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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official Site)

Pinknruby are Mihaela Repina from Slovenia and Paul Bradbury from England. Our music is intimate and acoustic, with two guitars and two voices weaving together to create a dreamy ethereal sound, with influences from the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe thrown together with folk elements. In 2001 we began work on what was to become our debut album, The Vast Astonishment. Over summer 2005 we have put in 25 performances throughout England, including at Glastonbury Festival, Big Green Gathering and Cargo in London. We’ve also been over to the Netherlands to play at their annual Fantasy Fair. We perform in costume which varies according to our mood but always has a particular Pinknruby style about it and believe it to be an important part of creating a "Pinknruby" atmosphere during a performance. We released our debut cd, the Vast Astonishment with the French label, Prikosnovenie in October 2003 and will be releasing our second album “Garden” with them in October 2005.

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The Vast Astonishment
- 2003-10-01 -

Adio Te

- 2005-09-01 -

White Lady Mirror
Nader Margh

Queen Kale
- 2008-12-04 -

Summoning Storm Clouds
Seasons Passing
Agua Fieru
Wings of a Dove
Seven Sisters

Mihaela, the singer, wrote " that the rest of tracks are not in Slovene.
They are a mixture of fantasy language and reverse vocals. So everyone can say what they hear.
Pretty fluid really. On some songs not even I can work out what i'm saying...
Would love to see the lyrics of those myself! Maybe some one will have a go. Would be great to see."

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

The Vast Astonishment

Pronunciation : Slovene = English - French

Š = Sh (show) - Ch (chaud)
Č= Ch (children) - (tch)
Ž= S (Asia) - J (je)
J= Y (You) - Y (yeux)


V negiben svet prihaja, plesni nam pa vladar.
Molčeči skoz stoletja, kamni zaplešejo.
Mirna morja začnejo dvorjenje z lepo zemljo.
Samo en kamen, mirno leži, gleda v tla in ne vidi vladarja
Mirna Morja začnejo dvorjenje z lepo zemljo.

Nova luna pa začne neskončno romanco s soncem.

Samo en kamen, mirno leži
Gleda v tla in ne vidi vladarja

Bitja, ki so plesala, boječe rečejo:
"Ta kamen te izdaja, ker tam negiben je"
Pa vladar se, nasmeji in mirno odgovori:
“Ta kamen ne pleše, da vsak spozna,
Da je tišina tudi sveta.”


Into a still world comes the Lord of the Dance.
Stones, silent through ages, begin to move.
Still waters begin their courtship with the beautiful land

And the New Moon begins her never ending love affair with the Sun.

Only one stone lies still Looking at the ground
Not even seeing the Dance Lord.

The creatures that dance cry out in fear,
"This stone betrays you for it does not dance"
But the Dance Lord simply laughs and gently replies,
This stone does not dance so that you can know
That perfect stillness is also holy.


Zvezde mi dajejo moč,
Luna mi daje svoj jaz,
Sonce pa samo beži, beži.


The Stars give me my strength
The Moon gives me my self
And the Sun is just hurrying...hurrying by.


Morje mi vedno zašumi
O luči, sred neba, polnega zlata
Veter prinaša mi strasti
O pesmi še ne izpeti.

The Sea

The Sea is always murmuring to me
About the Light up in the sky that's full of Gold
The Wind brings me the passions
Of a Song that has not ended.


Vrane krožijo v nebo, da ukradejo zlato.
Jaz ničesar ne želim, ker ti sonce podarim.
Veter mrši ti lase, dež mi kaže pravljice
Ker si želje zaželim, svoje sanje tud živim
Moje srce je še moje.


The Ravens are circling into the sky to steal the gold,
But I give you the Sun, so I want nothing.
The Wind ruffles my hair
The Rain shows me stories, I wish my dreams into being
And My Heart is still My Own.


Včasih sanjam o svetu, ki ga še ni.
Svet, ki izgine, kadar se prebudim.
Kje je svoboda, ki živi,
V mojih sanjah, ko še spim.
Resničnost je, da samo ta trenutek velja.
Prebudi se v svetu, kjer si najbolj doma.
Svobodo, ki želim, Si sama podarim.


Sometimes, I dream about a World that isn't;
A World that disappears when I wake up.
Where is the Freedom that lives in my dreams
While I am sleeping?...
The truth is that only this moment counts;
Wake up in the world where you feel most at home...
The Freedom that I yearn for, is a gift I can give to myself.


Tišina prišetava: “Bodi to kar si!
Spoznaj se med zrcali, svoje edinstvenosti!
Edina resnica je tvoja resica.
Ko jo najdeš kaj boš storil?
Ali boš screčna z njo?
Lahko praznuješ brez razloga?”


The Silence is whispering: "Be who you are!
Get to know yourself between, The mirrors of your own Uniqueness
The only truth is your truth.
When you find it, what will you do?
Will you be happy with it?
Can you celebrate for no reason?"


(Lyrics from Traditional Slovene Prayer)

Sveti angel, varuh moj
Bodi vedno ti zmenoj.
Stoj mi noč in dan ob strani.
Vsega hudega me brani.
Prav prisrčno prosim te
Varuj me in vodi me.


(Lyrics from Traditional Slovene Prayer)

Holy angel, my guardian
May you always be with me
Stay by me day and night
Protect me from harm
I'm asking you from my heart
Watch over me and guide me



Zeleno klicem te


Green I am calling you

Queen Kale


Eat the dark and drink the light,
Going to make me shine so bright
Shine so bright
Shine so bright

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