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B i o g r a p h y
 ( by official label )

My Brightest Diamond is Shara Worden, granddaughter of an Epiphone-playing traveling evangelist, fathered by a National Accordion Champion, and mothered by a classical organist. Having a family of wanderers who migrated across the US every few years, the landscape and the musical influences were constantly changing. Spanish tangos, Sunday morning gospel, classical and jazz were the accompaniment to her home life. Her first song was recorded at age three and by age eight she was studying piano and performing in community musical productions.

As a teenager in Michigan, Shara honed her musical prowess singing along to Whitney Houston music videos and Mariah Carey albums. When pop music wasn't enough, she enrolled in the music program at the University of North Texas, immersing herself in the songs of Purcell and Debussy. After college, she moved to New York City and fell in love with its cold winters and busy streets. She continued to study opera on the Upper West Side during the day, but at night she frequented downtown clubs such as Tonic, Knitting Factory, and The Living Room, catching performances by Antony & the Johnsons, Nina Nastasia, and Rebecca Moore. She began to spend less time sight-reading Mozart and more time de-tuning her Gibson electric guitar to play her own newly-written songs. Coaxed out of recital halls and onto the small stages of bars and clubs, Shara assembled a coterie of musicians to accompany her with bass and drums, music boxes, wine glasses, and wind chimes.

In performance she showed unusual versatility, channeling the vocal theatrics of Kate Bush, the soulful seductiveness of Nina Simone and the gothic pop of Portishead. Her infatuation with theater and costumes inspired her to wear superhero capes, ball gowns, or Tudor corsets on stage, depending on her mood. Her deeply personal songs transcended the histrionics of opera; Shara was at last singing about what was closest to her heart. She began to see her own music as the most precious gift she could give to the world - as reflected in her namesake, My Brightest Diamond.

Of course, opera never really left her, and Shara's performance blurred the lines between rock show and recital, setting baroque love songs alongside French carols and Prince covers. Her vocal lines reached for Puccini, but her guitar was pure PJ Harvey. The center of gravity here was the workmanship of a woman whose imagination had no limits. To sharpen her skills, Shara studied composition with Australian composer Padma Newsome (of Clogs) and began to incorporate a string quartet in her live show. The influences of Nat King Cole and Henry Mancini rounded out the edges. A few years later, she met Sufjan Stevens at The Medicine Show, a variety show hosted by New York City's incendiary poet, Sage, at Arlene's Grocery. This, in turn, led to a yearlong sabbatical from her work, doing splits and round-offs (not to mention the human pyramid) as one of the notorious Illinoisemakers. Shara was quickly promoted as cheerleading captain.

All of this led to an impressive resume, but My Brightest Diamond still had no album to show for it. So in 2004, she began work on two records: one featuring songs accompanied by a string quartet titled "A Thousand Shark's Teeth", and a more standard rock album featuring a full band (featuring Earl Harvin on drums, Chris Bruce on bass, and, on one song, her father Keith on accordion) titled "Bring Me The Workhorse", released to critical acclaim in August 2006 on Asthmatic Kitty Records.

Her songs distil stories to their most distressing points of contact: a phone call, an injured horse, a dragonfly caught in a spider's web. She doesn't share all the information - just the stuff that matters. The effect is a sensational compression of time, in which an entire event is summarized in a single note. This, of course, is the essence of opera. But My Brightest Diamond is much more than that. There is also the humor one might find in an old TV episode of Wonder Woman or Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Shara's songs reconcile all the complex emotions found in each of us: she can grieve as comfortably as she can laugh, sometimes in the same breath.

Quiet B Sides
- 2001-09-18 -

Pull the Bars
Sick Friend
Riding Horses
Caged Bird

Brahm's lullaby (Instrumental)

- 2001 -

Brave Elephant
Be Quiet
8 Balls
He Wants
Not For Me
He Lifted Me

Bring Me The Workhorse
- 2006-08-22 -

Something of an End
Golden Star
Gone Away
Freak Out
We Were Sparkling
The Robin's Jar
Magic Rabbit
The Good & The Bad Guy

A Thousand Shark's Teeth
- 2008-06-02 -

Inside A Boy
Ice and the Storm
If I Were Queen
From the Top of the World
Black and Costaud
To Pluto's Moon
Bass Player
Goodbye Forever
Like a Sieve
The Diamond

- 2010-10-26 - Sarah Kirkland Snider (feat. Shara Worden)

The Stranger with the Face of a Man I Loved
This Is What You'
re Like
The Honeyed Fruit (Instrumental)
The Lotus Eaters
Circe and the Hanged Man
I Died of Waiting (Instrumental)
Dead Friend
And Then You Shall Be Lost Indeed (Instrumental)
Open Hands
Baby Teeth, Bones, and Bullets
As He Looks Out to Sea

 All Things Will Unwind
- 2011-10-18 -

We Added It Up
Reaching Through To The Other Side
In the Beginning
Escape Routes
Be Brave
She Does Not Brave The War
Ding Dang
There's A Rat
High Low Middle
Everything Is in Line
I Have Never Loved Someone

This Is My Hand
- 2014-09-16 -

Before the Words
This Is My Hand
Lover Killer
I am not the Bad Guy
Looking at the Sun
So Easy

- 2015-09-04 -  Sarah Kirkland Snider (feat. Shara Worden)

The Estate
The Barn
The Guest
The Slaughterhouse
The Girl
The Swan
The Witch
The River
The Speakers
The Orchard
The Song
The Past

A Million and One
- 2018-11-23 -

It's Me On The Dance Floor
Rising Star
Another Chance
You Wanna See My Teeth
A Million Pearls
White Noise

- 2024-09-13 -

Fight The Real Terror
Rocket In My Pocket
Even Warriors
Imaginary Lovers
Rule Breaker
Safe House
Have You Ever Seen An Angel
s No Place I'd Rather Be
I saw A Glimpse

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

A Friend Indeed
Apparition (French Version)
Are You A Dreamer
Black Sheep
By my husband
Casimir Pulaski Day

Cast In ice
Ceci Est Ma Main
Champagne (French Version)
Come On! Feel The Illinoise!
Concerning The UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois
Dreaming Awake
Dreams Don't Look Like
Everything But Sleep
Feeling good
Gentlest gentleman
I Am Walking
I Had A Pearl
I Hear You
ll Find A Way (To Carry It All)
I'm On Fire

Je n'en connais pas la fin / Hymne à l'amour

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Mist Is Rising
Pain Changes
Postcards from downtown
Prairie Fire That Wanders About
Razorblade Salvation
Seven Years
Tainted love
That Point When
The Fiction Issue - Part I
The Fiction Issue - Part II
The Fiction Issue - Part III
The Fiction Issue - Part IV
The Fiction Issue - Part V
The Fiction Issue - Part VI
The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us!
The Sea
The Seer's Tower
The Tallest Man, The Broadest Shoulders
When All Light Dies
Whoever You Are

You Will Return

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

Quiet B Sides

*** Thanx a lot to Billy, Marcellus and James Worden for, finally,  these official lyrics ! ***

Pull the Bars

Pull the bars
From your heart
Find a safe spot

I know that you're scared
To be alone
I know that you're afraid
To be unloved

Queen of Misery
Leave your regret at your feet
Oh my queen of Misery
Leave your regret at your feet
And run away
Run away, away, away

Pull the bars
From your heart


I thought a friend was
Someone who you could sing to
Even if you had a terrible voice
I thought a friend was
Someone who said you that you would make it
When everybody was against you

Oh, but I was so wrong
Yes, I was wrong
About you

Consistent inconsistent love
Consistent inconsistent love

I thought a friend was
Someone who told you
You were beautiful
Without lipstick, yeah
I thought a friend was
(Without lipstick)
Someone who would cry with you
(I thought a friend was)
The day you lost your jelly diamond
(The day you lost your bicycle)
I thought a friend was
Someone who would give you
Their life's blood on their thumb

But I was wrong
I was wrong
About you

Consistent inconsistent love
Consistent inconsistent love

La la la la love
La la la love love la la love

Wave goodbye
So so so sorry
To be leaving
But not so so sorry
To go away

Sick Friend

Sick friend
Illness of birds
Antibiotics can cure most ailments
But I am no antibiotic, friend
Slitting elbows to drain poison blood
Proves ineffective for once try feeling
Feeling bumps on the bone
It is science
Feeling bumps on the soul
It is life, life

Riding Horses

( Mews Too : An Asthmatic Kitty Compilation )

Hey here I am
Out of hiding
Would you like to be my friend
I think I like you
I think I like you

Maybe we could talk about music
And Georgie's crumbs
I think I like you
I think I like you

And not just for what you do
Or for what you say
Or for what you were to somebody
Not for what you did
Or for what you may
Do, do, do, do, do, for me

And I know we've had some hard times
With hard people
Hey, let's try to make new friends

And I know we've had some hard times
With hard people
Hey, let's try to make new friends

Maybe we could pretend that
We were riding in the woods
Riding horses

And mine would be black
And yours would be white
Mine would be black
And yours would be white
Mine would be black
And yours would be white

Let's ride
Let's ride

‘Cause mine would be black
And yours would be white
Mine would be black
And yours would be white
Mine would be black
And yours would be white

Let's ride
Let's ride
Let's ride


( written by Kurt Weill & Roger Fernay )

C'est presque au bout du monde
Ma barque vagabonde
Errante au gré de l'onde
M'y conduisit un jour
L'île est toute petite
Mais la fée qui l'habite
Gentiment nous invite
A en faire le tour

C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur, c'est le plaisir
C'est la terre où l'on quitte tous les soucis
C'est, dans notre nuit, comme une éclaircie
L'étoile qu'on suit
C'est Youkali

Et la vie nous entraîne
Lassante, quotidienne
Mais la pauvre âme humaine
Cherchant partout l'oubli
A pour quitter la terre
Su trouver le mystère
Où nos rêves se terrent
En quelques Youkali....

C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur, c'est le plaisir
C'est la terre où l'on quitte tous les soucis
C'est, dans notre nuit, comme une éclaircie
L'étoile qu'on suit
C'est Youkali, c'est Youkali, c'est Youkali


( Translation by Susan Grayson )

Wandering at the will of the sea
My vagabond bark
Led me to the end of the world
It's quite a small island
But the sprite who dwells there
Politely invites us
To tour it

Is the land of our desires
It means happiness and pleasure;
It is the land where we leave cares behind
It is the beacon in our clouded night
The star we follow
It's Youkali

And life drags us along
Tedious & banal
Yet the poor human soul
Seeking oblivion everywhere
Knew how, in leaving this earth,
To find the mystery
Where our dreams are buried
In some Youkali

Is the land of our desires
It means happiness and pleasure;
It is the land where we leave cares behind
It is the beacon in our clouded night
The star we follow
It's Youkali, it's Youkali, it's Youkali


I put my fingers in my ears
Just to shut out the noise
I close my eyes and I listen to the voice
She says 'you know what you must do'
She says 'you know what you must do'
Stop taking advice
Stop asking opinions
And listen

I tried pleasing Patty
Just to make her happy
Only to find that I'd lost pieces of me
She says 'you know what you must do'
She says 'you know what you must do'


How do I like
All of your window shades
How you satisfy all my wishes
All my wishes

How you entrance with happiness
Wishboy, my sweet wishboy
Is kissing me, kissing me
My wishboy, wishboy


Mother, good enough
Sometimes busy on wednesdays
Sometimes lonely for someone

Whould say accept me to the day
In her heart there was room

Okay, okay mother
Okay, enough for me this love

The question for the day
Am I enough without my green charades melting
Am I enough without my everything you hoped and wished for me

Okay, okay mother
Okay, enough for me this love

Caged Bird

Birds in cages can sing, sing
But birds in cages cannot fly, fly
Open up the door
For danger and beauty, we fly side by side
Danger and beauty, we fly side by side

I had a rabbit who was so smart
She got out of her cage
And in her escape she was eaten by a neighbors' dog
But that won't be me
No, that can't be me
For I would rather die and be free, free
Than to be a caged bird singing
Than to be a caged bird singing
Yes, I would rather die and be free, free
Than to be a caged bird singing
Than to be a caged bird singing
Open up the door please mister
Open up the door please mister
Fly side by side
Fly side by side
Fly side by side by side by side by side

Awry - Orange LP

*** Thanx a lot to Billy, Marcellus and James Worden for, finally,  these official lyrics ! ***


Dirty old clothes underneath her toes
Fighting what she knows
So she throws it all into a big black pot
Stirs it all up til the pot gets hot
With the hands of a beggar and the tongue of a thief
Another crutch to bury her grief

Madwoman in a straw house
Madwoman in my house
And with the blood of bats and the tail of a mouse
Madwoman in a straw house

And what she knows is the moon makes her mad
What she knows links the good with bad
But the faith she bought with a shiny dime
Doesn't seem to draw the line so
She made her own belief
That the truth was found in trees and things
But the x philosophy that she had grown
Wasn't enough to save her soul

Madwoman in a straw house
Madwoman in my house
And with the blood of bats and the tail of a mouse
Madwoman in a straw house

But there's one thing she did not try
And this one thing she cannot deny
It was a drowning notion that they gave
That could not supply her need
It was a haunting notion that she'd saved
But her peace could not be freed

Madwoman in a straw house
Madwoman in my house
And with the blood of bats and the tail of a mouse

Madwoman in a straw house
Madwoman in my house
And with the blood of bats and the tail of a mouse

Madwoman in a straw house
Madwoman in my house
And with the blood of bats and the tail of a mouse
Madwoman in a straw house

Brave Elephant

You are a little elephant
Young and full of wonder
Grow, grow
You are my bright eyes
Bold and yet scared of butterflies
Grow, grow
Though your dreams are fading
Grow, grow

You are a little elephant
Staring at the scab on your knee
Grow, grow
Though you're scared and shaking
Grow, grow
Grow, grow
Grow, grow

And throw your fears in a garbage can
Your fears in a garbage can
And be brave, brave, brave
Brave, brave elephant
(you can be brave, you can be brave
You can be brave, you can...)
Be brave, be brave
Brave elephant
Brave elephant
Brave elephant
Brave elephant


I cannot raise you from the grave
Cannot be the one to save you
I cannot bring you from the dead
Cannot kill the demons in your head, from your bed

But you seem to want a doll upon your arm
Melt the wax down the back of your babyboo charm
But I watch you add the candles to your shrine
Didn't take long for you to make it mine

But I cannot be God to you
I said, I cannot be God to you
I cannot be God to you
I said I cannot be God to you

I will not be the vein and fix
Cannot be the one to fix the sickness
Won't be the martyr gagged and bound
Won't let you take me down
Spellbound, spellbound

‘Cause I cannot be God to you
I said I cannot be God to you
I cannot be God to you
I said I cannot be God to you

I cannot be something I'm not
I cannot be just what you want
Can only be what I am
Can only be who I am
I cannot be something I'm not
I can only be who I am
Who I am, who I am

I cannot be God to you
Cannot be your God
There is only one God

Be Quiet

We two will climb
Scaling the wall
So hard to be where you are
So hard to be where you are

Rest in this place
And be quiet

We two will fly
Scaling the wall
So hard to be where you are
So hard to be where you are

Be quiet
Be quiet
Be quiet


What I do I do not want to do
And yet I do it still
Everybody else is turning around
Yet I am standing still
It's easier to own other people's sorrows
Rather than your own

I am ugly, I am a weed
Turn away in disgust of me
But who told you that
And why did you believe
But there are little secrets you've been trying to hide
But you were told a lie
And you believed the lie
Don't believe, don't believe

Fister Drizella
Pressing the windows, again

Do you want to die
From this pain that you hold inside
What have we done to deserve the dish we're eating from
But we take what is on the table
Said, I am hungry
Aren''t you hungry too

Fister Drizella
Pressing the windows
Fister Drizella
Pressing the windows
Again, again

Wash your face in cinder
Be a little cleaner
You've got bubbles in your mouth, in your mouth
Bubbles, bubbles...

8 Balls

Wedge of a sum inside our members
Loading our guns to cock at each other
Tongues will lash til you're cut in two
Deadly the poison when the fire is loosed
When the fire is loosed, when the fire is loosed

Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe

Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe

Eight balls for some hearts for another
Weapons of choice under the covers
Two guns inside the head seeking the other
Capture the hunter or he will shoot 'til he's dead
Shoot 'til he's dead
Shoot 'til he's dead

Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe

Please baby breathe
Please can you breathe

Darling won't you stop arguing
Stop arguing

Darling won't you stop arguing
Stop arguing
Stop arguing, stop arguing, stop arguing

He Wants

He wants
More than a blind companion
To live his life
With reckless abandon
And he wants
A maiden less fair
Autumn leaves in my hair
Parallel to his own feeling
To leave her flailing
For his glance and by chance

He wants only his dream
And he wants you as you breathe
And he wants you to magically be
What he wants

He wants
The hush of new, fallen snow in June
Frozen tulips, ripe to bloom
He wants
A lover beside him
Who knows not to want for more
Standing outside his door
His poison in his wine
So he cracks a pageless spine
To forget and forgive all

That he wants only his dream
And he wants you as you breathe
And he wants you to magically be
What he wants

The guilded Rockwell ad grandfather's pipe
Or to drink the water of new life

He wants only his dream
And he wants you as you breathe
And he wants you to magically be
What he wants

And he wants us to play his game
And he wants us to be the game
And he wants us to play his game
And he wants us to be the same


"Je ne t'aime pas" "tu n'es pas mon ami" "retire tes mains"

I am the great Leviathan
A creature of the deep
I was the prey to conquer
The means through which you seek release of desire
So you chased me down with a rubber band
To drink the wine from your hand
And as I lay beneath your hold
My tongue pinned by a stone
I was witness of the power play
To share the blame of quiet rape

And if you fight, if you fight
You get tired
And if you fight, if you fight
You lose something
I lost something

But who would have known
That my lover was my hunter
But I had been told
So I should have known
I should have known
But for all the sins committed
The greatest struggle is to find forgiveness
For myself, for myself

And I was swimming on the sand
Searching for the fisher of men
While you ripping the skin from my bones
You think you have won

And when you ride, when you ride
You will slide less than easy
Into my mind, into my mind
Into my mind, into my mind
Into my mind, into my mind

But who would have known
That my lover was my hunter
But I had been told
So I should have known
I should have known
But for all the sins committed
The greatest struggle is to find forgiveness
For myself, for myself, for myself

How am I supposed to be
How am I supposed to heal
If I hate you, I hate you
Can't hate you
But I hate you

Cause the replays won't go away
The replays won't go away

But who would have known
That my lover was my hunter
But I had been told
So I should have known
But for all the sins committed
The greatest struggle is to find forgiveness
For myself, for myself

Not for Me

Take away your hand
Your touch is a taking one
I have had enough
Kisses promising too much

Turn away your glance
Your eyes cannot truly find me
I have had enough
Gazing vainly, fading beauty

What is lost is gone forever
I have had enough
Empty longing, fleeting pleasure
Not for me, not for me

Put away this trip with me
I am more than fantasy
I am blood, I have life
Your excuses never suffice

What is lost is gone forever
I have had enough
Empty longing, fleeting pleasure
Not for me, not for me
Not for me

Ever longing endless pleasure
Ever longing endless pleasure
All for me
All for me
All for me

He Lifted Me

Said I've been down a long, long road
Seen more sorrow than I'd known before
And of the pride my heart has held, I lay it down
And of the fear that bound my steps, I lay it down
And keep on straight
And keep my head up straight
For he lifted me, oh
For he lifted me, oh

And when these knees of clay are broken by falling
Your hands reach down, smoothly broken, bleeding
Making new knees with your grace and with your mercy
Making new knees with your grace and with your love
For little girls like me
For little boys like you
For he lifted me, oh
He lifted me

And so I walk
And so I run
And so I sing and I dance

Bring me the workhorse

Something of an End

When you came jumping down the stairs
Screaming bloody awful
You woke up God and everyone
Screaming bloody awful

So we took you to the doctor
He said yeah it's a bad one
And there's such a shame about it
'Cause she's so pretty

And then the earth started shaking
And yeah it was crazy
Heaven and hell came crashing down
And then the earth started shaking
Yeah it was crazy
Heaven and hell came crashing
They came crashing

It was beautiful and terrible
So beautiful and terrible

The phone call
You never expect
That somebody get it yet
It's a sound you never forget

Because the earth starts shaking
And yeah it's crazy
Heaven and hell come crashing down
And then the earth starts shaking
Yeah it's so crazy
Heaven and hell come crashing
They come crashing
They come cr-cr-crashing

It's so beautiful and terrible
So beautiful and terrible

It was something of an end
Of a lovely and a wild thing
So beautiful in the morning
You're beautiful
So beautiful
You're beautiful in the morning

And I can't seem to get it through your head
No matter what I do
I can't seem to get it through your head
That I always love you

Golden Star

I always felt so far from you
Like something wasn't right
But tonight
I rest my head inside the crook of your arm
And I feel like a golden star

Tonight we are full
Tonight we rejoice
You are my golden star

One, two

Though everything has come undone
The distance between us closes
And everything is suddenly

Tonight we are full
Tonight we rejoice
You are my golden star

Tonight we are full up
Tonight we rejoice
Tonight we are full up
In spite we rejoice like stars


Gone Away

Far away you've gone, and left me here
So cold without you, so lonely dear
May June July I count the time
Every minute I go takes the smell of your clothes
Further away

'Cause you've gone away
Where there isn't a telephone wire
Still I wait by the phone
You don't even write to say goodbye

I have saved every piece of paper
Like grocery lists and note cards
To do lists and race scores
So just in case you change your mind
And come back, I've kept everything safe

While you're gone away
Where there isn't a telephone wire
Still I wait by the phone
You don't even write to say goodbye

Get me out get me off
Get me out get me off
Oh this is a ride going nowhere
But somewhere that I despise
Going nowhere to end up with a tearful
I don't wanna go on with these pieces of paper
That you left behind

This is a ride going nowhere
But somewhere that I despise
Going nowhere to end up with a tearful
I don't wanna go on with these pieces of paper
To keep me company in my old age

While you're gone away
Where there isn't a telephone wire
Still I wait by the phone
Why don't you write to say goodbye


I once saw a dragonfly
Caught in a spider's web
As I looked at her once more
I thought that she was dead

So I left her alone and I went on my way
And I was dreaming of Paris and Pierre Boulez
But she called to me with a beat of her wing
She called to me and said free me

She said come and fly away
With me tonight
Come and fly away
With me
Come and fly away
With me tonight
She said ah ah ah…

I've been up there before
Riding the wind and
Laughing and open
But now I am afraid of flying
I am afraid of finding the black again
I am afraid of flying
I am afraid of finding the black fade, black again

She said come and fly away
With me tonight
Come and fly away
With me
Come and fly away
With me tonight
She said ah ah ah…

Freak Out

I think we should jump on the piano
No one's looking we could tear his heart out
Tear his heart out

It's too late to save us now but no matter
We still have time to dance
So let's dance

And freak out, freak out, freak out, freak out
Freak out, freak out

I think we should rip a hole
Right through the center of this house
It's time to tear it down
Our chance to smoke him out

It's too late to save us now but no matter
We still have time to dance
So let's dance

And freak out, freak out, freak out, freak out

Come on let's put off all our hesitation
And get up on the floor
'Cause I am gonna laugh ha ha hey
When you do that dance
And freak out
Come on freak out
Freak out

We Were Sparkling

There was a silver tree
Down by a river wide
That's where we would go
To hang our pretty things
& watch the wind blow

There used to be a tree
Where we took our pretty things
We'd hook them by a thread
Golden egg lipstick and feathers
Pieces of glass, chandelier baubles
And empty bottles of wine
And watch the light shine through

I'm afraid to forget you
I am remembering you
You were sparkling


One day I may disappear
Don't be too surprised
'Cause I got tired of noisy alarms
And phone bills

And I don't think we're meant to stay here very long
I don't dream of bringing heaven down not like this
I'd rather move on

One day I may go for the longest walk
Don't be too shocked
'Cause I get tired of sneaky societies
And combat boots

And I don't think we're meant to stay here very long
I don't dream of bringing heaven down not like this
I'd rather move on

The Robin's Jar

Once we found a robin
In our backyard
It was already dead
But we were so sure
That things weren't gone too far

So we prayed to God above
That He'd bring it back to us
And we put it in a jar
And waited, and waited

But mama made us bury it
Mama made us bury it
In the backyard

I wished to be just like my best friend
She was the brightest star in the room
Yeah but we didn't know what we had

With the world pressing in
On her backyard
She fell in backwards
She fell in backwards

With the world pressing in
On her backyard
She fell in backwards

We prayed to God above
That He'd bring her back to us
So we put her in a box
We put her in a box
And waited
For something to happen
But nothing happened

But mama made me bury her
Mama made me bury her
Mama made me bury her in the backyard

Magic Rabbit

I had a magic that could sing
Maybe I took her from her mother too early
She never came out of recovery

Even on summer days she'd complain
She couldn't take the chill out of her bones
Maybe I took her from her mother too early
I put her outside in the sunshine

All the rabbits died for supper tonight
All the rabbits died in the spotlight

I had a magic that would sing
And boy oh boy was she a pretty thing
By some great mystery she looked to me
Like she was wearing thin

Are you fading away magic
Are you fading away
Are you fading away all the rabbits died
Are you fading in the spotlight

Are you fading away magic
Are you fading away all the rabbits died
Are you fading away in the spotlight
Are you fading my magic rabbit
Magic, oh
Are you fading away magic
Are you fading away, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit…

The Good and The Bad Guy

Sometimes when I tell the story of you
I make you out to be the bad guy
And though it's true
Sometimes you're the bad guy
You're still mine

Sometimes when I paint the picture
It's easier just to remember
The awful things you said
And what you chose to do with legitimate need
You made like a fool
You made like a fool but you're still mine
And I want you
I want you
I do

Why does it hurt more to recall
Your good side, your good side
I always went to you for advice
You were a wise one, a wise one then
When I think about you in that time
It's harder to hate you then

But sometimes I want to hate you as the bad guy
But I want you
I want you the good and the bad guy
The good and the bad guy
The good and the bad guy
The good and the bad guy


Somewhere sunshine burns
A dark but common horse
When he fell by the wayside
No one seemed to notice him

'Cause you're no good to us
Lost all your youth
And all of your usefulness
And you know that

No good to us
Lost all that you could
To a no, no, no, no
No good to us
Lost all your lost all your youthfulness
And left with a precious little good
Good to us lost all that you could
To a no, no, no, no…

Bring me the workhorse
Bring me the no good workhorse

'Cause you're no good to us
Lost all your youth and all of your usefulness
And you know that
No good to us
Lost all that you could
To a no, no, no, no…

No good to us
Lost all you youth all of your usefulness
And who told you
No good to us
Lost all that you could as a workhorse

You're no good to us
Lost all your youth all of your usefulness
And who told you
No good as a workhorse

A Thousand Shark's Teeth

*** Thanx a lot to Robert for these lyrics ***

Inside a boy

Inside a boy
I found a universe
And in his eyes
Are a thousand stars
On a dark sky

We are clouds
We are whispers
Like fawns and shape-shifters
Our edges can never be found out
No, our edges keep moving further out

We are stars colliding
Now we crash
Like lightening into love

In his arms
I'm unwinding
Under his kiss
I'm falling into love

We are stars colliding
Now we crash
Like lightening into love

We are stars colliding
Now we crash
Like lightening into love

Love, love
Love, love, love, love, love

*** Thanx a lot to brenda & Jeremy for this one ***

The Ice & The Storm

Open up your heart to me
Darling you're resisting this bliss
You've been dreaming only of it
It's just like ice building up inside

Darling we've accumulated
Too much miscommunication
In a beginning everything is soft
Not defensive
Perhaps we begin again shyly

I want to love you loosely
I want to love you loosely

So nothing is stopping me from receiving
From giving out

I want a storm to blow it out
I want to shake myself
And turn my heart inside out

I want a storm to blow it out
I want to shake myself
And turn my heart inside out

Open up your heart to me now

Darling you're resisting this bliss
You've been dreaming only of it

I want a storm to blow it out
I want to shake myself
And turn my heart inside out

I want a storm to blow it out
I want to shake myself
And turn my heart inside out

Don't you want to
Let it go, let it go

Let it go
Let it let it let it go...

If I were queen

If I were queen
Then you and I'd be neighbours
I'd pick you up each morning
For doughnuts and tea
Ah, close by...
Ah, close by...

If I were queen
Then you and I'd be neighbours
We'd collect things
And we could argue where to put them
Ah, close by...
Ah, close by...


Sometimes in the spring time
I like to see the apple blossoms with you

Sometimes in the winter
I like to see snow falling with you

Once we took apples from my grandfather's tree
But I had no where to plant the seed
So we baked them with sugar
And we ate them

Sometimes on saturdays
When it's raining we do laundry
Especially when I like to watch you
Fold so carefully the clothes
Especially when I like to watch you
Move your fingers slow

From the top of the world

At the end of the sea
There waits my wind
To carry me

Through storms we wil sail
Just to gaze at the top of the world

From the bottom of the world
We looked up and saw the moon
And gazing at it then we fell
In love, in love

So we made up our minds
To arrive smiling
Yet we made up our minds
To touch the height of life
And find out what we felt for it
How we felt for it
How we felt for it

From the top of the world
We looked up and saw the sun
And gazing at it then we fell
In love, in love

Black & Costaud

Avec une menace doucereuse
Et des manières de champion de boxe

Black and costaud
Black and chic
Black, black, black
Jolly fellow, jolly fellow, black

I punch sir
I boxe you
I punch sir
I boxe you

Avec une menace doucereuse
Et des manières de champion de boxe

Black and costaud
Black and chic
Black, black, black
Black and thick and vrai beau gosse
Vrai beau gosse

I punch your nose
I knock you out
You, stupid chose
I punch your nose
I marm'lad you
You, stupid chose
Stupid chose

Avec ma voix je marm'lad' toi
Je marm'lad' toi
Punch your nose
Black and costaud
Stupid chose

To Pluto's moon

How I tried to catch you while
You ran ahead of me
I lassoed Mars
To see if you were hiding there
But you'd already ran past Jupiter
To Pluto's moon
And my rope won't reach that moon

This a state of electrical shock
You were so beautiful
I thought you'd last forever
But you came and you went
When the lights went out
You went like you came
In a lightning

Why did you go like this
I slam against the wall
It's crushing my skull
Why did you go like this
I slam against the wall
Of permanence

Why did you go like this
I slam against the wall
It's crushing my skull
Why did you go like this
I slam against the wall
Of permanence

And like a ghost
I'm spinning with you
In circles
The dance of Pluto's moon

Bass player

Bass player
All alone
Makes a sound
Most wouldn't call a symphony

As he plays
Thinks of a maid
Sad and shuffling
She sings

Blow me a kiss
Before I drown
In sorrow me a kiss
Before I drown

He saw her
By the moon
Dress in hand
Her hips were swaying
Melancholy tune
Broken buckles
Tired lips
She was singing

Blow me a kiss
Before I drown
In sorrow me a kiss
Before I drown

She said I wanna be with the stars tonight
So I can fly above the earth
I wanna be with the stars tonight
So I can fly above
I wanna be with the stars tonight
So I can fly above in laundry

Goodbye Forever

Oh to love
By fire, by flame
This old feeling

Then I can hear you
Brighter than the stars
Your voice is a razor blade

I can see you shining through the sun
You're so mysterious

Love the hold
As I throw this
With a goodbye forever
Fear of exposure
Fear of exposure

Then I can hear you
Brighter than the stars
Your touch is lightening

I can feel you
Prickling like a thousand shark teeth
Prickling like a thousand shark teeth
Closer to me
Come closer to me
Come closer to me
Come closer to me
Come closer to me

Like a sieve

I rest my head on water
I slip under
I descend into the deep
Past the rushes
Past the shipwrecks
Into my tears I float
And like a sieve
I'm catching leaves and sticks
I'm catching planks and fishes
So it washes through me clean
I'm run clean through

The brightest diamond

You are the brightest diamond
I can see you shining
For miles, and miles, and miles, and miles
Everybody here's wearing long faces
But you

And Mary wants to hold your face
And kiss you for her birthday
Are you coming
I can see you shining
I can see you shining

You are the brightest diamond
Hidden in my pocket

Oh how glorious you must feel, splendid
You must feel, splendid

But you have spit out beauty
Like an idiot
Why did you chew up shinies
With a paper shredder

You are the brightest diamond
Hidden on my wrist
You are now untouchable
Now untouchable
Now untouchable

Reaching through the space between
Your universe and mine
A warm light shines
And will until all breath and sigh
Expend, expend


The Stranger with the Face of a Man I Loved

I have a house
Looks out to sea
And this is where he came
The stranger with the face of a man I loved
To the house by the sea
Long time, long time gone
A sort of home

It's this house
That what's left of his mind
Seems to have remembered
So what's left of his mind
Claims the house as his
Though it's been mine and mine alone since he left me here

He left me here
Half a life ago
But this is where he came
The stranger with the face of a man I loved

In this house
Where the best of our times
I try to remember
And the rest of the time
I try to forget
The times he lied and lied
Before he just left me here

The stranger with the face of a man I loved
In the house by the sea
Long time, long time gone
A sort of home

This Is What You're Like

I'd give a lot
I'd give a lot to hear him
Tell me lies like that again
Tell me much of anything

It's true, he talks
It's true, he talks, but it's not
Anything like it was then
Anything like it was
When he talked the way a bird sings
Just to sing

This is what you're like
Do you remember
This is what you once were like
You are a man who when the music dies away
You keep on dancing
And when there's nothing left to say
You tell me lies

You wrote a poem
You wrote a poem about me
Swimming in the open sea
You loved my eyebrows and my stomach and my knobby knees
I loved your mouth
I loved your mouth and every story that you told to me

Where is it you've gone
How can I find you
I heard you weeping in the dawn
But you won't say if I can bring you back alive
I'll come and find you
I can't help thinking you survived
Just went astray

This is what you're like
Try to remember
This is what you once were like
Where is it you've gone? How can I find you
Where is it you've gone

Do you remember, you are a man who
Told me you loved me
You are a man who told me you loved me
Do you remember

This is what you're like
Try to remember

The Lotus Eaters

Down the ward, the men are dreaming
drooling in their cots
Pricks of blood in every elbow
I am no better
It's just that I'm awake
It's just that I'm awake and walking

Hear my footsteps down the hall
Now I'm smelling the night air
crunching gravel as I walk, walk, walk

Never, never, never, never will I
never will I sleep like that again
Never, never, never, never, never
Never will I sleep like that, sleep like that…

And I'm lost in this night
I'm lost in this night
I'm already lost, but not as lost as them
And I'm lost in this night
I'm lost in this night
I'm already lost, but not as lost as them
my sleeping, drooling, smiling men

I'm not as lost
I'm not as lost
I'm not as lost as them


Don't be afraid, Stranger
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid of you

You look so lost, Stranger
But you're not lost,
‘Cause I've just found you

Just take my hand, Stranger
Just take my hand
And I will lead you home

Circe and the Hanged Man

"Is he dead?" the Stranger said
No, she tells him

Say you bounce a ball
Have you ever noticed that
Between the business of its going up
and the business of its fall
it hesitates

It just waits
There's a fraction of a second there
when it's luxuriating in the air
Before its fate rushes it on

"But he's hanging there"
Yes, he's hanging, yes, but from the tree of life
"Is he some sort of sacrifice?"
Yes, he's a sacrifice…
He gave himself to himself so he could see
He gave himself to himself so he could see
He gave himself to himself so he could see

He gave himself
"So he could see?"
As only you can see
When the world is upside down
And you hang
From the branch of a tree

"So that's me?"
Yes, it's where you seem to be
And you hang from the branch of a tree
"So that's me?"
Yes, it's where you seem to be
"So that's me"


Home is where I'm going, but never coming
Home is someplace I can't recall, but head for still
Across the waste of water I search for her
Dear blue land
show your blessed curve
So tiny and only mine

No, no, you can't go home, she says, the world
where do you think you're going
We're not done with you
No, no, you can't go home, she says, the world
where do you think you're going
We're not done with you
The world is never done with you

The world wants her travelers to stay lost
The world swats their eyes as they run through it
She grasps at them, pulling and tugging
She grasps at them

No, no, you can't go home, she says, the world
where do you think you're going
We're not done with you
No, no, you can't go home, she says, the world
where do you think you're going
We're not done with you
The world is never done with you
Not you

Dead Friend

Dead friend
Turn your back on me
I beg you
Do not look at me
With those eyes

Dead friend
I must leave you here
I can't stay
You can't follow me
Where I go

Dead friend
Turn your back on me
Let me go
I've forgotten you
Forget me
I've forgotten you
Forget me


But I do think of her
Standing in that parking lot
The stars are out, night drops down on her
She is alone again

She's alone again
She holds his cooling dinner in her lifted hand
Something he just might like
Sweet or salty, no one will eat it now

She looks for him in darkness
Stands alone now once again
Tries to see where he might have gone
Where could he go
She looks for him in darkness,
Stands alone now once again
Tries to see where he might have gone,
Where could he go, without her.

Open Hands

Here's an ugly little something
Broken bit of who knows what
Here's a bloody little secret
What I did and what I thought
Here is what I lost forever
Open hands, a certain laugh
Here is what I thought I wanted
Some lost smile in a photograph

Baby Teeth, Bones, and Bullets

Let a wind come
Let a wind come blow it all away
Let a rainstorm
Let a rainstorm swallow me
Can't you do that
Can't you hide me, God
Can't you…

Save me from you
(save me from you)
Sweep me someplace you can't see
(Hide me some place)
I am known here
(God help me I'm known)

Open eye, open eye staring down on me.
Yellow sky, yellow sky staring down on me
I am known for what I am
I am known by you
(Let a wind come and blow it all away)
I am known by you
(Let a rain storm, let a wind come, and blow it all away)
I am known by you
(Let a rain storm, let a wind come, and blow it all away)
Can't you…

Save me from you
(save me from you)
Sweep me someplace you can't see
(Hide me some place)
I am known here
(I am known by you)

Let a wind come
Let a wind come, blow it all away
Blow it all, all away

As He Looks Out to Sea

It moves like a live thing in his hands
The story, his story
Bloody and sacred, truth and lie
The story, his story

And it tells itself
the pages turn and tell themselves
Backwards and forwards
Backwards and forwards
Backwards and forwards like the tide

It moves like a live thing in his hands
The story, his story
Bloody and sacred, truth and lie
The story, his story

And it tells itself
the pages turn and tell themselves
Backwards and forwards
Backwards and forwards
Backwards and forwards like the tide

All Things Will Unwind

We Added It Up

There was you, there was me
We never could agree
If I was up
You were down

You were there
I was here
A Grand Puppeteer
Stuck it all

If I was cat
You were a dog
If I was tied up
You were a hog
If I was flat
You were a ball
If I was charge
Then you were cash
If I was tots
You were the mash
If I was loud
Then you were shhh

We added up
We added up
To zero

Flying neutrinos
Fly through my skin
My hair, my feet
What a pair of disagreeable

Your hands
My hips
Your grip
What a fit of exhausting

Fusion makes the world go around
Confusion with the making of all that sound
Oh I hear a quieter voice
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
It says
"Love binds the world"
"Love binds the world"
"Love binds the world"…

Forever and ever and ever
And ever and ever
Forever and ever
Forever and ever
And ever and ever
Forever and ever
And ever and ever
Forever and ever

We added up
We added up to zero

Flying neutrinos
Fly through my skin
My hair, my feet
What a pair of disagreeable

Your hands
My hips
Your grip
What a fit of exhausting


Reaching Through to the Other Side

Though there is stillness I can hear a heartbeat
Though I can't see you, I can hear a sound
Through a veil I feel a hand, near me
Reaching through to the other side
Reaching through to the other side

I receive this body mine
From womb to grave
I now walk an ancient line
One foot follows the other
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
This stone
This finite place
Is it limitless
To touch the boundless
I hear
A measureless rise
It seems so wondrous
Just to be alive

Of substance
I turn them over
Those forgotten
I remember
And gather them up in my arms
Like some magic thing
Twisted and winding
It carries me on

Oh how gorgeous
Oh how gorgeous
To struggle now
To struggle now
In time

Reaching through to the other side

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was a spark
Like two great cymbals clanging
We met head on

There was no time
All of life suspended
And when you spoke one heart jumped into action

This the oldest story
This the finest tale
Our time, our question awaits
Will we seize it
Can we catch it, our reel to reel
Our reel to reel
My only chance at this
I will take hold of it
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
This glorious day the earth is shaking
Hallelujah, hallelujah
And I will join the unending hymn
Hallelujah, hallelujah

No matter no matter no matter what

This glorious day the earth is shaking
Hallelujah, hallelujah
And I will join the unending hymn
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Escape Routes

It takes a lifetime to learn how to love
It starts with a flicker that bursts into flame
Then it fades to an ember with fights
And with fingers pointing out blame

Oh to exercise the act
Of falling in love with you over and over and over

Let's close off all our escape routes
Let's not put it off tonight
Let's close off all our escape routes
We can have it all tonight

It takes a lifetime to learn how to love
Most the time I'm taking too much in my turn
But I yearn for your closeness and a gentle return

Oh to exercise the act
Of falling in love with you over and over and over
Over and over and over
Over and over and over
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
My arms snake around yours
Your lips open explore
These promises we have saved
They hold us
They hold and maintain

Let's close off all our escape routes
Let's not put it off tonight
Let's close off all our escape routes
We can have it all tonight

Let's close off all our escape routes
Let's not put it off tonight
Let's close off all our escape routes
We can have it all tonight
We can have it all
We can have it all tonight

Be Brave

I am a bird in water, a whale on sand
I am the flood, the fire, the oil spill
I'm feeling scared and I am overwhelmed
And so I don my mask and finger bells

Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara now get to work
Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara this is going to hurt
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone, undone

I am a slave, I'm under house arrest
I am the beater, I am beaten for less
Than being punk and feeling anger swell
And so I don my beaded dress and finger bells

Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara now get to work
Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara this is going to hurt
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone, undone

It's so hard, it's so heavy
To be hungry, to be happy
It's so light, it's so easy just to be

It's so hard, it's so heavy
To be hungry, to be happy
It's so light, it's so easy just to be

Oh God, what would you do with me
Oh God, what's my responsibility
God, what would you do with me
Oh God, what's my responsibility
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara now get to work
Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh-Shara this is going to hurt
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed or be ye undone

Be brave dear one
Be changed or be undone
Be brave dear one
Be ye changed, be changed, be changed

She Does Not Brave the War

She does not know the fruit of her labor
She does not rest ‘til late each evening
She does not know her beauty grows with age
She does not brave the war, but she saves the day

She does not hear words to flatter
She does not take much ease or pleasure
She does not wait to love
She does not bend or break or run away
She does not brave the war, but she saves the day
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
She does not build the fortresses or touch the farthest moon
She does not climb the ladder, nor hold the silver spoon
She does not make the history lists, nor do monuments portray
She does not brave the war, but she saves the day

Ding Dang

You were workin for a man behind a velvet curtain
You were good and you were certain
Of what you were headed for
But then snap kerplam kalamazoo
Low and behold he was lying to you
And with revelation come repercussions
That have you at your end
In a great SNAFU your arrow bends

Did you set your sights upon a target moving
Did you hope in some fickle false fable
A glass is at the top, but the diamond‘s on the bottom
What is a rightful dream, or a better expectation
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
All things are not as they appear
That which was far has become near
In a great SNAFU it comes, but disappears

All things are not as they appear
That which was far has become near
In a twist or two you're grinning ear to ear

There's a Rat

There's a rat in the kitchen and he's eating my cheese
Eating my cheese, eating my cheese
A rat in the kitchen and he's eating my cheese
Eating my cheese alright

There's a snake in the cellar and he's drinking my wine
Drinking my wine, drinking my wine
A snake in the cellar and he's drinking my wine
Drinking my wine alright

Well I ain't gonna let you keep on eating and eating and eating
Ain't gonna let you keep on takin and taking and taking
I'm gonna treat you like the mouse that you are
Creeping in and eating up my house you are
I ain't gonna stand it
I am gonna turn you out crack snap trap
This is my home step back!

There's a moth in the closet and he's eating my clothes
A mole in my garden and he's chewing my hose
A bird in the attic and he's stealing my song
A man at the door and his motive is wrong

Oh bankers lawyers thieves!
Gov'ners mayors police!

No I ain't gonna let you keep on eating and eating and eating
Ain't gonna let you keep on taking and taking and taking
I'm gonna treat you like the mouse that you are
Creeping in and eating up my house you are
I ain't gonna stand it
I am gonna turn you out crack snap trap
This is my home step back!
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Oh bankers lawyers thieves!
Cheaters dealers disease!

No I ain't gonna let you keep on eating and eating and eating
Ain't gonna let you keep on taking and taking and taking
I'm gonna treat you like the mouse that you are
Creeping in and eating up my house you are
I ain't gonna stand it
I am gonna turn you out crack snap trap
This is my home, this is my home
Crack snap trap
This is my home step back!

High Low Middle

When you're privileged you don't even know you're privileged
When you're not, you know
When you're happy you don't even know you're happy
When you're not, you know

Righteous heathen
Blinded and seeing
You're next you're before
You're pompous you are poor
You're hungry yet strangely
You're working like crazy
Selling buying
Laughing and crying

High low middle
High low middle
High low middle
Keep yourself low, but not too low

Saving wasting
Dying for a tasting
Banging for a buck
And you're shit and out of luck
Are you fat or are you eating up your hat
Are you fat
Are you

High low middle
High low middle
High low middle
Keep yourself low, but not too low

Lord help you when you're growing old
Lord help you when you're tired and cold
Lord help you when the dealing's done
Lord help you when the gettin's gone
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Lord help you when you're growing old
Lord help you when you're tired and cold
Lord help you when the dealing's done
Lord help you when the gettin's gone

High low middle
High low middle
High low middle
Keep yourself low, but not too low

Everything is in Line

Come sit next to me and tell me what you saw
Six blackbirds flying north
Icicles dropping from the rooftops

Come sit next to me and tell me where you've been
You seem a little out of breath
I ran down to Mr. Kimball's house and then I turned right back around

Everything is in line all things will unwind
Everything is in line all things will unwind

Come sit next to me and tell me what you dream
One day I'm gonna sail across the mountains in a hot air balloon
I don't doubt you, no I don't
I don't doubt you, no I don't...

 I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday
A wish upon a card of peacock blue
I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday
I'm so sorry
How are you

Everything is in line all things will unwind
Everything is in line all things will unwind
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
How can you say that
How can you
Upside is downside
Downside is up
The tide is not subsiding

I don't doubt you, no I don't doubt you, no I won't...

Everything is in line all things will unwind...

I Have Never Loved Someone

I have never loved someone the way I love you
I have never seen a smile like yours
And if you grow up to be king or clown or pauper
I will say you are my favorite one in town
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
I have never held a hand so soft and sacred
When I hear your laugh I know heaven's key
And when I grow to be a poppy in the graveyard
I will send you all my love upon the breeze

And if the breeze won't blow your way, I will be the sun
And if the sun won't shine your way, I will be the rain
And if the rain won't wash away all your aches and pains
I will find some other way to tell you you're okay...

This Is My Hand


Mountain on top a fire below
The pressure grows pressure
I feel the weight of a billion years
Come down on me, come down

I tried to do it all right
I went down, down, down
Workin' hard little delight
I forgot the sound of diamonds

So bright I cannot hide 'em
So heavy I cannot mine 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds

So wild I cannot tame 'em
So shiny I cannot name 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds
Disperse the white light
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Dancing on top the glitter glow
The pressure slows pressure
I feel the blade the cutting edge move out, out, out

I tried to do it all right
I went down, down, down
Workin' hard little delight
I forgot the sound of diamonds

So bright I cannot hide 'em
So heavy I cannot mine 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds

So wild I cannot tame 'em
So shiny I cannot name 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds
Disperse the white light

Pink, purple, green, red, yellow, blue
I am in that mood indigo
Pink, purple, green, red, yellow, blue
I am in that mood for diamonds

So bright I cannot hide 'em
So heavy I cannot mine 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds

So wild I cannot tame 'em
So shiny I cannot name 'em
All of this pressure's making diamonds
Disperse the white light

Disperse the white light

Before The Words

Before the words there was the voice
Before the verse there was the sound
Before the form there was the music
Before the pen and paper
There was the

Before we sing we take in breath
Imagine fire inside our chests
Then give it out together with one

When we were young
When we were young
We heard our mothers

When we were young
When we were young
We heard that beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
When we were young
When we were young
We heard our mothers
When we were young
When we were young
We heard that beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep

Before the words there was the voice
Before the verse there was the sound
Before the form there was the music
Before the pen and paper
There was the sound
There was the sound
The sound

When we were young
When we were young
We heard our mothers
When we were young
When we were young
We heard that beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep

When we were young
When we were young
We heard our mothers
When we were young
When we were young
We heard that beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep

This Is My Hand

This is my hand, this is my wrist
This is my arm, this is my fist
Like a twisted vine wraps around entwining

This is my face, this is my mouth
This is my eye, this is my brow
Like lilac wine pouring out to thee for thee
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
This is my shape, this is my form
This is my age, this is my frame
This is my mind, this is my voice
This is my heart, this is my choice

This is my thigh, this is my sex
This is my hip, this is my breast
This is my shadow, this is my hate
This is my line, this is my doubt
This is my gloom, my flame, my joy, my aim to love
To love
To love

This is my shape, this is my form
This is my age, this is my frame
This is my mind, this is my voice
This is my heart, this is my choice

This is my time, this is my breath
This is my right, this is my left
This is my shadow, this is my hate
This is my line, this is my doubt
This is my gloom, my flame, my joy, my aim to love
To love

Lover Killer

Billet spied
Bolt sped
Across the field
Crows fled
Aloft and wounded
Left one dead
Left one

Billet spied
Bolt sped
Across the field
Crows fled
Aloft and wounded
Left one dead
Left one

Lover killer
At the wall in the mirror

Billet spied
Bolt sped
Across the field
Crows fled
Aloft and wounded
Left one dead
Left one

Billet spied
Bolt sped
Across the field
Crows fled
Aloft and wounded
Left one dead
Left one

Lover killer
At the wall in the mirror

On the one side
I can dream my future, dream my future
On the other
I can feel my nature, feel my nature

Inside myself I have a moment to choose
To hold or to refuse
To shoot or to let loose
The cawing crow, the pulsing throat

Lover killer (killer)
At the wall in the mirror
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
On the one side
I can dream my future, dream my future
On the other
I can feel my nature, feel my nature

On the one side
I can dream my future, dream my future
On the other
I can feel my nature, feel my nature

I am a lover and a killer
Lover, killer
Lover, killer

I am a lover and a killer

I Am Not The Bad Guy

Mister mister, won't you please
Spare me from your third degree
I could burn, I could scream
I could show you what I mean

I'm so thirsty I divest
All unbuttoned and undressed
I've become the bad guy
Taken hits and blackened eyes

Hey, I love you but you've hurt me so
I love you, won't you please let me go
I love you and I want you to know, oh oh oh
This is what love feels like, like, oh

I'm so desperate for relief
Thoughts I do not dare to speak
I am hungry, I won't lie
The cage, the bird, the open sky

Hey, I love you and I hurt you so
I love you, I don't want to go
I love you and I want you to know, oh oh oh
This is what love feels like, like

Hey, I love you and I feel like a stone
I love you and I want to go
I love you and I want you to know, oh oh oh
This is what love feels like, like
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Oh my love, my love, my sweet love
My sweet love, my sweet love
Satisfy this longing
Indite me or let me fly
Though I still claim
I am not, I am not, I am not the bad guy

I still claim
I am not, I am not, I am not the bad guy

Looking At The Sun

When you close your eyes you imagine
Where you think the limit is
And you make the limit move

When you close your eyes you can imagine
Where you find the emptiness
And you see an endless supply

Wrestling with a double mind
Like two horses pulling both sides
If I could put one down maybe straight I'd run
'Cause I always see the shadows
When I'm looking at the sun

Wrestling with a double mind
Like two horses pulling both sides
If I could put one down maybe straight I'd run
Cause I always see the shadows
When I'm looking at
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Where you think the limit is
And you make the limit move

When you close your eyes you can imagine
Where you find the emptiness
And you see an endless supply


You'll never know how I may appear
First time I'm like the wind
Next time I'm like a stone
You'll never know what shape I might take
I might be the ghost or I might be
Hiding in smoke

I am always beside you
Though you cannot see me
(I am always beside you)
Nameless take a different shape
(Though you cannot see me)
Shape makes a new prismatic
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
You'll never know how I may appear
First time I'm like a kiss
Next time I come in force
You never know from minute to minute where I'm going
You never know minute to minute where I've come from
You never know minute to minute if you'll find me
I always know minute to minute I am near you

I am always beside you
Though you cannot see me
(I am always beside you)
Nameless take a different shape
(Though you cannot see me)
Shape makes a new prismatic

Nameless take a different shape
Everybody take a shape
Shape makes a new prismatic
Everybody take a shape

Take a different shape
Take a different shape
Everybody take a shape
A different
Everybody make a shape
Take a different shape

So Easy

Down to the water's edge we go
There we drink in clean and cold
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not
Grasping your hand we run in
And I forget how afraid, how afraid, how afraid I am

Oh, you said it was easy, so easy
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Down to the fire's edge we go
There we touch and take it slow
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not
Grasping my hand you come in
And I forget how afraid, how afraid, how afraid I am

Oh, you said it was easy, so easy
Oh, you said it was easy, so easy

Oh, you said it was easy, so easy
Oh, you said it was easy, so easy


Can I stare without blinking
At you seeing me
Can I come without protecting
Or running away from
You, me, nothing in between

All alone we come and go
I long to be known
All alone we come and go
I long to be known by you
A resonance coming through

Can I dance without pulling back
I can't control you
I don't even want to
I can't control you
I don't even want to
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
All alone we come and go
I long to be known
All alone we come and go
I long to be known by you
A resonance between me and you

A resonance, resonance coming through
Resonance coming, coming through


( Adapted from the poem "Apparition" by Stéphane Mallarmé )

Sad moon, seraphim in tears dreaming
In the calm bows at their fingers
It was the blessed day of your first kiss
My reverie loving to torture me
The blessed day of your first kiss
My reverie
This perfume of sadness
Even without regret
This perfume of sadness
Even without setback
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
My eye riveted by the evening light in your hair
Then you appeared ghostly
And I thought I'd seen a hat of light to pass by
You were a spoiled child
Your careless hand is dropping
These bouquets of white snow
Of perfumed stars
These bouquets of white snow
Of perfumed stars

Bouquets of white snow
These bouquets of white snow
Of perfumed stars
Song details



Someone breathed into my ear
The vapor of the dead
It woke me up, I was asleep
It circled round my head

It all comes back inchoate
The meaning has no base
I never learned to love someone
The way I did that place

The Estate

Down past the River Road
In the lowest hollow
I took the path along the row
No stranger dared to follow

The wide lawn was overgrown
The eaves were bowed and brown
The window showed that every room
Was bare and white as bone

Above the pool, a mirrored gaze
I saw her ivied face
Her empty eyes, cold, recessed
Have watched this wasted place

Where dying bloom and creeping vine
Strangle and adorn
The place that built inside of me
A soul, a ghost, a home

The field has breath, the pond a voice
I've known since I was small.
They told me then to leave this place
Or stay and lose it all

The Barn

"You who live outside of life,
you're not alone, not yet"

In the barn, the ghost, the girl
When I came home from school
She sat upon the hayloft stairs
In a dress of layered tulle

Half-hidden from the shadows
Her body turned away
Her little gloves, pale and clenched
Over her little face

It was as if she took my hand
It was as if she knew
The earth held only part of her
And I should know it too

I'd seen the man out in the field
Immersed in dancing flames
A barn had once burned down out there
Long before we came

The land stretched wide beyond the house
Who knows what lay beneath
What other men were lying there
And would show themselves to me

It was as if he took my hand
It was as if he knew
The earth held only part of him
And I should know it too

It was as if they caught my ear
It was as if their breath
Would say, would sing
The dance of life continues after death

The Guest

She left our house in the dead of night
My sister went to find her
We didn't know why she left
She'd fled as fast as fire

All this time I was asleep
While my sister chased her down
I picture them out in the woods
On the other side of town

It turns out she was lost and caught
Deep within her dreams
Which guided her out of our house
Like Joan called from her wheel

But no glory there awaited her
No god where she was found
On a patch of snow in a lonely copse
On the frozen moonlit ground

The Slaughterhouse

The house of stone
With a concrete floor
A ring stuck at its center

Stood up the hill
From the spring-fed pond
We'd skate on every winter

In the past these family farms
Slaughtered all their stock
I'd seen it once at another farm
And I never will forget

The ring was used
To hold them still
The nose ring in the ring

The pond was there
To drag them down
Dead but still bleeding

Why hadn't they torn it down
When the farms no longer thrived
Beneath our blades a reef of beasts
Lay lowing under ice

The Girl

The woods behind that sprawling farm
Above that ranging home
Was somewhere no one ever went
Unless to be alone

The wrens would sing, the grouse would fly
A fox a flash of red
A peaceful place of moss and flowers
In an untouched woven bed

Who was that girl that entered there
Who crossed that thorny turf
She brought with her just rope and will
To end her time on earth

We didn't know her face or name
Just rendered in our minds
But the birds would sing the strangest song
As we rode by on our bikes

The Swan

Do you know
The swan in the swamp
Do you remember
How she screamed?

A truck backed up
Beyond the road
Where she lay alone

The twilight had just
That hour that fools
The eye

The night before
I'd seen her there
A girl of snow
And ice

The whitened wings
As the wheels
Destroyed her bed

The ivory neck
Like a finger
For its band

She lay there quiet
Against the grass
A splayed and shattered

Of red and white
Green and gold,

The Witch

I saw the witch out in the woods
As we sang around the fire
Stooped and white, curled and dry
A bone enrobed in briar

No one else had seen her there
No one saw her face
Which stared at me, fixedly
Grim and unafraid

I left them all to sing their songs
By the fire's dying glow
The woods and field enclosing camp
Like hands around a throat

Back at home I lay awake
Safe behind my door
Listening for her muted steps
In the shadowed yard below

And though the time has passed
I still see her in those trees
The world is now those darkened woods
The days her eyes on me

I was so young, had barely lived
But I recognized the fear
Was what lay waiting, out of view
In all our older years

The River

On the banks
The wash so brown
The shadows blue
They're black

I saw the form
Astride the loam
Splayed out upon
Its back

A bear, a dog
A bed, a log
A child's eyes
Are pure

Until the hands
Of the missing man
Were clear against
The dew

The river's flow
A blackened bow
That tied around
Our town

Had sapped his life
Like a lantern's light

The Speakers

"I'm sorry," said the blade,
Poised above the hare,
"The life you have inside of you
is only yours to share."

"In some ways," said the night,
as it blotted out the day,
"The fact that you will soon return
Makes your death a sadder thing."

"I hear you," said the hay,
the soured, dusty straw,
"You are the holy, crying child
The world believes is gone."

"Leave it," said the leaf,
"The edge of me turns brown,
I die and rise invisibly
Like the ghosts you won't allow."

The Orchard

The trees held bells
The chimes the blooms
Each fruit a tongue
To taste the bruise

The bending bough
Upended how
We'd try to steal
What it allowed

This was our greed
And was its gift
We raised the thing
That died to give

The Song

No Go No
The throat of the bird would sing
Don't you hear it too?
The field was echoing

No So Low
The flying, slicing wing.
It says that there is beauty
Inside your suffering

Go Go Go
The feathered head will turn
And look away, though now the song
Will live inside your room

The Past

The meadow lost its golden hue
The trees let go their leaves
The air grew colder, cleaner, blue
Pale as centuries

Someone breathed into my ear
The vapor of the dead
It woke me up, I was asleep
It circled round my head

It all comes back inchoate
The meaning has no base
I never learned to love someone
The way I did that place

A Million and One

It's Me On The Dance Floor

(This way)
I'm all alone
I'm all alone, turn the lights low
(Go, go on and turn all these numbers out)
(Tap out)

I'm looking out (I've been trying to figure it out)
I'm looking out, for someone to see (Transmutable, pleasure)
And someone to be seeing me

But maybe
It's me
It's me I'm looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor
It's me
It's me I've been looking for (Transmutable)
It's me
It's me on the dance floor (This way)

I've been going out (This way)
I've been going out on a limb
(Go, go, into the shadow I see my face)
I begin to see who I might really be
Who I might really be
Who I might really be (Transmutable)
Who I might really be (Pleasure)

It's me
It's me I'm looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor (Yeah, yeah)
It's me
It's me I've been looking for (Transmutable)
It's me
It's me on the dance floor

I was looking for someone who might see me
And I might see too
Maybe that is you
It's me
It's me I'm looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor
It's me
It's me I've been looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor

It's me
It's me I'm looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor
It's me
It's me I've been looking for
It's me
It's me on the dance floor

Rising Star

Alright, is everybody read

Thought I was down for the count
Made some mistakes I won't talk about
But I'mma skate or die
I can fly, I'mma rough it out
All right, starchild
All right, starchild

Thought I was down for the count
Diamonds fell out of my crown
Pressure was building on me
Trouble I made up
Beacon of light you see in the night
That's me, I'm rising up from despair

You think it you, you make it
You dreamin' awake yet
Think it, you make it
'Til fail
Think it, you make it
You dreamin' awake yet
Think it, you make it
Now you gon' prevail

And in the fading light
I hear a voice so clear
And in the closing hour
I feel a change coming

Thought I was down for the count
Silence, hide or come out
All right, starchild
Oh, beacon of light you see in the night
That's me, I'm rising up from nowhere

(All right now, here we go)

You think it you, you make it
You dreamin' awake yet
Think it, you make it
'Til fail
Think it, you make it
You dreamin' awake yet
Think it, you make it
Now you gonna prevail

And in the fading light
I hear a voice so clear
And in the closing hour
I feel a change coming
And in the fading light
I hear a voice so clear
And in the closing hour
I feel a change coming

Rising star

Another Chance

If I get another chance at love
If I get another chance
I will call you my sweet thing
If I get another chance at love
If I get another chance
I'll hold you like I'm never leaving you

Everywhere I've been has got me right here now
I have no regrets (Have no regrets)
Every love I had, I bless you, thanks
I don't take it back (Don't take it back)
My love
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
My love
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)

If I get another chance at love
If I get another chance
I will call you my sweet things
If I get another chance at love
If I get another chance
My kisses will be never-ending

If I get another chance at love
If I get another chance

Everywhere I've been has got me right here now
I have no regrets (Have no regrets)
If I have a chance to give
I'm not holding back (Not holding back)
My love
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
My love
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)
(My love, my love, my love)


Like bubbles in champagne
No one can stop what's coming up
I cannot go halfway
No, I will not stop going up
Going up
Going up

Held my jealousy tight
I never spoke it outright
I've been blaming you for putting me down
Pulling me down
But I know how to float in gravity
In the end that blame's on me
I'll be lighter than air
If I let it be

Like bubbles in champagne
No one can stop what's coming up
I cannot go halfway
No, I will not stop going up
Going up
Going up

You said I said
You said I said
You said "all right"
Did you want to see me cry
Hey, nice try
Yeah, I shook inside like a kid afraid
But I won't, I won't
I will not, I won't
I will not, I won't
I will not, I won't, I will not cry
You can say what you want
But like the air I will rise

Like bubbles in champagne
No one can stop what's coming up
I cannot go halfway
No, I will not stop going up
Going up
Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ooh
Ohh, ohh, ohh
Going up
Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ooh
Ohh, ohh, ohh, ohh oh

Like bubbles in champagne
(Like bubbles in champagne)
No one can stop what's coming up
No one can stop what's coming up
I cannot go halfway
(Like bubbles in champagne)
No, I will not stop going up
(Like bubbles in champagne)
Going up

You Wanna See My Teeth

This night has a chill
My hood is up
Headphones blaring my sounds
My sounds

Hey, kid
Where you goin'
Hey, kid
Where you goin', goin'
Hey, kid
Where you goin'
Hey, kid
Where you goin'

This night has a chill
My hood is up
Headphones blaring my sound
My sound

You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show ya, show you
You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show ya, show you
You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna

You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show ya, show you
You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show ya, show you
You want to see my teeth
I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna show you
I'm gonna

Big guns
I've got big guns
See these arms

Big guns
I've got big guns
See these arms

And nothing can harm
Nothing can hurt
Nothing can touch
No man can bind me

Nothing can harm
Nothing can hurt
Nothing can touch
No man can bind me
No man can find me

A Million Pearls

I tried to tell you what I can do
But you won't believe what you cannot see
Oh well, oh well, oh well
Oh well, oh well, oh well

Thanks to all the times it was said
You can't, you can't, you can't
Well, I did, I do, I do
Well, I did, I did, I do

And cheers to all of them who said
"There's a million pearls just like you"
Now where'd they disappear to
Now where'd they disappear to

I wanted to go high
I wanted you to recognize
Something you saw worth keeping
Oh well, oh well, oh well

If I show you my disgrace
Will you still display distaste
If I bare to you my
Will it mean anything to you at all
When I offer up my mouth
How you spit me out
'til I learn to be proud
On an ocean floor I'm found
As just one of the million other

A million
A million
A million pearls
A million
A million
A million pearls
A million
A million
A million pearls


I'm trembling like a flower after a storm
But I get on board, we press in tight
The engine blowing, we release the cord
The water takes us high
We sway
We sway
In the moonlight
On the shifting center line

I could not stay
I could not stay

I feel a hand holding me upright
Let's take the comfort we can get tonight
We become a chorus of cussers and lovers
I just know I'm holding on to you
For dear life
We sway
In the moonlight
On the shifting center line
In the moonlight
On the shifting center line
On the shifting center line

All eyes out
For the rainbow
In the meantime
Everybody heave-ho

Everybody row
Everybody, everybody row

Dancing through these changes
Dancing through these changes
We sway
In the moonlight
On the shifting center line
In the moonlight
On the shifting center line
On the shifting center line

All eyes out
For the rainbow
In the meantime
Everybody heave-ho

Everybody row, heave-ho
Everybody, everybody row, heave-ho
Everybody row, heave-ho
Everybody, everybody row, heave-ho

Dance, dancing through these changes
Dance, dancing through these changes
We sway, sway, in the moonlight on the shifting center line
Sway, sway, in the moonlight on the shifting center line
Sway, in the moonlight on the shifting center line

All eyes out
For the rainbow
In the meantime, everybody heave-ho


I love you though you're different than me
You don't look like me
You don't talk like me
You don't

I love you though you're foreign to me
And unknown to me
And there is no, no, no assuming

I love you 'cause you wanted to be
More of you and nobody
Can ever, ever try to be
A copy, a copy, a copy, a copy...

Let them (let them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (super, super)

Let them (let them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (ooh a super, supernova)

And if I'm gonna say to you
Can I say it to me too
Dying and dying

Now we are imagining
You being you and me being me
No, no, no diffusing

An echo keeps repeating to me
More of you and nobody
Can ever, ever try to be
A copy, a copy, a copy, a copy...

Now we are imagining

Let them (let them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (super, super)

Let them (let them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (ooh a super, supernova)

Let them (tet them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (super, super)

Let them (let them)
Take us (take us)
To the supernova (ooh a super, supernova)

Ooh a super, super
Ooh a supernova

We make a supernova
Super, super
We make a supernova
Ooh a super, supernova
We make a supernova
Super, super
We make a supernova
Ooh a super, supernova
Ooh a super, super
Ooh a super, super
Super, super
Super, super


She's my wishing well
She's the earth below
She's oh so dangerous
Feminine smile
A windspun wild, wild

She did what she wanted
She said what she thought
Got me in trouble for questioning God
Silenced emotion, thought I'd be fine
Leaving off my woman and leading with my mind

I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her

She's a midnight sun (she's a midnight sun)
She's a pistol blue (she's a pistol blue)
She's a valley cracked open wide and the windspun wild, wild

She did what she wanted
She said what she thought
Got me in trouble for questioning God
She did what she want
Said what she thought

I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
I came from my mother then forgot my mother
So I'll go back to mother and I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her
And I'll learn to love her

White Noise

White, white
White, white, white, white
White, white, white, white
White, white noise

When you wanna dance (white noise)
You dance to the white noise
White, white, white, white
White noise

If you wanna get rich (white noise)
Get hip to the white noise
And if you get rich quick and hip, hip
You can be rich, rich

Are you mad, mad, mad, mad
You ain't mad enough
Are you mad, mad, mad, mad
You ain't mad enough, ain't mad enough
Are you sad, sad, sad, sad
You ain't sad enough
Are you sad, sad, sad, sad
You ain't sad enough, ain't sad enough

Now shake the format
Now push the beat back

I wanna make a parade (white noise)
Parade up to white noise
Parade white (white, white, white, white) up to the mirror
Come face to face (white, white noise)

I feel so sensitive and (white, white)
My position might have to be shifted by a break
And I'm counting up all of these benefits
It's nothing but white noise

Are you mad, mad, mad, mad
You ain't mad enough
Are you mad, mad, mad, mad
You ain't mad enough, ain't mad enough
Are you sad, sad, sad, sad
You ain't sad enough
Are you sad, sad, sad, sad
You ain't sad enough, ain't sad enough

Now shake the format
Now push the beat back

Now push, push
White, white, white, white
White, white noise

We keep breaking up the white noise (white, white noise)
Breaking the white noise (white, white noise)
Breaking, breaking up the white noise (white noise)
Breaking the white noise


Fight The Terror

On the day she died a storm came in
It cut down the trees with a force
The lights went out and that seemed about right
For the whole world to stop for Sinéad
Fight the real terror
Fight the real terror

Oh it's easier to saint too late
For such a catalytic act
Than to respect a living and furious woman
Fight the real terror
Come on, come on
Come on and fight

So what am I gonna make of her sacrifice
Whose picture am I gonna tear up tonight
And who's gonna stand with me shoulder to shoulder
To take down another untouchable power
Who's gonna stand with me shoulder to shoulder
To take down another untouchable

We have confidence
We have confidence
We have confidence
We have confidence

Rocket In My Pocket

I got a pocket full of rockets
And it ain't for show
I give you all my loving
But now I'm telling you no

Never sleep on the quiet ones
They know where you hide the keys
You think you would get away with this
But I got all the quiet ones coming with me

Rocket in my pocket
Big man coming down but he won't see
Rocket in my pocket
Take down the big man quietly

I got a pocket full of rockets
To take a giant out
Could I have your attention
You stay caught up in your same old talk
But how can you stop any river
But you can't stop for me
Do I go against father
Never sleep, never sleep, never sleep, never sleep, never sleep

Never sleep on the quiet ones
They know where you hide the keys
Just when you think you got away with it
They come creeping, and creeping, and creeping

Rocket in my pocket
Big man coming down but he won't see
Rocket in my pocket
Take down the big man quietly

Even Warriors

Even warriors want someone to hold
I'd rather face a thousand bayonets
Than to stand alone with one who could see me
And talk about feelings
Why's that so scary

Even warriors want a place called home
When the fight is through to whom will I return?
And on whose shoulder will I place a waiting kiss?
Tell me who you'd miss

Despite my great effort to protect the masses
I fold in capacity
Despite my great effort to shield my belly
It shows openly
So pierce me, pierce me
Pierce me to ecstatic
Saint me after slaughter
My absent faculty, embrace and awaken me
While injustice carries on
The battle is won in the soft spots
In the soft spots

Imaginary Lover

Imaginary lover
We won't rush each other
Imaginary lover
We move apart then come back together

Imaginary lover
I've been better off alone
Than breaking my heart on someone
Who I could never love much as I love you

If we go sideways by some crazy chance
If we go sideways, you and I will figure it out
If we go sideways by some crazy chance
If we go sideways, you and I
Will figure it out
Figure it out

Imaginary lover
Taking your hand I feel better
Imaginary lover
We trust one another
We trust

Imaginary lover
You don't need to change a thread
There's no one I'd rather want for in all of heaven's view
As much as I'd want you
I want you

If we go sideways by some crazy chance
If we go sideways, you and I will figure it out
If we go sideways by some crazy chance
If we go sideways, you and I
Will figure it out
Figure it out

Rule Breaker

Rule number one, don't date the band
When you find out they cheated and the band is done
Rule number two, don't date a fan
They only want illusions in front of the cam
Rule number three, don't kiss an engineer
You may like their attention but they wanna keep on catching you, controlling you
Rule number four, don't date a civilian
They'll never understand your singular obsession
Rule number five, don't marry the manager
When you go left, they wanna make you stay right
That's the surest time that there's gonna be a fight

Rule number six, don't date another artist
Too much ego in the room with artists
Rule number seven, don't chase a poet
You want their freedom but you'll be paying, I know it
Rule number eight, don't date a young one
You think for one minute
"This might be fun?"
Rule number nine, don't try international
That plane ticket gonna make you irrational
Rule number ten, never again make a part time fling a full time girlfriend
Part time fling a full time girlfriend
Part time fling a full time girlfriend

You're a rule breaker
Rule breaker
You're a rule breaker
A rule breaker
How'd you do it
How'd you do it
How'd you make me fall in love
How'd you do it
How'd you do it
How'd you make me fall in love with a rule breaker
A rule breaker
You're a rule breaker
A rule breaker

Safe House

I never felt so safe
I had to have a sword and shield
I wanted to be strong in the world
For me and all the little pearls
Who never felt so safe

So we cussed and drank and huffed
And cloaked our ache to toughen up
And hope to fortify the right
To sleep in peace at night

We are gonna write new rules
We are gonna talk our troubles through
Play for keeps and find out how
Nobody will be shut out from the safe house
Safe house

And even I'm afraid
To try so hard and fail
I know that I am strong
But even I need someone to depend on
And show me what is safe
Name mistakes
Run not from effects
Listen up, restore respect
Please, don't go away if you stay

We are gonna write new rules
We are gonna talk our troubles through
Play for keeps and find out how
Nobody will be shut out from the safe house
Safe house

We are gonna write
We are gonna talk
We are gonna play
For keeps, for keeps, for keeps, for keeps, for keeps
We are gonna write
We are gonna talk
And we are gonna play
For keeps, for keeps, for keeps, for keeps, for keeps
At the safe house
Safe house

Have You Ever Seen An Angel

Have you ever seen an angel
On a December night when the light of hope is all burned out
Have you ever seen an angel
In January, May or June
Did your horizon go tilted forever to stay askew

Oh angel, hold my hand
Angel, sit with me while I weep and sigh
Oh my, what a life
Oh my, what a life

Have you ever seen an angel
In a desperate hour when nobody's picking up the line
Have you ever seen an angel
After the house is clean
And your spirit's quiet and listening for angels

Oh my, what a life
Oh my, what a life
Oh Gloria
Oh glory


There was a sail on oceans blue
And on it a prayer I'd blush in truth
And in the thought, light was born
And on the sail, it grew and grew

Do you have the time

Is it coincidence or more
When a thought comes back in different form
What does it mean, I dare not guess
But the moment it comes, I wonder no less

Do you have the time

Initiate, initiate, initiate the sail
Initiate, initiate, initiate the sail

When I've forgotten how to pray
When I've forgotten how to pray
I sail

Do you have the time
Do you have the time

There's No Place I'd Rather Be

There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you
There's no talk I'd rather talk than our kind of talking
There's no place I'd rather be now you're tattooed to me

Here, slowly the pain appears
Radiant, here
The edges of love are here
It is radiant, radiant

There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you
Here, touching you, hearing you
I'm coming closer, ooh
I was so alone
I was so alone
The edges of love are near
It is radiant, here
The centre on pain is here, it is radiant

Let me stay as the light fades
Watch as pain evaporates
Let me stay as the light fades
Here, with you

I Saw A Glimpse

I saw a glimpse of heaven or at least I think I did
All my loved ones came 'round to hear me play a tune for them
Oh my darling, my darling
Oh my darling, witness cloud
Will you stay with me forever if your name is in my mouth

I saw a glimpse of heaven, or at least I think I did
All the martyrs circled 'round to bless with holy water's power
Oh my darling, my darling
Be not afraid to speak
For the final hour's coming
You may weep but still must speak

I saw a glimpse of the future, or at least I think I did
My child was in a firetruck, running after every flame
Then his future looked inside me and asked plain as day
"Oh dear Mama, dear Mama, had you done all that you could
Oh Mama, dear Mama, I love and wish you would"

I saw a glimpse of the future, or at least I think I did
A crowd was in a gathering place, such focus on their face
They sang a song of triumph and the tone traveled for miles
Oh my darling, my darling
There will be no more regret

Let me hold you in my arms, so close
For you I won't hold back
I will love you to the end of time
And I'll die over that fact

Oh my darling, my darling
Let us make love through the night
For tomorrow's dawn comes early
At tomorrow's dawn we fight

Non Albums Tracks

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for most of these lyrics ***

A Friend Indeed

(Marla Hansen feat. Shara Worden / Wedding Day EP)

Coming home again
Leave the van
Come have a cup of tea
We'll talk about the big and bigger things
My oh my, you are a friend indeed

And oh it's been a long time
But you are a friend in need
You want them to know without being told
And why shouldn't you

All our puzzle pieces
Have fallen behind chairs, under beds
It'll take the night to sit and sort them out
Well, that's okay, you can sleep here instead

And oh it's been a long time
But I am a friend in need
I want him to know without being told
And why shouldn't I

Apparition (French Version)

(Stéphane Mallarmé Poem / I Had Grow Wild EP)

La lune s'attristait
Des séraphins en pleurs rêvant
Dans le calme
L'archet aux doigts
C'était le jour béni de ton premier
Premier baiser
Ma songerie aimant à me martyriser

Du parfum de tristesse
Que même sans regret
Du parfum de tristesse
Que même sans déboire
Laisse au coeur

Avec du soleil aux cheveux
Dans le soir
Tu m'es en riant apparue
Et j'ai cru voir la fée
Au chapeau de clarté
Enfant gâté
Laissant toujours de ses mains mal fermées
Enfant gâté

Neiger de blancs bouquets
D'étoiles parfumées
Neiger de blancs bouquets
D'étoiles parfumées

Neiger de blancs bouquets
Neiger de blancs bouquets
D'étoiles parfumées
The moon was getting sad
Weeping cherubs were dreaming
In the quiet
Bow in hand
That was the sacred day of our first
First kiss
And I became martyr to my own dreams

That perfume of sadness
Which, even without regrets
That perfume of sadness
Which, even without regrets
Leaves to the heart

With sunshine in your hair
In the night
You appeared to me, laughing
And I thought I saw the fairy
With a hat of light
Spoiled childhood
And from whose half closed hands
Spoiled childhood

Kept snowing in white bunches
Of scented stars
Kept snowing in white bunches
Of scented stars

Kept snowing in white bunches
Kept snowing in white bunches
Of scented stars

Are You A Dreamer

(Denisom Witmer feat. Shara Worden / Are You A Dreamer? LP)

Denisom :
Dream, are you a dreamer
Are you a dreamer
Do you dream

Sleep, are you a sleeper
Are you a sleeper
Do you sleep

Denisom & Shara :
When your brown eyes close
Do blue skies open up
When your breathing slows
Your mind run fast and free
Will you sleep and dream with me

Denisom :
Love, are you my lover
Are you my lover
Do you love me

Save, are you a savior
Are you a savior
Are you a savior
Will you save

Denisom & Shara :
When my blue eyes close
Will white clouds lift me up
When my body slows
My mind run fast and free
Do you hold me when I sleep
Do you hold me when I sleep

When your brown eyes close
Do blue skies open up
When your breathing slows
Your mind run fast and free
Will you sleep and dream with me
Will you sleep and dream with me

Water, I'm walking on water
Walking on water for you

Black Sheep

The black sheep
Black sheep
Black sheep saw the moon
Then the black sheep
Black sheep
Knew what to do

They read the sky
Saw a shooting star fall down
Then the black sheep
Knew it was time to come to town

If you ever meet a black sheep
Don’t give 'em any rules
If you think you can tame 'em
Then you'd become the fool
If you tell 'em to go right
They'll go left instead
When you tell 'em to follow
They refuse to be led

The black sheep
Black sheep
Black sheep doing wrong
The black sheep
Black sheep
Sing this little song

Ain't got no family
Ain't got no home
Ain't got much money
Or shelter from the storm
But I know the names of the planets and the spheres
And I know what the falling star meant to me this year

The black sheep (black sheep)
Black sheep (black sheep)
Black sheep saw the sign
Then the black sheep (black sheep)
Black sheep
Circled up side by side

Then looking each other in the eye, they said
I'm bad
I'm bad, alright
I'd rather be bad and unruly
I'd rather be bad next to you truly

I'm bad
I'm bad, alright
So bad (so bad)
So bad
So bad and I can't go back
So bad and I can't go back
So bad and I can't go back
To being white

Be my husband

( Written by A. Stroud / Nina Simone Cover )

Be my husband man I be your wife
Be my husband man I be your wife
Be my husband man I be your wife
I said I will love you the rest of my life

Stick the promise man you gave me
Stick the promise man that you gave me
Stick the promise man you gave me
That you stay away from rosalie

Oh daddy love me good
Oh daddy now love me good
Oh daddy now love me good
Oh oh oh the way that you should

Be my husband man I be your wife
Be my husband man I be your wife
Be my husband man I be your wife
I said I will love you
I said I will love you
I said I will love you the rest of my life

Casimir Pulaski Day

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Two, three, four

Sufjan :
Golden rod and the 4-H stone
The things I brought you
When I found out you had cancer of the bone

Your father cried on the telephone
And he drove his car to the Navy yard
Just to prove that he was sorry

Sufjan & Shara :
In the morning through the window shade
When the light pressed up against your shoulder blade
I could see what you were reading

Oh the glory that the Lord has made
And the complications you could do without
When I kissed you on the mouth

Sufjan :
Tuesday night at the bible study
We lift our hands and pray over your body
But nothing ever happens

I remember at Michael's house
In the living room when you kissed my neck
And I almost touched your blouse

Sufjan & Shara :
In the morning at the top of the stairs
When your father found out what we did that night
And you told me you were scared

Oh the glory when you ran outside
With your shirt tucked in and your shoes untied
And you told me not to follow you

Sufjan :
Sunday night when I cleaned the house
I find the card where you wrote it out
With the pictures of your mother

On the floor at the great divide
With my shirt tucked in and my shoes untied
I am crying in the bathroom

Sufjan & Shara :
In the morning when you finally go
And the nurse runs in with her head hung low
And the cardinal hits the window

In the morning in the winter shade
On the first of March on the holiday
I thought I saw you breathing

Oh the glory that the Lord has made
And the complications when I see his face
In the morning in the window

Oh the glory when he took our place
But he took my shoulders and he shook my face
And he takes and he takes and he takes

Cast In Ice

(Stateless feat. Shara Worden / Sixfold Symmetry EP)

She cried for him
She cried forever
What good is it
What good is to love
It'll make you suffer

Well, the soul walks
The soul walks still
Every night since the falling star
Just as the snow falls and as the rain falls
The wound in her side goes 'round the sun

Cast in ice, cast in ice
Cast in light, cast in light
Cast in ice, cast in ice
Cast in light

And the silent house and the silent room
There is a face in the window
The only face left in the world
You are the last and you were the first
Before you, there was nothing at all

Cast in ice, cast in ice
Cast in light, cast in light
Cast in ice, cast in ice
Cast in light

The soul walks
The soul walks still
Every night since the falling star
Just as the snow falls and as the rain falls
Just a wave of diamonds spralling to ruins

In your eyes, in your eyes
In your arms, in your arms
In your eyes, in your eyes
In your arms

Ceci Est Ma Main

(This is my hand French Version / I Had Grown Wild EP)

Ceci est ma main, ceci est mon poignet
Ceci est mon bras, ceci est mon poing
Comme une vigne entortillée, s'enveloppe et s'entrelace

Ceci est mon visage, ceci est ma bouche
Ceci est mon œil, ceci est mon sourcil
Comme le vin de lilas, se déversant de toi, pour toi

Ceci est ma forme, ceci est mon moule
Ceci est mon âge, ceci est ma charpente
Ceci est mon esprit, ceci est ma voix
Ceci est mon coeur, ceci est mon choix

Ceci est ma cuisse, ceci est mon sexe
Ceci est ma hanche, ceci est mon sein
Ceci est mon ombre, ceci est ma haine
Ceci est ma ligne, ceci est mon doute

Ma mélancolie, ma flamme, ma joie, mon but d'aimer, aimer, aimer…

Ceci est ma forme, ceci est mon moule
Ceci est mon âge, ceci est ma charpente
Ceci est mon esprit, ceci est ma voix
Ceci est mon coeur, ceci est mon choix

Ceci est mon temps, ceci est mon souffle
Ceci est ma droite, ceci est ma gauche
Ceci est mon ombre, ceci est ma haine
Ceci est ma ligne, ceci est mon doute

Ma mélancolie, ma flamme, ma joie, mon but d'aimer, aimer, aimer…

Champagne (French Version)

(Champagne EP)

Comme les bulles de champagne
Personne ne peut arrêter ce qui arrive
Je ne peux pas aller à mi-chemin
Je ne vais pas m'arrêter
Oui j'y vais
Oui j'y vais

J'ai gardé ma jalousie
Je ne l'ai jamais révélée
Je t'en ai voulu
De me rabaisser
De m'abaisser

Mais je sais flotter
Dans la gravité
A la fin, les reproches sont pour moi
Je suis légère
Comme l'air et je laisse faire

Comme les bulles de champagne
Personne ne peut arrêter ce qui arrive
Je ne peux pas aller à mi-chemin
Je ne vais pas m'arrêter
Oui j'y vais
Oui j'y vais

Tu dis que j'ai dit
Tu dis que j'ai dit
Tu dis

Tu voudrais me voir pleurer
Bien essayé
Je tremblais comme un gamin effrayé
Mais je ne vais pas
Je ne vais pas
Je ne vais pas
Non je ne vais pas
Je ne vais pas pleurer

Dis ce que tu veux
Mais comme l'air, je monterai

Comme les bulles de champagne
Personne ne peut arrêter ce qui arrive
Je ne peux pas aller à mi-chemin
Je ne vais pas m'arrêter
Oui j'y vais
Oui j'y vais

Comme les bulles de champagne
Personne ne peut arrêter ce qui arrive
Je ne peux pas aller à mi-chemin
Je ne vais pas m'arrêter
Oui j'y vais
Oui j'y

Come On! Feel The Illinoise!

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Sufjan :
Oh great intentions
I've got the best of interventions
But when the ads come
I think about it now

In my infliction
Entrepreneurial conditions
Take us to glory
I think about it now

Cannot conversations cull united nations
If you got the patience, celebrate the ancients
Cannot all creation call it celebration
Or united nation, put it to your head

Sufjan :
Oh great white city
I've got the adequate committee
Where have your walls gone
I think about it now

Chicago, in fashion, the soft drinks, expansion
Oh Columbia
From Paris, incentive, like cream of wheat invented
The Ferris Wheel

Sufjan :
Oh great intentions
Covenant with the imitation
Have you no conscience
I think about it now

Oh God of progress
Have you degraded or forgot us
Where have your laws gone
I think about it now

Ancient hieroglyphic or the South Pacific
Typically terrific, busy and prolific

Classical devotion, architect promotion
Lacking in emotion. Think about it now

Chicago, the New Age, but what would Frank Lloyd Wright say
Oh Columbia
Amusement or treasure, these optimistic pleasures
Like the Ferris Wheel

Cannot conversations cull united nations
If you got the patience, celebrate the ancients


Sufjan :
I cried myself to sleep last night
And the ghost of Carl, he approached my window
I was hypnotized, I was asked
To improvise
On the attitude, the regret
Of a thousand centuries of death

Even with the heart of terror and the superstitious wearer
I am riding all alone
I am writing all alone

Even in my best condition, counting all the superstition
I am riding all alone
I am running all alone

Sufjan :
And we laughed at the beatitudes of a thousand lines
We were asked at the attitudes
They reminded us of death

Even with the rest belated, everything is antiquated
Are you writing from the heart
Are you writing from the heart

Even in his heart the Devil has to know the water level
Are you writing from the heart
Are you writing from the heart

Sufjan :
And I cried myself to sleep last night
For the Earth, and materials, they may sound just right to me

Even with the rest belated, everything is antiquated
Are you writing from the heart
Are you writing from the heart

Even in his heart the Devil has to know the water level
Are you writing from the heart
Are you writing from the heart

Concerning The UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

When the revenant came down
We couldn't imagine what it was
In the spirit of three stars
The alien thing that took its form

Then to Lebanon, oh God
The flashing at night, the sirens grow and grow
Oh, history involved itself
Mysterious shade that took its form

Or what it was
Three stars
Delivering signs and dusting from their eyes


If you're in the room, there's no one else in the room
If you're outside, I'm outside
If you run away, that's okay
I'll hold you here in my mind

Quiet, strong
Stable, easy
I see you, you see me
Rebel to rebel
The knowing between us
Was right there from the beginning
You were a wild thing

I knew to never posses you
I could not contain you
Never blame you
Even if I never kiss you
Never want to lose you
Even if I cannot keep you
I confess I need you

Never my lover
You became the light
We are other
We make a line
Never another
Could be Dorian

Curious creature, unprecedented in nature
The form won't apply to you and I
Hold me close, then let me roam
Don't know where I'm going

I'll be back in a blue moon
To see you, you see me
Rebel to rebel
The knowing between us
Was right there from the beginning
You were a wild thing

I knew to never posses you
I could not contain you
Never blame you
Even if I never kiss you
Never want to lose you
Even if I cannot keep you
I confess I need you

Never my lover
You became the light
We are other
We make a line
Never another
Could be Dorian

Never my lover
What a way to say goodbye
We are other
We make a line
Never another
Never another

Dreaming Awake

(None More Than You EP)

Slowing down
Slowing down
So slo
This could be my favorite time of day
When everything is nestling down
Feathers ruffled and wings touch ground
And every floor closes up
So slow
Every voice acquires a hush
And limbs grow numb
Fingers finding hard start to roam
And whispering I say to you
I could stay here always
Just watching you breathe
Making up some great adventure story
Where you win all the fame and glory
I could stay here always
Dreaming awake
Dreaming awake
Dreaming, dreaming awake
What is all this rushing about
What have I done to prove
What is all this rushing about
I've got to slow it down
So slow
I could stay here always
Just watching you breathe
Making up some great adventure story
Where you win all the flame and the glory
I could stay here always
Dreaming awake
Dreaming awake
Dreaming, dreaming awake
I'm dreaming
Dreaming awake

Dreams Don't Look Like

(None More Than You EP)

Dreams don't look like
The way they look in sleep
Dreams don't feel like
Anything you can keep
But I still dream
I still

One day I might slow down
And give up chasing something
That can't be named or found
Up here so high
Held by a shoe string
It seems like I have nothing
But I've got all I need

If I win or if I lose
If I hold or if I shoot
If I run or hit the road
If I climb or if I fall

Everything But Sleep

(Denisom Witmer feat. Shara Worden / Are You A Dreamer? LP)

My room has a big white bed
Pictures on the mirror
Books that last a year
Everything but sleep
Don't you know

Nothing won't fit under there (nothing won't fit under there)
The Dowmaker's ghost
A heavenly host
Everything but sleep
Don't you know
Everything but sleep
Where does it go
Everything but sleep
On it goes (on it goes and on it goes and on it goes)

If it weren't for you
I could be anywhere
I'd rather be here
Don't you know

Now that I know I'll never feel the same way
Everything but sleep
Don't you know
Everything but sleep
On it goes (on it goes and on it goes and on it goes)
On it goes (on it goes, on it goes, on it goes)

Feeling good

( Nina Simone Cover on "Dark Was The Night" LP )

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds drifting on by
You know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me

Yes it's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom in the tree
You know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun
You know what I mean
Butterflies all having fun
You know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
And I'm feeling good

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know what I mean

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good

Gentlest gentleman

( I-Tunes bonus track )

Maybe next time when I see your face again
I will tell you that I loved you
And if this is to be the end, well hey
That's it, that's it

We have tasted life we have taken all
With a big breath out
And a big breath in
We sang la la la la la la la

And if it seems that I've been a little down
I will blame it on the fact that you ain't been coming 'round
I heard nothing gold will stay
Well hey
That's it, that's it

We have tasted life
We have taken all
With a big breath out
And a big breath in
We sing la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

You were the gentlest
You were the gentlest
You were the gentlest gentlemen

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

I Am Walking

(David Lang Feat. Shara Worden / Death Speaks EP)

I am walking in the sunlight
I see the moon, at my feet
I see the sun, at my feet
I walk in joy
I am kissed by angels

Your heart
Child of man
Your heart canʼt know
What joy I feel

Sister soul, come to rest

Find more lyrics at ※
Pure notes of love
Echo around you
A lily, a rose
They wait for you
While you sleep

Only you can hear me
Only you can see me
Only you can hear the music
It never stops

I Had A Pearl

( Inside a boy EP )

Many strange things did I behold
I had the favor a queen and watched it turn to stone
I've kissed the lips of princes, fools and dreams
I walked a tightrope through the moonlight to the seven seas
I've seen silver headed Valentine
I carried up the swan kings gold and gave them thimble wine
I saw the old man time glisten before the end
I went down disappearing hole was never seen again

I had a pearl and I lost it
I knew the bliss of the dawn and it faded
I saw her face turn away
And now I know that there is nothing so hard
I can't get over it

On eleven o two I sailed a red hot balloon
To the snow capped mountains of Timorataloo
And when the owl stole my air for his last tune
I floated up to Pluto on a beam of the moon

I had a pearl and I lost it
I knew the bliss of the dawn and it faded
I saw her face turn away
And now I know that there is nothing so high
I can't get over it

I Hear You

(David Lang Feat. Shara Worden / Death Speaks EP)

I hear you
I hear you call
I pity you
I am your friend
I am not cruel
Give me your hand
You will sleep so softly in my arms

When love breaks free from sorrow
A new star shines
A new star shines

Three roses, half red, half white
They will never wither

The angels
They shed their wings
And fall

Rest well
rest well
Find more lyrics at ※
Close your eyes
You will rest with me
Until the river drains into the sea

Iʼll make a bed for you
The softest pillow
Come, rest
Everyone will sing for you
For you

I will protect you
From the hunter, from the forest
From the flowers, from your dreams
From the wicked girl, from her shadow
I will keep your eyes covered
I will protect you

Good night
Good night

I'll Find A Way (To Carry It All)

(The Blind Boys Of Alabama feat. Shara Worden / I'll Find A Way LP)

Night seems to fall
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
To carry it all

You took me for a ride
What can I say
I'll find a way
To carry it all

Many stood tall
When love seems so fine
And many stepped upward
It is so sweet
How did we get so sad

I'll play the fool
(I'll play the fool)
Just for a day
I'll find a way
(I'll find, I'll find a way)
To carry it all
To carry it all

Many stood tall
When love seems so fine
And many stepped upward
It is so sweet
(So sweet, so sweet)
How did we get so sad

I'll play the fool
(I'll play the fool)
Just for a day
(I am gonna find it)
I'll find a way
(I'll find a way)
To carry it all
(To carry it all)
To carry it all

I'm On Fire

(Stateless feat. Shara Worden / Matilda LP)

Shara Worden:
Whatever you've done, just bury it
And swim back down to the ocean bed
And find the secret place where we buried those bones
While we explore our shipwrecks with pockets full of stones

Shara Worden & Chris James:
I don't care where we've been tonight
It is of no consequence, my dear
Just stay here, my arms are wide, my lover
And the rest of the world could disappear and I wouldn't care

Shara Worden:
'Cause I'm on fire

Chris James:
I guess I should open another bottle of wine
Light another cigarette and turn the record over
And play the songs we sang when we buried those bones
While we explored our shipwrecks with pockets full of stones

Shara Worden & Chris James:
I don't care where we've been tonight
It is of no consequence, my dear
Just stay here, my arms are wide, my lover
And the rest of the world could disappear and I wouldn't care

Shara Worden:
'Cause I'm on fire
I'm on, I'm on fire

Chris James & Shara Worden:
I'm on fire (I'm)
I'm on fire (I'm)
I'm on fire (on fire)
I'm on fire
I'm on fire
I'm on fire, fire, fire

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Je n'en connais pas la fin / Hymne à l'amour

( Live Cover / M. Monnot/E. Piaf with English lyrics by G. Parsons )

Used to know a little square
So long ago, when I was small
All summer long it had a fair
Wonderful fair with swings and all

I used to love that little fair
And at the close of everyday
I could be found, dancing around
A merry-go round that used to play

"Ah, mon amour
A toi toujours
Rien que nous deux
Rien, rien, rien, que nous deux"

All summer long that little fair
Made everyday like a holiday
And night after night it used to play
People came there from so far away

And everyone sang that little tune
And all around town you heard it played
Even Pepi from Napoli
He sang to Marie
This serenade

"Ah, mon amour
A toi toujours"

Even Pepi from Napoli
He sang to Marie
This serenade

If the sun should tumble from the sky
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me, let it happen
Let it happen darling, I won't care

Shall I catch a shooting star
Shall I bring it where you are
If you want me to, I will
You can set me any task
I'll do anything you ask
If you'll only love me still

When at last
Our life on earth is through
I will spend eternity with you
If you love me
Do you love me
Let it happen
Let it happen darling
For I won't care

John Wayne Gacy, Jr.

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Sufjan :
His father was a drinker
And his mother cried in bed
Folding John Wayne's T-shirts
When the swingset hit his head
The neighbors, they adored him
For his humor and his conversation
Look underneath the house there
Find the few living things
Rotting fast in their sleep of the dead
Twenty-seven people, even more
They were boys with their cars, summer jobs
Oh my God

Are you one of them

He dressed up like a clown for them
With his face paint white and red
And on his best behavior
In a dark room on the bed he kissed them all
He'd kill ten thousand people
With a sleight of his hand
Running far, running fast to the dead
He took off all their clothes for them
He put a cloth on their lips
Quiet hands, quiet kiss
On the mouth

And in my best behavior
I am really just like him
Look beneath the floorboards
For the secrets I have hid


( Stereogum Presents OKX, A Tribute To OK Computer )

I'm on a roll
I'm on a roll
This time
I feel my luck could change

Kill me Sarah
Kill me again
With love

It's gonna be a glorious day
Pull me out of the aircrash
Pull me out of the wreck
'Cause I'm your superhero
We are standing on the edge

It's gonna be a glorious day
It's gonna be a glorious day

Pull me out of the aircrash
Pull me out of the wreck
'Cause I'm your superhero
We are standing on the edge
Standing on the edge

Mist Is Rising

(David Lang Feat. Shara Worden / Death Speaks EP)

Mist is rising
Moon is full and rising
Sky above us
It is so full

I greet you, sister soul
Rise up, like an eagle
Rise up, to where the light is
Rise up, to where the light is from

I am your rest, I am your peace
I am what you long for, and
What makes the longing go away
I am full of joy for you, and
I am full of grief
Come in and close the door behind you
I will drive your sadnesses away
My eyes fill with your light
Fill them
Fill them

Find more lyrics at ※
Sweetest child
Come with me
I will play with you
I will show you
The flowers and the shore
My motherʼs golden robe
My daughters and their evening dance
They know a song to sing while you are sleeping
I love you
I love all of you
I love your face
I love your form
Please donʼt make me make you follow me

Come and see

Tears of love become strands of pearls
When the angel comes

Pain Changes

(David Lang feat. Shara Worden / Death Speaks LP)

Pain changes every shape
Once you are truly lonely
You will never be alone

Feel my hand
I feel you
Touch my cold hand
I will take you from her
To your new cold land

I have chosen you
My only love
Those others
They search for you
But where they search
They will never find you

After the leaves fall, spring returns
After love is parted, it returns
All you have to do is come with me
And wait

One day she will be lowered in the earth
Beside you
My hand will guide her home
To the place where love is
And no pain

When that door opens
You will be healed

Dearest man, dearest woman
Dearest boy, dearest girl
Dearest mother, dearest father
Dearest son, dearest daughter
You will never leave me

You listen
You are silent
You feel me leaning towards you

Nothing escapes me
Not the warrior
Not the hunter

Everything awaits the way it changes
When life falls away
That is the meaning of the swan
And its song

The night can't last forever
Nor will this sleep
Beyond this sleep is light
Forever light
Until that light can shine
Until you see it shining
Sleep sweetly here
In the cool, dark night

Postcards from downtown

( Live / Dayna Kurtz Cover )

I lost all my faith in love
On those stairs that November
I know it meant a lot at the time
Now I can barely remember
It's been a long time
It's been a long time

You said I've been alone so long
That I've got big theories of lonely
And that I drag them all over town
Just to look occupied
But I'm learning something
I'm doing time

Red light, green light, one, two, three
Have you come to conquer me
It's been a long time

Hey I know how to take in all kinds
Of heartless offers
And I've learned how to hand back a few
And I've come as close to love
As to walking on water
So what could I do with you
What will I do with you

I'm going out now I'll send you some
Postcards from downtown
I'll show you all the apartments
Where I got my degrees
Where I'd fall like small dreams
Where I'd fade like bright leaves

Prairie Fire That Wanders About

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Peoria, destroyia
Infinity, divinity

For Lydia, Octavia
And Jack-of-Trades
The Cubs, hooray

The Opera House
Where Emma sang
America, Oh will it play

And Santa Clause
The Great Parade
You have it made

Into the crossfire
Faithfully run
Middle America
One on one
We saddle the fun times

Razorblade Salvation

( Jedi Mind Tricks ft. Shara Worden – Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell, 2006 )

Shara Worden :
I know that times were hard
I know that you've been feelin' down
If you only knew how I'm feelin' for you

If I could take your pain
I wish that I could wash it all away
If you only knew how I'm feelin'

Vinnie Paz :
Mommy I'm sorry if my first letter made you cry
To be honest with you I don't think that I wanna die
Sometimes I feel like that I'm cancerous in others lives
That's probably why I drink at night and sleep till 4 or 5
It's kinda hard walking through life with my distorted eyes
When I was younger I was stupid and I thought I thrived
I thought a lot about everything I said in the letter
And questioned whether or not if I was dead you'd be better
You think my shorty would be happy if I never met her
It's too late now mommy I could never forget her
Could never forget how she told me to love
'Cause my father and my grandmother is always above
It's glory above you know that daddy taught me to thug
And everytime we was with nanny she'd bombard me with hugs, damn
I miss 'em mommy and it's hard to believe
That I'm grown and I don't understand it - why did they leave

Better to die and sleep then never wake and sleep
Then linger on and dare to live when your souls life is gone

Shara Worden :
You've been runnin' around for so long
You've been hurting yourself too much
You keep messin' around with darkness
You're the one who's losin'

You've been runnin' around for so long
You've been hurting yourself too much
You keep messin' around with darkness
You're the one who's losin'

Vinnie Paz :
Mommy I think I'm to try to stick around a while
I got a niece and my nephews they need me around a while
I think they need me 'cause they hittin' that age
And they ain't tryin' to speak to Lenny 'cause they spittin' they rage, yeah
And mommy speakin' of Lenny I think my brother need me
And we Italian so you know my mother loved to feed me
And it's the little things you do for me that make it worth it
Like when I play a joint that we did and you say it's perfect
And when Jay got knocked you knew that I was hurt
You told me put all of my heart in a song and it worked
I promised him I'd be there when he got out the bing
You ain't raised me to be a liar ma' that's not my thing
I told him that I'd hold him down the whole time that he gone
They kept him locked in a cage but that's cool 'cause he's strong
So Mommy keep that first letter I wrote you on the low
I think I wanna stay alive and see if I can grow

Shara Worden :
You've been runnin' around for so long
You've been hurting yourself too much
You keep messin' around with darkness
You're the one who's losing

You've been runnin' around for so long
You've been hurting yourself too much
You keep messin' around with darkness
You're the one who's losing

Alejandro Jodorowsky:
You have power and money, but you are mortal
You know you can not escape death
But immortality can be obtained.
The legend is always the same
If others have succeeded conquering death
Why must we accept it?
I know where (the) immortals live
And how to obtain their secret
We too could become wisemen
The elements of chemistry are many
So are the techniques of enlightenment.
(sampled from The Holy Mountain

Shara Worden :
I know that times were hard
I know that you've been feelin' down
If you only knew how I'm feelin' for you
If I could take your pain
I wish that I could wash it all away
If you only knew how I'm feelin'

*** Thanx a lot to Billy for this one ***

Seven Years

(David Byrne & Fatboy Slim feat. Shara Worden / Here Lies Love LP)

David Byrne:
For seven years I've been in here
Seven years down in the hole - they said
"Your watch, your glasses and your wedding ring
You won't need them anymore"

I felt abandoned - I felt cast aside
So where is God who never sleeps?
I heard a voice say, "Why do you cry?"
Then I found my inner peace

Shara Worden:
Ninoy, you were my first love
But you said I was too tall
The heart gets stronger and grows colder
For the Rose of Tacloban

David Byrne:
I begged to God could he forgive me now?
And take back all those things I said
This moment was a gift from above
Maybe it's some kind of test

Shara Worden:
Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him
Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him

Ninoy, remember a long time ago
You used to walk me to my home?
Who set you free? Who built this hospital?
You think I hate you but you're wrong

David Byrne:
For seven years I wore this crucifix
A necklace that watched over me
Face to face with mortality
I let go of all my fears

Shara Worden:
Now my husband he might hate you
But you know I saved your life
Ninoy, don't be a hero
I beg you, don't get on that flight

Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him
Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him

Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him
Santo Niño, Santo Niño
Take good care of him

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

Tainted Love

( Gloria Jones Cover / the Guilt by Association Vol. 2 )

Now I feel I've got to
Run away
I've got to
Get away
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I've lost my light
For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night

Once I ran to you
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh tainted love
Tainted love

Now I feel I've got to
Run away
I've got to
Get away
You don't really want any more from me
To make things right
You need someone to hold you tight
And you'll think love is to pray
Well I'm sorry I don't pray that way

Once I ran to you
Now I'll run from you
This tainted love you've given
I give you all a boy could give you
Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Oh tainted love
Tainted love

Don't touch me please
I cannot stand the way you tease
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I'm go to pack my things and go
Tainted love, tainted love
Tainted love, tainted love
Tainted, tainted
Tainted love...

*** Thanx a lot to Basia for this one ***

That Point When

(None More Than You EP)

That point when something impossible
Comes to be coincidently
That's when I stop believing
That gravity is holding me

"Do you feel it's too late?", she asked
"No, never", I said (yes, it's too late)
No, never (too late, too late)

"Do you believe it's too late?", she asked
Yes, no and never
Yes, no and never
That point when

The Fiction Issue: Part I

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

In the early days after the accident
I lived in a small apartment,
Closet-like, in East Harlem
Every morning, I'd visit the bakery
The Portuguese bakery
For coffee and donut
Before the daily descent
Into the maw of the Lexington line

I'd wear my shades underground
For a number of reasons
One: to be dashing
Two: to be atomized
Three: to be a spy

In the early days after the catastrophe
I was prone to stare at men with starched collars
Suits and briefcases
Hairy wrists and gold watches

I invented their lives
All the strains of their marriages,
A rendezvous at the Bronx Zoo
Where he'd loosen his tie and he'd hand me a balloon
Which we'd watch ascend in the unbroken blue

There were mornings in that bungalow
I’d wake up drunk on light, and touch the floor
California’s is thin
And white and pure
It hovers above the murk
That lurks below

Window gathered up the dust and grime
Kicked up on the seedy street that bakes outside
But can’t keep out that singular light
Drink it in
Drink it in
Drink it in

Drink it in
Drink it in
Drink it in

The Fiction Issue: Part II

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

The reverie is broken by a subway evangelist
Who insists that the mayor knew the accident would happen
And offers us copies of handwritten literature
Defending her argument
And gives us coupons for discounted storage
On Staten Island

Ascending the steps, the grime of the subway,
I acquire the next cup of coffee
En route to the flower shop
Off of Union Square
Settled behind the register
In my crossword stance,
I think to myself
What’s the Latin word for "dying of boredom"?
For I feel I ought to be elsewhere
A woman walks in, I’m thinking she’s Russian
Redolent of beet soup and of cabbage
She points to a puffy red vellum heart-shaped balloon

Her eyes are red-rimmed
We speak in gestures
The balloon reads our prayers are with you
I wonder if she knows someone
A victim in the accident
I can’t think of these things right now

I know I ought to be doing something more.
Rather than merely transacting aestheticized flora,
Arranging these roses and lilies
Lilacs and daffodils
Sawgrass and mugwort
So many flowers

Only later would I work to worry my body
Out of its nighttime contortions
Borne of strange sleep on a stranger’s sofa

Dressed, shaved, flip-flopped
I walk down the main drag
Pursuing coffee and donuts
For what’s a day without a donut
Light skitters on the sidewalk
My neck feels like an instrument of sunshine
The line for the coffee is a whorl around the block
We try to be carefree though the world is turning black
'Cause what’s a day without a donut
For what’s a day without a

At last I am no longer
Counting the times she will inhabit a day
I no longer scan the paper for her name
And there’s a grey green drive that I won’t replay
Under canopied corridors, overcast sky
Speaking of our fathers so self-conscious and alive
Grateful to have found each other
And now to have lost each other
I am focused on my coffee

The Fiction Issue: Part III

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

In the early days after those planes crashed
And everyone was long limbs akimbo
Stone-faced and somber and still
I’d walk five blocks East
And set myself in a seat
At the twilit dive with the bearded bartender
Gentle and sober and still
I’d drink real slow
And I’d think about The Poet
In his dive on 52nd
His public and private tragedies
Coming of age was an exchange
Or so he reckoned,
From loving or dying
To loving and dying

The Fiction Issue Part IV

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

I have to write badly for a long time
I have to write badly for a long time
Before I can write well, before I can write well
Said to me the aging poet as we stood in line for our coffee and donut
The sun beginning its climb over the Pacific

I loved the bearded bartender
And couldn’t fathom death
Even though it was all around me

He, the poet, had the look of an effete beach bum
Bronzed skin and wire rimmed glasses
Conspicuous gold rings on meaty knuckles

While we waited for our luxury beverages
He regaled me with tales of the trailblazing transgender rabbi
Associate of his congregation in the Valley
Which attracted the veterans of the adult video scene
Many of whom were nonetheless observant.

Last week’s sermon, he said
Was about the dangers of dangerous love
The temptation to covet the tempest
Instead of the quiet constant
Quiet constant edition of same

The Fiction Issue Part V

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

I left New York for a Midwestern town
With expanses of sunbleached corn-fed plain
Almost two full years ago,
O falling body

The city where I live now is known
For its art museum and its beer
Sometimes out with my husband
At a polka bar, drinking from a frosted glass
I am lost in recollection of the bearded bartender
Who was such a source of consolation in the early days,
O falling body

Some nights I would linger over one sweet bottle of beer and fish tacos
Drinking in his stories of a young life spent in Minnesota
Mostly lacking in cheer
His glassy-eyed parents living under corrugated tin the tv blares the bad news
Oh God, on an endless loop, the fearless troop they sift the clod
Don’t ask me why I can’t stop can’t stop staring
O falling body

At fifteen he ran away from trailerpark decline and ashburnt carpets
No more burnished blows in the backyard
Greyhound scene, after failing with his thumb
Caught a bus against the sun and crossed the country to become somebody new

Watch now
Screens are flashing, buildings crashing, lift the clod
But don’t ask me why
I can’t stop can’t stop staring,
O falling body

Late one night with some silent movie bathing the bar in the glow
Of nineteen-thirty, he leans in and I pull back,
This pleasure somehow incorrect and low
O falling body

The Fiction Issue Part VI

(Gabriel Kahane Feat. Shara Worden)

Later, driving East along Santa Monica Boulevard
Leaving Los Angeles, listening to recordings
Of some relevant, well-dressed popular icon
I will remember the poet’s admonition
Well, not the poet’s the rabbi’s
And think about what it is to be loved
And whether that could ever be enough

In my room beside the bed, with the books on the floor
Nights I’d hear inverted chords from traffic through the door
Go fast, go fast to dream of a cloudless blue sky
Sleep, and you will find a sweeter city there
Tower trembling to repair
In my dream, I drive alone, I drive in predawn delight
Black, before the airport wakes, the taillights make to improvise some red
Some red reminds of the songs in my head
Of the distance, the dead, of the innocence you shed
Don’t cry for now our injured island wakes
As the trucks groan their song
How the buildings and the flags are yawning
Taxis turning, steel and silver glint this morning
Will it all bring peace
I believe the city will be fine
I divine
We’ll be fine

The Predatory Wasp Of The Palisades Is Out To Get Us!

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Sufjan :
Thinking outrageously I write in cursive
I hide in my bed with the lights on the floor
Wearing three layers of coats and leg warmers
I see my own breath on the face of the door

Oh I am not quite sleeping
Oh I am fast in bed
There on the wall in the bedroom creeping
I see a wasp with her wings outstretched

North of Savanna we swim in the palisades
I come out wearing my brother's red hat
There on his shoulder my best friend is bit seven times
He runs washing his face in his hands

Oh how I meant to tease him
Oh how I meant no harm
Touching his back with my hand I kiss him
I see the wasp on the length of my arm

Shara :
Oh great sights upon this state - Hallelujah
Wonders bright and rivers lake - Hallelujah
Trail of tears and horseshoes lake - Hallelujah
Trusting things beyond mistake - Hallelujah

Sufjan :
We were in love, we were in love
Palisades, palisades
I can wait, I can wait

Shara :
Lamb of God, we sound the horn - Hallelujah
To us your ghost is born - Hallelujah

Sufjan :
I can't explain the state that I'm in
The state of my heart, he was my best friend
Into the car, from the back seat
Oh admiration in falling asleep
All of my powers, day after day
I can tell you, we swaggered and swayed
Deep in the tower, the prairies below
I can tell you, the telling gets old

Shara on the background :
Oh great sights upon this state - Hallelujah
Wonders bright and rivers lake - Hallelujah
Trail of tears and horseshoes lake - Hallelujah
Trusting things beyond mistake - Hallelujah

Sufjan :
Terrible sting and terrible storm
I can tell you the day we were born
My friend is gone, he ran away
I can tell you, I love him each day
Though we have sparred, wrestled and raged
I can tell you I love him each day
Terrible sting, terrible storm
I can tell you

The Sea

(Letters to Distant Cities LP)

The sea floated
The sea floated
Up the river
Up the river
Into the sky
Into the sky
Into the sky
Into the sky
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
Something she thought
Something like childhood
Something she thought
Something like childhood
Is gone

The Seer's Tower

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Sufjan :
In the tower above the earth
There is a view that reaches far
Where we see the universe
I see the fire, I see the end

Seven miles above the earth
There is Emmanuel of mothers
With his sword, with his robe
He comes dividing man from brothers

Sufjan & Shara :
In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel
In the powers of the earth, we wait until it rips and rips
In the tower above the earth, we built it for Emmanuel
Oh my mother, she betrayed us, but my father loved and bathed us

Sufjan :
Still I go to the deepest grave
Where I go to sleep alone

The Tallest Man, The Broadest Shoulders

(Sufjan Stevens feat. Shara Worden / Come On Feel The Illinoise LP)

Sufjan :
I count the days the Great Frontier
Forgiving, faced the seventh year
I stand in awe of gratefulness
I can and call forgetfulness

Sufjan & Shara :
And when I, and when I call
The Patient, the Patient fall
The Spirit, the Carpenter
Invites us to be with her

What have we become America
Soldiers on the Great Frontier
Carpenter and Soldier, one on one
It's the battle, volunteer

Run from yourself, from your friends, from your
Run for your life, for your friends, for your
America, America, America
Illinois, Illinois, Illinois

Sufjan :
I count the days the Great Frontier
Forgiving, faced the seventh year
I stand and strain to make ends meet
Five Spirits on the Grand Marquee

Sufjan & Shara :
And when I, and when I call
The Patient, the Patient fall
The Spirit, the Carpenter
Invites us to be with her

There was a man at the wall
He was grateful for us all
I saw the Wise Woman sing
She wasn't asking anything
She wasn't asking anything
How she made the nations sing

What have we become America
Soldiers on the Great Frontier

Run from yourself, from your friends, from your
Run for your life, for your friends, for your
America, America, America
Illinois, Illinois, Illinois

Oh Great Fire of Great Disaster
Oh Great Heaven, oh Great Master
Oh Great Goat, the curse you gave us
Oh Great Ghost, protect and save us
Oh Great River, green with envy
Oh Jane Addams, spirit send thee
Oh Great Trumpet and the singers
(Given what you lost, are you better off)
Oh Great Goodman, King of Swingers
(Given what you had, has it made you mad)
Oh Great Bears and Bulls, Joe Jackson
(Celebrate the few, celebrate the new)
Oh Great Illinois
(It can only start with you)

When All Light Dies

( Jedi Mind Tricks ft. Shara Worden – Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell, 2006 )

Vinnie Paz :
Yeah, Jedi Mind
Vinnie Pazienza, the Enemy of Mankind
Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell
Horrorcore, yeah, walk with me

Vinnie Paz :
I pop a pill and zone, my voice alone 'll fuckin' kill your bones
The AR-15 beam leave you still as stone
I'm workin' twenty-four-seven while you chill at home
I'm on the block with my people where the killers roam
I'm in a killer zone, where police can trap me
I'm ready to go to war with them like we Iraqi
We in the last days, only darkness passes
No more pure air, only bloody money ashes
Yeah, you need to recognize the God is sick
'Cause I was born inside of Egypt near the Gaza Strip
Don't make me cock the fifth, and put the flame to him
And thug it out like the Israeli's and Iranian's
Remember when I put the pen to pad
When I heard "Style Wars" by Lakim Shabazz
Then in the lab, everything was constructed with Stoupe
And y'all know that no one fuckin' with us as a group

Shara Worden:
When all the light goes out where will you be?
When the darkness comes what will you see?
(When the lights go out)
When all the light goes out where will you be?
(When the lights go out)
When the darkness comes what will you see?

Vinnie Paz :
I'm a cannibal corpse, .38 snub splatter your thoughts
Peel your skin off of your body like animal cloth
I'm the reason for the Carthage in Hannibal's force
I'm the reason for the carnage in parable's lost
And I'll put the heater right where your lungs at
And none of y'all would be around if I could bring Pun back
You want the horrorcore Vinnie? He bring that
Along with the 44 militant gun rap
I break bread with the brothers I trust
'Cause I know that if I'm ever in some trouble, they bust
Could never be us, we too raw for the rap now
Anybody with a tape recorder can rap now
I pull a twelve gauge shotty, you back down
And then the last thing you hear is the gat sound
From the city where they framed Mumia
We gonna break him out, run up with them flames and heaters

Shara Worden:
When all the light goes out where will you be?
When the darkness comes what will you see?
(When the lights go out)
When all the light goes out where will you be?
(When the lights go out)
When the darkness comes what will you see?

Vinnie Paz :
Yeah, yeah, I carry heavy fifths, I'm a biological terrorist
If you ain't been in war, then you don't know what terror is
You try to help people but do nothin' like therapists
It's basic rules to the game, cousin, you never snitch
Or you can see the type of lead that my beretta spits
Or send you through the torture chamber and behead the bitch
Yeah, I'll put your body to the blades and choppers
And teach you about the disruptive symbol of chakra's
If you believe what they tellin' you, the beast and them won
That's why I speak about survival and need for a gun
I stand for what them thugs is reppin'
But they don't know the government is usin' drugs as weapons
And drug injections, was taught by the prophets before
About the cavalry of shadowy profits of war
It's hard of grip, so I spit it at different degrees
But the inner earth holds more water then seas

Shara Worden:
Who's gonna save you when all the lights go out
It's time to reconcile (?), how you gonna go, how you gonna go?

Vinnie Paz :
Servants in Heaven, Kings in Hell

Shara Worden:
When the lights go out, when the lights go out
When the lights go out, how you gonna go?

*** Thanx a lot to Billy for this one ***

Whoever You Are

(None More Than You EP)

Whoever you are
Whoever you are
Notion and reflection are
Especially for you

Whoever you are
Whoever you are
Notion and reflection are
Especially for you

The divine ship sails
The divine sea for you
For you, for you

The divine ship sails
The divine sea for you
For you, for you

Whoever you are
Whoever you are
You are he or she for whom
The earth is solid
You are he or she for whom
The earth is liquid

You are he or she for whom
The sun and moon hang in the sky
You are he or she for whom
The sun and moon hang in the sky

For none more than you is immortality
For none more than you is immortality

Whoever you are
Whoever you are
Notion and reflection are
Especially for you

Whoever you are
Whoever you are
Notion and reflection are
Especially for you

Notion and reflection are
Especially for you

You Will Return

(David Lang Feat. Shara Worden / Death Speaks EP)

You will return
Return to dust
You will turn, return to dust

Turn to the sun
Like me, turn to the sun
Turn to the light
Turn to the light

If there's an eye still open, grieving
Sweet sleep, close it for me
Turn your heart, your poor heart
It will only find rest
When it has stopped beating

Turn to peace
Turn to peace

This is the only road that leads you home

I am your pale companion
I mirror your pain
I was your shadow
All those long nights
All those days long passed

Listen to me, listen to me
This message is for you
Where I am now all sorrow is gone
Where I am now all lovers are together
Where I am now

In my arms only will you find rest
Gentle rest

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