guy

Average looks, average taste, average height
An average waist, average in everything I do
My temperature is 98.2

I'm just your average guy, an average guy, average guy
I'm just an average guy, average guy
I'm just your average guy ..., average

The Heroine

The heroine stood up on the deck
The ship was out of control
The bow was being ripped to shreds
Men were fighting down below
The sea had pummeled the boat for so long
That they knew nothing but fear

And the baby's in the box, he thinks the door is locked
The sea is in a state, the baby learns to wait
For the heroine, ooohh for the heroine
Locked in his defense, he waits for the heroine

The mast is cracking as he waves are slapping
Sailors roll across the deck
And when they thought none was looking
They would cut a weaker man's neck
While the heroine dressed in a virgin white dress
Tried to steer the mighty ship
But the raging storm wouldn't hear of it
They were in for a long trip

Baby's in the box, he thinks the door is locked
He finds it hard to breathe, drawing in the sea
And where's the heroine to fire off the gun
To calm the raging seas and let herself be seized by the

Baby in the box, he thinks the door is locked
The woman has the keys
But there is no moment she can seize
Here's to the heroine, who transcends all the men
Who are locked inside the box
Will the lady let them out
Ooohh the heroine, ooohh the heroine
Strapped to the mast, the pale ascendant heroine ...

Waves Of Fear

Waves of fear, attack in the night
Waves if revulsion, a sickening sight
My heart's nearly bursting, my chest's choking tight
Waves of fear, waves of fear

Waves of fear, squat on the floor
Looking for some pill, the liquor is gone
Blood trips from my nose, I can barely breathe
Waves of fear, I too scared to leave
Waves of fear, waves of fear, waves of fear, waves of fear,

I'm too afraid to use the phone
I'm too afraid to put the light on
I'm so afraid I've lost control
I'm suffocating without a word

Crazy with sweat, spittle on my jaw
What's that funny noise, what's that on the floor

Waves of fear, pulsing with death
I curse my tremors, I jump at my own step
I cringe at my terror, I hate my own smell
I know where I must be, I must be in hell
Waves of fear, waves of fear, waves of fear, waves of fear,

The Day John Kennedy Died

I dreamed I was the president of these United States
I dreamed I replaced ignorance, stupidity and hate
I dreamed the perfect union and a perfect law, undenied
And most of all I dreamed I forgot the day John Kennedy died

I dreamed that I could do the job, that others hadn't done
I dreamed that I was uncorrupt and fair to everyone
I dreamed I wasn't gross or base, a criminal on the take
And most of all I dreamed I forgot the day John Kennedy died

Oh the day John Kennedy died ...

I remember where I was that day, I was upstate in a bar
The team from the university was playing football on TV
Then the screen want dead and the announcer said:
' There's been a tragedy
There's are unconfirmed reports the president's been shot
And he may be dead or dying.'
Talking stopped, someone shouted: ' What?! '
I ran out to the street
People were gathered everywhere saying:
' Did you hear what they said on TV? '
And then a guy in a Porsche with his radio
Hit his born and told us the news
He said: ' The president's dead, he was shot twice in the head
In Dallas, and they don't know by whom. '
I dreamed I was the president of these United States
I dreamed I was young and smart and it was not a waste
I dreamed that there was a point to life and to the human race
I dreamed that I could somehow comprehend that someone
Shot him in the face

Oh the day John Kennedy died ...

Heavenly Arms

Heavenly arms reach out to hold me
Heavenly arms entice you to dance
In a world of ill will, the dancers are still
Heavenly arms reach out to me

Heavenly arms, soft as a love song
Heavenly arms bring a kiss to your ear
In a world that seems mad, all the dancers seem sad
Heavenly arms reach out to me

Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia,

Heavenly arms come to my rescue
Only a woman can love a man
In a world full of hate, love should never wait
Heavenly arms reach out to me

Heavenly arms, strong as a sunset
Heavenly arms, pure as the rain
Lovers stand warned of the worlds impending storm
Heavenly arms reach out to me

Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia, Sylvia,

Legendary Hearts

Legendary Hearts

Legendary hearts, tearing up apart with stories of their love
Their great transcendant loves
While we stand here and fight
And lose another night of legendary love

Legendary loves haunt me in my sleep
Promises to keep, I never should have made
I can't live up to this, I'm good for just a kiss
Not legendary love

Romeo, oh Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo
He's in a car or at a bar
Or churning his blood with an impure drug
He's in the past and seems to be lost forever

He worked hard at being good
But his basic soul was stained not pure
And when he took his bow, no audience was clapping

Legendary hearts, tear us all apart
Make our emotions bleed, crying out in need
No legendary love is coming from above
It's in this room right now

And you've got to fight to make what's right
And you've got to fight to make what's right
And you've got to fight to make what's right
And you've got to fight to keep your legendary love

Don't Talk To Me About Work

A perfect day to get out of bed
Shower, dress, shave, kiss you on the head
Then I hit the office and my head starts to swim

A perfect day to just walk around
See a violent movie and check the sounds
But even on the street, when I hear a phone ring
My heart starts to beat
When I get home I don't want you to speak

Don't talk to me about work
Please don't talk to me about work
I'm up to my eyeballs in dirt - with work, with work

How many dollars, how many sales
How many liars, how many tales
How many insults must you take in this one life

I'm in prison most of the day
So please excuse me, if I get this way
But I have got obligations to keep -
So be very careful when you speak

Don't talk to me about work
Please don't talk to me about work
I'm up to my eyeballs in dirt - with work, with work ...

Make Up Mind

I can't seem to make up my mind
I can't tell the colors, that will fit this room
I can't tell a thing about you
Make up my mind

I can't seem to make up my mind
Are you laughing at me or telling a joke
The cigarette on the sheet begins to smoke
Make up your mind

Right or left, up or down, in or out
Straight or round, love or lust, rain or shine
I can't seem to make up my poor mind

I can't seem to make up my mind
I can't tell the difference between wrong and right
Are you laughing at me in your sleep tonight
Leaving me behind, leaving me behind
Why don't you make up your mind

Martial Law

I've declared a truce, so stop your fighting
The marshall is in town
I won't put up with no big mouth yapping
At least not while I'm around
This is my friend Ace, he's from the 8th precinct
Nothing goes on that he don't know
And we've been send cause your arguments
Have been going on for too long
And before one of you hurts the other one of you
I'm declaring martial law

I came, I saw, I declared martial law
I'm the marshall in the city
The jails are filled with people like you
You oughta listen to your diddy-wah-diddy
What's a girl like you doing with that lamp
You better drop it down on the floor
And, son, that isn't very smart, kicking a hole in that door
Hey Ace, will you take a look at this place
And get those neighbors out of the hall
I'm declaring martial law

I came, I saw, I declared martial law
I'm the marshall of the city
And if you stand away, I've got something to say
That might even help you

Keep your hands to yourself and keep your big mouth shut
Don't touch nobody with hate
And if all you've got is poison in your mouth
Make sure that you don't speak
It's 3:30 in the early morning
Don't punch, don't scratch, don't bite
Try not to take the garbage of the day
Any place but outside

Now me and Mr. Ace are gonna leave this place
And this fighting's gonna end
And if we're called back, I'm gonna knock you flat
And stack you end to end

I came, I saw, I declared martial law
I'm the marshall in the city

The Last Shot

The last shot should have killed me, pour another drink
Let's drink drink to the last shot
And the blood on the dishes in the sink
Blood inside the coffee cup, blood on the table top

When you quit, you quit, but you always wish
You knew it was your last shot

I shot blood at the fly on the wall
My heart almost stopped, hardly there at all
I broke the mirror with my fall -with my fall - fall - fall
Fall - fall - fall

Gimme a double, give yourself one too
Gimme a short beer, one for you too
And a toast to everything that doesn't move - that doesn't move

But when you quit, you quit, but you always wish
You knew it was your last shot

Whiskey, bourbon, vodka and scotch
I don't care what it is you've got
I just want to know that it's my last shot - my last shot

I remember when I quit pretty good
See, this here's where I chipped my tooth
I shot a vein in my neck and I coughed up a quaalude
On my last shot - my last shot

Here's a toast to all that's good
And here's a toast to hate
And here's a toast to toasting and I'm not boasting
When I say I'm getting straight, when I say I'm getting straight

But when you quit, you quit, but you always wish
You knew it was your last shot

When you quit, you quit, but you always wish
You knew it was your last shot

Turn Out The Light

Lover, lover, why is there light
In the itchy gitchy evening and it's dark outside
And what's the difference between wrong and right
Wrong and right
Isn't it funny how pain goes away
And then comes back another day
The air feels very good today - Good today

Lover, lover, why is there light
Did you forget to turn off that light
Well that's all right but it's way too bright - Way too bright
See the eagle above the hill
The lake reflects and is so still
The tension has gone from my will - from my will

Moon on the mountain shining bright
First there is dark and then there is light
And sometimes the light is way too bright - it's way to bright

Why don't you turn out the light

Pow Wow

Christopher Columbus discovered America
Found he had a cornucopia
Gave love to the indians, they gave it back
A pow woo in the teepee is where it's at

I want to dance with you ...

The indian fought with his arrow and bow
Till General Custer lost to Sitting Bull
Scalped all day and scalped all night
Give me fire water, gonna buy me a wife

I want to dance with you ...

When your people first moved to our block
Our ancestors met with culture shock
Two different monkees from two different trees
Come on let's stop our fightin' and come dance with me

I want to dance with you ...


Betrayed, by the one who says she loves you
By the one who says she needs you - above all other men
Betrayed, by her fragile, vicious beauty
Her father did his duty and I lie down betrayed

Justice taught her confidence, her mother was like steel
Her cousins, they're all convicts
She alone rose above that wheel
But a motorcyclist, no matter how good
Is slave to the oncoming truck
And the poison of her father was her most pitiless luck

Betrayed, by the one who says she loves you
By the one who says she needs you - above all other men
Betrayed, by her fragile, vicious beauty
Her father did his duty and I lay down betrayed

Three of us lie in his bed - night of infamy
One of us lies on our back - her father's in her head
And quick she turns and slaps my face
And with her eyes open wide she screams
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
But she's looking right by me

Betrayed, by the one who says she loves you
By the one who says she needs you - above all other men
Betrayed, by her fragile, vicious beauty
Her father did his duty and I lie down betrayed

Bottoming Out

I'm cruising fast on a motorcycle down this winding country road
And I pass the gravel on the foot of the hill
Where last week I fell off
There's still some oil by the old elm tree
And a dead squirrel that I hit
But if I hadn't left, I would've struck you dead
So I took a ride instead

Bottoming out, bottoming out, I'm bottoming out, bottoming out

My doctor says, she hopes I know, how lucky I can be
After all it wasn't my blood, mixed in the dirt that night
And we must really examine this
And I say I need another drink

Bottoming out, ...

I'm tearing down Rt. 80 East, the sun's on my right side
I'm drunk, but my vision's good and I think of my child bride
I aim that bike at the fat pothole beyond that underpass

Bottoming out, ...

Home Of The Brave

Here's to Johnny with his Jo, and Mickey's got a wife
And here's to Jerry, he's got Joyce
And me I'm shaking in my boots tonight
For the daughters and the sons
Lost in the home of the brave

Here's to the home of the brave
Here's to the life that's not saved
Here's to the home of the brave
Here's to the home of the brave

Here's to Frank, hit in some bar
In picturesque Brooklyn Heights
And here' to a friend, who jumped in front of a train
At seven o'clock, on night
And another friend, who thinks he lacks worth
Has disappeared from sight
Somewhere in the home of the brave

Here's to the home of the brave, ...

The stars are hiding in their clouds
The street lights are too bright
A man's kicking a woman, who's clutching his leg tight
And rush off to the home of the brave

Here's to the home of the brave, ...

And everyday you have to die some, cry some, die some
And everyday you have to die some, cry some, and die
In the home of the brave - home of the brave

Rooftop Garden

Sitting in our rooftop garden, looking down below
Sitting in our rooftop garden, waiting for the sun

Isn't it lovely watching a plane go by
What a lovely couple are you and I

Sitting in our rooftop garden, a few drops of rain
The lights in the city blinking on, just the same

No sugar in my coffee, how's your tea
In our rooftop garden above the city

Let's not see any letters, let's not answer the phone
Let's just pretend that there's no one at home

In our rooftop garden, in our rooftop garden
In rooftop garden
Up on the roof ...

New Sensations

I Love You, Suzanne

You broke my heart and you made me cry
You said that I couldn't dance
But now I'm back to let you know
That I can really make romance

You do what you gotta do, you do everything you can
You do what you wanna do, hey, but I love you, Suzanne

You do anything once, you try anything twice
You so what you gotta do, hey, but I love you, Suzanne

I love you when you're good, I love you when you're bad
You do what you gotta do, but I love you, Suzanne

You do what you wanna do, you do what you you can
You do what you wanna do, babe, but I love you, Suzanne

Endlessly Jealous

Jealousy, endlessly sweeps through my mind
Jealousy, often causes me to be unkind
I'm sorry I said that, I'm sorry I did that
I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Endlessly jealous of you, being endlessly jealous of me
The man that you thought I could be
Turning red with jealousy

Endlessly jealousy eats through my skull
Endlessly jealousy makes me feel dull
Fighting, endless, jealous fighting
I feel my fingers tightening, tightening,
Please don't break her arm

Jealously thinking of you
Of your endless possesion of me
Of my jealousy / endlessly / jealousy, endlessly jealous of you

Sorry, running to a phone to say, I'm sorry
Running out of dimes, the phone on the street spit at me

Sorry, please you know how I'm sorry
I've been this way for oh, so long
Endlessly / Jealously / Jealous of you

Jealousy, endlessly eats through my mind
Jealousy, endlessly makes me be unkind
I'm sorry I said that, I'm sorry I did that
I'm sorry I hit you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Endlessly jealous of you, being endlessly jealous of me
Endlessly jealous of you, being endlessly jealous of me
Endlessly jealous of you, endlessly jealous of you

My Red Joystick

The first bite of the apple made Eve smart
The second bite taught her how to break men's hearts
The third bite taught her how to strut her stuff
But she never got to the fourth bite, that says :
Enough is enough

Enough is enough, I've had enough of you
You can keep your dresses, you can keep your jewels
You can keep the color TV, those soaps just make me sick
All I'm asking you leave me, is my little red joystick

My red joystick, my red joystick
All I'm asking you leave me, is my little red joystick
My red joystick, my red joystick
All I'm asking you leave me, is my little red joystick

Eve kissed Able, that's how he got murdered by Cain
Abraham gave up his son, to keep his wife away
And even the Load almighty, speaking from the trenches to the pits
Spoke for all of mankind, when he said

Take the Porsche, take the kids, take the stocks
Take the rugs, take those roses from my poor heart wilting
But, please, please, please

Leave me my red joystick, leave me my red joystick
Leave me my red joystick, leave me my red joystick

Eve drank apple cider, Eve brewed good apple wine
Eve cooked up stewed apples, knew how to have a good time
She came into the bathroom, raised her skirts up high
She said, 'If a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, baby
Give me a piece before I die

Hey, Eve take a bite of my apple
I know you think you're pretty slick
The one thing I ask you to leave me is my red joystick

My red joystick, my red joystick
All I'm asking you leave me, is my little red joystick
My red joystick, my red joystick
All I'm asking you leave me, is my little red joystick
My red joystick

Turn To Me

If you gave up major vices
You're between a hard place and a wall
And your car breaks down in traffic on the street
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me

If you father is freebasing and your mother turning tricks
That's still no reason that you should have a rip
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me

When your teeth are ground down to the bone
And there's nothing between your legs
And some friend died of something that you can't pronounce
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me

You can't pay your rent
Your boss is an idiot
Your apartment has no heat
Your wife says: Maybe it's time to have a child
Remember, I'm the one who loves you
You can always give me a call
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me

What it's all too much
You turn the TV set on and light a cigarette
Then a public service announcement comes creeping on
You see a lung corroding or a fatal heart attack
Turn to me, turn to me, turn to me

New Sensations

I don't like guilt be it stoned or stupid
drunk and disorderly I ain't no cupid
Two years ago today I was arrested on Christmas Eve

I don't want pain, I want to walk not be carried
I don't want to give it up, I want to stay married
I ain't no dog tied to a parked car

Ooohhh, new sensations
Ooohhh, ooohhh, new sensations

Talkin' 'bout some new sensations
Talkin' 'bout some new sensations

I want the principles of a timeless muse
I want to eradicate my negative views
And get rid of those people who are always on a down

It ain't enough to tell what is wrong
but that's not what I want to hear all night long
Some people are like human toulinols

Ooohhh, new sensations
Ooohhh, ooohhh, new sensations

Talkin' 'bout some new sensations
Talkin' 'bout new sensations

I took my GPZ out for a ride
the engine felt good between my thighs
The air felt cool, it's was forty degrees outside

I rode to Pennsylvania near the Delaware Gap
sometimes I got lost and had to check the map
I stopped at a roadside diner for a burger and a coke

There were some country folk and some hunters inside
somebody got themselves married and somebody died
I went to the juke box and played a hillbilly song

They was arguing about football as I waved and went outside
and I headed for the mountains feeling warm inside
I love that GPZ so much, you know that I could kiss her

Ooohhh, new sensations
Ooohhh, ooohhh, new sensations

Talkin' 'bout your new sensations
Talkin' new sensations

Ooohhh, new sensations ...

Doin' The Thing That We Want To

The other night we went to see Sam's play
Doin' the things that we want to
It was very physical it held you to the stage
Doin' the things that he want to ...

The guy's a cowboy from some rodeo
Doin' the things that we want to
The girl had once loved him, but now she want to go
Doin' the things that we want to ...

The man was bullish, the woman was a tease
Doin' the things that we want to
They fought with their words, their bodies and their deeds
Doin' the things that we want to
When they finished fighting, they excited the stage
Doin' the things that we want to
I was firmly struck by the way they had behaved
Doin' the things that we want to ...

It reminds me of the movies Marty made about New York
Doin' the things that we want to
Those frank and brutal movies that are so brilliant
Doin' the things that we want to
'Fool For Love' meet 'The Raging Bull'
Doin' the things that we want to
They're very inspirational, I love the things they do
Doin' the things that we want to ...

There's not much you hear on the radio today
Doin' the things that we want to
But you still can see a movie or a play
Doin' the things that we want to
Here's to 'Travis Bickle' and here's 'Johnny Boy'
Doin' the things that we want to
Growing up in the mean streets of New York
Doin' the things that we want to

I wrote this song 'cause I'd like to shake your hand
Doin' the things that we want to
In a way you guys are the best friends I ever had
Doin' the things that we want to ...

What Becomes A Legend Most

What becomes a legend most
- when she's alone in a hotel lobby
What becomes a legend most
- some bad champagne and some foreign bottled beer
What becomes a legend most
- when the musicians have come and then leave her
What becomes a legend most
- besides beeing a legendary star
What becomes a legend most
- lying in bed cold and regal
What becomes a legend most
- lying in bed watching a talk show on TV
What becomes a legend most
- Fifty days in fifty cities
Everyone says she looks pretty
At least as pretty as a legend should

Fifty days can wear you down
Fifty cities flying by
A different man in each different hotel
And if you're not careful, word can get around

What becomes a legend most
- when she's lying in her hotel room
What becomes a legend most
- well baby tonight it's you

Fly Into The Sun

I would not run from the holocaust
I would not run from the bomb
I'd welcome the chance to meet my maker
And fly into the sun, fly into the sun, fly into the sun
I'd break up into million pieces and fly into the sun

I would not run from the blazing light
I would not run from its rain
I'd see it as an end to misery
As an end to worldly pain
An end to worldly pain ...
I'd shine by the light of the unknown moment
To end this worldly pain
Fly into the sun, fly into the sun
I'd shine by the light of the unknown moment
And fly into the sun

The earth is weeping, the sky is shaking
The stars split to their core
And every proton and unnamed neutron
is fusing in my bones
And an unnamed mammal is darkly rising
As man burns from his tomb
And I look at this as a blissful moment
To fly into the sun

Fly into the sun, fly into the sun
I'd burn up into a million pieces
And fly into the sun
To end this mystery answer my mystery
I'd look at this as a wondrous moment
To end this mystery
Fly into the sun, fly into the sun
I'd break up into a million pieces
And fly into the sun

My Friend George

Read in the paper about a man killed with a sword
And that made my think of my friend George
People said the man was five foot six
Sounds like George with his killing stick

Hey Bro, what's the word
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George
Hey Bro, what's the word
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George
You're talkin' 'bout My Friend George

I knew George since he's eight
I always thought that he was great
Anything that George would do
You know that I would do it too

George liked music and George liked to fight
He worked out in a downtown gym every night
I'd spar with him when work has done
We split lips but it was all in fun

Hey Bro, what's the word
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George
Hey Bro, what's the word
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George

Next thing I hear George's got this stick
And using it for more than kicks
I see him down at Smalley's bar
He was wired up, I tried to calm him down

Avenge yourself he says to me
Avenge yourself for humanity
Avenge yourself for the weak and the poor
Stick it to these guys fight through their heads
Well, the fight is my music, the stick is my sword
And you know that I love you, so please don't say a word
Can't you gear the music playing, the anthem, it's my call
And the last I seen of George was him running through the door

I says, Hey Bro, what's the word
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George
Hey Bro, what's the word
You're talkin' 'bout My Friend George
Talkin' 'bout My Friend George

High In The City

I got the time I got my feet
Let's go hit the street
High in the city, high in the city
I got my mace and you got your knife
You gotta protect your own life
High in the city, high in the city

I wanna get high high in the city
I wanna stay alive here in the city
I wanna stay high high in the city
High in the city, high in the city

Let's not walk down Sutton Place
You know everybody there got an Akitas
High in the city, high in the city
Don't wanna talk politics today
I feel too good let me have my way
High in the city, high in the city

Let's grap a pie, let's hit the park
I'll kiss and hug you till it gets dark
Here in the city, getting high in the city
High in the city and you're looking so pretty
Feelin' pretty witty, gettin' high off of the city
High in the city

Watch out for that guy on your right
Seen him on the news last Saturday night
He was high in the city
Hey, look they're setting fire to that jeep
There's not much you can keep
High in the city, high in the city

I wanna get high high in the city
I wanna stay alive alive in the city
I wanna stay high high in the city
High in the city, high in the city
So many people feeling low
And there's only one way to go to
Get high in the city, high in the city

Down At The Arcade

Down at the arcade the defender is there
Down off of Broadway he's there playing his games
It's very dangerous putting money down on Robotron
Oh, I'm the Great Defender
And I really know just how to get along

Down at the arcade
Oh, I'm the Great Defender
And I really think I've got it made

A fistful of quarters, a fifty dollar stake
Life is a gamble on Videotape
I called a disc jockey to dedicate a song to Blair
It's the 'Four Tops' singing 'I'll be there'

Down at the arcade ...

The president called to give me the news
I've been awarded the Nobel Price in rhythm and blues
And Stevie Wonder wants to record one of my songs
Oh, I'm the Great Defender
And I really know just how to get along

Oh, I'm the Great Defender, listen to my song
I really hope you like it, it isn't very long
It's rooted in the fifties but its heart's in 1984
And if you really like it
Then I sing it for you once more

Down at the arcade ...



When I was six, I had my first lady
when I was eight, my first drink
When I was fourteen, I was speeding in the street
what could anybody say to me

You can call me Mister, you can call me Sir
but don't you point your finger at me

I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want a mistrial in front of the people
I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want to bring my case to the people of New York City

When I was thirty, my attitude was bad
if I said differently it'd be a lie
But there's some smarts you learn down in the street
that a college education can't buy

You can call me Mister, or you can call me Sir
but don't you point your finger at me, oh

I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want a mistrial in front of the people
I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want to bring my case to in front of the people at New York City

You can call me Mister, or you can call me Sir
but don't you point your finger at me, yeah

I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want a mistrial in front of the people, I, I
I want a mistrial to clear my name
I want to bring my case to the people at New York City

And I said "M-I-S-T-R-I-A-L", mistrial
in front of all the people
I said "M-I-S-T-R-I-A-L", mistrial
in front of the people of New York City

.... the people of New York City
I said mistrial
"M-I-S-T-R-I-A-L" ....

No Money Down

I know you're disappointed
in the way I handled things
You're thinking I misread the times
and acted cowardly
And since what I do affects us both
and you feel that I let you down

You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down
You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down

(Hey! lover)
(Hey! lover)

They say there's someone for everyone
and for everyone a someone
And some tattoo roses across their chests
with a heart that says Rollo
And some work without a Public Relations man
and do their best work, baby, out of sight

You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down
You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down

(Hey! lover)
(Hey! lover)

Now I have known a hero or two
and they all learn to swim through mud
And they all got boots caked with dirty soles
that they get from Squashing bugs
So when push comes to shove get the Harley revved up
the moon can eclipse even the sun

You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down
You're paying a price when there is no price to pay
lovers trust, No Money Down

Lovers trust, No Money Down (Hey! lover)
Yes, lovers trust, No Money Down (Hey! lover)
Lovers trust, No Money Down (Hey! hey! lover)
Lovers trust, No Money Down (Hey! hey! lover)
(Hey! hey! lover)
(Hey! hey! lover)


Outside the world's a mindless child
Outside reflects the worst of styles
Inside when you're in my arms
a mindless child is still to be borne
Inside, baby, when we come inside

Outside the politics of greed
Outside misbehavior seethes
Mindless repression dominates the street
while I kneel down and kiss your feet
Inside, baby, when we come inside

Outside they don't think they breed
Outside emotion determines need
Outside the world's a mindless child
that we could bring to life in your arms
Inside, baby, when we come inside

Outside the politics of hate an greed
Outside the world's a mindless child
But when I hold you in my arms
it's a mindless child that you want
Inside, no matter 'bout the world Outside

Inside, a baby's what you want inside

Don't Hurt A Woman

I was angry, I said things I shouldn't say
but please don't turn your back
Sometimes I get so upset
but I take it all back

Please don't go, I know I was wrong
Sometimes I don't know what comes over me

But I try to remember
don't hurt a Woman
Don't hurt a Woman

I was angry, I said things I shouldn't say
I must have lost control
Sometimes something clicks in my head
and I'm not myself anymore

That wasn't me, you can't believe everything you see
let's make believe I never said a word

And I'll try to remember
don't hurt a Woman
Try to remember
don't hurt a Woman
Try to remember
don't hurt a Woman
I'll try to remember
don't hurt a Woman
'Cause I lovin' you
so long

Video Violence

The currents rage deep inside us
this is the age of Video Violence
The currents rage so deep inside us
this is the age of Video Violence

Up in the morning drinking his coffee
turns on the TV to some slasher movie
Cartoon-like women, tied up and sweaty
painting and screaming, thank you, have a nice day

the currents rage, the dawn's upon us
this is the age of Video Violence
The currents rage so deep inside us
this is the age of Video Violence

Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na

His heart is pounding he switches the channel
looking for something, other than rape or murder
Or beatings or torture, but except for Walt Disney
it's a twisted alliance, this age of Video Violence

The currents rage, the dawn's upon us
this is the age of Video Violence
The current rage so deep inside us
this is the age of Video Violence

Down at his job his boss sits there screaming
if he loses his job, life looses its meaning
His son is in high school, there's nothing he's learning
he sits by the TV, watching Corvettes exploding, 'cause

The currents rage, the dawn's upon us
this is the age of Video Violence
No age of reason landing upon us
this is the age of Video Violence

Na Na Na Na Na Na
Na Na Na Na Na Na

Down at a bar some woman is topless
she's acned and scarred, her hair is a mess
While he shoves $5 down her exotic panties
the video jukebox is playing Madonna
While just down the block at some local theater
they're grabbing their crotches at the 13th beheading
As the dead rise to live, the live sink to die
the currents are deep and raging inside

The currents rage so deep inside us
this is the age of Video Violence
No age of reason is landing upon us
this is the age of Video Violence

Na Na Na Na Na Na ...

Our good working stiff looks a whore in the eye
ties her to a bed while he beats her back bloody and then back
At home, drinking more instant coffee
calls some red-neck evangelist that he's seen on TV and says

The currents rage, the dawn's upon us
this is the age of Video Violence
No age of reason is landing upon us
this is the age of Video Violence

The currents rage so deep upon us
this is the age of Video violence
The currents rage so deep down inside us
this is the age of Video Violence

Na Na Na Na Na Na ...

Spit It Out

If there's rage inside you so you cannot think
spit it out
If you get so angry that you cannot speak
spit it out
Talk to him or her or it
and tell them where they can put it
Spit it out, spit it out
You got to talk to him or her or it
and take aim with your mouth and spit
Spit it out, spit it out

If you get worked over at your job
spit it out
If a taxi almost runs you down
spit it out
You got to take aim with your mouth and speak
and give it to them right between the teeth
Spit it out, spit it out
Talk to him or her or it
and take aim with your mouth and spit
Spit it out, spit it out

If you're patient and you have the time
spit it out
Wait till they're on the decline
spit it out
The Chinese say you meet the hard with the soft
the Yin with the Yang, the down with the up, oh
Spit it out, spit it out
You got to grab that dumb he she or it
and give it to them right between the teeth
Spit it out, spit it out

Spit it out, babe, spit it out

The Original Wrapper

I was sittin' home on the West End
watchin' cable TV with a female friend
We were watchin' the news, the world's in a mess
the poor and the hungry, a world in distress
Herpes, AIDS, the Middle East at full throttle
better check that sausage, before you put it in the waffle
And while you're at it - check what's in the batter
make sure that candy's in the Original Wrapper

Hey, pitcher, better check that batter
make sure that candy's in the Original Wrapper

Reagan says abortion's murder
while he's looking at Cardinal O'Connor
Look at Jerry Falwell Louis Farrakhan
both talk religion and the brotherhood of man
They both sound like they belong in Teheran
watch out, they're goin' full throttle
Better check that sausage, before you stick it in the waffle
and while you're at it better check, what's in the batter
make sure that candy's in the Original Wrapper

Hey, pitcher, better check that batter
make sure that candy's in the Original Wrapper

White against white, Black against Jew
it seems like it's 1942
The baby sits in front of MTV
watching violent fantasies
While Dad guzzles beer with his favorite sport
only to find his heroes are all coked up
It's classic, original, the same old story
the politics of hate in a new surrounding
Hate if it's good and hate if it's bad
and if this all don't make you mad
I'll keep yours and I'll keep mine
nothing sacred and nothing divine
Father, bless me, we're at full throttle
better check that sausage, before you put it in the waffle
And while you're at it better check that batter
make sure the candy's in the Original Wrapper

Hey, pitcher, better check that batter
make sure that candy's in the Original Wrapper, hey, hey

I was born in the United States
I grew up hard but I grew up straight
I saw a lack of morals and a lack of concern
a feeling that there's nowhere to turn
Yippies, Hippies and upwardly mobile Yuppies
don't treat me like I'm some dumb lackey
'Cause the murderer lives while the victims die
I'd much rather see it an eye for an eye
A heart for a heart, a brain for a brain
and if this all makes you feel a little insane
Kick up your heels, turn the music up loud
pick up your guitar and look out at the crowd
And say, "Don't mean to come on sanctimonious
but life's got me nervous and little pugnacious
Lugubrious so I give a salutation
and rock on out to beat really stupid
Ohh poop ah doo and how do you do
hip hop gonna bop till I drop."
Watch out world, comin' at you full throttle
better check that sausage, before you put it in the waffle
And while you're at it better check that batter
make sure the candy's in the Original Wrapper

Hey, hey, pitcher, better check that batter
make sure the candy's in the Original Wrapper
Hey, pitcher, better check that batter
make sure the candy's in the Original Wrapper, hey, hey, hey

Mama's Got A Lover

Mama's got a lover
a painter I am told
she's getting out of real estate
for the art scene down in old Soho
Art scene down in old Soho

Mama's got a lover
he owns a gallery
she says he likes collages but
the money's in graffiti
Money's in graffiti

Mama's got a lover
I met him yesterday
she says she hopes I like him
maybe I'll send him a card on father's day
Father's day

Mama's got a lover
they're backing a film
it's about a working mother
who gives birth to black and white Siamese twins
Black and white Siamese twins

Mama's got a lover
he's got something to say
he says he's into dirt and rot
The essence of "urban decay"
"Urban decay"

Mama's got a lover
we met yesterday
she says she hopes I like him
I'll send him a card on father's day
On father's day

Mama's got a lover
I met him yesterday
she's starting a new chapter
I wish she was on the last page
The last page

Mama's got a lover
we met yesterday
she says she hopes I like him
I'll send him a card on father's day
Father's day

Mama's got a lover (Mama's got a lover)
mama's got a lover (Mama's got a lover), oh
Mama's got a lover (Mama's got a lover)
my mama's got a lover (Mama's got a lover)

Mama's got a lover ...

I Remember You

I remember you
I remember me
I remember
I remember how things used to be
I remember every word that you said
I remember, how could I forget
I remember, I remember you
(I remember, I remember)

I remember you
I remember your old address
And I remember
how could I forget
I remember thinking how my luck changed
I remember being so amazed
I remember, I remember you
(I remember, I remember)
I remember, I remember you
(I remember, I remember)

I remember you
I remember me
I remember
The way things used to be
I remember how it was that we met
I remember, I will never forget
I remember, I remember you (I remember, I remember) ...

Tell It To Your Heart

I was staring through a telescope at night
at a large light in the sky
Its spinning lights reminded me of you
A star spinning in orbit
lighting up the sky
Or maybe it was not a star at all

I was standing by the Hudson River's edge at night
looking out across the Jersey shore
At a neon light spelling out some cola's name
And I thought your name should be dancing
beamed from satellites
Larger than any billboard in Times Square

Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
I'm the one who loves you in each and every way
Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
NYC lovers
Tell it to your heart
(Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
tell it to your heart)
(Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
tell it to your heart)

I'm on the roof, it's 5 a.m.
I guess I couldn't sleep
And I see this spinning light that I saw last week
Maybe I should wake you up
but by then it might be gone
You never know what you see when if you look up in the sky

I ran outside down a darkened street
listening to my boot heels click
My leather jacket squeaked I needed a cigarette
When I turned the corner
my spinning light was in the street
They were filming a commercial on TV

Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
we're no teenage movie that ends in tragedy
Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid
NYC Lovers
Tell it to your heart X4
(Tell it to your heart, please don't be afraid tell it to your heart) X3

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