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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official Press)

Bold pop records of unwavering consistency, depth, finish, and pleasure do not suddenly drop out of the sky, and that is the case with We Are Born," the fifth proper album from the long-formidable Australia-born singer and songwriter Sia. These dazzling fourteen songs, produced by noted Los Angeles producer Greg Kurstin, are full of finessed immediacy and stark power and kinetic rhythmic motion. Yet they sacrifice none of the raw emotionality that distinguished Sia's often more inward-leaning and languorous work, both with the cinematic U.K. duo Zero 7 and on her own previous recordings. The new songs comprise a kind of collection Sia has longed to unveil for years. "We Are Born is the album I've been wanting to make since Colour the Small One," explains Sia, referring to her 2004 album. "But I wasn't allowed to." She is talking about her former record company's wholesale refusal a while back to accept music from her that left the downtempo universe then at its height of fashionability, and she mentions her earlier albums. "I'm really impressionable about music," she begins. "When I was hanging out with hip-hoppers I made Healing Is Difficult in 2000. When I was hanging out with Zero 7, I made Colour the Small One. In 2008 I made Some People Have Real Problems — because," Sia sniffs, " apparently I was a downtempo artist exclusively. We Are Born is the album I've made when I've been hanging out with myself." That is fascinating company. In conversation, where she sparkles and excels and which she punctuates often by laughing her head off, Sia is hardly a downtempo lifer tugging at her turtleneck and staring at her boots. "I grew up on television," she eagerly offers, "so anything romantic or happy-endy — just magic — I'm into. I like television more than anything in the world. Apart from dogs. I have two. They're the best people."

She's not done with the television comments: "I don't actually listen to music" she insists. "I'm way more of a visual person. Along with TV and movies, I like drawing. I'll draw for fun. I'm particularly fond of the medium of nail polish on glass -- just making lots of squiggly little lines and dots on glass. I can do that for hours and hours and hours. It's the only thing I can do for hours, apart from watch television, of course. I think that a lot of people who are in music love doing music. They actually love to pick up a guitar, and they can do that for hours. I sing in the shower, but I don't pick up a pen and write a song nilly-willy. I write when it's scheduled." In general, the foundational thinking of this actually very conscientious pop music artist, of this gifted singer and natural songwriter, is the following remark, which Sia makes much in the same lightly disarming manner that she says most everything: "I'm the one who does this," she maintains, "and I know that there's nothing particularly special about it all; the mystique that I think some artists create around their art is, to me, bullshit. It just doesn't exist." Here, for example is Sia on her singing style — the considerable technique that represents a highlight of the Sia jukebox of We Are Born, a rich and sometimes slightly distressed soprano facility that skats and swoops seamlessly through "The Fight," soothes and gallops in "Clap Your Hands," testifies and charges on "You've Changed," and, in a remarkable interpretation of Madonna's "Oh Father," builds off-hand narrative urgency into kitchen-sink ariatic soul. Sometimes she's singing in the studio. "I sing it five times. We play it five times. And then we choose the best take. I like that; I like it because I like being with my bands, who are my friends. It's really fun, the first time the songs come to life after being usually just one instrument and my voice. So we start to fill things up and create music; I like that flowering." Laboratory conditions don't always prevail when singing live, though. "Sometimes I'm there and sometimes I'm not," Sia guesses. "It's probably one of the only times that the squirrels aren't at work. I'm just able to be present with what's happening. And then there are the times when the squirrels are talking during, like, a song I'm singing. And then I'm thinking about the laundry. Or I'm thinking 'Oh shit, I forgot to write that fan before his gig to say that I was putting them on the guest list.' Or "Fuck, I have to remember I'm supposed to do a shout-out to Owen from Amsterdam,' you know. So there's some times when I'm thinking those things and it's, like, a learned response. But after I've been singing for a couple of weeks, I can think about anything pretty much during the singing and I still can remember to sing in tune and sing the right words. Even with the squirrels chattering."

The songwriting that Sia does not while overcome with inspiration standing in wheat fields but rather, as she says, during her essential scheduled writing appointments is something that she does with dispatch. "To me," she believes, "the important part of songwriting is just writing and getting it right and then singing it. That's the part I like." What happens when she doesn't get it right? "When it feels right," she says, "you get, like, a rush of endorphins; it releases some natural opiates. And when it's wrong, you don't get that kind of rush. You get more like an intuitive feeling of 'Danger! Danger! Bad Song! Bad Song!'." She has lately written songs with other artists, such as Christina Agullera. "I write fast," Sia beams. "I can write a song in two hours. It doesn't mean I'm a good songwriter but what it does mean is that I can write fast and we can then lose what is shit and what is good. So I think that is why now I've become in demand as a songwriter for other artists. It's because I'm prolific. That's really what I think my gift is, that I can just write really fast, blurting out tunes, and they might not be good but the great news is that, you know, you'll get a bunch of material and you then can cherrypick the best stuff. We never leave the room empty." Sia is squeamish about where the dramatic situations in her songs come from; initially she always believes that they are inventions of her fictional imagination however years later it dawns on her that no, they are autobiographical. "Every time a record comes out," she laughs, "people say 'What's this song about?' and I say 'It's fictional, I just made it up.' Years later, I'm like, ha-ha-ha, I'm just a liar. That totally was what was happening with me then.'" Yet as impressionable as she admits often to being about music, Sia doesn't feel a similarly when it comes to her lyrics. "The music is just how things get enveloped, really," she thinks. And she has been and remains serious about their fictional bases. "I used to read a lot of tea-time fiction in the Reader's Digest at my grandparents' house growing up," she remembers. "It was like two-page, two-and-a-half minute fictions, where you had to weave a whole romance into that compact space. I've definitely gone through my storytelling phases." From acid-jazz ecstasies to downbeat atmospherics to international pop; from Kate-Moss-on-the-guest-list! to Hollywood and HBO soundtrack hits to Owen in Amsterdam, Sia is a woman of phases -- all of them, as she explains them at the same time artistic as hell and satisfyingly down to earth. Certainly their vibrant combination got her to the big bold distillation of the Sia everything that is We Are Born. She laughs for about the millionth time in an hour. "They were real," Sia says of her earlier recordings. "They did happen. They were important to me. They represent real times that I went through. I just try to move out of the way and let whatever happens happen as wondrously as possible. I control nothing."

- 1997-12-23 -

't get me started
I don'
t want to want you
Mad love
A Situation
Asrep onosim
Take it to Heart
Beautiful Reality
One More Shot
Tripoutro (Vocalization)

Healing is Difficult
- 2001-07-09 -

Drink To Get Drunk
Taken For Granted
Blow It All Away
Get Me
I'm Not Important To You
Sober And Unkissed
Healing Is Difficult
Judge Me
Little Man

Colour The Small One
- 2004-01-19 -


Breathe Me
The Bully
Sweet Potato
Don't Bring Me Down
Natalie's Song
The Church Of What's Happening Now
Where I Belong


Some People Have Real Problems
- 2008-01-08 -

Little Black Sandals
Day Too Soon
You Have Been Loved
The Girl You Lost to Cocaine
I Go To Sleep
Death By Chocolate
Soon We'll Be Found
Electric Bird
Beautiful Calm Driving

We Are Born
- 2010-06-18 -

The Fight
Clap Your Hands
Stop Trying
You've Changed
Be Good To Me
Bring Night
Hurting Me Now
Never Gonna Leave Me
I'm In Here
The Co-Dependent
Big Girl, Little Girl
Oh Father

1000 Forms of Fear
- 2014-07-04 -

Big Girls Cry
Burn the Pages
Eye of the Needle
Straight for the Knife
Fair Game
Elastic Heart
Free the Animal
Fire Meet Gasoline
Dressed In Black

- 2016-01-29 -

Bird Set Free
One Million Bullets
Move Your Body
Cheap Thrills
House On Fire
Sweet Design
Broken Glass
Space Between

First Fighting A Sandstorm (Target Bonus Track)
Summer Rain (Target Bonus Track)
Confetti (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)
Midnight Decisions (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)
Jesus Wept (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)
The Greatest (Deluxe Edition Bonus Track)

Everyday Is Christmas
- 2017-11-17 -

Santa's Coming For Us
Candy Cane Lane
Ho Ho Ho
Puppies Are Forever
Underneath The Mistletoe
Everyday Is Christmas
Underneath The Christmas Lights
My Old Santa Claus

- 2019-04-12 - Labrinth - Sia - Diplo

Welcome To The Wonderful World Of
Angel In Your Eyes
No New Friends
Heaven Can wait
s Time
(Lil Wayne remix)

- 2024-05-03 -

Little Wing
Immortal Queen
Dance Alone
I Had A Heart
Gimme Love
Nowhere To Be
Towards The Sun
I Forgive You
Wanna Be Known
One Night
Fame Won’
t Love You
Go On
Rock and Balloon

Did me a Favor (Japanese Bonus Track)

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Angel By The Wings
Baby It's Cold Outside
Beautiful People Say
Black & Blue
Blank Page
Blinded By Love
Born Yesterday
Broken biscuit
California Dreamin'
Courage To Change
Dusk Till Dawn
Elastic Heart
Free me
Freeze You Out
Gimme More
Here I Am
Immortal Queen
Joy I Call Life
Kill And Run

Let's Love
Life Jacket
Light Headed
Like A River Runs
Living Out Loud
Loved Me Back To Life


Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Moonquake Lake
My Arena
My Love
Muddy Feet
Never Give Up
Never So Big
Paranoid Android
Red Handed
Riding On My Bike
Salted Wound
Saved My Life
Sea Shells
So Bored
Solsbury Hill
Step By Step
s Life
The Corner
This Shit
Time After Time
Under The Milky Way
Up With People
Waving Goodbye
Wild Ones
You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile
You're The One That I Want

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !



Don't Get Me Started

Don't want to be another case
About rather not see and I turn my face
Don't want to leave you unfinished
And resting on the noise that you left
I don't want to leave you mistaken, forsaken
Lying with the rest

I don't want you to be another
Touch, you talk the conversation
I don't want you to be another
Reason for me to leave this situation

Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started

I don't want to be a woman last
Yeah I wish you another man
I don't want you to kill my name
And ask if I'm hovering him
I won't send and gather dust
In the corners of your world
Cause believe me, when you leave me
It will be a ???

Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started

I don't want you to be another
Touch, you talk the conversation
I don't want you to be another
Reason for me to leave this situation

Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started

Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started
Don't get me started

I Don't Want To Want You


I'd like to take you
Only 'cause I choose not to leave you
I'd like to make something of you
Only 'cause I choose to believe in you

I don't want to want you like I do
I don't want to want you like I do
Like I do

I'd (I'd), I'd (I'd)
I'd like to show you
Only 'cause I chose not to hide from you
I'd like to know you
Only 'cause I chose to introduce myself
Only 'cause I chose to introduce myself

I don't want to want you like I do
Like I do
I don't want to want you like I do
Like I do, like I do

I'd like to take you
Only 'cause I chose not to leave you
I'd like to make something of you
Only 'cause I chose to believe in you


You and you alone
You and you alone have the power to be the master of your life

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

Granted you're taking me for a sucker
When I am not
Gradually, we'll patch up mends and I'll make you see
What I've got
Apparently you're taking me for a slip on
You've gotta tie me up
Eventually you will tamper mends and I'll make you see
I am enough

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

Obviously you're taking me for what suits you
When I don't
With slow ease I'll show you disgraced, you were on my knees
You know I won
Foolishly you're taking me for a sleeper
When I'm quite away
Evidently will not profit me your intense scene
And you'll now break

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to
You only see what you want to see
You only see what you want to

You and you alone
You and you alone


How can I climb inside you
The way that you're climbing inside me
How could I ever deny you
The way that you never deny me

How can I climb inside you
Touching the parts that people really see
How can I open and find you
And feel you the way that you want me to feel

I want you to know what I'm thinking of
I want you to read my mind before I write it
I want you to know that I have stories to tell
I wanna tell you a little bit more

How do I get to align with you
'Cause ? times I will see
If we can piece together something
Or something else that will be

Can't believe that you're less
I'm still not against your will
A change that you really want, too
If I pour it all out
Will you still have no doubt
There's a reason or two that you are, too

I want you to know what I'm thinking of
I want you to read my mind before I write it
I want you to know that I have stories to tell
I wanna tell you a little bit more

How can I climb inside you
The way that you're climbing inside me
How could I ever deny you
The way that you never deny me

How can I climb inside you
Touching the parts that people really see
How can I open and find you
And feel you the way that you want me to feel

I want you to know what I'm thinking of
I want you to read my mind before I write it
I want you to know that I have stories to tell
I wanna tell you a little bit more

Can't believe that you're less
I'm still not against your will
A change that you really want, too
If I pour it all out
Will you still have no doubt
There's a reason or two that you are, too

Mad Love

Your insensitivity is your personality
A trade that's least favourite
Ha ha funny
You think you're so funny
But you hurt my feelings
We've had some good dealings
What have I done recently to make you so mean to me
I'm oversensitive you say
But I think you're nasty today
You make me feel nasty like a control freak
I just want to feel helpful like I'm needed
A sense of reason
You tell your friends I'm a fucking kook
Look how long it took I've been like this all the time
You don't know what it's like to be me
You're not paranoid, neurotic, you're free
I don't like me much anymore
You make me feel a burden
You make me feel like a bore

A Situation

Well I live here with you
In, in a kind of "yes, will do"
Oh what part of now don't you understand
I'm showing you well apparent
Yeah I get the bluff if I'll get out
No room for three, you, me and your doubts
One of us has got to leave
And it'll sure be me

And I think we could have a situation
We could have a situation

Any reason we can't just settle around now
Yeah, ok, and how?
Rather than shout and praise
??? with them, not without ???
Oh, what part of our old tune don't you understand
I think I made it clear that you're in the mend
In the mend

Oh, we could have a situation
Oh, we could have a situation


Yes, you can take that to heart
It was meant to sit close to the bone anyway
You can make it a big issue
Make it a battle of your own and that's ok

You can feign a distant familiarity
You say you understand the similarity
You think you see me with great clarity
But you're acting it's not necessarily
Only if you steal my shadow, will you truly know

Yes, you can call that a start
It was meant to begin kind of slow anyway
Yes, your deceit isn't odd
I knew you would sink kind of low anyway

You say you have the best intentions
You fill me with fickle suggestions
Logic is fired by inventions
But your concern is much more than you mention
Only if you steal my shadow, will you truly know

You say you're in my situation
You say you've been confused by my complication
You think my soul makes negotiation
But you don't see my hesitation
Only if you steal my shadow, will you truly know

Asrep Onosim

Ort oh'l
Otavort oh'l
Iel otavort oh'l

Ho trovato lei
L'ho trovata
Ho trovato lei

Asrep onosim

Mi sono persa
Scusami, sai dove dovrei andare
Io no
Ho trovato lei
L'ho trovata
Non lo so dove vado
Mi sono persa
Mi sono persa, yeah
Ho trovato lei
L'ho trovata

Asrep onosim

Ho trovato lei
L'ho trovata
Ho trovato lei
L'ho trovata

Asrep onosim

Mi sono persa

Asrep onosim

Mi sono persa, yeah
Mi sono, mi sono
Mi sono persa, yeah
Mi sono persa, yeah
Mi sono persa, yeah
Mi sono persa, yeah
Mi sono, mi sono, mi sono

Take It To Heart

People are talking, well that's nothing new
And some things will never change
Stories are turning away from the truth
But people will stay the same

It's only natural that we go on
To meet with the days that will come
It's only natural that we all carried forward
So step on, go on
Get rising like the morning sun

There's no need to take it to heart
There's no need to take it to heart
Only the truth can tear you apart
There's no need to take it to heart

People are talking, well that's nothing new
And some things will never change
Stories are turning away from the truth
But people will stay the same

Well stand tall and ???
And don't let it get you down
Make them all feel ???
But for you I will ??? my ground

There's no need to take it to heart
There's no need to take it to heart
Only the truth can tear you apart
There's no need to take it to heart

There's no need to take it to heart
There's no need to take it to heart
Only the truth can tear you apart
There's no need to take it to heart

People are talking, well that's nothing new
And some things will never change
Stories are turning away from the truth
But people will stay the same

Beautiful Reality

I sometimes believe that everything I dream
Will one day be my reality
I sometimes think that every move I make
Will gather in shape in my reality

I can only dream
I can only hope
That one day I will see
A beautiful reality
I can only wish
And I can only want
That one day I will see
A beautiful reality

I sometimes search for signs my dreams can work
Until I stand alert with my reality
I sometimes walk in paradise by the book
To give back what I took from my reality

I can only dream
I can only hope
That one day I will see
A beautiful reality
I can only wish
And I can only want
That I will one day see
A beautiful reality

I can only dream
I can only hope
That one day I will see
A beautiful reality
I can only wish
And I can only want
That I will one day see
A beautiful reality

Beautiful, beautiful reality
A beautiful reality
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
A beautiful reality


Like a new winter's coat
I'm wearing your last embrace
Like a cold quenching glass of water
I hold a clear picture of your face

Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you?
Soon I'll be cold and thirsty
Soon I'll be cold and thirsty

I'm hearing your last telephone call
Ringing louder and clearer than the rest
I hear your invitation to see it all
Better written I am smitten no protest

Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you?
Soon I'll be bored and lonely
Soon I'll be bored and lonely

Like a story well told
Your conversation can hold me or soothe me
Like a funny time to share you were there
And your comfort and support me

Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you?
Soon I'll be restless and weary
Soon I'll be restless and weary

Like another man
I want hold you within me
Like a good day without care
I just want you to last
I just want you to last

I'm tasting the last glass of your wine
The sweet taste linger left on lips
I think of your kisses with mine
The sweet taste lingers left on lips

Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you? (Quickly)
Where are you?
Soon I'll be sober and unkissed
Soon I'll be sober and unkissed

One More Shot

I, I, I never would have thought
It would end this way, I lied
I'd never have believed that we would separate
What we have now is how it stands
And now I wish you'll try to make it stay
The way we are is here and now
I wish you'd make the most of all we have today

Before you go and give it away
Hold on for one more shot
Before you let it slip away
Hold on for one more shot

I did not believe
I did not mean to hurt you, no, no I
I never meant to let you down, down
Though the silver lining wears through
I still do not mean to hurt, hurt, hurt you, no
When the sound of your voice is not ringing through
Beginning to question whether I should be around

Before you go and give it away
Hold on for one more shot
Before you let it slip away
Hold on for one more shot

Before you go and give it away
Hold on for one more shot
Before you let it slip away
Hold on for one more shot


Healing is Difficult


My mother's afraid of the subway
It's a living bad dream
I hold her hand as the doors close
And she pales and stifles a scream
Ali's afraid of Ad-libbing
Of improvising at jams
She is not very happy right now
And spends all her money on grams
Ade is afraid of commitment
So Carla dumped him today
She is very disappointed
She was hoping he'd beg her to stay
Ayo he just wants a girlfriend
He's afraid of dying alone
He doesn't go out very much
Sits at home a lot getting stoned

You see fear is only holding us back
Look closely amongst all your peers
There is usually one thing that keeps us off track
It is fear, it is fear, it is fear

Ella is worried about her weight
She won't eat in public anymore
She is fucking her ex again
When they've finished
She sleeps on the floor
Nate has a heart of gold
But give it away he will not
His mother abandoned him at ten
It's a pain he has never forgot
Mary's afraid of herself
Her sentences often cut half
She will never give her own opinion
She's afraid that people might laugh
And I am afraid of sharks
I will not swim out past my head
And sometimes I worry
My boyfriend will die
My first love is already dead

You see fear is only holding us back
Look closely amongst all your peers
There is usually one thing that keeps us off track
It is fear, it is fear, it is fear

You see fear is only holding us back
Look closely amongst all your peers
There is usually one thing that keeps us off track
It is fear, it is fear, it is fear

Candy is having a baby
She fears she will be like her mom
Her friends say relax take a deep breath
And march to a different drum
Sachas afraid of her Marco
She thinks that it's all her fault
But if he did what he does to a stranger
He'd be locked up and charged with assault

You see fear is only holding us back
Look closely amongst all your peers
There is usually one thing that keeps us off track
It is fear, it is fear, it is fear

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Drink To Get Drunk

I eat food to satisfy my hunger
I drink water to quench my thirst
I use my mouth and air to blow balloon up
I prick with pin to watch it burst
To make noise I use my breathe
To unlock doors I use a key
When I'm looking for something I use my eyes
I use booze to unlock me

I sweep so I can sleep
I sweep so I can sleep

Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep

I wear shoes so I can run
As to avoid the broken glass
I wear the pants because they suit me
And to discourage the pinchin' of ass
I'll tell a joke to make you laugh
I'll close the door to have a cry
They say that change and pain is a positive thing
Have I changed since you died

I Sweep so I can sleep
I Sweep so I can sleep

Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep Sweep

Don't ask me why I smoke
I don't know
But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke
I don't know
But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke
I don't know
But I drink to get drunk

Don't ask me why I smoke
I don't know
But I drink to get drunk

Taken for granted

I'm sitting in the car again
Waiting for you
You said you'd be a minute
But you've been twenty two
See you've got to do your hair
And get it just right
Sometimes you're in the bathroom
For half of the night

And I'm waiting for you again
Yes I'm waiting for you
And I'm waiting for you again
Tell me what can I do
And I'm waiting for you again
Yes I'm waiting for you
And I'm waiting for you again
Tell me what can I do

Now I'm sitting by the phone again
Waiting for your call
You'd said you'd phone at two
And it's a quarter past four
Now I'm standing out the front again
It's late at night
And I'm truly sick to death of sleazy men
Undressing me with their eyes

And I'm waiting for you again
Yes I'm waiting for you
And I'm waiting for you again
Tell me what can I do
And I'm waiting for you again
Yes I'm waiting for you
And I'm waiting for you again
Tell me what can I do

Now I'm back back from the theater
I watched the show alone
I waited for you and I missed half act one
Have you never heard of the phone
I don't like being taken for granted
I'm too nice for my own good
See I do what I say and I say what I do
Is it too much to expect that you could
I wish you would

I ain't waiting for you no more
I ain't waiting for you
I ain't waiting for you no more
Go find another fool
I ain't waiting for you no more
I ain't waiting for you
I ain't waiting for you no more
It's the usual coup
I ain't waiting for you no more
I ain't waiting for you
I ain't waiting for you no more
May I show you the door
I ain't waiting for you no more
I ain't waiting for you
I ain't waiting for you no more
I ain't missing nothing for you

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Blow It All Away

Without a sound ever heard
Without a lesson I have learned
You are foolish
And diluted

Too many lies have you burned
Where there's eyes to be found
This seems life's underground

But even if you had it all
You would find
I could never let you stay

'Cause you blow it all away
You blow it al away
Blow it all away

If you go
I will stall

Yes I see it
Yes I feel it
You have no oppressions at all

But if life is truly devoured
I'll strip your bare 'till the truth comes out

But even if you had it all
You would find

You blow it all
You blow it all away
Blow it all away
Blow it all, blow it all, blow it all... away

Forever is your mind to be naive
Remember it will bring us to our years
You blow it all away

But even if you had it all
You would find

You blow it all
You blow it all away
Blow it all away
Blow it all, blow it all, blow it all
Blow it all, blow it all, blow it all

Blow it all away
Blow it all away
Blow it all away
You blow it all away

Get me

Now I don't mind if you find that I'm a shoulder to cry on rely on
But the burden is just too much I'm losing touch with myself and my health

What you gonna do if you get me I can heal your problems if you let me
What you gonna do if you get me I can heal your problems if you let me

Now I don't keep you from your sleep I need some ease I'm tired of trying to please
And it seems that my dreams are coming farther and fewer in between

What you gonna do if you get me I can heal your problems if you let me
What you gonna do if you get me I can heal your problems if you let me

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

I'm not important to you

You took me for granted
You took me, you took me for granted
But I landed back on my feet, back on
My feet
Cos you don't deserve me, deserve me
You don't have the time that I need
That I want, I deserve
But I got back my nerve
Did what was right for me
I'm using my head not my heart
And I'm starting new
I'm going to get over you, over you

I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you

You happy is all I wanted to see, is all
I wanted to see, to see
And so now that's what
I'm going to be, what I'm going to be
I'll waste some time on me
I gave you my all and you took it
I saw and you gave nothing back
Your mind on another track,
Another track, another track yeah
There are plenty of people out there
Who would care about me
You'll see
You'll see

I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you
I'm not important to you

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Sober and unkissed

Like a new winter's coat
I'm wearing your last embrace
Like a cold quenching glass of water
I hold a clear picture of your face

When are you coming around
Oh when are you coming around
Cos soon I'll be cold and thirsty

I'm hearing your last telephone call
Ringing louder and clearer than
The rest
I hear your invitation to see it all
Better written I am smitten no

So when are you coming around
Oh when are you coming around
Cos soon I'll be bored and lonely

I'm tasting the last glass of your wine
The sweet taste linger left on lips
I'm tasting your sweet kisses with mine
The sweet taste lingers left on lips

So when are you coming around
Oh when are you coming around
Cos soon I'll be sober and unkissed

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Healing Is Difficult

Healing is difficult
Often results in psychosomatic
I admit to enjoying drugs
They get rid of tension, boredom and static
Hate those adverse side effects
Forcing the people who love me to scatter
Excuse me for being such a hypocrite
The way I see it really doesn't matter

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

To tell you the truth
I can't believe I love you so much
So much in fact that I don't know whether to weep or wind my watch
I have a sick sense of humour
It amazes me how points it scores
I'm addicted to vice
My best friends are pushers, my boyfriends are whores

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Simple to see why I breathe
No one bothers me completely

Simple to see why I breathe
No one bothers me completely

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Waking up next to you
Your morning breath reminds me of Lucy
The flies in the front room
Buzz round my head and try to seduce me
If I contract illness
The last thing I want is to pass it to others
Fucking leaves guilt pangs
When I start forgetting the names of my lovers

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity

Why do you cock your head to the side when you look at me
Why are my skills in bed more important than sanity...

Judge me

Judge me feel free
Cos the freer you feel
The freer you'll let me be

It's such a terrible terrible shame
You keep on judging me, in his name
You're so quick to shift the focus
Cos you can find yourself
In today's frame
But I know he's approve
And I've nothing to prove to you
He smiles down on me lovingly

Just me feel free
Cos the freer you feel
The freer you'll let me be

It's truly sad to see
You suffering so immensely
You need distracting
So you use me conveniently
But I know he'd approve
And I've nothing to prove to you
He smiles down on me lovingly

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Little man

So naive, it helps me to breathe
Your smile I keep on file
You tickle me pink
I love the way you think
So when I'm feeling low I know
I'm your greatest fan

Little man I'm endlessly proud of you
In such a short time span
You've filled my heart with joy
As I grow older, you grow wiser
Watching my mistakes
Memorize where I've gone wrong

If they fall way
I'll stay with you
But do as I say and not as do
Trust me and you'll see
All I want is what is best for you

Little man your head is full of dreams
If only I could spend one day touring
Your imagination
If I live longer you'll grow faster
At recognizing the traps that cause
Me such frustration

If they fall way
I'll stay with you
But do as I say and not as I do
Trust me and you'll see
All I want is what is best for you

So naive, it helps me to breathe
Your smile I keep on file
You tickle me pink
I love the way you think
So when I'm feeling low I know
I'm your greatest fan

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***


Mind you mind me
You thought you could climb me
I'm sorry to cut your rope
Bu in you I've lost all hope
Mind you mind me
I haven't seen you lately
Oh how many times you liked to phone
To see if your seed I could sow

I tell you if that's what you're about
Friends like you I can do without

Mind you mind me
I laugh at your transparency
You're my new best friend
Your fucked up life can I mend
Mind you mind me
I find it interesting to see
When I only offer you a smile, oh how
You forget to dial

Believe me, I know you work
Insidiously (repeat)

Mind you mind me, you smile so sweetly
I'd call you an acquaintance stop with
Your exaggeration
Mind you mind me
How things can change is a good week
Call me ruthless
But you stretch the truth oh yes

I tell you if that's what you're about
Friends like you I can do without

*** Thanx a lot to Matthew for this one ***

Colour the small one


You don't know me
You can't hold me
I'll slip through your hands
I am one single grain of sand

You are free to love
Happily received
You are free to love
If that is all you need

I'm an empty space
I can't be replaced
So when you're finished with this dream
Delete begin to rewrite me

You are free to love
Happily received
You are free to love
If that is all you need

You are free to love
Happily received
You are free to love
If that is all you need

You are free to love
Happily received
You are free to love
Delete and rewrite me


For those who've slept
For those who've kept
Themselves jacked up
How Jesus wept

For those in need
For those who speed
For those who try to slow their minds with weed

For those who wake
With a blind headache
Who must be still
Who will sit and wait
For sunday, to be monday

Yeah, it will be ok
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination run away

For those with guilt
For those who wilt
Under pressure
No tears over spilt milk



Yeah, it will be ok
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination runaway

Yeah, it will be ok
Do nothing today
Give yourself a break
Let your imagination runaway

Breathe me

Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

The Bully

How you been feeling
It's not about marbles snakes or glue
How you been healing
Now that we cannot win or lose
So how you been keeping
It doesn't matter whose dads richest now
How you been sleeping
From the top bunks further to fall down

You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me

What you been doing
Still make the world a better place
Never stopped rueing
Making those tears fall down your face
Making you suffer
Wondering how you got your scars
And only in hindsight
I wish I had taken you in my arms

Taken you in my arms
Taken you in my arms
Taken you in my arms
Taken you in my arms

You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me

You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully)
You turned that around on me
You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully)

Sweet potato

She cooks you sweet potato you don't like aubergine
She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from grease
She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure
And so she stands and waits anticipating your thoughts

How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you
How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you

He brushes thoroughly
He know she likes fresh breath
He rushes to the station
He waits atop the steps
He's brought with him a mars bar
She will not buy nestle
And later he'll perform
A love-lorn serenade, a trade

How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you
How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you

So give her information to help her fill her holes
Give an ounce of power so he does not feel controlled
Help her to acknowledge the pain that you are in
Give to him a glimpse of that beneath your skin

Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest
I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed
I hate that you negate me, I'm a ghost at beck and call
I'm falling and placating, berate myself for staying

I'm a fool
I'm a fool

He greets his stranger meekly a thing that she accepts
She sees him waiting often with chocolate on the steps
He senses she is lonely she's glad they finally met
They take each other's hands walk into the sunset

Don't bring me down

Faint light of dawn
I'm listening to you breathing in and breathing out
Needing nothing
You're honey dipped
You are beautiful, floating clouds, soft world
I can't feel my lips

I'm going down, I don't want to change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down

Then all of that's annulled and I'm anyone's everyone's
We are one
Your face becomes the sun
And I'm addicted to the joy that the little things
Those little things
The little things they bring

I'm going down, I don't want to change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down

So now for restless mind, I could go either way

I'm going down, I don't wanna change
I'm going down, going down the drain

Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down, I beg you
Don't bring me down, I won't let you
Don't bring me down

There's nothing left to chew and so I fight a war
In my head
Stay the night
Protect me

Natalie's song

I'm in the wars
Can't speak for crying
Close all the doors
Since I am dying
Pick up the phone
Attempt to call her
I'm all alone
Until she answers

Momentarily she brings peace to me
Momentarily she brings peace to me

She barely speaks
But I hear her breathing
That's all I need
Someone who's listening
And still she stays
Her time is precious
Until I am safe
She gives her presence

Momentarily she brings peace to me
Momentarily she brings peace to me
Momentarily she brings peace to me
Momentarily she brings peace to me


We've been to the top, we've been to the bottom
We've known everything and forgotten, yeah

You've kicked me around, you've wrapped me in cotton
You've carried our load and you've shot them

Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there

We've argued by the baggage claim
We've accepted and we've laid blame
We've drank Sangthip in monsoonal rain
We've felt separate and we've felt the same

Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there

We've shared joy and we've shared pain
We've shared guilt and we've shared shame
We've bought into teh stupid games
We've freed each offer and we laid claim

Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there
Oh yes the butterflies are still there

Because we came from the same cocoon


I watch you spin from afar
I drink you in and breath you out
I'm camouflaged by the timeline
I'm camouflaged when the sun shines

Two ships passing in the night
Two lips pressing ground the tides

I believe the world it spins for you
We will never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We will never be, I am the moon

I long to be a part
I isolate my heart
You've drawn me into your world
Now I too spin limbless

One hand clapping, where's the wind
I stand spanning at your distant wings

I believe the world it spins for you
We will never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We will never be, I am the moon

I believe the world it spins for you
We will never be, I am the moon

The church of what's happening now

I want to change, to rearrange
What is going on
I need to change, I need to play
Like a five year old

I can't detach from the past and all of the pain
I need to learn, start from scratch begin again

Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day
Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day

So I'm going to eat one hundred sweets
I don't care if I get fat
And I'm going to speak one I won't censor me
I know I can take nothing back

And I'm going to jump I will unburden
I cannot go too deep
I will not run from bad things I've done
They're things I'll try not to repeat

Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day
Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day

Welcome to
The church of what's happening now
Head straight through
It costs nothing but change

Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day
Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day

Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day
Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day

Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day
Throw away yesterday
Today is a brand new day


I saw you cry today
The pain may fill you
I saw you shy away
The pain will not kill you

You made me smile today
You spoke with many voices
We travelled miles today
Shared expressions voiceless

It has to end
Living in your head
Without anything to numb you
Living on the edge
Without anything to numb you

It has to end to begin

Began an end today
Gave and got given
You made a friend today
Kindred soul cracked spirit

It has to end to begin

Living in your head
Without anything to numb you
Living on the edge
Without anything to numb you

It had to end to begin

Living in your head
Without anything to numb you
Living on the edge
Without anything to numb you

Living in your head
Without anything to numb you
Living on the edge
Without anything to numb you

Where I belong

We lose
Yet we want to spare the feelings of those we love
Don't cry
We've all lied
But there is always room for forgiveness my friend

So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

You're fine
See I will always have a smile for you my love
And still
We will
Be ok and along the way we'll learn a thing or two

So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

Don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
So soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

Don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong, where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong, where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me

Don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong
I know where I belong
And soon you will see we are blessed and complete
There's a place here for you with me


Some People Have Real Problems

Little Black Sandals

I'm being dragged down, down by the hand
The hand of a golden giant man
He's crushing my knuckles
Splitting my skin, he says he'll let go
If only I'd ask it of him

He says
Girl, it's your call
You wanna fly
You wanna fall
So I shout
I wanna get away from you
As fast as I can
I tell my feet to move it
I hope they have a plan

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Are heading the right way

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Saved my life today

So now I'm free
From the big bad giant
Who was stalking me
Thank you feet, for guiding me
I'm glad somehow I got brains down there, at least

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Are heading the right way

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Saved my life today

Sometimes I'm tempted
Sometimes I am
I would be lying if I said I didn't miss that giant man
He was the line between pleasure and pain
But me and the feet have some years to reclaim

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Are heading the right way

These little black sandals
Are walking me away
These little black sandals
Saved my life today


( Also on Lady Croissant LP )

You were waiting for me, you saw me, you saw me
As I wish the whole world would
You would never hurt me, desert me or work me
For all the things you thought you should
You would lick the tears from my eyes when I cry
How I missed you when I was gone
Hurt me so to leave you deceive you I need you
I believe in you.

I, I never meant to let you down
Awake with a stake in my eye
I never meant to let you down
I'm trying not to fall apart

Now all I have is riches and stitches and pictures
But money could never buy what you give
Though my heart is achin' and breakin' I'm takin'
Most of what you send my way
I want just to hold you, unfold you, I told you
I am coming back for you
I know we will be okay everyday
The sun shines a little brighter

I, I never meant to let you down
Awake with a stake in my eye
I never meant to put you down
I'm trying not to fall apart

I never meant to let you down
Awake with a stake in my eye
I never meant to put you down
I'm trying not to fall apart
I'm trying not to fall apart

When in the night we'll set a light
I'm wishing with all of my mind

Oh no, I never meant to let you down
I never meant to put you down
I never meant to let you down
Awake with a stake in my eye
I never meant to put you down
I'm trying not to fall

Day Too Soon

Pick me up in your arms
Carry me away from harm
You're never gonna put me down
I know you're just one good man
You'll tire before we see land
You're never gonna put me down

Oh I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day you're not day too soon

Honey I will stitch you
Darling I will fit you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart

You'll risk all this for just a kiss
I promise I will not resist
Promise you won't hold me down
And when we reach a good place
Let's be sure to leave no trace
Promise they won't track us down

Now I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah, I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day, you're not a day too soon

Honey I will stitch you
Darling I will feel you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart

I've been running all my life
I ran away, I ran away from good
Yeah I've been waiting all my life
You're not a day, you're not a day too soon

Oh honey I will stitch you
Darling I will feel you in my heart
Honey I will meet you
Darling I will keep you in my heart

You Have Been Loved

You shot me up, yeah
You filled my cup, oh
You sailed my boat
You were my last hope
You took my very last hope away

Oh you, you will be loved by someone good
And you, you will be loved by somebody good
You have been loved

You dropped the bomb
And now you're gone
I held you dear
You swallowed my fears
And now I've drunk my last beer with you

Oh you, you have been loved by someone good
Yeah you, you will be loved
Oh will you ever know
That the bitterness and anger left me long ago
Only sadness remains
And it will pass

Yeah you you will be loved by somebody good
By somebody good

The Girl You Lost to Cocaine

I've stuck around, through thick and through thin
You cannot deny, I've always been in
But I've watched you stand, still as a snowman
But I don't see you change, you're always at meltdown

Yeah I've been your crutch, your smell sight and touch
Yeah I took you home when you've drunk too much
But I can't survive, with you by my side
See I'll never get laid, while I'm running your life

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah I am a girl with a lot on her plate

So just cut me loose, learn to tie your shoes
There's somebody here, I'd like to introduce
So look in the mirror, look for the glass
‘Cause you're not my problem, you are my last

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
Yeah I am a girl with a lot on her plate

No I just don't wanna, so I'm walking away
There is nothing that you can do I will not stay
No I don't need drama, so I'm walking away
I'm just a girl that you lost to cocaine


You can be my alphabet and I will be your calculator
And together we'll work out on the escalator
I will time you as you run up the down
And you'll measure my footsteps as I blow through this town
The mean of our heights is divided by the nights
Which is times'd by the daggers and the route of all our fights,
The pass of your poem is to swathe me in your knowing
And the beauty of the word is that you don't have to show it

Oh academia you can't pick me up
Soothe me with your words when I need your love

I am a dash and you are a dot
When will you see that I am all that you've got
I'm a binary code that you cracked long ago
But to you I'm just a novel that you wish you'd never wrote
I'm greater than x and lesser than y, so why is it
that I still can't catch your eye?
You're a cryptic crossword, a song I've never heard
While I sit here drawing circles I'm afraid of being hurt

Oh academia you can't pick me up
Soothe me with your words when I need your love

You're a difficult equation with a knack for heart evasion
Will you listen to my proof or will you add another page on
It appears to me the graph has come and stolen all the laughs
It appears to me the pen has over analysed again
And if I am a number I'm infinity plus one
And if you are five words you are afraid to be the one
And if you are a number you're infinity plus one
And if I am four words then I am needing of your love

Oh academia you can't pick me up
Soothe me with your words when I need your love

I Go To Sleep

( The Pretenders Cover / Lady Croissant LP )

When I look up from my pillow
I dream you are there with me
Though you are far away
I know you'll always be near to me

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I look around me
And feel you are ever so close to me
Each tear that flows from my eye
Brings back memories of you to me

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I was wrong, I will cry
I will love you till the day I die
You were all, you alone and no one else
You were meant for me

When morning comes again
I have the loneliness you left me
Each day drags by
Until finally my time descends on me

I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep
And imagine that you're there with me


Come with me to a place of fantasy
I'll take you on a sea-saw
Come with me to a place that's by the sea
I'll take you on a board walk
Take my hand I'll take you to the sand
You and me will build a castle
Ready set go I'll race you to the wall
I will win I am the fastest

I don't wanna grow old
Bring me all the toys you can find
You don't wanna grow up
You can be my partner in crime

I'll be sure to write you from the war
Put your guns away it's tea time
Water bombs and tea towel tired mums
Looking for a little me time
Close your eyes and count to thirty five
You may never ever find me
Close my eyes and then I realise
You are never far behind me

I don't wanna grow old
Bring me all the toys you can find
You don't wanna grow up
You can be my partner in crime
I don't wanna grow old
Bring me all the toys you can find
You don't wanna grow up
You can be my partner in crime

Let's have fun, let's play out under the sun
Will you take me by the hand
Let's see how far we can run, yeah
Let's play chase let's put make up on our face
You can catch me if you can
We can make a secret place

Meet me at the playground, come with me, fool around

Death By Chocolate

Death by chocolate is myth
This I know because I lived
I've been around for broken hearts and how
Lay your head in my hands little girl
This is only right now

Death by crying doesn't exist, though
The headaches feel a bit like it
You might explode
But you reach the end of the road
And you, little tree
I'm certain you will grow

Tears on your pillow will dry and you will learn
Just how to love again
Oh my weeping willow
Let your leaves fall and return
Oh darling the seasons are your friend

Death by anger this is true
Just let him go he can't hurt you
Oh little girl this is such a cruel cruel world
This is the first, of a million broken hearts

Tears on your pillow will dry and you will learn
Just how to love again
Oh my weeping willow
Let your leaves fall and return
Oh darling the seasons are your friend

Oh it won't be long you will grow strong
Up up and away

He's but a falling leaf, he's but a falling leaf, he's but a falling leaf

Soon We'll Be Found

Come along it is the break of day
Surely now, you'll have some things to say
It's not the time for telling tales on me

So come along, it wont be long
‘Til we return happy
Shut your eyes, there are no lies
In this world we call sleep
Let's desert this day of hurt
Tomorrow we'll be free

Let's not fight I'm tired can't we just sleep tonight
don't Turn away it's just there's nothing left here to say
Turn around I know we're lost but soon we'll be found

Well it's been rough but we'll be just fine
Work it out yeah we'll survive
You mustn't let a few bad times dictate

So come along, it wont be long
‘Til we return happy
Shut your eyes, there are no lies
In this world we call sleep
Let's desert this day of work
Tomorrow we'll be free

Let's not fight I'm tired can't we just sleep tonight
Don't turn away it's just there's nothing left here to say
Turn around I know we're lost but soon we'll be found

Electric Bird

Someone plugged you in
And sadly they clipped your wings
Now you can't fly away electric bird
Yeah someone took your tweet
One day they fed you that bad seed
You can't fly away electric bird

Well you're art, you fell into this part
You play the victim perfectly holding your beating heart
You used to be so smart
You fluttered round the yard making your magic

Got to set you free, you were blinded by deceit
You can't fly away electric bird
So now this rooms all staged
While you're stuck there in that cage
You can't fly away electric bird

Well you're art, you fell into this part
You play the victim perfectly holding your beating heart
You used to be so smart
You fluttered round the yard making your magic

Beautiful Calm Driving

Beautiful calm driving, deep sea pearl diving
Constantly unwinding, beautiful calm driving
You turned into another
You turned into nutter
You turned into another man

You're a stranger to me
You're a danger to me
You're a stranger to me
You're a danger
To me

Beautiful calm driving, emotional hiding
Effortlessly shining, beautiful calm driving
You turned into another
You turned into nutter
You turned into another man

You're a stranger to me
You're a danger to me
You're a stranger to me
You're a danger to me
You're a stranger to me
You're a danger to me
You're a stranger to me
You're a danger to me
Beautiful calm driving


Send a wish upon a star
Do the work and you'll go far
Send a wish upon a star
Make a map and there you are

Send a hope upon a wave
A dying wish before the grave
Send a hope upon a wave
For all this souls you failed to save

And you stood tall
Now you will fall
Don't break the spell
Of a life spent trying to do well
And you stood tall
Now you will fall
Don't break the spell
Of a life spent trying to do well

Send a question in the wind
It's hard to know where to begin
So send the question in the wind
And give an answer to a friend

Place your past into a book
Put in everything you ever took
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages let them cook

And you stood tall
Now you will fall
Don't break the spell
Of a life spent trying to do well
And you stood tall
Now you will fall
Don't break the spell
Of a life spent trying to do well

Repeat chorus

Send a wish upon a star
Send a wish upon a star


(hidden track)

You got me pushing imaginary buttons
Step away from me lover, away from me lover
You got me counting imaginary school children
Get away from me lover, away from me lover
Yes I can see that my carpet is animated
Walk away from me lover, away from me lover
Yes I see you open wounds in everyone I've dated
Away from me lover, get away from me lover

I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do

You got me turning all the lights on and off
Walk away from me lover, away from me lover
When will you see that I am carrying this stuff
Walk away from me lover, away from me lover
Can't you see that I am losing my marbles
It's marvellous losing another, losing another

I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do
I am no good for you
I'm seeing ghosts in everything I do

Walk away from me lover, away from me lover
Get away from me lover, away from me lover
Step away from me lover, away from me lover
Walk away from me lover, away from me lover

We Are Born

The fight

We are born
Without a care
As we grow old
Become aware

As we grow tall, begin to falter
We want to know ourselves, give love to all

And we falter
Yes we are human
Yes we anger
We feed the hunger
Yes we push through
Just me and you

We made it through the darkness to the light
Oh how we fought yet still we won the fight
Oh yes we stand together

A fantasy
For you and me
Though beauty lies
In reality
No need to fear, the truth sets us free
We're all looking for love and harmony

But we falter, and yes we are flawed
We play victim
With such conviction
And we play bully
Both you and me

We made it through the darkness to the light
Oh how we fought yet still we won the fight
Oh yes we stand together

Took it day by day, worried we would fail
How we flailed and we wailed and we screamed in pain
Take it step by step we could not forget the wounds
We felt how we screamed for help
And the dark dark nights when you held me tight
And we'd wait for light to rescue us
Oh we were distressed
Now we're nothing less
We are strong we are blessed
We are united.

We made it through the darkness to the light
Oh how we fought yet still we won the fight
Oh yes we stand together

We made it through the darkness to the light
Oh how we fought yet still we won the fight
Oh yes we stand together

Clap your hands

I've been the neglecting the good things
What I mean is I need the good things
I'm finding the light in the good things
I might need help to see the good things

Shake me out of my misery
Oh make me
Get out and wiggle it oh, oh, oh

Clap your hands, clap your hands
Turn the lights on my nights this is life
We only get one chance
Clap your hands, clap your hands
Come on dance, take a chance on romance
We only get one shot at love

I'm trying to fly in the good things
I'm finding this might be a good thing

Shake me out of my misery
Make me
Get out and wiggle it oh, oh, oh

Shake me out of my misery
Make me
Get out and wiggle it oh, oh, oh

Clap your hands, clap your hands

Clap your hands, clap your hands

Shake me out of my misery
Make me
Get out and wiggle it oh, oh, oh

Stop trying

We like you
This is a game, already won
The time has come
Stop trying

We like you
This is a game already won
Your time has come
Stop trying

Take a break, you must be tired from the strain
Take a break, and let us carry your pain
Please slow down, you are making my head spin
Please slow down, you have all I have to give

We like you
This is a game, already won
The time has come
Stop trying

You don't know, you have everything you need
You won't grow, ‘til you get down on your knees
Say good-bye, and do not dissect your lies
Say good-bye, there's no need to apologize

We like you
This is a game, already won
The time has come
Stop trying

You've changed

Stealing hearts was your pass time
I saw girls falling hook line
You stole kisses and threw them aside
Hits and misses, you lost sight

But you've changed
For the better

But you've changed
For the better

Making waves was your hobby
Then i asked you to hold me
And I knew it, you do it all over the world
But all is different now I'm your girl

But you've changed
For the better

But you've changed
For the better

Be good to me

He said darling don't forget
There is sweetness left unearthed for you and me
He said, honey no regrets
We just do our best and I, I just wanna cry
‘Cause you'll be

Be good to me, be good to me
I need you now more than ever
I'm faithful, me, and when you're down
I'll be around
I'll be your every weather

He says, this is just today
It will be ok and I, I am listening
He says, you can trust in me
You'll get all you'll need
And how can I doubt you ‘cause you'll be

Be good to me, be good to me
I need you now more than ever
I'm faithful, me, and when you're down
I'll be around
I'll be your every weather

You know what you do to me
You light up
You light up
The dark and
You're all the good within me
My heart, is filled, rebuilt

Be good to me, be good to me
I need you now more than ever
I'm faithful, me, and when you're down
I'll be around
I'll be your every weather…

Bring night

Bring night, bring the night on
Bring a little bit of dance, bring a little bit of song
Bring night, bring the night on
I'm not sure I can wait yeah this day just feels so long
Bring night, bring the night on
The music gets into me and i know it can't be wrong
Bring night, bring the night on
‘Cause all that we are after is a little bit of fun

Chase your shadow till the sun goes down
Chase your shadow till the sun goes down

Bring night, bring the night on
Bring me the moon and stars, let's send away the sun
Bring night, bring the night on
And maybe if I'm lucky, I'll end up in your arms

Chase your shadow till the sun goes down
Chase your shadow till the sun goes down…

Hurting me now

You, you don't like my hair
You don't like what I wear
I'm trying, trying, you see I'm trying
While you try to change me all the time

You, you say I talk too much
I know it drives you nuts
You tell me you wish I was better, better yeah
You roll your eyes forgetting I'm in the room

You're hurting me now
You take me down and you don't even know it
You think it's a joke
But baby you don't, you don't even notice

You're hurting me now
You take me down and you don't even now it
You think it's a joke
But baby you don't, you don't even notice

You, you say I sing too loud
I want you to be proud
I want you screaming out “that girl is mine”
“I love her, love her” but you've already tuned me out

You, you know these words you say are causing us decay
You feel I am withdrawing I am running away
You're pushing, you're pushing me…

You're hurting me now
You take me down and you don't even know it
You think it's a joke
But baby you don't, you don't even notice

Don't want you to blow it, you're hurting me
I know you don't know it
Don't want you to blow it
You're hurting me
I know you don't know it
Don't want you to blow it, you're hurting me
I know you don't know it
Don't want you to blow it
You're hurting me
I know you don't know it

You're hurting me now
You take me down and you don't even know it
You think it's a joke
But baby you don't, you don't even notice

Never gonna leave me

We are anything but unremarkable
We found things that we had given up on.
We were two peas in a pod, oh yeah

Peas indeed, seven good deeds
You're a man of strength, a man indeed
We found things that we had given up on

Now that you have gone I know it won't be long
You will be waiting for me, faithfully, baby…

Now I'm taking your love from above
You're here and you're never gonna leave me
I will carry you on well so long
Your love is never gonna leave me

Now I'm taking your love from above
You're here and you're never gonna leave me
I will carry you on well so long
Your love is never gonna leave me

Well you touched my heart and then gave me yours
I was so afraid, I tried to ignore all the butterflies
Taking me over

We are anything but unremarkable
We found things that we had given up on
We found love, oh yeah…

Now that you have gone I know it won't be long
You will be waiting for me, faithfully, baby…

Now I'm taking your love from above
You're here and you're never gonna leave me
I will carry you on well so long
Your love is never gonna leave me

You're never gonna leave me
You're never gonna love me

Now that you have gone I know it won't be long
You will be waiting for me, faithfully, baby…

Now I'm taking your love from above
You're here and you're never gonna leave me
I will carry you on well so long
Your love is never gonna leave me

Now I'm taking your love from above
You're here and you're never gonna leave me
I will carry you on well so long
Your love is never gonna leave me


While away the hours
In to something new
Throw away the flowers
They make you feel blue

Throwing stones at strangers
Waiting for the fight
Throwing stones at birds who struggle to take flight

I am a dark cloud swelling with rain
I am a dark cloud swelling with rain

Get it out your system
Get it out of you
Send them home with blisters
Send them home, with truth

Send away the doubters
Blind them with your hoof
Try to save the doubters
Try to sell good news

I am a dark cloud swelling with rain
I am a dark cloud swelling with rain

I am a dark cloud swelling with rain
I am a dark cloud swelling with rain…

I'm in here

I'm in here
Can anybody see me
Can anybody help

I'm in here
A prisoner of history
Can anybody help

Can you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for you to come rescue me
I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not
Live with inside of me

I'm in here
I'm trying to tell you something
Can anybody help

I'm in here
I'm calling out but you can't hear
Can anybody help

Can you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for you to come rescue me
I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not
Live with inside of me

I'm crying out
I'm backing down
I am feeling it all
Stuck inside these walls, tell me there is hope for me
Is anybody out there listening

Can you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for you to come rescue me
I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not
Live with inside of me

Can you hear my call
Are you coming to get me now
I've been waiting for you to come rescue me
I need you to hold all of the sadness I can not
Live with inside of me

I'm in here
Can anybody see me
Can anybody help

The co-dependent

Feels like we are married and I haven't run away, run away, run away
So many years I've carried you in my arms, yet I stay, yet I stay, yet I stay
And still I come a running when i hear the telephone, telephone, telephone
And I ask for absolutely nothing in return, in return, in return

I'm gonna watch you drink it all
I'm gonna watch you fall
You'll find me by your side
If you find me at all

So here it is on offer
Everything I have to give, have to give, have to give
My love for you allows me not to judge the way you live, way you live, way you live

So just remember that whenever you may feel alone, feel alone, feel alone
Yeah I am here there's nothing to fear
I will be your home, be your home, be your home

I'm gonna watch you drink it all
I'm gonna watch you fall
You'll find me by your side
If you find me at all

I'm gonna watch you drink it all
I'm gonna watch you fall
You'll find me by your side
If you find me at all…

Big girl little girl

Big girl little girl you're a rip curl
Tearing your way through this big world
I know you're mad, you're on a warpath
But you know you don't want to bury more friends
And we could be friends
I wish that we were friends
But you can't stop seeing us as the enemy

Big girl it's hell being unwell
You know you're stuck, where you fell
Your words give birth like rosemary
You know you don't want to bury more friends
And we could be friends
I wish that we were friends
But you can't stop seeing us as the enemy.

You know with every cruel word that you utter
That you bury yourself
Even deeper every day
Oh little girl, there's enough love in this circle
You can shackle yourself or be free from this pain

Oh father

( Madonna Cover )

It's funny that way, you can get used
To the tears and the pain
What a child will believe
You never loved me

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

Seems like yesterday
I lay down next to your boots and i prayed
For your anger to end
Oh father I have sinned

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

Oh father you never wanted to live that way
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away

Oh father you never wanted to live that way
You never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away

Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too

You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself

1000 Forms of Fear


Party girls don't get hurt
Can't feel anything, when will I learn
I push it down, push it down

I'm the one "for a good time call"
Phone's blowin' up, they're ringin' my doorbell
I feel the love, feel the love

1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2 ,3, 1, 2, 3 drink

Throw 'em back, till I lose count

I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist
Like it doesn't exist
I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night, feel my tears as they dry
I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelier
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
But I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down won't open my eyes
Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cause I'm just holding on for tonight
Help me, I'm holding on for dear life, won't look down, won't open my eyes
Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cause I'm just holding on for tonight
On for tonight

Sun is up, I'm a mess
Gotta get out now, gotta run from this
Here comes the shame, here comes the shame

1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 drink

Throw 'em back till I lose count

Big Girls Cry

Tough girl
In the fast lane
No time for love
No time for hate
No drama no time
For games
Tough girl
Whose soul aches

I'm at home
On my own
Check my phone
Nothing, though
Act busy
Order in
Pay TV
It's agony

I may cry ruining my makeup
Wash away all the things you've taken
I don't care if I don't look pretty
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their heart is breaking
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Tough girl
I'm in pain
It's lonely at the top
Black outs and airplanes
I still pour you a glass of champagne
I'm a tough girl
Whose soul aches

I'm at home
On my own
Check my phone
Nothing, though
Act busy
Order in
Pay TV
It's agony

I may cry ruining my makeup
Wash away all the things you've taken
I don't care if I don't look pretty
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their heart is breaking

Burn The Pages

You're dark grey like a storm cloud
Swelling up with rain that is desperate to be let out
And I know it's a heavy load carrying those tears around
Carrying those fears around, worry makes the world go round

You're twisted up like a slipknot
Tied by a juicehead who just took his t shot, and I know
There's a hungry dog tugging at your frayed ends
But he's just playing with you, he just wants to be your friend

So don't worry, don't worry, I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Yesterday is gone and you will be OK
Place your past in to a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past in to a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook

Eyes stinging from the black smoke, new hope
Loose rope, risen from the undertow
All is well
We welcome the cry of the dark night sky
Swallow me peacefully, follow my heart back inside

So don't worry, don't worry, I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight

Yesterday is gone and you will be OK
Place your past in to a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past in to a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook

Eye Of The Needle

Take me down
I'm feeling now
And if I move on
I admit you're gone
I ain't ready
I'll hold steady
I'll hold you in my arms

You're locked inside my heart
Your melody's an art
I won't let the terror in, I'm stealing time
Through the eye of the needle

Step and repeat
Tears fall to the beat
Smile through pain
Feel the acid rain
I ain't ready
I'll hold steady
I'll hold you in my arms, in my arms, in my arms
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
You're locked inside my heart
Your melody's an art
I won't let the terror in, I'm stealing time
Through the eye of the needle

My bags heavy
Been filled by me
They weigh me down
Carry them round
It's all mine all mine
I am blinded by the eye of the needle


You bring me to life then you shut me out
You keep me silent when I should shout
You make me cry and you make me come
You are the cop and I'm on the run

It all begins with just one kiss
I'm held hostage by your love
Put me in cuffs, lock me up
I'm held hostage by your touch
This prison is rough but I can't get enough
The secret life of us keeps me in handcuffs
Don't lock me up, don't you wanna free us
I'm held hostage by your love

Then you let me out and I catch the sun
You give me a taste of you and no one
But you always leave, and again I'm alone
This secret burns but I'm imprisoned
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
It all begins with just one kiss
I'm held hostage by your love
Put me in cuffs, lock me up
I'm held hostage by your touch
This prison is rough but I can't get enough
The secret life of us keeps me in handcuffs
Don't lock me up, don't you wanna free us
I'm held hostage by your love

Secret life of lovers who have others
Under the covers
And while you break my heart
I'm a criminal in these parts

It all begins with just one kiss
I'm held hostage by your love
Put me in cuffs, lock me up
I'm held hostage by your touch
This prison is rough but I can't get enough
The secret life of us keeps me in handcuffs
Don't lock me up, don't you wanna free us
I'm held hostage by your love

Straight For The Knife

Put on my best dress, I wanted to impress
I put a little make up on
Put a bow in my hair, wore pretty underwear
Hoping you might take it off
Don't know your etiquette but
I'm strapped to my chair, and it ain't 'cause you're pretty
You were charming, until
You saw your chance to kill, your chance to make history

You went straight for the knife, and I prepared to die
Your blade it shines
Looked me straight in the eye, you turned the gas on high
Held the flame alight, you wonder why
I'm scared of fire
You wonder why you make girls cry
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
My mascara a mess, harsh words for your princess
Boy, you and your promises
If your goal was to love, you scored an epic miss
Now you'll just have memories

You went straight for the knife, and I prepared to die
Your blade it shines
Looked me straight in the eye, you turned the gas on high
Held the flame alight, you wonder why
I'm scared of fire
You wonder why you make girls cry

Boy, you draw me back in
I'm hungry for your bad loving
But will someone find me swinging from the rafters
From hanging on your every word

You went straight for the knife, and I prepared to die
Your blade it shines
Looked me straight in the eye, you turned the gas on high
Held the flame alight, you wonder why
I'm scared of fire
You wonder why you make girls cry

Fair Game

You terrify me, 'cause you're a man, you're not a boy
You got some power, and I can't treat you like a toy
You're the road less travelled by a little girl
You disregard the mess while I try to control the world
Don't leave me, stay here and frighten me
Don't leave me, come now enlighten me
Give me all you got, give me your wallet and your watch
Give me your first-born, give me the rainbow and the...

So go and challenge me, take the reigns and see
Watch me squirm baby, but you are just what I need

And I've never played a fair game
I've always had the upper hand
But what good is intellect and therapy/airplay
If I can't respect any man
Oh I want to play a fair game
Yeah I want to play a fair game
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
You terrify me, we've still not kissed and yet I've cried
You got too close and I pushed and pushed hoping you'd bite
So I could run, run and that I did but through the dust
You saw those teeth marks, they weren't all yours you had been thrust
Into a history, that had not worked for me
Into a history, from which I could not flee
So go on shake me, shake until I give it up
Wearing me down baby, I know that we could make some love

So go and challenge me, take the reigns and see
Watch me squirm, baby, but you are just what I need

And I've never played a fair game
I've always had the upper hand
But what good is intellect and therapy/airplay
If I can't respect any man
I want to play a fair game
I want to play a fair game

Elastic Heart

And another one bites the dust
Oh why can I not conquer love
And I might have thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah let's be clear, I'll trust no one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart, but your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubberband until you pull too hard, I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
And I will stay up through the night
Let's be clear, won't close my eyes
And I know that I can survive
I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad
I'm doing everything I can
Then another one bites the dust
It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

Free The Animal

I love you so, wanna throw you from the roof
The pressure builds, wanna put my hands through you
I'll squeeze you tight until you take your last breath
Loving you to death, loving you to death

The pressure's rising, I won't make it through tonight
This love immortal is an assassin's delight
Just blow me up or run me down or cut my throat
And when its time for you to die
I'll let you know

Detonate me
Shoot me like a cannon ball
Granulate me
Kill me like an animal
Decapitate me
Hit me like a baseball
Emancipate me
Free the animal, free the animal

I love you so, I'm putting you in quicksand
You take your chances when you kiss the hitman
The animal's inside of this infinite jest
Loving you to death, loving you to death

The pressure's rising, I won't make it through tonight
This love immortal is an assassin's delight
Just blow me up or run me down or cut my throat
And when its time for you to die
I'll let you know
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Detonate me
Shoot me like a cannon ball
Granulate me
Kill me like an animal
Decapitate me
Hit me like a baseball
Emancipate me
Free the animal, free the animal

Murder me, ruin me
Look what you do to me
Beautiful pain, baby
Pour acid rain on me
Kill me with your loving
Kill me with your loving
I'll slice you and dice you
Like sugar and spice

I'll do all that you want me to
I'll beat on the beast in you
I'll kill you with my with my loving
I'll kill you with my loving

Fire Meet Gasoline

It's dangerous to fall in love
But I want to burn with you tonight
Hurt me
There's two of us
We're certain with desire
The pleasure's pain and fire
Burn me

?So come on
I'll take you on, take you on
I ache for love ache for us
Why don't you come
Don't you come a little closer
So come on now
Strike the match, strike the match now
We're a perfect match, perfect somehow
We were meant for one another
Come a little closer

Flame that came from me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight

And we will fly
Like small sparks in the skies
I mean I want to try and
Take a bite

So come on now
Strike the match, strike the match now
We're a perfect match, perfect somehow
We were meant for one another
Come a little closer

Flame that came from me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
But it's a bad death
Certain death
But I want what I want
And I got to get it
When the fire dies
Dark in the skies
Hot as a match
Only smoke is left
But it's a bad death
Certain death
But I want what I want
And I got to get it
When the fire dies
Dark in the skies
Hot as a match
Only smoke is left

Flame that came from me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight


Look at me I'm such a basket case
Delivered to you wrapped in cellophane
Waiting on your doorstep everyday
Delivery, a basket filled with pain

Patience is your virtue, saint o' mine
I'd have fallen through the cracks, without your love tonight
I'm your groundhog and I'm skating on thin ice
But you see me at your feet and carry me inside
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
Can't you see I'm wrapped in cellophane
Watch the blood pump through my veins
Electricity floods my brain
Can't hide the pain, can't hide the pain
When you're wrapped in cellophane

Look at me, I'm such a basket case
While I fall apart you'll hide all my pills again
And all the things I need to hear you say
You'll watch as all my thoughts get right back on the train

Can't you see I'm wrapped in cellophane
Watch the blood pump through my veins
Electricity floods my brain
Can't hide the pain, can't hide the pain
When you're wrapped in cellophane

Dressed In Black

I had given up
I didn't know who to trust
So I designed a shell
Kept me from heaven and hell
And I had hit a low
Was all I let myself know
Yeah I had locked my heart
I was imprisoned by dark

You found me dressed in black
Hiding way up at the back
Life had broken my heart into pieces
You took my hand in yours
You started breaking down my walls
And you covered my heart in kisses
I thought life passed me by
Missed my tears, ignored my cries
Life had broken my heart, my spirit
And then you crossed my path
You quelled my fears, you made me laugh
Then you covered my heart in kisses
Rob from always on the run is so bad and copy paste is a sin
I was down for the count
I was down, I was out
And I had lost it all
Yes, I was scared, I was torn
I took to the night
I'd given in to the fight
And I slipped further down
I felt like I had drowned

You found me dressed in black
Hiding way up at the back
Life had broken my heart into pieces
You took my hand in yours
You started breaking down my walls
And you covered my heart in kisses
I thought life passed me by
Missed my tears, ignored my cries
Life had broken my heart, my spirit
And then you crossed my path
You quelled my fears, you made me laugh
Then you covered my heart in kisses

I was hopeless and broken
You opened the door for me
Yeah I was hiding and you let the light in
And now I see
That you do for the wounded
What they couldn't seem to
You set them free
Like a butterfly kissing a child with an eye for the minor key

This Is Acting

Bird Set Free

Clipped wings, I was a broken thing
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing
You would wind me down
I struggled on the ground
Oh so lost, the line had been crossed
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk
You held me down
I struggle to fly now

Oh but there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive
Oh yes, there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, but I don't want to die, no
I don't want to die, I don't want to die
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
And I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I shout it out like a bird set free
No, I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free

Now I fly, hit the high notes
I have a voice, have a voice, hear me roar tonight
You held me down
But I fought back loud

Oh but there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive
Oh yes, there's a scream inside that we are frightened
We hold on so tight, but I don't want to die, no
I don't want to die, I don't want to die

And I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I shout it out like a bird set free
No, I don't care if I sing off key
I find myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free
I'll shout it out like a bird set free


I was born in a thunderstorm
I grew up overnight
I played alone, I played on my own
I survived

I wanted everything I neved had
Like the love that comes with light
I wore envy and I hated that
But I survived
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don't change and nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies, and you're taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived

I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing

I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive

I found solace in the strangest place
Way in the back of my mind
I saw my life in a stranger's face
And it was mine

I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don't change and nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies, and you're taught to cry into your pillow
But I survived

I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing

I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive

You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing
You took it all, but I'm still breathing

I have made every single mistake
That you could ever possibly make
I took and I took and I took what you gave
But you never noticed that I was in pain
You knew what I wanted, I went out and got it
Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't
I told you that I would never be forgotten
And all in spite of you

I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing
I'm still breathing

I'm alive
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
I'm alive
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
I'm alive
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
(You took it all, but I'm still breathing)
I'm alive

I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive
I'm alive

One Million Bullets

Under the moonlight
Weathering with your warm embrace
I feel so safe here
Baby, we're worth the wait
Yeah I picked the wrong kind
Time after time
I drank from the poisoned wine
Yeah I picked the wrong kind
But baby, you're alright
Yeah baby, I've seen the light

I got a feeling, I got a feeling
Danger is coming, a danger is coming
A danger is coming oh oh oh oh oh oh
I got a feeling, I got a feeling
The war has been won here, the war has been won here
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Under the moonlight, under your moonlit gaze
I know that I'd take one million bullets, babe
Yeah one million bullets could come my way
But I want you to know that I'd take a million, babe

How many would you take
How many would you take
How many would you take
How many would you take
('Cause I'd take one million bullets, babe)
How many would you take

If you were a poet
And I was a faultless muse
If you were the hero yeah
I'd take a bullet for you
So take me in your arms
Take me for all I have
'Cause I'd give my life for
One of your belly laughs

I got a feeling, I got a feeling
Danger is coming, a danger is coming
A danger is coming oh oh oh oh oh oh
I got a feeling, I got a feeling
The war has been won here, the war has been won here

Under the moonlight, under your moonlit gaze
I know that I'd take one million bullets, babe
Yeah one million bullets should come my way
But I want you to know that I'd take a million, babe

How many would you take
How many would you take
How many would you take
How many would you take
('Cause I'd take one million bullets, babe)
How many would you take

Move Your Body

Poetry on your body
You got it in every way and can't you see it's you I am watchin'
I am hot for you in every way
And turn around, let me see you
Wanna free you with my rhythm
I know you can't get enough
I'ma turn up with my rhythm!

Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won't you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won't you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Poetry on your body
Got me started, it'll never end
Feel my rhythm in your system
This is heaven, I'm your only friend
Feel the beat in your chest
Beat your chest like an animal
Free the beast from it's cage
Free the rage like an animal

Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won't you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body

You body's poetry
Move your body for me
You're body's poetry
Move your body for me
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me...

Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
Your body's poetry, speak to me
Won’t you let me be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body
I wanna be your muse you refuse
Let the movement be the rhythm tonight
Move your body, move your body


I'll smile, I know what it takes to fool this town
I'll do it 'til the sun goes down
And all through the night time, oh yeah
Oh yeah I'll tell you what you want to hear
Keep my sunglasses on while I shed a tear
It's never the right time, yeah

I'll put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I'll put my armor on, I'll show you that I am

I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah I'll win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
I break down, only alone I will cry out loud
You'll never see what's hiding out
Hiding out deep down, yeah
I know I've heard that to let your feelings show
Is the only way to make friendships grow
But I'm too afraid now, yeah

I'll put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I'll put my armor on, I'll show you that I am

I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah I'll win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today

Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today

I'll put my armor on, show you how strong I am
I'll put my armor on, I'll show you that I am

I'm unstoppable
I'm a Porsche with no brakes
I'm invincible
Yeah I'll win every single game
I'm so powerful
I don't need batteries to play
I'm so confident
Yeah I'm unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today

Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
Unstoppable today
I'm unstoppable today

Cheap Thrills

Come on, come on, turn the radio on
It's Friday night and I won't be long
Gotta do my hair, I put my make up on
It's Friday night and I won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor
Hit the dance floor
I got all I need
No, I ain't got cash
No, I ain't got cash
But I got you baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills)
Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills)
But I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Come on, come on, turn the radio on
It's Saturday and I won't be long
Gotta paint my nails, put my high heels on
It's Saturday and I won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor
Hit the dance floor
I got all I need
No, I ain't got cash
No, I ain't got cash
But I got you baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
But I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing

I love cheap thrills
I love cheap thrills
I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
I love cheap thrills
I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing

La la la la la la
I love cheap thrills
La la la la la la
I love cheap thrills
La la la la la la
I love cheap thrills
La la la la la la
I love cheap thrills


Broke down thought that I would drown
Hope that I'd be found before I hit the ground
Some days out the corner of my eye, hey
Saw you weeping saw you creeping saw you sneaking
In the shadows long the fear so strong
Saw you out the corner of my eye

Don't come for me today
I'm feeling good, let me savor it
Don't come for me today
I'm feeling good and I remember when

You came to take me away
So close I was to heaven's gate
But no baby, no baby, not today
You tried to track me down
You followed me like the darkest cloud
But no baby, no baby, not today
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Oh the reaper
Oh no baby, no baby, not today
Oh the reaper
Oh no baby, no baby, not today

So come back when I'm good and old
I got drinks to drink and men to hold
I got good things to do with my life
I wanna dance in the open breeze
Feel the wind in my hair
Hear the ocean sing
I got good things to feel in my life

Don't come for me today
I'm feeling good, let me savor it
Don't come for me today
I'm feeling good and I remember when

You came to take me away
So close I was to heaven's gaze
But no baby, no baby, not today
You tried to track me down
You followed me like the darkest cloud
But no baby, no baby, not today

Oh reaper
Oh no baby, no baby, not today
Oh reaper
Oh no baby, no baby, not today

House On Fire

I don't like to wait too long
(to wait too long, wait too long)
Figured out I'm burning slow, but I burn babe
I feel the pain and it feels good, I know it would
Your heart burns slow
I feel the pain and I cry out...

I need you, I need you
Baby I want to breathe you in
Like oxygen, like oxygen
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
Going on up in flames
And you're to blame
Yeah, you're to blame
Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire

So take me to the heavens now
As we burn down, as we are found
Take me to the heavens now
My heart screams out

I need you, I need you
Baby I want to breathe you in
Like oxygen, like oxygen

Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
Going on up in flames
And you're to blame
Yeah, you're to blame
Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire

Love me, to the beat of a drum, to the beat of a drum yeah
Love me, till the walls give in yeah
Love me, to the beat of a drum, to the beat of a drum yeah
Love me, I don't wanna say yeah

Baby I want to breathe you in
Like oxygen, like oxygen

Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
Going on up in flames
And you're to blame
Yeah, you're to blame
Baby I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
I want to keep burning
Baby I'm a house on fire
Baby I'm a house on fire


I've fallen through the floor again
Crashed into the basement
Your pain was swallowing me
I was like a leper when I couldn't even get up towards
The lights from the door was swallowing me

Lord knows you can’t trust your head
When you're standing on the edge
I’m breaking down
Lord knows you can’t trust your head
When you're hanging by a thread
I was breaking down...
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
And I saw only two footprints in the sand
Thought you'd abandoned me and
Let go of my hand
But you were carrying me
Carrying me to safety
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand
Two footprints, two footprints, your footprints in the sand
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand

Oh what if I had got the things I knew it was I
Who would have been done with you
Forgive me, I was lost and found
Who would never've left my side
Pick me up when I thought that I would die
You helped me and I was fine

Lord knows you can't trust your head
When you’re standing on the edge
I’m breaking down
Lord knows you can't trust your head
When you’re hanging by a thread
I was breaking down

And I saw only two footprints in the sand
Thought you'd abandoned me and
Let go of my hand
But you were carrying me
Carrying me to safety
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand
Two footprints, two footprints, your footprints in the sand
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand

Sweet Design

Don't son
I'ma bring it far too
Don't, don't, I'mma make your blood food
My junk, hypnotise the whole room
(Bump, bump)
I'ma representing you
My peace, juices happens on the edges
My seats come here and hit you with the wedges
True yo, come on make me turn it up
My girls are ready and you heard enough...
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Word travels fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What’s mine, sweet design
You've gotta move fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What's mine, sweet design

Don't son
I'mma bring it far too
Don't, don't, I'mma make your blood food
My junk, hypnotise the whole room
Bump, bump, I'mma representing you
My peace, juices happens on the edges
My seats come here and hit you with the wedges
True yo, come on make me turn it up
My girls are ready and you heard enough

Word travels fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What’s mine, sweet design
You've gotta move fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What's mine, sweet design

Word travels fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What’s mine, sweet design
You've gotta move fast
When you've got an ass like mine
Sweet design
Baby got back on my cockback
Where the mens at?
Someone's gonna move a lot of heads
What's mine, sweet design

Broken Glass

Layin' down in your arms
I don't wanna fight anymore
Rough seas will be calm
I'm home while we weather the storm!

We fall down like dogs playing dead
Well our love's not worth playing chicken, baby...

I'm not discarding you like broken glass
There are no winners when the die is cast
There's only tears when it's the final task

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance...
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance...

There's to lose in our past
When we are where we're meant to be
Learn things I don't ask
I am to get her to me
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
We fall down like dogs playing dead
Well our love's not worth playing chicken, baby

I'm not discarding you like broken glass
There are no winners when the die is cast
There's only tears when it's the final task
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
I'm not discarding you like broken glass
There are no winners when the die is cast
There's only tears when it's the final task
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
I'm not discarding you like broken glass
There are no winners when the die is cast
There's only tears when it's the final task
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
Don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
Don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

I'm not discarding you like broken glass
I'm not discarding you like broken glass
I'm not discarding you like broken glass
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

Space Between

Never endin' symptoms in my head
We lay hollow in the emptiness
I'm too tired to push you from the bed...

No more fighting
(no more fighting)
No more fighting for us

Feel the void in our bed
The space between is deafening
Oh, we don't bend or break it

The space between is deafening...
The space between is deafening...

No one's moving, we lack the courage to
We lay in stalemate, wishing the other would
But we're too tired, we're like the ember's core

No more fighting, there's no more fighting
There's no more fighting for us
It's bad to copy and it's bad to paste
Feel the void in our bed
The space between is deafening
Oh, we don't bend or break it
The space between is deafening

No more fighting, we've given up now
Silence has more than worth
Imagination cures loneliness
When you become a prisoner

Feel the void in our bed
The space between is deafening
Oh, we don't bend or break it
The space between is deafening

First Fighting A Sandstorm

(This Is Acting Target Bonus Track)

I fought so hard for your heart, on the way down
And I thought that I could save you from destruction

But I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war
No I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war

Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Now I ain't boxing anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Is a losing battle
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
But I won't fight it anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful

I was hurting, I couldn't let go, I couldn't leave you
And I told myself, though it was hell, that we'd push through

But I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war
No I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war

Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Now I ain't boxing anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Is a losing battle
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
But I won't fight it anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful

But I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war
No I was never in contro-o-ol, never in control
Fighting another war

Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Now I ain't boxing anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Fist fighting a sandstorm
Is a losing battle
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
Was fist fighting a sandstorm
But I won't fight it anymore
I'm letting go and it's beautiful

Summer Rain

(This Is Acting Target Bonus Track)

My summer rain

I prepared for the worst in a storm
It doesn't take long before I'm shaking
I watch the news end, wait for the forecast
I fill a tall glass, try to be patient
It's been a long time, I feel my temperature rise
You might be moving too fast, oh
Wait for the sirens, sit in the silence
I sit on my hands

I feel the breeze, feel the sea swelling and drowning me
I feel the night, feel the sunlight, I feel everything
I feel your love, and I'm done and I surrender now
I want whatever you've got so bring 'em, bring 'em down

I thought you were a hurricane
Turns out you were the summer rain
You came
To wash away all of my pain
I needed you in every way
My summer rain
My summer rain
My summer rain
My summer rain

I was mistaken, but I feel safe here
So now we're making some kind of rainbow
The storm has broken, two words are spoken
And I am soaking in all your love so
Love me for all time, and feel my temperature rise
Thought you were moving too fast, oh
But I was just scared to let you into my head
And let you see my past

I feel the breeze, feel the sea swelling and drowning me
I feel the night, feel the sunlight, I feel everything
I feel your love, and I'm done and I surrender now
I want whatever you've got so bring 'em, bring 'em down

I thought you were a hurricane
Turns out you were the summer rain
You came
To wash away all of my pain
I needed you in every way
My summer rain

When you live in fear
You miss everything
I was struggling
When you stop fighting
The war within
Everybody wins

I thought you were a hurricane
Turns out you were the summer rain
You came
To wash away all of my pain
I needed you in every way
My summer rain
My summer rain
My summer rain
My summer rain


(This Is Acting Deluxe Version)

We had love so strong my heart couldn't take it
You took it in your hands and resuscitated
You said, me and you against the world
You said, you and me forever girl
I felt every cell fall in love with you but

I watched you slip, slip away, no explanation
You on your phone, your laptop and your Playstation
I stared at the diamond on my finger and I waited
But the truth never came, but I know her name, so see you later

No I won't miss you, I won't cry, I don't regret it
No I won't stand for it, no I don't need confetti
And you can treat another to your lies, you'll never get it
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
I'd rather walk alone, I'd rather walk alone
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti

You hurt my pride, part of me died, but all of that's ego
And the house we lived in had no doors, and it had no windows
You said, "I'm hangin' with the boys", you said "Workin' late to pay our bills"
But I found lipstick on your collar, wasn't my color

I watched you slip, slip away, no explanation
You on your phone, your laptop and your Playstation
I stared at the diamond on my finger and I waited
But the truth never came, but I know her name, so see you later

No I won't miss you, I won't cry, I don't regret it
No I won't stand for it, no I don't need confetti
And you can treat another to your lies, you'll never get it
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
No I won't miss you, I won't cry, I don't regret it
No I won't stand for it, no I don't need confetti
And you can treat another to your lies, you'll never get it
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
I'd rather walk alone, I'd rather walk alone
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti

I'd rather walk alone, I'd rather walk alone
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti
I'd rather walk alone, I'd rather walk alone
I'd rather walk alone than let them throw dirty confetti

Midnight Decisions

(This Is Acting Deluxe Version)

Remember when we had it all
Remember when you took my calls
You were my whole world
You were my whole world
Not a thing said to me
Question now if my heart bleeds
You were my whole world
You were my whole world

I can't stop watching my phone
Can't turn it off
What is wrong with me, I can't, baby
But if you change your mind then I'll miss it
Now I'm crying alone
Hotel, never much fun
Not when there's nobody to catch your tears
Out here

I know
Last night we made some midnight decisions
Did I mess up, oh God I hope I didn't
It's all a blur when we talk through the liquor
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions

Soothe me now, soothe me, old friend
Warm my body, dunk my head
He was my whole world
He was my whole world
Kill the chattering
Keep the voices from screaming
He was my whole world
He was my whole world

I can't stop watching my phone
Can't turn it off
What is wrong with me, I can't, baby
But if you change your mind then I'll miss it
Now I'm crying alone
Hotel, never much fun
Not when there's nobody to catch your tears
Out here

I know, last night we made some midnight decisions
Did I mess up, oh God I hope I didn't
It's all a blur when we talk through the liquor
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions

Pull me out, I wanna fall
Fall into the rabbit hole
Just pull me out, the pain is great
The pain of losin' you today
I'm in here bawling, just a friend
Never thought we'd meet again
But here you are, one more, again
You're calling me
You're calling me

I know, last night we made some midnight decisions
Did I mess up, oh God I hope I didn't
It's all a blur when we talk through the liquor
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions
I always regret midnight decisions

Jesus Wept

(This Is Acting Deluxe Version)

Say your kin, the pen seeks, ministry
God shaped hole leaves me empty
Bottled friends won't bring relief
Drown your voice with party

For one and only
For one so lonely
Faith creeps slowly over me

How Jesus wept
He wept as he
Took twelve steps
And carried me
Oh, how he wept
For thee
Resurrection on me

Blunted thorns are soft on skin
Will the weight of life lift me?
Hear the chatter fooling me
Drown your voice with mighty weed

For one and only
For one so lonely
Faith creeps slowly over me

How Jesus wept
He wept as he
Took twelve steps
And carried me
Oh, how he wept
For thee
Resurrection on me

And I felt something light
A fear to abide by
I don't wanna fight
A blinding white light
And I heard a cry
And it was mine
Burning to survive

How Jesus wept
He wept as he
Took twelve steps
And carried me
Oh, how he wept
For thee
How Jesus wept
He wept as he
Took twelve steps
And carried me, yeah
Oh, how he wept
For thee
Resurrection on me

The Greatest

(Sia feat. Kendrick Lamar This Is Acting Deluxe Version)

Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh I, I got stamina
Uh-oh running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh I got stamina
And uh-oh I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh I need another lover, be mine
'Cause I, I, I got stamina

Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no, no, no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no, no, no

I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
The greatest, the greatest alive

Well, uh-oh running out of breath, but I
Oh I, I got stamina
Uh-oh running now, I close my eyes
But oh I got stamina
And oh yeah, running to the waves below
But I, I got stamina
And oh yeah, I'm running and I've just enough
And uh-oh I got stamina

Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no, no, no
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no, no, no

I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
The greatest, the greatest alive

Oh-oh I got stamina
Oh-oh I got stamina
Oh-oh I got stamina
Oh-oh I got stamina

Kendrick Lamar:
Hey, I am the truth
Hey, I am the wisdom of the fallen - I'm the youth
Hey, I am the greatest
Hey, this is the proof
Hey, I work hard, pray hard, pay dues, hey
I transform with pressure - I'm hands-on with effort
I fell twice before my bounce back was special
Letdowns will get you, and the critics will test you
But the strong will survive, another scar may bless you ah

Sia & Kendrick Lamar:
Don't give up (no, no), I won't give up (no, no)
Don't give up, no, no, no (nah)
Don't give up, I won't give up
Don't give up, no, no, no

I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive
I'm free to be the greatest here tonight, the greatest
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, no, no, no)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, no, no, no)

The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)
The greatest, the greatest alive
(Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, I got stamina)

Everyday Is Christmas

Santa's Coming For Us

Nights are getting shorter now
Hot chocolate fills the air and Christmas cheer does too
Picking out your Christmas tree, so lovely
The joy this time it brings to you

(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town

Sing it to the deer in the sky
Sing it as they jingle, jingle, jingle tonight
Sing it to the moon, set it free
You're the angel on the top of my tree
Sing it to the spirit above
Sing your heart out with all of your love
Santa's coming for us

Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Oh, Santa's coming for us

Send your letters off to Santa, baby
Tell him all your secret wishes too
Send your letters off to Santa, baby
Hoping all your wildest dreams come true

(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town

Sing it to the deer in the sky
Sing it as they jingle, jingle, jingle tonight
Sing it to the moon, set it free
You're the angel on the top of my tree
Sing it to the spirit above
Sing your heart out with all of your love
Santa's coming for us

Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Santa's coming for us
Oh, Santa's coming for us

(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town

(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
(Oh, do do do, oh, do do do)
Santa's coming to town
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
(Oh, da da da, oh, da da da)
Santa's coming to town

Candy Cane Lane

Take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with me
It's the cutest thing I swear you'll ever see
It's the best, so get dressed, I'll impress
You with the colors of the rainbow
Take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with me
It's so magical, let's go there in your dreams
It's the best, so get dressed, I'll impress
You with the lights in all their windows

Red and yellow and pink and green
Orange and purple and blue
Christmas is waiting for you
Christmas is waiting for you
Red and yellow and pink and green
Orange and purple and blue
Christmas is waiting for you
Christmas is waiting for you

Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes
Oh, Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes

Candy canes
We'll eat candy canes

Take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with me
I'll call Rudolph down to meet us in the street
We can dance, he can prance
There's no can't's, 'cause here, everything is possible
Take a trip down Candy Cane Lane with me
Let's get Santa out and get him on his feet
We can dance, holding hands
Ain't no can't's, 'cause here, everything is possible

Red and yellow and pink and green
Orange and purple and blue
Christmas is waiting for you
Christmas is waiting for you
Red and yellow and pink and green
Orange and purple and blue
Christmas is waiting for you
Christmas is waiting for you

Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes
Oh, Candy Cane Lane, bring a friend this holiday
Bring a friend who loves to play, we'll eat all the candy canes

Candy canes
We'll eat candy canes


Don't cry, snowman, not in front of me
Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling
If you can't catch me, darling
Don't cry snowman, don't leave me this way
A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby
Can't hold me close, baby

I want you to know that I'm never leaving
Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'till death we'll be freezing
Yeah you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on let's go
Let's go below zero and hide from the sun
I love you forever where we'll have some fun
Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
Please don't cry no tears now
It's Christmas, baby

My snowman and me
My snowman and me

Don't cry, snowman, don't you fear the sun
Who'll carry me without legs to run, honey
Without legs to run, honey
Don't cry, snowman, don't you shed a tear
Who'll hear my secrets if you don't have ears, baby
If you don't have ears, baby

I want you to know that I'm never leaving
Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'till death we'll be freezing
Yeah you are my home, my home for all seasons
So come on let's go
Let's go below zero and hide from the sun
I love you forever where we'll have some fun
Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
Please don't cry no tears now
It's Christmas, baby

My snowman and me
My snowman and me


Snowflake I catch you tonight
Catch you and keep you on ice, my love
Snowflake you know you're the only one
There's no one like you, so I'm gonna hide you
My sweet
Keep you till Winter when you won't be needing me

Snowflake I'm trying to keep you safe
You gave me your trust and I want you safe
Snowflake you know I've got your back
There's no one like you, so I'm gonna hide you
My sweet
Keep you to winter when you won't be needing me

Christmas day your freedom comes
Unprotected from the sun
By then you'll be cold enough
For me to send you off with love
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
If I were a betting man, I'd bet a million on you
There's no way around this, the only way now is through

Snowflake now you're on your own
I love you, I know you're just here alone
You blessed us and soon you'll be on your way
There's no one like you, so I’ll cry myself here to sleep
I kept you till winter now you won't be needing me

Christmas day your freedom comes
Unprotected from the sun
By then you'll be cold enough
For me to send you off with love
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
Snowflake don't forget us
If I were a betting man, I'd bet a million on you
There's no way around this, the only way now is through

Ho Ho Ho

Ho ho ho, bring a bottle of rum
Ho ho ho, cream and whiskey bourbon
Ho ho ho, bring a bottle of booze
We got nothing to lose, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please
Ho ho ho, Santa's hoping to meet
Ho ho ho, all the misfits and us
Hope the misfits show up, ho ho ho

Ho ho ho, it don't get better than this
Ho ho ho, in the land of misfits
Ho ho ho, we're all losin' our legs
We got nothing but this, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, gon' be our family
Ho ho ho, this is Christmas, baby
Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please
Bring them all to their knees, ho ho ho

Ho ho ho, bring a bottle of rum
Ho ho ho, cream and whiskey bourbon
Ho ho ho, bring a bottle of booze
We got nothing to lose, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please
Ho ho ho, Santa's hoping to meet
Ho ho ho, all the misfit and us
Hope the misfits show up, ho ho ho

Ho ho ho, it don't get better than this
Ho ho ho, in the land of misfits
Ho ho ho, we're all losin' our legs
We got nothing but this, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, gon' be our family
Ho ho ho, this is Christmas, baby
Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please
Bring them all to their knees, ho ho ho

Ho ho ho, it don't get better than this
Ho ho ho, in the land of misfits
Ho ho ho, we're all losin' our legs
We got nothing but this, ho ho ho
Ho ho ho, gon' be our family
Ho ho ho, this is Christmas, baby
Ho ho ho, bring a friend if you please
Bring them all to their knees, ho ho ho

Puppies Are Forever

Oh how much, oh how much
For the puppy in the window
I can see him being so alone
I believe he sees a friend in me

Oh how much, oh how much
For the puppy in the window
How I love his little pink nose
I think he's waiting to come home with me

Found my best friend
At the old dog pound
The old dog pound
The old dog pound
Found my best friend
At the old dog pound
The old dog pound
The old dog pound

Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Cause they're so cute and fluffy with shiny coats
But will you love 'em when they're old and slow
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, puppies are forever, oh

Oh, oh my sweet, oh my sweet
Little puppy from the window
I will never let you go
'Cause now you're my family
Oh my cute, oh my cute
Little puppy from the window
I've been wating for you so long
I'll never let you down, baby

Found my best friend
At the old dog pound
The old dog pound
The old dog pound

Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Cause they're so cute and fluffy with shiny coats
But will you love 'em when they're old and slow?
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, puppies are forever
Oh, oh

Found my best friend
At the old dog pound
The old dog pound
The old dog pound

Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, puppies are forever
Puppies are forever


My sweet, I know that you feel weak
My sweet, I swear you got this beat
And my love, I know that it's been tough
My love, I know you've had it rough

Tell me your secrets tonight
I'll take 'em with me, and I'll get the elves workin' on them
In the workshop
We'll take your problems apart, put 'em back using our hearts
Get the elves working so hard
Make your pain stop

I'm Santa's helper and I've got your back
All my love is gift-wrapped
Don't be scared, I'm by your side
I'm Santa's helper, give your fears to me
I'll take them home, baby
And return them as sunshine

I'll bring you sunshine, yeah
I'll bring you sunshine, yeah

Darling, I know you want to sing, darling
But you've gotta stop running, baby
You know that I'll carry you, baby
Your heart is safe with me

Tell me your secrets tonight
I'll take 'em with me, and I'll get the elves workin' on them
In the workshop
We'll take your problems apart, put 'em back using our hearts
Get the elves working so hard
Make your pain stop

I'm Santa's helper and I've got your back
All my love is gift-wrapped
Don't be scared, I'm by your side
I'm Santa's helper, give your fears to me
I'll take them home, baby
And return them as sunshine

I'll bring you sunshine, yeah
I'll bring you sunshine, yeah

I'm Santa's helper and I've got your back
All my love is gift-wrapped
Don't be scared, I'm by your side
I'm Santa's helper, give your fears to me
I'll take them home, baby
And return them as sunshine

I'll bring you sunshine, yeah
I'll bring you sunshine, yeah
I'll bring you sunshine, yeah
I'll bring you sunshine, yeah

Underneath The Mistletoe

I've got a crush, la la la la la la
Like a school girl
And I wanna rush, la la la la la la
Like a fool would
So, step on the gas, la la la la la la
Come on over
'Cause babe it's Christmas, la la la la la la
I wanna know you

Run to me, run to me through the white night
'Cause I adore you
Run to me, run to me through the white night
I'm waiting for you

It's Christmas time, so run for your life
Oh, Hallelujah
A snowy night, a woman on fire
I'm waiting for you
So, here we go under the mistletoe
Oh, I adore you
A snowy night, a woman on fire
Oh, Hallelujah

Oh, you and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
Under the mistletoe

Oh, you and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
Under the mistletoe

Kiss me till dawn, la la la la la la
Hold me close now
You'll keep me warm, la la la la la la
Keep the ghosts out

Run to me, run to me through the white night
'Cause I adore you
Run to me, run to me through the white night
I'm waiting for you

It's Christmas time, so run for your life
Oh, Hallelujah
A snowy night, a woman on fire
I'm waiting for you
So, here we go under the mistletoe
Oh, I adore you
A snowy night, a woman on fire
Oh, Hallelujah

Oh, you and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
Under the mistletoe

Oh, you and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
You and me here, underneath the mistletoe (oh)
Under the mistletoe

Everyday Is Christmas

Oh, father time
You and me and holiday wine
Wait for the snow
I will read the list that I wrote

Sitting by the open fire
Lovin' you's a gift tonight
Lovin' you for all my life
Lovin' you is a gift tonight

Oh, everyday is Christmas when you're here with me
I'm safe in your arms, you're my angel, baby
Everyday is Christmas when you're by my side
You're the gift that keeps givin', my angel for life
Everyday is Christmas, everyday is Christmas
Everyday is Christmas with you by my side
Everyday is Christmas, everyday is Christmas
Everyday is Christmas with you by my side

Oh, you're my love
You're the joy in my holiday song
And when you smile, I can't breathe
Can't believe that you're mine

Sitting by the open fire
Lovin' you's a gift tonight
Lovin' you for all my life
Lovin' you is a gift tonight

Oh, everyday is Christmas when you're here with me
I'm safe in your arms, you're my angel, baby
Everyday is Christmas when you're by my side
You're the gift that keeps givin', my angel for life
Everyday is Christmas, everyday is Christmas
Everyday is Christmas with you by my side
Everyday is Christmas, everyday is Christmas
Everyday is Christmas with you by my side

With you by my side

With you by my side
With you by my side

Underneath The Christmas Lights

Will the snow fall for me?
Christmas night, oh love
Feel the warmth set by the Christmas fire
La la la la la la la

Oh, oh
You are all I need tonight
Oh, oh
Here by the Christmas lights

Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights

Happy presents for the girls who've cried
La la la la la la la
Happiness is ours until we die
La la la la la la la

Oh, oh
You are all I need tonight
Oh, oh
Here above the Christmas lights

Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights

Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights
Underneath the Christmas lights

My Old Santa Claus

Babe, I woke up and I, watched the snow fall from my sky
Babe, I woke up and I, felt a tear slip from my eye
Babe, I woke up and I, wished for just another night

Babe, I can hardly breathe without you right next to me
Babe, I can hardly breathe, who'll carry my christmas tree?
Babe, I can hardly breathe, wish I hadn't let you leave

Oh, it's so chilly without you near me
My everyday Santa Claus
So baby come quickly
You're starting to leave me
I need my old Santa Claus

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue

Babe, I woke up solo, wished i hadn't let you go
Babe, I woke up solo, saw your footsteps in the snow
Babe, I woke up solo, loved you so, I loved you so

Oh, it's so chilly without you near me
My everyday Santa Claus
So baby come quickly
You're starting to leave me
I need my old Santa Claus

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue

Well, if this is what the season is bringing, then
I got to shoot through
I got to shoot through
'Cause if Christmas is so green and so red, then
Why am I so blue
Why am I so blue


Welcome To The Wonderful World Of

All eyes on we
Let's run down streams of ecstasy
September breeze
Our clear blue skies are poetry
Seven seas
We're floating by the palm trees
So come live your dreams in
Those simple letters, L S
Those simple letters, L S
Those simple letters, L S

I'm here on Venus
I just can't stop the feeling
I see you
I'm here on Venus
I just can't stop the feeling
I'm here on Venus
I just can't stop the feeling
I'm here on Venus
I just can't stop the feeling

Welcome to the wonderful world of
I'm here on Venus
It's not what they told you, it's
It's what you told yourself
I'm here on Venus

Welcome to the wonderful world of
I'm here on Venus
And now euphoria takes its revenge
Come as you are

People of Earth, boys and girls, children of all ages
Welcome to the wonderful world of
Labrinth, Sia and Diplo

Angel In Your Eyes

I'mma be the one, baby
I'mma be the one who you let in
I'mma be the one, baby
I'mma be the one who you let in

Let me in, take me high
Let me love you tonight
Let me live in your eyes
Let me love you tonight

I'mma be the one you know
I'mma be the angel to your snow
I'mma be the seed you sow
I'mma be the pepper to your salt

Let me in, take me high
Let me love you tonight
Let me live in your eyes
Let me love you tonight

I see the angel in your eyes
I see the angel in your eyes
I see the angel in your eyes
I see the angel in your eyes

Let me in, take me high
Let me love you tonight
Let me live in your eyes
Let me love you tonight


Do you think I'm stupid
Do you think I'm bat shit crazy having you on my mind
Do you think I'm helpless
My algebra gone equal you every time

Do you think I'm calling
Do you think I'm calling out your name every night
Girl I have fallen for you

What what you say

Oh my God
Baby, baby don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like she

Oh my God
Baby, baby don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like she

I'm a ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius

He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

I'm a ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius

He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

Oh you'll be my Einstein, my Newton, my Galileo, and my Hawking
Boy put that pep in my step
Put your arm around my neck while I'm walking
Please understand, yeah I have fallen for you

What what you say

Oh my God
Baby, baby don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me

I'm sayin' oh my God
Baby, baby don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me

I'm a ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius

He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

I'm a ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius
A ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- ge- genius

He's genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

Oh my God
Dot the I's and cross the T's
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me

Oh my God
You're the lock and I'm the key
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me

'Cause I love a woman like you
He's genius
'Cause I love a woman like you


We got a ride
We got the night
I got the bottle
you got the light
we got the stars
We got Audio

We're gonna fly
We're getting high
You got the moondust
I got the sky
We got the stars
We got Audio

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the song so sweet you gone come home with me
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the song so sweet you gone come home with me

Play that Audio
Play that Audio

We got the heart
We got the soul
Just when the worlds saying they got no hope
Here comes the love
We got audio
I'm flyin' high super hero
S on my chest with my Marilyn Monroe
Feel like a star
'Cause we got Audio

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the song so sweet you gone come home with me
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody
Make the song so sweet you gone come home with me

Play that Audio
Play that Audio

We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm
We can't live on
Without the rhythm

(Can't live without rhythm adlib)


All I need is one
One more man is enough
Babe, you got it wrong
Please, turn your fears into trust, to trust

Where did love go
When all is said and done
Hey now, put your hands in the air
I'ma go through your stuff
Where did love go
Put the running into run
You're asking me to stay
But I never met a girl I could trust

You're saying those words like you hate me now
Our house is burning when you’re raising hell
Here in the ashes, your soul cries out
But don't be afraid of these thunderclouds

These thunderclouds, oh no
These thunderclouds, oh no, no

All I need is love
All I need is a word
All I need is us
You turn nouns into verbs, to verbs

Where did love go
When all is said and done
Hey now, put your hands in the air
I'ma go through your stuff
Where did love go
You put the running into run
You're asking me to stay
But I never met a man I could trust
Hey yeah

You're saying those words like you hate me now
Our house is burning when you’re raising hell
Here in the ashes,​ your soul cries out
But don't be afraid of these thunderclouds

These thunderclouds, oh no
These thunderclouds, oh no, no
These thunderclouds, oh no
These thunderclouds, oh no, no


Heck yeah, I breathe you
Darling, I see you
I hope you see me, too
I want to know you
Here ain't no rocky ground
Yeah I put one million down
When you walk, I kiss the ground
Hey, hey, I love you

So what we gotta lose
What we gotta move
I move mountains (sing)
I can see it through
I can do it, too
Like a prophet (sing, sing)

What we gotta lose
What we gotta move
I move mountains
I'd do anything for you
Anything to move
Move mountains
Sing it

Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mou-mou-mou

Lord, I am so blessed
'Cause you come with interest
Fill up my pockets
I want to own you

So what we gotta lose
What we gotta move
I move mountains (sing)
I can see it through
I can do it, too
Like a prophet (sing, sing)

What we gotta lose
What we gotta move
I move mountains (sing)
I'd do anything for you
Anything to move
Move mountains
Sing it

Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mountains
Mountains, mou-mou-mou

No New Friends

Oh you the queen
You're the king
We got our aces out
You the queen
You're the king
We got our aces out
Roll the dice on tonight
Go and roll 'em out
Give me more than enough
To go smile about

I got all I need in a world of doubt
We got our champagne dreams in an endless drought
We are the kings and queens seeking our aces out
We got all we need, no new friends now

What you got for me
No new friends
No new friends
No new friends
No new friends

Hey, follow me
I'll follow you
I ain't folding now
Holla me
I'll holla you
No, I ain't holding out
Roll the dice on tonight
Go and roll 'em out
Give me more than enough
To go smile about

I got all I need in a world of doubt
We got our champagne dreams in an endless drought
We are the kings and queens seeking our aces out
We got all we need, no new friends now

What you got for me
No new friends
No new friends
No new friends

Oh when the sun goes down
And when it comes back up
We got our aces out
We got our aces out

Oh when the sun goes down
And when it comes back up
We got our aces out
We got our aces out

I got all I need in a world of doubt
We got our champagne dreams in an endless drought
We are the kings and queens seeking our aces out
We got all we need, no new friends now

We got our champagne dreams
Our aces out
No new friends

Heaven Can Wait

The doctor just gave me the bad news
I've been living like a queen in a castle
Oh dark spirits running through me like a drive-thru
You'll be my music, everybody getting high, too

Yeah I know it
Yeah I know it now
Time is running
Time is running out

I gotta live
I gotta love
Said, I gotta breathe
No, this ain't it for me

No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
No, not today

Tick-tock and I'm praying for time
You're my angel, put my heart on rewind
So, babe, could you do me a favour (a favour)
Girl, would you be my savior
Tick-tock and I'm praying for time

Yeah I know it
Yeah I know it now
Time is running
Time is running out

See, I gotta live
I gotta love
Said, I gotta breathe
No, this ain't it for me

No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait

No, this ain't it for me, no

No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait oh
No, not today, baby
Heaven can wait
No, not today, baby
No, not today, babe

It's Time

Dead roses on Valentine's
Rumours lying on grape vines
Your love washes over me like cheap red wine
But you feel on your lows and they leave me dry
I live on a broken Earth
Scream and, boy, you shout me first
Your blood washes over me like cheap red wine
Your words are like bullets, leave me to die

When you don't love me
When you don't need me
When you don't want me
Darling, it's time
When you don't love me
When you don't need me
When you don't want me
Darling, it's time

Won't stay when I'm not welcomed
Swarms in and I have been stung
Your love washes over me like gin and lime
Your words are so cold, leave me with frostbite
Do I need truth or healing (get up)
Down your neck, I'm breathing (get up)
I need to feel needed (get up)
This doesn't justify, yeah

When you don’t love me (when you don't love me)
When you don't need me (when you don't need me)
When you don't want me (when you don't want me)
Darling it's time (darling, it's time)
When you don't love me (when you don't love)
When you don't need me
When you don't want me
Darling, it's time

Genius (Lil Wayne Remix)

Wayne :

Uh, I'm a genius, under question, no question, I'm really special
Upper echelon when I bless you, molest you with intellectual
It's a pleasure, it gets sexual, women lemon complexion
Quick connections, then ejections, my love is so ambidextrous
I'm a genius, imperfectionist, specialist in the excesses
With excellence forever, there's necklaces for irrelevance
In the room, I'm the elephant, spelling it for the hell of it

Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like she
Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like she

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius (genius, baby)
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A B C D R U G H I J K L S D ha!

Sia :

You'll be my Einstein, my Newton, my Galileo, and my Hawking
Boy, put that pep in my step
Put your arm on my neck while I'm walking
Please, understand, yeah I have fallen for you, you
What, what you say

Oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me
Saying oh my God
Baby, baby, don't you see
I got everything you need
Only a genius could love a woman like me

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
He's a genius
'Cause I love a woman like you

I'm a ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius (genius, baby)
A ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-genius
A B C D R U G H I J K L S D ha!


Little Wing

I'm watching you
My baby blue
I’m watching you suffer
And it hurts you
I watch you lose
Another sick lover

I hope you can hear me say
Through all of your tears today
That I know you'll be okay
And I hope that my voice cuts through
All of the pain in you
I'm telling you what to do, so

Don’t give up, keep trying
I know soon you'll be flying
Little wing
My little wing
I know you can't stop crying
But tears dry up when you're flying
Little wing
My little wing

So take my hand
I know you can
It feels like a nightmare
I know you ran
But I know you can
I'll always be there

I hope you can hear me say
Through all of your tears today
That I know you'll be okay
And I hope that my voice cuts through
All of the pain in you
I'm telling you what to do, so

Don't give up, keep trying
I know soon you’ll be flying
Little wing
My little wing
I know you can’t stop crying
But tеars dry up when you're flying
Little wing
My littlе wing

Immortal Queen

(Feat. Chaka Khan)

Get in your time machine and step to the future
Check it, I'm queen every time that you look to
Kid robots bring me champagne
I'ma getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha saying my name
I'm the matrix, gonna play tricks
Gonna cut sick, gonna get my pick, gonna lick, lick
Immunity to obsoletion is my skill
Keep it fresh, fresh, keep my lyrics killer

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a lightyеar
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

Gеt in your time machine and step to the past, past
Check it, I'm queen from beginning to the last, last
Queen Victoria, Queen of Sheba
Queen of bees, yeah, I'm queen diva
Cavemen bring the cave queen carvings
Feeding the queen while the cavemen starving
Beatniks write for me and my mama
Used to be queen, didn't cause enough drama

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a lightyear
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a lightyear
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

Dance Alone

(Feat. Kylie Minogue)

Late night, you and I
Post-fight, it's my life
Let's roll, there's the door
I'm all for four-four

I watch you walk away, it's just another day
Don't need you to stay, oh
I am not afraid, I know I'll be okay
There's nothing you can say

I just wanna dance alone, I ain't ever going home
I just wanna dance alone
I just wanna dance alone, I just wanna lose my phone
I just wanna dance alone

I just wanna dance alone (forever, forever)
I just wanna dance alone (forever, forever)
I just wanna dance alone (forever, forever)
I just wanna dance alonе (forever)

Won't stop, can't stop
No clock, another shot
Happy, so free
Look at mе, finally

I watch you walk away, it's just another day
Don't need you to stay, no
I am not afraid, I know I'll be okay
There's nothing you can say, oh

I just wanna dance alone, I ain't ever going home
I just wanna dance alone
I just wanna dance alone, I just wanna lose my phone
I just wanna dance alone (I just wanna dance)

I just wanna dance alone (forever, forever)
I just wanna dance alone (forever, ooh, forever)
I just wanna dance alone (forever, forever)
I just wanna dance alone (forever)

I just wanna dance alone, I just wanna dance alone
I just wanna dance alone
I just wanna dance alone, I just wanna dance alone
I just wanna dance alone

I just wanna dance alone (I just wanna dance alone)
I ain't ever going home (I just wanna dance alone)
I just wanna dance alone (I just wanna dance alone, dance)
I just wanna dance alone (I just wanna dance alone)
I just wanna lose my phone (I just wanna dance alone)
I just wanna dance alone (I just wanna dance alone)

I Had A Heart

I loved you, I fed you, I kissed you, I wed you
I needed, needed you
I loved you, I held you, I helped you, I wed you
I needed, needed you (you)

I gave you my heart and my credit card
I thought we'd be together forever
I loved you so much, your smile and your touch
I thought we'd be together forever

Oh I had a heart as bright as the stars
And you had an arm, you kept me in the dark
And I had a laugh that you broke in half
And I had a heart that I thought you would stop

This love, you'll never see again
(This love) You'll never see again
(This love) No, you'll never see, my friend
(This love) You'll never see again
(This love) You'll never see again
(This love) You'll never see again
(This love) No, you'll never see again
(This love) You'll never see, my friend, no, no

You lost me to fear, to anger, to tears
I was afraid of you (you)
You lost me to cruelty, you questioned my beauty
Counting my calories

I gave you my heart and my credit card
I thought we'd be together forever
I loved you so much, your smile and your touch
I thought we'd be together forever

Oh I had a heart as bright as the stars
And you had an arm, you kept me in the dark
And I had a laugh that you broke in half
And I had a heart that I thought you would stop

This love, you'll never see again
You'll never see again
No, you'll never see, my friend
You'll never see again
You'll never see again
You'll never see again
No, you'll never see again
You'll never see, my friend, no, no

This love, this love
This love, this love, this love

Oh I had a heart as bright as the stars
And you had an arm, you kept me in the dark
And I had a laugh that you broke in half
And I had a heart that I thought you would stop

Gimme Love

Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love

You don't wanna dance with me
But, babe, that's what I need
Please, now, just this once
Dance, babe, dance, baby
You don't wanna sing with me
But, babe, that's what I need
Please, now, just this once

Sing, baby, yeah
La la la la
Sing, baby
La la la la la la

Come now
Do this just for me, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby (gimme love, gimme love)
Oh please, now
Do this just for mе, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimmе love, gimme love, baby (gimme love, gimme love)

Oh please (gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby)
Please (gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby)

You don't wanna fight for me
But, babe, that's what I need
Please now, just this once

Fight for me, baby, yeah
La la la la
Sing, baby
La la la la la la

Come now
Do this just for me, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby (gimme love, gimme love)
Oh please, now
Do this just for me, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby (gimme love, gimme love)

Oh please (gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby)
Please (gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby)

Come now
Do this just for me, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby
Oh please, now
Do this just for me, yeah
I don't ask for much
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, baby

(Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, gimme love)
(Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love, gimme love)

Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love
Gimme love, gimme love, gimme love

Nowhere To Be

Thought I would never come around
Thought I could never be found
Thought that I might have to skip town
Then I saw your face in the crowd

I never knew a love could feel so good
Holding you
And I never knew a love could feel so good
Come hold me too

I got nowhere to be, no one to become
And we can't get higher
I got nowhere to go, nowhere to run
No, we can't get higher
Would you listen to me if I had something you need
That could set us on fire
We'vе got nowhere to be, now it's just you and mе
And we can't get higher

Get higher, get higher
No, no, we can't get higher
Get higher, get higher
No, no, we can't get higher

Forever now we are free
Forever in harmony
Forever we are free to be
Together, just you and me, me, me, me, me

I never knew a love could feel so good
Holding you
And I never knew a love could feel so good
Come hold me too

I got nowhere to be, no one to become
And we can't get higher
I got nowhere to go, nowhere to run
No, we can't get higher
Would you listen to me if I had something you need
That could set us on fire
We've got nowhere to be, now it's just you and me
And we can't get higher

Get higher, get higher
No, no, we can't get higher
Get higher, get higher
No, no, we can't get higher

Would you listen to me if I had something you need
That could set us on fire
We've got nowhere to be, now it's just you and me
And we can't get higher

Towards The Sun

Don't sleep, can't eat
Damn stress
Can't see the old me
What a mess

I hit the ground, yeah, I'm going down
I hit the ground, think I'm going down
Yeah, I hit the ground, I think I'm going down
I hit the ground, think I'm going down

Then suddenly I feel the beat
It's left in me, know it can beat
A new someone, so here I come
Towards the sun, towards the sun
Towards the sun

Back up, I feel the love
And it's the best
Clouds pass, 'cause nothing lasts
Like happiness

I hit the ground, yeah, I'm going down
I hit the ground, think I'm going down
Yeah, I hit the ground, I think I'm going down
I hit the ground, think I'm going down

Then suddenly I feel the beat
It's left in me, know it can beat
A new someone, so here I come
Towards the sun, towards the sun
Towards the sun
A new someone, so here I come
Towards the sun, towards the sun
Towards the sun


(Feat. Labrinth)

Hey, you know the world gets tough
Say the word and I'll lift you up
Yeah, I know the world gets tough
Say the word and I’ll lift you up

Gimme all your venom, yeah, I love that shit
Give it to me good, you know I won't get sick
Gimme all your poison, I'm immune to it
I'm immune to it
Give me all your venom, yeah, I love that shit
Give it to me good, you know I won't get sick
Give me all your poison, I'm immune to it
I'm immune to it (hey)

I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Hey, I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Hey, I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Hey, I am incredible, incredible, in


Hey, you know the world gets tough
Say the word and I'll lift you up
Yeah, you know the world gets tough
Say the word and I'll lift you up, yeah

Give me all your venom, yeah, I love that shit
Give it to me, woman, no, I won't get sick
Give me all your poison, I'm immune to it
I’m immune to it
Give me all your venom, yeah, I love that shit
Give it to me, woman, no, I won't get sick
Give me all your poison, I'm immune to it
I'm immune to it

I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Oh I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Hey, I am incredible, incredible, incredible
Hey, I am incredible, incredible, in


Hey, I am incredible


(Feat. Kaliii, Tierra Whack and Jimmy Joliff)

I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, Kaliii, yeah, yeah, oh-oh)

Yeah, they say pressure build diamonds, I'm tough as a rock (yeah)
But I'ma be the baddest bitch if they love or not (on God)
You know I kept it cute no matter how tough it done got
Looked in the mirror, told myself that I'm never gon' stop
'Cause the real ones'll never die, all emotions get set aside
It's on you if you let 'em slide, with the trophies in every size
All the haters be spreading lies, see the hunger all in my eyes
If they prayin' on your demise, middle fingers up in the sky

You're the winner
You're the winner
You're the winner
You're the winner

I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah, oh-oh)

Okay, it's stamped, I'm a champ, light the room up like a lamp (yeah)
I can go on forever, I am something like a rant
Been running it so long, surprised I never caught a cramp
Make my dogs eat together, that's Lady and the Tramp (yeah)
Striving for perfection, every loss was a lesson (yes)
Hate to see me winning, viewer's discretion (move)
Shining so much that I make my trophy jealous
It's apparent I'm a star, Tracee Ellis (Ross)

You're the winner
You're the winner
You're the winner
You're the winner

I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah)
I'm a champion, I throw my hands in the air (yeah, yeah, oh-oh)

The smell of the grass, the feel of the wind
Staying way after practice then we drill it again
And we're destined to be legends 'cause the way that we play
Tiki-taka, tiki-taka to that ticker parade (go)
And I couldn't have done without my team
Thanks for sharing my dream, building my self-esteem
Showing what I could be, how we can all achieve
Okay, bring it in, "Champion" on three

I Forgive You

I felt the life, felt the life
Slip out of me
Black as night, as night
Blue as the sea, yeah

I would have done anything
Would have given everything for you
I would have done anything
Would have given everything for you

I, I forgive you, you know not what you have done
Oh I, I forgive you, now it's time for me to move on
Oh I, I forgive you, you could not see right from wrong
Oh I, and I love you always in my heart, you'll live on
You'll live on

Good people sin when yearning's
Unspoken-en, ooh
You broke my hеart, broke my heart
But it's still beating

Oh I would havе done anything
Would have given everything for you
I would have done anything
Would have given everything for you

I, I forgive you, you know not what you have done
Oh I, I forgive you, now it's time for me to move on
Oh I, I forgive you, you could not see right from wrong
Oh I, and I love you always in my heart, you'll live on
You'll live on

Wanna Be Known

It's on and I can't go deeper
It's on but I want to breathe you in
It's on and I want to need you
It's on, I'm afraid of my wanting
It's on but I can't go further
It's on and I want you to be mine
It's on, I'm afraid of hurting
It's on when I look into your eyes

When I look into your eyes
When I look into your eyes
When I look into your eyes
When I look into your eyes

Known, known
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known

I wanna be known
I wanna be known
I wanna be known

It's on, please, be the men
It's on, I'm frozen in my fear
It's on, please, take my hand
It's on, please, tell me dear
It's on, I'vе been waiting for you
It's on, I thought you'd never come
It's on, dеdicated to you
It's on, this time I won't run

This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run

Known, known
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known

I wanna be known
I wanna be known
I wanna be known

This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run
This time, I won't run

Known, known (known)
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known
I wanna be known, known

I wanna be known
I wanna be known
I wanna be known

I wanna be known
I wanna be known

One Night

Oh it's a beautiful day
Come away
Take me in your arms, baby
Such a beautiful place
Feel the sun on my face
I lo-love you from night to day

I'm going to fly, going so high
Going to live, live my life
Going to fly, I'm so high
Live my, live my life

One night in Milan is like one year in rehab
Let's cancel all our plans, it's a (ah, pleasure, pleasure)
Rooftops in Manhattan, Paris for the fashion
You know what's gonna happen next (ah, pleasure, pleasure)

Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, ah
Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, ah
Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, ah

Oh it's a magical place
Such a heavenly space
I run to your strong embrace
Life is never a race
And the past is erased
I can live for today

I'm going to fly, going so high
Going to live, live my life
Going to fly, I'm so high
Live my, live my life

One night in Milan is like one year in rehab
Let's cancel all our plans, it's a (ah, pleasure, pleasure)
Rooftops in Manhattan, Paris for the fashion
You know what's gonna happen next (ah, pleasure, pleasure)
One night out in Cairo's like one year in rehab so
Let's just flip the time zones (ah, pleasure, pleasure)
Dancing in Jamaica or racing cars in Asia
Anywhere I take ya, it's (ah, pleasure, pleasure)

Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, ah...

One night in Milan is like one year in rehab
Let's cancel all our plans, it's a (ah, pleasure, pleasure)

Fame Won't Love You

(Feat. Paris Hilton)

Watch children cry
The pageant sells the lie
Third place isn't winning, you know

And neither is first
The pressure and the thirst
For the skeleton's show

I am so thin-skinned
Don't scratch the surface
Please, let me live within
Within this circus

Little dreams come crashing
Let them wave in passing
'Cause fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
And you may wish for Oscars, Grammys and blockbusters
Fame won't love you like a brother, like a lover should

Oh no, no
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
Oh oh oh
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should

I searched in your eyes
For some glimmer of light
Tap dancing for one million miles

I looked for the smiles
Hoping in them I'd find
Validation for my futile existence

I am so thin-skinned
Don't scratch the surface
Please, let me live within
Within this circus

Little dreams come crashing
Let them wave in passing
'Cause fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
And you may wish for Oscars, Grammys and blockbusters
'Cause fame won't love you like a brother, like a lover should

No, no
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
No, no
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
No, oh
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should
Oh oh
Fame won't love you like a mother, like a father should

Go On

It's a hard life, but I'm still here
After all these years, I am
Stronger than I thought I was
Fearless, oh damn

The ocean fills with tears
With our unspoken fears
The sky provides the light
So we can all survive
The trees will hold your hand
When you don't think you can
The sun will burst so strong
When you think you can't go on

When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
You can go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
You can go on

You can go on
You can go on
You can go on
You can
You can go on
You can go on
You can go on
You can

Slow down, stop to take it in
Feel the sacred wind, I do
We're here now, give thanks for all you have
Give thanks for all we have, we can

The ocean fills with tears
With our unspoken fears
The sky provides the light
So we can all survive
The trees will hold your hand
When you don't think you can
The sun will burst so strong
When you think you can't go on

When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
You can go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
When you think you can't go on
You can go on

You can go on
You can go on
You can go on
You can
You can go on
You can go on
You can go on
You can

Rock And Balloon

Sometimes I can't get out of bed
And sometimes cruel words run through my head
And sometimes I find myself holding my breath
And sometimes I'd rather be dead
But somehow you get me back up on my feet
And somehow you see the sunlight in me
And somehow you soothe my insecurities
And somehow you love me through everything

You are the rock to my balloon
You are the sun to my moon
You are my dog to the bone
You are the place I call home

Home, home (I call you home)
Home (I call you home)
You are the place I call home (I call you home)

And sometimes I can't get out of bed
And sometimes everything that's right is going left
And sometimes I cannot manage the stress
And sometimes I feel grateful and blessed
'Cause somehow you lift me out of this hell
Yeah, somehow you get me to come out my shell
And somehow I fall deeper under your spell
And somehow I see myself getting well

You are the rock to my balloon
You are the sun to my moon
You are my dog to the bone
You are the place I call home

Home, home (I call you home)
Home (I call you home)
You are the place I call home (I call you home)

I call home
You are the place I call home
You are the place I call home
You are the place I call home
You are the place I call home

Did Me A Favor

(Japanese bonus track / Reasonable Woman LP)

The cat's away, cat's away
The mouse did play
And everyday, everyday
You lied to me
Little boy, little boy
Use us like toys
Meet your needs, meet your greeds
While my hearts bleeds

Bleeds, right, baby
But I'm not your girl
And you're not for me
Bleed, right, baby
But I'm not your girl
And you're not for me

So say your sorries, babe
Till you're doing "the face"
Are you lying now, were you lying yesterday
And I'm too smart for this
No, you can't mend it with a kiss
But I won't just live through this
No, I will learn from it

I will learn from it...

But I'm okay, I'm okay
So be on your way
Yet today, yеt today
Is my big day

Bleeds, right, baby
But I'm not your girl
And you're not for me

So say your sorries, babе
Till you're doing "the face"
Are you lying now, were you lying yesterday
And I'm too smart for this
No, you can't mend it with a kiss
But I won't just live through this
No, I will learn from it

I will learn from it...

You hurt me, babe, did me a favor
Now I'll show you what I'm made out
I know I'm strong and I don't belong
With a boy, I'll get a man, get a man

So say your sorries, babe
Till you're doing "the face"
Are you lying now, were you lying yesterday
And I'm too smart for this
No, you can't mend it with a kiss
But I won't just live through this
No, I will learn from it

I will learn from it...

I learned from it
I learned from it
I learned from it
I learned from it

You hurt me, babe
Did me a favor

Non Albums Tracks

Angel By The Wings

(The Eagle Huntress OST)

Oh so your wounds they show
I know you have never felt so alone
But hold on, head up, be strong
Oh hold on, hold on until you hear them come
Here they come oh

Take an angel by the wings
Beg her now for anything
Beg her now for one more day
Take an angel by the wings
Time to tell her everything
Ask her for the strength to stay

You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything

Look up, call to the sky
Oh look up and don't ask why

Just take an angel by the wings
Beg her now for anything
Beg her now for one more day
Take an angel by the wings
Time to tell her anything
Ask her for the strength to stay

You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything

You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything
You can, you can do anything, anything
You can do anything

Baby It's Cold Outside

(Scott Matthew feat. Sia / Silent Nights EP)

I really can't stay
Baby, it's cold outside
I've got to go away
Baby, it's cold outside

This evening has been
Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice
I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

My mother will start to worry
Beautiful, what's your hurry
And my father will be pacing the floor
Just listen to that fireplace roar

Now really I'd better scurry
Beautiful, please, don't worry
Well, maybe just a half a drink more
Why don't you put some records on while I pour
All the neighbors might think

Baby, it's bad out there
Say what's in this drink
No cabs to be had out there

I wish I knew how
Your eyes are like starlight now
To break this spell
I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

I ought to say no, no, no, sir
Mind if I move in closer
At least I'm gonna say that I tried
What's the sense in hurting my pride

I really can't stay
Baby, don't hold out
Oh but it's cold outside

I simply must go
Baby, it's cold outside
The answer is no
Baby, it's cold outside

Your welcome has been
So lucky that you dropped in
So nice and warm
Look out that window at that storm

But my sister will be suspicious
Gosh, your lips look delicious
My brother will be there at the door
Waves upon a tropical shore

My maiden aunt's mind is vicious
Your lips are delicious
Well, maybe just cigarrette more
Never such a blizzard before

I've got to go home
Baby, you'll freeze out there
Say, lend me a comb
It's up to your knees out there

You've really been grand
I thrill when you touch my hand
But don't you see
How can you do this thing to me

There's bound to be talk tomorrow
Think of my lifelong sorrow
At least there will be plenty implied
If you caught pneumonia and died

I really can't stay
Get over that old out
Baby, it's cold outside
Oh baby, it's cold outside
Oh baby, it's cold outside

Beautiful People Say

Hands out stretch, what you got
Give me your best and I won't turn you down
'Cause you're always out to impress
You're always out to impress
You're always out to impress

This is the high life
Nothing dragging us through the thorns
This is the best time
To be young and then reborn
Live like we're gonna die
Do things we've never done before
This is the high life, the high life

No, we won't say no
Beautiful people say go, go, go
Beautiful people don't stress, stress, stress
They never rest
Beautiful people say yes

No, we won't say no
Beautiful people say go, go, go
Beautiful people don't stress, stress, stress
They never rest
Beautiful people say yes

Hands out stretch, what you got
Give me your best and I won't turn you down
'Cause you're always out to impress
Always out to impress
Always out to impress

So come, come, come with me
Let's push on 'til the break of dawn
I love to party
And when I'm with you, give me some
I've got the view you see
Ready, set, go, I drop the bomb
This is the high life, the high life

No, we won't say no
Beautiful people say go, go, go
Beautiful people don't stress, stress, stress
They never rest
Beautiful people say yes

No, we won't say no
Beautiful people say go, go, go
Beautiful people don't stress, stress, stress
They never rest
Beautiful people say yes

Black & Blue

Break down, tears fall to the ground
Tell myself, "Do it, nothing can be found"
When you're a fighter
You're a fighter
You're a fighter
Fight on, baby

Some days I'm sure I've lost the faith
Some days I cannot find my faith
But I just fight on
I just fight on
I just fight on, baby, baby

And I am a wounded warrior
And now that the enemy is close and in
I am a wounded warrior
Looking for someone to let me in

Black and blue
I'm begging you
Take me in
I'm surrendering
Black and blue
But if I'm with you
If I'm with you
I'll live to fight on through

I'll let go, walking into the unknown
If I surrender, if I lay my arms down
Am I a fighter
Am I a fighter
'Cause I've been fighting so long, baby

And I am a wounded warrior
And now that the enemy is close and in
I am a wounded warrior
Looking for someone to let me in

Black and blue
I'm begging you
Take me in
I'm surrendering
Black and blue
But if I'm with you
If I'm with you
I'll live to fight on through

I am a wounded warrior
Now that the enemy is close and in
I am a wounded warrior
Looking for someone to let me in

I am a wounded warrior
Now that the enemy is close and in, close and in
Looking for someone to let me in

Black and blue
I'm begging you
Take me in
I'm surrendering
Black and blue
But if I'm with you
If I'm with you
I'll live to fight on through

Black and blue
I'm begging you
Take me in
I'm surrendering
Black and blue
But if I'm with you
If I'm with you
I'll live to fight on through

Blank Page

(Originally perfomed by Chistina Aguilera)

I missed you
For a lot to you, dear
I missed you
You were right, you'll knew, dear

But I was scared, I was unprepared
Ooh for the things you said
If I could undo that I hurt you
I would do anything for us to make it through

Draw me a smile and save me tonight
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paint me a heart, let me be your art
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
And let our hearts stop and beat as one together

I am going to tell you what was wrong, dear
Start again, friends and new sketch, dear

But I was scared, I was unprepared
Ooh for the things you said
If I could undo that I hurt you
I would do anything for us to make it through

Draw me a smile and save me tonight
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paint me a heart, let me be your art
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
And let our hearts stop and beat as one together
Let out hearts stop and beat as one forever

Draw me a smile and save me tonight
I am a blank page waiting for you to bring me to life
Paint me a heart, let me be your art
I am a blank page waiting for life to start
Let them beat as one together
Let them beat as one together

Blinded By Love


Like a glass at the wall, I am so shattered
Stuck in a black hole and nothing matters

And no one can change me, I am a damaged dollar
I can not get over, they go, I can not follow

Why have I, I become paralyzed
I can not explain it
Afraid of the light bringing me to life
'Cause you kicked the door in
I'm staring into the sun
You leave me so blinded by love
Then in you run you drag me out of the dark
I'm staring into the sun
Yes, then you come, you got me trusting in love
You got me blinded by love

You got me blinded by love
You got me blinded by love

Once a cactus and now I am a blooming flower
See you coaxed me out and you gave me back my power

And no one can change me, I am a damaged dollar
I can not get over, they go, I can not follow

Why have I, I become paralyzed
I can not explain it
Afraid of the light bringing me to life
'Cause you kicked the door in
I'm staring into the sun
You leave me so blinded by love
Then in you run you drag me out of the dark
I'm staring into the sun
Yes, then you come, you got me trusting in love
You got me blinded by love

You got me blinded by love
You got me blinded by love

Born Yesterday


Something's wrong and I can feel it
And if the surface tension then breaks
Then we will drown her in it all

'Cause you can't look me in the eye anymore
But if you do, it's clear inside
You're fighting in the wood

But you can't hide your shame tonight
And I can't take the words you cannot say
So hush now and don't cry
Mistakes are a part of life

I wasn't born yesterday
And I see it on your face
I wasn't born yesterday
And I am not your baby anymore
You took my heart and now is broken

So take your things, you gotta go now
Don't say a word or it might go down, go down, go down
And I'll stay cool until you walk out
But when you're gone, I'll lie here hoping that I will not drown

But you can't hide your shame tonight
And I can't take the words you cannot say
So hush now and don't cry
Mistakes are a part of life

I wasn't born yesterday
And I see it on your face
I wasn't born yesterday
And I am not your baby anymore
You took my heart and now is broken

I ain't your baby anymore
Don't call me baby
Don't say a word because I know
Don't call me baby
I ain't your baby anymore
Don't call me baby
So save the word because I know
Don't call me baby

Broken biscuit

( Colour the small one LP US Reedition / Don't bring me down EP )

I'm a broken biscuit
From the cookie jar
I'm a total misfit
In the puzzle that's so far
Careful not to crush me
In those hungry hands
Careful not to rush me
Into this fine romance

I stand under the weight of your words
Hoping you won't find me
I'm terrified of everything I've heard
Don't swallow

I'm a damaged dollar
Than no-one wants to change
I'm a bunch of flowers
That need to be arranged
Careful what you wish for
Careful what you say
I've lowered all my armour
Risking the pain again

I stand under the weight of your words.
Hoping you won't find me.
I'm terrified of everything I've heard,
Don't swallow

I'm standing on the edge of your words
That is where you'll find me
I'm paralysed by all the things that hurt
But I'm coming

I stand under the weight of your words
Hoping you won't find me
I'm paralysed by all the things I heard
Don't swallow

I'm standing on the edge of your words
Standing on the edge of your words
I'm paralysed by all the things that hurt
But I'm coming

California Dreamin'

(The Mamas And The Papas cover / San Andres OST)

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey, yeah
I've been for a walk
On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm
If I was in L.A., yeah, yeah
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

I stopped into a church
I passed along the way, yeah
Well, I got down on my knees
And I pretend to pray, yeah

You know the preacher likes the cold
He knows I'm gonna stay, yeah, yeah
California dreamin'
Oh on such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is grey, yeah, yeah (and the sky is grey)
I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)
Oh on a winter's day (on a winter's day)

If I didn't know (If I didn't know)
I could leave today, yeah (I could leave today)
California dreamin' (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (on such a winter's day)
On such a winter's day (on such a winter's day)
On such a winter's day, yeah


(Leslie Osdom feat. Sia)

You lost yourself on empty promises
Broken on the way
All you've ever known are dishonest men
Who don't ever change

So you're keeping all your secrets
By you, wrapped up tight
You're who I believe in
So I say good night

Don't listen to all you've been told
You can come in from the cold
And you know the safest place to be
Is right here next to me
Won't you come in from the cold

I wanna help you ease the feeling
Weighing on your mind
You're looking for a reason
Running out of time

Quit keeping all your secrets
By you, wrapped up tight
You're who I believe in
So I say good night

Don't listen to all you've been told (told)
You can come in from the cold (cold)
And you know the safest place to be
Is right here next to me
Won't you come in from the cold

I know your heart's telling you, "Run now"
Run so far away (away)
And something's trying to reach out (trying to reach out)
Shining into the grey (light into the grey)
I know how hard it is to take a chance when it calls your name
So I pray (I pray, I pray)
I pray

Don't listen to all you've been told
You can come in from the cold (I'm here, I'm here from the cold)
And you know the safest place to be
Is right here next to me
Won't you come in from the cold
Won't you come in from the cold (I pray)
Won't you come in from the cold

Courage To Change

(Music OST)

World, I want to leave you better
I want my life to matter
I am afraid I have no purpose here

I watch the news on TV
Abandon myself daily
I am afraid to let you see the real me

Rain it falls, rain it falls
Pouring on me
And the rain it falls, rain it falls
Sowing the seeds of love and hope, love and hope
We don't have to stay here, stuck in the weeds

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

World, you're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

I want to leave you better
I want my life to matter
I am afraid I have no purpose here

The rain it falls, rain it falls
Pouring on me
And the rain it falls, rain it falls
Sowing the seeds of love and hope, love and hope
You don't have to stay here, stuck in the weeds

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change
Have I the courage to change today

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything

You're not alone in all this
You're not alone, I promise
Standing together we can do anything


(Giorgio Moroder feat. Sia / Right Here, Right Now LP)

Witchcraft, voodoo
Love experiments and paint books
Potions, lotion
Perfume to find you

Good men come to those who wait
I think I've found my baby
Good men come to those who wait
I think I've found my baby

Oh my heartache, but I knew fate
Would send you my way
And when you came my heart was saved
I've known you for lifetime, baby

I've fallen for you
I'm feeling a déjà-vu, déjà-Vu
I've fallen for you
I know I've got nothing to lose
Déjà-vu, déjà-vu
Déjà-vu, déjà-vu

Moments in time
I'm yours and you're mine
Two souls, one heart
Two souls, one part

Good men come to those who wait
I think I've found my baby
Good men come to those who wait
I think I've found my baby

I've fallen for you
I'm feeling a déjà-vu, déjà-vu
I've fallen for you
I know I've got nothing to lose
Déjà-vu, déjà-vu

And all the love is fine
Two of a kind, baby ooh
And in your loving arms
Here we are living the dream

And all the love is fine
Two of a kind, baby ooh
And in your loving arms
Here we are living the dream

I've fallen for you
I'm feeling a déjà-vu, déjà-vu
I've fallen for you
Feel the love and I'll set it loose, déjà-vu
I've fallen for you
I know I've got nothing to lose


(Zero 7 / Lady Croissant LP)

I lie awake
I've gone to ground
I'm watching porn
In my hotel dressing gown
Now I dream of you
But I still believe
There's only enough for one
In this lonely hotel suite

The journey's long
And it feels so bad
I'm thinking back to the last day we had
Old moon fades into the new
Soon I know I'll be back with you
I'm nearly with you
I'm nearly with you, yeah

When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny

On a clear day
I'll fly home to you
I'm bending time getting back to you
Old moon fades into the new
Soon I know I'll be back with you
I'm nearly with you
I'm nearly with you

When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny

When I'm weak I draw strength from you
And when you're lost I know how to change your mood
And when I'm down you breathe life over me
Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny


(Rihanna cover / Lyrics by Sia and Benny Blanco)

Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We're like diamonds in the sky

You're a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me I'm alive
We're like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we'd become one right away, oh right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the light inside your eyes

So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Palms rise to the universe as we
Moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth we'll never die
We're like diamonds in the sky

You're a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me I'm alive
We're like diamonds in the sky

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the light inside your eyes

So shine bright, tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond


(Zero 7 / Lady Croissant LP)

Fancy a big house
Some kids and a horse
I cannot quite, but nearly
Guarantee a divorce

I think that I love you
I think that I do
So go on, Mister
Make Miss me, Mrs you

I love you, I love you, I love you, I do
I only make jokes to distract myself
From the truth, from the truth

Fancy a fast car
A bag full of loot
I can nearly guarantee
You'll end up with the boot

I love you, I love you, I love you, I do
I only make jokes to distract myself
From the truth, oh from the truth

I love you, I love you, I love you, I do
I only make jokes to distract myself
From the truth, oh from the truth

Dusk Till Dawn

(Zayn feat. Sia / Icarus Falls LP)

Not trying to be indie
Not trying to be cool
Just trying to be in this
Tell me, are you too

Can you feel where the wind is
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you too
I wanna see the sun rise on your sins
Just me and you

Light it up on the run
Let's make love tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try
(Baby, I'm right here)

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

We were shut like a jacket
So do your zip
We would roll down the rapids
To find a wave that fits

Can you feel where the wind is
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you too
I wanna see the sun rise on your sins
Just me and you

Light it up on the run
Let's make love tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try
(Baby, I'm right here)

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it
Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it

Girl, give love to your body
It's only you that can stop it
Girl, give love to your body
Girl, give love to your body

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I am right here

I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I am right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I am right here

Elastic Heart

( Featuring: The Weeknd & Diplo )

And another one bites the dust
Oh why can I not conquer love
And I might have thought that we were one
Wanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad
But there were so many red flags
Now another one bites the dust
Yeah let's be clear, I'll trust no one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubberband until you pull too hard
I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
Cause I've got an elastic heart
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
I've got an elastic heart
Yeah I've got an elastic heart

And I will stay up through the night
Let's be clear, won't close my eyes
And I know that I can survive
I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad
I'm doing everything I can
Then another one bites the dust
It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me
I'm still fighting for peace

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart
But your blade it might be too sharp
I'm like a rubberband until you pull too hard
I may snap and I move fast
But you won't see me fall apart
'Cause I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart


(David Guetta & Sia / 7 LP)

One foot in front of the other, babe
One breath leads to another, yeah
Just keep moving

Look within for the strength today
Listen now for the voice to say
Just keep moving

Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don't stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this

So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don't stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames

Don't stop, tomorrow's another day
Don't stop, tomorrow you'll feel no pain
Just keep moving

Don't stop, the past will trip you up
You know, right now's never be enough
Just keep moving

Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don't stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this

So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don't stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames
In flames
In flames

Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don't stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this

So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don't stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames

Free Me

I don't want to hold your gaze
I'm scared what I might see there
Found myself locked in this place
And I'm a burning fire

Oh peace may come
I hope it won't take long
Just a fail I cannot see oh
Bring me home
I'm in here all alone
Just me and my melody

So free me
Oh free me
From this pain I've been running from
I'm tired and I'm free-falling
Free me
Oh free me
From this shame I've been running from
I'm lost and I am calling you

I'm lost and I am calling
I'm lost and I am calling

I, I'm hurting way back down
I'm slipping even further
Take my hand and turn me around
I'm listening to myself

Oh peace may come
I hope it won't take long
Just a fail I cannot see oh
Bring me home
I'm in here all alone
Just me and my melody

So free me
Oh free me
From this pain I've been running from
I'm tired and I'm free-falling
Free me
Oh free me
From this shame I've been running from
I'm lost and I am calling

I'm calling you
And though I can't undo
All the things I put you through
I can't take your hand
Admit that I don't have a plan
Only you

Free me
Free me
From this pain I've been running from
I'm tired and I'm free-falling
Free me
Free me
From this shame I've been running from
I'm lost and I am calling you

Free me
Free me
I'm lost and I am calling
Free me
Free me
From this shame I've been running from
I'm lost and I am calling you

Freeze You Out

(Winter's War OST)

You know I've been hurt before
Yeah, you know the score and I know you want more
You want me to thaw out
But you know I get ice cold, I get cold
When you don't go slow, but I know you want more
You need me to thaw out

And I know you were worth it
And I know this could work if
I could only let you in
But I'm freezing

I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain and stay
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared, baby
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you in
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting

So here's my heart for you to hold
Feel it beat, feel the warm blood flow through my cold
Feel it thaw out
Yeah, I've felt the fear but I push through
It's so worth loving you, you wanted more
And so I thawed out

And I know you were worth it
And I know this could work if
I could only let you in
But I'm freezing

I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain and stay
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared, baby
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you in
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting

I won't freeze you out, my heart is melting
I won't freeze you out, my heart is melting

I'm not running away
I'm not running away
I will feel the pain and stay
I'm not running again
I'm not running again
Even though I'm scared, baby
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you in
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
I'm gonna let you in
And I won't freeze you out
Like I have been
I won't freeze you out
My heart is melting

Gimme More

( Britney Spears cover )

Every time they turn the lights down
Just wanna go that extra mile for you
You got my display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room but you

We can get down like there's no one around
We keep on rockin', we keep on rockin'
Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin'
They keep watchin', keep watchin'
Feels like the crowd is sayin'

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more

The center of attention
Even when they're up against the wall
You got me in a crazy position
If you're on a mission, you got my permission

We can get down like there's no one around
We keep on rockin', we keep on rockin', rockin'
Cameras are flashin' while we're dirty dancin'
They keep watchin', keep watchin'

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more (x2)


(Fifty Shades Darker OST)

I'm trying but I keep falling down
I cry out but nothing comes now
I'm giving my all and I know peace will come
I never wanted to need someone

Yeah, I wanted to play tough
Thought I could do all just on my own
But even Superwoman
Sometimes needed Superman's soul

Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down
When I've hit the ground
You're all I need

And if you let go I'll float towards the sun
I'm stronger 'cause you fill me up
But when the fear comes and I drift towards the ground
I am lucky that you're around

Yeah, I wanted to play tough
Thought I could do all just on my own
But even Superwoman
Sometimes needed Superman's soul

Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down
When I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium

You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I'm down down down
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I'm down down down
You lift me up before I hit the ground!

Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down down down
When I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium

Here I Am

(Dolly Parton & Sia / Dumplin' OST)

Here I am
Here I am
Here I am

If you need a love that's true
Need someone to stand by you
Here I am
Oh here I am
Here I am

If you need a helping hand
Need someone to understand
Oh here I am
Oh here I am
Here I am

Here I am
I'm reaching out to give you love that you're without
I can help you find what you've been searching for

Oh here I am
Come to me, take my hand because I believe
I can give you all the love you need and more
Oh here I am
Oh here I am
Here, here I am

My world is such an empty place
I need someone to fill the space
Here I am (here I am)
Oh here I am
Here I am

Because I've got so much love to give
I need someone to share it with
And here I am (here I am)
Oh here I am
Here, here I am

Here I am
I'm reaching out to give you love that you're without
I can help you find what you've been searching for

Oh here I am
Come to me, take my hand because I believe
I can give you all the love you need and more
Here I am (here I am)
Oh here I am
Here, here I am

Here I am
I'm reaching out to give you love that you're without
I can help you find what you've been searching for

Here I am
Come to me, take my hand because I believe
I can give you all the love you need and more
Here I am (here I am)
Oh here I am
Here, here I am

Here I am…



Red handed love
There is smoke and fire
You are the greatest liar
I wish you'd disappear
Now I've seen enough
Of your dirty love
Yes, I have seen enough
Of your dirty love

Now I got you out, I just want you gone
I need to be alone
You're dirty magic, you broke in my heart
With your black heart

Now the power's out, and you are thin air
What an illusion, I could have sworn that you were there
Smoke and mirrors
You are just a hollow man, hologram

Now the power's out, and you are thin air
What an illusion, I could have sworn that you were there
Smoke and mirrors
You are just a hollow man, hologram

And I fear you'll be back, inside all the cracks
No, I can't handle that
History's heartbreak, was in my mind
Now I no longer cry
I no longer cry
I'll no longer cry

Now I got you out, I just want you gone
I need to be alone
You're dirty magic, you broke in my heart
With your black heart

Now the power's out, and you are thin air
What an illusion, I could have sworn that you were there
Smoke and mirrors
You are just a hollow man, hologram

Now the power's out, and you are thin air
What an illusion, I could have sworn that you were there
Smoke and mirrors
You are just a hollow man, hologram

But now the power's up, and you are thin air
What an illusion, I could have sworn that you were there
Smoke and mirrors
You are just a hollow man, hologram

Immortal Queen

(Sia feat. Chaka Khan & Neneh Cherry)

Get in your time machine and step to the future
Check it, I'm queen every time that you look to
Kid robots bring me champagne
I'ma getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha saying my name
I'm the matrix, gonna play tricks
Gonna cut sick, gonna get my pick, gonna lick, lick
Immunity to obsoletion is my skill
Keep it fresh, fresh, keep my lyrics killer

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyеar
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

Gеt in your time machine and step to the past, past
Check it, I'm queen from beginning to the last, last
Queen Victoria, Queen of Sheba
Queen of bees, yeah, I'm queen diva
Cavemen bring the cave queen carvings
Feeding the queen while the cavemen starving
Beatniks write for me and my mama
Used to be queen, didn't cause enough drama

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyear
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

Rise up underground, summer equinox
Light me up, Babylon, don't let me down
Champagne bubble, let it, drink it down
Timeless beauty, you still stay chic, no sugar in my coffee
I'm way too sweet, got a whole damn universe
Suicide Me took a bite from the Aqua space
Shuttle to my seat, six-skin bodysuit
Body thick, body lick, original queen

Check back
When I was Eve

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
(Follow me, me) Before planet Earth was here
(Follow me, me) I was riding a Lightyear
(I'm a queen, queen) And then I was Eve
(I'm a queen, queen) The immortal queen

(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen
Immortal Queen

(Sia feat. Chaka Khan & Debbie Harry)

Get in your time machine and step to the future
Check it, I'm queen every time that you look to
Kid robots bring me champagne
I'ma getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha saying my name
I'm the matrix, gonna play tricks
Gonna cut sick, gonna get my pick, gonna lick, lick
Immunity to obsoletion is my skill
Keep it fresh, fresh, keep my lyrics killer

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyеar
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

Gеt in your time machine and step to the past, past
Check it, I'm queen from beginning to the last, last
Queen Victoria, Queen of Sheba
Queen of bees, yeah, I'm queen diva
Cavemen bring the cave queen carvings
Feeding the queen while the cavemen starving
Beatniks write for me and my mama
Used to be queen, didn't cause enough drama

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyear
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

Time is tight, time will tell
It's midnight, and you're under my spell
Put on your shades, light is bending
I am the queen, queen ascendant

Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts
Pieces of paper, only playing cards
If you play with me, you better be smart
I'm flesh and blood, I'm a queen, I'm a star
(I'm a queen, I'm a star)
I'm a queen, I'm a queen

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
(Follow me, me) Before planet Earth was here
(Follow me, me) I was riding a Lightyear
(I'm a queen, queen) And then I was Eve
(I'm a queen, queen) The immortal queen

(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen
Immortal Queen

(Sia feat. Chaka Khan & Eve)

Get in your time machine and step to the future
Check it, I'm queen every time that you look to
Kid robots bring me champagne
I'ma getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha saying my name
I'm the matrix, gonna play tricks
Gonna cut sick, gonna get my pick, gonna lick, lick
Immunity to obsoletion is my skill
Keep it fresh, fresh, keep my lyrics killer

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyеar
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

Gеt in your time machine and step to the past, past
Check it, I'm queen from beginning to the last, last
Queen Victoria, Queen of Sheba
Queen of bees, yeah, I'm queen diva
Cavemen bring the cave queen carvings
Feeding the queen while the cavemen starving
Beatniks write for me and my mama
Used to be queen, didn't cause enough drama

I'ma dominate (I'ma slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, slay, slay)
I'ma dominate (I'ma slay, I'ma slay)

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a Lightyear
And then I was Eve
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

Where my queens
Where my girls, calling all my empress
Got the crown on their head and the S on their chest
Slaying giants bigger than Goliath
Writing a legacy that will never expire
I'm a boss Cleopatra, lady like Diana
Call me "double trouble" with the brains and the glamour
Yeah, word to Queen C
Make a triple threat with Sia and E-V-E

Ha, yeah, we the queens
Everybody stand up

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere (come on)
You won't forget me (never)
The immortal queen
Before planet Earth was here
I was riding a lightyear
And then I was Eve (yeah)
The immortal queen

And in one thousand million years
I'ma still be everywhere
You won't forget me
The immortal queen
(Follow me, me) Before planet Earth was here
(Follow me, me) I was riding a Lightyear
(I'm a queen, queen) And then I was Eve
(I'm a queen, queen) The immortal queen

(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
(Follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me)
The immortal queen

No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
No, you won't, no, you won't forget me
The immortal queen

Joy I Call Life


When you fight so hard but nothing seems to turn out right
When it breaks your heart and life seems like the longest fight
When all you see is trees but you can't see the forest
Oh baby turn to me, I'll show you where the light is
You can count on me, I'll stitch you into my heart
You know I carry you so deep in my heart

Oh my, oh my love's in the air
The fire, the flame, I'm there
Yes, my love's here on earth
The ocean, death and birth
Yes, my love's in the sky
The pain you feel tonight
Through this joy I call life

So when you feel alone, like nobody will help you
Just think of me in all my heart I have kept you
You can count on me, I'll stitch you into my heart
You know I carry you so deep in my heart

Oh my, oh my love's in the air
The fire, the flame, I'm there
Yes, my love's here on earth
The ocean, death and birth
Yes, my love's in the sky
The pain you feel tonight
Through this joy I call life

Through tsunamis, earthquakes or a broken spirit
When you scream with your voice, you know I will hear it
When you scream with no voice, you know I will hear it
You know I will come running when I feel the earth move

Through a flood, toil and blood, through the tides of terror
Feel my love, feel my love, let it breathe forever
You know I will come running when I feel the earth move

Oh my, oh my love's in the air
The fire, the flame, I'm there
Yes, my love's here on earth
The ocean, death and birth
Yes, my love's in the sky
The pain you feel tonight
Through this joy I call life

Kill And Run

(The Great Gatsby OST)

Watching the sequence of sounds
Coming out of your mouth
But the snow is too loud
Follow the hands as they move
Trying to make out your mood
But my brain doesn't want to

Hi, close the door
Silent call for you
What have I done to you

Kill and run
Kill and run
I'm one of the dirty guns
Kill and run
Kill and run
A bullet through your heart

Interpret your eyes as they die
Should I cry, should I lie
Your poor lashes blow
Victim of sensory love
You cry all over
An innocent call

Hi, close the door
Silent call for you
What have I done to you

Kill and run
Kill and run
I'm one of the dirty guns
Kill and run
Kill and run
A bullet through your heart

Kill and run
Kill and run
I'm one of the dirty guns
Kill and run
Kill and run
A bullet through your heart

Let's Love

(David Guetta & Sia)

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love

I will never leave your side, my love
Standing right beside you is enough
Call on me if you feel any pain
Call to me, I'll run to you again

You can count on me
And I can count on you
You show up like I show up
And I keep showing up for you

So take my hand, don't be afraid
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
Swear you're safe
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
Let's love

I will never leave your side, my love
Standing right beside you is enough
You can count on me
And I can count on you
You show up for me, I show up for you
And I keep showing up for you

So take my hand, don't be afraid
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
Swear you're safe
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together

Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
And we'll get through it all together
We'll get through it all together
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love
Let's love

Life Jacket


I have seen better days
Seek shelter from the storm
Where it follows me, your sin follows me
Like a black cloud

We're running with no cover
I fear that I may drown
Where it follows me, your sin follows me
Like a black cloud

And I'm so close to giving up
I have lost my fire and I stopped struggling
It knocks me down

I let your love wash over me
You'll be my life jacket, you'll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You'll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me

Floating in your oceans
I feel like I can breathe
You came for me, you came for me
Before I drowned

And now only my heart swims
For you and me
Finally, yes, finally
I have been found

I was so close to giving up
I have lost my fight and I stopped struggling
It knocks me down

I let your love wash over me
You'll be my life jacket, you'll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You'll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me

Floating in your oceans
I feel like I can breathe
You came for me, you came for me
Before I drowned

I let your love wash over me
You'll be my life jacket, you'll come to save me
Here comes the tide that tries to drag me under
You'll be my life jacket, your love, it helps me

Light Headed


I'm ready for you, I'm ready for life
I trust that I will be alright
I'm ready for us, I'm ready tonight
Catch me, I'm your butterfly
The feeling is right
No, it can't be wrong
It's what I've been searching for
I think you're the one, I think you're the one
The one that I've been dreaming of

You take my breath away
You got me feeling fade

I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high, touch me tonight
I can't feel my all
I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high
I feel so damn light headed
So damn light headed

In your embrace I close my eyes
Our love it feels divine
I feel the heat of his skin on mine
You and I are one tonight

You take my breath away
You got me feeling fade

I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high, touch me tonight
I can't feel my all
I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high
I feel so damn light headed
So damn light headed

I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high, touch me tonight
I can't feel my all
I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high
I feel so damn light headed
So damn light headed

I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high, touch me tonight
I can't feel my all
I feel so high, touch me in light
I feel so damn light headed
I feel so high
I feel so damn light headed
So damn light headed

Like A River Runs

(Bleachers cover)

I woke up thinking you were still here
My hands were shaking with regret
I've held this dream for such a long long time
And I wanna get up
To the rhythm of a wild, to the rhythm of a wild heart
That beats, that beats like a rolling drum

I saw you standing on the corner
I saw you standing on your own
I get the feeling that it's all a dream
And I wanna get up
To the rhythm of a wild, to the rhythm of a wild heart
That beats, that beats like a drum

When I fall asleep I can see your face
What I lost in you I will not replace
And I could run away, I could let them down
But I will remember your light

Your light it follows me in darkness
I'm trying hard but I can't win
And I've played the victim for a long long time
And I wanna grow up
From the rhythm a young, from the rhythm of a younger heart
It leads just like a river runs

That night I sent over the parkway
The summer's gone and I'm alone
And I get the feeling that you're somewhere close
And I wanna get up
To the rhythm of your wild, to the rhythm of your wild heart
It beats, been beating since you've gone

When I fall asleep I can see your face
What I lost in you I will not replace
I could run away, I could let them down
But I will remember

When I fall asleep I can see your face
What I lost in you I will not replace
I could run away, I could let them down
And I know you're gone, I know you're gone
But still I will remember your light, your light

And if you see me in the darkness
I hope you know I'm not alone
I carry you with every breath I take
I won't let up, I won't let up
'Til the wind is gone
'Til the wind is gone
'Til the wind is gone
'Til the wind is gone
'Til the wind is gone

Living Out Loud

(Brooke Candy feat. Sia)

Twenty five ounces in a bottle of wine
Twenty four hours, it's a day at a time
Twenty three lived a hell of a life
Twenty two such a blur, it's passing me by

Twenty one, I caught a glimpse of the light
Twenty drinks later in the back of a ride
Nineteen, mama kicked me out of the house
Eighteen minutes till you're bailing me out

Seventeen, magazine was telling the truth
When they said we all have issues

Just thinking out loud
Screaming so loud
Foolish and proud
Living out loud
Living out loud
Out loud

No, nothing can stop me now
Gonna live out loud
And no one can break me down
Gonna live out loud
I'm screaming my demons out
Gonna live out loud
'Cause living out loud is the only way I know how
Living out loud is the only way I know how

Sixteen candles, yeah, I'm faking my age
Fifteen minutes till they need me on stage
Fourteen K, I would have done it for free
Thirteen roses and they bought them for me

Twelve-step program but I don't like to walk
Eleven wet kisses just to get me to talk
Ten fingers when you're holding my hand
Nine, eight, seven, she lives

Just thinking out loud
Screaming so loud
Foolish and proud
Living out loud
Living out loud
Out loud

No, nothing can stop me now
Gonna live out out loud
And no one can break me down
Gonna live out loud
I'm screaming my demons out
Gonna live out loud
'Cause living out loud is the only way I know how

I got to live out loud, out loud
Yeah living out loud is the only way I know how
'Cause living out loud is the only way I know how

No, nothing can stop me now
Gonna live out out loud
And no one can break me down
Gonna live out loud
I'm screaming my demons out
Gonna live out loud
'Cause living out loud is the only way I know how
Living out loud is the only way I know how

Loved Me Back To Life

(Celine Dion cover)

I was walking dead
Stuck inside my head
I couldn't get out
Turn the lights down
The voices inside so loud

Need a jump-start, catatonia
I couldn't feel
I wish that I could disappear
The voices inside so real

But you stood by my side
Night after night
Night after night

You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
The wait is over
You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
We're lovers again tonight

Back to life, back to life
Back to life, back to life, yeah

You woke me up, one touch and I felt alive
You loved me back to life
Back to life, thought I died
The voices inside so quiet

But you stood by my side
Night after night
Night after night

You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
The wait is over
You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
We're lovers again tonight

Strong hand, thick skin and an open heart
You saw through the pain, saw through the mask
You never gave up on me, yeah

You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
The wait is over
You loved me back to life, life
From the coma
We're lovers again tonight

Back to life, back to life
Back to life, back to life

Back to life, back to life
Back to life, back to life, yeah


( Don't bring me down EP )

There's been a terrible drought
It's been too cold to get out
I needed to scream and shout
But it's over now, it's over now

I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight

And here you are holding my hand
Here by you I'll always stand
It's raining its pouring love
Warm drops of joy fall from above. Above!

I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight

I'm getting lucky tonight
Yeah I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight
Yeah I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight
I'm getting lucky tonight

And so are you


(Neneh Cherry cover / Neneh Cherry: The Versions LP)

Is it the pain of the drinking
Or the Sunday sinking feeling
The car never seems to work
When it's late, your girlfriend's on a date
And the hero with her in your dream
In your sleep it seemed to like you
Turn around, ask yourself
Turn around, ask yourself

Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you're in

Could you go undercover
And sell your brand new lover
Could you be someone else for a night
Maybe someone else will love you
You sell your soul for a tacky song
Like the one you hear on the radio
Turn around, ask yourself
Turn around, ask yourself

Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you're in
Manchild, he will make you cry
Manchild, Manchild, Manchild

From Monday down to Friday
You're working on another man's car
Or is it in the factory
It doesn't matter where you are

Just turn around and ask yourself is this communication
Accentuate the positive and give some illustration
See, Manchild, you're no one, you turn the microphone on
Control communication when I'm kicking it and so on
To the point that I need, the air that I breathe
Into an audience that's waiting and ecstatic to receive
For the meantime, another mean rhyme, I keep on saying it
I know what the time is, the crowd will keep playing it
Through the speaker boxes, loud's my diagnosis
'Cause I believe in miracles and words in steady doses
Enough R-E-S-P-E and C-T
Respect yourself, express, no stress, the mike is easy
Just believe that all you need is the air that you breathe
Ask yourself

Manchild, will you ever win
Manchild, look at the state you're in
Manchild, he will make you cry
Manchild, Manchild, Manchild
He's the apple of your eye

Once bitten, twice shy, why don't you bite me again
Just take it in the right and go tell your friend
Are you ready for the words, I turn the microphone on
A figure of speech to reach you at the back and so on
The style, I'm stimulating dance floors
Raise your body temperature now and
This demands for power in the amp, you know, loud's my diagnosis
'Cause I believe in miracles and words in heavy doses

Moonquake Lake

(Sia & Beck / Annie OST)

She's a fish and he's a boy
Moonquake, moonquake
I want to take a swim in Lake Moon
Now I am awake always
Since I dove into your blue
Moonquake, moonquake
I want to take a swim in Lake Moon
Now I am awake always
Since I dove into your blue

She came from the Moon ready to fight
With scales and a tail and a fishy bite
Ready to destroy all of humankind
Fierce and fighting with a brook trout mind

He was born in an airship above the earth
Strong in legend, my soul's in mirth
Son of a mime and a performer
With just a smile for a sweet

They were never meant to meet (put faith in listen)
They were never meant to be (oh it never does)
They were never meant to see (oh but fate didn't listen)
They were never (didn't listen)
She's a fish, he's a boy

Moonquake, moonquake
I want to take a swim in Lake Moon
Now I am awake always
Since I dove into your blue
Moonquake, moonquake
I want to catch you in my net
Now I am awake always
Like the day when I found it

And then one solstice at a fishing hole
He was unsure casting his bowl
She swam right up to him and took the bait
He reeled her in and made it a date

When your worlds are worn, you look inside
Fight the power, stop the divide
Four eyes, two gills, one human nose
Wrap your eyes around me in the river floes

Moonquake, moonquake
I want to take a swim in Lake Moon
Now I am awake always
Since I dove into your blue
Moonquake, moonquake
I want to catch you in my net
Now I am awake always
Like a day when I found it


Muddy Feet

(Miley Cyrus feat. Sia / Endless Summer Vacation LP)

I don't know
Who the hell you think you're messing with
Get the fuck out of my house with that shit
Get the fuck out of my life with that shit

I don't know
Who the hell you think you're messing with
Get the fuck out of my house with that shit
Get the fuck out of my life with that shit

You smell like perfume that I didn't purchase
Now I know why you've been closing the curtains
Get the fuck out of my house

You're coming 'round
With your muddy feet
I'm about to do some 'bout it
Yeah I'ma have to do some 'bout it

You keep coming 'round
With your muddy feet
And I'ma have to do some 'bout it
Yeah I'm about to do some 'bout it

Back and forth
Always questioning my questioning
Get the fuck out of my head with that shit
Get the fuck out of my bed with that shit

You've watered the weeds and you killed all the roses
Worthy arrives when the other door closes
So get the fuck out of my house with that shit

You're coming 'round (coming 'round, baby)
With your muddy feet
I'm about to do some 'bout it (what I do)
Yeah I'ma have to do some 'bout it (what I do)

And I don't know
Who you're messing with
Yeah I'ma have to do some 'bout it (what I do)
I'm about to do some 'bout it (what I do)

You're coming 'round
You're coming 'round, baby

The fuck out of my house with that shit

My Arena

Oh no, you broke a heart again
Now I can't help but feel foolish and ashamed
I am a broken record, a glitch in your iPod
But could it be an empty track, a lost melody

Baby, just burn, we'll see
I don't need you to believe in
I've got a new faith in me, you'll see

You broke my heart and now this is my arena and I'm sold out
You tried to kick me down, but you're hearing this now when your heart is beating
See, I'm doing fine, better than fine
And now I see that your melody was lost on me

Oh no, I let you fool me once
Shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
Am I a scratched CD, a glitch in your download
But could it be an empty track, a lost melody

Baby, just burn, we'll see
I don't need you to believe in
I've got a new faith in me, you'll see

You broke my heart and now this is my arena and I'm sold out
You tried to kick me down, but you're hearing this now when your heart is beating
See, I'm doing fine, better than fine
And now I see that your melody was lost on me

Oh baby, just burn, we'll see
I don't need you to believe in
I've got a new faith in me, you'll see, yeah

You broke my heart and now this is my arena and I'm sold out
(I'm doing fine without you)
You tried to kick me down, but you're hearing this now when your heart is beating
(I'm doing fine without you)
See, I'm doing fine, better than fine
And now I see that your melody was lost on me

My Love

( The Twilight Saga - Eclipse Soundtrack )

My love, leave yourself behind
Be inside me, leave you blind
My heart, you're the fair breeze
You were searching for a lead
You gave it all, gave into the call
You took it dancing, you took the fall for us
Looking thoughtfully, at me faithfully
You taught me honor, you did it for me

To let you will sleep away
You and I, pouring my love
Now I am strong, you gave me all
You gave all you had, and now I am love

My love, leave yourself behind
be inside me, leave you blind
My heart, look what you can do
I am under here, I'll be with you
You too my hand, and added a plan
You gave me your heart, I asked you dance with me
You left all the sea, left a good breeze

I know, you need to go
I know, grievance is yours
Now I am strong, you gave me all
You gave all you had, now I am love
My love, leave yourself behind
Be inside me, I'll be with you

Never Give Up

(Lion OST)

I've battled demons that won't let me sleep
Called to the sea, but she abandoned me
But I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no
No, I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no

And I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh
I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh

I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh

Oh yeah, I'm haunted by the distant past
Called to the skies, but she was overcast
But I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no
No, I won't never give up, no, never give up, no, no

And I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh
I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh

I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh

Never give up, never give up
Never give up, never give up
No, no oh

And I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh
I won't let you get me down
I'll keep getting up when I hit the ground
Oh never give up, no, never give up no, no oh

I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh
I'll find my way, find my way home oh oh oh

Never So Big

(David Byrne & Fatboy Slim feat. Sia / Here Lies Love LP)

People ask me if I knew you
I tell them, "It's true"
You were just a simple schoolgirl
When I took care of you

One is never so big
As when one stoops down
To help someone in need
Get their feet on the ground

I gave up everything
To give you both a start
And in my time of need
Could you open your heart?

Don't make me beg - don't turn away
She always said you'd help someday
Can I get a message through to you?
Are you the girl that I once knew?
What was I thinking of?
What am I doing here?
What was I thinking of?
What am I doing here?

It's your old hometown
There's the park and the tree
And the house where we lived
At the end of the street

It's a crazy idea
Could I get through to you?
It won't take very long
Just a minute or two

Never so big - never so tall
Never so big - when you are small
Never so big - never so tall
Never so big - when you are small
You never know where love is found
God only knows where we are bound

People ask me if I knew you
I tell them, "It's true"
You were just a simple schoolgirl
When I took care of you

Never so big - never so tall
Never so big - when you are small
Never so big - never so tall
Never so big - when you are small
What was I thinking of?
What am I doing here?
What was I thinking of?
What am I doing here?


(Annie OST)

Under the glow of the very bright lights
I turn my face towards the warm night sky
And I'm not afraid of a thousand eyes
When they're above five hundred smiles
Copy paste is a sin, always on the run is better
Oh I used to think (oh she used to think)
What wouldn't I give (what wouldn't she give)
For a moment like this (for a moment like this)
This moment, this gift (this moment, this gift)

Oh now look at me
And this opportunity
It's standing right in front of me
But one thing I know
It's only part luck and so
I'm putting on my best show
Under the spotlight
I'm starting my life
Big dreams becoming real tonight
So look at me and this opportunity
You're witnessing my moment, you see

Now I find myself here and it's time
Yes, this is real, and it's a goldmine
I'm not afraid to fly
When it's above five hundred smiles

Oh I used to think (Oh she used to think)
What wouldn't I give (what wouldn't she give)
For a moment like this (for a moment like this)
This moment, this gift (this moment, this gift)

Oh now look at me
And this opportunity
It's standing right in front of me
But one thing I know
It's only part luck and so
I'm putting on my best show
Under the spotlight
I'm starting my life
Big dreams becoming real tonight
So look at me and this opportunity
You're witnessing my moment you see

My big opportunity
I won't waste it
I guarantee

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***


(Dolittle OST)

Boom, woke me from my sleep
Boom, woke me from a dream
Boom, got me on my feet
Boom, think the birds who sing

I'm here to try anything
I'm done with the suffering
It's time to stand up and sing
For my life

I'm here now to try it all
I'm ready to take a fall
'Cause I'm an original
Why deny it

And I won't waste my life being typical
I'ma be original
Even when it's difficult
And I won't change myself when they tell me no
I'ma be original
I'ma be original

No, I won't waste my life being typical
I'ma be original
Even when it's difficult
And I won't change myself when they tell me no
I'ma be original
I'ma be original

I'ma be original
I'ma be original

Boom, run toward the light
Boom, I'm ready to fight
Boom, the demons that live inside
Boom, I'll face the darkest night

I'm here to try anything
I'm done with the suffering
It's time to stand up and sing
For my life

I'm here now to try it all
I'm ready to take a fall
'Cause I'm an original
Why deny it

And I won't waste my life being typical
I'ma be original
Even when it's difficult
And I won't change myself when they tell me no
I'ma be original
I'ma be original

No, I won't waste my life being typical
I'ma be original
Even when it's difficult
And I won't change myself when they tell me no
I'ma be original
I'ma be original

I'ma be original
I'ma be original

I'ma be original
I'ma be original

Paranoid Android

(Radiohead cover / Exit Music - Songs With Radio Heads LP)

Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest
From all the unborn chicken voices in my head
What's that?
What's that?

When I am king, you will be first against the wall
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
What's that?
What's that?

Ambition makes you look pretty ugly
Kicking and squealing gucci little piggy

You don't remember
You don't remember
Why don't you remember my name?
Off with his head, man
Off with his head, man
Why don't you remember my name?
I guess he does

Rain down
Rain down
Come on, rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height, height
Rain down
Rain down
Come on, rain down on me
From a great height
From a great height

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***


( Lady Croissant LP )

You have her pictures
You have her pictures
You have her pictures

You're covered in stitches
You're covered in stitches
You think I can't see them
But I know they're there

Take her down from the wall
I just sell firewall
You can't keep a frozen
Doorman at your court
You can try to move on
Tripped by stitches come undone

You lost your big heart
You lost your big heart
You lost your big heart
Beating bare

She gave you a new start
She gave you a new start
But you knew you'd lost her to despair

Your skin burns and prickles
Your skin burns and prickles
You're skin burns and prickles
When she's near

You try to play it cool
You try to play it cool
You try to play it cool
But you're filled with fear

Take her down from the wall
Let her go
Make her yours
You can keep her frozen
Doorman at your court
You can try to move on
Tripped by stitches come undone
You can try to move on
Tripped by stitches come undone
You can try to move on
Tripped by stitches come undone
You can try to move on
Or maybe she is the one

Red Handed


Called her on the telephone
You picked up, I should've known
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

You told me you had to go
You told me you'd be right home
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right
Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right

What do you take me for
You didn't think I'd smell her on you as you walked through the door
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

Last, this is the last time
You gotta get out, you aren't a man of mine
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right
Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right

Don't call me up, I won't be at home
Do not write, do not phone
I've had enough, you'll never know
You better pack your things and go
Don't tell me you're sorry
You shoulda thought of that
You shoulda that of me
We'll never be, never be
Listen here, you're dead to me, oh

Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right

Who do you think you are
You got a lot of nerve, you pushed me too far
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

Last chance, was just enough
She had a little metal thing, keep it zipped up
You couldn't make it through the night
Couldn't make it through the night

Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right
Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right
Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right
Caught you red-handed
Your game is up
I will not stand it
I'm givin' up
Caught you red-handed
And you can never make it right

Riding On My Bike

(At Home With The Kids compilation)

I'm riding on my bike
I'm going round the block
No, I can't cross the road
I'm not allowed to do that
I'm so happy here 'cause

I'm just riding on my bike
I'm going round the block
I'm checking out the dogs
Barking as I pass them, "Woof"
Barking back, I laugh and

I ride on on my bike
I'm going round the block
I'm singing to myself, "La la la"
I'm counting purple flowers
And I'll do this for hours

Happy riding on my bike
I'm going round the block
I'm like an ice cream truck
I'm tasting all the flavors
I'm waving to my neighbors, "Hi"

While I'm riding on my bike
I'm going round the block
I'm counting all the cracks, "Six, seven, eight"
Yeah, I'm the pavement agent
And my house is the station

And I ride past on my bike
I'm going round the block
My tummy's rumbling
My mama's selling tickets
To broccoli and fish sticks, I'm hungry

Salted Wound

(Fifty Shades Of Grey OST)

Don't let love get in the way
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Take a chance, no it wasn't what you know
Take her hand and don't let go

You can do it
Don't break
Yeah, you'll pull through it
You're safe
Yes, you can do it
Don't break
Yeah, you'll pull through it
You're safe

Tell her all of how you feel
Give her everything she needs to hear
Give your heart, and say come take it
And she will see that you're a good man

You can do it
Don't break
Yeah, you'll pull through it
You're safe
Yes, you can do it

Don't break
Yeah, you'll pull through it
You're safe
Yes, you can do it
Don't break
Yeah, you'll pull through it
You're safe


(Sia feat. Miguel and Queen Latifah / The Hamilton Mixtape LP)

A toast to the groom
(To the groom, to the groom, to the groom)
To the bride
(To the bride, to the bride, to the bride)
From your sister
(Angelica, Angelica, Angelica)
Who is always by your side
(By your side, by your side)
To your union and the hope that you provide
(You provide, you provide)
May you always (always)
Be satisfied (rewind)

I remember that night, I just might
I remember that night, I just might
I remember that night, I remember that

I remember that night, I just might
Regret that night for the rest of my days
I remember those soldier boys
Tripping over themselves to win our praise
I remember that dreamlike candlelight
Like a dream that you can't quite place
But, Alexander, I'll never forget the first time I saw your face

I have never been the same
Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame
And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name
Set my heart aflame, every part aflame
This is not a game

You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied

I'm sure I don't know what you mean, you forget yourself

You're like me, I've never been satisfied

Is that right

I have never been satisfied

My name's Angelica Schuyler

Alexander Hamilton

Where's your family from

Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done
Just you wait, just you wait

Queen Latifah:
So, so, so
So this is what it feels like to match wits
With someone at your level, what the hell is the catch
It's the feeling of freedom, of seein' the light
It's Ben Franklin with a key and a kite, you see it, right
The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes
Everything we said in total agreement
It's a dream and it's a bit of a dance
A bit of a posture, it's a bit of a stance
He's a bit of a flirt, but I'm 'a give him a chance
I asked about his family, did you see his answer
His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance
He's penniless, he's flying by the seat of his pants
Handsome, boy, does he know it
Peach fuzz and he can't even grow it
I wanna take him far away from this place
Then I turn and see my sister's face and she is

And I know she is
And her eyes are just
And I realize three fundamental truths at the exact same time

I'm a girl in a world in which
My only job is to marry rich
My father has no sons, so I'm the one
Who has to social climb for one
'Cause I'm the oldest and the wittiest
And the gossip in New York City is insidious
And Alexander is penniless
Ha, that doesn't mean I want him any less
(Doesn't mean I want him any less)
(Doesn't mean I want him any less)
(Doesn't mean I want him any less)

He's after me 'cause I'm a Schuyler sister
That elevates his status
I'd have to be naive to set that aside
Maybe that is why I introduce him to Eliza
Now that's his bride
Nice going, Angelica, he was right
You will never be satisfied
(I will never be satisfied)
(I will never be satisfied)

I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
If I tell her that I love him, she'd be silently resigned
He'd be mine
She would say, "I'm fine"
But she'd be lying

But when I fantasize at night
It's Alexander's eyes
As I romanticize what might have been
If I hadn't sized
Him up so quickly
At least my dear Eliza's his wife
At least I keep his eyes in my life

A toast to the groom
(To the groom, to the groom, to the groom)
To the bride
(To the bride, to the bride, to the bride)
From your sister
(Angelica, Angelica, Angelica)
Who is always by your side
(By your side, by your side)
To your union and the hope that you provide
(You provide, you provide)
May you always
Be satisfied

And I know (yeah)
She'll be happy as his bride
And I know
He will never be satisfied
I will never be satisfied

Saved My Life

Boom, boom, boom
Beats my heart, heart, heart
Baby, boom, boom, boom
In the dark, dark, dark
Baby, boom, boom, boom
Fall apart, part, part
Baby, boom, boom, boom
From the start, start, start

But I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
Yeah I've been waiting for you

Well, someone must have sent you here to save my life
Someone must have sent you to save me tonight
I know that in darkness I have found my light
I know that in darkness I've been given sight
In your loving arms I feel delight
In your loving arms I'll be alright

Someone must have sent you to save me tonight
Someone must have sent you here to save my life
Save my life, save my life, save my life
Save my life, save my life, save my life
Save my life, save my life

High, high, high
We take flight, flight, flight
Baby, high, high, high
Touch the sky, sky, sky
Baby, high, high, high
Diamond nights, nights, nights
Baby, high, high, high
'Cause love don't lie, lie, lie

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you
I've been waiting for you

Well, someone must have sent you here to save my life
Someone must have sent you to save me tonight
I know that in darkness I have found my light
I know that in darkness I've been given sight
In your loving arms I feel delight
In your loving arms I'll be alright

Someone must have sent you to save me tonight
Someone must have sent you here to save my life
Save my life, save my life, save my life
Save my life, save my life, save my life
Save my life, save my life

Save my life, save my life, save my life
(Someone must have sent you here to)
Save my life, save my life, save my life
Save my life
You saved my life

Sea Shells

( Colour the small one LP US Reedition )

By the window
Since time began
Watch the wind blow
Sculpting sand

All in letters bound in string
Life is slowly unraveling

Burning castle
Turning down
Mr. Prince has lost her crown

All in letters bound in string
Time is slowly unraveling

She sells
Empty sea shells
Lost in the ocean

Through the window
We can see
Sand and biscuits
Cups of tea

All in letters bound in string
Life is slowly unraveling

All in letters bound in string
Life is slowly unraveling

She sells
Empty sea shells
She sells
Empty sea shells

So Bored

( Don't bring me down EP )

I am so bored
Think I'm going to die
I'm so empty
I cannot even cry
Crush my eye in your tender hand
The dead romance

I'm grief stricken
Killing time
Amputated broken smile
I feel so week
I'm dignified
I didn't realise

I saw a lady sick with fear
I lost my site
And cannot hear
A perfume world is sent to die
The truth will come from lies

I'm so bored
I think I might die
Big black bored and lie
Oh lord uninspired
Cross my heart I hope she'll die

Solsbury Hill

(Peter Gabriel cover)

Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
I could see the city light
Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing, stretching every nerve
I had to listen, had no choice

I did not believe the information
Just had to trust imagination
My heart going boom, boom, boom
"Son," he said
"Grab your things, I've come to take you home"
Hey, back home
Back home

To keep in silence I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
So I went from day to day
Though my life was in a rut
Till I thought of what I'd say
Which connection I should cut

I was feeling part of the scenery
Walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom, boom, boom
"Hey," he said
"Grab your things, I've come to take you home"
Hey, back home
Hey, back home

When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
When I think that I am free
Watched by empty silhouettes
Who close their eyes, but still can see
No one taught them etiquette
I will show another me

Today I don't need a replacement
I'll tell them what the smile on my face meant
My heart going boom, boom, boom
"Hey," I said
"You can keep my things, they've come to take me home"

They've come to take me home
They've come to take me home
They've come to take me home
They've come to take me home
They've come to take me home

Step By Step

(Amazon Original)

Baby, look at me
Can't you see
That I'm so in love
So in love
I'm so in love

Since you came to me
Set me free
I've been so in love
So in love
So in love

Step by step
Just one of a million
We took to get here
Step by step
One of a million
And a million left

Step by step
I gotta keep moving
Towards the sunset
Step by step
Come on, let's do this
Hold my hands till the end
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Hold my hands till the end

Baby, look at me
Can't you see
That I'm so in love
So in love
I'm so in love

And till the end of time
You'll be mine
'Cause we're so in love
So in love
So in love

Step by step
Just one of a million
We took to get here
Step by step
One of a million
And a million left

Step by step
I gotta keep moving
Towards the sunset
Step by step
Come on, let's do this
Hold my hands till the end
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Hold my hands till the end

Stay with me now
'Cause ups and downs
Won't scare me away
The road may be long
But to let you go
You make things feel right
When they should feel right

Step by step
Just one of a million
We took to get here
Step by step
One of a million
And a million left

Step by step
I gotta keep moving
Towards the sunset
Step by step
Come on, let's do this
Hold my hands till the end
Step by step
Step by step
Step by step
Hold my hands till the end…


(Live on Fall Formal at the Orpheum Theatre, 10-10-2011)

Once I had a love and now I've only got a telephone
To hold me
And every time it doesn't ring it tells me
I'm lonely

Yesterday, I had a pair of arms to hug, a hand to hold
I had mouth to kiss
But all I'm left with presently

Me alone and my telephone
You know I'm home
But if you come right now
You know I'll slam the phone down

Me alone and my telephone
You know I'm home
Just me alone and my telephone
You know I'm home

That's Life

(88-Keys feat. Mac Miller & Sia)

They told me, "Don't make a promise you can't keep"
All the drugs in your system, you can't sleep
How many times you had to buy a plan B
For a girl you never bring back home to meet your family, man

Man, I swear it's what I dream about
Ever since my mom told me that she need me out
Always smoking weed, 'causing trouble, never clean the house
But I paid her back for everything, I guess we even now
Nothing better than some head after a long day
That's the only thing that ever keep mine on straight

And she asked me, "Why the long face?"
How I spent 350 dollars on this entrée
I drown my sorrow in that bottle
Today is full of regret, find forever in tomorrow

Man up, what's the problem
Everything is jazz and I'm Stockton

Yeah I know it seem a little bit strange sometimes
Yeah, yeah
Everybody live a little, everybody die
Yeah, yeah
That's life
What you gonna do
That's life
Baby, I would spend it all with you

And I'm headed to the other side, where the grass is always greener
And your bitch is down to ride, but that ass is always meaner
See, my cash got deeper and my morals disappeared
Never thought I'd be a asshole, this my last show

Can I please get a standing ovation
A hunnid naked bitches in my dressing room waiting
We lost a lot of blood for this fucked up nation
But me, I'm getting high, making love in that spaceship

So what are the basics, tell me your problems
You losing your job or, even worse, you don't got one
So hard to stay sober when you feeling fucked over so much
Always coming up short, you like the roach of a blunt, yeah

And I could never sleep at night
Fuck paying bills, I need a brand new lease on life
Why does doing wrong, always feel so right
Well, I guess, fuck it, that's life

Yeah, I know it seem a little bit strange sometimes
Yeah, yeah
Everybody live a little, everybody die
Yeah, yeah
That's life
What you gonna do
That's life
Baby, I would spend it all with you

Now I wish I could take all your pain
But when the toxin is fame
The drugs, they don't fill the hole, no
Connections the game
Wish you'd picked up the phone
Knew that I'd be your home
Knew that you weren't alone
Knew that you weren't alone
Knew that you weren't alone

I saw you act a little bit strange sometimes
You'd say, yeah
Everybody lives and everybody dies
One day, well, that's right
What you gonna do
And I wish you coulda spend it on the truth

The Corner


I am standing on the corner, I am watching traffic lights
I am sinking into concrete, I am watching two girls fight
I'm attempting to move forward but my legs are made of lead
The words you planted on me just keep running through my head

Been pushing on the button that will make the traffic stop
It's hard to be distracted when you know it's all you've got
I barely bat an eye as I watch you cross the line
It's hard to be affected when you're dead inside

You and I
You and I

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

I live here on the corner, I am sucking in the fumes
These appear to my choices and they cannot be improved
I'm all over the corner, all the pieces of my parts
It's time to mend the pieces of my broken heart

You and I
You and I

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

What will I do, I cannot move
You are taking all that I knew
Here I will stay, stuck in this place
Trying to get over you

This Shit

Oh there is life after death
The death of all those parts of you
You thought you needed

And there is sweetness left
You thought that none would survive
You were so bitter

But you will taste again
No you will not stay numb for long
I'll pinch you

And after all the tears
There will be laughter too
I promise

You're stronger than it
You're stronger than this shit
You're stronger than it
You're stronger than this shit

And you are coping now
Although it may not feel like it
You are okay

And you will love again
And you are loved right now
Forgive yourself

And you'll help you
You'll do enough, you'll help enough
You are enough

And you will lose again
But now you realise
You didn't need it

You're stronger than it
You're stronger than this shit
You're stronger than it
You're stronger than this shit...

Time After Time

(Cyndi Lauper cover / Live at Taratata TV show)

Lying in my bed
I hear the clock tick and think of you
Caught up in circles
Confusion is nothing new
Flashback, warm nights
Almost left behind
Suitcases of memories
Time after

Sometimes you picture me
I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me
I can't hear what you have said
Then you say, "go slow"
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

After my picture fades
And darkness has turned to gray
Watching through windows
You're wondering if I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

You said, "go slow"
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time
Time after time


( David Guetta Feat. Sia )

You shout it out
But I can't hear a word you say
You're talking loud, not saying much
You criticize but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Cut me down
But it's you who'll have further to fall
Ghost town and haunted love
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium
I am titanium

Stone-heart, machine gun
Firing at the ones who run
Stone heart loves bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium


I can hear the thunder
Coming from your mouth
And I know my number's up
Give me some Stevie Wonder
Quick put it on before we go under

I can see the lightning
Coming from your ears
Yeah I see you're frightened
I can see the lion
Sleeps tonight in the tears you're crying

Can't love me unless you love you too
Treat yourself like nothing but a fool
Can't love me unless you love you too
Love you too

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

I can see the rainbow
Coming from your heart and it's all ok so
Come now, see you're my angel
Say bye to the past, hello to tomorrow

Can't love me unless you love you too
Treat yourself like nothing but a fool
Can't love me unless you love you too
Love you too

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

I want love
I want to give it
I want love
Please, deliver it

I want love
I want to give it
I want love
Please, deliver it

I want love
I want to give it
I want love
Please, deliver it

I want love
I want to give it
I want love
Please, deliver it

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

Come now, set the past on fire
Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher
Together we can take it higher

Together we can take it higher


(Home version for Annie OST)

The sun'll come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun

Just thinking about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
Till there's none

When I'm stuck with a day that's grey and lonely
I just stick up my chin and grin and say

The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on till tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love you tomorrow
You're only a day away

Under The Milky Way

( The Church cover / Lincoln MKT car commercial )

Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty
Sound of their breath fades with the light
I think about the loveless fascination
Under the Milky Way tonight

Lower the curtain down in Memphis
Lower the curtain down all right
I got no time for private consultation
Under the Milky Way tonight

Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find

And it's something quite peculiar
Something shimmering and white
Leads you here despite your destination
Under the Milky Way tonight

Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find
Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find

Under the Milky Way tonight
Under the Milky Way tonight

Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find
Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find (Milky Way tonight)

Under the Milky Way tonight
(Under the Milky Way tonight)
Under the Milky Way tonight
(Under the Milky Way tonight)
Under the Milky Way tonight
(Under the Milky Way tonight)
Under the Milky Way tonight
(Under the Milky Way tonight)


(Nat King Cole cover / Finding Dory OST)

That's what you are
Both near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does things to me
Never before
Has someone been more

In every way
And forever more
That's how you'll stay
That's why, darling, it's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable, too

In every way
And forever more
That's how you'll stay
That's why, darling, it's incredible
That someone so unforgettable
Thinks that I am unforgettable, too

Up With People

(Lambchop cover / Live)

Yes, there comes a booming sound
It used to come from underground, yeah
Now it emenates
From a kind of welfare state
Of the soul
Yeah baby of the soul
And we are screwing
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today

And of the sweet, sweet soul
Let's be certain
Of the deliberate monologue
As sure as if it will fall
Across you
Unto you
Will most certainly leave the doing
The doing undone

I'm all undone
I'm all undone

Yeah, we are doing
And we are screwing
Yeah, we are doing
And we are screwing
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today

And we are screwing
Up our lives today
Up our lives today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today

And we are screwing
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today
Up our lives today, today


(Stargate feat. P!nk & Sia)

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

Oh I'm in the jungle now
You've been seeking, I've been hiding out
Use your love, it scares me so deep down
You may find me 'cause my heart beats loud, so loud
It beats fast, in the places where you touched me last
I can feel the burn my skin, it has
But the return of your beloved hands, hands

I've lost control
I paddle, but you're too strong
But I gotta trust your flow
'Cause, boy, I'm in your waterfall (waterfall)
Oh I've lost control
And, babe, it's a relief to know
I got you keeping me afloat
When I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

Baby, you're my oxygen
When I cannot find my way on Earth
You know I can be when I hold on
Even when the rapid's strong

I've lost control
I paddle, but you're too strong
But I gotta trust your flow
'Cause, babe, I'm in your waterfall (waterfall)
But I've lost control
And, babe, it's a relief to know
I got you keeping me afloat
When I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall


I've lost control
I paddle, but you're too strong
But I gotta trust your flow
'Cause, boy, I'm in your waterfall (yeah, yeah)
Oh I've lost control
And, babe, it's a relief to know
I got you keeping me afloat
When I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
(Yeah, yeah)

I'm in your waterfall
(I'm in your waterfall)
I'm in your waterfall
(I'm in your waterfall)
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall
I'm in your waterfall

Waving Goodbye

(The Neon Demon OST)

Two hearts, one past
I was your lover
Cruel words broke us
You became another

I'm with the enemy in my bed
When the voice in my head
Tells me I should treat myself better
I know you don’t mean to be mean
When you’re hurting you'll see
You can see just how dark it is getting

So one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to cry
But one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to cry
It's your turn to cry

Poor you, so sad
Well I think it's time now
You’re too crying feel so bad
But can I lie down

The enemy in my bed
When the voice in my head
Tells me I should treat myself better
I know you don’t mean to be mean
When you’re hurting you'll see
You can see just how dark it is getting

So one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to cry
But one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to cry
It's your turn to cry

Feel my heart break
Feel my heart break
Feel my heart break
As I walk away (as I walk away)
Feel my heart break
Feel my heart break
Feel my heart break
As I walk away (as I walk away)

So one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to fight
But one hand is holding yours while
The other is waving goodbye
I love you, but it's your turn to cry
It's your turn to cry
It's your turn to fight

Wild Ones

( Flo Rida feat. Sia )

Sia :
Hey I heard you were a wild one
If I took you home
It'd be a home run
Show me how you'll do

I want to shut down the club
With you
Hey I heard you like the wild ones

Flo Rida :
I like crazy, foolish, stupid
Party going wild, fist pumping
Music, I might lose it
Blast to the roof, that's how we do'z it, do'z it, do'z it

I don't care the night, she don't care we like
Almost dared the right five
Ready to get popping, ain't no so far
Take me so high, jumping no doubts

Surf but no drown
Said I gotta be the man
When they heading my van, might check one too
Shut them down in the club while the Playboy does it

And y'all get loose loose
After bottle, we all get bit and again tomorrow
Gotta break loose cause that's the motto
Club shuts down, I heard you supermodels

Sia :
Hey I heard you were a wild one
If I took you home
It'd be a home run
Show me how you'll do

I want shut down the club
With you
Hey I heard you like the wild ones

Flo Rida:
Party rocker, foot show stopper
More shampoo
Never one, club popper
Got a hangover like too much vodka

Can't see me with ten binoculars
So cool
No doubt by the end of the night
Got the clothes coming off

Till I make that move
Somehow, someway, gotta raise the roof, roof
All black shades when the sun come through

Oh, it's on like everything goes
Round up baby till the freaky show
What happens to that body, it's a private show
Stays right here, private show

I like 'em untamed, don't tell me how pain
Tell them this, bottoms up with the champagne
My life, coming harder than we hit play
Do you busy with the bail, were you insane

Sia :
Hey I heard you were a wild one
If I took you home
It'd be a home run
Show me how you'll do

I want to shut down the club
With you
Hey I heard you like the wild ones

Flo Rida & Sia :
I am a wild one
Break me in
Saddle me up and let's begin
I am a wild one
Tame me now
Running with whips
And I'm on the prowl

Show you another side of me
A side you would never thought you would see
Tell that body
Gotta make sure do you have enough
I can't lie
The wilds don't lie

Sia :
Hey I heard you were a wild one
If I took you home
It'd be a home run
Show me how you'll do

I want to shut down the club
With you
Hey I heard you like the wild ones

Sia :
I am a wild one
Break me in
Saddle me up and let's begin
I am a wild one
Tame me now
Running with whips
And I'm on the prowl

You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

(Annie OST)

Hey, America
Let's turn it up
Yeah, check out our style
'Cause you know you're never fully dressed without a smile
Your clothes may be
Chanel, Gucci
Your shoes crocodile
But, baby, you're never fully dressed without a smile

But if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for it all
'Cause we got all we need, got love and more
You're never fully dressed without a smile
And if you stand for something, you can have it all
'Cause if it's real, you'll open every door
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Ready or not
Give all we got
Yeah you can't deny
That, baby, you're never fully dressed without a smile
Don't sink the boat
When you lose hope
I'll keep you alive
But, baby, you're never fully dressed without a smile

But if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for it all
'Cause we got all we need, got love and more
You're never fully dressed without a smile
And if you stand for something, you can have it all
'Cause if it's real, you'll open every door
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile

Now look at us
We pick it up
We set it on fire
'Cause you know you're never fully dressed without a smile
We show it out
We're playing now
We're living the life
But, baby, you're never fully dressed without a smile

But if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for it all
'Cause we got all we need, got love and more
You're never fully dressed without a smile
And if you stand for something, you can have it all
'Cause if it's real, you'll open every door
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile
You're never fully dressed without a smile

You're never fully dressed without a smile

You're The One That I Want

(John Travolta & Olivia Newton cover / Beck & Sia Furler / Live on 11/27/02)

I got chills
They're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power
You're suplying
It's electrifying

You better shape up
'Cause I need a man, I need a man
Who can keep me satisfied
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true

Beck & (Sia):
Nothing left for me to do
But you're the one that I want
(You're the one I want)
You're the one that I want
(You're the one that I want)
You're the one that I want
(You're the one that I want)
You're the one that I want
(You're the one that I want)

If you're filled with affection
You're too shy to convey
Meditate in my direction
Feel your way

Beck & Sia:
I better shape up
'Cause I need a man
I need a man
Who can keep me satisfied
I better shape up
Got to prove
You better prove
Your faith is justified
I am sure down deep inside

You're the one that I want
You're the one that I want
You're the one that I want
You're the one that I want

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for this one ***

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