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B i o g r a p h y
 (by Joe Muggs)

Tunng: always different, always the same. The band we meet, gathered in a cosy room in a Dutch barge on the Thames, are here to talk about a record that is dramatically different to any of their previous three. It's got a new lyricist and a new lead vocalist. It's got drums. It's got synthesizers. It's got massed singalong choruses. It's got guitar solos. And rather noticeably it hasn't got singer, songwriter and Tunng founder Sam Genders. And yet, and yet... this is the exact same group of people who first took the stage for Tunng's first ever show. Very different, but very much the same. But then they have always had a creative relationship to the concept of a band line-up. Begun in 2003 as an inter-city project by Sam, who lived in Derbyshire, with Mike Lindsay who was working in a studio in London, Tunng were essentially a duo with friends drifting in and out of the studio and pub contributing bits of this and that, eventually resulting in the deliciously strange 'Mother's Daughter And Other Songs' album. When it came to time to "go public", though, Sam stepped aside, remaining a silent partner, while a London-based line-up of Phil Winter (electronics and samples), Martin Smith (exotic percussion and the occasional clarinet), Ashley Bates (banjos and guitars) and Becky Jacobs (harmony vocals and melodica) gathered with Mike to recreate his and Sam's songs on the stage. Despite everyone involved having musical projects of their own on the go, this loose set-up proved extremely durable, with album no.2 'Comments of the Inner Chorus' written and toured in much the same fashion.

By 2007's 'Good Arrows', however, life on the road had brought the musicians together, and very naturally the amount they played together began to be reflected in the way they worked in the studio: Tunng had become a band - and Sam, too, was drawn into this, joining the more collaborative writing process, and for the first time regularly being a part of the live performances - even as he was working the acoustic supergroup project The Accidental at the same time. Eventually, though, being a full-time part of a band wasn't for the ever-independent Sam, and he once again stepped aside, this time completely. But the rest of the band were very definitely taken with the group musical identity that was continuing to develop, and as they came back together to assess their experiences of touring and things that were going on in their own lives - as Mike puts it, "everyday stuff and hedonistic adventures alike" - they realised they really wanted to put the full experience of Tunng on stage into the new record. The mission to establish this dynamic in a studio was a long one, though. Where previously the directness of capturing Mike and Sam's songs on record - what Martin calls "snatched moments" - had been a rapid process, leading to three albums in three years, now experimentation and time was needed to make the collaborative process work. As all this was going on, all the members were "having adventures", living their lives, growing up and bringing experiences back into the studio, which all added to the rich tangle of ideas that needed to be picked apart to find the new sound.

Three things finally pulled the sound together. First was the emergence of Becky as a lead vocalist alongside Mike. With her distinctive voice and stage banter a vital part the sound and personality of Tunng's live shows, it seemed natural now to have her sing lead vocals in the studio, and she is now a keystone for the sound, indeed, says Mike: "in many ways it's her album!". "I'm very happy with that," she laughs, "but really I love how my voice sounds on this, the way the production has made it work; it's still Tunng but closer to how we've always been on stage." Second was the entrance of long-time friend of the band Ben Bickerton as a contributor to lyrics. Ben had already contributed some lyrics to 'Good Arrows' but this time around he became, as Mike puts it, "almost a member", working seriously on five or six songs, bouncing ideas back and forth with the band. "There was no particular agenda," says Ben, "and no set way of working, but I was there to help develop the song words as the music developed." With his input, the album's richly-woven lyrics became a tapestry of images of travel and nautical life, allegories of adventure and discovery spilling from every song. The third and final impetus came just as the band were becoming frustrated with their writing producing nothing but, in Martin's words "loads and loads of sketches" - and it was touring and recording with the Malian desert blues troupe Tinariwen in early 2009. "It was an adventure in itself," says Mike, "and it shook us up and reminded us how good it was just to get up and play." Re-energised and with new-found discipline, but still with the sense of democracy that came from being a full-blown band, they took to the studio again, and throughout the summer, hammered the album into shape. What emerged from that hammering is radically different from any of the previous three albums: for the most part the intimacy and domesticity of previous songs is replaced by a grand sweep, a feeling of a wide world being explored and alien experiences being processed and drawn into the band's lives. It's got a swagger in its step and a swing in its hips, it's not afraid to kick up a jig and blow its own trumpet. And it's got guitar solos. And yet it's still Tunng, still with that bucolic oddness and modernist gleam that made those very first basement recordings so intriguing seven long, strange years ago. They were different then, and they remain very different now; still different, but still the same. That's Tunng.

Mother's Daughter And Other Songs
- 2005-01-10 -

Mother's daughter
People folk
Out the window with the window
Beautiful and light
Tale from black
Song of the sea
Kinky vans
Fair doreen
Code breaker
Surprise me 44
Pool Beneath The Pond

Comments Of The Inner Chorus
- 2006-05-22 -

The Wind Up Bird
Red and Green
Jenny Again
Man In The Box
Jay Down
It's Because...We've Got Hair
Sweet William
Engine Room
Band Stand (Instrumental)

Good Arrows
- 2007-08-27 -


...And Then We Saw Land
- 2010-03-01 -

It Breaks
Don't Look Down Or Back
The Roadside
With Whiskey
By Dusk They Were in the City (Instrumental)
These Winds
Weekend Away
Salty water

- 2013-06-17 -

Trip Trap
By This
The Village
Follow Follow
So Far from Here
Heavy Rock Warning

Songs You Make At Night
- 2018-08-24 -

Dream In
Dark Heart
Nobody Here
Like Water
Dream Out

Dead Club
- 2020-11-06 -

Eating the Dead
Death is the New Sex
Three Birds
A Million Colours
Carry You
The Last Day
Scared To Death
Fatally Human

Love You All Over Again
- 2025-01-24 -

Everything Else
t Know Why
Drifting Memory Station (Instrumental)
Deep Underneath
Levitate a Little
Coathangers (Instrumental)

Non Albums Tracks
- Misc -

Death And The Maiden
Magpie Bites
Take From Black
The Bonnie Black Hare

Add some NEW lyrics (B-sides, live tracks, Cover), want to CORRECT some of them or found a BUG ? Just send a little EMAIL or simply post a message on the FORUM. Thanx !

 Mother's Daughter And Other Songs

Mother's Daughter

Young girl stuck to the water
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter

Stone boat adrift on the ocean
Rows for the shore with the devil's devotion
Rows for the shore with the devil's devotion

Red girl picture was broken
Stand in the glass the angel's in motion
Stand in the glass the angel's in motion

White swan watch with a wry smile
Raise up your wings for the wind and the last mile
Raise up your wings for the wind and the last mile

Young girl stuck to the water
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter
Time will tell if you're your mother's daughter

People Folk

I saw the sun
I saw the sun
I saw the sun fall on everyone
I saw the sun the people had to run

I see the stars
I see the stars
I see the stars try to reach my heart
I see the stars the people the way they are

I felt the flame
I felt the flame
I told my friends to watch their aim
I felt the flame of the people felt the same

I saw the eyes
I saw the eyes
I saw the eyes sparkle in my mind
I saw the eyes and the people folk it out

I heard the sound
I heard the sound
I heard the sound and the beauty ground
I heard the sound and the people gathered 'round

I touched the lips
I touched the lips
I touched the lips and next scene I'll shapes
I touched the lips and the people fell in love

I saw the sun
I saw the sun
I saw the sun fall on everyone
I saw the sun the people had to run

Out the Window With the Window

I was smart, drunk, alright

You walk in the park
You look at the sky
Sit on a pillow
Count up the stars in your head

Lay me low
Damn beauty
Odd beauty
Love like blood

Out the window, with the window
Out the window, with the window, ok!

Friendly four seagulls

Beautiful and light

(Hi, come on in. Hello)
(Hi, come on in. Hello)
(Gotta make one quick call)
(4 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 9 - 9 - 7)

Katie feels a snap and switches off the tap
Walks out to fetch the shotgun from the shed
Feels just a little rush and climbs into the car
Slow down a moment
Drives out along the lane and calmly into town
Stops to let the music come around
Walks down to the bank and draws a quiet breath
Slow down a moment

Switch on, all's fine
Burn out, on fire
Stitched tight
(Hi, come on in. Hello) Beautiful and light
(Gotta make one quick call)
(4 - 3 - 1 - 5 - 9 - 9 - 7)

Lights a cigarette, climbs the marble stairs
And waves the gun around
To paint a meaning
Money comes like rain
Feel this, easy feeling
She drives the car away
And laughs and smiles
And stops to count the notes out for a while
And when she's done, drives on
For a sunrise

Switch on, all's fine
Burn out, on fire
Stitched tight
Beautiful and light
Beautiful and light

Tale From Black

She washes all the young blood from her hands in the sink
And she knows that the lights will be there for her
Breaks down the bodies to dark subtle ink
And she scrawls on the parchments that hang in the air

She rides a horse over stones in the night
And she closes her eyes and lets go of the reigns
She knows the radios run through the night
And she knows that the lights leave the prettiest stains

She builds a shrine and a typing machine
And she curls up to write down her tales from the black
Prays for a soft breeze and cool gentle rain
And she prays for the bodies that rise slowly back

She knows the dunes where the steel cities grow
And she knows when they jail her they'll grind down the key
She knows the lights lay the heaviest blows
And she knows that the sand must submit to the sea

She builds a bird out of plywood and gold
For to carry the old souls on up to the sun
Turns on the TV and sits in the cold
And she dreams that sometimes she's the prettiest one

She knows the thrill of the chase in her veins
And she knows that the sinking's a trick of the light
Prays for the silence and cool gentle rain
And she prays that the radios run through the night

Song Of The Sea

My old transistor radio buzzing
Hot crazy island dirty she does it
I love this city but does she love me
Work for a paycheck that burns up on rent day
No sweeter evil would I wish come my way

Bring me song of the sea
Sing me a song of the sea
Hang me a song of the sea
For me, ohh

Busy black roadway, light scattered skyline
No sweeter promise, smell of this highlife
Hole in my heart where a hill and a tree were
Score for a song thrush in that place where we were

Bring me song of the sea
Sing me a song of the sea
Hang me a song of the sea
For me and my, oh

Kinky Vans

Kinky vans
Kinky vans
Kinky vans
Kinky vans
Kinky vans

Fair Doreen

Oh, fair Doreen, the night has seen
You ply your trade so sweet
And though they come your soul to stun
No anvil shall you be

No anvil shall you be Doreen
No anvil shall you be
Although they come your soul to stun
No anvil shall you be

Oh, fair Doreen, your treacled lips
That taste of other worlds
Though they may claim your soul be stained
Thou art not Satan's girl

Thou art not Satan's girl Doreen
Thou art not Satan's girl
Though they may claim your soul be stained
Thou art not Satan's girl

Code Breaker

Like Watson and Crick
You seem to look
Into my soul
And though my DNA
Is too small for your scope
You make it much deeper

Hydrogen bursts
Inside a star
Don't mean a lot
From whereabouts we are
It's too far for your scope
But you make it much further

Code breaker
Code breaker
Code breaker

I've searched around
Here for the key
But I'm blind to it
And quantum theorists tell me
They've never seen the likes of your radar

Code breaker
Code breaker
Code breaker
Code breaker...

Surprise Me 44

We'll come around when the sun falls down
We'll slow retreat from the soft wet heat
We'll amble down when it's all washed out
The burned up the sold up the fools and clowns
We'll say goodnight to the long day's sky
We'll give our souls up to old July
We'll watch the girl with the long soft sigh
You'll come alive with those late night eyes
And surprise me with everything you do
Untie me with everything you see
We'll weld a piece of the light inside
We'll snap the smiles as the black dogs die
We'll stick with Susie because she's got time
You'll show her how with those late night eyes
And surprise me with everything you do
Untie me with everything you see

Well the sun and the rain enters us hoping blind
That it's loud enough to see
And we all sing…

We'll light the fires when the sun winds down
Coil up retreat to the red white sound
We'll scramble down as they all rush out
The burned up the sold up the fools and clowns
Move through the molecules like you do
Let all the moments go down on you
We'll sleep tomorrow it's nice to do
We'll sleep tomorrow it's nice to do
And surprise me with everything you do
Untie me with everything you see

Well the sun and the rain enters my broken blind
And it's loud enough to see
And we all sing…

Pool Beneath The Pond

( Japan/US/Australian edition )

Pool beneath the pond
The skater shall beware
Touch the sand beyond
You'll be welcome here
Blink and miss the twist
The skater shall beware
Touch it and it slips
But you'll be welcome here

Dead lilies and pond skaters on our pond
This innocent slight tremble in your hand
Safe havens and close alleys and green smiles
This innocent no walks along dark aisles

Red stickleback with white teeth like small knives
Black beetle and dark tremble in its smile
Dead lilies and pond skaters on our pond
This innocent slight tremble in your hand

Comments Of The Inner Chorus


Break in the Sun
Till the Sun breaks down


Woodcat oh once a girl but not since the incident
Lives in the darkness making friends with the animals
Eyes burning yellow I miss your sweet kisses
I miss having coffee in bed watching TV
The ghost of an image it's just fleeting glimpses
You're there then you're gone through the roots and the nettles
I miss your hard edges I miss your bone marrow
I miss having coffee in bed watching TV

And we all had a lovely time

I'll look for a man to turn me into a hare
Just like they did when you did what you did
And the court came around and the verdict flew out
And the rats ran about and the change trickled down

And they left your brown body gentle and shivering
Back in the clearing with the deer in the evening
And I'll come and find you; small sleek and silent
And we'll live like lovers in an old wooden rhyme

And we're in for a lovely time

Come close up to me, fire in an open hearth
Raised in a vessel of our only action
Some satisfaction, some sweet satisfaction
From all of this everything, spun 'round the middle

And they said it was a lovely time

The Wind Up Bird

These books were alive they spoke to me
The books have nothing to say

Inside ahead, it was a flood of white noise
Aside the chair, it shut down for four days
Green and brown are growing sweet a now aside
You run the bar in through a picture of your time

The wind-up bird was her new muse
The wind-up bird was her new muse
The wind-up bird was her new muse
She made the frontpage bad news

Tell me a story inside
Lie if you like but make the details true in my mind
We need to feel absolutely wrapped in your glove
Lie back and listen
As I read you, my love

The low mower side, sharpened his blades
And we all told you that it's good to be scared
I turned the page and start laughing at my friends
I looked into her eyes, so that we could pretend

The wind-up bird was her new muse
She made the frontpage bad news
The wind-up bird was her new muse
She made the frontpage bad news

What is that over there
That? That's a rocket chair

We need to feel absolutely wrapped in your glove
Lie back and listen
As I read you, my love
Tell me a story inside
Lie if you like but make the details true in my mind
We need to feel absolutely wrapped in your glove
Lie back and listen
As I read you, my love

Red and Green

Red heels and bright blue eyes
Walking a steady line
Fire bombs and mortar shells
Deep kisses through the night
Dancing on thin ice
Chained up at the ankles
I look in your red eyes
And cover my green skin
Twist like an adder
Fall like a slice of snow
Dart between rocks
And I know what the darkness knows
Annie don't cry it's a delicate thing that we made
Sparrow don't cry it's a delicate thing that we made

Blind time, weighed out in time
Smite our own private sea
Time, gargantuan beat
Red and Green

Pick up my skin from the shelf by the bed
I can slip into my old ways, slip down the stairs
Let me make you sweet tea
Let me make you hot toast
Let me kiss you all over my only, my host

And in time, time, somewhere in time
Sail our own private sea
Time, sweet, terrible, sweet
Red and Green

Annie don't cry it's a delicate thing that we made


Comments of the inner chorus
Comments of the inner chorus
Comments of the inner chorus
Tomes, stories, magical words

See it happen, stories happen, stories happen
Illusions and puppies are his righful property
He can touch them and take them wherever he chooses

Go the demons, demon, demon
Demon, demon, demon, demon
Go the demons
Go the demons
Go the demons
All this was a long time I remember
All this was a long time I remember
I remember, I remember, I remember
I remember, I remember, I remember

Jenny Again

Throw the knife into the stream
Run away across the fields
Leave me lying where I fell
Rivers running out of me
Meet my Jenny in the lane
Take a car and run away
Get as far as you can get
Before the new day

Your heart beats quick and strong
Your mind pores over it all
Don't worry because no one saw me fall

Sit inside a little chef
Look around but not at her
See my kisses on her lips
See my fingers in her hair
Think of this against your will
See the knife edge slipping in
See the questions in my eyes
As I ask them

I went so quick it makes you shudder that I'm gone
Are we so brittle has your soul turned into stone
And though you loved me I'm not Jenny in the night
Some decisions don't thread back to being right

Your head blurs quickly tonight
Your edges diffuse in the light
Don't tell me that your throat is getting tight

Change your name and find a job
Marry Jenny in the spring
Buy a dog and call him Pete
Push the children on the swings
Think about me now and then
Try to find a peaceful space
Count the days as they go by
Count the lines upon your face

Your heart beats quick and strong
Your mind pores over it all
Don't worry because no one saw me fall

Man In The Box

Distance of the barrel
The joining of the tin man
Drinking the man in the box
Toiling don't go with conspiracy

Go up the top floor
Waiting, waiting to be comforted

Jay Down

Soft wings and gentle tongue
Mountains that breathe as long as Kipling
Oh sorrow song of it all

All that static air
Old stream tangled hair
Firepower from somewhere
All tongues twisted here

Jaybird on old black branch
Whisper all secrets past
Old man don't be afraid of it all

Jaybird hold your tongue
Whisper all that's done
Deep down lover's song
Where did we go wrong

It's Because...We've Got Hair

We don't like it anymore, than you do
We don't like it anymore, than you do
All in the time we'll push the end of the line
We thank you for your life and fulfilment

Thank you for your life and fulfilment
Thank you for your life and fulfilment
And all of the tween will, shall never be seen
And founded by the sons of our children
Founded by the sons of our children
Founded by the sons of our children
Protecting the secret with hands on the wheel
Ride on, ride on through the fields
Ride on, ride on through the fields
Ride on, ride on through the fields
Come back, come back will you
Stand up and sing with us
Stopped with a chop in the neck
Turn to face the sun
In the moonlight
Turn to face the sun
In the moonlight
We're in the old routine
With you, with the machine
There are places on the grass in the graveyard
There are places on the grass in the graveyard
There are places on the grass in the graveyard
There may be a virus in, they're welcome to join us
Sitting in every evening in the house
(Make me happy)

Sweet William

I saw you kiss sweet William
In a forest of red leaves
The rain ran cold against my neck
The wind lay down to sleep

I walked all night in stillness
And I walked all day as well
I walked across the desert plains
And through the jagged hills

I slept inside the north wind
In a coracle at sea
And in the deepest darkest woods
My dreams sang songs to me

I dreamed I killed sweet William
And I kissed his cold white brow
I washed his body in the lake
And I sewed his eyelids down

Sing a song of sixpence
Battles in the past tense
Picked out by the snow

If I should find sweet William
Lying pale beneath the snow
I'll row out to the deepest depths
And let sweet William go

I'll watch him sink beneath the flood
And back to where he came
And pray to God and death and blood
I might forget his name

Engine Room

Stuck in a holiday
Far into the river
Sick of the flower rhymes
Go now and for our hands
A tax haven for our friends
Go sit in the corner
Hide in the engine room
There to keep us warmer

The tickets were six pounds
Photography forbidden
Rugged up safe and sound
Your actions are forgiven

Stuck in a holiday
Far into the river
Sick of the flower rhymes
Go now and forever
A safe haven for our friends
Go and sit in the corner
Hide in the engine room
There to keep us warmer

Safe haven for our friends
Go and sit in the corner


( Extra track on ltd. CD )

You've grown up so much since I saw you all those days ago
Still got that look about you still got those things that we know
Red gilded place in the woods and the words that were said
Black twisted branches that hid all the things that we did

You threaded wasps on to string and you gave them to me
You touched the edges of their wings and the insides of me
All of the years make a picture that's faded and bright
All of the years make us different and faded and bright

Bring back the bodies and lay them out for me
Smooth down their crisp clear white wings in the morning
Bring back the yellow and black of the bodies
Lay them out slowly and string them up gently for me

Small piles of sticks built up like temples to time in the sun
Beds of green leaves laid out where fear and O negative burn
Strange to see you in a suit but your shoes are still red
Strange to see you at the front after all that you said

Your face changed a long time ago
But you're the same underneath this sleet
That whirls around like a line between worlds
And there are birds in here singing lullabies to me
About bodies and you and me and all that we've seen
And you and all that you've seen

Bring back the bodies and open them for me
Lift out their shimmering hearts in the morning
Bring back the yellow and black of the ocean
Let me out slowly and sing to me coldly
Bring back the yellow and black of the bodies
Let me in slowly and string me up sensitively

Good Arrows


All eyes ablaze
We saw her in the old light, whoa, in the old light
Seventy years to fly closer to sunlight, whoa, to the sunlight
She sings to the stereo, making dirty pictures with her hands in the lamplight
And knows where the mourners go
We'll sing a coronet, bringing her back from the grey light

Climb through the car of girls
Screaming through the streets, hard at his lungs
And computer listens to everything, whispering asleep if there's a drift from old mall

Years are a trifling thing
Passing in an eye's blink, whoa, in an eye's blink
Forty five years go by in nothing but a day's time, whoa, in a day's time

Take take take take take take

All eyes ablaze
He saw her in the old light, whoa, in the old light
Seventy years to fly closer to the sunlight, whoa, to the sunlight


The bicycles inside your skull
Send you away and off you go
Into the streets where all the pretty girls collect their thoughts for you
And aggravate your paranoid
Can you not see a star out there

Where all the bricks are bright and free
Where all the bricks are bright and elegant and free

The lizard skins around yourself
Drop off and let the others through
In reds and whites and blacks and blues
Each facet shines or breaks anew
And in a big tall building she lets out her hair into the street
Where cars and trucks career through it
Until the ends get wrecked and split

Where all the doors are bright and free
Where all the doors are bright and elegant and free

The sun revolves around the sun
And then around a bright black moon
And in a café by the sea you stir your tea and suck your spoon
And when your breakfast comes you're miles away
And all your eggs get cold
You're where the light is blinding bright
And all the windows tilt to you

Where all the bricks are bright and free...


He stands with his head in his hands
In the corridor in A&E
He couldn't resucitate her
And now he'll go home to his wife for tea

We sing as the sky falls down
We sing as the sky collapses
And make what we can of this
It's okay, we're all going to end up dead and gone

He crawls into her aorta
To pull him out of his reverie
And mentally puts her back together
With sticks and glue until she breathes

He crawls like a rat inside her spine
It's a passage to another world
He pulls on a coat of new born skin
And sends a secret message to that girl

Positions himself in space
And looks down on such slight a thing
Swears he'll make what he can of this
Because one day out there we will all be dead

So leave your imprint upon
All the atoms you press against
All the people you press against
Because one day out there we will all be
Leave your imprint upon
Every mouth that you press against
Every word that you press against
It's okay because one day we will be dead

All the Lidl lights


Green hills and enemies
These things they make us sentimental inside
Your words are gelignite
Or just another sentimental aside

We're catching bullets in our teeth
And though it's easy when you know how it's done
They split the secret up six ways before they gave it to us just before dawn
And now we don't remember

Our blood and guts are out
We spread our bones across the table at night
We cut our fingers off
To give ourselves those little extra insights

We're catching bullets in our teeth
And though they try hard not to say how it's done
They always do
They spill the secret out six ways
And beg for our forgiveness
Just before dawn
And now we don't remember

We're catching bullets in our teeth
It's hard to do but they're so sweet
And if they take a couple out
We try to work things out
We catching bullets with our
Heads and hearts and all the darkest parts of us
It's strange to find such light
In such endless night

So sweet to lose a friend
You leave the church and taste
The air in your lungs
Old lies and fireflies
Carve angels on your eyes
And all is undone
You whisper prayers into the dark
Up to a god in whom you've never believed
You always do
You split the secret up six ways
But it won't make it any easier to see
And now we don't remember

We're catching bullets in our teeth
Its hard to do but they're so sweet
And if they take a couple out
We try to work things out
We're catching bullets with our
Heads and hearts and all the darkest parts of us
It's strange to find such light
In such endless night
We're catching bullets in our backs
We sent the undertaker back
Into the garden in the drought
To try to work things out
We're catching bullets with the best resources that we've got
We're happy then again we're not
We shout - through the endless doubt


Soup !


Up the stairs they glided into the attic
Dusting the sheets raise the skirt automatic collapse
Together like spoons
And it was over far too soon
So they chose another room
And another room
And another room
They chose another room
A dark a tiny room


Four foot nothing knees stained with dirt
When we went hiding why don't you seek?
No one came looking for me
Your head restless with greed

She carried on shoulders like a little king
She is worshipped and adored
Invisibly worshipped and ignored
No one came looking for me

Twisted metal and underground deeds
This weightless town no good for me
Your head restless with greed
Your fate laid down in deep


In your veins
The bed slips away
Bricks dissolve, and the walls get thin

In your arms
I see through my skin
My organs float in the candle's glow

In your bones
The sound of the rain
Soothes something in my darkest heart

Visceral thing
Intangible song
Things i've known seem to fall away

Here I go
Here I go

In your brain
Lights creep to my eyes
Stars get stuck
In my swollen throat

And you're on fire
And I'm getting close
Event horizon, a whirlpool's edge

Here I go
Here I go


Find a pine tree up in the hills
With a hole that's silent and dark
Place your hands and stand as you feel
Whisper secrets into her heart
Small black stones with glass at their edge
Soft red squares that sigh as they bleed
Yellow curves shaped just like a girl
Wood-cut discs that nobody sees
Tell me frankly, tell me again
What you told me out on the street
All these trap doors slip behind time
Drag like cans on strings on your feet

Open up your tin of cold soup
Heat it up with bread from the shop
Sit in front of Jeremy Kyle
Wonder when the secrets will stop lock your secrets inside a tree
Let it grow for one hundred years float your thoughts far off out to sea store them
Up in pelican's tears


Hang my eyes up on a hook
Swells the panic I can't look
Inside my own skin
I fail to find myself again

A million faces look the same
And their replies evaporate
There's no soul behind these eyes
If they can't glue me back again

Ghosts drop hints
And whisper things
Just blood and bone and bits of string
Blood and bone and bits of string

Family portrait on the wall
Quiet confusion, circle this
I can feel my mother's hand
But I can't find her face to kiss

There's no soul
Behind these eyes
If they can't glue me back again
Someone's life inside a box
Nothing here resets the clocks

Ghosts drop hints
And whisper things
Just blood and bone and bits of string
Blood and bone and bits of string


Here comes another one
Faster than the one before
Here comes another one
Faster than the one we saw before

Another bus another plane
Weve done this all a hundred times before
Lets stitch another one
First one to the ceiling gets the floor

Bright lights block out the sun
No time to sleep all time to turn
Because there goes another one
Stand on the edge and watch it turn

And if you find you feel you're falling through the floor
Just put your hand out in the dark
And feel the bones inside you singing out again

A pint of this will take your legs off at the knees
And pull your spine out to a cord
And leave it glowing on the floor inside the rain

All decisions pleasure made
Lift up our bodies in the air
Just to feel another one
Fall out of the tube and hit the air

Let's all march into the sun
Friends we remain for friends we are
Walk towards the sleeping sand
Bolted together like we are

And in the morning we'll turn on t.v.
And watch the news and eat cornflakes
As continents divide
It's fine if we are by our side

And in the evening we'll turn off t.v.
And watch the stars
And crack open a can or two
And it's all fine if we are by our side

Here comes another one
Faster than the one before
Here comes another one
Faster than the one we saw before


( Extra track on ltd. CD )

The boys pitched their old canvas in sun
And the scattering light swam around them
And they held up their chemical tin
Like a small god cold dish around them
The night grew a great white tree of stars
And the teacher heard words in the darkness
Found the boys laid out in the sun
Where the wild horse lives from his harness
(This is the heaviest tree I've ever carried!)

Clothes in his tree-house have few people
And the paper did he finish marking
They came up this people smell his boots
Because he still couldn't stop the hills talking
The boys pitched their old canvas in sun
And the scattering light swam around them
And they held up their chemical tin
Like a small cod cold dish around them

Follow the needle
Up through Swincome Wood
Follow the pathway
Anyway you could
You follow the needle
Up through Swincome Wood
Follow the pathway
Anyway you could

The night grew a great white tree of stars
And the teacher heard words in the darkness
Found the boys laid out in the sun (follow the pathway)
Where the wild horse lives from his harness (anywhere you go)
Those in this tree have few people (follow me in)
And the paper did he finish marking (up through Swincome Wood)
They came up this people smell his boots (follow the pathway)
Because he still couldn't stop the hills talking (anywhere you go)


( Extra track on ltd. CD )

You will run to
You will run to
In the distance you will run too soon

We will come to
We will come to
In the distance we will come to find you

They will speak slow
They will speak slow
In the distance they will speak slow and true

We now hold on
We now hold on
In the distance we now hold on to you

We will come to
We will come to
In the distance we will come to find you

They will speak slow
They will speak slow
In the distance they will speak slow and true

We now hold on (x4)
Hold on (x8)

...And Then We Saw Land


When I come home, you won't be there any more
When I come home, you won't be there any more
And you will tear off your clothes and kiss the floor
When I come home, home, home

When I see land you will conjure up a storm
When I see land you will conjure up a storm
And I will tie your hands to the highest mast
When I see land, land, land

And we will hustle, hustle, hustle to be free
Free from all the
Happy thoughts and smiles across the sea
In favour of the
Mean, mean, moves,
And back doors to the heart from where we
Always, always fall apart

And you will slide on the back seat of my bike
And you will slide on the back seat of my bike
And I will ride you home drunken in the rain
And you will win again and again

Now it's your turn you will tie me to the tree
Now it's your turn you will tie me to the tree
And you will sing and sing, forever you and me
And in the dark you wonder what I see

And we will hustle, hustle, hustle to be free
Free from all the
Happy thoughts and smiles across the sea
In favour of the
Mean, mean, moves,
And back doors to the heart from where we
Always, always fall apart

It Breaks

Milly passes from the swing
Runs home for her tea
Wants to twist her wedding ring
And sink in her settee
In the dark she asks aloud
If they can really see
But if you hold it carefully it breaks

On a fairground ride they met
A boy who held her hand
For a moment he'd forget
And she would understand
But the bells inside her head
Were all that she could hear
But if you hold it carefully it breaks

And just like the book says
You might be through with the past
But she's not through with you

We don't give up easily
Drowning out the tide
Drawing black and bleeding sea
At least we stopped and tried
And the crows flock overhead
Moving restlessly
And when you hold it over me it breaks

We don't give up easily
Drowning out the tide
Drawing black and bleeding sea
At least we stopped and tried
In the dark she asks aloud
If they can really see
But if you hold it carefully it breaks

Don't Look Down Or Back

She rises with the sun
Awakens and undone
The postman passes by
And after thoughts reply, they do

The TV flickers restless
The hours drain away
Blood rushing like a stream
Lie detectors stray, away

Seratonin undertaker
Flooding through her brain
Hits the circuit breaker
The choices will remain

Don't look down or back
All trees have carved a track
On the souls of all before, Oh

Saving for a rainy day
Banks threaten to foreclose
The colour slide to the grey
And nestles in her toes

She rises with the sun
Awakens and undone
The postman passes by
And after thoughts reply, they do

Seratonin undertaker
Is flooding through her brain
And hits the circuit breaker
The choices will remain

The roadside

Where are you going to
Can I go with you
No, you have to stand guard
Stand where I can see you

It's getting so, so cold
What are you going to do
You should stop worrying
When they waded naked into the water

Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby

Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby

It's getting so, so cold
What are you going to do
You should stop worrying
When they waded naked into the water

He turned on the side and lay listening
Raising his head, taking a gun in his hands
Blazing down at the girl on his right
Frozen with fear, he hears a sound on the roadside
Frozen with fear, he hears a sound on the roadside

Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby
Take me, baby

Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)
Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)

Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)
Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)

Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)
Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)

Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)
Take me, baby
(He hears a sound on the roadside)

Woke up and the rain had stopped
And the fires burnt out
You should stop worrying


A trick of the light, a turn of the tide
A rift in a valley, full moon in July
Red summer sun mourning, a cold April sky,
That lonely October, so cruel to deny.

A Wish for a fountain lost in the wind
A kick from a new life about to begin
A south facing island that floods in the spring
Will call to October new life, it will bring
It will bring, it will bring
It will bring.

A drop in the ocean short of the line
Cursing a feeling caught up by the night
Repairing the ruin reducing the sting
That falling October will bring
Hope that is dreaming, love that is torn
Dancing like dust in the eye of the storm
Truth will be lost when the mocking bird dies
October returns with its cold winter skies

Awe can't be touched, faith can be blind
Fooled by a past that the world left behind
Hidden in rocks that are lost to the shore
Of silent October we choose to ignore


Escaping through plastic
White beads into the mixture
Expensive, delightful
It's true the unproud

Adventures in your wake
Black blood is pouring into
Discomforts, shortcomings
That made you kill them

So come in and lie down
Lift your feet up off the floor
Sashimi, sashimi

Escaping through plastic
White noise into the next room
Her touch is elusive
It ties us all down

We're moving, ecstatic
She drops like sweet surrender
We're falling through atoms
She's so understanding

So come in and lie down
Lift your feet up off the floor
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi

Don't lead her astray
Don't lead her astray
Don't lead her astray
Don't lead her astray
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi

Don't lead her astray
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi
Don't lead her astray
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi

Don't lead her astray
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi
Don't lead her astray
Sashimi, sashimi, sashimi

With Whiskey

He believed in you
Remember when he said
"Words are always hard to manage,
Can't get out of bed"

Now hear him
Through the empty city
He swept you off your feet
You're sweeping up the dust now, baby
Drink your whiskey neat

Come on, old lovers
Fall down in the grass
Wake up with the breeze
Gather 'round the torn up pictures
Join the family

Hold the blankets tighter
Turn on all the lights
Mummify the lovers
Burn them in the night

Gather our belongings
And throw them off the train
Let go off the railings
Let go off the reins

Take on me
Take me on
Take me on
Take on me

Come on, old lovers
Fall down in the grass
Wake up with the breeze
Gather 'round the torn up pictures
Join the family

Now hear him
Through the empty city
He swept you off your feet
You're sweeping up the dust now, baby
Drink your whiskey neat

Hold the blankets tighter
Turn on all the lights
Mummify the lovers
Burn them in the night

Gather our belongings
And throw them from the train
Let go off the railings
Let go off the reins

Take on me
Take me on
Take me on
Take on me

These Winds

Helena's hollow
She lives in a sail
Drift on a promise
Of delicate details

Her ark is a shipwrecked
Touch till she breathes
Love's whisper passing
And laying down reeds

Caroline the shy girl
Made only of air
Breathlessly singing
On a wing and a prayer

Secrets that shadow
Lie in the deep
Carried along
And laid down to sleep

These winds
And cold, dark rain
Blows, breaks
And remains

These winds
And cold, dark rain
Blows, breaks
And remains

Josephine's beauty
She hides with a veil
Speaks reassuring
But her voice is frail

Dancing covertly
Afraid we might fall
Sweep me away
And feel nothing at all

These winds
And cold, dark rain
Blows, breaks
And remains

These winds
And cold, dark rain
Blows, breaks
And remains...


Remember the first and last goodbye
Looking for answers to untie
We traveled the long road
And at night we dreamed that we could drive

Racing ashore and taking hold
We're biding our time and growing old
We're circling questions
Looking for direction and self-control

Why did we go, Santiago

Memories fade in late July
She's looking too close and feeling shy
It's taken forever
Well, love will often lead us awry

Remember the first and last goodbye
Places to grow and hide the lie
We traveled the long road
It gave us sight for the price of his eyes

Why did we go, Santiago

Weekend Away

Wander through the wreckage
Of the dancing flaws
Faces turn in the light
A stranger on the brink of love, love
Confusion near delight

A cup of something warm
In the dead of night
We're friends in need indeed
Lies that only flatter love, love
They whisper until we bleed

Burning blindly like the sun
Our hearts beat in rhythm all alone
All our wishes are undone
Forget those days, they've gone

Piling in the back at the end of it all
We're friends in need indeed
Lies that only flatter love, love
They whisper until we bleed

Drifing into days
When all is said and done
In blue, yellow and grey
Stuck inside our head are all those names gone by
You're desperate to get away

Burning blindly like the sun
Our hearts beat in rhythm all alone
All our wishes are undone
Forget those days, they've gone

And it's only a weekend away
It's only a weekend away
Let it be beautiful
When we sing the last song
It's only a weekend away

Salty water

( Hidden track )

I carried you away
And no one saw you leave
I placed you in my pocket for safe keeping
A miniaturized version of you

And I will wear my halo in the sun
So no one sees me cheating
Well, I didn't mean to see
To shipwreck you with me

And now our poisoned pirate ship is broken
And shards of wood and glass turn into ocean
Rocks on top of rocks are in my view
They leave my mouth wide open

Salty water wash me
Salty water wash me

Like concrete turns you right
Steel turns me on
Metal doors will close and they will open
Don't step on factory floors you will fall down

Compartments allows you in my mind
Like boxes on a slip line
And I will wear my halo in the sun
So no one sees me cheating

Salty water wash me
Salty water wash me

Wander through the wreckage
Of the dancing flaws
Faces turn in the light



Steal for the last time, she must be the one
Time is meant for living, now left behind
It's now or never, the beat is lost in time
Run for an answer to be beside
Born from another, the loss before for the blame
Sing for the silence to keep you sane

Oh oh, sin before the lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see
Oh oh, sin before your lifetime's ovеr
Oh oh, sin before you see

Rocks form to pebblеs as pebbles run to sand
Born from another like dust to man
It’s now or never, the beat is lost in time
Run for an answer to keep you sane

Oh oh, sin before the lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see
Oh oh, sin before your lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see

The ring off her left hand and her ankle watch remain
She danced for a living; don't be ashamed

Oh oh, sin before the lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see
Oh oh, sin before your lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see
Oh oh, sin before the lifetime's over
Oh oh, sin before you see

Trip Trap

You are tripping on that
Walk right through, right through the trap
What was that shifting in the trees
There she is, floating in the breeze

Reach for the earth instead of the sky
Slowly, fight for the ash
Covering, covering the sun
Walk right through, right through the trap

She is sweet, she is sour
A, a poisonous flower
We, we'll trip-trap discover
That she will change by the hour

Broken hearts and broken bones
Stumble on the stepping stones
Stepping stones
Endless nights and dirty shoes
Litter from the path again
From the path

She is sweet, she is sour
A, a poisonous flower
We, we'll trip-trap discover
That she will change by the hour

Wandering with paint on her toes
Isolate, there's no one she knows
Fighting with arrows and bows
Capturing the fear as it shows

Prodigal girl, tempted by fate
Looking for an escape
Underneath the sheet-metal plates
She hides her bruises and scrapes

She is sweet, she is sour
A, a poisonous flower
We, we'll trip-trap discover
That she will change by the hour

She is sweet, she is sour
A, a poisonous flower
We, we'll trip-trap discover
That she will change by the hour

By This

Now the dawn is breaking
All the breath has gone
In the hearts they're waking
Love is always there
Pass the lives we don't know
Silent on the stairs
All the trails are leading

Lead your highlife back
Down to the ground
All your crazy lanes
Are paved with gold
Take your meaning home
Passionate song
You copy you paste you lose
Now that you have gone
Waiting in darkness
Necessary wrong
Under the bridge now
Now is where you're from
Night buses run cold
Cold in to the dawn
Over the rail line
Line up for the stars
Out on your last limb
Limber then your done

Climb up to the high
Life that you fear
Calling all your names
Which one is real

Lead your highlife back
Down to the ground
All your crazy lanes
Are paved with gold
Take your meaning home
Passionate song
We will fall down through
Love that is gone
Climb up to the high
Life that you fear
Calling all your names
Which one is real
Drawing all your peace
We live and feel
By this

The Village

And there were people
And there were choices
Our minds were lost on the floor

And through the first door
Into the last room
Who knows how long we were there?

We take it back now
Remember somehow
Return the feeling before
You copy you paste you lose
Break into the room
It will be over soon
But we don't believe a word you told us

Will we ever tire
Hanging on a wire
And we don't believe what they have sold us

Awoke uneven
Distorted reason
Our minds hung on wires

We took the secret
And turned it backwards
Left it behind on fire

And though we need to
Although we want to
We don't remember a thing

And there were people
And there were choices
Our minds were lost on the floor

Break into the room
It will be over soon
But we don't believe a word you sold us

Will we ever tire
Hanging on a wire
And we don't believe what they have sold us

Break into the room
It will be over soon
But we don't believe a word you sold us

Will we ever tire
Hanging on a wire
And we don't believe what they have told us


His turbines twisting back to her
Sea ripples like thin skin surf
Golden beauty of shadow clouds
Purest desert for our lost souls

Warmly kissed on the hand and the check
She walked along the line unraveled at the seams
Unkind, even love will bring down
Turbines spinning back around
You copy you paste you lose
Earth ripping under your skin
Golden beauty of shadowless sins
Twenty four karat blue
Name and bloodlines revolving through you

Tender bellowing through his shell
Two extremes together
Brings a life they'll never tell

There's no way of knowing how
Turning tables, engines and down
Start again, system and friends
Your thin blue lines are written again

There's no way of knowing how
Turning tables, engines and down
Start again, system and friends
Your thin blue lines are written again

Follow Follow

Through smoke and sleight of hand
He does what he can
He gets on by on his own

Follow him on the street
Silent on his feet
Diamonds fall on his door

The underground man
Hiding where he can
Raises his feet to the fire

Forgets as he sleeps
Under the midday sun
He lets his loneliness tire

After your heels
With calling all around you
Whispering near
You take a full scream with you

After your heels
With calling all around you
Whispering near
You take a full scream with you

Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, he said
Follow, follow, follow, follow
Follow, follow, he said
You copy you paste you lose
The faces he scams
Through smoke and sleight of hand
You have to see it to believe

Take what you can
The camouflaged man
Like him you look right through

He covers up his eyes
And like the time he buys
You won't find him again

After your heels
With calling all around you
Whispering near
You take a full scream with you

If you miss him
A word is hard to see through
Call for your attention
Your heart is hard to value

After your heels
With calling all around you
Whispering near
You take a full scream with you

So Far From Here

What we had was all the same
We were all so far from here
All our thoughts were lost
They were lost in time
They were all so far from here

So we drank and we laughed
And we talked over night
And the barrel rolled behind
The mountains pass, they disappear
To the black they are confined

Never feel like liars
Never feel like lying
Never feel like liars
You copy you paste you lose
Never feel like liars
Never feel like lying
Never feel like liars

And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run

Take a thought and lose it again
And again we draw a tear
From the dark cloud lost
Lost in the rain
Is all that's reigning here

So we drank and we laughed
And we talked over night
How the barrel will roll
We'll be caught in the light
I'm always on the run and I hate copy paste for god's sake
And the air will be cruel
And the spark will ignite
While we drift we'll escape
With a glimpse of last night

Never feel like liars
Never feel like lying
Never feel like liars

Never feel like liars
Never feel like lying
Never feel like liars

And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run
And we'll run, and we'll run...


We get out and walk
We get out and walk away
Got to step to step
Guiding you to step to step this way


We get out and walk
We get out and walk away
Got to step to step
Guiding you to step to step this way
Off your slumber bed
Off your liquid slumber bed
You can't touch what we
You can't touch what we have left
Surrender your head
Surrender your liquid head
Off your slumber bed
Off your liquid slumber bed
Wrap those tiny heads
Wrap those tiny fallen heads
Heads, heads, heads

Wrap those tiny heads
Wrap those tiny fallen heads
Glowing picturesque
Glowing faces picturesque
Far-flung from your fears
Far-flung, grinding all the gears
Slick hair, lift your chin
Slick hair, shiver and grin

The embers are cooling
The embers are cooling
The embers are cooling
The embers are cooling

The embers are cooling
The embers are cooling (The embers are cooling)
The embers are cooling (The embers are cooling)
The embers are cooling (The embers are cooling)

The embers are cooling
The embers are cooling (The embers are cooling)
The embers are cooling (The embers are cooling)
The embers are cooling

Heavy Rock Warning

Wasting time out of
Cupid's half-written scrawl
Dreaming can't be taught

Ruthlessly spoken
Lost at sea in the droves
You seal your fate below

Sail me away
We'll lose touch for a day
And it's gone

Drifted away
And you're lost anyway
But it's gone
You copy you paste you lose
Sail me away
Cast your line to a
Damaged life lost ashore

It's brutal to the core
Wasting time, such a
Foolish crime that is true

It's all they want from you
Far from land but your
Head's in the sand

Float me away
We're in love for a day
And it's gone

Cast us away
We'll make love for a day
But it's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone

Songs You Make At Night

Dream In

The shapes are raining down
Like shards of sky
And fragments of a better life
The people running round
With rainbow skulls
Each one contains a separate world
It is the strangest world
We're living in
And though we feel like giving in

It's a beautiful dream

The days are falling down
Falling behind
And we pretend we've so much time
To be who we will be
When all our tasks
Are packed away, labelled and wrapped
These are the strangest worlds
That we are in
And though we feel like giving in

It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream

(Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up)

The shapes are raining down
Like shards of sky
And fragments of a better life
The people running round
With rainbow skulls
Each one contains a separate world
It is the strangest world
We're living in
And though we feel like giving in

It's a beautiful dream
(Wake up)

It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream

It's a beautiful dream
(Wake up)

It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream
It's a beautiful dream

It's a beautiful dream
(Wake up)
It's a beautiful dream


(Oh, it felt so marvellous)
(It was lovely, what a turn-on)

I'm home alone in your flat, bed sheets around my head
The hum of daytime TV moans like the Walking Dead

Dive into the darkness, and it is thick and black
Blooms of phosphorescence cover my throat and back

A bloom of phosphorescence ignites around my form
Like chalk around a body, like light inside a storm

Dive into the darkness and it is thick and black
Coats my tongue and tendons covers my throat and back

I wade in brackish water, eelgrass around my feet
My jeans are wet and dirty, my body craving sleep

Dive into the darkness, and it is thick and black
Blooms of phosphorescence cover my throat and back

I paint the walls with treacle, pour honey on my phone
I put my best T-shirt on, wait for you to come home

Rise into the darkness, and it is thick and black
Blooms of phosphorescence cover my throat and back
Rise into the darkness, and it is thick and black
Blooms of phosphorescence cover my throat and back

I want to sound like a magical sound
I want to be like a magical beast
I want to shop in a magical shop
I want to swim in a magical cave (Oh, yes)
I want to buzz like a magical bee

I want to sound like a magical sound
I want to die in a magical dream
I want to be like a magical beast
I want to climb in a magical tree
I want to shop in a magical shop

I want to dance with a magical boy
I want to swim in a magical cave
I want a kiss from a magical girl
I want to sound like a magical sound
I want to sing with a magical band

I want to be like a magical beast
I want to write on a magical wall
I want to shop in a magical shop
I want to wake in a magical bed
I want to swim in a magical cave


The morning sun is a soft reminder
The graceful arc of a kind word
The curvature of your naked body
The songs you make at night

The crooked throat of an old survivor
The pain we feel when we feel free
The weekend lost on a pointless labour
Talking in your sleep

Oh, and the shapes you're making
Oh, and you are sleepwalking
Oh, and you are vibrating
I listen what you're saying

(I hate this place, it smells of men and death)

Everything is up in the air like a bird without a home
Everything is all in your mind if you see things that way
Everything is harder to do if it's either wrong or right
The songs you make at night

Nothing is a thing you can do if you hold onto yourself
Nowhere is a place in the world where no-one knows you
Nothing is a thing you can be if you hold your failures tight
The moves you make at night

Oh, and the shapes you're making
Oh, and you are sleepwalking
Oh, and you are vibrating
I listen what you're saying

The morning sun is a soft reminder
The graceful arc of a kind word
The curvature of your naked body
The songs you make at night

Oh, and the shapes you're making
Oh, and you are sleepwalking
Oh, and you are vibrating
I listen what you're saying

Oh, and the shapes you're making
Oh, and you are sleepwalking
Oh, and you are vibrating
I listen what you're saying

Oh, and the shapes you're making
Oh, and you are sleepwalking
Oh, and you are vibrating
Oh, and you are vibrating
Oh, and you are vibrating


Old friend, do you make the sunset
Do you make the bright stars flee
Old crow, time is getting late
I know you've a gift for me
Old bird, I see it in your talons
Glittering between the leaves
Friend, I'm swimming in the shallows
You're calling from the deep

And we bide our time
And we shed our skins
And we shake our bones
And we sink like stones
And we crawl through mud
Till we reach the sky
And we bide our time

Old bird, you and I are brothers
Bonded by if and would
Old crow, you and I are sisters
Swimming in a bowl of blood
Old friend, you and I were strangers
Living by a restless sea
Friend, I knew when the wind blew
That you were calling me

And we bide our time
And we shed our skins
And we shake our bones
And we sink like stones
And we crawl through mud
Till we reach the sky

And we bide our time
And we bide our time
And we bide our time
And we bide our time
And we bide our time
And we bide our time
And we crawl through mud
Till we reach the sky
And we bide our time

Dark Heart

Another game of cards, sticky fingers and pizza boxes
Tiny bursts of flame, telephone in the microwave
Time keeps seeping through our skin and through our hair
Your translucent body feels like it's not there

We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone

We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart, your dark heart
We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart, your dark heart

Tiny kinks in time making trouble in your direction
Darkly coloured thoughts making plans for a tiny future
Pain keeps creeping through your skin and through your brains
Your translucent body lost in its own way

We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone

Nothing like our flesh is gonna beat us down
Watching as the leaves fall
Nothing like our heads is gonna make us proud
Watching as the tea leaves crawl
We don't need to be illuminated
Not like the river-boats
Nothing like our flesh is gonna beat us

We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone, we are never alone
We are never alone

We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart, your dark heart
We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart (Your dark heart)
We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart, your dark heart
We want to see, we want to see
Your dark heart, your dark heart

(Five, seventy-four, eight-seven)
(Tonight's winner)


We make our lights on the battlefront
Fighting like hawks on the battlefront
Losing our feet on the battlefront
Burrowing deep to the battlefront

(We make our lights on the battlefront)
We carved our names in code
(Fighting like hawks on the battlefront)
And filled our heads with soil
(Losing our feet on the battlefront)
We built great forts and dams
But when the deluge came
(Burrow in deep to the battlefront)
We lost ourselves again

We still take our aim and hope
We still take our aim and hope
We still take our aim
We still take our aim

We rode our bikes through town
We wore red capes and sang
We built great forts and dams
But when the deluge came
We lost ourselves again

We still take our aim and hope
We still take our aim and hope
We still take our aim
We still take our aim


People wear the strangest skins
Faces made of plasticine
Living life inside machines
This one naked as a child
Golden-haired and running wild
Playing with his guns a while

Living in a flatland
Drinking in a flatland
Walking in a flatland
Thinking in a flatland
Fighting in a flatland
Dying in a flatland

People do the oddest things
Faces for the family
Faces for the well-to-do
This one cuts off tiny bits
Hides them underneath his bed
They may find them when he's dead

Living in a flatland
Drinking in a flatland
Walking in a flatland
Thinking in a flatland
Fighting in a flatland
Dying in a flatland

Living in a flatland
Drinking in a flatland
Walking in a flatland
Thinking in a flatland
Fighting in a flatland
Dying in a flatland

Nobody Here

The sorrow is an old stain
The lino is a shade of grey
They use on every lampshade
They paint it on every door and window frame

And we are like an army
And army of abandoned souls
Remember when we were kids
Invincible in everything we said and did

Winter light
That is when the gauntlet (?) comes
Licking every surface clean
Digging up our long-lost dreams

The sorrow is an old stain
The lino is a shade of grey
They use on every lampshade
They paint it on every door and window frame

And we are like an army
And army of abandoned souls
Remember when we were kids
Invincible in everything we said and did

(Winter light)
There's nobody here but us
There's nobody here but us
(That is when the gauntlet (?) comes)
There's nobody here but us
There's nobody here but us
(Licking every surface clean)

There's nobody here but us
There's nobody here but us
(Digging up our long-lost dreams)
There's nobody here but us


Time slows down, everything crystalline
Your soft smile sowing the seeds of mine
Skinless hands touching the darkness
We make light out of the swollen night

There on the soil lay the soul of a bird
You slipped it on and without a word
You rose in the air and split into two and (Two)
Split into four and (Four) split into eight and (Eight)
Evaporated, evaporated

Worlds on fire lit like a million fires
Our desires gathered in dusty jars
Out there just mirrors of inside us
Bad, fake, good, lovingly smeared with blood

Life eviscerates, may you never be alone in this darkness
Time is getting late, may you never be immune to this garden

There on the grass lay the soul of a fox
You slipped it on, it fit like a glove
You rose in the air and split into two and (Two)
Split into four and (Four) split into eight and (Eight)

Evaporated, evaporated
Evaporated, evaporated
Evaporated, evaporated
Evaporated, evaporated

Like Water

In my breath and in my veins
And in my bones and hands and teeth
And in my skin and in my skull
And in my bed and in my sky
Like water, like water
Like water, like water
Like water

In my breath and in my veins
And in my bones and hands and teeth
And in my skin and in my skull
And in my bed and in my sky
Like water, like water
Like water, like water
Like water

Never enough
Never enough
Never enough

Waking up
You're waking up
(Waking up)
You're waking up

(I need you)
In my breath and in my veins
And in my bones and hands and teeth
And in my skin and in my skull
And in my bed and in my sky
Like water, like water
Like water, like water
Like water

Dream Out

Why are you lying down in the middle of the forest

Dead Club

Eating the Dead

Lay you on my kitchen table
Cut you open tenderly
Eat your heart and eyes and mouth
Every word you spoke to me

Eat the day we swam at Whitby
Eat the wind as cold as ice
Eat the sun that warmed your skin
Your soft hand that reached for mine

Eat the coffee and the pancakes
Eat the films and fucks in bed
Eat the days the kids were born
The day we found out Jean was dead

Eat the roaring, blazing rows
Eat the never-ending hugs
Eat the anger and the kindness
Most importantly, your love

Lay you on my kitchen table
Cut you open tenderly
Eat your heart and eyes and mouth
Every word you spoke to me

Lay you on my kitchen table
Cut you open tenderly
Eat your heart and eyes and mouth
Every word you spoke to me

Death is the New Sex

Faded old paper on the walls
Open door, window rattle
Crackle burst from the record player
Pillow soft, body settled
Now the deathwives come quietly in
Through the walls, pink eyes glowing
Laser lights zapping from their fingers
Kindness deep like the ocean

Death is the new sex
Everybody's talking about it
Death is the new sex
Coming soon to fuck us all
Laser lights zapping from her fingers
Open door, windows rattle

If I had twenty thousand cups
And the tеabags to match them
Twenty thousand deathwivеs to tell me stories
I could live another life time
And the deathwives come marching in
Through the walls, pink eyes glowing
Laser lights zapping from their fingers
Kindness deep like the ocean

Death is the new sex
Everybody's talking about it
Death is the new sex
Coming soon to fuck us all
Laser lights zapping from her fingers
Open door, windows rattle

Death is the new sex
Everybody's talking about it
Death is the new sex
Coming soon to take us all
Laser lights zapping from her fingers
Open door, windows rattle

Quietly now
Turn the TV off
Flip the switch

Death is the new sex
Everybody's talking about it
Death is the new sex
Coming soon to fuck us all
Laser lights zapping from her fingers
Open door, windows rattle
Open door, windows rattle
Open door, windows rattle


[Sample: Kathryn Mannix]
We've got to be talking about this
This has got to be public knowledge

We are now getting slow, time is getting short
We watch the snow and the birch trees growing old
To start with photographs may have been a mistake
Knee deep in anoraks and ancient birthday cakes

The old toys in the shed have got to go
The old toys in the shed have got to go

A bag of baby clothes, a box of old dildoes
Francesca's white teeth, a thousand scribbled notes
That mournful clarinet that Henrik meant to play
For almost thirty years until his dying day

The old toys in the shed have got to go
The old toys in the shed have got to go

We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning

We are now getting slow, time is getting short
We watch the snow and the birch trees growing old
To start with photographs may have been a mistake
Knee deep in anoraks and ancient birthday cakes

The old toys in the shed have got to go
The old toys in the shed have got to go
The old toys in the shed have got to go
The old toys in the shed have got to go

We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning

We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning

We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning
We are Swedish Death Cleaning

Three Birds

Three boys lost in the flood
Three families torn apart
Three stars over the wood
Three birds beneath the stars

One house turned to dust
Stone and bone and chalk and rust
One hearth dark as night
One aflame with raging light

She shot down the birds
Tied their feathers into her curls
Sewed their skins into a purse
To carry their hearts and vocal chords

She walked into the lake
Turned into a water snake
Burrowed beneath the sand and silt
Disappeared and lies there still

She climbed onto the hill
Spied her prey and made her kill
Summoned a storm, a joke, a thrill
Sent them to your windowsill

Three boys lost in the flood
Three families torn apart
Three stars over the wood
Three birds beneath the stars

A Million Colours

I can see how the world
Could exist without me
I can feel how that space
Would be filled

I can feel how the air
Would survive me not there
I can feel how the ground
Would not cry
Not a sound

You, I can't quite imagine you gone
You a million bright colours all strewn about

I can see how the dark
Sits inside every thought
Like a light made to be
Hoisted up finally

I can sense but not touch
How to not be alive
I can feel everything
Like a storm deep inside

But you, I can't quite imagine you gone
You a million bright
Colours all strewn about
Your old stories such ramshackle bliss
Your pale radiant skin and unending kiss

Carry You

You lied, told me I was good
Each time I acted up again
Your eyes sparkled with mischief
When I was lost inside my head
You danced as if the world might end
Now that's exactly what it's done

You made us something we were not
You turned us into something new
Our lives forever tangled up
No matter what we choose to do
We fought and didn't speak for months
Until the stories fell away

You lied and covered lies with lies
And we lied to you in return
The truth made drunken forays out
Wrapped up in hugs and vulgar words
We loved each other with a fire
Through all our faults and feebleness

Everywhere we go
We will carry you
Everywhere we go
We will carry you

In a fall of snow
In an open wound
In a summer coat
In an angry word
In a burst of hope
On the telephone
At the water's edge
On the creaking bough
Everywhere we go
We will carry you
Everywhere we go
We will carry you

You lied and told me I was good
Each time I acted up again
Your eyes sparkled with mischief
When I was lost inside my head
You danced as if the world might end
Now that's exactly what it's done

Everywhere we go
We will carry you
Everywhere we go
We will carry you
Everywhere we go
We will carry you
Everywhere we go
We will carry you

The Last Day

So for me, it's about now
It's about living
It's not about waiting for something that's going to come
What a waste of a life
If what you're worrying about
Is what's going to come at the other end
And where you're going to go
Because I firmly believe the light switches off

Suzanna wakes in the night
To find that she is floating
Two feet above her small bed
Her chest incised and open
She can see her lungs resting on the ceiling
She can see her heart beating in the corner
She can see her hands lying on the carpet
She can see her toes severed on the sideboard

She thinks about her window
Drawn by the silvery moonlight
She finds herself by the road
Translucent under street lights
When the forty-two comes, she boards the white bus
Rides it into town, sitting on the back seat
She can feel it move; she can feel the whole world
Moving in her like particles of sunlight

(This could really be) Chair
(This could really be) Cat
(This could really be) Tea
(This could really be) The last day of your life

You have a finite time
And therefore you live every day for what you do in that day
And you get to the end of the day
And you count your blessings for what has happened in that day

She finds a cosy café
Her bones and skull vibrating
She drinks unending coffees
Her plastic chair is singing
She can see herself dancing under street lights
Like a skeleton in an old cartoon
She can see herself flying through the night sky
Like a firework knick-knack sonic boom

She floats into the arcade
Plays Top Gun and Invaders
Eats sweets and drinks lemonade
Smiles at the man beside her
And they talk about something on the TV
And they talk about the strangeness of moonlight
And they talk about pinball and penny slots
And they rise like doves

(This could really be) Chair
This could really be the last chair of your life
(This could really be) Cat
This could really be the last cat of your life

(This could really be) Tea
This could really be the last tea of your life
(This could really be) Fight
This could really be the last fight of your life
(This could really be) Car

This could really be the last car of your life
(This could really be) Tree
This could really be the last tree of your life
(This could really be) Kiss
This could really be the last kiss of your life
(This could really be) Book
This could really be the last book of your life

(This could really be) The last day of your life
(This could really be) The last day of your life
(This could really be) The last day of your life
(This could really be) The last day of your life
(This could really be) The last day of your life
The last day of your life


"Time is a healer", we sang in the dark
We meant it in kindness but it broke your heart
"All things for a reason", we wove into cloth
To hang in your window to scare the ghosts off
But we only fed them with our platitudes
They gorged on our terror and rushed over you

Like a tsunami
Ah, ah

This great wall of water was here all along
Imbibing your spirit, rehearsing your soul
And watching us silently, learning us too
Tempest inviting us all to join you

In the tsunami


The body disappoints
Then impresses, then fails, then triumphs
It’s a sad, old miracle to have to watch

The whole thing misbehaves with hours
Dressings, tubes, fentanyl patches
Weird, sticky wrapped, crackling palliative props
In the slow banal mystery of
"When is this person going to die?"

His soon-to-be deathbed smelled of dry-roasted
"I solemnly promise I have not been giving him snacks of any kind"
Said nice Claire, the carer
"Why is there no dry roasted residue around his mouth?"
My mum asked
"Someone must’ve been dusting his chin
And lips"

His crumbling architecture
Like a balsa-wood cathedral
His buttresses and columns collapsing
And us, obliged to notice

Weakened bones, bruises
Dehydration, confusion
All these items on the death list
Correctly occurring

"Did he look peaceful when he finally passed?"
"Did he look suddenly younger?"
"Did it seem as if he was not there, like his soul had left his body behind?"
He seemed he was the same bloke

His last few hundred breaths
Tricky to pull in
And trickling diminished out

His children argued quietly
Fizzing bitterly on a lateral axis
While their dad shed the weight
Of all the meals he’d ever eaten
All the things he’d ever been
A vicious, stubborn
Witty, dedicated
Kind, privileged...
All of these words
Naked and cooling
Towards meaningless
Pale in the unkind light
Unfixing their meaning from the body
Gazing down upon him
Ten of us, our thoughts
All burrowing towards each other
Breathing the held air
Waiting for him to be gone
Marvelling at his slightness
The quiet, the swallows, the sighing

My cousin said
"The idea of the the living outnumbering the dead
Is nonsense
The dead club is always going to be bigger"
He said
"One hundred billion"
He said
"Or there about"
We nodded
And looked back down at this man
We apparently know

The body farted
The kind of fart you do when nobody’s there
Because nobody was
We were all dead
He was alive
Triumphantly emptying his corridors and organs
Of dirty, useless air
What an odd, blindfold performance family is
We live in such strange ways
It’s like a pact
We act
And, by-and-by

We are

Scared To Death

Swim hard through the ten thousand things
The world is an assassin with a secret grin
Keep on fighting through the pain she brings
Life is the strangest light
Keep seeking something, some last step
You're a circle in a quandary in a dance with breath
You're so scared to be what you're not yet
Hoping love is its own reward

Seeking myself, I'm not there
I'm a whisper in a spectre in a gasp of air

I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death

Play dice with a great host of bones
Life is like a trickster selling pay day loans
You order bread, end up sucking on stones
Maybe death has it's own accord
Some grand agreement with the stars and the moon
The adder in the meadow and, of course, with you
You're so scared to face the great unknown
The darkness you really need

Seeking something that makes some sense
You're a whisper in a spectre in a drawn out breath

You're scared to death
You're scared to death
You're scared to death
You're scared to death

Always we'll be looking for you in the night sky
All twisted up watching for you in the night sky
All madness is mirrored here upon the night sky
Deep black water running up on to the night

Try hard to put the creatures down
But the more you struggle, the more they gather round
Strange white machines, strange rattling sounds
A gathering of pointless words
Seems all that matters is the love we breed
The myriad connections in the swollen seas
Of our confusion, all trying to get free
Love is its own reward

Seeking yourself, you're not there
You're a whisper in a spectre in a gasp of air
Seeking rational and holy too
I'm a grinner, I'm a loser, I'm a washed up fool
Seeking downwards and falling up
We're a random storm of atoms trying to be both
Seeking something that makes some sense
You're a whisper in a spectre in a drawn-out breath

We're scared to death
We're scared to death
You're scared to death
You're scared to death

I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death

I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death
I'm scared to death

Fatally Human

And it's part of the way storytelling works
Your image of storytelling is around a campfire or around a fireplace
Or maybe, you know, with a bedside lamp on
There's always a sense of a clearing of light
And then just sort of darkness all around you
That's the nature of telling a story
That you're creating a little clearing

But then what happens at the end of life
In an ideal world
Would be like what happens at the end of a book or a movie
That that story is wound up, that it has some meaningful conclusion

Fatally human
We hover in the world
Fatal someone
We flounder in the dark
Take hold of another
Go mad in a moment
The soil and the wonder
Sway to the terror

Nothing is simple
But sometimes things are good
Fatally human
Joy and dirt and blood
Take hold of another
Go mad in a moment
The soil and the sutures
Sway to the terror

All of the lifetimes calling
Blood on the floor and birds on the ceiling
Hopeless and selfless, hopeless and selfish
Dusting a lamp that cries in the darkness

That's that one point where we should be allowed to forgive things that need forgiving
To close things that need closing, just to find a sense of authorship
And of course, what happens is the opposite, normally
That person becomes like a 'bit part', like a cameo

All of the lifetimes calling
Blood on the floor and birds on the ceiling
Hopeless and selfless, hopeless and selfish
Dusting a lamp that cries in the darkness

All of the lifetimes calling
Blood on the floor and birds on the ceiling
Hopeless and selfless, hopeless and selfish
Dusting a lamp that cries in the darkness


Someone might read your body like a book

Kata was cared for
Had a varied diet
And was buried wrapped tightly in cloth
She didn't do much physical work
One broken finger, a slightly curved spine
It's none of our business what colour her eyes
But science says blue

She made a hand sign for "I am sick"
Her hands said "I am sick"
And were understood

Rune bull hissing
A goshawk's broken neck
We know it was boring sometimes

Call her darling
Call her Kata, daughter
Bog girl, body, once-blood
Believed in God (or was made to)
Our lady of the light shoe
Was made of me and made of you
But less electric, with less range to her food

We know she had a hair pin in
When they laid her down
Took off her ring
Made her one living sister
Drop a coin in, then sing

Viking mud
Viking sarcasm
Viking stomachs rumbling

She knew the sound of a wasp a-coughing
She knew the squealing wing beats of a giant metal bird
And the bird was her gulp-chunking husband
Behaving in a little way, far away
Burning little places, little farms
With little rivers and piglets
And a little leaking rowboat with rusting rivets
She yearned to forgive him, the little shit
Dying on his first little trip
We know he split her lip
We've seen his stone

It says "Kata placed this stone in memory of her husband Eric
Who was a good young man killed in England"
It says, "Farewell Eric
You joined the dead club in England"
What's left of Eric is
Five metres beneath the Lidl car park in Maldon, Essex
You know Eric! Eric wet-boots
Eric one-thumb, scared of his mum
Eric sight-hound, silver coin where his rotted pocket was
Eric thin-beard, black-tooth
Loved his little collection of coloured glass beads
Gap root, slack brute
Practical map-reader, happy
Loved insects, especially bees
And there's a worm feasting now
On what was once his knees
And Eric is into the river Chelmer
Into the Blackwater
Washed out to sea
Swallowed and pissed a thousand times over

Bits of Eric make up Jacob
Who stands smoking a Benson
In the exact spot between Lidl and Kwik Fit
Where Eric fell
1300 Harpas ago
At the same exact moment
As bits of Eric fall as rain
On the kneeling archaeologist who gazes down at Kata
In her limestone box
Reading the body like a book
Might read your body like a book
Unearthed, undead again
What we know is Kata had little thoughts
All the time, then stopped
Like us

She made a hand sign
Asking us, "Let me rest"
And she made it, and made it
And alas
We will not

Love You All Over Again

Everything Else

They speak in a tongue that they don't understand

Why do we do this
We find ourselves here in the fray
Lost in time

Why do we play this
Amazing, stupid, messed-up game
We drink our tea

Why do we love this
We bend our bones and wipe our shoes
We need you still

Why do we break this
We run like kids into a storm
We're not afraid

Why do we eat this
We gorge ourselves and laugh like mad
We're high on life

Why do we do this
We send our joy like tiny kites
And hold on tight

Why do we play this
Infernal game of joy and fear
We're all still here

Twenty unbridled things
Awake in the burning tree
Twenty entangled wings
Asleep in an oak tree
Everything we don't know
Is sealed in a golden ring
Twenty imagined worlds
Are sewn into everything

Why do we love this
It makes no sense to be here now
This world of sound

Why do we break this
Traverse each lonely window ledge
We're not dead yet

Why do we eat this
And suck in mortal gasps of air
We comb our hair

Why do we do this
We love you more than you can know
So let us go

Why do we do this
We find ourselves here in the fray
Lost in time

Twenty unbridled things
Awake in the burning tree
Twenty entangled wings
Asleep in an oak tree
Everything we don't know
Is sealed in a golden ring
Twenty imagined worlds
Are sewn into everything

Twenty unbridled things
(Why do we do this)
Awake in the burning tree
Twenty entangled wings
(Why do we do this)
Asleep in an oak tree
Everything we don't know
(Why do we do this)
Is sealed in a golden ring
Twenty imagined worlds
(Why do we do this)
Are sewn into everything

Twenty unbridled things
(Why do we do this)
Awake in the burning tree
Twenty entangled wings
(Why do we do this)
Asleep in an oak tree

Didn’t Know Why

Jenny said, "No, I don't wanna go home"
Screamed at the sky and she swallowed her phone
Swallowed her car and the TV too
Burned her hair and her anorak blue

Looked for the cat that'd swallowed a fly
Swallowed that too and she didn't know why
Didn't know why everybody must die
Didn't know why every lover must sigh

Jenny said, "I wanna shed my skin
Fly like a bee to the tunnel within
Spring like a hare through the woods in the dark
Eat my bones and my lungs and heart"

"Turn into air, be gone on the breeze
Over land and sea, land and sea"
Didn't know why everybody must die
Didn't know why every lover must sigh

Didn't know why every river must cry
Didn't know why every day goes by
Didn't know why, didn't know why
Didn't know why, didn't know why

Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart
Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart

Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart
Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart

Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart
Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart

Wake up in the morning
Everybody eat your lungs and heart
Wake up...

Jenny said, "No, I don't wanna go home"
Screamed at the sky and she swallowed her phone
Swallowed her car and the TV too
Burned her hair and her anorak blue

Looked for the cat that'd swallowed a fly
Swallowed that too and she didn't know why
Didn't know why everybody must die
Didn't know why every lover must sigh

Jenny said, "I wanna shed my skin
Fly like a bee to the tunnel within
Spring like a hare through the woods in the dark
Eat my bones and my lungs and heart"

"Turn into air, be gone on the breeze"
(Wake up in the morning)
"Over land and sea, land and sea"
(Everybody eat your lungs and heart)

Didn't know why everybody must die
(Wake up in the morning)
Didn't know why every lover must sigh
(Everybody eat your lungs and heart)

Didn't know why every river must cry
(Wake up in the morning)
Didn't know why every day goes by
(Everybody eat your lungs and heart)
Wake up in the morning


We are a girl
We are a fallen tree
We are a boy
We are a swollen sea
We are a man
We are an ocean
We are a woman
We are an ocean

Our drinks keep spilling again
Our lungs keep singing again
Our legs keep sleeping again
Our hearts keep beating again

We are a girl
We are a fallen tree
We are a boy
We are a swollen sea
We are a man
We are an ocean
We are a woman
We are an ocean

Our bets keep rising again
Our eyes keep smiling again
Our plants keep growing again
Our tongues keep glowing again

We are an ocean
We are an ocean
We are an ocean
We are an ocean


Take the fountain to the rain
Soak it up and hand it back again
Vacuum clean the muddy puddle
Gold and silver on your knuckles

We plant flowers in the spring
Hoping they'll come back again
Remember when you were a muddle?
It was the snails causing trouble

Print it all over again
Paint it all over again
Love you all over again

You got your worth from can do
Because it's easier to carve into
When reimagining a flower
And growing older by the hour

Sponge the ink onto the table
Remembеr, this is irreversible
Wе are sleeping in a bubble
It was the snails causing trouble

Print it all over again
Paint it all over again
Love you all over again

It was the snails causing trouble
Print it all over again
It was the snails causing trouble
Paint it all over again
It was the snails causing trouble
Melt it all over again

Love you all over again


If you were the sky
If you were a tree
Then you'd surely die
As happy as can be

Yes, it really hurts
Yes, it really hurts
And it feels so good
And it feels so good

If you know you're real
If you know you're real
Soak the whole world dry
And then devour the peel

Revel in her skin
Revel in his kiss
But don't forget the air
It's easier to miss

If this was real then you could box it up
And send it to your sister in the woods
And she could open it and out would fly
Ten thousand crystal mornings all at once
Their wingtips touching as she scrambles wildly
Trying to claw them all into her mouth
Her heart unfolding in concentric waves
Of joy as she runs laughing 'round the house

Yes, it really feels
As wonderful as this
Yes, it really feels
As wonderful as this
Yes, it really feels
As wonderful as this
Yes, it really feels

Deep Underneath

Hang your eyes upon the light
Everything is good
You are blind to the days you'll find
We are in your blood
Time is all you'll ever be
You'll be in our dreams before you find us

Wake, dark, take a bow
Make a cup of tea
Fingertips delight you now
You are as we see
Time is all we ever were
Lying on the grass with lights in our mouths

Only you can see this
Only you can see this

Take a lens and come with us
We'll show you something that you never
Saw before, deep underneath (Undеrneath)
Deep underneath

Only you can see this
Only you can see this
Only you can see this
Only you can see this
Only you can see this

Levitate a Little

Twenty ravens in the basement
Eating crisps and drinking beer
Neon ghosts with oak tree garlands
Sing the music of the spheres

Levitate a little
So that we don't quite touch the ground
Meditate on sadness
Don't let your madness keep the crown

Way up in the highest ocean
Way down deep below the sky
In the pinhole of your camera
In the headlight of your eye

From the bus stop to the chip shop
From the tower block to the sea
Twenty trees in evеry raven
Twenty ravens in еach tree

Levitate a little
So that we don't quite touch the ground
Meditate on sadness
Don't let your madness keep the crown

Levitate a little
So that we don't quite touch the ground
Meditate on sadness
Don't let your madness keep the crown

Don't let your madness keep the crown
Don't let your madness keep the crown


We'll build a boat out of red wine and honey
Sail to the moon where the starlight is burning
Camp in a cave made of gravy and bedrock
Dream of the beast underneath every odd sock

Welcome the loneliness into our nightmares
And when the seams in-between tangle and tear
Swim through the sea that is part of the sky now
Planets for fish and a dish made of silver

Light all the lamps on the sand where the water
Walks on hеr hands onto land in the darkness
Light all the firеs in the woods and the wastelands
Tell everyone she is home, she is home now

Welcome the ocean to all of our nightmares
And when the dreams in-between make us feel scared
Dance on the last mountaintop with our hands raised
Drown in the joy of the ending of all things

Non Albums Tracks

Death And The Maiden

She walked out quietly one morning in May
Cars and the cold had conspired with the rain
She pulled up her coat and she tightened her scarf
She felt afraid and she stifled a laugh
Clouds moved across and the light slipped away
And there stood an old man dressed strangely in gray
She asked him through closed lips, "Where are you from?
What strange distant country do you beckon from?"
"My name is The Reaper, The Leveler, The Light
I come here to claim you and make you my wife
Lords, Dukes and Ladies all bow down to me
But I've no care for them, I crave only thee"
Said "I'll not come with you for I am not done
My arms still hold lovers, my pure heart still burns
My skin glows with red blood that flows in my veins
But lie with me once if it's life that you crave"
And there in the night came a mighty great storm
And Death and the lady held tightly 'till dawn
Deep in the morning they parted and prayed
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way
And then the good lady she went on her way

Magpie Bites

( Magpie Bites EP )

The voices in your head have borrowed songs in from the night
The bullets in your head have lodged discretely out of sight
The broken sticks have found their way into your covered eye
The rabbits throat is open underneath the swollen sky

The serried ranks of bitter men have turned into the wind
The great machines are on their way the ships are rolling in
The ravens stand together deep in conversation and
A million tiny points of light surround you in the sinking sand

Satellites grow weary and begin to dream aloud
Dark machines see clearly for the first time up to now
Just like magpies we collect a little bit of each
And head towards the place that's always slightly out of reach

Air in a softer key
Ah, softest bite
Oh, don't you mind?
Your breath is to tell
You're breathless
You're breathless
Your breath is to tell
All soft is fine
Your breath is fine
All soft and just..
All skies slip into eternity

Subtle lights grow weary and begin to dream aloud
Dark machines see clearly for the first time up to now
Just like magpies we collect a little bit of each
And head towards the place that's always slightly out of reach


( Bloc Party Cover / Pioneers EP )

If it can be broke then it can be fixed
It if can be fused then it can be split
It's all under control (x4)

If it can be lost then it can be won
If it can be touched then it can be turned
All you need is time (x4)
All you need is

If it can be broke then it can be fixed
It if can be fused then it can be split
It's all under control (x4)

If it can be lost then it can be won
If it can be touched then it can be turned
All you need is time (x4)
All you need is

We promised the world we'd tame it
What were we hoping for (x2)

A sense of purpose and a sense of skill
A sense of function but a disregard
We will not be the first (x4)
You said you were gonna conquer new frontiers
Go stick your bloody neck in the jaws of the beast

We promised the world we'd tame it
What were we hoping for
We promised the world we'd tame it

Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe out, breathe in
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe out, breathe in
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe out, breathe in
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in

So here we are reinventing the wheel
I'm shaking hands with a hurricane
It's a colour that I can't describe
It's a language I can't understand
Ambition, tearing out the heart of you
Carving lines into you
Dripping down the sides of you

We will not be the last (x7)

Take From Black

( Pioneers EP )

She washes all the young blood from her hands in the sink
And she knows that the lights will be there for her
Breaks down the bodies to dark subtle ink
And she scrawls on the parchments that hang in the air
She rides a horse over stones in the night
And she closes her eyes and let's go of the reigns
She knows the radios run through the night
And she knows that the lights leave the prettiest stains
She builds a shrine and a typing machine
And she curls up to write down her tales from the black
Prays for a soft breeze and cool gentle rain
And she prays for the bodies that rise slowly back
She knows the dunes where the steel cities grow
And she knows when they jail her they'll grind down the key
She knows the lights lay the heaviest blows
And she knows that the sand must submit to the sea
She builds a bird out of plywood and gold
For to carry the old souls on up to the sun
Turns on the TV and sits in the cold
And she dreams that sometimes she's the prettiest one
She knows the thrill of the chase in her veins
And she knows that the sinking's a trick of the light
Prays for the silence and cool gentle rain
And she prays that the radios run through the night

The Bonnie Black Hare

( Magpie Bites EP )

On the 14th of May, at the dawn of the day
With me gun on me shoulder to the woods I did stray
In search of some game, if the weather prove fair
To see can I get a shot at the bonny black hare

I met a young girl there with her face as a rose
And her skin was as fair as the lily that grows
I says, my fair maid, why ramble you so
Can you tell me where the bonny black hare do go

The answer she gave me, O, the answer was no
But under me apron they say it do go
And if you'll not deceive me, I vow and declare
We'll both go together to hunt the bonny black hare

I laid this girl down with her face to the sky
I took out me ramrod, me bullets likewise
Saying, wrap your legs round me, dig in with your heels
For the closer we get, O, the better it feels

The birds, they were singing in the bushes and trees
And the song that they sang was, She's easy to please
I felt her heart quiver and I knew what I'd done
Says I, Have you had enough of me old sporting gun

The answer she gave me, O, the answer was nay
It's not often young sportsmen like you come this way
And if your powder is good and your bullets are fair
Why don't you keep firing at the bonny black hare

Oh, me powder is wet and me bullets all spent
And me gun I can't fire, for it's choked at the vent
But I'll be back in the morning, and if you are still here
We'll both go together to hunt the bonny black hare

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