negiben svet prihaja, plesni nam pa vladar.
Molčeči skoz stoletja, kamni zaplešejo.
Mirna morja začnejo dvorjenje z lepo zemljo.
Samo en kamen, mirno leži, gleda v tla in ne vidi vladarja
Mirna Morja začnejo dvorjenje z lepo zemljo.
Nova luna pa začne neskončno romanco s soncem.
Samo en kamen, mirno leži
Gleda v tla in ne vidi vladarja
Bitja, ki so plesala, boječe rečejo:
"Ta kamen te izdaja, ker tam negiben je"
Pa vladar se, nasmeji in mirno odgovori:
“Ta kamen ne pleše, da vsak spozna,
Da je tišina tudi sveta.”
Into a still world comes the
Lord of the Dance.
Stones, silent through ages, begin to move.
Still waters begin their courtship with the beautiful land
And the New Moon begins her never ending love affair with the Sun.
Only one stone lies still Looking at the ground
Not even seeing the Dance Lord.
The creatures that dance cry out in fear,
"This stone betrays you for it does not dance"
But the Dance Lord simply laughs and gently replies,
This stone does not dance so that you can know
That perfect stillness is also holy. |