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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Official site)

You may know Sophie Barker as one of the vocalists on Zero 7's Simple Things, that luscious, sweeping vocal at the forefront of the album's breakaway hit ‘In The Waiting Line'. You may also know her for her work with Groove Armada, The Egg, Grooverider, Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins) and Muki, or maybe for her previous solo album Earthbound. She also worked on The Rainbow Collections, a series of children's music. It's been a packed 10 years, that's for sure – but with the release of new album Seagull comes the chance to get to know the real Sophie.

Sophie Barker's new solo album Seagull reintroduces her with a more plaintive sound than before. And she talks about the new album – released on indie label Ho Hum Records – with an incredible excitement: “It's like serendipity calling and coming together through the most natural of sources.”

Some of the songs on Seagull first surfaced in 2006, so it's been a long old ride. Sophie's ideas came together on her reflections – of how the world was changing, and how she was trying to situate herself within it. “Seagulls were coming into the city, and I kept imagining their view. Everything was upside down.” It's the idea of a city being overly busy during the daytime, and its creativity only coming alive at night – and about trying to connect, be it emotionally or romantically. Richard Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull – a fable centred on an experimental seagull with a thirst for knowledge – was also an influence.

It's that same desire to break away, a quest, that took this album so long to surface; it took that long to block out the distractions in order to find the light. During 2007 and 2008, Sophie had tried working with a variety of people – different producers, different live bands – but it just wasn't working: “There was a point when I wasn't sure whether this album was even going to come to fruition.” That frustration finally lifted when she met Alex Pilkington and Mark Tucker, who co-run Ho Hum Records and also produced the record.

“It brought a great sense of relief and synchronicity – I'd found the producers and band I've dreamt of for years. ” The band is made up of life-long friends, “a newly-formed collective of amazing people enjoying music and playing with their own feeling” – including Sam Johnson and Laurence Clack of Lucky Elephant. Her faith persisted way beyond her patience, and she is simply thrilled that everything has finally come together.

“The magic I'm feeling now is similar to what I felt at the beginning of Zero 7,” Sophie adds. She's had love, lost love, felt disjointed from the city in which she was born and even helped set up The Rainbow Collections Children's Foundation, a charitable foundation set up to help raise money to rebuild a school in Kenya. She spent time in Africa with children who would walk 1.5 miles to school for the sense of community it brought, rather than the chance of access to running water and food. It gave her a new sense of perspective, one that's easy to spot on Seagull – the album's themes return to Sophie's fascination with the imagination; dispelling the negatives, and focusing on what you have got rather than what you haven't.

“We need to give, and love – and do it over and over again,” Sophie asserts. “And with my music, it just comes straight through, with no room for contrivances.” Sophie Barker's songs follow a minimal process, entirely stripped back of artifice – as soon as she came up with a lyric or melody, she headed straight for the studio, and entire songs followed.

The music on the new album is as sincere as she's ever been, with ideas flowing through from their embryonic stage to the current. The addition of light, deft touches added by Ho Hum in the studio add a certain brevity – spot the Motown-esque licks, the Joni Mitchell leanings and the occasional trip-hop beats. The open and honest way in which the sparse verses build up to a heart-wrenching chorus on ‘Say Goodbye' show Sophie's emotions running clear: “I believe in the idea of connecting with many people, and having many soulmates. It's about loving to your fullest, and then constantly having to let go; you just have to reconcile.” Elsewhere, the jaunty ‘Bluebell' – bursting with vivid, summery imagery – sees the mood moving swiftly forth from the goodbyes elsewhere.

Seagull is about trust, love and emotions turning over themselves. It's about understanding those close to you, and letting yourself go. “It's about being real and being true – being natural,” Sophie explains. “I'm not a hippy, it's just a back-up for when things don't go the right way.” This album marks Sophie out as an independent spirit armed with a fine collection of perceptive, soulful songs – a fitting conclusion to its many years in the making.

- 2004-10-01 -

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Ride a Cock Horse
Lavender's Blue
Frere Jacques
There was a Crooked Man
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Little Bo Peep
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Little Miss Muffet
Brahms Lullaby
Oranges And Lemons
Hush Little Baby
Rock a Bye Baby
Dream a Little Dream
The Owl and the Pussycat
Row Your Boat
Silent Night

- 2005-05-02 -

Stop Me
On My Way Home
Start Me

- 2011-05-09 -

Paradise Lost
Just For You
Say Goodbye
Maybe I
I Sit And Hide
Paper Thin

Break the Habit
- 2017-01-13 -

Break the Habit
Start Me
I Do it to Myself
3 things
Road 66
Gold Dust Woman
t give it away
Breathe Me In
s Start Again
Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

A Baia

Don't Look Back
I Don't Want To Know
(Parts 1 & 2)
(Part 3)
Inside My Mind
(Blue Skies)
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Right Here
Time & Space
Your Song

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !


Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
Could he see which way to go
If you did not twinkle so

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

In the dark blue sky you keep
And often through my curtains peep
For you never shut your eye
Till the sun is in the sky

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake where clouds are far away
Behind me

Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's this place that I dreamt of
Once in a lullaby

Ride a Cock Horse

Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross
To see a fine lady upon a white horse
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes
She shall have music wherever she goes

Lavender's Blue

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly
Lavender's green
When I am king, dilly dilly
You shall be queen

Call up your men, dilly, dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plow, dilly dilly
Some to the cart

Some to make hay, dilly dilly
Some to cut corn
While you and I, dilly dilly
Keep ourselves warm

Lavender's green, dilly dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me, dilly dilly
I will love you

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly
Lavender's green
When I am king, dilly dilly
You shall be queen

Call up your men, dilly, dilly
Set them to work
Some to the plow, dilly dilly
Some to the cart

Some to make hay, dilly dilly
Some to cut corn
While you and I, dilly dilly
Keep ourselves warm

Lavender's green, dilly dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me, dilly dilly
I will love you

Frère Jacques

Frère Jacques
Sonnez les matines
Ding, deng, dong

There was a Crooked Man

There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile
And he found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile
He bought a crooked cat and it caught a crooked mouse
And they all lived together in a little crooked house

Sing a Song of Sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence
A pocket full of rye
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie

When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king

The king was in his counting house
Counting out his money
The queen was in the parlour
Eating bread and honey

The maid was in the garden
Hanging out the clothes
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose
Off her nose, off her nose...

Sing a song of sixpence
A pocket full of rye
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie

When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king

Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king

Little Bo Peep

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them
Leave them alone, and they'll come home
Wagging their tails behind them

Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating
But when she awoke, she found it a joke
For they were still a-fleeting

Then up she took her little crook
Determined for to find them
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed
For they'd left their tails behind them

It happened one day, as Bo-peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by
There she espied their tails side by side
All hung on a tree to dry

She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye
And over the hillocks went rambling
And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should
To tack each again to its lambkin

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them
Leave them alone, and they'll come home
Wagging their tails behind them

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full

One for the master
And one for the dame
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane

Baa, baa, black sheep
Have you any wool
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags full

One for the master
And one for the dame
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane...

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away

Brahms Lullaby

Lullaby and good night
With roses bedight
With lilies over spread
Is baby sweet head

Lay you down now and rest
May thy slumber be blessed
Lay you down now and rest
May thy slumber be blessed

Lullaby and good night
Thy mother's delight
Shining angels beside
My darling abide

Soft and warm is your bed,
Close your eyes and rest your head
Soft and warm is your bed
Close your eyes and rest your head

Sleepyhead, close your eyes
Mother's right here beside you
I'll protect you from harm
You will wake in my arms

Guardian angels are near
So sleep on, with no fear
Guardian angels are near
So sleep on, with no fear

Lullaby, and sleep tight
Hush! My darling is sleeping
On his sheets white as cream
With his head full of dreams

When the sky's bright with dawn
He will wake in the morning
When noontide warms the world
He will play in the sun

Oranges And Lemons

Oranges and lemons
Say the bells of St. Clement's
You owe me five farthings
Say the bells of St. Martin's

When will you pay me
Say the bells of Old Bailey
When I grow rich
Say the bells of Shoreditch

When will that be
Say the bells of Stepney
I do not know
Says the great bell of Bow

Here comes a candle to light you to bed
Here comes a candle to light you to bed

Pancakes and fritters
Say the bells of St. Peter's
Two sticks and an apple
Say the bells of Whitechapel

Old Father Baldpate
Say the slow bells of Aldgate
Pokers and tongs
Say the bells of St. John's

Kettles and pans
Say the bells of St. Ann's
Brickbats and tiles
Say the bells of St. Giles'

Here comes a candle to light you to bed
Here comes a candle to light you to bed

Hush Little Baby

Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
If that mockingbird don't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
If that diamond ring turns to brass
Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass
If that looking glass gets broke
Mama's gonna buy you a billy-goat
If that billy-goat won't pull
Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull
If that cart and bull turns over
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover
If that dog named Rover won't bark
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart
If that horse and cart falls down
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town

Rock a Bye Baby

 Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all

 Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all...

Dream a Little Dream

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

The Owl and the Pussycat

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat
They took some honey, and plenty of money
Wrapped up in a five pound note
The Owl looked up to the stars above
And sang to a small guitar

'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love
What a beautiful Pussy you are
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love
What a beautiful Pussy you are

Row Your Boat

 Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

 Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream...

Silent Night

 Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Love is smiling from Thy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace


*** Thanx a lot to Sophie herself who sent these lyrics ***


Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you want to show me secrets I don't know

Do you me to part with all my love
Stab myself in the heart
Give you all my blood

Don't treat me like a fool
I'm more intelligent than you
You may have partially succeeded in breaking me in two
But at least I have a heart a mind and a soul

Do you want to show me I can trust you
Do you want to hold me before I leave you
Did I ever tell you that you're wasting my time
Did I ever mention I can't see you for a while

Don't treat me like a fool
I'm more intelligent than you
You may have partially succeeded in breaking me in two
But at least I have a heart a mind and a soul

Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul

Don't treat me like a fool
I'm more intelligent than you
You may have partially succeeded in breaking me in two
But at least I have a heart a mind and a soul

Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul
Do you wanna let me into your soul

Don't treat me like a fool
I'm more intelligent than you
You may have partially succeeded in breaking me in two
But at least I have a heart a mind and a soul

Stop me

Would you like to look at some photos of my life
Spend some time as I recollect this passing by
You gave to me your open arm held me for a while
You called yourself a gentleman as I remember

I want to find like you somewhere close to light
I want to find like you somewhere close inside

And in my dream there you were telling me you were really broken
And how long it has taken you to come and see me here
And I saw you you were there suspended in time
High in the sky waiting all the while smiling down

I want to find like you, somewhere close to light
I want to feel like you, somewhere close inside

And there's no one here to stop me
To stop me from breathing
From breaking, from making mistakes

Finally I'm alone
Finally I'm alone

I want to find like you, somewhere close to light
I want to feel like you

Dream life

Woke up this morning with the clouds on my head
Had to push away the dead leaves that had landed on the bed
I know that life is changing my time is coming round
Got to embrace the unknown with my feet firmly on the ground

Dream life dream life over me
Dream life dream life

You once said to me it's what you give not what you take
That allows you to see the strong from the weak
How many years have I been stumbling with my head in the clouds
I see the stars above me I got to bring them down inside

Dream life dream life over me
Dream life dream life

Dream life dream life over me
Dream life dream life...


You only come and see me in the winter time
Snuggle up behind me to keep from the cold but once the first light
Shows it's face I can't find you any place I ‘m all alone
And when you are near you say you never want to leave holding me
Close making me believe that maybe one day you wont leave me
Alone, all alone

And if I cry don't look on by just be here for a while
And in my time I will shine and you will follow me

Dawn is nearly breaking and the warmth fills the room I know as I lie
Here you'll be gone soon and as hard as I try you'll still say goodbye
And I'll be alone all alone

And if I cry don't look on by just be here for a while
And in my time I will shine and you will follow me...

On my way home

Going down this road again
Been here many times before
Stretch my legs and breathe the air
Rollercoaster of time

And it feels like snow in summertime
And it feels like warmth in wintertime
And it feels like I have lost my mind this time
I'm on my way home

Falling off the tight rope in the sky
I can barely see I'm feeling so high
Gods and angels walk this world
Softly speaking slowly the unspoken word

And it feels like snow in summertime
And it feels like warmth in wintertime
And it feels like I have lost my mind

And it feels like snow in summertime
And it feels like warmth in wintertime
And it feels like I have lost my mind this time
I'm on my way home
On my way home
On my way home

Start me

My secret life is burning me
Drifting in and out of sleep
Don't want no one to talk to me
My conscience is turning me around

I drink to drown, drown all my pain
Only makes me feel again

Can't sleep tonight for all the noise
The sounds are in my head
The waves that crash upon my feet
Break the stillness of my heart

I drink to drown, drown all my pain
Only makes me feel again
Leave me this way don't want to change
To feel again

Hold me now now i'm on my own
Hold me now don't let me go


She laughs when she wants to cry
She smiles but she doesn't know
Why the world takes it's toll on her

I try and talk some sense to you
But only you can help yourself to
Understand what's going on

Angels don't come here often
Angels don't usually soften the fall

Do you think you can help me
Do you think I'll find some freedom
Do you think life's just one big struggle
Or are there little angels looking after me

You fill your days with triviality hoping
That it's just what you want to be
But the truth keeps circling you

Just take a jump you maybe the fool
But I guarantee the empress looks after you
She'll never let you fall apart

Angels do come here often
Angels do usually soften the fall

Yes I think I can help you
Yes I know you'll find some freedom
Yes I think life's just one big struggle
But there are many angels looking after you

Yes I think I can help you
Yes I know you'll find some freedom
Yes I think life's just one big struggle
But there are many angels looking after you
Looking after you, looking after you
Looking after you

Looking after
Looking after you


And I've thought what it would be like for the day
To see myself in a completely different way
And I've thought myself into the ground
Will I ever get out of this hole I've dug myself
And I stumble a while and I tumble over every step of time

And I wish you all of your dreams
‘Cos they're never what they seem
But uncertainty is the beauty in life
And I wander whether we will ever realise
And I stumble a while and I tumble over every step of time
And I stumble a while and I tumble over every step of mine

And in this world of mine I'm trying to make some sense
And I hope that in time we will be good friends
‘Cos there's no point in carrying on if we just can't get along
And I hope that you and me can just let whatever will be will be

Will be, will be
Will be, will be
Will be, will be

And in this world of mine I'm trying to make some sense
And I hope that in time we will be good friends
‘Cos there's no point in carrying on if we just can't get along
And I hope that you and me can just let whatever will be will be

Will be, will be
Will be, will be
Will be, will be


Paradise Lost

You crack me up
Make me laugh
Make me cry
Enjoy each moment
Of this precious time

The world keeps saying
Be patient with love
No stress to break us
Where would we be now

And I don't want to fall
With you in my arms
If paradise is lost
Where to now

Nobody's listening
Nobody knows
How much we're missing
Down below

And I don't want to fall
With you in my arms
My love for you right now
Is all that you need

I want to wake with you
Not just in my mind
I want to talk to you
In the sunshine

You don't want to fall
With me in your arms
Your love for me right now
Is all you can give

And I don't wanna die
With regrets in my life
Best to let it go
When we're feeling high


The streets are empty
Everything is closed
And the night-time is waking
Where does everybody go

So many lonely hearts broken
Broken in the night
Roaming the streets to find
Some warmth from someone else's fire

I'm drawing breath again
From the sights that I see
I'm breaking down again
From the news that I read

And the shops are opening
People busying around
But there are the few of us
Who didn't sleep at all last night

Give a little help you say
Give a little cash today
To those who are less
But it doesn't work that way
Doesn't work that way, you know

I'm drawing breath again
From the sights that I see
I'm breaking down again
From the news that I read

I'm drawing breath again
From the sights that I see
I'm breaking down again
From the news that I read

Just For You

Have I been dumb letting you go
Wasting your time didn't you know
Sometimes I scream, sometimes I shout
And I say things I don't really mean

And this time I spent with you
Made me happy and made me sad too
But it's time I spent with you
Time I spent with you

And I can change too
And I can change too

Over these weeks I realised
I don't understand and I'm in disguise
Of what I really feel
Of what I really feel

And I can change too
And I can change too
And I can change too
Just for you

And I can change too
And I can change too
And I can change too
Just for you
Just for you
Just for you


When the summer nights have gone
I'm on my own again,
The winter days begun

My mind is on the run
No sight of you again

And now the leaves are falling
The short dark days are calling
You'll be going home

As the summer sun draws close to fade
It's cold while I sleep

And now the leaves are falling
The short dark days are calling
You'll be going home

All the flowers are closing
The thoughts of you unfolding
You'll be flying home
You'll be flying home
You'll be flying home

My life's gone away
It's cold where you laid

My life's gone away
It's cold where you laid

My life's gone away
It's cold while I sleep
It's cold where you laid

Say Goodbye

Gradually I feel
Getting to know you well
As the daylight comes
As the daylight falls

Somehow we see
No matter how we feel
If it all breaks down
Will you be standing by me

Don't want to fall in love
Again and again
Just want to let you go and
Numb the pain
We have to say goodbye and
Just be friends
Leaving, loving you has to be the hardest thing

Gradually I feel
Getting to know you well
As the walls break down
And the daylight comes

Don't want to fall in love
Again and again
Just want to let you go and
Numb the pain
We have to say goodbye and
Just be friends
Leaving, loving you has to be the hardest thing

Been around
And been around
And been around
And been around

Again and again
Again and again
I hit the wall again
Again and again
Again and again

Don't want to fall in love
Again and again
Just want to let you go and
Numb the pain
We have to say goodbye and
Just be friends
Leaving, loving you has to be the hardest thing

Don't want to fall in love
Again and again
Just want to let you go and
Numb the pain
We have to say goodbye and
Just be friends
Leaving, loving you has to be the hardest thing

Maybe I

Wished you goodbye
On that lonely night
I remember
Your head in your hands
Looking down
Time apart
Is what you said to me
Just for a while I feel

Could it be that I can't decide on anything
Maybe I just need some time to myself

Babe you're the best
The Best for me
There's no doubt
How lucky I feel
Maybe I, maybe I'm afraid I'll get used to you
Getting used to you, means I might lose you too

Could it be that I can't decide on anything
Maybe I just need some time to myself

Could it be that I can't decide on anything
Maybe I just need some time to myself

To myself
To myself
To myself
To myself


All I want is to lie with you
In the Bluebells beneath the trees
Stay up through the night
Keep warm by your side
Fall asleep beneath the stars

Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life
Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life

You're a superman and I'm a one-woman band
But somehow we work it out
Never in the same place at the same time
But that depends on a state of mind
Thinking of you too

Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life
Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life
You're the best thing in my life
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life
Only wanna be close to you
‘Cause you're the best thing in my life
The best thing baby yeah
In my life
In my life
In my life
In my life yeah
You're the best thing
In my life
You're the best thing
In my life

I Sit And Hide

I sit & hide
In this empty shell of mine
Cracking by the fire
Bound by you

And only time
Will make me understand
Why there's so few like you and me

Tonight I cried
For the first time
How weak you are
Not too shine
And as I fall into these empty arms
As I fall into these empty arms of you
Lost within this space
Only by what I think I know

It's not too late
To face all your fears
The winds are calling the rain
The rain is coming down

Fly with me
Won't you get high with me
‘Cause my mind is broken by
The unrequited sound of you

Tonight I cried
For the first time
How weak you are
Not too shine
And as I fall into these empty arms
And as I fall into these empty arms of you
Lost within this space
Only by what I think I know
I know
About what I think I know
I know
I know
I know


And in this time of confusion
I'm feeling my way through the dark
Keep asking the same questions
Does anyone know the secret to my heart

And is it all an illusion?
The voices in my head
I listened to the words of a poet
What I really needed was an action man instead

What if we met in another place and time
No more dreaming
Just want some peace of mind

And I made no judgment of you
But I made a fool of myself
Believing that feeling and intuition
Was enough

And I hope you'll forgive me
But I made no joke of you
I underestimated the importance of being cool

What if we met in another place and time
No more dreaming
Just want some peace of mind
What if you are here with me now
Only blue sky not a cloud insight

What if we met in another place and time
No more dreaming
Just want some peace of mind
What if you are here with me now

Only blue sky not a cloud insight

Gonna turn it around
Upside down
Gonna turn it around
Upside down
Gonna turn it around
Upside down

Paper Thin

Broken down
This time around
Words are so paper thin

Every word
You speak you mean
But what about everything in between

I'm out of love
Taking it slowly
Getting closer

Missing me
I can feel
There's no use communicating
It's confusing me

Sometimes we need to be alone
So that we can grow
So that we can grow

I'm out of love
Taking it slowly
Getting closer

I'm out of love
Taking it slowly
Getting closer

I'm out of love
Taking it slowly
Getting closer
Falling again
Falling again

Taking it slowly
Getting closer
Falling again
Falling again

Break the Habit

Break the Habit

No room for communication, no room for words at all
No way that I misunderstood you, you just changed your mind

Thought we were fitted, now the world's falling down
But I don't have your issue, I want to grab as much happiness, happiness that I can

A muddied interpretation, in the beginning was the word
Funny how time can change things, depending on what you heard
You copy you paste you lose
I was prepared to break the habit, I could live a lifetime
I was prepared to break the habit, live a lifetime

Break, break, break the habit
Break, break, break the habit
In the beginning was the word,
Got to get it out of my system
In the beginning was the word

Start Me

My secret life is burning me
Drifting in an out of sleep
Don't want no one to talk to me
My conscience is turning me around

I drink to drown, drown all my pain
Only makes me feel again
Feel again
You copy you paste you lose
Can't sleep tonight for all the noise
The sounds are in my head
The waves that crash upon my feet
Break the stillness of my heart

I drink to drown
Drown all my pain
Only makes me feel

Leave me this way
Don't wanna change
To feel again, feel again

Hold me now
Now I'm my own
Hold me now
Don't let me go

Don't let me go

I Do it to Myself

I know you follow, I know you follow me
I never asked for solitude but I find it suits me
You know there are too many people crossing the same time
I never asked so it was never mine

I do it to myself, I know it's lovely here
Now I'm on my own, it's where i want to be
You copy you paste you lose
And I know that you travelled across the world
To find yourself again
You know there are too many people
Don't take the challenge to be themselves
Rather be lonely with you than without

I do it to myself, I know it's lovely here
Now I'm on my own it's where I want to be
Oh you do it to yourselves
You know it's lonely there, now you're on your own
You've got some time to care

You should love me the way you want me to, do you love me at all

I do it to myself, I know it's lovely here
Now I'm on my own it's where I want to be
Oh you do it to yourselves
You know it's lonely there, now you're on your own
You've got some time to care

Too many people crossing the same time
Thinking the same thing, playing the same game
There's too many people, thinking the same thing
Crossing the same time, playing the same game
There's too many people

3 Things

Said it before, haven't I been there too
Confused me with your silence, I know you just don't care
I've been here too many times and I despise the way you're thinking
Provocative maybe with your narcissistic intention
Make me feel low down and get me on the floor
Ring me dry of all my hope, then offer me some more

What you think you doing keeping me here thinking
Love me, leave me, let me be lonely
I'm better off without you now
You copy you paste you lose
Don't you come telling me what you think I need
When it's so obvious to me, I need to break free from your greed
These mixed feelings I have, where did they come from now?
Could only be you, could only be you

What you think you doing here keeping me thinking
Love me, leave me, let me be lonely
I'm better off without you now

Oh when I call, when I call you're never there in the night
In the night and my soul needs more light
You're my demon, you're my devil and I've got to let you go
You're my demon, you're my devil and I cannot resist now

Between you and I when I get over you
I'm free to do as I choose, free to do as I choose
Between you and I when I get over you, free to do as I choose
Don't give your light away, free to do as I choose, free to do as I choose
Don't give your light away, don't give your light away

Road 66

If I am broken hope you understand
It's only a moment, changes all the time
Oh the sunlight flashes through my eyes
Everything is breathing

Everything is back to front now you're gone
There's no right or wrong
Some days I feel sad
Sometimes I just feel bad
You copy you paste you lose
Dig deep you never know
(Know, know, know)
All the places that you will go
(You'll go, you'll go, you'll go)
We could reach the other side
Come home tonight, come home tonight

I see you sitting there, has it been 20 year
As I travel through the night
Silence beckons me and I call your name
From this moment nothing is the same

Dig deep you never know
(Know, know, know)
All the places that you will go
(You'll go, you'll go, you'll go)
We could reach the other side
Come back tonight, come back tonight

The moon is slowly rising
To the tune of your heart
As I watch the stars are shining
They are shining just for you
The sun is rising, lights your name in the sky
The sun is rising, lights your name in the sky
Lights your name in the sky

Gold Dust Woman

Rock on gold dust woman, take your silver spoon
Dig your grave
Heartless challenge, pick your path and I'll pray
Wake up in the morning, see your sunrise loves to go down
Lousy lovers pick their prey, but they never cry out loud
Cry out
You copy you paste you lose
Did she make you cry, make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love
And is it over now, do you know how
Pick up the pieces and go home.

Rock on ancient queen, follow those who pale
in your shadow
Rulers make bad lovers
You better put your kingdom up for sale, up for sale

Well did she make you cry, make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love
And is it over now, do you know how
Pickup the pieces and go home

Well did she make you cry, make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love
And now tell me
Is it over now, do you know how
Pickup the pieces and go home
Go home, go home

Pale shadow of a woman
Gold dust woman

Don't Give it Away

Shatter my dreams with love and affection
Don't give it all away, no need to question
Tears in your eyes, looking away
Never been here before, wont you lead me astray

I've had a thousand loves, a thousand lives
Could it be different between you and I
No rhyme or reason why should it be this way
Never been here before, think I might stay
Don't give it a, don't give it a, don't give it a, don't give it a
Don't give it away
You copy you paste you lose
I've had a thousand loves and a thousand lives
Could it be different between you and I
I've had thousand loves and a thousand lives
Could it be different between you and I
I've had a thousand loves and a thousand lives
Wouldn't be different even if I tried
Even I tried

Breathe Me In

Breathe, breathe me in
Let me soak through skin
Lie next to me, through the night
Tell me what you see, all your dreams and fantasies
Swimming your head before I sleep

If I fall in the middle of your heart
Whether we ride this life together
Be awake for me
Move over here
Come sit by my side
Hold me closely day and night
Less is more, give me more of what I need
Breathe, breathe, breathe me in
You copy you paste you lose
If you fall in the middle of your life
Feel like times running out, we wont break
We will grow together
Know that you are loved, you are loved here and now and forever
I wont let you go ‘til the sun burns out on me

Bless this moment, bless this moment, bless this moment
You're the only one, you're the only one, you're the only one
You're the only one, you're the only one

Let's Start Again

Why do you choke, when freedom is on your mind
Why do you joke, when you're always out of time
Why do you choke, when freedom is on your mind
Why do you joke, when you're always out of time
Why do you lie, when all you want is honesty
Why do you lead, when you don't know where you want to be
Why do you hate, when all you want to do is love
Why do you judge, there's no difference between you and me
You copy you paste you lose
Did I, oh I oh I I oh I did I oh I oh I did I
Come on let's start again, come on come on, let's start again
Did I oh I oh I did I oh I oH I oh I oh did I, did I

Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again
Come on let's start again

Non Albums Tracks

*** Thanx a lot to Jose for these lyrics ***

A Baia

(Frontera feat. Sophie Barker)

Feel my love come down
Turn your life around
Feel your love come down
Turn my life, my life around

Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right

Hey, hey, hey

Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right

Hey, hey, hey
Oh, love come down

Feel my love come down
Turn your life around
Feel your love come down
Turn my life, my life around

Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right
Make it all feel right

Hey, hey, hey


It's time for everybody
To listen to the sound
And all the lonely people
Who live beneath the ground
Don't listen to another
Just listen to yourself

'Cause only change can happen
When you change yourself
I won't run
I won't hide
I only want to live
To live my life

Breathe up there
I'm the ruler of my world
Breathe in peace
I'm the ruler of my world

I've carried of conviction
In everything you do
'Cause every little action
Only falls onto you

And I don't want excuses
To hear your bitterness
There's far too many people
Who want to give their best

And I won't run
And I won't hide
I only want to live
To live my life

Breathe up there
I'm the ruler of my world
Breathe in peace
I'm the ruler of my world

In this life
In this life
In this life
All comes back to you

In this life
In this life
In this life
All comes back to you

I'm the ruler of my world

In this life
In this life
In this life
All comes back to you

I'm the ruler of my world

Don't Look Back

Back, back, back...

Don't have to question
Everything you feel
It's in your heart
In your mind
In your soul

And everything you want
Is what you need
Look inside, look inside
And you'll see

Don't look back
Take it easy on yourself
Don't look back
Don't have to worry
Don't look back
Take it easy on yourself this time

As you rise, we fall
Fall to the ground
But get out
Get out on your feet

And if you look around
(and if you look around)
There's always someone there
Just look up
Look up to the sky

Don't look back
Take it easy on yourself
Don't look back
Don't have to worry
Take it easy on yourself this time

Don't look back…

As you rise, we fall
Back, back, back…


(Suzie Gold OST / Spandau Ballet cover)

Thank you for coming home
I'm sorry that the chairs are all worn
I left them here I could have sworn

These are my salad days
Slowly being eaten away
Just another play for today
Oh but I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you

There's nothing left to make me feel small
Luck has left me standing so tall

Gold (gold)
Always believe in your soul
You've got the power to know
You're indestructable
Always believe in, because you are

Gold (gold)
Glad that you're bound to return
There's something I could have learned
You're indestructible
Always believe in

After the rush has gone
I hope you find a little more time
Remember we were partners in crime
It's only two years ago
The man with the suit and the pace
You know that he was there on the case
Now he's in love with you, he's in love with you

And my love is like a prison wall
But you could leave me standing so tall

Gold (gold)
Always believe in your soul
You've got the power to know
You're indestructible
Always believe in, and you are

Gold (gold)
Glad that you're bound to return
There's something I could have learned
You're indestructible
Always believe in

And my love is like a prison wall
But you could leave me standing so tall

Gold (gold)
Always believe in your soul
You've got the power to know
You're indestructible
Always believe in, and you are

Gold (gold)
Glad that you're bound to return
There's something I could have learned
You're indestructible
Always believe in

I Don't Want To Know

(Muki feat. Sophie Barker / Quiet Riot LP / Blackie & the Rodeo Kings cover)

I don't want to know about evil

I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love
I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love

Sometimes it gets so hard to listen
Hard for me to use my eyes
And all around the gold is glistening
Making sure it keeps me down to size

And I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love
I don't want to know one thing about evil
Only want to know about love

I'm waiting for the planes to tumble
Waiting for the towns to fall
I'm waiting for the cities to crumble
Waiting till the sea a grow

Yes it's getting hard to listen
Hard for us to use our eyes
'Cause all around that gold is glistening
Making sure it keeps us hypnotized

And I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love
I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love

I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love
I don't want to know anything about evil
Only want to know about love

And I don't want to know about evil
Only want to know about love

I don't want to know about evil
Sometimes it gets so hard to listen
Only want to know about love
Only want to know about love

Imagination (Parts 1 & 2)

(Grooverider / Mysteries Of Funk LP)

I am the dark side
Of your imagination
I am the dark side

Run away from me
Run away from me
Run away from me
Run away from me
Run away from me
Run away from me

I am the dark side
Of your imagination
I am the dark side

I am the dark side
I am the dark side
I am the dark side
I am the dark side
I am the dark side
I am the dark side

I am the dark side
Of your imagination
I am the dark side

Imagination (Part 3)

( Grooverider / Mysteries Of Funk LP )

I am the dark side
Of your imagination

I am the dark side
I am the dark side
Of your imagination
I am the dark side...

Inside My Mind (Blue Skies)

(Groove Armada / Vertigo LP)

[Dick Haymes sample of Blue Skies]

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me

Blue skies inside my mind
Inside my mind
Blue skies inside my mind
How can I fly (?)
Seeing blue skies
On the outside

Blue skies inside my mind
Inside my mind
Blue skies inside my mind
How can I fly (?)

Blue skies
Blue skies
Blue skies
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Smiling at me
Blue skies
Blue skies
Smiling at me

Blue skies inside my mind
Inside my mind
Blue skies inside my mind
How can I fly (?)

Leaving On A Jet Plane

(John Denver cover / Leaving On A Jet Plane EP)

Da da da...

All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go
I'm standing here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breaking
It's early morn
The taxis is waiting
He's blowing his horn
Already I'm so lonesome
I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause Im leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Da da da...

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time
Let me kiss you
Then close your eyes
And I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times, I won't have to say

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

But I'm leaving on a jet plane
Da da da...

Right Here

And I'm not here
So you can play around
Fight your battles
On someone else's ground

In the way through
Is to be free
And I don't want you hurting me

And it's taking time
So much time for me to understand
And I'm so strong and
I'm standing proud (standing proud)

Why should I show at you now?
And you won't show at me

Right here, right here
(What goes around, goes around, goes around)
Right here, right here
(comes around)
Right here, right here
(What goes around, goes around, goes around)
Right here, right here
(comes around)
Right here, right here...

Time & Space

(Grooverider / Mysteries Of Funk LP)

Time and space
And space...

Guide me to some space
Guide me somewhere
To clear my heart
To clear my mind

Time and space...

Would you carry on

Time and space
Time and space

Your Song

( Groove Armada / Vertigo LP )

Don't let them take it away
Mama said
Keep it down, down, down
Put it away
How could I roam with my song for (?)
When the words come and go

Every time I hear your song
You fade away
How I've tried for so, so long
Then you will stay

Now nobody can see
See what it means
What it means to you
To me and I

Don't let it fade away
Fade away
To the other side
Oh yesterday

Every time I hear your song
You fade away
How I've tried for so, so long
Then you will stay

Every time I hear your song
Every time, every time
Your song

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